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Tuesday february 3, 2015 vol. cxxxix no. 2
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25˚ 17˚
U. releases budget for 2015-16 year
Some clouds in the morning. chance of rain: none
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In Opinion
By Corinne Lowe
Newby Parton argues for freshman Pre-read reform, and Marni Morse points out recent attitudes about sexual assault at elite institutions. PAGE 4
Today on Campus 4:30 p.m.: Judge Janice Rogers Brown, of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, will give the Herbert W. Vaughn Lecture on America’s Founding Principles titled “Snuffing the ‘Celestial Fire’: From the Constitution of Conscience to the Politics of Compassion.” Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall.
The Archives
Feb. 3, 1975 Economics professor Albert Rees is appointed and confirmed the fourth University provost. Prior to his appointment, Rees was director of President Gerald Ford’s Council on Wage and Price Stability.
senior writer
The campus is blanketed with a fresh coat of snow for the first day of the spring semester. STUDENT LIFE
USG referendum regarding winter break length goes live By Linda Song staff writer
An Undergraduate Student Government referendum calling for a three-week winter break during the 201516 academic year opened for voting online on Monday. The vote, which ends on BEYOND THE BUBBLE
got a tip? Submit it online by visiting:
The Food and Drug Administration recently approved Novartis’ meningitis B vaccine, Bexsero, which had been used to vaccinate University students. The vaccine is now approved for use in 10- to 25-year-olds in an effort to prevent the disease from spreading. Seven students and one visitor were diagnosed with and survived meningitis B in 2013. A Drexel student died from meningitis B after coming into contact with University students on Drexel’s campus in March 2014. In response to the outbreak, the University increased awareness of the disease’s modes of transmission on campus, offered Bexsero vaccinations to students and removed the overnight component of Princeton Preview. Bexsero was not FDA-approved at the time of the outbreak, but the University began a vaccination pro-
News & Notes Dartmouth bans hard liquor
Dartmouth President Phil Hanlon announced a campus-wide ban on hard alcohol on Friday, The Dartmouth said. The ban will be enforced at the beginning of spring term, along with the mandatory presence of third-party bartenders and bouncers at parties hosted by Dartmouth-recognized organizations. Some experts questioned the sensibleness of banning hard alcohol – defined as beverages containing more than 15 percent alcohol by volume - without banning all alcohol. Others have noted that most alcohol intoxication incidents involve hard alcohol rather than beer or wine. A similar ban is in place at Bowdoin, where some students say it is ignored. Hanlon said that the Greek system will continue at Dartmouth, but its existence might be revisited in the future. The specifics of the ban, including the timeline and enforcement structure of its implementation, have yet to be made clear.
staff writer
ing to that call for a second faculty vote,” Cheng said, referring to the first faculty vote that approved the 201516 academic calendar. “We really need this for there to be movement … There is a huge majority of students who want this to be changed, See REFERENDUM page 3 U N I V E R S I T Y A F FA I R S
FDA approves Bexsero vaccine for use in 10- to 25-year-olds By Zaynab Zaman
Wednesday at noon, is not binding. USG president Ella Cheng ’16 said a demonstration of student support is necessary to convince the faculty and University to work on revising the calendar. “The purpose of the referendum is to really give back-
There will be a tuition increase of 3.9 percent for the 2016 fiscal year, the University’s Priorities Committee announced in its annual operating budget report released on Monday. The increased budget also includes a 7.4 percent increase in the University’s financial aid budget to $140.2 million for next year. This is in accordance with a “stay-even” financial aid budget designed to protect financial aid recipients from the effects of an increase in tuition. Despite the tuition increase, the University’s total cost of tuition, room and board will still be $630 below the cost of the current year’s closest competitors, including all of the Ivy League institutions, Stanford and MIT, the report said. According to the report, the average net tuition, room and board is $13,072 for students receiving financial aid today, which is 31 percent lower than in 2001. The current 2014-15 tuition
sits at $41,820 but will be raised to $43,450 next year. The overall fee increase is also 3.9 percent, including a 4.6 percent increase in room and a 3.1 percent increase in board costs, according to the report. This will result in an overall fee package of $57,610 next year, compared to the current $55,440. The Priorities Committee made its recommendation based on national labor markets and other inflation rates. The Priorities Committee and the Committee on Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid predicted an increase in the fraction of students on financial aid from 58.6 percent to approximately 60 percent for the class entering this coming fall. “The good news story from my perspective is that Princeton remains really one of the most affordable deals in higher education, and that’s an extraordinary thing,” University Provost David Lee GS ’99 said. “Even for students who don’t receive aid, our tuition is really at the bottom of our peer See BUDGET page 4
gram on campus with special approval from the FDA in order to prevent further cases. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the FDA imported thousands of doses of the vaccine to the University, and immunizations started on Dec. 9, 2013. Novartis and the FDA did not respond to requests for comment. Bexsero uses a two-dose regime with a f lexible dosing schedule that allows a month to pass between the administration of the doses, according to a Novartis press release. Although Bexsero has been approved in Europe, Australia and Canada for more than a year, the United States approved it on Jan. 23. After initial approval in Europe, over one million doses have been distributed outside the United States, according to the Novartis press release. In 2013, Canada launched a large-scale vaccination campaign with Bexsero. This was the first See MENINGITIS page 2
Political Contributions University employees follow the state trend of leaning Democratic. Sixty-two percent, or $379,825, of the contributions were made to Democrats, 36 percent or $216,830 to Republicans and the remaining two percent or $11,850 to independent organizations. In 2014, U. faculty and staff made
Democratic - $379,825
Republican - $216,830
Independent - $11,850
171 donations, for a total of $88,625 donated, with an average donation of $518
In 2014, U. trustees made
66 donations, for a total of $519,880 donated, with an average donation of $7,900 AUSTIN LEE :: DESIGN EDITOR
U. individuals accounted for 1.5 percent of N.J. political contributions in 2014 By Shriya Sekhsaria staff writer
Political contributions from University faculty, staff and trustees, including individual contributions to political action committees and candidates, made up 1.47 percent of the total political contributions in the state of New Jersey in 2014. The trustees, faculty and
staff together made 237 contributions over the course of the year, leading to contributions of $608,505, according to a search of a Federal Election Commission public database. The average size of contributions from University-affiliated individuals was $2,567. Sixty-two faculty and staff members contributed a total of $88,625 over 171 donations, for an average faculty and staff
contribution of $518. Of the 37 current trustees, 16 contributed a total of $519,880 through 66 donations, with an average contribution of nearly $7,900. Since the FEC only displays contributions equal to or above $200, this number may not account for all of the contributions made during the year. The Princeton Plasma See DONATIONS page 2
Ottoman history scholar discusses role of nationalism in Balkan Wars By Durva Trivedi senior writer
The Albanian conflict and nationalist ideologies both played key roles in bringing about the Balkan Wars, Nader Sohrabi said in a lecture on Monday. Sohrabi is a scholar of Ottoman and Iranian history currently conducting research at the Institute for Advanced Study. Sohrabi explained that, within scholarship on Turkish nationalism, there are two popular views with regards to
Balkan history: orthodox and revisionist. According to the orthodox view, the Ottoman Empire broke down because of the irrational nationalism of the Committee of Union and Progress, a well known political organization in the region. According to the revisionist view, however, Turkish nationalism is an entirely new idea — a product of the republic — while the empire’s identity was religious, local, hybrid and Ottomanist. “I counter both,” Sohrabi said. “I claim here that CUP is
going somewhere that is close to an assimilationist stance. It continued to be Ottomanist, but at the same time Turkist.” Sohrabi explained that this is not contradictory, because while Turkists became the ethnic core of the Ottoman nations, they were willing to leave room for religious, linguistic and national autonomy. “There is an ethnic core of Turkism: around it is Islam and around that is Ottomanism,” Sohrabi said. “But of course, the picture can be much more complicated. This
is the universe according to the Young Turks between 1908 and 1912.” He added that the region saw a transition from traditional empire, which stands for institutional inequality, to nation-states, which were more keen on equality and uniformity. The CUP distinguished itself from the old regime and stood firmly behind centralization and equality for all citizens. Sohrabi then elaborated on the sorts of reactions this transition sparked in Albania. “Of course, this is an em-
pire, so everything in one part affects the other parts,” Sohrabi said. “Turkish, Arab and Albanian nationalism are interacting matters and should be considered as a whole.” By superimposing maps from before and after the conflict over one another, Sohrabi was able to show the change over time in Albania. Albania wanted unity for the four provinces but ended up with a much a smaller land space, he said. Sohrabi said a trend could be seen in four years of rebelSee LECTURE page 4