Notice of AGM

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NOTICE is hereby given that at the Annual General Meeting of the Bexley R.S.L. & Community Club Limited which is to be held on Sunday 7th May 2023 commencing at the hour of 10:30am at the premises of the Club, 24 Stoney Creek Road, Bexley, New South Wales.


1. To confirm the minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting held on Sunday 1 May 2022.

2. To receive and consider the Report of the Directors.

3. To receive and consider the Financial Statements.

4. To receive and consider the Auditor’s Report.

5. To consider and, if thought fit, pass the Ordinary Resolutions appearing under the heading “Ordinary Resolutions” to approve benefits for members of the Club and payment of honoraria.

6. To consider and, if thought fit, pass the Special Resolution appearing under the heading “Special Resolutions” to amend the Club’s Constitution.

7. To receive the report of the Returning Officer regarding the Election of Directors.

8. To notify members of any expression of interest in an amalgamation, or any unsolicited merger offer, received by the Club from any other registered club in the previous 12 months prior to the Annual General Meeting (if any have been received).

9. Any other business of which proper notice has been given.

NB: Any questions of the Annual Report and any questions to be raised in General Business, are asked to be put in writing to the General Manager by 3.00pm, Friday 28 April 2023 to ensure proper investigation and accurate answers can be provided.

Copies of the 2022 Annual Report can be collected 21 days prior to the Annual General Meeting on the 7th May 2023, from Club Reception, online at or be by mail on request to the Club General Manager.

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Stoney Creek Rd Bexley NSW 2207
9502 1966
ABN 86 001 062 380


1. To be passed each Ordinary Resolution must receive votes from not less than half (1/2) of those members who being eligible to do so vote in person on the Ordinary Resolution at the meeting.

2. Under the Registered Clubs Act, members who are employees of the Club are not entitled to vote. Proxy voting is prohibited by the Registered Clubs Act.

3. Amendments (other than grammatical or other clerical errors or minor typographical corrections which do not change the substance or effect of the special resolutions) will not be permitted from the floor of the meeting.

An ordinary resolution must be passed as a whole and cannot be amended from motions from the floor of the meeting or divided into two or more separate resolutions.


That pursuant to the Registered Clubs Act the members hereby approve and agree to the members of the Board during the period preceding the 2024 Annual General Meeting receiving the following benefits outlined in sub-paragraphs (1) to (10)

1. A reasonable meal and refreshments to be associated with each Board meeting of the Club;

2. The provision of blazers and associated apparel for the use of Club Directors when representing the Club;

3. The reimbursement of reasonable expenses in travelling to and from Directors meetings or to other constituted committee meetings as approved by the Board from time to time on the production of invoices, receipts or other proper documentary evidence of such expenditure;

4. The reasonable cost of Directors attending at the ClubsNSW Annual General Meeting

5. The reasonable cost of Directors attending seminars, lectures, trade displays and other similar events as may be determined by the Board from time to time;

6. The reasonable cost of Directors and their partners attending other registered clubs for viewing and assessing their facilities and the method of operation provided such attendances are approved by the Board as being necessary for the betterment of the Club;

7. The reasonable cost of Directors and Life members receiving a Christmas Hamper;

8. The reasonable cost of Directors attending functions whilst representing the Club;

9. The reasonable cost of Directors to entertain guests and/or business associates on official Club business;

10. The reasonable cost of Directors receiving refreshments when attending the club for Committee meetings or when on official Club Business at the Club;

Members acknowledge the benefit outlined in sub-paragraphs (1) to (10) are not available to members generally, and only for Club Directors.

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That the members hereby approve the payment of the following honorarium paid monthly to the Board of Directors for their services to the Club until the Annual General Meeting in 2024:


i. President $300

ii. Vice President $250

iii. Director $200

Members are notified that additional superannuation contributions will be made by the Club in relation to the honoraria at a level sufficient to ensure that the Club is compliant with superannuation guarantee legislation.


Pursuant to the Registered Clubs Act, the members hereby approve and agree to the Board having one (1) reserved car parking space for the exclusive use of Directors; Members acknowledge the benefit of the reserved car parking space is not available to members generally, but only for Club Directors.


The Board of Directors is authorised to determine at its discretion bonus and differential levels of rewards received by members under any club membership loyalty programs based on certain levels of usage of Club products and services. Any increased levels of rewards must be available to all members who achieve the levels of usage of the products and services.


1. Amendments to the Special Resolution will not be permitted from the floor of the meeting other than for minor typographical or clerical corrections which do not change the substance or effect of the Special Resolution.

2. To be passed, the Special Resolution requires votes from not less than three quarters of those members who being eligible to do so, vote in person on the Special Resolution at the Annual General Meeting.

3. Under the Club’s Constitution only Life members, financial RSL members and financial Social members who in each case have been members of the Club for a continuous period of 3 years are eligible to vote on the Special Resolution.

4. Under the Registered Clubs Act proxy voting is prohibited and members who are employees of the Club are ineligible to vote.

5. The Board of the Club recommends that members vote in favour of the Special Resolution as it will keep the Club’s Constitution current with relevant legislation affecting clubs.

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[The Special Resolution is to be read in conjunction with the notes to members set out below.]

That the Constitution of Bexley R.S.L. & Community Club Limited be amended by:

(a) Inserting the following new Rules 2.4 and 2.5 and renumbering the remaining provision accordingly:

“2.4 Every member is bound by and must comply with the Constitution and By-laws of the Club and any other applicable determination, resolution or policy which may be made or passed by the Board.

2.5 The Constitution and By-laws of the Club have effect as a contract between:

(a) the Club and each member; and

(b) the Club and each director;

(c) each member and each other member,

under which each person agrees to observe and perform the Constitution and By-laws so far as they apply to that person.”

(b) Inserting the following new definitions in Rule 3.1 and renumbering the remaining provisions:

“(i) “Financial member” means a member of the Club who has paid all joining fees, subscriptions, levies and other payments to the Club by the relevant due dates.”

(n) “Non-Financial member” means a member who has not paid all joining fees, subscriptions, levies and other payments to the Club by the relevant due dates.

(p) “Quarter” means a period of 3 months ending on 31 March, 30 June, 30 September or 31 December.”

(c) Deleting Rule 3.2 and renumbering the remaining provision accordingly.

(d) Deleting the word “and” in Rule 4.1(j) and inserting in its place the word “any”.

(e) Deleting from the beginning of Rule 10.9(b) the words “subject to Rule 10.10 below,”.

(f) Renumbering Rules 10.13A to 10.13C as Rules 10.13.1, 10.13.2 and 10.13.3.

(g) Deleting Rule 12.2 and inserting new Rule 12.2 as follows: “12.2 Should a person who is admitted as a Provisional member not be elected to membership of the Club:

(a) that person shall cease to be a Provisional member of the Club: and

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(b) the joining fee (if any) and subscription submitted with the nomination shall be returned to that person.”

(h) Inserting new Rule 12.5 as follows:

“12.5 The Secretary or senior employee then on duty may refuse a Provisional member admission to the Club’s premises or terminate the membership of any Provisional member at any time without notice and without having to provide any reason. If the membership of a Provisional member is terminated in accordance with this Rule, the Club must return any joining fee and annual subscription (if any) paid by the Provisional member when applying for membership of the Club.”

(i) Inserting new Rule 14.3 and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly:

“14.3 A person may be admitted to Temporary membership for a period of up to, but not exceeding seven (7) consecutive days (or such longer period as approved by the relevant regulatory body). A person admitted to Temporary membership under this Rule shall only be required to enter their relevant details in the register of Temporary members referred to in Rule 18.1(c) on the first day that they enter the Club’s premises during that period.”

(j) Deleting Rule 15.4(d) and inserting new Rules 15.4(d) and (e) and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly:

“(d) the email address of the applicant;

(e) the telephone number of the applicant.”

(k) Deleting from Rule 15.8 the words “and address”.

(l) Deleting Rule 16.1 and inserting new Rule 16.1 as follows:

“For the purposes of section 30(2B) of the Registered Clubs Act, the Board shall determine the joining fees, subscriptions, and other payments (excluding levies) payable by members of the Club.”

(m) Deleting from Rule 16.3 the words “provided that it is not less than $2.00 (excluding Goods & Services Tax) or such other minimum subscription provided from time to time by the Registered Clubs Act.”

(n) Deleting Rule 16.6.

(o) Deleting Rule 18.1 (a) (ii) and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly.

(p) Deleting Rule 19.1 and inserting a new heading and new Rule 19.1 as follows:


Every member must advise the Secretary of any change to their contact details (including address, email address and telephone number) within seven (7) days of the change to their details. Members must advise the Secretary of the Club of any change

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in their contact details (including address, email address and telephone number) within seven (7) days of the change to their details as recorded in the register referred to in Rule 18.1(a).

(q) Inserting new Rules 20.2(a)(ii) and renumbering the remaining provision accordingly:

“(ii) the particulars of the charge, including the alleged facts and circumstances which give rise to the charge against the member;”

(r) Deleting Rule 20.2(b) and Inserting new Rule 20.2(b) as follows:

“(b) The member charged shall be notified of the matters in paragraph (a) of this Rule 20.2 by notice in writing at least seven (7) days before the meeting of the Board at which the charge is to be heard.”

(s) Inserting new Rule 20.2(c)((iii):

“(iii) call witnesses:

(1) If a proposed witness fails to attend the hearing or provide evidence at the hearing, the Board can still hear and determine the charge; and

(2) The Club cannot and will not force any person (including a member) proposed by the member charged as a witness to attend and provide evidence at the hearing. The member charged must act in an appropriate manner at the meeting (and in particular and without limitation, the member must not act in an offensive or disruptive manner).”

(t) Inserting new Rules 20.2(d) and (e) and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly:

“(d) If the chairperson determines (in their absolute discretion) that the member charged is not acting in an appropriate manner, the chairperson may issue the member charged with a warning regarding the member’s conduct and advise the member that if the member fails to comply with the warning, the member may be asked to leave the meeting and the Board will continue to consider and deal with the charge in the absence of the member.

(e) If the member charged does not comply with the warning given in accordance with paragraph (d) of this Rule, the chairperson (in their absolute discretion) may exclude the member charged from the meeting and continue to consider and deal with the charge in his or her absence.”

(u) Deleting renumbered Rules 20.2(g) to (i) and inserting new Rules 20.2(g) to (j) and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly:

“(g) After the Board has considered the evidence put before it, the Board may:

(i) immediately come to a decision as to the member’s guilt in relation to the charge; or

(ii) advise the member that the Board requires additional time to consider the evidence put before it in order to determine whether or not the member is guilty of the charge.

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(h) After the Board has come to a decision as to the member’s guilt in relation to the charge it must:

(i) in the case of a decision under Rule 20.2(g)(i) of this Rule, immediately inform the member of the Board’s decision; or

(ii) in the case of a decision under Rule 20.2(g(ii), inform the member of the Board’s decision in writing within seven (7) days of the date of the decision of the Board.

(i) If the member charged has been found guilty, the member must be given a further opportunity at the meeting to address the Board in relation to an appropriate penalty for the charge of which the member has been found guilty. The Board shall, in its absolute discretion, determine whether or not the member will address the issue of penalty:

(i) at the meeting or afterwards; and

(ii) by way or verbal or written submissions or a combination thereof.

(j) After the Board has made a decision on the issue of penalty, the Board must advise the member of its decision.”

(v) Inserting new Rules 20.2(n) to (p) as follows:

“(n) The Board may authorise the Secretary and other persons to attend the meeting to assist the Board in considering and dealing with the charge, but those persons shall not be entitled to vote at the meeting.

(o) The Board may in its discretion notify the member concerned in writing of its decision in relation to the penalty imposed.

(p) No member dealt with in accordance with this Rule shall have any right of action whether at law or in equity or other remedy whatsoever against the Club or the Board or any member thereof by reason of such reprimand, suspension or expulsion or by reason of any act or thing arising therefrom or relating thereto.”

(w) Inserting new Rule 20.3 and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly:

“20.3 The outcome of disciplinary proceedings shall not be invalidated or voided if the procedure set out in Rule 20.2 is not strictly complied with provided that there was no substantive injustice for the member charged.”

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(x) Inserting the following new heading above Rule 20.4 “Provisional Suspension pending Disciplinary Hearing”.

(y) Deleting from renumbered Rule 20.4 the words “or for six (6) weeks whichever is the sooner”.

(z) Deleting renumbered Rules 20.5 to 20.7 and inserting the following new Rules 20.5 to 20.10 as follows:

“20.5 If, in the opinion of the Secretary (or his or her delegate), a member has engaged in conduct that is unbecoming of a member or prejudicial to the interests of the Club, then the Secretary (or his or her delegate) may suspend the member from some or all rights and privileges as a member of the Club for a period of up to twelve (12) months.

20.6 In respect of any suspension pursuant to Rule 20.5, the requirements of Rule 20.2 shall not apply.

20.7 If the Secretary (or his or her delegate) exercises the power pursuant to Rule 20.5, the Secretary (or his or her delegate) must notify the member (by notice in writing) that:

(a) the member has been suspended as a member of the Club; and

(b) the period of suspension;

(c) the privileges of membership which have been suspended; and

(d) if the member wishes to do so, the member may request by notice in writing sent to the Secretary) the matter be dealt with by the Board pursuant to Rule 20.2.

20.8 If a member submits a request under Rule 20.7(d):

(a) the member shall remain suspended until such time as the charge is heard and determined by the Board; and

(b) the Club must commence disciplinary proceedings against the member in accordance with the requirements of Rule 20.2;

20.9 The determination of the Board in respect of those disciplinary proceedings shall be in substitution for and to the exclusion of any suspension imposed by the Secretary (or his or her delegate).

20.10 This Rule 20 applies to Full members only and it does not limit or restrict the Club from exercising the powers contained in Rule 23 of this Constitution and the powers contained in section 77 of the Liquor Act.”

(aa) Deleting Rule 23.1(c) and inserting new Rule 23.1(c) as follows:

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“(c) whose presence on the premises of the Club renders the Club or the Secretary liable to a penalty under the Registered Clubs Act, Liquor Act or any other applicable law;”

(bb) Deleting Rule 23.1(f) and inserting new Rule 23.1(f) as follows:

“23.1(f) who uses, or has in his or her possession, while on the premises of the Club any substance that the Secretary or an employee exercising this power suspects of being a prohibited drug or prohibited plant.”

(cc) Inserting into Rule 23.1(g) the word “By-law” after the words “club licence,.”

(dd) Deleting Rule 27.1(a) and inserting new Rule 27.1(a) as follows:

“The Board shall, subject to Rule 35, consist of seven (7) directors, who shall comprise of a President, Vice President and five (5) other ordinary directors.”

(ee) Deleting the first line of Rule 27.5 and inserting the following new first line “A member who:”

(ff) Inserting new Rules 27.5(e) to (k) inclusive:

“(e) is disqualified from being a director by reason of any order or declaration made under the Act, Liquor Act, Registered Clubs Act or any other applicable legislation;

(f) is of unsound mind or whose person or estate is liable to be dealt with any way under the law relating to mental health;

(g) is prohibited from being a director by reason of any order or declaration made under the Act, Liquor Act, Registered Clubs Act or any other applicable legislation;

(h) has been convicted of an indictable offence (irrespective of whether or not a conviction was actually recorded) but it does not include a spent conviction (as defined in the Criminal Records Act 1991);

(i) is a current contractor of the Club or a director, secretary, employee or business owner of a contractor;

(j) was a contractor of the Club or a director, secretary, employee or business owner of a contractor immediately preceding the proposed date of election or appointment to the Board.

(k) is a director of another registered club, shall not be eligible to stand for or be elected or appointed to the Board.”

(gg) Inserting new Rule 27.9 as follows:

“A member shall not be entitled to be elected or appointed to the Board if he or she does not hold a Director Identification Number on the proposed date of election or appointment to the Board.”

(hh) Inserting new Rule 29.3(a) and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly:

“(a) delegate any of its powers to directors, members, employees, committees, sub clubs or any combination thereof;”

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(ii) Inserting new Rule 29.3(h) and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly:

“issue requests and directions to members which may be reasonably required for the proper conduct and management of the Club.”

(jj) Inserting new Rule 29.10 as follows:

“The Board shall have the power to dissolve committees or remove committee members from office.”

(kk) Inserting new Rule 29.11(f) as follows:

“dissolve Sub clubs or remove committee members from office of Sub Clubs.”

(ll) Inserting new Rule 29.18 as follows:

“All assets in the possession and control of a Sub Club (including cash reserves) are owned by the Club.”

(mm) Deleting Rule 30.1 and inserting new Rule 30.1 as follows:

“The Board may meet together for the dispatch of business, adjourn and otherwise regulate its meetings as it thinks fit provided that the Board shall meet at least once in each Quarter for the transaction of business.”

(nn) Inserting at the end of Rule 30.8 the following:

“In addition to this, a resolution may be passed by the Board if the proposed resolution is emailed to all directors and all directors agree to the proposed resolution by sending a reply email to that effect. The resolution shall be passed when the last director sends their email agreeing to the resolution.”

(oo) Deleting Rules 31.1 to 32.1 and inserting new Rules 31.1 to 32.1 as follows:

“31.1 Any director who has a material personal interest in a matter that relates to the affairs of the Club must, as soon as practicable after the relevant facts have come to the director’s knowledge:

(a) declare the nature of the interest at a meeting of the Board; and

(b) comply with Rule 31.2.

31.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in the Act, a director who has a material personal interest in a matter that is being considered at a meeting of the Board, or of the Directors of the Club:

(a) must not vote on the matter; and

(b) must not be present while the matter is being considered at the meeting.

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32.1 The Club must comply with the requirements of the Registered Clubs Accountability Code (as amended from time to time) and the provisions of this Rule 32. If there is any inconsistency between the Registered Clubs Accountability Code and this Rule 32,.1, the provisions of the Registered Clubs Accountability Code shall prevail to the extent of that inconsistency.”

(pp) Inserting at the beginning of Rule 32.5 the words “Subject to any restrictions contained in the Registered Clubs Act and Rule 32.7,”.

(qq) Inserting new Rule 35.1(a) and renumbering the remaining provisions accordingly:

“(a)” dies”.

(rr) Deleting renumbered Rules 35.1(d) and (e) and inserting new Rules 35.1(d) and (e) as follows:

“(d) is absent from meetings of the Board for a period of ninety (90) days (calculated from the last meeting of the Board attended) without the prior written consent of the Board unless the Board determines that their office is not vacant as a result of that absence.

(e) by notice in writing resigns from office as a director.”

(ss) Inserting new Rules 35.1(j) to (p) inclusive as follows:

“(j)” was not eligible to stand for or be elected or appointed to the Board;

(k) ceases to hold the necessary qualifications to be elected or appointed to the Board;

(l) is convicted of an indictable offence (unless no conviction is recorded);

(m) is not a Financial member of the Club;

(n) is found guilty of a disciplinary charge and suspended from membership of the Club for a period exceeding three (3) months;

(o) is removed from office as a director in accordance with the Act and this Constitution;

(p) does not hold a Director Identification Number (unless exempted from doing so).”

(tt) Inserting at the end of Rule 35.3 the words “This Rule 35.3 does not apply to persons appointed as directors under Rule 27.1(b)”.

(uu) Inserting new Rule 36.18.1 as follows:

(uu) Inserting new Rule 36.18.1 as follows:

“The Chairperson:

(a) is responsible for the conduct of the general meeting; and

(b) shall determine the procedures to be adopted and followed at the meeting;

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(c) may refuse a member admission to a general meeting or require a member to leave a general meeting if in his or her opinion, the member is not complying with reasonable directions and/or is acting in an offensive and disruptive manner at the meeting.”

(vv) Deleting from Rule 36.32 the word and figure “twenty (20)” and in its place inserting the word and figure “fifteen (15)”.

(ww) Deleting the heading above Rule 36.36 and inserting the following new heading: “ADJOURNMENT OF AND USE OF TECHNOLOGY FOR GENERAL MEETINGS”

(xx) Inserting the following new Rules 36.40 to 36.43 as follows:

“36.40 The Board may cancel or postpone any general meeting prior to the date on which it is to be held, except where such cancellation or postponement would be contrary to the Act. The Board may give such notice of the cancellation or postponement as it thinks fit but any failure to give notice of the cancellation or postponement does not invalidate the cancellation or postponement or any resolution passed at a postponed meeting. This Rule will not operate in relation to a meeting called pursuant to a request or requisition of members.

36.41 The Board may withdraw any resolution which has been proposed by the Board and which is to be considered at a general meeting, except where the withdrawal of such a resolution would be contrary to the Act.

36.42 The Club may hold a general meeting (including Annual General Meeting) at two (2) or more venues using any technology that gives the members as a whole a reasonable opportunity to participate at the meeting.

36.43 If permitted by the Act, the Club may hold virtual only general meetings or Annual General Meetings. The provisions of the Act shall apply to such meetings and to the extent of any inconsistencies between the Act and the Constitution, the provisions of the Act shall prevail.”

(yy) Deleting from Rule 39.1(d) the words and figure “forty-eight (48) hours” and inserting the words and figure “seven (7) days)”.

(zz) Deleting Rule 44.1 to 44.4 inclusive and inserting the following new Rules 44.1 to 44.4 inclusive as follows:

“44.1 Without limiting the provisions of the Corporations Act, a notice may be given by the Club to any member either:

(a) personally; or

(b) by sending it by post to the address of the member;

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(c) by sending it to the electronic address of the member or by sending it by such other electronic means nominated by the member.

(d) by sending the member sufficient information (either electronically or in physical form) to access the notice electronically, including by way of a text message containing a hyperlink to access the notice or a postcard to the member’s address containing instructions on how to access the notice.

44.2 Where a notice is sent by post to a member in accordance with Rule 44.1 (a) the notice is deemed to be received on the day it is given to the member.

44.3 Where a notice is sent to a member in accordance with Rules 44.1(b) and (c), the notice shall be deemed to have been received by the members on the day following that on which the notice was sent.

44.4 Where a notice is sent to a member in accordance with Rule 44.1(d), the notice shall be deemed to have been received by the member on the day following that on which the Club provided the member with the relevant information to access the notice.”

(aaa) Inserting the following new heading and Rule 48 as follows: “48. MEETINGS AND VOTING

48.1 In accordance with section 30C (3) of the Registered Clubs Act, the Club, the Board, or a committee of the Club may (but is not required to):

(a) distribute a notice of, or information about, a meeting or election of the Club, the Board, or a committee of the Club by electronic means, and/or

(b) hold a meeting at which all or some persons attend by electronic means but only if a person who speaks at the meeting can be heard by the other persons attending;

(c) allow a person entitled to vote at a meeting of the Club, the Board, or a committee of the Club to vote in person or by electronic means.

48.2 If there is any inconsistency between Rule 48.1 and any other provision of this Constitution, Rule 48.1 shall prevail to the extent of that inconsistency.”

(bbb) By making such other consequential amendments necessary to give effect to this Special Resolution including ensuring that the accuracy of all Rule numbers and cross referencing of Rules and paragraphs in the Constitution.

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1. The Special Resolution proposes a series of amendments to the Club’s Constitution to bring it into line with best practice and the requirements of the Corporations Act, Liquor Act and Registered Clubs Act (RCA).

2. Paragraph (a) amends Rule 2 to clarify that each member is bound by the Constitution, and it operates as a contact between the Club and each member, the Club and each Director and between each member and each other member.

3. Paragraphs (b) and (c) amend the definitions used in the Constitution.

4. Paragraphs (d) and (e) merely correct references found in the Constitution

5. Paragraph (f) formats the numbering of these Rules.

6. Paragraphs (g) and (h) relate to Provisional membership including removing the 6-week time limit on a person’s application for Provisional membership.

7. Paragraph (i) relates to changes to Temporary membership to bring the Constitution into line with the RCA.

8. Paragraphs (j), (k) and (o) adopt recent amendments to the RCA which remove the requirement to obtain details of a new members occupation and having to put the address on the Notice board for a new member. The Club will also collect the email address and mobile number for new members.

9. Paragraphs (l) and (m) amend the provision dealing with member subscriptions to remove the requirement to charge an annual subscription fee of no less than a minimum of $2.00. This requirement has recently been removed from the RCA.

10. Paragraph (n) removes requirement for the Secretary to have to give written notice to each member reminding them of the date to renew membership.

11. Paragraph (p) clarifies that members must notify the Club of changes to their contact details.

12. Paragraphs (q) to (z) inclusive amend the existing provisions relating to disciplinary matters to bring the Constitution into line with best practice.

13. Paragraph (aa) amends existing provisions relating to the removal of persons from the Club’s premises to bring the Constitution into line with the Liquor Act.

14. Paragraph (bb) and (cc) amends the existing provision relating the removal of persons from the Club’s premises to bring the Constitution into line with the Liquor Act.

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15. Paragraph (dd) amends the makeup of the Board. The Board will be asking members to change this rule so that the Board will consist of seven (7) directors, who shall comprise of a President, Vice President and five (5) other ordinary directors.

16. Paragraphs (ee) and (ff) set out additional grounds upon which a member will be ineligible to be elected to the Board including if they are a contractor to the Club or an employee of a contractor or if they are a director of another registered club.

17. Paragraph (gg) inserts a new Rule 27.9 which requires all directors to have a Director Identification Number as required under the Corporations Act.

18. Paragraphs (hh) and (ii) amends existing provisions relating to the powers of the Board to bring the Constitution into line with best practice. The powers of the Board remain unchanged.

19. aragraphs (jj), (kk) and (ll) clarifies that the Board can create and dissolve sub clubs and committees of the Club.

20. Paragraph (mm) amends existing Rule 30.1 to allow the Board to meet whenever required but at least once every 3 months. This reflects a recent change to the RCA which removed the requirement for the Board of a club to meet at least once a month and replaced it with a requirement to meet at least once every 3 months.

21. Paragraph (nn) adds a new provision which will allow the Board to pass a resolution using emails.

22. Paragraphs (oo) and (pp) amend existing provisions relating to corporate governance and accountability to bring the Constitution into line with the Registered Clubs Act.

23. Paragraph (qq) to (ss) deal with the grounds upon which a casual vacancy on the Board of the Club will arise.

24. Paragraph (uu) adds a new Rule 36.18.1 which sets out the powers of the chairperson of a general meeting in more detail which reflects the general law.

25. Paragraph (vv) reduces the number of members required for a quorum from twenty (20) to (15) members.

26. Paragraphs (ww) and (xx) add in new Rules 36.40 to 36.43 inclusive relating to general meetings (including Annual General Meetings) including giving the Board the power to cancel or postpone a meeting except one called at the request of members to bring the Constitution into line with the Corporations Act.

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27. Paragraph (yy) slightly amends Rule 39.1(d) to provide that the Club must cause the financial statement required to be produced by Rule 39.1(b) to be exhibited in a conspicuous place in the Club within seven (7) days of the statement being prepared (rather than within 48 hours).

28. Paragraph (zz) and (aaa) amend existing provisions regarding notices to members to bring the Constitution into line with the Corporations Act and adds a new Rule 48 which reflects recent changes to the RCA including allowing the Club to send Notice of a general meeting and documents relating to a meeting electronically.

29. Paragraph (bbb) permits any necessary amendments to be made to address any anomaly in Rule numbering and cross referencing throughout the Constitution.

Dated: 26 March 2023

By direction of the Board

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24 Stoney Creek Rd

Bexley NSW 2207

ph 9502 1966

ABN 86 001 062 380




Nominations are invited for the following positions:

President (1), Vice President (1) and Ordinary Directors (5)

Rule 27.3 of the Constitution of Bexley RSL and Community Club Limited states: Subject to this Rule and Rule 27.5, the following members shall be entitled to stand for and be elected or appointed to the Board:

(a) Life members;

(b) RSL members who have been financial members of the club for at least three (3) continuous years; and

(c) Social members who have been financial members of the Club for at least three (3) consecutive years.

Nominations shall be in writing and signed by one and seconded by another Life member, RSL member or Social members of the Club provided they have been financial members of the Club for a continuous period of at least 3 years, and by the candidate who shall signify his/her consent to the nomination.

Candidates may nominate for more than one position but may only be elected to one position.


Nominations can be collected from 10.00am Thursday 13 April 2023 from The Secretary of the club and must be received not later than 12.00 noon Friday 21st April 2023.

A nomination cannot be withdrawn after the close of nominations (12 noon 21/4/2023) and any defect must be rectified before this time.

Should more than the required number of nominations be received a draw will be conducted to determine the order of candidates’ names on the ballot paper at the Club at 3pm on Friday 21 April 2023.

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Candidates may submit a passport style photograph of themselves and may also complete a Candidate Profile form, which, along with the photograph, will be displayed at the club during the period of voting.

Photographs attached to the candidate profile forms and receipt of a Director Identification Number (DIN) must be lodged with the Secretary of the Club before the close of nominations at 12 Noon, Friday 21 April 2023.


Voting will take place in the Boardroom at Bexley RSL and Community Club Limited, 24 Stoney Creek Road, Bexley.

Tuesday 2 May 2023 11am to 2pm & 4pm to 7pm

Thursday 4 May 2023 11am to 2pm & 4pm to 7pm

Friday 5 May 2023 11am to 2pm & 4pm to 7pm

Eligible members entitled to vote must produce their current membership card in order to receive a ballot paper.

The method of voting will be by preferential voting system. This is a system whereby the eligible voter indicates their preference for each of the candidates listed on the ballot for a specified office so that if no candidate receives a majority of first preferences the first and second preferences and if necessary third and other preferences may be counted together until one candidate obtains a majority.

The counting of votes will take place from 7pm at the Club on Friday 5 May 2023. The result of the election will be announced at the Annual General Meeting commencing at 10.30am, Sunday 7 May 2023. One scrutineer per Candidate may be appointed to witness the count.

NO “How to Vote” material will be allowed to be distributed within the boundaries of the club.

Any enquires concerning this election should be directed to Andrew Bzadough from Club Elections NSW, telephone 0417 472 326. Andrew Bzadough J.P - Independent Returning Officer.

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24 Stoney Creek Rd Bexley NSW 2207 ph 9502 1966 ABN 86 001 062 380

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