Annual Report
Philly Rally for Solidarity CHASE SUTTON ‘21
Steeplechase stadium running CHASE SUTTON ‘21
Annual Report
Table of Contents
Message from DPAA President Amy Gardner
Message from President Dane Greisiger 4 Awards 5-6 Message from General Manager Deb Howlett
Alumni Giving Story
10 Message from Lead Alumni Director Dan Gingiss Campaign for a New Home 11 Financials 12 Honor Roll 13-14 Giving Tuesday 2021 15
AM Y GA R DN E R I wanted to take the opportunity to thank all of you who have stepped up in so many different ways over the past year to help The Daily Pennsylvanian continue to grow, adapt and thrive. The past year has brought challenges both new and familiar for the DPAA board. We have lost several members of our board to whom I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for their years of service. We have had to offer remote support to our student journalists. Yet we have pressed on with new initiatives and will continue to do so. We hosted our first Virtual Grad Party event for the classes of ‘20 & ‘21, as part of a larger initiative to grow our alumni network into a permanent, vibrant community with a permanent schedule of in-person events. We welcomed a fresh roster of talented DP alumni to our fall Marquez Conference, with a new emphasis on how the DP experience has proven valuable to non-journalists. We are recruiting new members to the board with an eye to broaden the collective talents and experiences to offer students. Our critique program now includes live video chats between students and critics for more personal and meaningful dialogue. And that’s all during a pandemic! I expect the coming year to be even more exciting, including many new ways for you to engage with The DP. I can’t wait! All the best, Amy Gardner ‘90 - DPAA President
COVID-19 Vaccine in the Sun CHASE SUTTON ‘21
DAN E G R E I SI G E R Fall 2021 has been very eventful at the DP; we won the 2021 ACP Pacemaker award as well as the Gold Crown from Columbia Scholastic Press Association for the 3rd year in a row. Potentially more important than any awards, however, was that we safely re-opened the office to the whole company after being closed for nearly a year and a half. Our production nights have benefitted immensely from students being able to work alongside each other, eat dinner together, and hold meetings in person. The improved coordination and communication that resulted from being in-person helped us launch the DP’s first weekly sports newsletter, Quaker Nation, with plans to launch a Health/COVID-related newsletter later this semester. Return to in-person has also helped us train the newer and younger DP members who were stepping onto Penn’s campus for the first time this semester. The return to in-person also helped amplify our recruitment efforts. The DP handed out nearly 800 recruitment flyers across campus and held four in-person recruitment events, including an in-person open house which had over 70 people in attendance. In all, more than 400 people filled out our interest form, 80% of whom were firstyears. News and Opinion were the two most popular departments for the second semester in a row. Additionally, we revamped our new member onboarding and training programs. This included creating and disseminating a standardized set of training practices and materials for all new hires along with coordinating a wide variety of new member events including alumni speakers, department social events, and a company-wide barbecue (see attached photo). On the alumni side of the DP, we elected Unnati Dass Silverman to our Strategy and Business Advisory Board, as well as electing John Peyton to replace Randall Lane on our Board of Directors. Additionally, the Board of Directors voted to create a Diversity and Inclusion student board position that reports directly to the president. In the past, our diversity and inclusion efforts have been led by a committee of students who volunteered to take on additional responsibilities beyond their regular positions at the DP. With this new board position, we will be able to have one student be solely focused on coordinating all of our diversity efforts and work closely with the President, Board of Directors, and the Professional staff. As I said in my last update letter, my goal as president has not only been to uphold the DP’s legacy of providing excellent journalism to the Penn community but also to provide invaluable growth and learning opportunities to our students. As we pass the halfway point in the semester, the DP’s leadership team’s efforts turn to selecting and preparing the 138th Board of the Daily Pennsylvanian to take the reins and continue pursuing that mission. Dane Greisiger President
Gold Crown Award Columbia Scholastic Journalism Association One of the two top hybrid student news organizations in the nation. Third year in a row that the DP has won the Gold Crown and 10th year in a row the DP has won a Gold or Silver Crown.
Pinnacle Award Associated Collegiate Press/College Media Association One of fifteen student news organizations honored as the best among four-year-colleges nationwide.
Clips & Clicks Sweepstakes ACP/CMA Among the top five student news organizations in a year-long evaluation for work submitted in the Fall 2020 and Spring 2021 semesters.
The War on Brown People CHASE SUTTON ‘21
Throwing in the towels CHASE SUTTON ‘21
The fall semester welcomed the return of the Marquez Conference, the much anticipated annual alumni coaching program that provides expertise and inspiration to The DP staff.
Led by CNBC tech reporter Lauren Feiner (’17), The DPAA brought together more than a dozen DP alumni to talk about jobs, internships, covering a beat, how to have an editor’s eye as well as creating informal opportunities for networking and individual conversations.
Marquez was the centerpiece of three days of journalism programming presented as a cooperative effort between the Nora Magid Mentorship Prize, the Journalistic Writing Minor, and the DP Alumni Association that reached nearly 100 students. In addition to the breakout sessions, Kelly Writers House hosted a journalism and media jobs talk and Journalistic Writing sponsored a lecture by Peter Canellos about his new book, The Great Dissenter, a political biography of Justice Harlan. The DPAA presented as the keynote event a community panel discussion on Race in Journalism and the Media.
Thank you to those alumni who took part:
Chuck Cohen (’89) Benco Dental Peter Canellos (’85) Politico Jean Chatzky (’86) HerMoney Media Lauren Feiner (’17) CNBC Amy Gardner (’90) Washington Post Dan Gingiss (’96) The Experience Maker Dan Kasle (’75) Church Pension Group Madeleine Ngo (’20), The New York Times Ernest Owens (’14) Philadelphia Magazine Amy Potter, M.D. (’04) University of Rochester Medical Center Julia Rubin (’10) Vox Caroline Simon (’18) Roll Call Amanda Suarez (’16) Shutterstock Rebecca Tan (’19) Washington Post 7
D E B H OW L ET T One of the great joys of working at The Daily Pennsylvanian is the camaraderie of the newsroom. The hours spent at the “Pink Palace” are for many alumni among the happiest memories of their time at Penn. That’s why the fall semester has been so great. Even with everyone masked up, being back on campus and in the office at full strength has been extraordinary. This semester we’ve continued our coverage of the campus for the benefit of students, keeping a focus on the university’s handling of the COVID pandemic and student wellness, the departure of longtime President Amy Gutmann, and the brutal assault of a student at a Psi Upsilon (Castle) fraternity party. We launched the DP+ mobile app this year and we are expanding the roster of newsletters. We successfully revived the Marquez Conference after several years absence, bringing students together with alumni who provide mentoring, training, and advising. And thanks largely to the generous support of alumni we’ve provided more than $150,000 in direct student support through stipends, scholarships, fellowships, and editorial expenses. We’ve also worked with alumni Steven Stecklow, John Daniszewski and their colleague Philip Lentz who’ve generously funded a new annual alumni award for investigative reporting. I’m happy to report that even working remotely, the news operation has been as strong as ever, with daily email newsletters, weekly print editions and breaking news by-the-hour on the website. The DP won a third straight Gold Crown award from the Columbia Scholastic Press Association, one of two college publications to receive the award this year. We were also one of 15 college news organizations honored by the Associated Collegiate Press with a Pacemaker Award. The evolution of The DP continues and we look forward to the election of the 138th Board, as well as the continued transition of newsroom finances away from a legacy print advertising model to a digitally focused, non-profit business model that brings The DP into alignment with modern professional practices and fully prepares students as media professionals.
Demand for MOVE bombing reparations SUKHMANI KAUR
It’s great to be back in person and The DP is looking forward to a full return to normalcy. Deb Howlett General Manager
STEV E STEC K LOW ‘7 6 I’ve been an investigative reporter for more years than I care to remember. But one thing I’ll never forget is where I got my start – the DP. I’d been thinking about a way to give back, and ultimately decided to establish a prize to encourage students to pursue this type of journalism – hard-hitting, deeply reported stories that, ideally, have impact. It turned out that the DP itself was looking to do more of this. I mentioned the idea in passing to my friend Phil Lentz, who I met long ago when we were both reporters at the Philadelphia Bulletin. To my surprise, Phil, a graduate of Northwestern, immediately said he’d be happy to contribute. “You didn’t even go to Penn,” I said. “It’s journalism,” Phil replied. I also spoke to John Daniszewski, who I’d met at the DP. Years later, we rekindled our friendship when we were both London-based foreign correspondents and our kids attended the same school. John, too, agreed to participate. The three of us are proud to have endowed the Stecklow/Lentz/ Daniszewski Prize for Investigative Journalism, which will award $1,000 each year to a DP journalist for outstanding work. I, for one, can’t think of a better way to give back. Cheers, Steve Stecklow ‘76
Essential Worker Chef Deborah Day KYLIE COOPER
DAN GI N GI S S ‘9 6 In many ways, the DP of today is much like the DP of yesteryear. Students still spend their days (and nights!) covering news stories, dissecting all of the sports matchups, opining on what the University should be doing but isn’t, digging deep into meaningful cultural issues, and evaluating the latest in entertainment. Photographers still snap photos, designers still lay out pages, copy editors still correct mistakes, and the business team still manages advertising, marketing, and circulation among others. In other ways, the DP of today is nothing like the DP of yesteryear. There are only two print editions each week – one of The Daily Pennsylvanian and one of 34th Street. Everything else is completely digital. There are Board positions for video, podcasts, social media, and consulting. Advertising revenue is a fraction of what it once was, and there continues to be a major push to identify new sources of revenue. One thing that is more true today than ever before: The DP needs YOU in order to be successful. Yeah YOU, who undoubtedly has great memories of what shaped not only your college life, but probably your entire career. I went into the business world, but there’s not a day that has gone by where I haven’t used the writing and editing skills I learned at the paper. There are two main ways that alumni can be a part of today’s DP: • Financial contributions. There is no question that the future of our beloved institution will rely on philanthropy. It’s just a different business model and we’re never going back to the old days of huge national ad revenue dollars. If the DP meant as much to you as it has to so many others, please consider contributing regularly and generously to ensure its future viability and to allow the students of today (and tomorrow) to experience what we all experienced. • In-kind contributions. Alumni involvement in the DP comes in many forms, including reviewing publications and giving feedback, sharing your knowledge at training sessions and the annual Marquez Conference, participating in an alumni committee (there are ones for journalists and non-journalists), serving on the Daily Pennsylvanian Alumni Association (DPAA) board, and more. Time investment can be as little as a single project or as much as several hours a month. In the 8+ years that I have served in the DPAA and now the Board of Directors, I have so enjoyed giving back to an organization that gave so much to me. There’s never been a better time to get involved. I hope you’ll join us! Dan Gingiss ‘96 Lead Alumni Director, The Daily Pennsylvanian Board of Directors
Campaign for a New Home We have entered the quiet phase of a capital campaign for a new home for the DP; securing our initial pledges this summer and fall. The plan over the next 2 to 3 years is to purchase, design and renovate a new home for the DP. The goal is to honor the DP’s legacy and lineage, while also creating and outfitting a space which will meet the needs of our current and future students. The DP deserves its own home and prominent place within the Penn world and we are now headed toward that reality. To learn more about the Campaign for a New Home, please contact Steven Molberger, Director of Development:
Lacrosse lineup high fives CHASE SUTTON ‘21
16% 44% 5% 2%
Staff Stipends $68,000 44% Eric Jacobs Scholarship $32,000 21% DP Fellows $18,000 12% Student Training & Support $25,000 16% Editorial Support $7,000 5% Alumni Awards $3,500 2%
Alumni contributions to The Daily Pennsylvanian provide the basis for more than $158,000 in direct financial support for the student staff in the form of board stipends, scholarships, fellowships, awards, training, and editorial expenses.
Bryan Harris 1983 * Charles Cohen 1989* Rita Allen Foundation Matt Selman 1993* Peter Canellos 1984* Sarena Snider 2007*
Patrons $1000 +
Marianne Fogarty 1985 Alex Sutton 1990* Amy Potter 2004* Justin Foa 1994* Lee Levine 1976* Dan Gingiss 1996* Jonathan Lansner 1979* Anonymous Donor Alex Bellos 2006 Benjamin Natelson 1963* Brett Rose 2002* Dwayne Sye 1995* Jean Chatzky 1986* Jed Walentas 1996* Michael Rockoff 1991* Randall Lane 1990 Robert Suskind 1959 Thomas Papson 1973*
Benefactors $500 +
Theodore Reiss 1979* Lauren Feiner 2017* Rebecca Kaplan Levy 2010* Craig Coopersmith 1987* Jeff Shafer 2006 Calder Silcox 2012* A. William Caporizzo 1982* Adam Levine 1992* Binyamin Appelbaum 2001* Bret Parker 1990* Dan Rottenberg 1964* Daniel Kasle 1975* David Gladstone 1983* David Gurian-Peck 2010* Joel Siegel 1979* Mark Hyman 1978* Matthew Jones 2006* Nicholas Plagge 2001* Orli Low 1985* Steven Siegel 1984 Steven Dubow 1979*
Supporters $250 +
Isabella Simonetti 2020 Benjamin Hammer 1998* Cindy Shmerler 1981* Ben Geldon 2001* Jason Schwartz 2007* Jonathan Zimman 1976* Ken Rosenthal 1984* Noam Harel 1992* Ray Van der Horst 1978*
Theodore Schweitz 2003* Amy Gardner 1990* Blake Stuchin 2004* Clemson Smith Muniz 1979* Deborah Kaplan 1990 Justin Schechter 1977* Mary Ellen Crowley Huesken 1986* Richard Gordon 1980* Toni Lee 1982* Amy Borrus 1978* Andrew Teagle 1991* Andrew Margolies 2002* Clarence Greene Jr 1971* Cynthia Chang Scanlan 1984* Daniel Feldman 1994 Daniel Fienberg 1999* David Zalesne 1984* Dennis Berman 1996* Donald Morrison 1968* Frida Garza Garcia 2014 Gregory Muller 2005 Helen Gym 1993* Ian Zack Rosenblum 2000 Jennifer Arend 1999* Joseph Tissue 1976* Josh Hirsch 2007* Julia Rubin 2010* Juliette Mullin 2010* Kent Malmros 2000 Laurence Field 1976* Lee Schalop 1985* Leslie Krivo-Kaufman 2014* Lindsay Faber Chiat 2000* Margot Kahn Rosenbaum 1990* Mark Schlesinger 1971* Mark Seltzer 1979* Matthew Mantica 2016* Michael Vondriska 2002* Michael Mugmon 1999* Michael Brown 1962* Parisa Bastanie Howard 2008* Peter Lui 2011* Rachel Friedman 2007* Rick Haggerty 2001* Rob Dubow and Alice Dubow 1981* Ryan Jones 2007* Sebastian Stockman 2001* Stefan Fatsis 1985* Stephanie Cooperman Abrahams 2000* Stephen Klitzman 1966 Steve Berkowitz 1986* Tristan Schweiger 2003*
Contributors $100 +
John Di Paolo 1992* Chetan Mehta 2000* Daniel Schwartz 1992* David Burrick 2006* Gordon Schonfeld 1978* Helen Jung Green 1992* Kenneth Baer 1994* Kristina Lee 2011* Luke DeCock 1996* Mark Broitman 1984 Michelle Nader Scott Lanman 1999* Stephen Foster 1962* Harry Cooperman 2016*
Bruce Rosenblum 1981* Dan Turkenkopf 2001* Dana Marie Tom 2013* Dean Dennis 2006* Jeremy Kahn 1996 Lloyd Swaim 1958* Luther Jackson III 1977* Martin Siegel 1977* Nina Liu 1984* Rachel Baye 2011* Rick Resnick 1987* Robert Shepard 1983* Sandra Rubinchik 2013* Scott Heller 1982 Jeffrey Edwards 1978 Kevin Kelly 1985* Stephen J. Marmon 1971* James Meadows 2019* Renuka Vallarapu T. Andrew Candor 1973* Eric Jacobs 1980* Adam Mark 1997* Adam Cohen 1990* Albert Sun 2010* Amanda Suarez 2016 Andrew Choi Andrew Fischer 2019 Arthur Buckler 1980 Avrom Doft 1960* Barri Bernstein 1979* Benjamin Shankroff 1960 Cara Lockwood Benoit 1995 Catherine Lucey 2001* Chris Jennewein 1976* Christopher George 2005* Dan Nessenson 2013* Daniel Penaloza Encarnacion Daniel Wolf 1969* Dara Goldberg 1987 David Unger 1977 David Henkoff 1982* Deborah Kavesh Jagoda 1981 Dina Ackermann Wiesen 2004* Donald Watnick 1983* Drusilla Menaker 1978 Ed Gefen 1988 Edward Farman 1961* Edward Sherwin 2001* Eric Dash 2002 Fredric Rollman 1977 Garrett Young 2006* George Curchin 1950* Gerald Hirschhorn 1957 Gerard Babitts 1988 Greg Stone 1990 Harry Berezin 2005* Howard Levine 1966 Ira Apfel 1990 James Kahn 1975* Jamie Sheller Jamie Palan Weinstein 1999 Jeanne Ehrenkranz Fogel 1992 Jeff Barker 1979 Jeffrey Hurok 1994* Jeffrey Rothbard 1972* Jennifer Sun 2014* Jenny Libien 1991* Jenny Axt Mehta 1998 Jill Castellano 2016* Joan Marjorie Roller 1971*
John Enyart Jonathan Tannenwald 2006* Jonathan Margulies 2002* Joshua Soven 1988 Joshua Kay 2010 Judith Teller 1971* Julia Schorr 2020 Julie Xie 2014 Julie Steinberg 2009 Kerry Golds 2009* Kimberly Taylor Kurt Apen 1994* Lance Laver 1966* Lauren Coleman-Lochner 1985 Lori Wood Weil 1988* Marissa Miley Friedman 2003 Mark Caro 1986 Mark Suter 1995* Mark Fiore 1999* Mary Selman Hadar 1965 Maryn Laura Meyer Toups Matthew Bogin 1972* Maurice Heller 1979 Michael Leibowitz 1976* Michael Silver 1975* Michael Wisniewski 2013* Michael Weiner 1984* Mike Libien 1956* Mike Finkel 1990 Mike Madden 1998* Naomi Bloom 1967 Oliver Benn 2002* Peter Spiegel 1992* Philip Gelman 1984* Philip Shimkin 1973* Prameet Kumar 2012 Rachel Feintzeig 2007 Richard Rabinoff 1982 Richard Siegel 1960* Richard W. Stevenson 1981* Robert Chasen 1988* Robert Rottenberg 1966* Roger Levenson 1999 Roger Blumencranz 1959* Samuel A. Perlman 1991 Samuel Danziger 1959* Sergei Peysakhov 2008 Seth Isenberg 2001* St. John Barned-Smith 2008 Stephanie Schneider Stephen Shapiro 1996* Stephen J. Heyman 1959* Stephen Hurwitz 1963 Steve Goldwyn 1986* Stuart Friedman 1966* Suzanne Schuman Engel 1986 Taub Swartz 1987* Taylor Culliver 2015* Theodoros Koutsoubas 2012 Tracy Herriott 1995* Trevor Grandle 2004 Zachary Levine 2007*
$99 and under
Eileen O’Brien 1976* Elizabeth Sanger 1979 Michael Gold 2011* Alec Harris 1985
Charles Ornstein 1996* Lauren Shaham 1991* Naomi Jagoda 2011 Sue Lin Chong 1969* Matthew Mugmon 2003* Jeffrey Joseph 2002 Randi Feigenbaum Marshall 1997* Alan Sepinwall 1996 Alex Graves 2019 Alicia Scott Tether 1976* Alison Feldman 1987* Ally Johnson 2019 Alyssa Kress 2013 Ames Alexander 1985 Anna Haigh Berry 2005* Barry Dubrow 1990* Benjamin Tamber-Rosenau 2003* Betsy Fleischer 1985 Brian Madden 1971* Brian Toolan 1994* Caryn Tamber-Rosenau 2003* Christine Lutton Foster 1993* Clifford Leventhal 1951* Dan Bollerman 1988* Dana Vogel 2011 Daniel Scher 1989* David Kekst 1990* Eda Hochgelerent 1964* Edward Silverman 1974* Eliot Kaplan 1978* Emily Babay 2010* Francesca Chapman 1983* Gail Silberthau Silverman 1984 Ginny Bloom 2000* Haley Shapley 2006* Hooman Anvar 1996 Jared McDonald 2012* Jeff Veit 1991 Jennie Woltz 2004 Jennifer Scuteri 2012 Joel Spenadel 1986* Jonathan Mayo 1993* Julia Cassidy 2004* Julie Leopold 1992 Kara Blond 1997* Kenneth Barofsky 1982 Kevin Lerner 1999* Kimberly Duyck Woolf 1992* Lionel Schooler 1968* Lisa Cohen 1985 Liz deBeer 1984* Lois Lee 2015 Lu Anne Stewart 1977 Malka Rabinowitz Katzin 2001* Marc Blaustein 1984 Martin Lessner 1985* Matt Conrad 2007* Megan Soisson 2013 Michael Breda 1981* Michael Kopelman 1997* Molly Petrilla 2006* Norman Roos 1969* Rachel Slosburg Kramer 2002* Rachel Cohen 2011 Raghavender Vedire Randi Rothberg 2000* Rebecca Lynn Weinstein 1978* Robert Frost 1960* Robert Merold 1976* Sara Fornaciari 1972 Sarah Gadsden 2013*
Sherry Graziano Steve Brauntuch 2004* Susan Schuval-Gold 1982* Tammy Meister 2004 Teri Gross Cohen 1978* Thomas Knox 1968* Thomas Hill 1988* Thomas Nessinger 1997* Unnati Dass Silverman 2012* William Ulrich 2002* William Nowlan William Marble 2015* Zoe Tillman 2009 David Elfin 1981 Sarah Nachmias Amy Prezant 1997 Beth Reinhard 1990* Arnold Holland 1971* Barry Lesch 1965 Bill Altman 1979* Dave Lieber 1979* David Schwartz 1993* Donald Grossman 1959 Glen Dickson 1992* H. Kenneth Hardie III 1985 Linda Rosenkranz Silverstein 1971* Mitchell Kraus 1993* Sabrina Eaton 1985* Scott Sheldon 1975* Sharon Udasin Shaniv 2007* Shelley Deutch 1979* Kevin Esteves 2012 Ashwin Shandilya 2010* Samantha Sharf 2012 Ciara Castro 2002 Dave Chandler 1974 David Black 1993* Edward Wiest 1976* Ellen Flax 1986* Eric Moskowitz 2001* George Satterthwaite II 1957* Jessica Goodman 2012 Lisa Green 1982 Mark Rosenfield 1959 Richard Cardona Sarah Fortinsky 2020 Seth Grossman 2001* Thomas Nowlan 2018 Colin Henderson 2017 Dan Spinelli 2018* Giovanna Paz 2020 Sarah Buchanan 2007* Sushaan Modi 2014 Barbara Slopak Sofer 1971 Leslie B. Posnock 1981 Wendy Sassower 1994 Kimberly Hsu 2007* Luke Chen 2016* Michael Gulinello 2007 Carter Coudriet 2018* Andrew Schut 1985* Brian Kotloff 2012* Cole Jacobson 2019 David Akst 2019 Katherine Ross Shannon Peters Tommy Rothman 2018 * Front Page Society donors have three years or more of consecutive giving
#GIVINGTUESDAY IS NOVEMBER 30TH Thanks to the generosity of one of our alumni leaders, we’ve secured a matching gift for this year’s Giving Tuesday on November 30th. All dollars raised will go directly to the DP’s diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives and efforts. That means that every $1 you give is worth $2 to DP students, through stipends, fellowships, mentorships, training, and resources. Helps us take advantage of this incredible opportunity to increase support of the DP’s advancement as a student organization for ALL VOICES!
The Daily Pennsylvanian 4015 Walnut Street, 2nd Fl Philadelphia, PA 19104 Make your gift today: Learn how to get involved: For more information: Steven Molberger Director of Development
Annual Report 15