Reporting on the Planet Daily
Volume 8 | Issue 1
January 7, 2021
By Lois Lane Daily Planet Pro-Trump protesters entered the Capitol building and engaged with riot police as Congress held a joint session to count the Electoral College votes which would clear the path to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration later this month. The Senate recessed its Electoral College debate on Wednesday afternoon after protesters outside of the Capitol building forced a lockdown. Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress were evacuated from the building. Protestors were everywhere in the nations capitol claiming the election was rigged while chanting Donald Trump was the victor. As his supporters storm the U.S. Capitol, President Trump tweets that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered remarks in the Senate on Wednesday during the joint session of Congress to count the 2020 Electoral College votes. He stated that overturning the results of the election would put democracy into a “death spiral” and that he will “vote to respect the people’s decision and defend our system of government as we know it.” A woman died after being shot by a member of law enforcement, as the mob of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol in Washington, DC, Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee said in a press conference on Wednesday evening. Contee con rmed that three others died due to "medical emergencies" as the Capitol was stormed. Numerous others were injured and at least 52 p e o p l e we re a rre s te d Wednesday during the siege on Capitol Hill. U.S.
Three years, 11 months and 17 days after President Donald Trump warned from the West Front of the US Capitol that "American carnage stops right here," the very spot he stood was engulfed by his own protesters bringing carnage of their own. Photo curtesy Reuters citizens were angered that such a small number were arrested when thousands of peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors calling for equality over th e summ er received harsher retaliatory treatment. Some are calling those who stormed the Nations Capitol domestic
terrorists. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a citywide curfew at 6 p.m. Wednesday where only essential workers were allowed in public. While a pro-Trump mob forced entry into the US Capitol building in Washington, DC, other smaller crowds gathered at statehouses
across the country, including those in Kansas, Ohio, Minnesota and California. In Atlanta, senior staffers at Georgia’s Capitol were evacuated as a precautionary measure as militia members gathered outside the building. Most of the situations were dispersed by late Wednesday
afternoon. Senior staff were evacuated from the statehouse in Atlanta, Georgia as a safety measure as militia members gathered outside. “It is clear this Congress will not be the same after today, and I hope it will be the better,” Republican Senator Kevin McCarthy
A Trump supporter that stormed the US Capitol Building holds a confederate ag in the house. A Confederate Flag is largely recognized as a symbol of racial divide and has never entered the Capitol. Not even during the American Civil War. Photo taken from instagram.
said. “I hope not just this institution, but I hope every American pauses for that moment and t h i n k s a m o n g t h e mselves, that we can disagree with one another, but not dislike each other.” Congressional leaders resumed the electoral vote count on Wednesday night after the Capitol building was secured. Some Trump Cabinet members and allies have discussed invoking the 25th Amendment, which would remove the President from power. It is unclear how extensive the conversations have been or if Vice President Pence would be supportive. Leaders f rom around the world, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, all condemned the actions of Trump and his supporters.
Three White House staffers resign following violence at US Capitol Three White House ofcials have handed in their resignation after a pro-Trump mob stormed the US Capitol in Washi n g to n , D C . T h e Fi rs t L a d y ' s C h i e f o f S t a f f, Stephanie Grisham, White House social secretary Rickie Niceta and deputy press secretar y Sarah M a tt h ews a l l q u i t o n Wednesday. In a statement, Matthews said she was "deeply disturbed by what I saw today" and emphasized the importance of "a peaceful transfer of power." Only after pleading from aides and congres-
sional allies inside the besieged Capitol building did Trump release a taped video urging the mass of his supporters –– many carrying Trump ags or wea r i n g T r u m p p a r aphernalia –– to "go home," while still fanning their m i s p l a ce d g ri eva n ce s about a stolen election.Apar t f rom in citin g it , Trump appeared otherwise disengaged from the melee. Instead it appeared the vice president, who was evacuated from the Senate oor where he was presiding over the Electoral College count, was
responsible for coordinating the government's response. In his video, Trump praised the mob, who broke into the Capitol using force, stole items from its rooms and posed for photographs in the legislative chambers."We love you," Trump said. "You're very special." Later, he seemed to justify the actions in a tweet, writing, "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away."
A screenshot from Trump’s Twitter video where he responded to the violence. Twitter has since removed the video stating it violated their rules. Trump was suspended from the social channel for 12 hours and Twitter warned that if he violates the rules again, his accounts will be removed permanently.
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