February 22, 2017

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Wednesday february 22, 2017 vol. cxli no. 12

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STEM women discuss gender stereotype threat Samvida Venkatesh staff writer

Battling stereoty pe threat requires affirming oneself and attributing the problem to factors beyond one’s control rather than an innate inability to perform, said Professor of Psychology Dr. Nicole Shelton at a Women in STEM discussion Feb. 21. As part of the Mental Health Week presented by USG and the Mental Health Board, the dinner discussion invited students, faculty members, and administrators to identify stereotype threat, its spillover effects, and ways to deal with these issues in everyday life. Dr. Hilary Herbold, Social Worker at Counseling and Psychological Services, explained that stereotype threat is the pressure to perform well on a task in order to avoid confirming negative stereotypes, a feat that takes up significant cognitive space and thus leaves less bandwidth for the actual task at hand. Alison Herman ’19, a student organizer, added that stereotype threat often manifested well beyond the stereotyped domain, citing studies that show women perform worse on verbal tests administered

after math tests in which they were reminded of their gender. Similarly, she said that women tended to make less healthy eating choices and show riskier behavior immediately following a situation where they were under stereotype threat. “Every time I walk into my all-male ELE classes I feel like I’m representing all of womankind, and if I make a mistake then the others are probably thinking that all women are dumb,” explained one female student in the Electrical Engineering department. Several students agreed, adding that in classes they were often made aware of their race or gender because other students acted like they did not want to work with them. One way to combat this stereotype threat is simply to be aware of it and understand that there is a legitimate reason for feeling the pressure, noted Director of the Women*s Center Dr. Amada Sandoval. Attributing the problem to something outside themselves is a tactic that some students said they used. For example, one student spoke out about her feelings on Princeton’s environment. “I tell myself that See STEM page 3


Horizontally from left to right: Krieger, Cao, Turkmani, Wiliams

Gates Cambridge Scholars

Audrey Spensley staff writer

Penina Krieger ‘17, Natasha Turkmani ‘17, Charlotte Williams ‘17, and Erica Cao GS ‘13 were awarded the Gates Cambridge Scholarship on Feb. 8 to pursue postgraduate research at the University of Cambridge. The scholarship, funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, selects 36 academically and socially-motivated US citizens with the goal of assisting future socially-minded leaders, according to the foundation’s website. Turkmani, a civil and environmental engineering

concentrator, will pursue an MPhil in Energy Technologies, concentrating her research on low-carbon transport alternatives. “I was interesting in Cambridge University because they have a specific Master’s program in energy,” Turkmani said. “I looked at the curriculum and it was just the perfect balance between an overview of thermodynamics and energy technologies and renewable energy technologies.” Upon matriculating at the University, Turkmani knew that she wanted to pursue Civil and Environmental Engineering due to her passion for energy policy and her love of math


and science. Her current research interest grew out of her time at the University. “My focus on energy policy was something I developed at Princeton,” Turkmani said. “I developed a passion for sustainable energy and learning through the work of the Andlinger Center and certain classes, and eventually my senior thesis.” The Master’s program entails two terms of coursework and research that Turkmani will build upon in a dissertation for the summer term. According to a University press release, Turkmani has previously conSee SCHOLARS page 3


Princeton Journalists, scholars discuss “fake news” in animal control “post-fact era” Head news editor


Crowd gathers to discuss “post-fact era” in Betts Auditorium. ACADEMICS

LAPA public forum discusses Trump immigration ban Alexander Stangl staff writer

The University’s Program in Law and Public Affairs hosted a public forum covering the interpretation and ramifications of executive orders enacted by President Donald Trump Feb. 21. Among the speakers present were LAPA Fellow and

visiting scholar from UC Berkeley Professor Kathryn Abrams, Edward S. Sanford’s Professor Amaney Jamal, the Wilson School’s Professor Robert Keohane, and University Muslim Life Coordinator Sohaib Sultan. LAPA Fellow Professor of Politics Paul Frymer moderated the discussion. See IMMIGRANTS page 2

“Our politics is intensely polarized, and our media landscape is impoverished,” said Stephen Macedo, Professor of Politics and Human Values, at a panel on President Donald Trump and the politically polarized atmosphere today, especially with media. At the panel, each speaker addressed a different aspect of this issue, from various perspectives and backgrounds. The panel comes in the context of a political landscape mired with “fake news,” criticisms of bias, and distrust between the general public and the media itself. Macedo’s segment, “The Challenge to Journalism and Public Deliberation in Our Deeply Divided Democracy,” addressed the current state of American democracy in a post-fact era. Though he cautioned against use of the term “post-fact era” as hyperbole, he did address the challenges it creates. Moreover, he emphasized the “fair presentation of opposing points of view” and the “openness to those critical responses that give us confidence to the claims that survive that process.”

Macedo pointed out the issue of partisan polarization. “There is a much greater tendency for those on the right and left to associate with likeminded [individuals],” he said. “The most politically engaged Americans are the most divided.” “Partisanship seems to Trump religion and ethics,” said Macedo, followed by an uproar of laughter from the audience. Macedo highlighted the declining number of newspapers in print today, the fewer than 33,000 newsroom employees, and the only 17 percent of adults ages 18-24 who read the newspaper daily, as print no longer is the primary news source. “We all need to recognize the vital role journalism plays in our democracy,” Macedo said. Deborah Amos, Middle East correspondent for National Public Radio, followed with her segment on “Fake News: The Autocrat’s Toolbox.” “In our parts of the world the media is not free, and the government is an autocracy,” Amos said, as an international news correspondent with experience speaking on conferences geared towards addressSee DEMOCRACY page 2

In Opinion

Today on Campus

Blaykyi Kenyah writes about navigating Princeton social networks and Senior Columnist Max Grear urges graduate students to vote to divest from private prisons. PAGE 4

4:30 p.m.: REEES Department will host a seminar on “The Future or U.S.-Russian Relations” headed by Thomas Graham of Yale University in Louis A. Simpson International Building A71.

officer arrested Marcia Brown staff writer

Princeton Animal Control Officer Saul Nathan Barson was arrested and has been suspended without pay pending a further investigation, according to a press release sent to the Prince from the Princeton Office of the Administrator Marc Dashield. Barson was arrested by the Solebury Township Police Department in Pennsylvania after receiving information “in regards of a sexual assault that occurred on February 3, 2017,” according to the press release. The sexual assaulted occurred at Pat Livezey Park in Solebury Township and involved a 13-year-old child. The charges include “involuntary sexual intercourse, statutory sexual assault, sexual assault, indecent assault, corruption of minors and criminal use of a communication facility,” according to the press release. Barson’s arrest occurred Feb. 20. His bail, set by District Court Judge Gallagher, was 10 percent of $300,000.


Marcia Brown





Cloudy. chance of rain:

20 percent

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The Daily Princetonian

Wednesday february 22, 2017

Students face unique challenges in face of Trump ban IMMIGRATION Continued from page 1


Trump’s recent ban on immigrants from Libya, Iran, Iraq, Somalia, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen, as well as his stated intentions to deport undocumented immigrants, were the two core focuses of the discussion. Sultan opened up the discussion, arguing that much of Trump’s policy is centered around the population’s fear. “Islam hates us,” he claimed, is the primary message being put out to American citizens by the current administration. Sultan noted that, ever since Trump was inaugurated, there have been an increasing number of cases of the immigration ban being misapplied, with Muslim Americans facing extra security checks at airport security. Jamal, on the other hand, argued that, while she believes Trump’s actions to be reprehensible, the current course of things will, in the end, prove fruitful. “[This] is the best thing that’s happened to the Muslim community since 9/11,” she said, arguing that issues of discrimination against Muslims only enter the public eye when they are at their worst. A topic of debate at the forum was how the immigration ban should be addressed. Jamal and Sultan stood adamant that it should be regarded as a “Muslim ban,” as non-Muslim members of the countries listed were exempted under the executive order. However, Keohane warned that it would be careless to describe it as such, noting that most Muslims are not affected, barring improper application of the order by immigration officials. He noted that the ban does not cover countries such as Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, and Pakistan, which have large Muslim populations. Keohane agreed that it was indeed discriminatory, but

urged for the rhetoric used to be clear and accurate. For Keohane, the most pressing issue that Trump raises is his attitude towards dissenters. The fact that Trump’s administration argued that the executive orders were “unreviewable,” he argued, was of great concern. He notes that there is no precedent for this, and that it is worrying that the current president believes himself to be capable of “[…] power on or off the constitution at will.” Sultan regarded that 57 University students, primarily of Iranian origin, have found themselves to be directly affected by the recent immigration ban. Noting this issue, the panel advised that all students to be aware of their legal rights, whether or not each is a US citizen. They stressed that, given the unpredictability of current administration, each student should know what the law guarantees himself or herself, and prepare for issues that may arise. Additionally, Jamal noted that a ban on the Islamic Brotherhood, a moderate Islamic political party, has been proposed by Texas Senator Ted Cruz ‘92. Jamal explained that the current wording of the ban could prove to be problematic, in that many Muslim life organizations, including college religious groups, could come under fire. She noted that it is expected that Trump will address this issue sometime within the coming weeks. The lecture, entitled “Trump and the Constitution: the Rights of Immigrants and Refugees,” took place place in Robertson Hall at 4:30 p.m. It was co-sponsored by Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice. The lecture, entitled “Trump and the Constitution: the Rights of Immigrants and Refugees,” took place place in Robertson Hall at 4:30. It was cosponsored by Mamdouha S. Bobst Center for Peace and Justice.

Democracy and media in the face of political polarization DEMOCRACY Continued from page 1


ing “fake news.” She attributed an innate mistrust and skepticism toward state news in the Middle East. “Citizens of the Middle East are more savvy news consumers.” Amos touched upon a study conducted by Wellesley College, conducted through a National Science Foundation grant, which examined “fake news” across the media, particularly on Twitter. University researchers set up a website to track “fake news.” Still, Amos advocated for a greater focus on Facebook. “[They] have a responsibility to be more vigilant about what goes on their site,” Amos said in a conversation on media literacy. “Part of our job now [as journalists] is to understand the system.” “This country is no longer a place where everyone experiences the same reality,” Amos said. Christy Wampole, assistant professor of French and Italian, spoke on “readers’ changing relationship with the truth,” in her segment on “Undumbing the Public.” “Journalism proper has

seized to exist,” Wampole said. “American news often infantilizes its audience.” Wampole discussed how the media perceives the American public to be “in need of a kind of speculative entertainment.” “Why should this be acceptable to anyone? We have to raise the bar here,” Wampole said. Joe Stephens, journalism professor and a reporter for The Washington Post, entered into a discussion of “The ‘Iron Core’ of Journalism,” in which he emphasized the importance of consumer discretion and media literacy. “The powerful have long manufactured their own facts to suit their own purposes, and the credulous public is at risk if they’re not skeptical enough,” Stephens said. The New York Times added 270,000 new subscribers since the inauguration, and The Washington Post’s online traffic is at an all-time high, and is now, once again, profitable. CNN draws over one million viewers per hour. “The President … has called us fake news, disgusting, dishonest … the lowest form of humanity, the lowest form of life,” Stephens said. “If the President has said he is in a running war with jour-

The Daily Princetonian

Wednesday february 22, 2017

page 3

Krieger, Turkmani, Battling STEM stereotypes as part of Williams, Cao named Mental Health Week 2017 Gates Cambridge scholars STEM Continued from page 1

SCHOLARS Continued from page 1

............. ducted research in Malaysia through the International Internship Program. She is a member of the Black Arts Company: Dance, the Petey Greene Tutoring Program, and served as co-director of outreach for the Princeton University chapter of Engineers Without Borders for two years. “I was quite in shock, I was so excited and really happy I could make my school proud and family proud,” Turkmani said about finding out she had been offered the scholarship. Williams will be studying under the Archeology MPhil Program; she is currently concentrating in anthropology and pursuing certificates in archaeology, Latin American studies, and urban studies. Williams’ interest in anthropology was sparked by her Bridge Year to Peru, where she was exposed to Machu Picchu and other key anthropological sites in the Sacred Valley. As a freshman at the University, she reached out to 2014 Gates Scholarship awardee Izzy Kasdin ‘14, who was also entering the Archeology MPhil program. “Ever since that conversation, the program was on my radar as something I was interested in and working for,” Williams said. Her commitment to archeology was further sparked by a course she took in Greece with Professor of Archeology Nathan Arrington the summer after freshman year titled “Archeology in the Field.” Arrington invited her to return to the course the next summer in a supervising role normally reserved for graduate students. “What really solidified my interest for me was that Professor Arrington offered me a position as a square supervisor,” Williams said. “At an archeology site, each supervisor is responsible for managing a portion of the grid and locating artifacts and documenting the story of that site area. [Arrington] put a lot of trust in me.” Although Williams is concentrating her studies on Latin and Pre-Columbian art and archaeology, she is excited by the breadth of research and study options

DEMOCRACY Continued from page 2


nalists, should journalists go to war with the President?” Stephens asked. He offered a resounding no, reflecting on a long history of rocky relations between people in power and journalists. “To do otherwise actually would risk journalism and democracy,” he said. “If we can’t get this right, democracy can’t work.” Keith Wailoo, a professor in History and the Wilson School, addressed “A Crisis of Facts? Or a Crisis of Belief?” “We are not in a post-fact era in the same way in 2009 we did not enter a post-racial society,” Wailoo said. “In some ways there is a kind of recom-

at Cambridge. “I’m really excited because at Cambridge in particular, there is a huge history of culture, heritage and resource management. It’s an institution that focuses on so many fields within archeology,” Williams said. “It covers a huge geographic span and I’m really interested to see what questions are coming up in those different fields that will be profoundly different from those I’m researching. It’s important to have that basis before I specialize. I think it will be kind of a holistic experience.” On campus, Williams is a member of the Mock Trial team, the Department of Anthropology’s Undergraduate Advisory Group, and the Behrman Undergraduate Society of Fellows. She is also an RCA in Forbes College, a tutor, and a writer for the Princeton Traveler. Krieger is concentrating in neuroscience with a certificate in cognitive science. She will be studying in the Cognition and Brain Sciences unit and her research will focus on attention, specifically on a phenomenon called human blink that has ramifications on people with attention deficit disorders. According to the University Press release, Krieger was awarded with the Shapiro Prize in 2014 and 2015, was inducted early into Phi Beta Kappa in fall 2016, and served as a founding board member for the Cognitive Science Society. Cao concentrated in psychology and earned a certificate in musical performance. After graduating from the University, she was awarded a Gates Scholarship at Cambridge’s Centre for Music and Science and earned her Master’s in music studies, specializing in music and clinical science. “Cao also is a medical student at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, which she will continue while she pursues her Ph.D. She will also continue her efforts to establish a nonprofit organization called Humans in Harmony, which aims to build connections between people through collaborative music-making,” the University press release said.

mitment to the fact that facts matter.” “The crisis today is not of facts, or even of alternative facts, but of what I would call the contour of belief, particularly who believes what,” Wailoo said. He discussed the issue of credibility, explaining how “we make our own news online,” such as through Facebook, Twitter, and Wikipedia. “These are all vehicles by which we participate in the creation of alternative kinds of facts,” he said. The panel of journalists and humanities scholars entitled “Democracy, Facts, & the News,” took place in Betts Auditorium at 4:30 p.m. on Feb. 21. The event was hosted by the Princeton University Humanities Council as part of a larger series on “The Post-Fact Era.”

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............. Princeton is not a normal space and the things I am experiencing are very abnormal – this is not a regular experience,” she said. “The reason I am not happy is not about me, it is because Princeton sucks.” Institutional changes like bringing in more minority women professors at the introductory level in STEM classes could help young girls find role models in the field and feel like they belong, explained Herman. Many students at the table complained that they had rarely or never had a female professor in their science classes. Additionally, students often felt pressured by their peers to enter high-paying, successful professions even if their interest did not lie

in that field, said one student in the Computer Science department, referring in particular to recruitment season. Dr. Sandoval noted that college was meant to give people more options and the tools to choose more careers rather than trying to prove one’s worth. “A friend at my 25th Harvard reunion said that he didn’t feel successful because he wasn’t a Head of State!” she explained, adding that such ridiculous pressure was common in elite environments like the University. Others believed that the problem of stereotype threat was often conf lated by multiple stereotyped identities. “I’m a woman, and I’m black and I have natural hair — that puts me so low on the hierarchy,” said one student. Another added that as an international stu-

dent from Africa, she had been told by a peer that she was only at the University to add to the diversity. Shelton explained that self-affirmation often helps in such situations, even if it means affirming oneself in an area outside the stereotyped domain. Sandoval added that it often helps to manage boundaries better with those friends who, consciously or unconsciously, undermine one’s efforts. “If I have to create a bubble around myself to make it through, then I will,” said one student, explaining that she did not feel bad for cutting those people out of her life that questioned her abilities. The discussion, which was held at the Women*s Center, was attended by 17 female and one male student.


Someone take your ‘Prince’? Get your fix online.


Wednesday february 22, 2017


page 4

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Making friends: Princeton style

vol. cxli

Sarah Sakha ’18


Matthew McKinlay ’18

Blaykyi Kenyah

ing us, on practically a daily bacolumnist sis, that they were our parents while we were at school, and that our moral and social upbringing Raise your hand if you ever was as much their business as it have walked past someone you was our legal guardians’. It bears know and tried your hardest not noting that in many Ghanaian to make eye contact — you get languages, the term “aunt” is extra points if you made eye con- not applied to one’s mother’s sistact from afar, and then one or ters, nor “uncle” to one’s father’s both of you whipped out your brothers. They are, culturally, phones or suddenly pretended to your mothers and fathers. be very interested in the sideIt should come as no surprise walk’s cracks. then, that in this culture, kinYou probably don’t feel par- ship ties are woven so deeply ticularly guilty about it; after that kindness to everyone, not all, everyone else does it too. I just strangers, is the norm. It is can’t count the number of times basically an insult to walk past I have deliberately avoided some- someone, especially if you know one because I did not remember them, without saying “hi.” If you his or her name, or — and this is do so, you must prepare for an rather interesting in hindsight­ early evening phone call from — because I thought if he or she someone wondering if you two wanted to talk, he or she would have unresolved conflicts. (or should) say “hi!” first. This And so I came to Princeton as passivity, I would later realize, a very friendly person, extremely was an unnecessary and easily eager to rebuild that community dismantled barrier to tapping I grew up in, where even the vilinto the amazing diversity of lage meanie could be pushed to friends Princeton has to offer. a modicum of exchange with a I come from Ghana, a very “good morning,” and no “hi” was communalistic country, full of unaccompanied by some small people who are quite concerned talk. Initially, I was not disapabout each other in both intan- pointed. Everyone seemed so gible and tangible ways. Ghana- ready to make friends! After a ians have a very loose definition short time though, things began of family, and everyone a gen- to change. People seemed less eaeration above you is an “uncle” ger to catch up, cliques began to or “aunt.” Two generations back? form, and I felt behind. I would They’re all your grandparents. walk past other people that I My teachers in school, all the way knew from past experiences, to high school, took it a step fur- neither of us acknowledging the ther. I still recall them remind- other. Soon, my “friendships”

began to fizzle and pop. As my frustration at this grew, I did what any 19-year-old would: call my mother. She patiently listened to my ranting, and then cut me off with a question. “What,” she asked, “are you doing?” Her question left me thinking. While I was waiting for people to say hi to me and usher me into their gatherings, I never noticed my own passivity. Without the comfort of Ghana’s familiarity, I simply did not want to deal with the awkwardness of making new friends, unless they made the first step. It was then that it hit me — other people were also probably waiting for me to make that first move, too. There was an unspoken impasse. Very few people come to Princeton with a strong set of friends. Although some are fortunate enough to have people from their high school here, for many people, myself included, being thrust into this new environment and having to deal with making friends in addition to everything else can seem daunting. The spring semester, with its reshuffle of classes and schedules, makes keeping up even harder. Yet, the contradiction inherent in this is that the very nature of Princeton makes having a social network all the more important. Such a network is important for commiseration over the arduous academic hurdles, and for the break it offers from the routine. While the

university does its best to create it, through zee groups, colleges, and the ilk, nothing beats the organic nature of friendship. Even the most casual of conversations can have quite a deep impact, and that we miss these opportunities because we want to remain in our comfort zones is unfortunate. So I decided to challenge myself and go out of my way to connect with people. I became more proactive. I started following up with friends, and making sure that schedule changes did not affect our relationships. I tried my best to make our relationship transcend our immediate shared experience — I tried to connect on a more individual level: from the mundane (who doesn’t love “Avatar: the Last Airbender”?) to the more visceral experiences that made each person who he or she is. And it has served me well. Princeton really is full of interesting people, rich in experiences and deep in thoughts. I know my best memories decades from now will be the moments I shared with my friends, not just my inner circle, but those I connected with through concerted efforts. What will be your best memories?

Blaykyi Kenyah is a sophomore from Sekondi, Ghana. He can be reached at bkenyah@ princeton.edu.

business manager

BOARD OF TRUSTEES president Richard W. Thaler, Jr. ’73 vice presidents John G. Horan ’74 Thomas E. Weber ’89 secretary Betsy L. Minkin ’77 treasurer Michael E. Seger ’71 Craig Bloom ’88 Gregory L. Diskant ’70 William R. Elfers ’71 Stephen Fuzesi ’00 Zachary A. Goldfarb ’05 Joshua Katz Kathleen Kiely ’77 Rick Klein ’98 James T. MacGregor ’66 Alexia Quadrani Jerry Raymond ’73 Randall Rothenberg ’78 Annalyn Swan ’73 Douglas J. Widmann ’90

141ST MANAGING BOARD managing editors Megan Laubach ’18 Grace Rehaut ’18 Christina Vosbikian ’18 Head news editor Marcia Brown ’19 news editors Abhiram Karuppur ’19 opinion editor Newby Parton ‘18 sports editor David Xin ‘19 street editor Jianing Zhao ‘20

Grad students: Vote yes to prison divest Marni Morse

senior columnist

This column is the second part in a series focusing on a student campaign for private prison divestment as a lens for examining questions regarding historical and present injustice, institutional responsibility and accountability, and mechanisms of change. This series reflects my personal involvement (not as a spokesperson) in the Princeton Private Prison Divest coalition (PPPD). This week, graduate students will have the opportunity to express support for the campaign to divest from private prisons and detention centers. The issue of private prison divestment will appear as a referendum question in the Graduate Student Government election, and a “Yes to Divest” majority would be pivotal as PPPD’s campaign continues to build momentum. Voting begins tomorrow, Feb. 23 and ends on Mar. 1. Divestment from the private prison and detention industry is an incredibly urgent matter given the current political landscape, particularly given the fact that 90 percent of immigrant detainees are held in private facilities. Just this past week, a massive escalation of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raids has spread fear among immigrant communities, making it abundantly clear why stocks in private prison and detention corporations have soared since Trump’s election. Even DACA recipients are now vulnerable to detainment. University President Christopher Eisgruber ‘83 recently promised in an email to the community that the University would “stand with other members of our community on behalf of DACA and the rights and well-being of all our students, faculty, and staff.” There is

a flagrant contradiction between such a statement and the status quo of PRINCO investments in private prison and detention and corporations. Currently, the University is directly financially tied to facilities in which members of our own community could conceivably be incarcerated indefinitely and denied contact with family and legal counsel — thereby bankrolling a very real threat to the safety of our peers, friends and neighbors. If the University administration truly intends to follow through with Eisgruber’s promise, then it will move to discontinue the institution’s financial ties to the eleven corporations outlined in PPPD’s divestment proposal. Moreover, divestment is also a crucial step in addressing the University’s historical implications in the slave economy, pervasive racism, and xenophobia. At a moment when even Yale is taking steps to address its ugly racial legacy by changing the name of Calhoun College, Princeton risks falling behind its peers by remaining complacent. Given the evidence that private prisons disproportionately incarcerate people of color even beyond the enormous racial disparities in the prison system in general, divestment from this industry is an obvious reparative act. Despite the preponderance of evidence of abuse and violence pervading the private prison industry — with reports of rates of sexual abuse, self-harm and drug-taking higher than those in publicly-run prisons — industry-funded studies continue to defend private prisons and detention centers as alternatives to public prisons that cut costs and provide the same quality service. While it may seem strange to evaluate various options for incarcerating human beings purely on the basis of cost, private prison advocates do so frequently — despite the complete lack of any con-

clusive evidence in their favor. It’s worth deconstructing this largely unsubstantiated but alltoo-common case for prison privatization. Arizona’s own Department of Corrections — a state with a particularly poor record on prison policy — conducted a study in 2011 that found that private prisons operated at costs comparable to those of state-run prisons, while providing levels of quality of service at best comparable to or below those of their public counterparts. The Utah Criminal Justice Center at the University of Utah found that “cost savings from privatizing prisons are not guaranteed and appear minimal” while publicly managed prisons have fewer inmate grievances. Far more importantly, however, the privatization of incarceration incentivizes cost-cutting measures which maximize profits. Typically, this entails reducing staff, undermining safety measures, and cutting back on rehabilitative programs. These operations directly endanger the immediate and long-term physical, emotional, and mental safety and health of incarcerated human beings — even beyond the low standard set by publicly-run prisons. Private prisons barely offer even the flimsiest pretense of rehabilitation. Unsurprisingly, given the poor quality of services and programs and the phenomenon of shipping prisoners far from their communities and families, rates of recidivism (when individuals are released from prison and then incarcerated again) are higher for people incarcerated in private prisons than for those held in public facilities. A study conducted in 2013 by the Minnesota Department of Corrections found that “offenders who had been incarcerated in a private prison had a greater hazard of recidivism in all 20 regression

models … which may be attributable to fewer visitation and rehabilitative programming opportunities for offenders incarcerated at private facilities.” At the same time, prisoners in private facilities are more likely to see their sentences increased. In direct opposition to the notion of rehabilitation which is central to our justice system, private prisons instead inflict greater short-term and long-term harm upon individuals and communities. Facing such evidence, the US Department of Justice decided over the summer to phase out the use of private prisons. The Office of the Inspector General found that “contract prisons incurred more safety and security incidents per capita than comparable BOP [Bureau of Prisons] institutions.” Since the election, however, the prospects of the private prison and detention center have reversed. The private prison and detention industry plays an essential role in the violence which the current administration is preparing to undertake or already enacting upon communities of color, whether through ICE raids or proposals to escalate the heavily racialized war on drugs. At such an urgent moment, institutions like Princeton must step out or remain complicit in Trump’s deeply racist and destructive political agenda and a broken system of mass incarceration. Graduate students: please vote before Mar. 1 and help demand accountability.

Max Grear is a Spanish and Portuguese major from Wakefield, R.I. He can be reached at mgrear@ princeton.edu.

photography editor Rachel Spady ‘18 web editor David Liu ‘18 chief copy editors Isabel Hsu ‘19 Samuel Garfinkle ‘19 design editor Rachel Brill ‘19 associate opinion editors Samuel Parsons ’19 Nicholas Wu ’18 associate sports editors Miranda Hasty ’19 Claire Coughlin ’19 associate street editor Andie Ayala ‘19 Catherine Wang ’19 associate chief copy editors Caroline Lippman ’19 Omkar Shende ‘18 editorial board co-chairs Ashley Reed ‘18 Connor Pfeiffer ’18 cartoons editor Tashi Treadway ‘19

NIGHT STAFF 2.22.17 copy Hannah Waxman ’19 Design Abigail Kostolansky ‘20

Wednesday february 22, 2017

The Daily Princetonian

Nonprofit student group TAMID hosts Start-up Nation tech fair

Moderator Mark Cohen introduces a man who, after being paralyzed from the waste down in a hunting accident, was confined to a wheelchair. The man says he regained some dignity when, with the help of innovative technology ReWalk, he was able to stand to look people around him in the eye.

page 5

Mark Cohen, founder and president of Israel Ideas, moderates a panel of entrepreneurs (left to right) Offer Ben-Saadon, Jason Chernofsky, and Noemie Allie.

Princeton students listen as a visiting entrepreneur describes his company. An entrepreneur (left) explains more about the nonprofit Innovation Africa, which exists to bring Israeli water and solar technologies to remote villages of Africa.

A Princeton student gets hands-on experience with the technology of Cinema2Go, a virtual reality startup.


An entrepreneur showcases his company, Gamitee, to visitors. Gamitee enables consumers to collaborate while shopping online.


Sophia Garvilenko ’20 ..................................................


Wednesday february 22, 2017

page 6

{ www.dailyprincetonian.com } M. BASKETBALL

Men’s basketball crushes Yale and Brown, increases Ivy League streak to a 10-0 squeeze-out win By Miles Hinsoon Sports editor Emeritus

This men’s basketball team is on a mission. Putting their 11-game winning streak to the test this weekend, the Princeton Tigers (17-6 overall, 10-0 Ivy League) remained perfect in their most critical portion of the season. In a road trip through New England, they downed the Yale Bulldogs and Brown Bears to clinch a spot in the Ivy League postseason tournament. Friday’s matchup looked sure to be a heavyweight matchup, as the red-hot Tigers took on a Bulldogs team (14-9, 6-4) standing at third in the Ancient Eight, and were the representatives of the Ivy League to March Madness in 2016. Indeed, these two had gone toe-totoe when they last met in January, when the Tigers broke away only in the last four minutes of the competition en route to a 66-58 win. This contest, however, would provide no such thrills. From the 12:43 mark in the first half onwards, the Tigers would not relinquish the lead. The offense was operating at all cylinders, as the Tigers shot better than 60 percent from the field through the first half, while holding the Bulldogs to just 41 percent. The Orange and Black would exit


Men’s basketball will face Harvard and Dartmouth this weekend.

the first half with a 38-29 lead. In the final 20 minutes, while the Bulldogs would hang around in the early stages of the half, getting the lead to as low as 5, the Tigers ultimately asserted their dominance as they pushed the lead into double digits around the 15-minute mark. They kept up their continued strong shooting performance from the field, while the Bulldogs struggled to find the mark — an unfortunate surprise for the team that ranks second best in the Ivy League in points

scored at just above 73 points per game. The Bulldogs would leave their home floor highly disappointed, with a 71-52 victory going to the Tigers. In the game, sophomore guard Devin Cannady and sophomore guard Myles Stephens were absolutely lights out. Cannady, averaging 13.4 points a game, put up a career high 29 points against Yale, as he would go a scorching 7-8 from downtown on the game. Of these, 6-7 came in the first half. For comparison, the Bulldogs as a

team put in five three-pointers on the game. Stephens, while not as prolific from behind the arc as his teammate, would still put up an efficient 9-16 shooting performance on the day, en route to 20 points — a career high for him as well. From this, the Tigers would come into Providence with momentum on their side. The Bears (11-15, 2-8), while struggling in the Ivy League standings, have the highest-scoring offense in the league at 75.8 points per game. The Tigers, in

turn, have posted the league’s most suffocating defense, allowing their opponents just 62.5 points per game. Indeed, that was on full display as the Tigers throttled the Bears in first half, holding their Providence foes to just 6-19 (31.6 percent) shooting from the field, and just 17 points overall. The Tigers’ offensive groove from the previous day seemed to roll into this game as well — they shot 54.2 percent from the field, and 7-12 from behind the arc, to the tune of 33 points in the first half. After a tough outing in the first 20 minutes, the Bears found themselves unable to make traction to put a dent in the lead. Indeed, the lead would balloon to as high as 21 in the second half, as the Bears found themselves on the wrong end of a 66-51 score once all was said and done. While Cannady and Stephens had relatively quiet games, the Tigers found support from senior guard Steven Cook and junior guard Amir Bell, who combined for 30 points and 7-11 shooting from deep. With this pair of strong victories in hand, only four games remain in the Tigers’ regular season. With a spot in the postseason tournament clinched, they look to solidify their place in the league this weekend as they host second place Harvard and eighth place Dartmouth this weekend at Jadwin.

W. H O C K E Y

Women’s hockey honors seniors with weekend sweep and ECAC playoff qualification By Grace Baylis Staff Writer

The women’s hockey team came out victorious on their senior day last weekend, beating both Union (4-1) and Rensselaer (4-2) to take the final playoff spot and head to the Eastern College Athletic Conference (ECAC) Tournament. Princeton honored seven seniors: forward Audrey Potts, forward Molly Contini, forward Cassidy Tucker, forward Fiona McKenna, defenseman Molly Strabley, defenseman Kelsey Koelzer and forward Morgan Sly. In their first weekend game, the Tigers came out strong, taking the lead against Union and preventing a shot on goal until nine minutes left in the first period. The goal scorer, freshman forward Carly Bullock, netted the first with an assist from sophomore forward Karlie Lund with around four minutes to go in the first period. Freshman defenseman Julia Edgar assisted with the second goal, as she passed the puck to Lund, who was waiting on the Union blue line.

The leading goal scorer for the Tigers showed the calm and composure she has all season, taking the puck around the Union goalkeeper and doubling Princeton’s lead with one minute to play in the first half. In the second period, Contini got her first goal of the game and tenth of the season from an assist from her classmate Strabley, but Union was not defeated just yet. They ended the shutout that junior goaltender Alysia DaSilva had been looking for with eight minutes left in the second period during a power play. However, DaSilva will be happy with her performance as she stopped the 19 or 20 shots she faced from Union. As the third period ended with around five minutes to play, the Tigers sealed the game, and Contini got her second goal from a rebound shot originally attempted by fellow senior and captain Koelzer. With the win Princeton had picked up against Union, a tie or win against RPI could see them clinch the final playoff position and allow the seniors

Tweet of the Day “Find your ‘why’ amd never lose sight of it.” Dorian Williams (@ DWilliamsPU), Senior Defensive Back, Football

to play again. The game could not have been a more memorable way to send off for the seniors as they wrapped up their last regular season campaign of their college careers. Despite the game starting well, with Princeton outshooting RPI in the first period and taking a 1-0 lead from Potts with fellow seniors Koelzer and McKenna assisting, the match was not going to be easy. In the second period, RPI took advantage of a more defensive Princeton team, scoring in the power play three minutes into the second period and eventually taking the lead at the end of the period. The Tigers found themselves going into a stressful final third on Senior Day. But at the interval Princeton regrouped and started the final group period playing their game. They shot a total of 21 shots on the RPI goal in one period and 53 overall, and after sustained pressure on the Union goalkeeper, defender Strabley managed to get her third goal of the season. Continuing to fight hard for the playoff spot, Princeton’s Lund got the game winner


Women’s hockey kicks off ECAC tournament on Friday.

and took her overall tally to 21 goals, pushing herself to second in goals scored in the ECAC conference. In a last-ditch comeback attempt by Union, they pulled their goalkeeper, but disciplined defending by the Tigers saw Koelzer force a turnover and pass to Tucker, who scored into the empty net.

Stat of the Day

13 games After defeating Yale and Brown, the men’s basketball team is on a recordbreaking 13-game winning streak.

This weekend was an exciting one to be a Tiger supporting the women’s ice hockey team. They face a three-series test against Quinnipiac with a three-win streak behind them. Beginning on Friday and going through to Sunday, the test starts at 3 p.m. to kick off the ECAC Tournament.

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