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Friday December 3, 2021 vol. CXLV no. 59
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Joshua Babu ’22 (left) and Wafa Zaka ’22 (right) will both pursue graduate study at Oxford next fall.
Joshua Babu ’22 and Wafa Zaka ’22 win Community members wait hours Rhodes Scholarships for boosters, isolation housing expands amid COVID-19 spike ZACHARY SHEVIN / THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN
Community members outside of Jadwin Gym at around 11:50 a.m., prior to the Pfizer vaccine clinic opening. The line would grow in the coming hours.
By Evelyn Doskoch Head News Editor
By Marie-Rose Sheinerman, Sidney Singer and Isabel Yip
Senior writer and contributors
As the University marked its highest single-day COVID-19 positive case count since the beginning of the semester, hundreds of students and community members stood in line for hours to receive vaccine booster shots at a University-sponsored clinic. On Tuesday, Nov. 30, the University reported 18 undergraduates cases, one graduate case, and eight cases among faculty and staff, according to the COVID-19 Resources website. From Nov. 20–30, a total of 70 new undergraduate cases
were reported on the COVID-19 dashboard. By comparison, in the entire month of October, 11 positive undergraduate cases were reported — and from Nov. 1–19, eight cases were reported. Though more recent data is not available at the time of publication, the isolation dorm occupancy rate stood at 35 percent as of Nov. 26, according to the University’s COVID-19 dashboard — the highest rate since the semester began on Sept. 1. Thirtyeight undergraduates and nine graduate students are reported as currently being housed in designated isolation rooms. “The higher number of positive cases among students in recent days has led to in-
creased use of spaces set aside for isolation housing,” Deputy University Spokesperson Michael Hotchkiss wrote to The Daily Princetonian. “The rise in demand highlights the need for the community to adhere to the University’s COVID protocols and public health guidance to minimize transmission.” Following the uptick in cases and the classification of campus risk status as “Moderate to High” on the dashboard, the University mandated new COVID-19 protocols, including increased testing frequency, prohibitions on social gatherings for more than 20 people, and mask mandates in all acaSee COVID page 4
Seniors Joshua Babu ’22 and Wafa Zaka ’22 have been awarded Rhodes Scholarships to study at the University of Oxford next fall. Babu, who hails from Scottsdale, Ariz., is one of 32 Americans to receive the prestigious fellowship this year. Zaka, an international student from Lahore, Pakistan, is among more than 100 international winners from over 60 countries. The Rhodes Scholarship program was established in 1902 through the will of Cecil John Rhodes and fully funds two to three years of graduate study at Oxford. Widely regarded as one of the most prestigious international scholarship programs, the fellowship selected its entire cohort virtually for the second time, following a virtual process in 2020 caused by the
COVID-19 pandemic. Both Babu and Zaka will begin their graduate study at Oxford in Oct. 2022. Joshua Babu
When the Rhodes committee read his name aloud in a Zoom call of other finalists last Saturday, Babu “could not believe it.” “I closed my laptop, went to a little room in Frist and started jumping up and down,” he told The Daily Princetonian in an interview. “It was just complete disbelief. I was so grateful.” A molecular biology concentrator with a certificate in Gender and Sexuality Studies, Babu will use his scholarship to pursue a Masters of Science in Comparative Social Policy and in Evidence-Based Social Intervention and Policy Evaluation at Oxford. Afterward, he plans to attend medical See RHODES page 4
Cannabis Task Force recommends cannabis retail in Princeton By Lia Opperman and Charlie Roth Contributors
After more than seven months of meetings, Princeton’s Cannabis Task Force (CTF) recommended that cannabis retail businesses be allowed to open in town. The CTF is composed of Town Council members, local health and public safety experts, business representa-
tives, and concerned citizens. The group submitted its first proposal to the Princeton Town Council on Tuesday, Nov. 30. In the proposal, the CTF talked about possible dispensary locations, equity and racial justice, and how tax revenue should be allocated. Town Council member and CTF Chair Eve Niedergang GS ’85 told The Daily Princetonian she hopes the
group will be able to introduce an actual ordinance to the council by “late January or February.” The CTF proposed five potential areas for a dispensary, three of which are within walking distance from the University. These include the Dinky Area South, the intersection of Harrison Street and Nassau Street, and Witherspoon Street between Green See CANNABIS page 4
Princeton’s Nov. 30 Town Council Meeting.
U. continues support of DACA in new federal filing By Lia Opperman Contributor
Christopher Eisgruber ’83, Maria De La Cruz Perales Sanchez ’18, and Brad Smith ’81 speak to reporters outside of the U.S. Supreme Court.
In This Issue
Princeton University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 and Microsoft President and University Trustee Brad Smith ’81 have filed a comment in support of the federal government’s latest proposal to preserve and strengthen the Deferred Action
THE PROSPECT | PAGE 19 Love hot chocolate? Check out these reviews.
for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) policy, according to a statement released by the Office of Communications on Nov. 29. DACA is a policy that provides relief from deportation and work authorization to around 800,000 young adults, known as “DREAMers” (Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors), who were brought to
the United States as children. In a cover letter to the filing, Eisgruber and Smith encouraged the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) to exercise its authority to establish “fair” rules that uphold lasting protections for DREAMers and take all actions appropriate to strengthen DACA. The two also push See DACA page 6
PUZZLES | PAGE 8 How many elves does it take to solve our themed crossword?