January 7, 2020

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Reporting on the Planet Daily



Volume 8 | Issue 1

January 7, 2021


By Lois Lane Daily Planet Pro-Trump protesters entered the Capitol building and engaged with riot police as Congress held a joint session to count the Electoral College votes which would clear the path to President-elect Joe Biden’s inauguration later this month. The Senate recessed its Electoral College debate on Wednesday afternoon after protesters outside of the Capitol building forced a lockdown. Vice President Mike Pence and members of Congress were evacuated from the building. Protestors were everywhere in the nations capitol claiming the election was rigged while chanting Donald Trump was the victor. As his supporters storm the U.S. Capitol, President Trump tweets that “Mike Pence didn’t have the courage to do what should have been done.” Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell delivered remarks in the Senate on Wednesday during the joint session of Congress to count the 2020 Electoral College votes. He stated that overturning the results of the election would put democracy into a “death spiral” and that he will “vote to respect the people’s decision and defend our system of government as we know it.” A woman died after being shot by a member of law enforcement, as the mob of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol in Washington, DC, Metropolitan Police Department Chief Robert Contee said in a press conference on Wednesday evening. Contee con rmed that three others died due to "medical emergencies" as the Capitol was stormed. Numerous others were injured and at least 52 p e o p l e we re a rre s te d Wednesday during the siege on Capitol Hill. U.S.

Three years, 11 months and 17 days after President Donald Trump warned from the West Front of the US Capitol that "American carnage stops right here," the very spot he stood was engulfed by his own protesters bringing carnage of their own. Photo curtesy Reuters citizens were angered that such a small number were arrested when thousands of peaceful Black Lives Matter protestors calling for equality over th e summ er received harsher retaliatory treatment. Some are calling those who stormed the Nations Capitol domestic

terrorists. DC Mayor Muriel Bowser ordered a citywide curfew at 6 p.m. Wednesday where only essential workers were allowed in public. While a pro-Trump mob forced entry into the US Capitol building in Washington, DC, other smaller crowds gathered at statehouses

across the country, including those in Kansas, Ohio, Minnesota and California. In Atlanta, senior staffers at Georgia’s Capitol were evacuated as a precautionary measure as militia members gathered outside the building. Most of the situations were dispersed by late Wednesday

afternoon. Senior staff were evacuated from the statehouse in Atlanta, Georgia as a safety measure as militia members gathered outside. “It is clear this Congress will not be the same after today, and I hope it will be the better,” Republican Senator Kevin McCarthy

A Trump supporter that stormed the US Capitol Building holds a confederate ag in the house. A Confederate Flag is largely recognized as a symbol of racial divide and has never entered the Capitol. Not even during the American Civil War. Photo taken from instagram.

said. “I hope not just this institution, but I hope every American pauses for that moment and t h i n k s a m o n g t h e mselves, that we can disagree with one another, but not dislike each other.” Congressional leaders resumed the electoral vote count on Wednesday night after the Capitol building was secured. Some Trump Cabinet members and allies have discussed invoking the 25th Amendment, which would remove the President from power. It is unclear how extensive the conversations have been or if Vice President Pence would be supportive. Leaders f rom around the world, including Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern, all condemned the actions of Trump and his supporters.

Three White House staffers resign following violence at US Capitol Three White House ofcials have handed in their resignation after a pro-Trump mob stormed the US Capitol in Washi n g to n , D C . T h e Fi rs t L a d y ' s C h i e f o f S t a f f, Stephanie Grisham, White House social secretary Rickie Niceta and deputy press secretar y Sarah M a tt h ews a l l q u i t o n Wednesday. In a statement, Matthews said she was "deeply disturbed by what I saw today" and emphasized the importance of "a peaceful transfer of power." Only after pleading from aides and congres-

sional allies inside the besieged Capitol building did Trump release a taped video urging the mass of his supporters –– many carrying Trump ags or wea r i n g T r u m p p a r aphernalia –– to "go home," while still fanning their m i s p l a ce d g ri eva n ce s about a stolen election.Apar t f rom in citin g it , Trump appeared otherwise disengaged from the melee. Instead it appeared the vice president, who was evacuated from the Senate oor where he was presiding over the Electoral College count, was

responsible for coordinating the government's response. In his video, Trump praised the mob, who broke into the Capitol using force, stole items from its rooms and posed for photographs in the legislative chambers."We love you," Trump said. "You're very special." Later, he seemed to justify the actions in a tweet, writing, "These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away."

A screenshot from Trump’s Twitter video where he responded to the violence. Twitter has since removed the video stating it violated their rules. Trump was suspended from the social channel for 12 hours and Twitter warned that if he violates the rules again, his accounts will be removed permanently.

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January 7, 2021

The Dailies

Saving Superman

A quest for a new movie starring Henry Cavill By Lois Lane Daily Planet It has been nearly eight years since the last solo Superman movie starring Henr y Cavill has premiered and fans are demanding more. Since news broke of Ben Afeck’s temporary departure f rom playing the Dark Knight, rumors and speculation has swirled around Henry Cavill possibly hanging up his Superman cape. T h e s e r u m o r s h a ve been dismantled but fans are still left waiting for Superman solo sequels. Marvin Brito, a 25-year-old journalism student from Brazil, and Steven Marshall, a 35-year old bank administrator and podcaster from Leeds England, have been particularly unhappy with this outcome. That’s why they started the “we want a new Superman movie” campaign earlier this year. The Superman campaign had the request for a new lm trending (#HenryCavillSuperman) planet wide. Now they’re trying to garnish executive attention once again. The campaign is pushing for further involvement in the movement on Jan. 7, 2021. Get the hashtag #HenryCavillSuperman trending that day starting at 5 p.m. GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). That’s 12 p.m. Eastern Time in the U.S. Adjust accordingly. “I believe Superman is more important than ever

right now, the state of the world, the state of politics, we need Superman more than ever,” Marshall stated. “The time is ripe for Superman. He his the hope that people look for in these times. Henry Cavill is vital to the Superman role too because not only does he understand the character he lives the embodiment of the role every day.” According to Marshall, fans partaking in the movement are vital because it shows Warner Bros. that there is a large demand for Henry’s return as the character. “If we let them know that we still want Henry

as our Superman they will see the audience is there for it,” Marshall said. “It’s why just as we did in September it’s important that we go again and tweet out #HenryCavillSuperman. We want our Superman back.” Marshall continued in saying Henry is literally Superman. He’s recognized more so for that character than any other and shows great pride in this representation. Superman in recent lms has fallen prey to heavy criticism due to his seemingly lack luster, broody style. A format typical for a Batman ick. Rumors have swirled stat-

ing executives don’t want a wishful Man of Steel, but after the release of “Wonder Woman 1984,” this could be subject to change. “I watched ‘ Wonder Woman 1984’ and I was even more indignant because it is a cute, hopeful and tacky lm,” Brito stated. “It could very well be a Superman lm, so Wonder Woman can be like this and Superman does not work? There is no logic.” According to Brito, the mission of the campaign is to show that fans want the character to return, and they’re requesting that Henry recurs in the

lead role. “Warner and AT&T had the good will to launch the Snyder Cut because the fans asked,” Brito stated. “I believe that if they realize the demand, they can change and make a lm.” Brito believes there are some “behind the scenes” politics many are unaware of. “We constantly hear rumours he’s signed a new contract and then we hear rumours he actually hasn’t,” Marshall said. “If he has signed a new deal, whether it is for more solos, a supporting role across multiple DC lms or as part of the

Black Adam/Shazam [series], I don’t know why they can’t just tell us.” The campaign organizers and many others are fed up with the gaslighting. “If [WB] said they had plans, I would ask why they can’t reveal them or at least what Henry’s contract status is,” Marshall stated. “If they said they had no plans right now I would probably really go at them. Telling them what Superman means to us fans and explain to them what they could do with Superman going forward.” The Daily Planet will be participating in this event.

Citizens call for VP Pence to invoke Fans campaign for the Ayer Cut of ‘Suicide Squad’ 25th Amendment removing Trump ment on May 20, 2020 some to nally see his was abandoned, and ex- from of ce By Brendan Rooney Daily Planet fan campaign to release the director’s cut of “Suicide Squad” is gaining major momentum, with a big trending event for the #ReleaseTheAyerCut hashtag planned for Jan. 16, 2021 on Twitter. The movement has been ramping up since the momentous height of the Release the Snyder Cut campaign back on Nov. 17, 2019 for the twoyear anniversary of the theatrical release of the lm. The Snyder Cut campaign proved to be a rousing success, culminating in the announce-

















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January 7, 2021


that the director’s cut of Justice League will be of cially coming out, and it will arrive on the HBO Max streaming platform in March 2021. Wh en asked about what the Ayer Cut or director’s vision from David Ayer truly means to fans, I received this response from the account behind the movement (@CutAyer) on Twitter: “It means a lot, I enjoyed the theatrical cut for what it is but knew it was missing a lot of the original tone and many Joker scenes, in particular, Leto played the most comic accurate Joker to date in my opinion so it would be awe-

true performance.” Reportedly, Ayer was locked out of the editing booth and the trailer, and t h e c o m p a n y s u b s equently recut the movie. The Ayer Cut possesses an original music score rather than song soundtrack and there’s more ba ckstor y with Jared Leto’s Joker. Fans are curious to see it because one of the biggest issues for many was the blockbusters pacing. David Ayer, the director of the “Suicide Squad” lm, has stated that the cut is real and in existence and noted that he recently watched his version of the lm after it

pressed con dence in its quality in a tweet: “It’s re. It’s the tone of the ComicCon trailer 100 percent.” “David was forced to play along with the studio and therefore had to make out the lm we saw as his own,” those behind the movement stated. “We just need to keep informing people about what really went down with ‘Suicide Squad.’” The fan campaign will continue their strong stand in the pursuit of the lm, led by the Twitter accounts @RTAyerCutSS and @CutAyer.

By Clark Kent Daily Planet Lawmakers, political commentators and the National Association of Manufacturers have called for the removal of President Trump from of ce, citing the 25th Amendment. The amendment states in part that the vice president and a majority of the cabinet can decide that the president is "unable to discharge the powers and duties" of the of ce. It comes after a mob of Trump supporters stormed the US Capitol on Wednesday. It clari es that the vice president

becomes acting president when a president becomes unable to carry out his duties. It also provides that a president can be removed if the vice president and a majority of the cabinet determines they are “unable to discharge the powers and duties” of the of ce. If the president contests the nding, and the vice president and cabinet persist, Congress can order the president’s removal by a two-thirds vote in both chambers. Political commentators, lawmakers, business groups and others have called for the 25th Amendment to be invoked against Trump.

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Biden urges restoring decency after ‘assault’ on democracy By Will Weissert, Darlene Superville AP News WILMINGTON, Del. (AP) — President-elect Joe Biden called Wednesday for the restoration of “simple decency” as a mob incited by his predecessor stormed the U.S. Capitol and delayed Congress from certifying the results of November ’s election. Biden had planned to deliver a speech focused on how to revive the economy and provide nancial relief for smallbusiness owners reeling f ro m t h e co ro n av i r u s pandemic, giving routine political remarks from a theater in his native Delaware. But shortly before he was to begin speaking, demonstrators broke into the Capitol building, reaching as far as the Senate oor. “Our democracy is under unprecedented assault unlike any thing we’ve seen in modern times,” Biden said adding that the violent and chaotic events were “an assault on the rule of law.” The Capitol building was locked down and police moved in with guns drawn as Vice President Mike Pence and lawmakers were evacuated to secure locations. National Guard troops were deployed and a citywide curfew called for shortly after dusk, as rioters continued to occupy the seat of Congress for hours. “I call on this mob to pull back and allow democracy to go forward,” said the president-elect. In an address that took only about 10 minutes and was televised against a split screen of the stilloccupied Capitol building, Biden attempted to project calm and to say that a deeply divided country can still come together. He returned to themes that were a centerpiece of his presidential campaign, including nding common political ground, and pledged to be president for all Americans, even those who didn’t vote for him. B u t B i d e n a l s o e xpressed shock and outrage. “This is not decent, it’s chaos,” he said. The unrest erupted as a joint session of Congress had convened to certify Biden’s election victory over President Donald Trump. But, in anticipation of that occurring, thousands of pro-Trump demonstrators amassed outside the Capitol. The president himself addressed the crowd, which cheered his baseless claims of voter fraud and were protesting the results of a free and fair election. Tr u m p ’s s u p p o r te r s then moved to besiege the Capitol — triggering unsettling scenes of disorder unlike anything Washington has seen in recent memory. The mob was eventually cleared out of the building and Congress moved to resume certi cation. Biden stopped short of accusing Trump of treason but said what happened “borders on sedition.” ”The words of a presi-

dent matter, no matter how good or bad that president is,” Biden said. “At their best, the words of a president can inspire. At their worst, they can incite.” Biden called on Trump to “go on national television now, to ful ll his oath and defend the Constitution and demand an end to this siege.” I n s t e a d , T r u m p r eleased a video hours after the unrest began declaring, “I know your pain. I know your hurt. But you have to go home now.” He went on to call the supporters “very special.” White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany also joined top congressional Republicans in urging an end to the violence and for the mob to leave the Capitol. Biden has said previously that pursuing criminal action against Trump might not be “good” for A m e ri c a n d e m o c ra cy, though he wouldn’t block future, independent Justice Department investigations into Trump once he leaves of ce. There may be calls now for Biden to rethink that. “The events of today really demonstrate that, for some people, rules do not matter, so you kind of have to govern that way,” said Alicia Garza, head of the Black to the Future Action Fund, an advocacy group that works to empower Black Americans in politics. “I would imagine that Joe Biden now understands that his role has completely shifted. He’s going to have be — not the uniter in chief, he’s going to have to be the decider in chief.” Biden’s original speech was delayed by more than an hour as his aides tore up the original, scheduled remarks and worked to craft a new statement that could address what was unfolding more than 100 miles away in the nation’s capital. There didn’t appear to be additional security around Biden or his motorcade. But as the president-elect huddled backstage, agents on his U.S. Secret Service detail stood in their places in front of the stage where he was set to speak, which featured four American ags, for more than hour. Upon beginning his speech, Biden said the events at the Capitol “do not re ect a true America. Do not represent who we are.” “The work of the moment and the work of the next four years must be the restoration of democracy, of decency, of honor, of respect, the rule of law,” he said. “Just plain, simple decency. The renewal of a politics that’s about solving problems, looking out for one another, not stoking the ames of hate and chaos.” After concluding his remarks, the presidentelect answered a journalist’s question about whether he was worried about his safety on Inauguration Day in Washington on Jan. 20. “I am not concerned about my safety, security o r t h e i n a u g u r a t i o n ,” Biden said. “The American people are going to stand up, stand up now. Enough is enough.”

President-elect Joe Biden speaks at The Queen theater in Wilmington, Del., Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021. Biden has called the violent protests on the U.S. Capitol "an assault on the most sacred of American undertakings: the doing of the people's business." (AP Photo/Susan Walsh)

Supporters of President Donald Trump climb the West wall of the the U.S. Capitol on Wednesday, Jan. 6, 2021, in Washington. (AP Photo/Jose Luis Magana)

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January 7, 2021


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