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Hello Members,
Time is flying and we are already in March of 2023. As this is the first publication for this year I hope you all had an enjoyable festive season and had a chance to catch up with your family and friends.
Our Clubs have been busy over the last few months as everyone was making use of the areas that were opened prior to Christmas. There were a lot of functions and events held over this time.
The “Tin Shed & VIP Lunch” was held on Friday 2nd December. This is very important to me and the Directors as we have the opportunity to catch up with the remaining Tin Shed Foundation Members and our Members who have supported our Clubs for over 50 years. Our Clubs would not be what they are today without early thinking by the Tin Shed Foundation Members and support from our members. We thank you all.
The annual Children’s Annual Christmas Party was held on Sunday 4th December at Workers Sports. Free tickets were given to members to use on rides, food, drinks and gift bags. This was a fun packed day with entertainment, Santa’s arrival in a Vintage truck and many attractions in the carnival area which is always a top favourite for all ages. The format was upgraded this time to allow parents and even grandparents to join in the fun. There were food and drink stalls and hot food available if anyone wished to purchase anything extra.
The proceeds from this allowed us to donate $15,000 to the Better Foundation for a Children’s Ward at Blacktown & Mt Druitt Hospitals. It was certainly a good day for everyone. We received so many great comments on this day so I must thank all our valuable staff for organising and delivering this fabulous day. To our Staff, Directors and Volunteers who worked on the day, thank you. It was a long, tiring day and your help was very appreciated.
We were delighted to officially open our $15M+ renovations at Workers Blacktown on Thursday 8th December. Thank you to Aunty Julie Jones for the Welcome to Country and a lively culture performance by local Aboriginal Dance Group. This new area is a welcome addition to our club.
We then followed with the launch of “Western Sydney Changing Diabetes”. We are working alongside Western Sydney Diabetes and a menu section of the new Blue Gum Café is inspired by the CSIRO. This affects our club members and community so again we are proud to be part of this venture. If you would like additional information, please contact the Club.
We have a very big year ahead of us with our Independent Living Units getting underway with a sales display suite being constructed in Campbell Street. We also have more new exciting things to put to our members as we move forward.
Thank you to Club CEO Morgan Stewart and his Management Team and staff for their ideas, patience, hard work and enthusiasm as we all work together for the best outcome for our Clubs.
This will be my last report before the elections for Board of Directors. Voting will be held at Blacktown Campbell Street and Sports Club and in accordance with the Club Constitution will be for three (3) days and our 2023 Annual General Meeting will be held 9.00am on Sunday 30th April at Workers Blacktown.

It is your opportunity as a member to vote for the people who you think are right for your Club to keep it moving forward. Please read all the nominations and make your choice. Thank you for voting and caring about your Clubs.
I would like to take this opportunity to congratulate Melvin Gray on receiving the prestigious OAM Medal (Order of Australia) for services to the community and the Blacktown City Environmental Citizen of the Year Award. Both of these Awards were very much deserved.
To all our Sporting Bodies I thank all the Executive and Committee members for what they do to keep their groups running and be able to provide friendship and activities for your members to enjoy. It is a busy job and doesn’t go unnoticed and appreciated by the Board. Thank you for this.
My last engagement before I handed this report in was the “Opening of Grace’s Place” which was held on Thursday 2nd February. I was very grateful that the team at Grace’s place invited myself and the Board of Directors to attend this very important event. In September 2019 Terry O’Loughlin proudly held a shovel for the turning of the soil at Grace’s Place.
I was very proud to be there with our Directors for the Official Commencement of Operations to witness the positive outcome of this very important facility opening to children needing love, affection and special care after being affected by homicide.
Both the Homicide Victims Support Group and Grace’s Place have been the core of Worker’s community efforts for many years. It was a cause that touched everyone in the organisation from Directors to staff and members. Martha Jabour and her team have done an amazing job organising the construction of Grace’s Place. I congratulate them all.
On behalf of the Board and myself I pass on our deepest sympathy to all that have lost loved ones and friends since my last report. If you need someone to talk to, don’t forget we have our Welfare Team, Harold and Tina who may be able to assist you.
Until next time.
Take care and be kind to each other.
Kay Kelly President Workers Lifestyle Group