Founded 1876 daily since 1892 online since 1998
Saturday february 21, 2015 vol. cxxxix no. 16
{ } HIGH
33˚ 30˚
Cloudy with snow likely in the afternoon. chance ofsnow:
90 percent
In Opinion Former Tiger Inn member Alexandra Scheeler ‘11 argues that Tiger Inn’s culture needs to change, and the Editorial Board argues for the creation of a First Generation Center. PAGE 8
In Street From the Dec. 4 issue, Street features eight student bands. PAGE 6
Today on Campus 2:00 p.m.: Xi Feng, president of the Horizon Institute of Global Development Power and a professor at Peking University, will deliver a lecture called “Chinese Corporate Soft Power and Business Opportunities.” Friend 008.
The Archives
Feb. 21, 1979
OCTOBER 19, 2014
No impact expected from grading change
By Christina Vosbikian contributor
Most professors do not think the repeal of the grade deflation policy will have a marked effect on their grading, according to close to 50 interviews conducted by The Daily Princetonian in the days since the faculty voted to strike down the policy. While grading may not be affected, a slight majority of professors across multiple disciplines said they agreed with the conclusions of the Faculty Committee on Grading’s report. The report concluded that the number of A-range grades given at the University had decreased in the years immediately preceding the implementation of the grading policy. In addition, it said that there was a marked difference among departments between low and high-level courses. The University’s new grading policy, which allows each department to determine its own grading standards, emphasizes the quality of feedback to students rather than a numerical quota. The Faculty Council on Teaching and Learning was formed concurrently to assess such student
feedback. Out of 46 professors interviewed, 27 said they supported the repeal of grade deflation, while five said they opposed it and 11 said they were neutral. Three said they had not read the report so they abstained from answering. Out of 43 professors who gave an answer on changing grade policies, seven said that the new policy would impact their grading, while 19 said the policy would have no impact and 17 said the policy would have some impact, but a very small one. No humanities professors, three social science professors and four STEM professors said they opposed the new policy Thirteen professors from humanities departments said they supported the new policy, along with seven from the social sciences and ten from STEM departments. As for whether a repeal of grade deflation would affect grading, four humanities professors said it would impact their grading, while 11 said the policy would have no impact and four said it would have some impact but not much. Analogous numbers See GRADING page 3
Sally Frank ‘80 filed a complaint against the University and the three remaining all-male eating clubs with the New Jersey Civil Rights Division. She cited cooperative food buying and meal exchanges as among the links tying the clubs to the University.
NOVEMBER 6, 2014
OCTOBER 13, 2014
News & Notes
U. to reexamine 11 cases of sexual misconduct
Documents shed light on mental health cases
Eating clubs welcome new presidents, more women elected to office
The six bicker eating clubs – Cannon Dial Elm Club, Cap & Gown Club, Cottage Club, Ivy Club, Tiger Inn and Tower Club – have recently elected their officer elections. Three women were elected as officers of TI, which was the last club to admit women in 1991. Hap Cooper ’82, president of the TI Graduate Board, stated in an email on Thursday that the club elected Grace Larsen ’16 as president, Maria Yu ’16 as treasurer, and Victoria Hammarskjold ’16 as safety and communication chair. Ivy, which was the second-to-last club to admit women in 1991, elected Eliza Mott ’16 as the new president. Ian McGeary ’16 was elected as president of Cannon, Tyler Rudolph ’16 was elected as president of Cap, Forrest Hull ’16 was elected as president of Cottage and George Papademetriou ’16 was elected as president of Tower. The sign-in eating clubs elected their presidents last year. Jean-Carlos Arenas is the president of Charter Club, Ed Walker ’16 is the president of Cloister Inn, Swetha Doppalapudi ’16 is the president of Colonial Club, Lucia Perasso ’16 is the president of Terrace Club and Mitch Shellman ’16 is the president of Quadrangle Club. Arenas is a former chief copy editor for The Daily Princetonian.
Wawa reopened its doors at a new location on Nov. 23 when the new Dinky Station opened.
By Chitra Marti senior writer
By Zaynab Zaman staff writer
Princeton will have to reexamine at least 11 cases of sexual misconduct, all of them adjudicated internally by the Faculty-Student Committee on Discipline during the past three academic years. The U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights announced on Nov. 5 that it had found the University in violation of Title IX. As part of its resolution agreement with OCR, the University agreed to reexamine all cases, including acquittals, brought before the Committee in the past three academic years. In that time period, 11 cases of
sexual assault were brought before a subcommittee of the Committee on Discipline that deals with sexual assault, according to the University’s annual discipline reports. Students were found responsible of sexual assault in seven of those cases. University spokesperson Martin Mbugua said that the same administrators who originally reviewed and decided the outcomes of these cases will not be re-examining them. He said that other administrators will be assembled and placed on panels for this purpose. Mbugua explained that the process is ongoing and that the administration will go through
every case carefully. The target date for the conclusion of the reexamination process is February 2015. “At this time, it’s too early to tell what that process will determine, or any action or steps that will be taken,” Mbugua said. Mbugua added that the University is not expected to reinvestigate or rehear matters that have been finally resolved under University policy. Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Students Victoria Jueds, who is the secretary to the Committee on Discipline, declined to comment. Title IX coordinator and vice provost for institutionSee TITLE IX page 2
In March 2012, Vice President for Campus Life Cynthia Cherrey gave a student who had attempted to commit suicide a month earlier an ultimatum: Take a voluntary withdrawal sometime in the next four days or be forced to do so. “I do hope … that you will reconsider and take a voluntary withdrawal by no later than March 30, 2012,” she wrote in the final paragraph of a two-page letter. “If you do not choose to do so, I will require you to withdraw, which would then be ref lected on your transcript.”
DECEMBER 4, 2014
Earlier in the letter, Cherrey had cited seven distinct sources of medical information she had personally reviewed, including a summary of treatment written by Counseling and Psychological Services and which, she said, had been released to her with the student’s permission. Her conclusion, in consultation with Dr. John Kolligian, the director of University Health Services, was that the student posed an “unacceptably high risk of intentional self-harm and the demands of a rigorous academic program in an intense university context See HEALTH page 4 FEBRUARY 18, 2015
Petition calls Students leave class to protest Ferguson shooting for end to By Lorenzo Quiogue senior writer
The Dalai Lama met with students when he visited campus on Oct. 28.
Close to 500 students, faculty, administrators and staff participated in a protest on the lawn north of Frist Campus Center at noon on Dec. 4. “We seek to interrupt the daily routine of Princetonians to symbolize the constant interruption racism plays in the lives of people of color,” protest organizer Khallid Love ’15 announced at the protest. Love explained that the organizers had been planning the demonstration for several days as a strategic response to recent national events. The protest comes a day after a grand jury declined to indict Daniel Pantaleo, the New York police officer whose chokehold
on Eric Garner, an AfricanAmerican, led to his death. A protest was also held on Nov. 26 to protest the failure of a grand jury to indict Darren Wilson, a Ferguson police officer who shot and killed unarmed AfricanAmerican teenager Michael Brown. Protestors gathered in Frist the night of Dec. 3 to write signs in preparation of the protest on Dec, 4, with many of the signs listing names of African-Americans who had been killed, such as Garner, Brown, Tamir Rice and Trayvon Martin. The protest started at 11:30 a.m. when participating students silently walked out of their classes with their hands up and congregated in several areas, including McCosh Courtyard, the See PROTEST page 2
Bicker process
By Jacob Donnelly news editor
A student began collecting signatures for a referendum petition to end the Bicker process on Wednesday. The referendum, which was drafted by Ryan Low ’16, specifically calls for each eating club to end Bicker not later than the first day of the 2019-20 academic year, to establish an ad hoc USG committee to facilitate ending Bicker and to call on the Interclub Council to appoint a nonvoting member to the ad hoc committee to work with it to facilitate ending Bicker. Low presented the referSee BICKER page 5