Wednesday, Feb. 19 2014

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Spring Sports Preview: See S1 Founded 1876 daily since 1892 online since 1998

Wednesday february 19, 2014 vol. cxxxviii no. 13


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Falk supports Palestinian resistance

44˚ 26˚

Morning and afternoon rain. chance of rain:

90 percent

In Opinion The Editorial Board calls for increased efforts by men to prevent sexual assault. Benjamin Dinovelli discusses a double standard on drugs. PAGE 4

By Anna Windemuth staff writer

Today on Campus

Professor Emeritus Richard Falk spoke to a packed audience on Tuesday about the Arab-Israeli conflict, encouraging the Palestinian people to use “soft power” in its resistance to Israeli occupation.

Palestinians should continue to pursue self-empowerment, legal justice and peaceful resistance in their ongoing territorial conflict with Israel, international law professor emeritus Richard Falk said during the 11th annual Edward W. Said ’57 Memorial Lecture. Falk, a two-time United Nations appointee on Palestinian territory issues who is stepping down this year, is a controversial figure in the United States, not only for his views on the territorial dispute, but also because of allegations that he condemned the 9/11 terrorist attacks as an internal conspiracy. “I never made such a statement,” he responded when asked about the incident by an audience member. “What I have said is there are unanswered questions that the American people deserve answers about. I do not pretend to have the knowledge to either refute or support the official version of what happened on 9/11.” Falk was a close friend of Said, who was both a renowned literary scholar and a leading voice on Middle East-



Confusion about shot and blood donations resolved

Wilson School to offer new program in Israel

By Charles Min

senior writer

4:30 p.m.: National Editor of The Washington Post Rajiv Chandrasekaran will speak about the legacy of the U.S. invasion of Iraq in a talk at Robertson Hall Bowl 1.

The Archives

Feb. 19, 1987 Eating club officials from various clubs weighed the possibility of excluding freshmen and possibly sophomores from eating club parties.

PRINCETON By the Numbers


The number of people who have received the second meningitis dose so far this week.

quote of the day

“It turns out Israeli proposals are routinely praised in the West as generous and courageous, although they encroach in major ways on minimal Palestinian expectations.”

- Richard Falk

News & Notes

O’Shea ’16 a Jeopardy! finalist

Theresa O’Shea ’16 won her semifinal round competition of Jeopardy! College Championship last night, moving on to the final round with a chance to win up to $100,000. O’Shea said in a previous interview with The Daily Princetonian that being on Jeopardy! was “definitely a once-in-alifetime experience.” She prepared for the competition by studying the J! Archive of all the questions and answers asked on Jeopardy!, as well as scouring Wikipedia for further information. To qualify, O’Shea had to pass a 50-question online test before being randomly selected to attend in-person auditions which included another test as well as a mock Jeopardy! game and a short interview. The two-week tournament brings together 15 students from colleges and universities across the country to compete for the $100,000 prize and a spot in the next Tournament of Champions. O’Shea is a cartoonist for the ‘Prince.’

ern conflicts. Falk’s lecture focused primarily on Palestine’s role in the territorial conflict and its ideological evolution. Order was called in the packed lecture hall when an audience member criticized Falk’s comparison of engaged citizenship between Said and Noam Chomsky, whom the audience member said denied the Cambodian holocaust. Falk responded that opinions are often misinterpreted when taken out of context and that those who voice these criticisms usually do not reject the “Henry Kissingers” and “George Bushes” of this world. Although Palestine rejected the U.N.’s 1947 proposition to accept 45 percent of the disputed land, it made a proposal in 1988 to take less than half of the U.N.’s originally suggested territory, Falk explained. “These terms should have been acceptable to Israel and certainly offered a promising basis for negotiations, and yet neither Israel nor the United States, nor even the United Nations responded,” Falk said. “In contrast, it turns out Israeli proposals are routinely praised in the West as generous and courageous, although they encroach in major ways See CONFLICT page 3


staff writer

Individuals who received the meningococcal disease vaccine were not originally eligible to donate blood because of the vaccine’s unlicensed status in the United States. However, individuals are now eligible to donate blood, officials at the American Red Cross said. During the first round of the vaccination campaign, the University did not notify students that receiving the vaccination would prevent them from participating in blood drives. University spokesperson Martin Mbugua said that the eligibility concern surrounding blood donations was not a concern at the time. “No, [the statement regarding blood donation prevention] was not included in the consent form because the question had not come up at that time,” Mbugua said. “It came up during a recent blood drive and, since then, the University worked with the Red Cross leading up to the deci-

sion week.” The decision to allow students who have received the vaccine to donate blood came at approximately 1 p.m. on Feb. 17. Peter Johnsen, the director of medical services at University Health Services, deferred comment to the Red Cross. Previous regulation by the Food and Drug Administration prevented students from participating in blood drives because the American Association of Blood Banks requires a 12-month deferral for donors who have received an unlicensed vaccine or a vaccine not approved by the FDA. However, the Red Cross successfully filed a Transmittal Authority document preventing the deferral and allowing students who got the meningitis vaccine to donate blood. The document was filed just in time for a blood drive that took place on campus Monday and Tuesday in Whig Hall. Though it is now clear that students are allowed to give blood, the Red Cross was previSee MENINGITIS page 2


By Warren Crandall The Wilson School has partnered with the Interdisciplinary Center in Herzliya, Israel, to offer Wilson School students the chance to study abroad while completing a mandatory task force. The subject of the task force offered in Herzliya will not be decided until later in the spring, Associate Dean for Public and External Affairs Elisabeth Donahue said. The American Studies Organization, an organization that groups U.S. universities offering courses in American Studies, controversially attempted to boycott Israel universities last December. Princeton, a member of the organization, spoke against the boycott.

Wilson School students studying at Herzliya will be hosted by the Lauder School of Government, which is one of the largest schools within the Interdisciplinary Center; nearly onesixth of the students enrolled in the Interdisciplinary Center are enrolled in the Lauder School. Donahue added that, although the partnership between the Interdisciplinary Center and the Wilson School has been finalized, the actual content of the program has not yet been decided. Donahue said that the Herzliya program is an extension of the Wilson School’s continued efforts to give policy students interested in the Middle East a chance to live and study there. The Wilson School has previSee WWS page 3


Weldon ’16 named Class Biographer discusses Wilson’s personal views of 2016 Social Chair By Corinne Lowe staff writer

By Anna Mazarakis news editor

James Weldon ’16 will serve as the new Class of 2016 social chair, the 2016 class council announced in an email to the sophomore class on Tuesday. Molly Stoneman ’16 vacated the position after she won her bid for USG vice president in the November elections. Weldon was chosen out of approximately 20 applicants, Class of 2016 presi-

dent Justin Ziegler ’16 said. Ziegler noted that, of the large number of students who submitted an application, six were asked to interview for the position, and Weldon was chosen after the second round of interviews. “He really stood out both in terms of his commitment and dedication, prior experience and the ideas that he had for the class,” Ziegler said. “He had some really great ideas, and it was See 2016 page 2

Pulitzer Prize-winning author and University trustee A. Scott Berg ’71 gave a lecture on Tuesday on the life of Woodrow Wilson, Class of 1879, depicting Wilson as a president deeply influenced by his regional and religious background and reluctant to take a stand against racism and women’s suffrage. Berg’s Woodrow Wilson biography, published in the fall of 2013, is a New York Times best seller whose rights were recently been purchased by Leonardo Di-

Caprio’s production company. However, Berg made only brief mention of the hype surrounding his biography, noting instead how Wilson’s policies were largely shaped by his identity as a southerner and the son of a Presbyterian minister. “I believe Woodrow Wilson was the most religious president we ever had,” Berg said, explaining that Wilson’s personal, religious and moral convictions factored heavily into his political life throughout his presidency. Berg also described the racist undertones of Wil-

son’s presidency, saying that most of Wilson’s cabinet was composed of southern racists and that Wilson, despite believing that the United States should eventually become desegregated, was unwilling to make any progress toward that goal. “No matter what Wilson’s views were on race, and I believe they were evolving, he knew his southern brethren weren’t ready for integration,” Berg said, explaining why Wilson ultimately refused to address propositions for desegregation in the Treasury DepartSee PRESIDENT page 2

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