University community mourns Xinjiang fire victims, stands in solidarity with Chinese protestors

Princeton invests so much effort into welcoming its new students that I probably couldn’t list every activity or resource offered to a matric ulating student, but I found that, despite all this effort, the school doesn’t bother to always get one’s name right — not even when giving some one their netID and other web accounts that will unlock the next four years.
I’ve always had trouble with my name. Or really, others have had trouble with it. I mean, look at it: José Pablo Fernández García. It’s not exactly a fric tion-free name when grow ing up in southwest Ohio. It’s
long: two first names and two last names (though, at least, no middle name) with almost as many letters as the alpha bet itself. The correct Spanish pronunciation is something I gave up on outside conversa tions with other native Span ish speakers a while ago. And then, there are the three pesky little accents. They are such a small part of my name, but they carry so much weight for me. It’s not me without them. However, much of the Unit ed States is clueless when it comes to diacritic marks. In fact, the country is a paper work disaster for anyone who
See NAME page 14 By Michelle Miao News ContributorContent Warning: The fol lowing article contains men tion of death, suicide, and violence.
On Nov. 24, an apart ment building fire killed 10 people in Urumqi, the capital of China’s Xinji ang region. Due to China’s strict zero-COVID poli cies, the building was par tially locked down, which led many to speculate that building exits had been locked from the outside and barriers such as fenc es and wires trapped resi dents inside the building and prevented firefight ers from rescuing them. The incident has sparked an unprecedented wave of
U. AFFAIRSprotests across China over the government’s restric tive COVID-19 policy.
In the wake of these pro tests, student organizers at Princeton led a vigil in remembrance of those who lost their lives, both in the Urumqi fire and in other tragedies related to China’s COVID-19 proto cols. The vigil, organized and attended by many Chinese international students, was intended as a show of solidarity with Chinese protesters. Due to fears of retaliation by the Chinese government for their participation, most asked to remain anony mous.
Around 200 people gathered in front of Nas sau Hall on Tuesday, Nov. 29, leaving flowers and
paper cranes on the steps as symbols of their wish es and prayers. They sang Chinese protest songs like “The People Don’t Need Freedom” and left handwritten signs with slogans such as “Give me liberty or give me death.”
“What happened in Urumqi was not an iso lated event, but rather part of a series of trag edies in China in the past two years,” a co-organizer of the event said to the crowd. “On Sept. 18, a bus transporting residents to quarantine camps crashed and killed 27. Later, it was found that the government ran out of bus drivers and let them drive illegally. None of the passengers were even in
On the evening of Nov. 15, juniors and seniors in the Uni versity’s Program in Visual Arts opened their studios for com munity members to observe the students’ art. Many of the student artists displayed posters, de signed by juniors in the depart ment, next to their studio spaces, according to multiple students in attendance. The posters had the words “Fire Joe Scanlan – VIS stu dents” or “Fuck Joe Scanlan – VIS students” typed in boldface over a plain brown background.
Joe Scanlan is a tenured profes sor in the visual arts department. He served as Director of the Visual Arts Program from 2009–2017.
On Nov. 3, Scanlan used the nword in his VIS321: Words as Ob jects seminar. Scanlan said the word while discussing a poem by
Black poet Jonah Mixon-Webster, which caused several students to walk out. Many refused to return to class in the following weeks.
After Scanlan’s use of the nword in the seminar, the Office of the Provost, at the request of Omar Farah ’23, conducted an ini tial assessment of the situation and found no violation of the Uni versity’s Policy on Discrimination and/or Harassment.
Farah is a Managing Editor for The Daily Princetonian, who has recused themself from any cover age related to this incident.
Following Scanlan’s use of the slur, Ari Riggins ’23 and Priyanka B. Aiyer ’23 co-wrote an open let ter and shared it with other VIS students. The letter called on the University administration “to reopen their investigation and critically engage with the events which took place and their impact on students.” The letter also called
on the Visual Arts department “to reconcile with the space they have held for racism and disrespect.”
“The [U]niversity’s response is profoundly disappointing and shows a lack of regard for lived student experience, particularly the experience of BIPOC stu dents,” the letter states.
At the time of publication, 21 students — all juniors or seniors completing concentrations or certificates in the department — have signed onto the letter from Riggins and Aiyer.
“There was more to be done on the University’s side to advocate for students,” said Julia Stahlman ’24, who is pursuing a VIS cer tificate and signed onto the letter. She said she thinks the initial as sessment conducted by the Office of the Provost was not thorough enough, given that “there was evi dent harm done to students in the
Misrach Ewunetie ’24, a junior in the Department of Sociology from Euclid, Ohio, died on Oct. 20 on Princeton University’s campus. Described by family and friends as a “precious, beautiful soul,” and a “role model, tutor, and best friend,” Ewunetie was remembered by those who knew her as a “great lis tener.” She was 20 years old.
On Oct. 24, hundreds gathered on campus to mourn Ewunetie at two vigils, one organized by Princ eton Ethiopian and Eritrean Stu dent Association (PEESA) in the University Chapel and another by the Office of Religious Life in Murray-Dodge Hall. At the vigil, she was remembered by friends as “exceptionally kind” and “a really, really integral part of our commu nity.”
The Middlesex County Medical Examiner’s Office has not released the results of an autopsy and the cause of the death has not yet been determined. The Mercer County Prosecutor’s Office stated there is “no evidence of any criminal activ ity associated with Ms. Ewunetie’s death.”
As of Dec. 1, a GoFundMe has raised over $153,000 for the Ewun etie family — funding that will as sist “with the expenses associated with a funeral, an independent au topsy, and significant travel.”
Ewunetie was born on Feb. 7, 2002, in Ethiopia. She immigrated to the United States in 2008 with her parents and older brothers, Universe and Jhonatan. Ewunetie was in the process of becoming a naturalized citizen of the United States shortly before her death.
A close friend, Yzabella May Es tacio, described Ewunetie to The Daily Princetonian as “the smart est person” she knows.
“She’s really funny but funny in the way that you’re not trying to be funny,” she said in an interview. “She always takes other people into consideration and is so genuine and loving. She’s just a very kind soul. I’m so glad that she was a part of my life and that she decided to be friends with me.”
Ewunetie attended Villa AngelaSt. Joseph Catholic high school in Cleveland, Ohio, where she gradu ated as class valedictorian in 2020.
In high school, she was a part of Minds Matter Cleveland, a pro gram for low-income, hard-work
Riggins wants the administra tion to “restart their investigation, since it’s clear that harm was done. I don’t understand why the inves tigation was so short.”
She expressed support for a re form of University rules, saying that “if they don’t regulate this type of behavior, they should.”
Farah, a Black student in the class, published an op-ed in the ‘Prince’ on Nov. 11, arguing that Scanlan’s actions amounted to racial harassment and calling on the University to conduct a more thorough investigation.
“You shouldn’t be able to harass students and keep your job,” they wrote.
Students in the class told the ‘Prince’ that Scanlan’s use of the n-word was not in the context of a direct quotation, though Scanlan maintains that he was citing Mix on-Webster’s ‘Black Existentialism No. 8: Ad Infinitum; Ad Naseum,’ which consists only of the n-word.
In a Letter to the Editor, Scanlan
wrote that his use of the n-word was “grounded in [Mixon-Webster’s] long-term interest in the word and how it functions in his poetry, as well as the pedagogical progression to the analysis of a poem where a word functions as an object.”
“I am extremely sorry that I overestimated my familiarity with my students and assumed that we could enter a discussion of this 20-page, one-word poem about the n-word without first making some ground rules about limits for the usage or even the discussion of the word at all,” he wrote.
At least two Black artists with fellowships at Princeton have spo ken out against Scanlan on social media. Tiona McClodden, a 2021–23 Princeton Arts Fellow, posted screenshots of Farah’s op-ed on Instagram on Nov. 18, writing in the caption about “the dark side of tenure.”
“So much of this type of archaic racist presence exists in these aca demic spaces because of this for ever job mess,” McClodden wrote in the caption of the post. “Men like Scanlan are shifted across campuses after offenses, coddled + enabled by peers in these spaces.”
She wrote that her classes are “not held in the VIS Arts building because I have no interest of prox imity to Scanlan,” and ended the caption with “so in full solidarity with the Vis Arts students… Fire Joe Scanlan.”
Mark Thomas Gibson, a 2022 Guggenheim Fellow and recipient of the 2021–22 Hodder Fellowship at Princeton, posted a photo on his Instagram displaying “Fire Joe Scanlan” in black handwritten let ters, with “- Any reasonable sane human being!” penciled in below.
Gibson wrote in the caption that Scanlan “uses tenure like a hood to hide behind, an open anonymity that allows for punching down at young students with a wink.”
Students will still be able to complete the course and receive a grade without further interaction with Scanlan should they choose to do so, explained Jeffrey Whet stone, Director of the Program in Visual Arts, in an email to the ‘Prince.’
“For the rest of the semester, VIS 321: Words as Objects taught by Joe Scanlan, is structured as lab time where students work on their final projects in the various shops in
VIS — the sculpture shop, the type shop, etc.,” Whetstone wrote.
The department also appointed Simon Wu ’17 as a co-advisor in the course.
“The students could choose to work with the co-advisor or Pro fessor Scanlan to finish their final projects,” added Whetstone.
In an email to the ‘Prince,’ Scan lan wrote, “As was always the case, students have the option of work ing in the classroom, in other labs
in the VIS program, or in studio. I am fine with co-advising, Simon Wu is a very experienced and knowledgeable and a welcome ad dition to the class.”
Paige Cromley is a senior news writer for the ‘Prince.’
Please direct any corrections re quests to corrections@dailyprinceto
Program, a prestigious college en trance program.
ing, high-achieving students in Cleveland. Her friends stated that she was a member of the science olympiad, GEM, a girls’ empower ment group, and the soccer team.
She attended The Mountain School, a semester program for high school juniors located on a hilltop farm in Vershire, Vt. Stu dents gather at the school to live, work, and study with each other and their faculty. She also played the ukulele during her free time.
In addition to her concentra tion in sociology, Ewunetie was also pursuing a certificate in ap plications of computing. She was a member of PEESA, New College West (NCW), and Terrace F. Club. She matriculated to the Univer sity in the fall of 2020 through the QuestBridge National Match
May Estacio and Chey, a friend who asked that her last name be omitted due to privacy concerns, met Ewunetie in the fourth grade at St. John of the Cross School, when Ewunetie was a new student. The two approached Ewunetie at recess and decided to remain friends since then. Chey also said she played bas ketball with Ewunetie in the sev enth grade.
May Estacio told the ‘Prince’ of a memory she and Ewunetie shared during their time at Kairos, a fourday religious retreat.
“There’s a moment where every one gets letters from loved ones and I opened my package and I found that [Ewunetie] gave me a letter,” May Estacio said. “She used a piece of paper that I gave her years prior because I know she loves writing. She gave me this cute little letter with her amazing handwriting,
saying ‘I miss you and I’m gonna miss you so much at school’ and all this cute stuff.”
“It just really touched me that she still had this piece of paper,” she said.
May Estacio explained that the two continued to keep in touch even when Ewunetie went to Princ eton.
“We would even have video chats and we watch[ed] movies and TV series together while she was in Princeton and I was here in Ohio,” May Estacio said. “She would send me gifts in the mail [whenever it] was my birthday or Christmas. And I would send her stuff too.”
“I definitely feel like our friend ship grew over time,” she added. “We became closer even though [we] didn’t necessarily have to talk to each other all the time.”
May Estacio said that Ewunetie often kept her accomplishments to herself and wouldn’t share her tal
ents unless asked.
“She was the most humble per son I’ve ever met,” she said.
Acquaintances of Ewunetie described her as “considerate and sweet,” and May Estacio said that “from being her best friend, I can tell you that she truly is.”
Chey also told the ‘Prince’ about the positivity Ewunetie always ra diated.
“I’ve never met someone who has such good energy,” Chey said. “She was also very smart. Always getting straight A’s in class.”
Ewunetie was one of the first people Mia Taylor met when she transferred from public school to Ss. Robert and William Catho lic School in middle school. They both attended the same elemen tary school but became friends in middle school.
Taylor recalled a time before col lege when Ewunetie was the first person to meet her dog.
“It was important to me. I [re member thinking] my dog had to like my best friend or we’re going to have to get rid of him,” she said. “She is one of the few people who my dog actually enjoys.”
Taylor said that Ewunetie was a generous soul who was always there for her when she needed her.
“My family had a little bit of money troubles sometimes,” Taylor said. “Sometimes I would forget to pack my lunch and she’d either give me the lunch money I needed or would share her lunch with me. She gave me these pomegranate seeds because she had them one day and was asked, ‘Do you want these?’”
“[E]ver since, I can only eat cold pomegranates because that’s how she packed them,” she added. “I can never forget that because she was always there for me whenever something was going on.”
Leah Stanoch attended elemen tary school with Ewunetie for two years, and the two became better friends in high school when they both joined the soccer team.
“She progressed so much [on the team],” Stanoch told the ‘Prince.’
Stanoch also described how the two would do “goofy” warmups to gether.
“She would match my energy,” Stanoch said. “I remember, all of a sudden [during our warm-up laps], I started singing some songs. And then at the same time, we both made up the lyrics. So we sang it to the same tune.”
Stanoch explained how Ewune tie was always “warm and welcom ing,” “trustworthy and honest,” and “made everyone feel included.”
“She was the perfect friend,” she said.
Yen Ji (Julia) Byeon is a sociology graduate student and Ewunetie’s preceptor for SOC300: Claims and Evidence in Sociology, a required course for all sociology majors in their first semester of junior year.
Byeon told the ‘Prince’ that Ewu netie was studying “predictors of happiness and well-being in differ ent regions of the world” for her final project. She explained that Ewunetie was looking at factors such as marketing and religion to measure happiness, and had sur
veys and datasets in mind to use for the project.
Byeon explained how their pre cept was on Fridays at 8 a.m., and al though most of the students would come in tired, Ewunetie would al ways come in with a smile on her face.
“She was a really pleasant per son,” Byeon said. “She was a joy to have in class. She was a really nice person and hardworking and very genuine with her interests [as a stu dent].”
Professor of Geosciences Satish C. Myneni, who was Ewunetie’s undergraduate academic advisor in her first two years at Princeton, remarked that he was struck by Ewunetie’s ability to listen well in a conversation.
“One thing which I have never seen in my 20 years here on campus is that she is an amazing listener,” Myneni recalled to the ‘Prince.’ “When she was talking, if I inter rupted, she would immediately stop and not say anything until I finished and then communicate. She’s such a good listener, giving so much time to the other person. I haven’t seen such a beautiful qual ity in any person.”
Through their conversations, Myneni observed that Ewunetie was deeply connected to her family and frequently spoke of them.
“She was very closely connected to her family, especially her broth ers because she always used to say, ‘My brother did this. My brother is interested in this,’” he said.
Kenya Ripley-Dunlap ’24, a ju nior concentrating in ecology and evolutionary biology, said she de veloped a friendship with Ewunetie after the two met each other shortly before Thanksgiving in 2021.
“It was always very calm with her; it’s always pleasant. She’s al ways down for anything but also wanted to make sure that those around her were happy,” RipleyDunlap said. “It really seemed like everything she did was super thoughtful and loving. It seems like that was always her intention. She’s always complimenting people.”
May Estacio told the ‘Prince’ how she wished people would remem ber Ewunetie’s memory.
“She’d always exclusively wear gold jewelry ever since I’ve known her from [the] fourth grade,” May Estacio said. “If it’s possible, please try to wear gold jewelry in remem brance of her.”
Ewunetie is survived by her mother, father, and her brothers, Universe and Jhonatan. Her family declined several requests to speak with the ‘Prince’ for this obituary.
Lia Opperman is an assistant news editor for the ‘Prince’ who often covers University affairs, political coverage, and student life.
Allan Shen is a senior writer who often covers research and obituaries. He previously served as an associate news editor. Please direct
A new 24/7 support line from Counseling and Psychological Services (CPS) went live on Nov. 21. Students can call 609-258-3141 to speak with a counselor any day of the year, including evenings, weekends, and holidays and re gardless of whether they are cur rently on campus, according to the CPS website.
The launch of the program fol lows advocacy from the Under graduate Student Government (USG) and other members of the campus community, including a mental health referendum in the spring 2022 election cycle and the publication of a mental health report on Sept. 19, which recom mended the implementation of a 24/7 counseling line by fall 2023.
The support line “is one of many recommendations that came out of the Mental Health Workgroup that met this sum mer to improve mental health and wellbeing on campus,” ac cording to an email from CPS Di rector Calvin R. Chin to The Daily Princetonian.
The hotline also comes in the wake of recent tragedy, as com munity members mourned the death of Misrach Ewunetie ’24 in late October. Dean of the College Jill Dolan and other administra tors referenced the launch of CPS Cares in a Nov. 1 email to stu dents, staff, and faculty, noting that the University is working on expanding CPS access “as is typi cal” during times of “increased demand.”
A Nov. 18 statement from the University Office of Communica tions notes that, in addition to the support line, CPS is working to hire “the equivalent of two new, full-time counselors to increase access to mental health care on campus.”
The announcement also stated that CPS plans to “offer extended initial consultations so students can have more of their needs met during their first appointment” by the end of this semester.
U-Councilor and USG Mental Health Task Force Co-Chair Ste phen Daniels ’24, who sponsored the spring 2022 referendum and helped write the working group’s report, told the ‘Prince’ that the accelerated timeline for the CPS Cares line is a mark of success of “student activism around imple mentation of the report.”
The CPS website states that students can use the line to speak with counselors “about an urgent concern or if you just need to talk to someone about a difficult chal lenge or mental health issue.”
Dr. Chin noted that CPS is “hopeful that the CPS Cares Line will increase access for students to mental health supports as we continue to work to improve and enhance our services.”
Daniels also wrote to the ‘Prince’ about the potential of the CPS Cares line to improve stu dents’ access to mental health care.
“A major frustration we hear from students about CPS is wait times, and, while this doesn’t completely address that, I think providing on-demand services will make it so that more stu dents who need help receive it in a timely manner,” he wrote. “At the same time, increasing resources should just be a part of the con versation about improving stu dent mental health.”
Annie Rupertus is a sophomore from Philadelphia, an Assistant Data Editor, and a staff news writer who covers USG for the ‘Prince.’
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The Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Senate heard updates regarding mental health resources, campus security, and dining during a Zoom meeting on Sunday, Nov. 27.
The Senate voted in favor of a constitutional amendment to establish an expiration date for ad hoc committees, and also re jected a second amendment that would have expanded committee flexibility.
With the semester and USG term nearing their ends, a num ber of members took the time to report on some of the hallmark initiatives of this year’s Senate administration.
U-Councilor and Mental Health Task Force Chair Stephen Daniels ’24, who is currently run ning for USG President, noted the launch of a new 24/7 CPS hotline last week, as well the ongoing re sults of mental health advocacy, including:
CPS plans to focus social me dia messaging to better corre spond with “high-stress” times on campus, like the upcoming bicker season.
Students who have taken time off and re-enroll for the spring se mester will now be able to regis ter for Wintersession, something that was not previously possible.
The number of participants in group therapy sessions doubled this year, which, according to Daniels, is due to increased com munication efforts.
In the future, when new coun selors are hired by CPS (they are currently working to hire two), drop-in hours will be built into their schedules, a change de scribed as an “ongoing commit ment to making sure that stu dents can access counseling on their own terms and when they need it most.”
A student health advisory committee will launch in the spring semester.
The University is providing “ongoing training to utilize Resi dential Life Coordinators in nonemergency situation wellness checks, instead of PSAFE.”
Progress is being made to wards a partnership — possibly with Lyft — to provide trans portation to off-campus mental healthcare by this spring.
By Katherine Dailey Staff ConstructorUSG members then participat ed in a discussion on efforts to improve student mental health. U-Councilor Med Coulibaly ’25 emphasized USG’s role in de manding that administrators follow through on the implemen tation of the recommendations made in the mental health work ing group report.
He added that “it’s not just enough to throw these links to students and say, ‘here, go fix your mental health.’ We need to promote and acquaint students with these resources.”
Campus and Community Af fairs (CCA) Chair Isabella Shutt ’24 echoed these concerns, ex pressing the need for broader shifts in campus culture in order to truly make space for mental health. Shutt is also running for USG President.
“If I don’t feel like I have the time to go and talk to someone at CPS, then the resource might as well not exist for me,” said Shutt, who is also running for USG Pres ident. “If every minute of your day is blocked out into some sort of extracurricular or class as signment, then you’re not taking the time to build the community and to feel like you belong.”
“Ultimately it comes down to whether or not students are given
the space to fully be human at Princeton, and I think there are some times where we just don’t receive that,” Shutt added.
USG President Mayu Takeuchi ’23 updated the Senate on campus safety proposals, reporting that a desire for greater lighting is a “widespread student sentiment.”
At a Council of the Princeton University Community (CPUC) meeting earlier this semester as sociate vice president of capital projects Dozie Ibeh explained that a group of administrations, including individuals from Housing and Real Estate, Facili ties, Public Safety, Environmen tal Health and Safety, Residential Colleges, The Graduate School, and The Office of Disability Ser vices conduct campus safety walks every semester in order to identify areas for improvement.
These walks, however, occur in the early evening hours. Takeu chi informed the Senate that “one gap that we identified during a recent safety walk is that the safe ty walks currently happen right around dusk, around 5 or 6 p.m., which is not representative of the typical nighttime campus that we experience as students.”
Takeuchi is working to plan an additional safety walk, which she requested take place no ear lier than 10 p.m.
She also reported that in ad dition to the feedback given in a Nov. 21 Zoom session with ad ministrators, over 220 students have submitted to a feedback form about campus security cameras. A second, in-person feedback session is scheduled for Thursday, Dec. 1.
U-Councilor Aishwarya Swamidurai ’26 reported that, of the input gathered from the feedback form, about 36 percent of students “explicitly said they want to see cameras nowhere.”
Daniels also gave an update on the Pay with Points program, which recently added a new slate of participating restaurants, in cluding Mamoun’s and Princeton Soup & Sandwich this week.
“We continue to get the piece of feedback that upperclassmen would really love to be involved with this program in some way,” he added. “In particular, RCAs have been mentioned a couple of times.”
On a second dining-related agenda item, U-Councilor Dil lion Gallagher ’23 reported on a meeting he had with members of the Interclub Council (ICC) and administrators from the din ing pilot working group, along with U-Councilor Uma Fox ’26, U-Councilor Judah Guggenheim ’25, and Takeuchi.
Gallagher described the meet ing with administrators as occa sionally “off-putting.”
“There were some moments where it seemed administrators were more territorial over the working group,” he said.
To close out the meeting, the Senate held two final votes on constitutional amendments that
had both passed initial votes in a Nov. 20 meeting. Amendments to the USG Constitution require two-thirds support in two con secutive meetings.
The first amendment, pro posed by Takeuchi to “establish an expiry date for ad hoc commit tees,” passed unanimously.
There was less agreement on the second proposed amend ment, which would “empower Senate ownership over ad hoc committees.”
“This resolution is about ex panding the flexibility of the Senate and also encouraging more responsibility and owner ship over USG policy initiatives,” said sponsor and Diversity, Equi ty & Inclusion (DEI) Chair Braid en Aaronson ’25, adding that the proposal aims to “build in more democratic structures into USG.”
Currently, the Senate or its Ex ecutive Committee has the power to establish an ad hoc committee and specify its duties. The role of appointing a committee chair and members is the USG Presi dent’s responsibility. Aaronson’s amendment would transfer the latter power regarding chair and membership to the broader Sen ate (and Executive Committee), with the option to delegate that responsibility to the President.
Some Senate members ex pressed concerns about the pro posal regarding potential loss of accountability in its structure and lack of time for the full USG to interview and deliberate about candidates. Others expressed support for a more involved can didate selection process for ad hoc committees.
Ultimately, the second amend ment did not pass, with 8 mem bers in favor and 13 opposed. Members voted as follows:
In favor: Aaronson, Bradley, Fox, Gallagher, U-Councilor Af zal Hussain ’25, Senator Walker Penfield ’25, Shutt, and Swami durai.
Opposed: University Student Life Committee (USLC) Chair Avi Attar ’25, Senator Ellen Battaglia ’23, Branom, Daniels, Dockery, Vice President Hannah Kapoor ’23, Social Chair Madison Linton ’24, U-Councilor Riley Martinez ’23, Caitlin McNally ’24 (by proxy for Guggenheim), River Reynolds ’24 (by proxy for Academics Chair Austin Davis ’23), Shaw, Takeu chi, and Sustainability Chair Au drey Zhang ’25.
Zhang, alongside Daniels and Shutt, is running for USG Presi dent.
USG Senate meetings are nor mally held in Betts Auditorium in the Architecture School at 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoons and are open to all.
Annie Rupertus is a sophomore from Philadelphia, an assistant Data editor, and a staff news writer who covers USG for the ‘Prince.’
Please direct any corrections re quests to corrections@dailyprinc
The organizer also re counted a story of a wom an dying by suicide due to what was reported to be lockdown-induced de pression.
“They essentially built prisons that deprived mil lions of Chinese people of their lives, freedom, and hopes,” they said.
During the vigil, orga nizers allowed attendees to speak in an “open mic” style. Some students ex pressed anxiety about the risks of even showing up to the demonstration, but also emphasized their hopes for a free China. For many, this marked the first politically charged event they had ever at tended.
“As a Chinese citizen, we all know very well that our lives, our well-being, those we care about, and our entire career can be destroyed in a minute by the regime,” one student said. They attended the event with an “X” taped over their mouth to sym bolize opposition to gov ernment censorship in China. “But it is our right to be here, our right to discuss this, and every one should be very proud of themselves for being here tonight.”
“I feel like if I missed this chance [to speak], I would regret it for the rest of my life,” they said.
Teng Biao, a human rights activist and law yer from China who has been surveilled and ar rested multiple times by the Chinese secret police, spoke at the vigil about
confronting fears and his experience as an activist.
“I was put under house arrest. I was disbarred and banned from the univer sity where I worked. I was even kidnapped and se verely tortured. But I just can’t give up my ideals, my principles,” Biao said. “I really feared, but fear is not something that can not be overcome.”
He said that all Chinese participants at the event could potentially be re corded by government informants who infiltrate events abroad and have their families targeted or be banned from returning to China.
However, he highlight ed the psychological pow er of the protests.
“Everyone can feel the pain and despair, and that kind of anger and despair can overcome the fear. When people’s fears dis appear, the Communist Party rule by fear won’t work,” he said.
Speaking with The Dai ly Princetonian after the vigil, Biao said he was extremely touched by the high student turnout.
“It’s really rare to see so many Chinese students show up. It’s dangerous and sensitive and may harm their professions and cause their families to be targeted,” he said. “But this kind of turnout is a symbol. People have overcome their fear.”
Another participant who spoke with the ‘Prince’ held a large blank sign, in reference to gov ernment censorship. It’s a motif which many pro testers in China have re cently adopted, known as the white paper revolu tion. As a student from
China, they said they ap preciated the opportunity to gather.
“During our education al experience in mainland China, we’re told not to speak up in public. I never took part in these situa tions before and so I really cherish this experience,” they said.
Many students who spoke called for support and recognition of Chi
nese protests, from both American citizens and the Chinese community.
“For our English-speak ing friends, the best way you could help is to speak to your Chinese friends and learn more about China and how we ended up here,” one student said. “China is more complicat ed than you might think.”
Another student speak er discussed what they see as the specific duty of Chinese Americans to speak up.
“We have the unique privilege to be citizens of a place where we can speak, read, and write freely, and it is our responsibility to use those rights and free doms to fight injustice,” they said.
“There are so many brave souls in China risk ing their careers and the lives of their families and friends,” they continued. “Those of us that don’t have to risk those [things] have the moral obligation to use our rights.”
A student from Beijing said they felt it was im portant to take a stand.
“It shows our friends in China which side we’re on, especially considering there are Chinese agents everywhere in the free world. It’s important to show them that we’re not afraid and we are here to freely communicate our sentiment against the Chinese government,” they told the ‘Prince.’
Biao said that Ameri cans can support Chinese protesters and democ racy activists by sharing information, especially through social media.
“If more and more peo ple in the world know what’s happening in Chi na, that puts pressure on Chinese authorities,” he said. He also urged Amer icans to write to their elected leaders.
“Tell your leaders to be more confrontational to China,” Biao said. “They should prioritize human rights and democratiza tion instead of trade and business.”
Several speakers dis cussed family members in China and their experi ences with the lockdowns. Some spoke about friends
who were involved with the protests and their de sire to help support the Chinese people marching in the streets.
“I speak for myself and for those who I love in China,” one student said to summarize their pur pose.
Others chose to read po ems or sing songs to ex press their love for China and their desire for free dom.
“If I were a bird, I would sing with my hoarse voice of this land buffeted by storms. Why are my eyes brimming with tears? Be cause I love this land so dearly,” recited one speak er.
Speaking with the ‘Prince’ after the event, the graduate student or ganizers discussed why they felt called to action in this moment.
“We want to let people know that the Communist Party doesn’t represent the people who suffer a lot from government poli cies,” said one organizer.
“I also want to tell people to show empathy for peo ple who live under author itarian systems, because it may take a long time for them to find their voices.”
“I’m very moved by peo ple speaking from their personal experiences and being very frank about the risk that they took in participating today,” said another organizer.
They said they hope that more U.S. citizens will be come engaged in support ing the Chinese people in these protests, and said they would continue to build solidarity among the Chinese international community in Princeton.
The vigil was held at 6 p.m. on Tuesday, Nov. 29 in front of Nassau Hall.
Michelle Miao is a news and newsletter contributor for the ‘Prince.’
Please direct any correc tions to corrections@dai
Biao: It’s really rare to see so many Chinese students show up. It’s dangerous and sensitive and may harm their professions and cause their families to be targeted
TigerApps — the team behind frequently used student sites such as Ti gerPath, TigerSnatch, TigerDraw, TigerFit, Ti gerRetail, TigerThrift, TigerResearch, and Tiger Tools — announced the development of a new app: TigerTiger.
TigerTiger is meant “to support students in all of their tiger-related needs, providing pictures of tigers, fun facts about tigers, and updates on the standings of the Clemson Tigers,” said senior devel oper Tiger Woods ’23.
“TigerTiger will offer a marketplace for the trad ing of Frosted Flakes and animal crackers and a Ti gerTiger@Nite page where students can talk about the sexy tiger from Zooto pia,” she continued.
Students have respond ed positively to the an nouncement.
“I’m really excited to have it all in one place,” said Daniel Tiger ’25, “since it usually becomes a hassle having to watch the San Diego Zoo TigerCam on one tab, while I watch Ti ger King on another.”
Other student respons es were more ambiguous. “Tiger tiger tiger tiger!” said TigerConfessions# moderator Tyga San. TigerConfessions# is not affiliated with Tiger Apps.
“Unless they want to be,” said Woods.
Liana Slomka is a head Hu mor editor and a senior with no desire to go into app manu facturing, but lots of desire to pet a tiger.
Dire situation for a king to be in
Juno, to the Greeks
Windows to the soul, it’s said
Witherspoon of “Legally Blonde”
Arizona city that is, according to Guinness World Records, the “Sunniest City on Earth”
Interrogated by a bartender
___ mater (brain cover)
Feeling down...or a hint to the answers of the starred clues?
Either co-founder of Apple
to find Bulls, with “the”
Cousin of a clarinet
Pull (in)
Opposite of fem.
Hook’s henchman
Pet sound
Online exchanges, in brief
Rack up
Pot grower?
R.E.M.’s “It’s the End of the World ___ Know It”
*Sports stoppages
“On the ___ of the Street” (Fats Waller classic)
Sylvester of “Glee”
Centers of interest
Far from wimpy
Peachy keen
Video-sharing app
Shakespearean king
Grimm beginning?
What many Georgians will do on December 6th
Squeaks (by)
Pac-12 squad
Dinar : Iran :: ___ : Mexico
“I kissed thee ___ I kill’d thee”: “Othello”
By Katherine Dailey Staff ConstructorPrinceton recently announced its new Learning and Educa tion Through Service (LENS) initiative, which “will allow all undergraduates to spend a summer focused on service and social impact work that engages with communi ties beyond campus.” LENS will work in coordination with the Center for Career Develop ment and the Pace Center for Civic Engagement to connect students with the University’s existing service internship opportunities.
The establishment of the LENS program is worthy of applause, and the program is a tangible manifestation of the University’s commitment to its unofficial motto “Princ eton in the nation’s service and the service of humanity.”
The LENS program will ensure that no Princeton undergradu ate student will have to pass up an incredible nonprofit or service opportunity because the opportunity is unpaid.
While LENS is a good start for increasing first-genera tion low-income (FLI) student representation in service in ternships, it does not go far enough. Opportunities facili tated by the University under LENS, such as the Summer So cial Impact Internship (SSII) Fund, the John C. Bogle ’51 Fel lows in Civic Service program, and the Liman Fellowship, all cap their funding at $6,000. While this sum might be suf
ficient for some non-FLI stu dents who can rely on parental support during their intern ships, $6,000 is not sufficient for FLI students participating in these programs.
To address this issue, Princ eton should establish a part nership between the Emma Bloomberg Center for Access and Opportunity and LENS in order to create FLI-specific funds to supplement LENS. For many students, a $6,000 funding cap on internships is sufficient, but the University should provide FLI students with the opportunity to se cure up to $5000 in additional funding. With this additional funding, LENS opportunities can become a truly viable op tion for the Princeton FLI com munity.
Nonprofit internships — 68.1 percent of them, to be ex act — go unpaid, according to a National Association of Col leges and Employers (NACE) 2021 survey. For comparison, only about 30 percent of forprofit internships are unpaid. For FLI students, it is difficult to choose an unpaid intern ship over a summer job or paid internship, even though many unpaid internships provide valuable service and learning experiences.
I know that for myself and other FLI students, summers represent an important oppor tunity to save up for movein costs and expenses that we will incur throughout the aca demic year. Therefore, accept ing an unpaid internship is oftentimes completely out of
the question for FLI students, which is reflected in the NACE data. Only about a quarter of students who accept unpaid internships are FLI. The ma jority of unpaid interns are white students, who on aver age come from wealthier back grounds, when compared to their Black or Latinx peers.
When one completes a sum mer internship outside of their hometown, one is likely to face significant travel costs in addition to basic living expenses for the eight to 10 weeks. Living in big cities is
always expensive especially due to rent, and this has only gotten worse due to inflation.
If a Princeton FLI student were to complete an internship in New York City or Washington D.C., for example, they might reasonably spend all of their Princeton funding on hous ing and living expenses. These students would then not have any funds left to save for the upcoming school year, unless they were to take on a job in addition to their full-time in ternship. FLI students should not have to take on extra work
simply to avoid financial bur dens while completing a non profit internship.
The University has taken an important first step with the creation of the LENS program. Now Princeton must make further improvements to in crease accessibility to service internships for FLI students on campus.
Ndeye Thioubou is a columnist and sophomore from the Bronx, N.Y. She can be reached at nthiou
peers and of the University as a whole. While Princeton’s in formal motto may be “in the nation’s service and the service of humanity,” few students truly engage in service during their time on campus.
On Oct. 20, 1970, in the pages of The Daily Princetonian, a col umnist called on their fellow students to use the “two-week recess” (what we now know as fall break) to campaign against “Nixon Republicans” and protest the Vietnam War. The columnist explained that “apathy is the attitude of the moment,” even among those students who do oppose the war.
Even after 52 years, I be lieve that sentiment still rings true for the many Princeton students who feel dissatis fied with the apathy towards service and activism of their
There’s no scarcity of re sources, service opportunities, or even time among students at Princeton. In thinking about students’ lack of service, we have only ourselves to blame.
When only 10 percent of Public and International Af fairs students end up in the Public and Non-Profit sectors, a stark juxtaposition to both Princeton’s informal motto and the very inclusion of “pub lic” in the major’s name, it’s unsurprising that the Univer sity is making efforts to in crease student participation in service.
One such example is the re cent rollout of LENS: Learn ing and Education through
Service, an initiative that appears to expand on the al ready-existing PICS (Princeton Internships in Civic Service) program. (It is disheartening that the University felt it nec essary to tear down the Princ eton women’s history exhibit on Frist’s wall to make room for the advertisements of this expansion.)
They chose to describe the new program as “allow[ing] all undergraduates to spend a summer focused on service and social impact.” The Uni versity’s actions seem to indi cate that the administration is focused on addressing a re source and opportunity deficit in relation to service on cam pus.
In actuality, no such defi cit exists. Several avenues for pursuing service opportuni ties both during the academic year and during the summer already exist and can be eas
ily found through the Pace Center for Civic Engagement’s website. In addition to the aforementioned PICS pro gram, there’s Princeton RISE, Bogle Fellows in Civic Service, Projects for Peace, as well as numerous volunteer organiza tions on campus like El Centro ESL Tutoring and Arm in Arm, to name a few.
A common explanation for student apathy in relation to service on campus is that there’s simply not enough time to pursue service opportuni ties. Balancing Princeton’s no toriously difficult course load, along with clubs, sports, and social activities doesn’t leave room for service. So what if the University were to lighten its course work to free up stu dents’ ability to pursue ser vice?
I argue this would be inef fective because no number of extra hours in a day or even a paid service internship, as LENS offers, will attract stu dents already indifferent to service. We have the ability to allot time in our busy sched ules for the activities, academ ic or otherwise, that we value and prioritize above others. Princeton students already have the autonomy to fit ser vice into their schedule — but only if they actively choose to prioritize it over other things.
Volunteering in vulnerable communities not only assists those populations, but hu manizes people who are too of ten reduced to numbers in the media — whether that number is 2.76 million migrants cross ing the border in 2022, 552,830 homeless people in the US, or 2 million people incarcerated in the U.S. criminal justice sys tem. As soon-to-be graduates of a prestigious institution, there is no doubt that many
of us will soon enter positions of power and hold the ability to influence the lives of those we’ve never met in immensely impactful ways.
While it takes great moral fortitude to leave the ivory tower or venture beyond Princeton’s “Orange Bubble” by volunteering in vulnerable communities, my hope is that those service experiences will help guide decisions made by Princeton’s future senators, judges, consultants, and ex ecutives.
Maybe a future prosecutor will think twice before sen tencing a lower income and marginalized defendant to probation with 400 hours of community service once they remember that they struggled themselves to complete even three hours of service a week during college. Or perhaps volunteering as an ESL tutor may put a face to the migrants impacted by the policies of a future senator from Princeton.
No matter what class year you are at Princeton or how busy your schedule is, I be lieve we should all set aside two to three hours a week and commit to volunteering in the community outside of cam pus. The isolating “Orange Bubble” can very easily be bro ken if we commit to making the effort to leave it.
It’s imperative that Princ eton students, as future lead ers and decision makers of our society, humanize vulnerable populations and interact with others outside of our imme diate community during their time as undergraduates.
Ashley Olenkiewicz is a sopho more and assistant Opinion edi tor for the ‘Prince’ studying public policy and journalism. She can be reached at
vol. cxlvi
Marie-Rose Sheinerman ’23 business manager Benjamin Cai ’24
Thomas E. Weber ’89
vice president
David Baumgarten ’06
secretary Chanakya A. Sethi ’07
treasurer Douglas Widmann ’90
assistant treasurer Kavita Saini ’09
trustees Francesca Barber Craig Bloom ’88
Kathleen Crown Suzanne Dance ’96 Gabriel Debenedetti ’12
Stephen Fuzesi ’00
Zachary A. Goldfarb ’05
Michael Grabell ’03
John G. Horan ’74 Rick Klein ’98 James T. MacGregor ’66 Julianne Escobedo Shepherd Abigail Williams ’14 Tyler Woulfe ’07
trustees ex officio Marie-Rose Sheinerman ’23 Benjamin Cai ’24
Omar Farah ’23 Caitlin Limestahl ’23
Isabel Rodrigues ’23
Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Melat Bekele ’24 Auhjanae McGee ’23
To the Editor: Since the start of the semester, there have been mul tiple pieces in The Daily Princetonian about Com munity Action’s (CA) firstyear orientation program, offering valuable insights into student perceptions and feedback that will en able community partners, CA staff, and CA Fellows to improve the experience for future students.
ters/social media platforms, planting a new section of our pollinator garden, prepar ing environmental educa tion materials, and repairing one of our challenge course elements. In addition, the Pace Center arranged for one group to visit Trenton to work with another commu nity partner.
In all cases, the service work that Princeton students performed at PBC was mean ingful and made a measur able difference to our staff and the clients that we serve.
poverty in Trenton from a two-hour session to an hour and allowed the groups to try the high ropes course. Each year after the program ends, PBC debriefs from the ex perience internally to learn how we can make improve ments. We also debrief the program with CA staff and our CA Fellow. Finally, we use a survey tool that is ad ministered to all CA Leaders to make immediate program improvements and provide coaching to our staff.
Evelyn Doskoch ’23
José Pablo Fernández García ’23
Financial Stipend Program Rooya Rahin ’23
Engagement Analytics Sai Rachumalla ’24
Sections listed in alphabetical order.
head audience editor
Rowen Gesue ’24 head copy editors
Alexandra Hong ’23 Nathalie Verlinde ’24 associate copy editors
Catie Parker ’23
Cecilia Zubler ’23 head web design editors
Anika Maskara ’23 Brian Tieu ’23 associate web design editor
Ananya Grover ’24 head graphics editors
Ashley Chung ’23
Noreen Hosny ’25 head print design editor
Juliana Wojtenko ’23 associate print design editor
Dimitar Chakarov ’24 head data editor
Sam Kagan ’24 head features editors
Sydney Eck ’24 Alex Gjaja ’23 head news editors
Katherine Dailey ’24 Drew Somerville ’24 associate news editors
Kalena Blake ’24
Anika Buch ’24 Sandeep Mangat ’24 newsletter editors
Kareena Bhakta ’24 Amy Ciceu ’24
head opinion editor
Genrietta Churbanova ’24 community editor
Rohit A. Narayanan ’24 associate opinion editor
Lucia Wetherill ’25 head photo editor
Candace Do ’24 associate photo editors
Angel Kuo ’24
Isabel Richardson ’24 head podcast editor
Hope Perry ’24 associate podcast editors
Jack Anderson ’23 Senna Aldoubosh ’25
Eden Teshome ’25 head prospect editors José Pablo Fernández García ’23
Kerrie Liang ’25 associate prospect editors
Molly Cutler ’23
Cathleen Weng ’24 head puzzles editors
Gabriel Robare ’24
Owen Travis ’24 associate puzzles editors
Juliet Corless ’24
Joah Macosko ’25
Cole Vandenberg ’24 head humor editors Claire Silberman ’23
Liana Slomka ’23 associate humor editor
Spencer Bauman ’25 head sports editors
Wilson Conn ’25 Julia Nguyen ’24 associate sports editor Ben Burns ’23 Elizabeth Evanko ’23
assistant business manager
Shirley Ren ’24 business directors
David Akpokiere ’24
Samantha Lee ’24
Ananya Parashar ’24 Gloria Wang ’24 project managers
Anika Agarwal ’25 John Cardwell ’25
Jack Curtin ’25 Diya Dalia ’24 Jonathan Lee ’24
Juliana Li ’24 Justin Ong ’23 Xabier Sardina ’24 business associate Jasmine Zhang ’24
Tanvi Nibhanupudi ’23 Zachariah Wirtschafter Sippy ’23 Strategic initiative directors 146TH TECHNOLOGY BOARD
software engineers
As a five-year partner with CA and a 114-year partner with the University com munity, we thought it im portant to share some in formation about how the Princeton-Blairstown Cen ter (PBC) approaches the vi tal job of helping first-year students acclimate to Princ eton, and how committed we are to improving the pro gram where possible.
The published goals of the CA program are clear. The Pace Center’s website states, “CA introduces first-year students to community at Princeton and the surround ing area. Students learn what it means to be part of a com munity, how to grapple with complex societal questions, and begin to develop an awareness of their personal values.”
From the moment we greet students at our PBC welcome circle, we talk about students taking risks, stepping out of their comfort zones, and get ting to know others in their small group and in the larger community — people who can serve as a valuable sup port group when they return to campus.
While service has always been integral to the CA ori entation week, it has pur posefully taken a back seat to community building. PBC’s ropes and challenge course activities, canoeing, prob lem-solving initiatives, and hikes are intentionally de signed to build strong, last ing CA group relationships and bonds.
We also endeavor to pro vide authentic service oppor tunities that relate directly to our mission of serving young people from histori cally marginalized commu nities. This year’s service projects included creating and painting a garden sign, writing for PBC’s newslet
One important takeaway for PBC from the recent discus sion about Community Ac tion is that we must do a better job helping CA stu dents understand the value and impact their service has on the young people we serve throughout the year. For ex ample, our vegetable and pol linator gardens are essential to our food justice program, providing a space for handson exercises which we use to equip young people with the knowledge and skills they need to address food insecu rity in their communities. In addition, the environmental education materials pre pared by the CA volunteers will be used to help students from cities like Trenton and Newark to better understand the water cycle and ways that environmental toxins creep into drinking water supplies in those communities and beyond.
We take our CA role very seriously. Each year, we meet numerous times with our CA Fellows — Princeton students who coordinate the program — to listen care fully to their goals and help them plan and execute the very best program possible for Princeton students. Our Fellows come out to PBC’s site in advance, as do all the CA Leaders who will facili tate groups at PBC. We want the CA Leaders to feel a sense of physical and emotional safety and familiarity at PBC so they can provide the best experience possible.
During the 2022 program, in conjunction with the CA Fellow working with the Princeton-Blairstown Cen ter, we made real-time ad justments based on weather, group needs, group feed back, and morale. Integrat ing feedback from Group 18 CA Leaders, including one of the students quoted in the initial article, we adjusted a session where the group learned about the effects of
Going forward, if our CA Fellows prefer, there are many opportunities to pro vide service experiences with other community part ners located near PBC. There are local groups involved with food insecurity, land preservation and steward ship, poverty, employment services and training, and youth development, among others.
At the same time, regard less of where the service takes place and what types of ser vice opportunities are avail able, it’s important to realize that nonprofit organizations have varying degrees of ca pacity to utilize volunteers. Even in the best of times, without the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic that still plague nonprofits, the opportunity to utilize shortterm volunteers to their best effect may not be possible. In addition, it is often the case that short-term volun teer opportunities — which frequently include essential but seemingly menial tasks — are not always perceived as meaningful by the vol unteers because they often don’t have the chance to con nect directly with the clients they are assisting.
PBC looks forward to con tinuing our valued partner ship with the Pace Center and adjusting our program ming based on students’ feedback to CA and each new CA Fellow we work with. We are grateful for the pas sionate feedback expressed by Princeton students and encourage their continued participation in shaping the CA orientation program through volunteering to be a CA Leader and/or applying to be a CA Fellow.
Pam Gregory is the President & CEO at the Princeton-Blair stown Center. Mark DeBiasse is the Vice President of Programs at the Princeton-Blairstown Center.
Roma Bhattacharjee ’25
Dimitar Chakarov ’24
Avi Chesler ’25
Malia Gaviola ’26
Annabel Green’26
Brooke McCarthy ’25 Zach Williamson ’26 Juliana Wojtenko ’23 AND COPIED BY Jason Luo ’25
Content Warning: The following column contains mention of anti semitism.
The global rise of anti semitism is an indis putable fact. According to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), 2021 resulted in the “highest number [of anti semitic incidents throughout the United States] on record since the ADL began tracking antisemitic incidents in 1979.” Universities are not immune to this increase in antisemitism. In 2021, the ADL reported 155 incidents that occurred at col leges and universities — a 21 percent increase from 2020. The University is not exempt from this increase in hateful rheto ric. It is no longer enough for students to simply not be anti semitic; the University commu
nity needs to confront and de nounce antisemitism directly.
Recently, social media has brought antisemitism to the forefront of many people’s pag es when Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, tweeted to his 31.8 million followers that he would go “death con 3 on JEWISH PEO PLE.” Ye did not stop his hate speech there — he boasted an tisemitic remarks and conspir acy theories in interviews with Tucker Carlson on Fox News, Chris Cuomo on NewsNation, and Revolt TV.
Ye’s antisemitic rhetoric has circulated extensively across so cial media platforms and been swiftly embraced by known antisemitic extremist groups. The Goyim Defense League, one of the top distributors of antisemitic propaganda in 2021 according to the ADL, held a demonstration in support of Ye’s statements toting banners above Interstate 405 in Los An
geles that stated, “Kanye is right about the Jews,” as members stood nearby in a Nazi salute.
When you’re in the Orange Bubble, it’s easy to feel like these acts of antisemitism are far away, but this assumption is naive. A few days after Ye’s tweet threatening Jewish people, the Barstool Princeton Instagram account (@barstoolprinceton) reposted an edited version of the “death con” tweet, along with others from Ye, to their feed. The edited tweet alterna tively read “going death con 3 on MIDTERMS” with the caption, “Some kanye tweets for mid terms szn.”
When the post was met with a few comments calling it out for its inappropriateness and insensitivity due to the grav ity of the situation, @barstool princeton deleted their original post and reposted it without the “death con” tweet, and did not explicitly acknowledge their
Mock tweets like that of @ barstoolprinceton ignore the seriousness of the threats that Ye spreads online. Hate speech is not a joking matter when it can so easily turn into real physical violence. On Thurs day, Nov. 3, Rabbi Gil Steinlauf ’91 sent an email to the Center for Jewish Life (CJL) commu nity responding to a warning the Federal Bureau of Investi gation (FBI) tweeted on Nov. 3. The unusual tweet mentioned “a broad threat to synagogues in NJ” and to “take all security precautions.”
In his email, Steinlauf wrote that there is “‘no indication whatsoever’ that the CJL is a target in any way,” and that the Center “‘is taking this matter seriously.’” The Department of Public Safety is working with the CJL to increase security.
In the wake of such physi cal threats, normalizing hate speech by manipulating it into a lighthearted Instagram post is dangerous. It ignores the real, far-reaching consequences of online discourse, especially when promoted by celebrities with tens of millions of follow ers. Antisemitic incidents are increasing at an alarming rate. Extremist groups, or individu als inspired by extremist ide ology, were responsible for 484 incidents in 2021 alone, an 18 percent increase from 2020, ac cording to the ADL.
lence against one community. It’s not normal to feel fear when attending synagogue. All of these experiences are unaccept able and must be condemned, not normalized.
The CJL recently worked with the Office of the Dean of Un dergraduate Students (ODUS) to present a workshop for Princ eton students entitled “Jewish Identity, Inclusion, and Anti semitism on Campus.” The CJL hopes to host more events in the future around the topic and has found the university eager to “promote [their] antisemitism education for students, faculty, and administration.”
On Nov. 16, the Undergradu ate Student Government (USG) voted to pass a resolution con demning antisemitism and recommending the increase of trainings on campus around the issue. While this resolution may be a step in the right direc tion on the part of USG, there is so much more than needs to be done.
HESS/ THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN Center for Jewish Life.It’s not normal for a celebrity to spew hate to an audience of millions. It’s not normal for the FBI to issue warnings about serious threats to one group throughout a whole state. It’s not normal for entire groups of people to wish, and incite, vio
The University community cannot take hate speech lightly and turn it into humor when these remarks have real impacts on many members of our own community, as was exemplified when Rabbi Steinlauf relayed the threat that the FBI warned of to the CJL community. Princ eton hosts a large and vibrant Jewish community. The entire campus has a responsibility to protect these students — not to invalidate their experiences by turning consequential threats of violence into an Instagram meme.
Charlotte Pfenning is a first-year from Fairfield, Conn. She can be reached at
Currently, it’s impossible to walk around campus without encountering one of the over eleven ongoing construction projects in the area — such as the University Art Museum, the demolition of First College, renovations near Frist Campus Center, and an overhaul of Whitman College’s heating system. While some construc tion is necessary to campus in frastructure and development, the scale and number of the proj ects have transformed Princeton into an active construction zone. Altogether, the current state of campus creates a sense of ad ministrative deprioritization of student comfort and wellbeing. The catalyst behind the major ity of the construction projects is Princeton’s commitment to creating a net-zero campus and expanding the student body. While the University is expand ing and becoming more sustain able, these endeavors are not worth sacrificing the commu nity’s wellbeing. Instead of do ing whatever it takes to fulfill its tight timeline, Princeton should focus on prioritizing the needs of its present community, includ ing minimizing the impact of construction and investing in accessible, community-friendly spaces that can coexist with con struction efforts.
Right now, most students are dissatisfied and frustrated about the prevalence of construction because it reshapes how students move through campus every day. Most prominently, construction efforts severely impact campus circulation and walkability: the path obstructions and sidewalk diversions, in particular, have harmful accessibility and safety
implications. Students are con stantly facing new construction detours to classes and dining halls, causing frustration and wasting time. Walkways around construction are often narrow and lack nearby shaded seating or require sharp turns or inclines — all features that can hinder ac cess to some wheelchair-users or disabled individuals.
Near Frist, confusing or inef ficient sidewalk diversions force some students to walk on the road, putting themselves and drivers at risk. In a survey I sent to all residential college listservs, 96.8 percent of 154 respondents have been negatively impacted by pedestrian detours. One firstyear wrote that “I feel like every day there is another path closure to make my walk to class a lot harder.” Several other students noted that the detours cause “on going discomfort and frustra tion” and show “lack of consid eration for overall student life.”
These detours have trans formed campus, and the Uni versity is transparently aware of their impact: the construction website’s constantly updating lists and maps, the TigerSafe app, and text alerts are all examples. However, most students aren’t aware of how to find this infor mation. 72.3 percent of students surveyed said they weren’t aware of how to find updated informa tion on campus detours, and 83 percent said they weren’t regu larly informed of changes.
Alongside its impact on cam pus circulation, construction also causes noise and air pol lution that have significant ad verse impacts on students’ daily lives. Over 50 percent of hous ing this year is next to construc tion, causing most students to be heavily affected by noise and air pollution every day. Areas near
construction sites are plagued by foul smells, particulate residue in the air, and loud noises. The survey reported that 68.8 per cent of respondents have been impacted by noise pollution and 50.6 percent by air pollution.
These adverse impacts are all counterproductive to the Uni versity’s established campus mobility principles, which are the justification for construction in the first place. These goals include making the University an “easy, safe place to walk and move around,” and designing for pedestrians and bikes while prioritizing accessibility and netzero emissions. Many commu nity members are supportive of these goals: a first-year wrote in my survey that Princeton “isn’t afraid to reinvent itself over again and again,” while a sopho more wrote that, “[Construction is] for a good cause; we have to improve old buildings and envi ronmentally wasteful pipe sys tems eventually.”
However, in the process of transforming campus to align with its future expansion goals, Princeton is actually making things worse for its current oc cupants. True adherence to its campus mobility principles would mean that the University prioritizes a usable campus for its current residents, not just fu ture students.
It’s also important to reflect on how construction takes away from our community beneath the surface. Waking up to con struction noises isn’t simply a drain on students’ mental en ergy and health, it also sends the message that students’ daily well-being is deprioritized over finishing construction as soon as possible. Similarly, Whitman’s front lawn construction isn’t simply an eyesore; it also blocks
access to a public space students used to use for community bond ing, picnicking, and relaxing.
One sophomore wrote that, “It feels as if my college expe rience is being glossed over for the ‘greater good’ because future students will get … to experience a clean and new campus. Mean while, I’m stuck walking around on an inaccessible and messy campus.” Nowadays, it feels as though Princeton is being inhab ited by its future students rather than its present community.
In order to mitigate the impact of the construction on students’ lives, Princeton needs to imple ment temporary and permanent adaptations to its policies and infrastructure. In the shorter term, the University should pur sue more effective information dissemination on pedestrian detours and construction sched ules, adapt construction times to reflect student needs, and pause construction completely dur ing exam periods. In the longer term, Princeton should seek stu dent input on minimizing the impact of its expansion plan. This involves implementing a two-way channel of communica tion between students and the University to encourage student input on community needs and complaints regarding changing campus features and construc tion projects. This could be ex ecuted through USG town hall initiatives or email surveys. Ei ther way, students deserve a voice in deciding major changes to our campus in the coming months and years.
Additionally, Princeton must physically redesign its construc tion accommodations to pri oritize pedestrian needs. This includes integrating climateappropriate and accessible de sign features that can coexist
with construction projects. For instance, many construction path diversions are not well-lit and suffer from surfacing prob lems that allow puddles and mud to collect. The University should look into implementing all-weather design elements for walkways, including paths re sistant to rain, wind, and snow. This also includes accessibil ity features, such as establishing more shaded seating areas near walkways.
According to a Nov. 1 email, the University has already stated its commitment to increasing lighting on campus, but it needs to install temporary safety lights and cameras along construction diversions. Other areas of cam pus would also benefit from the accessibility and safety of in creased lighting, such as the Poe Field path to Yeh and NCW. Addi tionally, construction path diver sions have also drawn attention to the hazards of combined pe destrian-cyclist lanes; cramped and winding paths through con struction prevent effective and safe campus circulation when pedestrians, cyclists, and people on motorized scooters all occupy the same space.
Overall, Princeton’s con struction projects have created immeasurable disruptions to student life and the campus com munity. Especially considering plans to increase construction in the coming years, it is critical for the University to adapt its cam pus development strategies and preserve the welfare of its current community.
Tara Shukla is a sophomore from Highland Park, N.J., studying com puter science and economics. Tara can be reached at ts6796@princeton. edu.
“Poetry is ultimate expression. When we’re deeply hurt, we write in our little journals, right? A lot of magic comes out of those words. Much of that magic is poetry,” said Marilyn Chin, one of Princeton’s most recent faculty members in the Program in Creative Writing, where she serves as a Visiting Lec turer and Holmes Poet.
Chin, 67, said she had just decid ed to reread Toni Morrison’s works when she received a call from Cre ative Writing Director Yiyun Li, asking her to come teach creative writing on campus. Chin said, “It was like Toni Morrison was speak ing to me. I feel her presence here [at Princeton]. I’m just flowing, in a Taoist way. Flow with the uni verse.”
Chin, a self-described “poetry geek,” has roots all over the world, in Hong Kong, Beijing, Taiwan, Portland, Iowa, and, most recently, New Jersey. Her earliest memories of poetry come from her grand mother in Hong Kong, who would recite memorized poetry while car rying Chin on her back.
“She had this deep memory and chanted all these poems. I heard poetry very young. It started cours ing in army blood. I didn’t under stand a word of it, but something about the music and the persis tence of her voice became deeply ingrained in my soul,” Chin said.
Chin went on to earn a degree in Chinese literature before becom ing one of the first Asian American women to earn a Master in Fine Arts (MFA) in creative writing from the Iowa Writers’ Workshop, one of the most celebrated graduatelevel creative writing programs in
the country. Chin is a trailblazer: in addition to her MFA, Chin is a Fulbright Scholar, Radcliffe In stitute Fellow, Holmes Poet, and professor.
“I guess I am the ‘OG’ of Asian American poetry. I started writ ing these rah-rah Asian American feminist poems. I argued with people on panels, and I just caused a little trouble in my youth,” said Chin.
One of Chin’s current students, Ethan Luk ’24, said he took her in troductory poetry class because of Chin’s background. In taking her course, Luk built an understand ing of the value of Asian American visibility within poetry.
“Asian American poets haven’t been given enough recognition in the literary landscape. I consider them to be like guardian figures in my life,” Luk said.
“They make me feel so seen even though I have never met them,” he continued. “Sharing space with an Asian American poet like Marilyn Chin feels like a long overdue ex perience. Representation matters, and when it happens, it feels like a puzzle piece has finally fallen into place.”
Chin brought female, Asian American-centered poetry to the forefront of her field. She partly attributes the inspiration for her trailblazing poems to music.
“It helps me to hear the voice, hear the songs, hear the music of poetry,” Chin said. “Each poem feels like an epiphany. They’re like little songs. And when I finally fin ish one I feel gratified.”
“Whatever upsets you in your heart that you need to express, you’re going to express it,” Chin continued. “There’s magic in ev ery poem we write, and I believe
that there is true revelation. So you can’t from your poem. Your truth will come out through the words, through the images.”
One way Chin expresses herself is through politics. Clad in a “No torious RBG” shirt, she described herself as part of the Second-wave feminist movement.
“I think the personal is political. I’ve always written autobiographi cal poetry. The Self represents something larger than the Self. The Self represents the community, the world, our species, the globe,” she said.
Beyond sharing emotions with the world, Chin describes poetry as a private reflection on a person’s own experiences: “Poetry is deep in our souls, in our hearts.”
Luk said he relates to this deeply personal nature of poetry, describ ing it as a unit of time he uses to measure the different phases of life.
“Poetry has taught me to view my experiences with sensitivity and tenderness. It’s kind of a magi cal experience when you see how your experiences have distilled into a body of language. My col lection of poems on my laptop feel like a personal archive, or a photo library. Except I have created every thing within the photos,” Luk said.
Christopher Nunez ’26, another student in Chin’s introductory po etry class, said he appreciates the liberating nature of poetry: “You kind of let go of any thoughts you have. It’s like whatever’s on my mind is on the paper.”
Nunez is a data reporter for The Daily Princetonian.
Chin’s own passion for poetry translates into the way that she en gages with her students.
“I see myself as an ambassador
for the genre of poetry because I love it so much. I want everybody to love it,” Chin said. “Poetry is inef fable. It’s something that you can’t define completely. When we’re en gaged in our studies and we worry about the future and how to make our living and so forth, it is impor tant to have an art form that is in effable, that is something beyond our human and present purpose. It speaks to our humanity.”
Nunez noted that Chin’s passion for poetry shines through in her teaching style: “She’s honestly one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met and is so open to help and talk about poetry in a way that’s calm ing and makes you feel like you really want to learn.”
As part of her quest to imbue students with a love for poetry, Chin said she makes sure to assign the widest possible array of poets. She has her students “read, read, read,” she said, “because poetry has a deep and fascinating history. It’s universal, it’s personal, it’s ancient, it’s contemporary. I require a lot of reading because they really need a foundation of what poetry is.”
Nunez appreciates the diverse foundation of texts that forms Chin’s syllabus. “She really wants to expose the class to poetry that isn’t what we normally see,” Nunez explained. “It’s not just either mod ern poetry or Shakespeare style po etry. She’s allowed us to see the voices of so many people. I think that’s really important if you want to grow as a writer and learn more about the diversity behind writ ing.”
For Chin, it’s not just about read ing poetry: it’s about the experi ence of reading poetry. For this rea son, she said she has her students read from a physical copy rather
than a digital one.
“When you’re sitting quietly and reading off a page, you have this personal connection with the poet, and I think that is very important. I purposely chose books for my class that they can’t get off the internet,” Chin said.
Once they have acquired a di verse background through read ing, Chin instructs her students to write about anything they want. She views her role as giving stu dents the tools for creation, so that they can craft their own work.
“They write about all kinds of stuff. They move me and shock me every day,” Chin said.
In teaching college students, Chin has come to appreciate the “beginner mind,” after having taught at an MFA program for more than 20 years.
“The introductory students, some of them have never written a poem, so they’re fresh. The Zen poets always say, ‘beginner mind, best mind.’ I’m enjoying my time here because they’re so enthusias tic,” said Chin.
Aside from teaching beginners, Chin is currently working on a new book of poems titled “Sage,” which is set for release in late spring 2023.
“I’m really almost Zen. I mean, almost,” Chin remarked, describ ing a pervasive feeling of peace and contentment she experiences on campus. “I’m just so happy to be here. I’m having a great time. I find the students immensely entertain ing. They make me very happy.”
Sam Yamashita is a Features con tributor for The Daily Princetonian.
Please direct any correction requests to corrections@dailyprincetonian. com.
Earlier this month, they sat in a box outside Frist Campus Center — orange duct tape on the side walk marking seven by nine feet, the size of a solitary confinement cell. For 23 hours, student activists with Students for Prison Education, Abolition, and Reform (SPEAR) al ternated sitting in the duct-taped rectangle for one hour at a time, and manning the information table to the side of the rectangle.
Although the group is perhaps best known for this annual demon stration, they work on many other initiatives and programs through out the year. The Daily Princetonian sat down with present and past members of the organization to learn about the development of the group, their current projects, and their goals for the future.
Propelled by a group of Univer sity undergraduates involved in the Petey Greene Program (PGP) — a project to support the academic goals of incarcerated and formerly incarcerated people — SPEAR was launched to advocate for the aboli tion of the carceral system and a rectification of ineffective reinte gration programs for incarcerated individuals in the United States.
“SPEAR is an abolitionist group that seeks to take a lot of the re sources Princeton has and redis tribute them to communities in New Jersey,” SPEAR co-president Amber Rahman ’24 said during their Sept. 19 meeting. “We want to do a lot of advocacy work to resist carcerality.”
Rahman’s goal for SPEAR is a two-part reintegration plan. Part of the goal is to campaign for pol icy changes and do direct service work, such as teaching in prisons. But beyond this, Rahman said she wants SPEAR to work towards making prisons themselves obso lete in order to promote a process of rehabilitation over punishment. And in doing so, SPEAR’s end goal is ultimately to prevent the societal
alienation of formerly incarcerated people.
Since its founding, SPEAR has subdivided into five committees, all encompassing a central philoso phy of improving the incarceration system: Reentry, Princeton Stu dents Against Policing (PSAP), Im migration, Project Solidarity and Divestment.
To supplement their efforts, a large portion of SPEAR concen trates on creating programs and syllabi that provide and universal ize education for incarcerated in dividuals.
The committee focused on the reentry process primarily partners with New Jersey Prison Justice Watch and the American Reentry Initiative in the aim to expand ac cess to Princeton resources for in carcerated individuals. According to Rahman, this committee hopes that SPEAR’s work will one day “cre ate more of a pipeline and a pathway to [acquire] Princeton degrees.” But currently, “[SPEAR] doesn’t really have a program that is accessible to formerly incarcerated folks to be able to come to Princeton and get an education,” according to Rahman.
As one of the “only spaces on campus that [has] engaged in ac tivist work, especially abolitionist work,” she said, “it [has] felt very meaningful” to take part in striving towards that outcome.
Reentry is one of SPEAR’s many ongoing initiatives for the year to construct a two-part reintegration program, helping individuals who were previously incarcerated to re establish themselves in society. The project comprises two segments: “Radical Imagination and the Polit ical Consciousness” and the “Wel come Home Initiative.”
“Radical Imagination and the Political Consciousness” is a com prehensive curriculum, curated by members of SPEAR, where indi viduals are introduced to a range
of unconventional subjects that relate to the reformation and de construction of unjust institutions.
Taught by University students and faculty, this first segment of “Re entry” takes place throughout the fall semester from late September to early November.
The course is designed to bolster discussion, debate systemic flaws within the status quo, and reevalu ate what being convicted means during incarceration and postrelease. It helps to develop mean ingful skills like the ability to lead discussions and think critically, while also introducing a range of subjects that relate to reformation and the deconstruction of unjust institutions. Topics are centered around the analysis of texts from past social movements that bolster discussion and debate.
From Afrofuturism to the dis section of revolutionary writings, Rahman said that the topics were purposefully chosen to “create a space to imagine alternative, better systems.”
“There are so many ways [in carcerated people] are disenfran chised,” she said, “even though these folks have a critical perspec tive to share on these texts.”
The second segment, “Welcome Home Initiative,” is a diversified network of helplines, resource centers, and on-call civic groups that promote the initial steps of re-socialization, ensuring that all individuals are equipped to adjust to society.
With the support of coalition groups like Princeton Progressives and the American Reentry Initia tive, the program helped facilitate over 2,200 New Jersey incarcerated people returning home in 2020 dur ing the COVID-19 pandemic. The group continues to receive dona tions and volunteer support from nearby community members, to re spond to the most immediate needs of those recently released.
SPEAR’s collaboration with the University and the Princeton com munity seeks to incentivize New Jersey adult learners to capitalize on resources like digital libraries, diversity internships, and welfare resources that are not normally pro vided or subsidized in the state.
The program simultaneously prepares these learners to build a profile and cultivate the tools nec essary to thrive in higher education so that one day they may be able to pursue an accredited bachelor’s degree from institutions like Princ eton.
Former co-president of SPEAR Amanda Eisenhouer ’21 reaffirmed this purpose and said she often spent her time as a leader of SPEAR reflecting and asking herself, “How can [students] leverage [their] con nection with the University to give back to the community as much as possible?”
With this increasing push to wards building interconnected programs between the formerly incarcerated and the University, Eisenhouer said she agrees that ac quiring the ability to affiliate one self with the Princeton name and recap experiences — like, “I spoke on a panel at Princeton or I took a class at Princeton” — can be a major step.
Returning back to normalcy af ter incarceration is “hard to fathom and is incredibly impossible to do,” said Eisenhouer. Reentry contrib utes to making society a place for these individuals to thrive, rather than letting them “figure it out with all of this baggage attached,” according to Eisenhouer.
Reflecting on how much change Reentry has undergone since her membership three years ago, Han nah Wang ’21, a former SPEAR member commented: “It’s really in teresting for me to hear, especially as an outsider. It wasn’t as fully fleshed out of an initiative [when I was there].”
Wang was formerly a senior news writer for the ‘Prince.’
Despite the major developments SPEAR has made with its projects, SPEAR’s leaders said that many of the organization’s ongoing de mands have been neglected or re sponded to with much ambiguity by the University. Included among these projects and initiatives are PSAP, a group that calls for the ter mination of Princeton’s campus police, PSAFE.
PSAP’s work resumed this fall,
“We did a lot with the freshmen and the PSAFE show, handing out a bunch of flyers [about] inaction and resistance,” Rahman said. “I really want to see this grow.”
The group has also been mobi lizing around The Reentry Com mittee’s proposal to administer university degrees to those who graduate from their curriculum. With this advocacy they have also maintained their five-year appeal to “Ban the Box,” referring to the University asking applicants about their criminal history or conviction of a felony.
Since its inception in 2018, “Ban the Box” has received support from students and alumni. Rahman and Eisenhouer said the University’s response over the years has been frustrating.
The group attended multiple meetings of the Council of the Princeton University Committee (CPUC) and held walk-outs as a sign of protest, but Rahman said that “we’ve been meeting with the ad min, and they have not done much.”
University Spokesperson Mi chael Hotchkiss told the ‘Prince’ that the University had no further comment on the matter.
But despite what they described as setbacks, both Wang and Eisen houer said they see the silver lining behind the organization’s continu ous campaigning.
“I never see this as [a loss], be cause even if you lose the campaign, you radicalize a lot of people along the way,” Eisenhouer said.
“I commend SPEAR for continu ing to stick with its guns,” said Wang, who was involved in the Ban the Box committee. “I hope that [SPEAR] recognizes that it’s amaz ing they were able to affect change at all but that also … they can and should keep fighting instead of compromising.”
The student group is still con testing amendments made by the Committee on Undergraduate Ad mission and Financial Aid (CUAFA) in 2019: changing the language of the question and adding the op tional appendix for applicants to explain the context of their actions.
Rahman asserts that to “have the question at all is a deterrent for peo ple applying.” She said she believes that the question demonstrates the University’s opinion that “the crim inal legal system is fair in any way.”
As their advocacy continues, Rahman said part of her focus is fostering the solid and supportive community necessary for the work to continue.
“Being… with people that are caring and loving is a critical step towards being able to exist outside of the system,” she said.
“Being in solidarity is a very beautiful thing,” Rahman said. Only through solidarity, she said, can groups like SPEAR “build the worlds [they] want.”
Keeren Setokusumo is a Features contributor for The Daily Princetonian. Please direct any correction requests to
Over fall break, I made Colombian arepas with a group of my friends in one of New College West’s communal kitchens. While teaching my friends how to knead the dough and figuring out how to turn on the too-fancy-for-its-own-good stove, I reflected on my past experiences making these savory delicacies with my family and on how I have grown as a Latina during my time at Princeton.
My parents escaped the guerilla movement in Colombia and moved to Houston, Texas in 1998. When I was born, my parents wanted to name me “Sofía,” but chose the spelling of my name to be “Sophia” so that it looked more American. Typically, Co lombian children are given both their paternal and maternal last name, but because my parents did not know that was even a possibility in the United States, I was named “Sophia Colmena res” instead of “Sophia Colmenares-Valencia.”
Nonetheless, my parents ensured that I grew up in a solidly Hispanic household. I remember making arepas with my mom on Saturday mornings, and I remember my dad teaching me the logistics of soccer while watching Colombia play in the FIFA World Cup.
Because my parents were some of the only family members who left Colombia, I did not grow up seeing much more of my biological family. My other blood relatives in the United States can be counted on one hand. Instead, my “family reunions” were typically composed of my parents’ Colombian friends that they met here in the United States. Many of my “aunts” and “uncles” were my parents’ friends, and my “cousins” were their children.
Still, that did not prevent us from being a tight-knit com munity, or in other words, a new “family” of sorts. Our re unions would still be filled with Colombian cumbia and pan trenza. Outside of my household, I grew up in a predominantly Hispanic neighborhood in which childhood classmates and friends came from all sorts of backgrounds. Some knew how to speak Spanish, some knew how to play Mariachi-style accor dion, and some would routinely eat paletas at the neighborhood paletería. Although I never really met most of my biological rel atives, being a part of this “makeshift” family always felt home.
Meanwhile, the mere “12 percent Hispanic undergraduates” statistic in the student population section of the admissions website never really sunk in until I physically came to Princ eton.
I suddenly was one of very few Hispanic students in my classes, especially in my engineering classes. I experienced academic imposter syndrome, as most incoming students do, but I also felt a cultural imposter syndrome.
Being the only Hispanic student in the room sometimes, I began to feel that I needed to prove something, that I needed to be Hispanic “enough” in order to be in the room, that I needed to fit in a strict “mold” to be worthy of representing my culture.
Even though I grew up in a Spanish-speaking household, I grew afraid to speak Spanish with other classmates and Latines on campus out of a fear of messing up the simplest of phrases. I felt like someone was always watching me for a moment of weakness, waiting to revoke my identity from me.
Whenever I vacuum my room, I blast salsa in my headphones in the same way my mom would blast music while doing house chores. Although I am still in my journey of finding a commu nity of those from a similar background, I am very happy with the other communities I have found at Princeton. And just how some of my routines remind me of how I grew up, sharing my culture with others brings a similar nostalgia and comfort.
I enjoyed watching “Encanto,” a Disney film set in Colombia, in Hamilton Hall at Mathey and pointing out that the incred ibly tall trees seen in this fictional magical world actually exist and are called “palmas de cera.” I enjoyed almost setting off the fire alarm from making arepas in the Bloomberg and New Col lege West kitchens with my friends, because in doing so, I felt like I was showing appreciation for my cultural identity in an entirely new way.
These small moments of showing the people I care about a glimpse of my culture has made me hopeful in overcoming my fears of being culturally “good enough.” I do not speak for all Princeton Latines, and my experience navigating my cultural identity may be vastly different from those of others. As the pandemic has faded in intensity, I’ve noticed and appreciated a greater presence from Hispanic and Latine-centered organiza tions, like the Princeton Latin American Student Association (PLASA). I hope that organizations such as PLASA continue to be more active in supporting the diverse student body within the Hispanic and Latine community on campus.
Just as I would shape the raw arepa dough into their circular shapes, Princeton, in a way, has helped shape my understand ing of my own cultural identity as Colombian-American. When I sat down that night over fall break to eat the arepas I made with my friends and we talked about our chaotic kitchen expe rience at New College West, I felt at home again. I am grateful that I have been able to find a new family here at Princeton through this group of friends I can call my own.
COURTESY OF SOPHIA COLMENARES Arepas.These days, I still feel this presence haunting me, even when I enter Latine affinity spaces, and I am continuously in battle over whether this feeling is warranted. Sometimes the routines I have at Princeton remind me of my childhood which, looking back, may be a way for me to compensate for the lost time I have away from my family.
Happy Ho-Ho-Holidays! We can all agree that there is an abundance of seasonal festive movies, televi sion specials, and music to inject some joy into 3 p.m. sunsets. On some long winter nights, all you need is to turn your brain off, turn on the TV, and sip some hot chocolate. Let me help you out with some recom mendations.
1. “Klaus”
Netflix’s 2019 release is an underrated piece of gor geous animation that uses an enigmatic and forwardlooking 2D-3D hybrid style and is packed with loads of holiday joy. It is an origin story for Santa Claus that’ll convince even the most cynical Santa-deniers among you.
2. “Die Hard”
Is it a Christmas movie? Is it not? It’s an age-old debate that has engaged religious scholars and Bruce Willis fans alike, but who cares! Let’s not box ourselves in. It is a fantastic action movie with some of the most quotable one-liners of all time, and it is definitely set during the holidays, so I’m including it.
3. “Arthur Christmas”
This 2015 animated movie from British studio Aard man (of “Wallace and Gromit” fame) is so profoundly creative and so inexplicably funny. It takes a modern twist on Santa’s Christmas operation while remain ing, at its core, a heartwarming story about sons and brothers. A must watch.
4. “Tokyo Godfathers”
Satoshi Kon is one of Japan’s most revered filmmak ers, and his work “Paprika” and “Perfect Blue” have left an indelible mark on anime and contemporary Ameri can cinema alike. However, most people unfortunately overlook the exceptional “Tokyo Godfathers” — a phe nomenal holiday movie about three homeless people in Tokyo who stumble upon an abandoned baby.
5. “The Guardians of the Galaxy Holiday Special” Marvel’s latest television special is such a perfect holiday treat. It’s light on its feet — self-aware, funny, and truly touching. It’s a must watch for any Marvel fans looking for a quick reminder why the Guardians of the Galaxy are the best family in the Marvel Cin ematic Universe.
As a child of the early-2000’s, it is my sworn duty to at least check out any new Lindsay Lohan projects. Her recent Netflix film is corniness incarnate, buying into all of the Hallmark Christmas movie tropes. If you want to truly turn your brain off and look at pretty Christmas lights, “Falling for Christmas” is ideal.
7. “It’s a Wonderful Life”
This is one of the most purely iconic and wholesome movies that takes an imaginative and inspired look at mental health. Anchored by Princeton alumnus Jimmy Stewart ’32, the film has true heart.
8. “Christmas Tree Farm” by Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift! Everyone knows her, some people (in cluding “ME!”) love her. Luckily for us, in 2021, she released an ode to the Christmas tree farm she grew up on that is, conveniently, also a jubilant holiday anthem.
9. “‘tis the damn season” by Taylor Swift You might have thought you could escape Taylor
Swift after the last entry, but you’d be wrong. In fact, she has not one, but two amazing holiday songs that you should check out this season. This one, which comes from her 2020 album “evermore,” is actually rather mellow, but my goodness is it lovely. Swift sings about homecoming and “the road not taken” with such authenticity and emotion that you can’t help but be swept up in it.
10. “come out and play” by Billie Eilish (song and music video)
This is a required audio-visual experience, which you can find on YouTube. Eilish contributed this song to a beautifully whimsical Apple advertisement that will make you want to run out into the flurries and dance around under the twinkling warmth of the Palmer Square Christmas tree lights.
Tyler Wilson is a contributing writer for The Prospect and Humor at the ‘Prince.’ He can be reached at tyler.wilson@, or on Instagram at @tylertwilson.
As someone raised in a predominantly white town, I’ve dealt with a lot of ignorance and alien ation.
In high school, while waiting in a lounge area at my job, everyone huddled around to talk about what they planned to write about for their col lege essay. I talked about how I didn’t want to write in cliches; moving from Peru to the United States was something I had grown tired of writing about. There are so many other spectacular things about my culture that I didn’t want to boil down to one moment. They insisted that it was the most interesting thing they’d ever heard.
One person had asked where Peru is located; be fore I could answer, someone confidently shouted, “Asia!” Immediately after, the same person re vealed they didn’t know Peru’s national language is Spanish.
I was stunned.
Unfortunately, it was simply a reminder of the
disconnect between my culture and my commu nity. Throughout elementary and middle school, I was one of the only Hispanic students in my classes. This became more true as I started taking more honors classes. I ended up attending a high school outside my town to find a more diverse community.
Thankfully, my parents insisted on ensuring I practiced Spanish at home, learned how to make our cultural foods like ceviche and inchicapi, and kept up with important Peruvian events and news. However, I still dealt with the disconnect between my culture and community. I felt white washed.
I couldn’t speak Spanish at school or with my friends, which stunted my Spanish-speaking abil ities. I didn’t have the space to celebrate certain cultural holidays. I needed to drive at least half an hour to gain some sense of cultural commu nity. Compared to my family members, “I acted too American.” Yet, I couldn’t culturally relate to people in my town: they’ve never watched “El
Chavo del Ocho,” tried ceviche, or heard Christmas classics like “El Burrito de Belén” by La Rondallita.
Where did I belong?
Before arriving at Princeton, I wondered if I would feel the same alienation that I had been feeling for so long. Much of Princeton’s histo ry was not inclusive; generally, academia isn’t known for its diversity. Since coming here, I have been both right and wrong about my doubts.
On one hand, there is still significantly less Latino representation in academic settings and discourse.
I recently participated at the Andlinger Center’s Annual Meeting poster session about my research on solid state batteries that I had conducted last summer. While looking at all the presenters and guests, I couldn’t help but notice that I was one of the only Hispanic people there. While I’m grate ful for the opportunity, I wonder how many other Latinos were not presented with this opportunity. How many of them cannot pursue a higher edu cation. Would I have applied to Princeton had I never moved to the United States?
Despite the institutional circumstances and history loaded with discrimination, the Hispanic and Latino student body has formed a strong community. I’ve met so many incredible people at different events, like Princeton Latin American Student Association’s Fall Gala, and we’ve bonded over our cultures through food, music, and even memes sent on the Princeton Latinos groupchat.
One particular moment that I will never forget was when I attended the Hermanitas Brunch held at the Carls A. Field Center during my freshman year. I felt a sense of familiarity I’ve only felt at parties with my family. People were laughing and talking chisme. Someone during the brunch men tioned how glad she was to find an outlet where she could share cultural experiences and speak as much Spanish as she wanted. It’s incredible how much of this is led by students wanting to make Princeton a little less foreign.
En esos momentos, me siento orgullosa de ser parte de esta comunidad. (In those moments, I feel proud to be part of this community.)
Frida Ruiz is a sophomore studying mechanical & aerospace engineering. Frida can be reached at frida
This piece is part of a larger project highlighting Hispanic and Latine members of the Princeton com munity.
Self essays at The Prospect give our writers and guest contributors the opportunity to share their perspec tives. This essay reflects the views and lived experiences of the author. If you would like to submit a Self essay, contact us at
were all me. It was their money wasted on adver tisements to schools I never considered.
At times it feels like the night I nearly had to abandon my friends at Charter’s doorstep too early in the night. The bouncers couldn’t find my name on the list no matter where they looked. They only kept looking because my friend, a member, insisted he had put me on the list. The bouncers seemed ready to tell me to go home, until finally they found me. That night I was Mr. Pablo Fernandez Garcia. I imagine a spreadsheet short cut during the list’s preparation was like ly at fault. There have been other nights when I’ve had to be Mr. Fernandez or Mr. Garcia. I’m none of the above; it’s Mr. Fernández García.
Stories like this came to mind when one of my Digital Humanities courses discussed Aditya Mukerjee’s article “I can text you a pile of poo, but I can’t write my name.” Our computers, in their fundamental processing of language, are not built for our names — built much less for his, originally not in the Latin alphabet, than for mine. It’s terrible to think of how often so many people are denied their own names.
I was nearly denied my own in my welcome to Princeton. The email with instructions to access my web accounts began: “Dear Jose Pablo FernaNdez GarciA.” At some point between my application and my technological matriculation, the accents in my name became capitalization for the following let ters — save for the space following José. But it wasn’t just the email salutation: my name was like that in TigerHub. To avoid Jose Pablo FernaNdez GarciA attending Princeton in my place, I had to first call the Office of Information Technology and then the Registrar, only to then have to email the Registrar with documented proof of how my name is written. I asked for the weird capitalization to be removed
and the accents to be restored; or at least the former, if not the latter.
To Princeton, I became Jose Pablo Fernandez Gar cia. “Our system does not allow for letter accents,” I was told.
I share all this in anxious trepidation of my exit from Princeton. Last spring, I saw some tweets re porting that accents weren’t available for all styles of bound thesis covers — only some styles would allow me to accurately claim authorship. This made me wonder if my diploma will actually have my name — not some imposter’s. Now that’s a special variety of imposter syndrome.
At the end of the day, it could be easy to dismiss how some people are — how I am — forced to surrender our name to the whims of others, to their systems, to what ever they feel like accepting as a valid name. But in such a surrender, there is, at a deeper level, a certain surren der of dignity and identity as well. A name is so personal a matter; it should belong to no one but oneself.
So as I wait for others to recognize this, to call me by my true name, I make the adjustments I can. Be cause my name is nothing except José Pablo Fernán dez García.
José Pablo Fernández García is a senior from Ohio and a head editor for The Prospect at the ‘Prince.’ He can be reached at jpgarcia [at]
This piece is part of a larger project highlighting His panic and Latine members of the Princeton community.
Self essays at The Prospect give our writers and guest contributors the opportunity to share their perspectives. This essay reflects the views and lived experiences of the author. If you would like to submit a Self essay, contact us at
‘It’s terrible to think how often so many people are denied their own names’
As temperatures drop in Princeton,
are moving their recreational activities indoors. Luckily, plenty
events are being held over the next week, all in heated buildings. Here are 11 recommendations
and culture events happening on campus.
Berlind Theatre at McCarter Theatre Center Dec. 2 & Dec. 3 at 8 p.m., Dec. 3 & Dec. 4 at 2 p.m.
The 2022 Princeton Dance Festival will highlight novel and repertory choreography by Ronald K. Brown, Davalois Fearon, Sun Kim, Michael J. Love, Susan Marshall, Rashaun Mitchell & Silas Riener, and Caili Quan. Students in the Program in Dance will perform a variety of styles, including tap, ballet, dance theater, West African/modern, and post modern genres. Tickets are required, and all performances are open to the public. Tickets are $12 in advance, $17 the day of performances at the box office, and $10 for students (Passport for the Arts eligible). They may be purchased both in-person and online. .
Trenton Arts Princeton Forum, Lewis Arts Complex Dec. 3, 2 – 3:30 p.m.
Join the Saturday Morning Arts community for their annual winter show case featuring performances by the Trenton Youth Dancers, Orchestra, Singers, and Theater. This event is free and unticketed.
National Book Foundation “5 under 35” honoree Raven Leilani Donald G. Drapkin Studio, Lewis Arts Complex Dec. 5 at 5 p.m.
Raven Leilani, author of the 2020 novel “Luster,” will be reading from her work along with several seniors from the Princeton Program in Creative Writing, as part of the C.K. Williams Reading Series, which showcases senior thesis students in the Program in Creative Writing with established authors as special guests. This event is free and open to the public.
Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall
Dec. 2, 7:30 – 9:30 p.m., Dec. 4, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m.
The Princeton University Orchestra and Glee Club come together for a program that includes Alexander Borodin’s “Polovtsian Dances,” George Walker’s “Lyric” and “Stars,” and Gustav Holst’s monumental “The Planets.” This event is Passport for the Arts-eligible. Tickets can also be purchased through University Ticketing.
Godfrey Kerr Studio, Lewis Arts Complex Dec. 6, 7:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
Student performers, writers, and designers
Wallace Theater, Lewis Arts Complex Dec. 2, Dec. 3. Dec. 8, & Dec. 9 at 8 p.m., Dec. 3 at 6 p.m.
Led and directed by Lecturer in Theater Aaron Landsman and co-directed by Princeton alumna Ogemdi Ude ’16, “Play” is a devised theater piece developed by Princeton students. Come see an ensemble of 12 achieve their flow states, run relays, and describe water polo using only the objects found in a student’s backpack. Watch sailing and tennis become metaphors for how many often find themselves pulled and caught between different cultures for the sake of their achievements. Witness an 8th grade lacrosse game frame commentary on difference and a list of superstitions become a choreography of possible wins. Tickets are required, and all performances are open to the public. Tickets are $12 in advance, $17 the day of performances at the box office, $10 for students (Passport for the Arts eligible), and may be reserved through University Ticket ing.
Book Reading and Conversation with Mindy Seu, Laura Coombs, and Lily Healey ’13
Hagan Studio, 185 Nassau St. Dec. 5 at 4:30 p.m.
Come listen to a performative reading by author Mindy Seu of her new book ex amining how humans might reconstruct themselves by way of technology. An interactive panel with Seu and book designers Coombs and Healey will follow to discuss the design, editing, and gathering process of the publication. This event is free and open to the public.
Joesphine Meckseper, Belknap Visiting Fellow in the Humanities Council and Department of Art & Archaeology Architecture Building, Betts Auditorium Dec. 6, 5:00 – 6:30 p.m.
Artist and visiting fellow at Princeton this fall, Meckseper is renowned for her large-scale vitrine installations and films that aim to fuse the aesthetic language of twentieth-century modernism with her personal imagery of his torical undercurrents. Don’t miss this opportunity to hear her give a public lecture co-sponsored by the Department of Art & Archaeology, Humanities Council, Princeton University Art Museum, Program in Visual Arts, Lewis Center for the Arts, and the Program in Media + Modernity.
Berlind Theatre, Rehearsal-Room (1st Floor), McCarter Theatre Complex Dec. 6, 3 – 4 p.m.
This end-of-semester presentation highlights the work of
en rolled in FRE
all in French. This event is free, but advance registration is required.
Hagan Studio, 185 Nassau Street Open until Dec. 2, 9 a.m. – 6 p.m.
Don’t miss this chance to view work created by students in two fall painting courses taught by Colleen Asper and Pam Lins. This exhibition is free and open to the public. The exhibition will no longer be available after Dec. 2.
Performed by students enrolled in FRE 211 / THR 211: French Theater Work shop and directed by Florent Masse, this presentation will showcase scenes from “La puce à l’oreille” and “Le Dindon” by Feydeau, “La seconde surprise de l’amour” and “Le Prince travesti” by Marivaux, “Le Malade imaginaire” and “Le Tartuffe” by Molière, “Le Cid” by Corneille and “Andromaque” by Racine — all in French. This event is free, but advance registration is re
Ciné Club
Rocky-Mathey Theatre Dec. 5, 7:30 – 9:00 p.m.
Come watch Karin Albou’s 2005 film following two sisters — Tunisian Jews living in a Parisian suburb — who must navigate both tradition and desire. This film screening is for students only, and will be presented in French with English subtitles. A discussion will follow the film.
Borodin, Walker & Holst
of arts and cultural
for arts
Sixteen Princeton football play ers received All-Ivy honors and seven players received first team recogni tion, the most of any team in the League.
Selections were announced based on the votes of the conference’s eight head coaches. This year’s 16 selec tions ties for the program’s secondmost since 2013.
“I think anytime our players get recognized, it feels good,” Head Coach Bob Surace ’90 wrote to The Daily Princetonian. “They work hard and certainly are deserving in my opinion, and I am incredibly happy for them to be selected by the Ivy League coaches.”
Senior offensive lineman Henry Byrd, senior wide receiver Andrei Iosivas, and junior linebacker Liam Johnson were all unanimously cho sen as first-team selections.
“Henry and Andrei are senior cap tains, and Liam was a junior with all the leadership traits our captains have,” Surace said. “All three work hard, are good students, mature in dividuals, have great attitudes, and have the drive to be the best players at their positions.”
Byrd earned a unanimous vote for the first-team honor after his fourth year as an instrumental offensive tackle for the Princeton football team.
“Even though the season did not
WOMEN’S BASKETBALLend the way we had hoped, being selected for All-Ivy helps put in per spective all the hard work my team mates and I have done over the last five years,” Byrd wrote. “The success we have had over my career here is pretty astonishing and has been a group effort with every player and the coaches, so it is a huge honor to be mentioned as an integral part of it all.”
As a first-year in 2018, Byrd re ceived the Donold B. Lourie Award as the top offensive first-year. As he ends his career, he has received the All-Ivy League honor three times. In both 2021 and 2022, he was selected for the first-team.
“I also think our performance staff deserves kudos for developing our players,” Surace added. “The year to year growth has been terrific for our juniors and seniors.”
Iosivas earned a unanimous firstteam selection after leading the Ivy League in receptions, receiving yards, and touchdown catches this past season. He additionally became the third Tiger to receive an invita tion to the Reese’s Senior Bowl and is a 2022 Football Championship Subdivision Walter Payton Award Fi nalist. During his Princeton career, Iosivas brought in 16 touchdown catches — the third most in program history.
Johnson was also selected unani mously to the first team. He aver aged 9.9 tackles per Ivy League game and 13 per contest in the last two
weeks of the season. Johnson scored two touchdowns for the Tigers this season, including the particularly memorable 92-yard fumble return against Penn.
“Getting selected is an honor, and I am continuously grateful I get to carry on the legacy and tradition of players like John Lovett and Kurt Holuba who created the foundation for me to thrive,” wrote Johnson. “My only goal is to continue to build a foundation and a legacy of hard work and grit for guys after me.” As a ju nior, Johnson will return next season to play for the Tigers.
Former Tigers quarterback John Lovett ’19 and defensive lineman Kurt Holuba ’19 were co-captains of the football team in 2018, the first undefeated Princeton team since 1964. Lovett earned first-team All-Ivy honors his senior year and currently plays for the Miami Dolphins.
Senior wide receiver Dylan Classi, senior defensive lineman Matthew Jester, senior defensive back Michael Ruttlen Jr., and senior defensive back CJ Wall also earned first-team rec ognition.
Aside from Iosivas, Classi led all other Ivy League receivers in both catches and receiving yards. He con tributed four touchdowns to the Ti gers’ offense this season and ended his football career ranked fifth in Princeton history for all time receiv ing yards.
Jester led the Tigers in tackles for loss and sacks, and he contributed
three interceptions and 37 tackles to the team.
Since his first year with the team in 2017, Wall has worked through many injuries. As a senior, he started every game, and he finished the year tied for second most passes defended in the Ivy League.
“They all have unique stories, and I appreciate the coverage that guys like Uche Ndukwe and CJ Wall re ceived overcoming some challeng ing medical hardships to finish with such successful careers,” Surace said.
Junior offensive lineman Jalen Travis, junior quarterback Blake Stenstrom, senior tight end Carson Bobo, and junior linebacker Ozzie Nicholas all earned second-team honors. Senior offensive lineman Connor Scaglione, first-year run ning back Ryan Butler, senior de fensive lineman Uche Ndukwe, and sophomore wide receiver AJ Barber each earned honorable mentions.
One Ivy League student-athlete from each school was also named to the Academic All-Ivy team, which recognizes players for their com mitment both in the classroom and on the field. From Princeton, senior linebacker Cole Aubrey was named to the 2022 Academic All-Ivy team.
“Princeton challenges studentathletes,” wrote Surace. “For our team, we push them to reach their potential as D1 football players, and our faculty pushes them to reach their potential as high level students. It is not for everyone, but I have seen
this during my time as a [studentathlete] and now as a coach, those who choose Princeton will grow more here than anywhere else.”
On the field, Aubrey contributed 18 tackles, four of which produced a loss of yards, and two sacks. He was also named to the CSC All-District Team.
“Cole exemplifies what it takes,” wrote Surace on Aubrey’s com mitment. “He has excellent time management. He pushes himself academically. He pushes himself athletically. He has had tremendous success in both areas. I am thrilled the Ivy League recognized his efforts and honored him.”
With the Ivy League season over, other honors will soon be an nounced. The 2022 Asa S. Bushnell Cup, which will honor the Ivy League offensive and defensive players of the year, will be awarded on Dec. 12 at the New York Athletic Club. The finalists for the award will be announced on Nov. 29.
“I have enjoyed every moment — recruiting them, watching them progress their first year, seeing them begin to reach their ability as sopho mores, and then becoming elite play ers and leaders as juniors,” Surace added.
Nishka Bahl is a contributor to the sports section at the ‘Prince.’ Please direct any corrections requests to corrections@
On Sunday, Nov. 27, Princeton women’s basketball (3–2 overall, 0–0 Ivy League) endured a tough 40 min utes of action against No. 22 Texas (3–3 , 0–0 Big 12). The Tigers ultimate ly came up short, with a final score of 74–50.
The Tigers opened Sunday’s con test on the wrong side of a 9–0 run, and quickly found themselves in a hole that they would struggle to climb out of for the remainder of the game.
Junior forward Ellie Mitchell quickly wracked up fouls, and coupled with attention from the Longhorn defense, was limited to just seven rebounds and two steals. Mitchell would foul out of the game with less than a min ute left to play.
Foul trouble and turnovers plagued the Tigers, but they forced as much out of the Longhorns. It seemed the main thing Texas could do that Princeton could not figure out was the only thing they alone had control over: hitting open shots.
The Tigers shot just 28 percent on the day, to the Longhorn’s seasonbest 52 percent, and got to the foul line half as many times as Texas. It’s the second time in five games that the Tigers have made less than 30 percent of their shots, both times on more than 50 attempts.
“We missed some open shots that you’ve got to make if you’re going to upset a top 20 team,” said Head Coach Carla Berube in an interview with The Daily Princetonian. “[Texas is] extremely talented. If you’re going to beat a team like that, you’ve got to make shots.”
Despite the shooting struggles, senior guard/forward Chet Nweke showed composure and delivered some of the Tigers’ more creative
sets through the first three quarters. “Chet came in and gave us really great minutes. She read the floor well, she was offensive rebounding, she had a big three,” Berube said. “She’s just really active and made some big plays for us.”
One moment stood out: with four minutes left in the first quarter, Nweke stood with the ball above her head at the top of the key, looking to the perimeter for a teammate to pass to. But instead, she smartly noticed a wide-open lane to the basket that had opened up, pivoted, and took her defender straight to the basket for a layup. Nweke was fouled and sank both free throws while the Princeton bench, as it does, cheered her along.
They were the type of plays that were hard to come by against a fullcourt Texas defense that was all the more stifling in the halfcourt. The Tigers built up 19 turnovers over the match, many of which came at or near the top of the key.
After an arduous second and third quarter where the Tigers made just seven of 27 attempts from the field, Princeton looked for a final spark to take them through the fourth quar ter. Despite falling even further be hind the Longhorns in the opening four minutes, first-year guard Madi son St. Rose spurred a 7–0 Princeton run. She nabbed a couple of deft steals and, along with key assists from se nior point guard Maggie Connolly, pushed the Tigers to play in transi tion. While St. Rose has so far strug gled to get shots to fall from the field, her performance Sunday proved her consistent defensive effort might just be the key to unlocking more scoring.
“[We’ve] just been patient with her shot … she’s a really good shooter. But on Sunday, she just made some great plays on the defensive end,” Berube said of St. Rose. “She really helped
out her teammates … and had a great impact when she went in there.”
Senior forward Kira Emsbo had her first significant minutes of the season, and logged her first contri butions to the team following major injuries that have kept her sidelined since 2019. Emsbo opened her min utes with a momentum-shifting block on Texas forward Taylor Jones, who had given the Tigers trouble all afternoon, but soon found herself in foul trouble as well.
“It’s been so long, for her, since she’s played,” Berube said. “She’s still find ing her legs, getting just acquainted with the game again, and I love what she gives every day in practice.”
How much more of Emsbo we see this season remains to be seen, along with how quickly she re-adjusts to being back on the court. Standing at a team-high 6’5”, she at least has the opportunity to be an imposing pres ence in the post for the Tigers.
At the end of the day, this is no where the Tigers haven’t been before. Last season, in their final non-confer ence match of the season, the Tigers put up a 17-point loss to the Long horns while they shot just around 29 percent. And, as it bears repeating, Princeton is still in the process of figuring out how to replace the im pact of last year’s leading scorer Abby Meyers.
“We’re still developing our chem istry,” Berube said. “[Senior Grace Stone] is playing at guard now, which she hasn’t played in a couple of years … We have [sophomore Paige Morton] … playing some major minutes for us. That was only game number five. So it’s a work in progress.”
“We’re just going to keep on chal lenging them every day to get bet ter and to work together,” Berube added. “Hopefully, we’ll see a better outcome.”
So, as disappointing as the loss might seem, the Tigers are giving themselves a decent shot at repeating last year’s success, and perhaps build ing on it. On one hand, Princeton fac es a much tougher non-conference schedule than last year, but Berube says it’s all part of getting where they want to be early next year.
“This schedule is not easy, but it’s not to be at our very best right now, it’s to be at our best come February and March,” Berube told the ‘Prince.’ “A game like Texas will prepare us [for] the challenge of that kind of game and that environment.”
What exactly is next for the Tigers, no one can say for sure. But for now,
we know they’ll be heading to Maine, on Friday, Dec. 2, where they’ll have a chance to grab a relatively straight forward win on the road. Maine struggled against Yale earlier this season, and hasn’t shown many signs of life since, so the Tigers should use this as an opportunity to work out those shooting woes and gain some confidence from behind the arc. The upcoming match will be available to stream on Flo Hoops.
Isabel Rodrigues is a staff writer for the Sports section at the ‘Prince’ who typically covers women’s basketball. Please direct any corrections requests to corrections@
After two consecutive defeats to end an otherwise excellent season, Princeton football is perhaps fac ing a significant loss to its roster, as first-year running back Ryan Butler has entered the transfer por tal. Butler retweeted a post from @ FarrellPortal on Twitter last week, indicating that he is looking at the possibility of transferring for next season.
Butler, one of the standout firstyears in the Ivy League and perhaps all of college football, developed into quite the player over the course of the season and became a key cog in the Tigers’ offense. In his first collegiate game against Stetson University, he rushed for two touch downs and 67 yards in a victory. In Ivy League play, Butler had monster performances against rivals Brown and Harvard. Over the course of these two games, the running back had a total of 178 rushing yards and
three touchdowns to help the Ti gers to two resounding victories.
Butler’s season totals included 501 total yards, 11 rushing touch downs, and roughly 3.9 rushing yards per attempt. His season garnered him recognition as a fi nalist for the Jerry Rice Award, a prestigious award given to the most impressive first-year in all of the Football Championship Subdivi sion (FCS).
As Butler enters the transfer portal, he already has offers on the
table from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte, Texas State University, and the University at Albany. Charlotte and Texas State compete in the Football Bowl Sub division (FBS), the highest subdivi sion of Division I football. Albany competes in FCS.
Head Coach Bob Surace ’90 de clined to comment to The Daily Princetonian on the news. “It’s al ways been my policy not to com ment on individual off-season ros ter decisions like recruiting or the
portal,” he wrote in an email.
Butler also declined to provide comment to the ‘Prince.’
If Butler transfers, it is without question that the Tigers will have a massive hole to fill in the backfield when the 2023 season kicks off.
Cole Keller is a contributor to the Data and Sports sections at the ‘Prince.’ Please direct any corrections requests to