‘Howard is the spirit of Princeton’: RoMa’s smiling chef reflects on 27 years at Princeton
By Sydney Eck Head Features Editor By Laura Robertson Staff News WriterThe University is currently considering a proposal to expand access to meals at dining halls, eating clubs, and co-ops for up perclass students — a change that could bring a potential tuition hike of $1,500 if implemented, ac cording to information shared with The Daily Princetonian by an individual familiar with the situ ation.
Under the current iteration of this proposal, students would have five swipes per week to use in any dining institution on campus — including dining halls, co-ops, and eating clubs — in addition to the meal plans they might already have at any of those institutions.
If implemented, this would be a
ON CAMPUSsignificant departure from current upperclass dining policy, which limits non-members of eating clubs and co-ops to meals where they are invited by a member.
The University is considering launching a free-of-charge pilot of this program this coming spring, with about 10 percent of the classes of 2023 and 2024 participating.
The actual plan would not take effect until the Fall 2024 semester, or later, according to an email from Deputy University Spokesperson Michael Hotchkiss.
A working group made up of representatives from University administration, Undergraduate Student Government, Campus Dining, the Inter-Club Council (ICC), and co-op student leadership are working on developing this pi lot in a way that suits the needs of
CPUC discusses ongoing construction, mental health in first meeting of the fall
By Isabel Yip Assistant News EditorAt the first Council of the Princeton Community (CPUC) meeting of the fall semester, held on Sept. 19, University offi cials gave construction updates and addressed concerns about disruptions to campus life due to ongoing projects. Project Communication Manager Kar en Fanning presented campus wayfinding projects like the Build Princeton campaign, as well as a series of 17 maps that will be placed on campus giv ing students detour directions before they reach a closure.
Additionally, a group of Uni versity administrators, in con junction with student leaders, shared the findings of a mental health resources report created over the summer. This work began with an Undergraduate Student Government (USG) Senate-sponsored referendum in Spring 2022.
During the meeting, the Ad Hoc Committee on Naming, which recently renamed Marx
Hall to Laura Wooten Hall, was recommended to become a standing committee of the CPUC. The CPUC also approved the Order of Business for 2022–23, which is a set of rules under which the committee operates that must be reapproved each year.
Construction Updates and Concerns
While displaying maps of campus that date back to 1756, Associate Vice President of Capital Projects Dozi Ibeh reflected on the legacy of con struction that today’s capital projects are built upon.

“I hear from so many people how beautiful Princeton’s cam pus is,” he said. “But that beau ty took construction, design. It’s now our turn to contribute to the continuous growth and evolution of Princeton Univer sity’s campus.”
Ibeh announced the comple tion of the Stadium Drive Garage, Roberts Stadium, Yeh
each institution, as well as those of the student body.
Hotchkiss said this working group is tasked with developing a “more inclusive and fluid din ing experience for upperclass stu dents.”
He told the ‘Prince’ that the working group’s work is driven by “the transition to an all fouryear residential college model, the expansion of the undergraduate student body, and the fact that students are no longer required to have a meal plan to live in the resi dential colleges.”
“Learnings from this pilot, along with continued input from stakeholders, will inform potential changes to the dining system in the years ahead,” he added.
However, some eating club and
It takes a village to raise a child, and it takes several thousand staff and faculty members to educate and care for Princeton undergraduate students once they begin their University careers.
Howard “Earl” Vernon Sut phin is one such employee. Sutphin has been recognized for his impact on the lives of Princetonians many times in student personal projects and assignments and even on na tional news. Sutphin is retir ing at the end of this academic year, after 27 years of cooking and caring for Princeton stu dents.
The conversation below was edited for length and clarity.
Howard Sutphin: Be fore we get started, lemme show you something. Have you ever seen this picture [see mural by Mario Moore below]? I got on the news because of that picture. They were supposed to just interview the artist, but then they said, “No we wanna talk to the people behind the picture.” So the artist said “I’ve got just the guy you wanna talk to.”
Daily Princetonian: What do you prefer people call you?
HS: Everyone knows me. Howard. My full name is Howard Vernon Sutphin. But people sometimes call me Earl, like Earl the Pearl [Earl Monroe], a basket ball player. My uncle was a conductor at Penn Cen tral Train Station, and he
Naturalization ceremony for 30 Princeton community members held in Robertson Hall
By Anika Buch and Lia Opperman Associate News Editor and Assistant News EditorThirty people from the Princeton area became natu ralized citizens of the United States as they took the Oath of Allegiance in the Arthur Lew is Auditorium at the Princeton School of Public and Interna tional Affairs (SPIA) last week.
The new citizens come from 11 countries, including Cana da, Egypt, Ghana, Hungary, India, Pakistan, Russia, Spain, Syria, Taiwan, and the United Kingdom.
SPIA Dean Amaney Jamal delivered a keynote address, and emphasized the tenets of inclusivity intrinsic to the American dream.
“The United States has al ways been committed to and held together by shared values of freedom, liberty, and equal ity,” Jamal said. “I’m proud that these values are also held dear by both Princeton University and the School of Public and International Affairs.”
“Both institutions promote and celebrate diversity in all of its forms, and seek to be a welcoming place for students,
faculty, and administrators from all over the world,” she added.
The ceremony included a performance by Shere Khan, a University a cappella group, who sang a rendition of “This Land is Your Land” by Woody Guthrie. They also led the group in singing the national anthem.
Elina Lapina, who became a naturalized citizen, explained in an interview with The Daily Princetonian how special the ceremony felt to her. “I was very emotional. I was cry ing during the ceremony so I couldn’t stop my tears, but it was great,” she said. “I love America.”
University Assistant Vice President for Community and Regional Affairs Kristin Ap pelget welcomed the audience during the ceremony. Appel get emphasized that the event was an effort by the munici pality’s human services de partment and the Princeton Public Library to promote in clusivity, unity, and diversity as part of Welcoming Week.
The ceremony also featured pre-recorded remarks from President Joe Biden, who cel ebrated the newly naturalized
citizens, explaining that the United States is “more than just a place, but an idea, an idea where everyone is created equal and deserves to be treat ed equally.”
Jamal mentioned the lifechanging opportunities that American citizenship can bring in her closing remarks.
“As citizens of the U.S., we are also citizens of the world,” she said. “As we build bridges of understanding, compas sion and empathy, here in the U.S. and abroad, please don’t forget that you are now the stewards of the U.S. And the U.S. is now a stronger and a better place, here and in the world, because of you.”
Anika Buch is an associate news editor at the ‘Prince’ who typically covers STEM commu nities and on-campus research. She can be reached at ambuch@ princeton.edu.
Lia Opperman is an assistant news editor who often covers Uni versity affairs, student life, and local news. She can be reached at liaopperman@princeton.edu, on Instagram @liamariaaaa, or on Twitter @oppermanlia.
LOCAL CANDACE DO / THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN Cannon Club, along with the other eating clubs, could be impacted by the proposed plan.Mental health report recommends increased 24/7 counseling, CPS funding
builds fitness, strength, and flex ibility.”
“It’s really identifying what’s behind the fence,” Fanning said.
College, and New College West, which opened Sept. 3 to students despite construction uncertainty.
The 17-acre site of the Envi ronmental Studies and School of Engineering and Applied Science (ES&SEAS) campus has been cleared, utility lines are being installed, and the beginning of the foundation is under construc tion. The University intends on moving the 91 Prospect Ave. building across the street, as well as 110 Prospect Ave., to make room for ES&SEAS and preserve the Victorian homes on Prospect Avenue.
Other current construction projects include the Princeton University Art Museum; the Uni versity Health Services facility, which will provide “outpatient medical care and counseling services;” Dillon Gym renovation and expansion; development in the Meadows Neighborhood (pre viously called the Lake Campus Development); and Hobson Col lege, which will be complete with its own dining hall.
Fanning addressed the concern of moving around campus when many routes are disrupted due to construction. Current measures include an opt-in text alert system that alerts students of detours and area closures as well as a series of campus pathways that will be displayed around campus before major construction begins, allowing students to “choose which way [they] might want to go.”
Signage will be placed around campus starting this week, ac cording to Fanning.
Fanning noted that the Princ eton Builds campaign, visible around campus outside Frist Campus Center and the Princeton University Art Museum, for ex ample, was created to inform the public about why the University is taking on these projects. Out side Dillon Gym, the Princeton Builds campaign reads, “Princ eton builds wellness. Wellness
Ibeh addressed a concern from Uma Fox ’26 about pedestrian safety and lighting around cam pus.
“Several students have con ferred to me that they feel as though there’s a lack of nighttime visibility on campus,” she said.
Ibeh responded that a group of representatives takes part in campus safety walks every semes ter in order to identify areas for improvement. Several pathways, particularly in the center of cam pus, are slated to undergo im provements to offer wider walk ways and additional lighting.
Assistant Professor of Classics Caroline Cheung inquired about plans for classroom expansion given the growing student popu lation on campus. Ibeh responded that most projects that are cur rently part of the capital plan will be expanding the classroom inventory.
Discussion on Mental Health
Vice President for Campus Life Rochelle Calhoun, alongside Di rector of Counseling and Psycho logical Services Dr. Calvin Chin, USG U-Council Chair Stephen Daniels ’24, USG Vice President Hannah Kapoor ’23, and USG President Mayu Takeuchi ’23, led a conversation about mental health on campus.
Over seven meetings this sum mer, this group formulated a report discussing mental health resources and the building of a supportive, informed community on campus.
“We believe that being a com munity that is focused on pri oritizing the well being of these individuals is all of our work,” Calhoun said.
The group sought to examine awareness and resource gaps, rec ognize issues affecting students of diverse identities, and explore care and crisis responses.
“We recognize the need to bring together different partners
and different people who occupy spaces on campus to have this conversation, a deliberative and a constructive one, about mental health on campus,” Takeuchi said.
Some recommendations out lined in the report and highlight ed in the meeting include 24/7 on-demand counseling through CPS, funding for transportation to off-campus counselors, and funding to expand the quantity and diversity of CPS staff.
Calhoun acknowledged that conversations about men tal health would be ongoing, through quarterly reports review ing the suggested recommenda tions, mental health luncheons, and the revival of the University Health Advisory Board.
Takeuchi facilitated the CPUC’s discussion about mental health, asking the administration, fac ulty, students, and alum what role they play in promoting mental health on campus.
University President Christo pher Eisgruber ’83 commented on the systemic factors that affect mental health.
“There’s a widespread epi demic of mental illness within our society that is not limited to high aspiration colleges and uni versities,” he said. “We should be mindful of that as we might go to very Princeton-specific diagnoses of what the causes are. Those di agnoses might be wrong.”
Takeuchi responded that the group’s work is consistent with this thinking.
“Creating a thriving campus means creating people who can thrive beyond Princeton as we graduate and move beyond,” she said.
The meeting ran from 4:30 p.m. to 6 p.m. on Monday, Sept. 19, in Frist Campus Center’s Multipur pose Room.
Isabel Yip is an assistant news edi tor who typically covers University affairs and student life. She can be reached at isabelyip@princeton.edu or on Instagram at @isaayip.
Campus community reacts to federal loan forgiveness policy
By Julian Hartman-Sigall News ContributorOn Aug. 24, President Joe Biden announced a plan to can cel up to $10,000 of student debt for many borrowers. The move was seen by some as a promise kept from Biden’s campaign for the White House and has stirred a national conversation about student debt, which affects more than 45 million Americans.
Princeton sociology profes sor Frederick Wherry, who has written extensively on the topic and runs an organization called Dignity & Debt, which helps de velop financial services for low income households, comment ed on what impact the policy change may have for students at the University.
Compared to most colleges across the country, few Princ etonians take out student loans to cover their costs on campus.
“If you’re going to a really wealthy university like [Princ eton] … you’re probably going to be okay. You’re going to have some debt, but it is unlikely to be crushing debt,” Wherry said.
Since 2001, the University has ensured that financial aid packages include grants rather than loans. This means that the University has completely cov ered tuition, room, and board for any student whose family in come is less than $65,000. A new University policy announced earlier this month will expand this full-aid policy to any stu dent whose family income is less than $100,000, and will go into effect next fall.
Indeed, 83 percent of recent graduates graduated debt free. The average indebtedness at graduation of borrowers in the Class of 2021 was $10,300. Only three percent of University stu dents take out federal student loans, far below the 31.8 percent students who take out loans na tionally in a single year.
His mother, Kym Persinger, is a public school teacher and, in an interview with the ‘Prince,’ described her student debt as a “dark shadow” that she has “been trying to get out from un der” since graduating from col lege nearly 25 years ago.
According to Persinger, she was never able to make progress on her principal loans and was only able to keep paying the in terest on her debt, despite tak ing on extra jobs and making lifestyle sacrifices.
Her experience is not an un common one, according to so ciology and public affairs assis tant professor Adam Goldstein.
“The debt doesn’t really be come real until after [the stu dents] leave college,” Goldstein said. “And at that moment, it sort of forces a reckoning around sort of future plans.”
Robare described the day he learned of Biden’s loan forgive ness policy.
“I got my financial aid for Princeton [for this year] ... and we found that out the same day that my mom’s loans were can celed,” he said. “It was a pretty great day.”
Persinger said that it was like a “fairy tale finally coming true.”
Among the incoming class, opinions on loan forgiveness are largely favorable.
The recent ‘Prince’ Frosh Sur vey of the Class of 2026, con ducted in July, before Biden’s announcement, found that 60 percent of first-year students view proposals to cancel all student debt as “somewhat” or “strongly” favorable.
Beyond Princeton, Wherry said that the impact of Biden’s policy will lift a significant hin drance students face in earning a degree.
“If you’re not in that top 10 percent of wealth, in terms of the university that you attend, your debt burdens are going to be much higher. And the lower the wealth, the higher the debt burden,” he said.
To Persinger, the removal of this burden is monumental.
Anonymous apps Fizz, Sidechat compete for students’ attention
By Bhoomika Chowdhary and Edward Tian Senior News Writers STUDENT LIFEFizz and Sidechat, two com peting private anonymous dis cussion apps, made their way to campus during the first few weeks of the semester. Both apps have recruited students to promote their respective platforms by offering free mer chandise, such as hats, t-shirts, or money to those who post about them on social media.
Fizz was launched by two Stanford dropout students, Teddy Solomon and Ashton Cofer, in July 2021. According to its website, Fizz’s goal is to “facilitate authentic conver sations through anonymity while being properly moder ated by other students in the community.” Students can reg ister for Fizz with their Univer sity-affiliated email address, where they’ll be restricted to connecting with other stu dents at their school.
Sidechat was released seven months after Fizz, in Febru ary of 2022. The founders of Sidechat remain anonymous, but according to The Harvard Crimson, Sidechat “allows its
users to share memes, jokes, and confessions on a Redditstyle forum with those who at tend the same school” in an anonymous format.

While some students have flocked to the apps, many say they are not impressed, espe cially as the app appears to be redundant with existing plat forms like Tiger Confessions.
“[It’s] one step down from Bumble ambassador,” Sullivan Meyer ’24 said.
Meyer is a Staff News Writer for The Daily Princetonian.
Jonathan Ma ’24, however, explained that one of the apps, Sidechat, is distinct from Tiger Confessions in terms of being almost exclusively populated with memes rather than writ ten “confessions.” Ma down loaded Sidechat after seeing one of his friends using it, and said he scrolls through the con tent every day.
“It adds a very marginal ben efit to my life,” Ma said. “The slightest improvement.”
Fizz and Sidechat market ers both staked out at popular campus locations, such as Frist Campus Center, the U-Store, and Yeh & New College West dining hall.
A Fizz promoter in Frist asked Jocelyn Li ’26 if she want ed a hat while she was on her way from late meal.
Li said that she said yes, and reached for the hat, but then the promoter stopped her from grabbing it. “[He said that] ‘you have to download an app first,’” she said.
Sean Wang ’24 saw Sidechat promoters near Yeh College. He asked them whether or not they are paid per download. The promoters said that they are paid hourly, so there’s less incentive to promote it.
He took a free cookie but said, “[Sidechat] didn’t really appeal to me — I never was into Tiger Confessions or apps like that.”
Bhoomika Chowdhary is a staff writer who often covers Univer sity affairs/policy and research. She can be reached at bhoomika@ princeton.edu. She is also a senior copy editor for the ‘Prince.’
Edward Tian is a news and features writer who experiments with data driven and alternative story format (ASF) reporting. He can be reached on Twitter @ed ward_the6.
Despite the fact that few Princeton students own sub stantial personal student debt, the policy’s impact is already being felt on campus. Gabriel Robare ’24 told the ‘Prince’ of the significant impact his mother’s student debt had on their fam ily’s financial decisions.
Robare is a Head Puzzles Edi tor for the ‘Prince.’

“It was never a thing that was consciously discussed, but it was always something that I was aware of,” he said. “It weaseled its way into conversation.”
“I am determined that both of my kids will graduate debt-free,” she said. “I never want them to feel this kind of burden that I have.”
By Gabriel Robare Head Puzzles Editor Julian Hartman-Sigall is a news contributor for the ‘Prince.’ He can be reached at jh8991@princeton.edu or on Twitter at @Julian_h_s.
USG Reform Project proposes change to referendum process
By Annie RupertusAs part of an ongoing discussion of reform in the Undergraduate Student Government (USG), the senate heard a proposal for a potential change to the referendum process and voted on a change to USG’s committee structure in its first official meeting of the semester on Sunday, Sept. 18.

Changes to USG’s referendum pro cess would come in the wake of a con tentious election season last spring, during which USG encountered back lash for confusion around how votes were counted. They ultimately upheld an appeal against a referendum regard ing Caterpillar machinery use that was passed by the student body, according to the rules set forth in the USG Con stitution.
The proposed reform, put forth by Isabella Shutt ’24, chair of Campus and Community Affairs (CCA), calls for a shift away from “petition-triggered referenda” and towards “petitiontriggered” hearings that would allow the Senate to “thoughtfully determine the methods by which student wishes can best be represented in University decision-making.”
Under the proposed reform’s frame work, students who have concerns would first be directed towards al ready-existing channels such as email ing USG, filling out a feedback form, speaking during the public Q&A pe riod at USG Senate meetings, contact ing senate members, or writing opinion

In addition, if a student were to write a petition that garnered signa tures from 20 percent of the student body, USG would be required to listen to their concerns at a hearing and issue an official response. This requirement would “hold us [USG] accountable to the students,” Shutt said.
Referenda could only be directly added to a ballot by a student if they propose changes to the Honor Consti tution or Class Government Constitu tion. The meeting slides noted that “[i] f a student wants a question on a [USG] Senate ballot that does not amend one of these two documents, then the stu dent may convince the [USG] Senate to initiate the referendum.”
In its current form, the USG Con stitution allows ballot questions to ap pear after a petition in support of the referendum is signed by 10 percent of the student body.
Ultimately, this reform would give more deciding power over what ques tions appear on election ballots to the members of USG, who would retain the ability to add questions to any ballot. Shutt noted that this change would prompt a shift in thinking within USG away from questions of “[d]o we sup port this [referendum]? Are we willing to sponsor it?” to simply whether USG would like to hear from students on a given issue via a student ballot ques tion.
The proposed amendment would also put language review of referenda under the purview of the Chief Elec
tions Manager and Parliamentarian, as opposed to the entire senate. The sen ate would still be able to overturn a rejection of referendum language by a majority vote.
The senate did not vote on this pro posal at the Sept. 18 meeting, though they did vote on a proposal to require that U-Councilors and senators serve on USG core committees presented in a special meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 7.
Though Shutt initially noted she had received “significant positive feedback” on the idea, debate quickly arose re garding the usefulness of the proposal.
“I really am not convinced that this will make committees any more pro ductive than they currently are,” com mented U-Councilor Riley Martinez ’23.
U-Councilor Daniel Shaw ’25 raised concerns that emphasis on core com mittees “reduces the autonomy of the senate,” claiming that “much of the useful work” of USG happens “outside of the core committees.”
USG Senator Walker Penfield ’25 re sponded to these concerns, recalling initial skepticism of the core commit tee structure when he first joined USG, but noted, “If we’re, as senators, assum ing that productive work can’t be done under our official structures, then we’re admitting to ourselves that commit tees are not productive bodies of work.”
He stressed that centralizing more USG projects under the core commit tees with this reform would “be highly beneficial for the senate.”
The senate ultimately voted with 11 in favor of the change and 10 opposed,
with the votes as follows:
In favor: Diversity, Equity, and In clusion (DEI) Chair Braiden Aaronson ’25, USG Senator Ellen Battaglia ’23, USG Senator Sean Bradley ’24, U-Councilor Amanda Branom ’25, USG Senator Ned Dockery ’25, U-Councilor Uma Fox ’26, USG Senator Mariam Latif ’24, Penfield, Shutt, U-Councilor Aishwarya Swami durai ’26, and Sustainability Chair Au drey Zhang ’25
Opposed: USG Senator Avi Attar ’25, U-Councilor Med Coulibaly ’25, UCouncilor Stephen Daniels ’24, U-Coun cilor Judah Guggenheim ’25, Treasurer Adam Hoffman ’23, Vice President Han nah Kapoor ’23, Social Chair Madison Linton ’24, Martinez, Shaw, President Mayu Takeuchi ’23
Abstaining: Academics Chair Aus tin Davis ’23, USG Senator Gisell Curbe lo ’23 (not present), U-Councilor Dillion Gallagher ’23 (not present), and U-Coun cilor Afzal Hussain ’25 (not present)
Therefore, the proposed require ment that senators and U-Councilors serve on core committees will not be implemented at this time, as a twothirds majority is required to establish a standing rule.
“As a Committee Chair, I am still recruiting senate members to serve on my committee,” Shutt wrote in an email to The Daily Princetonian, “but it is not a requirement of their position [because the resolution failed].”
The senate also reviewed the pro posed budget for the upcoming se mester. The fall budget totals $250,016, which includes money allocated to vari
ous committees, task forces, and proj ects, as well as what Hoffman described as an additional $36,000 “cushion” re served for requests that may come up and be approved on a case-by-case ba sis. He noted that, for example, $20,000 of those reserves would be depleted should another bonfire take place this year.
Some senate members raised ques tions about the sum of money ($22,000) allocated in the budget towards the USG Movies program. The senate will vote on a final budget proposal at a meeting next week.
Finally, the senate heard an update on the Mental Health Resources work ing group that came out of a success ful referendum last spring. Daniels detailed that the group would soon publish a report outlining a number of recommendations around 24/7 coun seling, transportation funding, wellbeing checks that aren’t completely dependent on Public Safety, and fun draising to “expand the number and diversity of [Counseling and Psycho logical Services] counselors.”
USG Senate meetings are held in Bet ts Auditorium in the School of Archi tecture at 4 p.m. on Sunday afternoons and are open to all.
Annie Rupertus is an Assistant Data Edi tor and a Staff News Writer who covers USG for the ‘Prince.’ She can be reached at aruper tus@princeton.edu or @annierupertus on Instagram and Twitter.
Co-op member: We just think it should be between eating clubs and dining halls
co-op leadership told the ‘Prince’ they feel concerned about the po tential program’s implementation.
Eating club and co-op leader ship were first made aware of the proposal in the spring of 2022, ac cording to one co-op member and one eating club member. The co-op member, referred to in this story as Jordan, said they were led to believe that the plan was first developed by the University in consultation with the ICC. The anonymous eating club member, referred to in this piece as Sam, said they originally heard of the plan from the Gradu ate Inter-Club Council (GICC), which includes alumni leadership from each eating club.
According to a third individual, who is familiar with ICC discus sions, the plans were first brought to the attention of club presidents via their respective graduate boards, which at that time were in ongoing discussions with the uni versity on the topic. Until the im plementation of working groups over the summer, however, the ICC had not been consulted in any substantial capacity by either the University or GICC on the subject, the individual said.
“The prospect of increased club dues and other financial impli cations stemming from the pro posed plans have made discus sions less than straightforward for those involved in club leadership,” the person familiar with ICC dis cussions said.
The individuals interviewed for this piece spoke on the condition of anonymity due to the fact that knowledge of the pilot program was shared with them confiden tially.
The ICC president and vice presi dent did not respond to multiple requests for comment.
Last semester, the University met with stakeholders from differ ent dining institutions to raise the idea of the program, the ‘Prince’ has learned. At that point, Jordan explained, the financial details were not made clear, and students came away with doubts.
“They made it seem like there would be a mandatory [tuition] in crease of $1500,” said Jordan, clari fying that more recently, the Uni versity did specify that any tuition increase would be fully covered by financial aid, where applicable.
Administrators also noted that the pilot program this spring would be
cost free, according to Jordan.
The University met with small groups again in the summer and earlier this fall, and developed a working group for the project.
Sam expressed concerns about the proposal putting stress on the eating club’s finances, since eating clubs operate on a slim margin.
“If you have a situation where members are being required to spend some amount of money eat ing elsewhere, there’s two options,” they said. “Eating clubs will either have to charge less or students will have to pay more.”
Jordan said that while they love the idea of the plan, it didn’t make sense for co-ops to be involved since all co-ops already have an open guest policy. They explained that while in eating clubs, paid workers cook the food, students in co-ops essentially exchange lower membership costs for cook ing shifts. Therefore, an increase in students swiping into the coop would result in an increase in unpaid student labor, Jordan said.
Jordan added that, though the co-ops are “big proponents of the plan” to reduce “exclusivity” in campus dining options, “we just think it should be between eating clubs and dining halls.”
Jordan also mentioned issues with capacity, as co-ops may not have the physical space to accom modate more diners, and logistics, as students would have to register far in advance so the co-op would be able to plan while buying gro ceries for the week.
Another co-op member said that eating clubs and co-ops serve an important separate purpose from dining halls.
“They are safe spaces where you know who you’re eating with. There’s a lot of reasons why peo ple should be able to choose who they’re in community with,” the co-op member said. “There should be public spaces where everybody has access to food, and we have those: the dining halls. We should think about ways to address food security among students that don’t compromise our ability to have community on our own terms.”
Hotchkiss said the University intends to continue to work on these issues within its working groups and will share more infor mation on the pilot program with the student body later this semes ter.
Laura Robertson is a Staff News Writer for the ‘Prince.’ She can be reached at lr15@princeton.edu.
ANNIE RUPERTUS / THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN USG President Mayu Takeuchi ’23 addresses the Senate in a Sept. 18, 2022 meeting.Hum r
Yeh and NCW students in unfurnished dorms forced to sleep on giant pink couch
By Walker Penfield Humor ContributorAs many students settle into the third week of school by hanging up LED strip lights and breaking off short-lived Outdoor Action relationships, some students in Yeh College and New College West (NCW) face uncertainty in their living arrangements.
Despite Yeh and NCW’s mod ernist architecture and sleek new dining hall, students in the new colleges were surprised to find many of their living spaces uninhabitable on arrival.
“When I got to my room, it was just an empty concrete cell. Sure, there was an iPad fixed to the wall, but how am I sup posed to sleep in there?” said
Lee Geighsee ’25, who lives in Broh Kann Hall. Geighsee told The Daily PrintsAnything that they “long for the good old days
with cockroaches and no A/C” in First College.
Among the impacted, a small co-op of students has taken
up camp around Yeh’s large pink couch sculpture. Serving as a communal dining table, bed, and occasional restroom, the stone couch has provided much-needed respite for stu dents struggling to acclimate to “the hellscape of over-engi neered 21st-century living,” ac cording to Geighsee.

When confronted with re ports that students were squat ting on college art pieces, Hous ing and Real Estate Services responded, “Meh.”
While it is unclear what the future holds for students whose overly rushed dorm rooms have already begun to disintegrate, the head of Yeh College told the ‘Prints,’ “You have got to try the dumplings.”
Walker Penfield is a sophomore from Mendon, Massachusetts, studying Economics and Math. He serves as a Senator in USG and hopes to one day get through the Yeh/NCW dining hall lunch line. While he waits, he can be reached at wpenfield@princeton.edu.
How to get a single in 9 easy steps
By Vitus Larrieu Humor Contributor1. Burn your masks and a printout of Dean Dolan’s COVID-19 emails, breath ing in the smoke to weaken your lungs.
2. Make out with everyone on
Prospect Avenue who has a runny nose and gives verbal consent.

3. Cuddle with your room mate.
4. Violently cough in their face and touch every surface in your dorm, claiming you’re “fine,” and “definitely don’t have COVID-19.”
5. Don’t test for COVID-19, say ing “it’s totally optional.”
6. When your roommate gets sick, gaslight them into thinking they caught the Princeton Plague.
7. Deny everything.
8. Force your roommate to
isolate in a partially decon structed broom closet in First College.
9. Enjoy your new single.
Vitus Larrieu is a writer for Humor and Podcasts. He is currently procras tinating his maths p-set and can be reached at vl7131@princeton.edu.
Princeton students insist they always read U.S. News
By Aidan Davis, Sam McComb and Nate Beggs Conributing Humor WritersSince U.S. News & World Re port’s 2022–2023 Best National Universities list last week ranked Princeton as the No. 1 school in the country, dozens of Princeton students have con tacted The Daily PrintsAny thing to insist, on the record, that they are (and always have been) avid readers of U.S. News — definitely not just when col lege rankings come out.
“‘9 Dividend Aristocrat
Stocks to Buy Now’ was, like, super helpful, especially since I’m an aristocrat,” said Mark Etin-Vester ’26, heir to the Earl of Cleveland.
Students of other back grounds also expressed their appreciation for US News.
“Their list of ‘Best Credit Cards of September 2022’ really helped me decide which cred it card to use this fall,” Amari Canexpress ’24 said, showing his Wells Fargo Reflect® Card. “Paying for my stay at PMC has never been easier!”
Not all students on campus have echoed these praises, with
some critics arguing that people are only claiming to read the outlet because of this year’s rankings. University President Christopher Eisgruber ’83 dis missed these claims while flip ping through a copy of this week’s U.S. News & World Re port.
“I’ve read U.S. News ever since late meal was upped to nine dol lars!” he said. “I guess you could call me a long-time reader.”
Inspired by the passion of U.S. News readers in the campus community, the University is considering making U.S. News article “10 Fall Decor Ideas From
the Pros” next year’s Pre-read.
Aidan Davis is a contributing Humor writer and first-year pro spective SPIA concentrator, who is an avid reader of U.S. News.
Sam McComb is a contributing Humor writer and second-year pro spective politics concentrator, who is an even more avid reader of U.S. News.
Nate Beggs is a contributing Hu mor writer and first-year prospec tive economics concentrator, who is U.S. News’ #1 fan.
WALKER PENFIELD / THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN The pink concrete couch outside the new colleges serves as a refuge for students with unfinished dorm rooms.DOWN They’re on a bit? of a Department back found in peacock sound? Ambulance destinations,

in brief Ump’s call Buying bout Mo. no. 9 Delivery number, for short? Place for skydiving? Southernmost Great Lake ___ de Triomphe Frame insert? Political platform Dissenting vote Cheesy chip Many Sarah J. Maas Oxidize, like silver Start (and end) to Christmas? Best Took a photo of Roadside responders, for short Hygienist’s request Cries Econ 101 topic Use a book first “A”
By Juliet CorlessSmart students study STEM: Unpacking the myths of Princeton’s academic hierarchy

Last Tuesday, Sept. 13, The Daily Princetonian pub lished an article titled “200+ future hu manities majors enroll in CHM 201 this semester” in its Humor section. In many ways, the satirical piece fulfills its purpose: it highlights the intensity and tediousness of General Chemistry I at Princeton. It also touches on concerns powerfully articulated by Lucia Wetherill in her spring 2022 column “The case for lifting up instead of weeding out in Princ eton’s pre-med classes.”
The mechanism through which this Humor piece achieves its aim, however, warrants as much atten tion as the discussion it aims to inspire about CHM 201 and STEM at Princeton more generally.
To be clear, this column is not a critique of the Hu mor article. This column is, rather, a commentary about why the Humor piece has satirical punch and about the broader relation ship between STEM and the humanities at Princeton and beyond.
So how does the Humor article achieve its aims? In order to highlight the shortcomings in Princ eton’s STEM curriculum, the piece mobilizes tropes concerning the humanities and social sciences. Name ly, the piece implies that half of the would-be STEM majors enrolled in CHM 201 will become humanities majors because CHM 201
is simply too challenging (or unengaging). In doing so, the Humor piece por trays the humanities and social sciences as the easy way out — the path that those not cut out for STEM choose once they realize that STEM is indigestible.
This framing of the hu manities and social scienc es in a Humor piece makes sense: it underscores the weedout culture so wide spread in university-level STEM courses. But this framing also relies on a widely-held assumption that STEM is inherently more difficult than, and thus more intellectually valuable than, the humani ties and social sciences.
Unfortunately, this as sumption is widely shared by Princeton students pur suing both STEM and hu manities fields. Even at one of the world’s foremost re search institutions, where the pursuit of knowledge is incredibly valued, there exists somewhat of an un spoken hierarchy between STEM and the humanities.
To demonstrate how this hierarchy functions, I will offer a personal anecdote. Last semester, when I de scended into the basement of my residential hall to print a handful of sources for my Anthropology of Law course, I happened across a fellow student. As I was printing my sourc es, we began to chat, and he soon asked me, “what’s your major?”
“Anthropology,” I re sponded excitedly (for I genuinely love my chosen field of study). This engen dered a perplexed expres sion on the face of my in terlocutor. He paused for a moment and then looked at me and said: “you should really consider chang
ing to COS if you’re smart enough. That’s where all the jobs are.” He proceeded to explain that Anthropol ogy is a useless discipline. This interaction neither surprised nor offended me. Sure, I was not expecting this stranger to explain — without my prompting — why I should switch majors. His reaction to hearing my major was certainly not the norm. And yet, his com mentary encapsulated the sentiment that character izes the STEM/humanities divide at Princeton: that those seeking true rigor and opportunities at Princ eton must study STEM.
I am confident that the majority of Princeton stu dents have encountered this hierarchy in one way or another. Despite its preva lence, however, this hier archy is under-discussed. Hence, the primary aim of this column is to openly acknowledge that this hi erarchy exists and to urge readers to question why it exists.
So, readers, I urge you to ask yourselves a few ques tions. Is STEM categorical ly more difficult than the social sciences and human ities? If so, how and why?
What if the grading norms in each respective discipline changed so that it became harder to get an A in ANT 201 than in MAT 201? Would this change your perception of the dif ficulty of the disciplines?
In my opinion, it is pre cisely the weedout culture so widespread in STEM coupled with the intense workload of STEM courses that make many of us per ceive STEM as sitting at the top of the academic hier archy. Because, in all hon esty, what social sciences and humanities courses are asking of students is incredibly challenging. In many STEM courses, on problem sets, in labs, and on exams, you are expected to solve problems that oth ers have solved before you. In the majority of social sciences and humanities
courses, however, you are asked to make an argument that no one has made be fore, often in the form of an essay. STEM is an intellectual treasure trove and incred ibly important. I am not seeking to belittle STEM in any way, shape, or form. In fact, part of my motivation for writing this piece lies in the fact that I believe that the aforementioned academic hierarchy nega tively impacts STEM by reinforcing the idea that STEM courses have to be difficult, thus generating some form of performative difficulty. For the sake of students across all depart ments, I look forward to a future of more horizontal relationships between the disciplines.
Genrietta Churbanova is a junior from Little Rock, Ark. in the Anthropology Depart ment. She is the Head Opinion Editor at the ‘Prince,’ and can be reached at geaac@princ eton.edu.

Don’t join the Honor Committee
As each new semes ter starts, all of our inboxes are flooded with so licitations to join new clubs. However, one option that always seems to stick out among the dance groups, pre-professional organiza tions, and volunteer oppor tunities: joining the Honor Committee and the Com mittee on Discipline (COD). Students should not be fooled; joining either Com mittee means participat ing in the investigation and punishment of one’s peers without due process — and we should simply stop do ing so.
Last year’s Senior Sur
vey (though not a random sample) showed that only 23.4 percent of seniors view the Honor Code favorably, and it’s not hard to under stand why. An investigation by The Daily Princetonian last term laid out in shock ing detail the excesses of the system. According to sociology professor Patricia Fernández-Kelly, the Uni versity’s criteria and stan dards “would be laughed out of the court of law in the United States of America.”
Honor Committee hearings are distressing, traumatiz ing events for any student involved, no matter how blameless.
There isn’t enough space here to go into all the mali cious practices inherent in the Honor Committee and Committee on Discipline,
but one of the most trou bling details includes the fact that students who are on financial aid and found guilty of Honor Code and COD infractions are not eligible for grants for the semester they must repeat. This means that our class mates on the Honor Com mittee choose not only to derail their peers’ academic trajectories but also poten tially their financial wellbeing.
Apologists for the Honor Committee hang on to the possibility of reform from the inside or harm mitiga tion. There is no greater evi dence of this than when the former head of the Honor Committee told the ‘Prince’ that: “When we thought it would be accepted by the University, we tried our best
to err on the side of disci plinary probation. But when we thought that it would not be accepted by the Uni versity, we assigned a onesemester suspension.”
The notion of “mitiga tion” is nefarious. It allows for the Committee to justify its harsh penalties, simply by claiming that the pun ishment would have been more severe if they had been overruled by the adminis tration, and therefore stu dents should just be grate ful. If Committee members truly had the sympathy for their fellow students that they claim to have, they would recognize this pro cess as illegitimate, overly punitive, and unfair, and challenge the University to overrule them more often.
What would happen if the Honor Committee simply refused to recommend sus pensions and expulsions? Would we see a wave of Uni versity overrulings of their verdicts? I’d welcome that outcome, if only because it would reveal this system for what it is: a top-down effort from the University to instill an atmosphere of distrust among stu dents. A wave of overrul ings might also put an end to the ridiculous idea that students are policing them selves because of their deep commitment to the Honor Code, rather than anxiety and fear. Perhaps then we could have an honest con versation about why the
University seems to believe that the Honor Code creates a healthy environment for students, despite their end less claims to care about our mental health.
Sadly, this vision where the Honor Committee dares the University to overrule it will never come to be. Honor Committee mem bers are not elected or ac countable to students. In stead, they’re nominated, and no one with radical new ideas would ever get past the University-sanctioned screening process. The only meaningful way to stop the Honor Committee from le gitimizing the administra tion’s decisions is to deny it student members.
It’s time for us to have a conversation about what kind of disciplinary system, if any, ought to replace the Honor Code and Commit tee on Discipline. However, in the meantime, students ought to stop collaborating. Instead of buying Commit tee members’ specious ar gument that they are some how staving off something more severe, or joining as a way to gain some kind of law school resume builder, we should exercise solidar ity with one another and re fuse to participate.
Ben Gelman is a senior from Houston, Texas concentrating in Politics. He can be reached at bgelman@princeton.edu.
Benjamin Gelman Guest Contributor MARK DODICI / THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN Burr Hall, which houses the Anthropology Department.The missing piece to the free speech puzzle
Abigail Rabieh ColumnistWhen debates about the free dom of speech and expression inevitably arise on college campuses, defenders of free speech explain that the pur suit of truth — the ultimate goal of study — necessitates free speech protections. On the University website, Presi dent Christopher Eisgruber ’83 explains that “permitting people to speak freely” fosters an environment of “rigorous, constructive, truth-seeking discussions about questions of consequence.” These talking points took center stage earlier this month in a new first-year orientation event, “Free Expres sion at Princeton,” which was devoted to making the Class of 2026 aware of Princeton’s Free dom of Expression guidelines and their importance.
Student speaker Myles McKnight ’23, president of the Princeton Open Campus Coali tion (POCC), took the oppor tunity to touch on his experi ences with free speech issues at Princeton. He argued that he has found the most productive conversations in environments where “interlocutor[s]” did not hold back in their “serious and difficult disagreement.” McK night urged students to en ter Princeton with the goal of “truth-seeking” and to utilize the protections to speak freely in order to fulfill this mission.
This is excellent advice, and it is certainly important to en courage incoming students to engage in the most demanding and complex conversations. However, by relying on the comparatively uncontroversial “truth-seeking” argument, McKnight and others who dis cuss freedom of speech fail to explain one of the much more controversial threats to free speech: the lack of neutrality demonstrated by the Univer sity. Institutional neutrality is not as simple to defend or enact. However, it is critical to protecting free speech, and students must be made aware of it.
Princeton has faced several challenging situations regard ing free speech in the past year arising from a university employee or department ex pressing their thoughts and opinions in what could be con strued as their official capaci ties. Though this speech con tributes to the pursuit of truth, it can also dissuade those in less powerful positions — those within the department or in non-administrative roles — from speaking up.
The Kalven Report, created by a University of Chicago fac ulty committee in 1967, takes
the position that a university should remain neutral on all controversial issues. The report explains that a university is “the home and sponsor of crit ics; it is not itself the critic.” Its authors wrote that the univer sity cannot “reach a collective position without inhibiting that full freedom of dissent on which it thrives” and insisted that encouraging members to adopt a certain policy would be unfaithful to its “intellectual inquiry.”
While Princeton has adopt ed the related Chicago Princi ples on Free Expression, it has not adopted the Kalven Report. Instead, Princeton proclaims that it “respects and supports the freedom of all members of the University community” to freely discuss any matter that presents itself. And though it also declares that “it is for the individual members of the University community, not for the University as an insti tution” to decide what may or may not be discussed or debat ed, this line is clearly blurred, and the lack of clarity leaves room for numerous issues to arise.
The Kalven report should be adopted, even though its im plementation is complicated. Seriously considering neutral ity raises difficult questions regarding the identity of the University. In what ways do fac ulty and staff represent their employer, and in what ways are they a separate entity? If the University is separate, then who represents it? How may employees — and adminis trators especially — exercise their right to free speech with out compromising Princeton’s neutrality? Adopting the Kal ven Report would help direct Princeton to become a more open space where members can express themselves with out fear of incurring damag ing retribution from powerful places.
Yet this debate was mias sing from the “Free Expression at Princeton” event. It’s not a niche issue: the report is cen tral to the largest University free speech controversies of the past year. School of Pub lic and International Affairs Dean Amaney Jamal faced criticism in January for appear ing to speak on behalf of the SPIA department to promote a specific view on public events and social justice. Addition ally, recently-fired professor Joshua Katz and his support ers have claimed he was tar geted for publishing thoughts that go against mainstream views, which were criticized by the classics department and a Princeton website about Race and Free Speech. The classics department was attacked for labeling Katz’s views as “fun
damentally incompatible with our mission and values as educators,” and some argued that the website unfairly com pared his statements to black face and other racist actions undertaken in the University over the past 200 years. How can first-years understand the real issues at stake with free expression when they’re not presented with the cases that have sparked the most heated debate?
First-years should be en couraged to participate in the open dialogue on campus, but they should also understand what the current threats are to that possibility. These days, the neutrality of the Univer sity is unclear at best, and ig nored at worst. Educating on the purposes of the Kalven Report and advocating for its adoption would not rid Princ eton of such controversies, but it would help to support the marketplace of ideas that should be found on Princeton’s campus and contextualize free speech in a clearer way. If first-years were told that some of the controversy surround ing Katz’s firing does not just stem from a complicated de bate regarding the “truth” of social justice issues, but rather the role official University web sites played in condemning his speech, they would be better equipped to understand the necessity of protections for free speech — and how they may be improved.
It is a mistake for free speech advocates to solely explain campus controversies in rela tion to truth-seeking. While some may argue that the pur suit of truth is secondary to ensuring that all community members are welcomed and feel safe, the University is clear on its position: it has no role in “shield[ing] individuals from ideas and opinions they find unwelcome, disagreeable, or even deeply offensive.” What is unclear and problematic is how representatives of the community can exercise their freedoms appropriately.
The University should adopt the Kalven Report so that de partments cannot ostracize their own members through official channels or promote political ends on behalf of the school. And advocates shouldn’t have to shy away from the hardest issues when promoting free speech — they should speak freely on this subject, just as they’d want the rest of us to do.

Abigail Rabieh is a sophomore columnist and prospective history concentrator from Cambridge, Mass. She can be reached by email at arabieh@princeton.edu, on Ins tagram at @a.rabs03, or on Twit ter at @AbigailRabieh.
vol. cxlvi
editor-in-chief Marie-Rose Sheinerman ’23 business manager Benjamin Cai ’24
president Thomas E. Weber ’89 vice president David Baumgarten ’06 secretary Chanakya A. Sethi ’07 treasurer Douglas Widmann ’90 assistant treasurer Kavita Saini ’09 trustees Francesca Barber Craig Bloom ’88
Kathleen Crown Suzanne Dance ’96 Gabriel Debenedetti ’12 Stephen Fuzesi ’00 Zachary A. Goldfarb ’05 Michael Grabell ’03 John G. Horan ’74 Rick Klein ’98 James T. MacGregor ’66 Julianne Escobedo Shepherd Abigail Williams ’14 Tyler Woulfe ’07
trustees ex officio Marie-Rose Sheinerman ’23 Benjamin Cai ’24
146TH MANAGING BOARD managing editors
Omar Farah ’23 Caitlin Limestahl ’23 Tanvi Nibhanupudi ’23 Zachariah Wirtschafter Sippy ’23 Strategic initiative directors
Accessibility Isabel Rodrigues ’23 Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging Melat Bekele ’24 Auhjanae McGee ’23
Education Evelyn Doskoch ’23 José Pablo Fernández García ’23 Financial Stipend Program Rooya Rahin ’23
Sections listed in alphabetical order.
head audience editor Rowen Gesue ’24 associate audience editors
Meryl Liu ’25 Sai Rachumalla ’24 head cartoon editor
Inci Karaaslan ’24 associate cartoon editor
Ariana Borromeo ’24 head copy editors
Alexandra Hong ’23 Nathalie Verlinde ’24 associate copy editors
Catie Parker ’23 Cecilia Zubler ’23 head web design editors
Anika Maskara ’23 Brian Tieu ’23 associate web design editor
Ananya Grover ’24 head graphics editors
Ashley Chung ’23 Noreen Hosny ’25 head print design editor Juliana Wojtenko ’23 associate print design editor
Dimitar Chakarov ’24 head data editor
Sam Kagan ’24 head features editors
Sydney Eck ’24 Alex Gjaja ’23 head news editors
Katherine Dailey ’24 Andrew Somerville ’24 associate news editors

Kalena Blake ’24 Anika Buch ’24 Sandeep Mangat ’24 newsletter editors
Kareena Bhakta ’24 Amy Ciceu ’24
head opinion editor
Genrietta Churbanova ’24 community editor Rohit A. Narayanan ’24 associate opinion editor Lucia Wetherill ’25 head photo editor Candace Do ’24 associate photo editor Angel Kuo ’24 Isabel Richardson ’24 head podcast editor Hope Perry ’24 associate podcast editors Jack Anderson ’24 Senna Aldoubosh ’25 Eden Teshome ’25 head prospect editors
José Pablo Fernández García ’23 Aster Zhang ’24 associate prospect editors Molly Cutler ’23 Cathleen Weng ’24 head puzzles editors Gabriel Robare ’24 Owen Travis ’24 associate puzzles editors
Juliet Corless ’24 Joah Macosko ’25 Cole Vandenberg ’24 head humor editors Claire Silberman ’23 Liana Slomka ’23 associate humor editors Spencer Bauman ’25 Daniel Viorica ’25 head sports editors Wilson Conn ’25 Julia Nguyen ’24 associate sports editor Ben Burns ’23 Elizabeth Evanko ’23
assistant business manager Shirley Ren ’24 business directors David Akpokiere ’24 Samantha Lee ’24 Ananya Parashar ’24 Gloria Wang ’24 project managers Anika Agarwal ’25
John Cardwell ’25 Jack Curtin ’25 Diya Dalia ’24 Jonathan Lee ’24 Juliana Li ’24 Emma Limor ’25 Justin Ong ’23 Xabier Sardina ’24 business associate Jasmine Zhang ’24
146TH TECHNOLOGY BOARD chief technology officer Pranav Avva ’24 lead software engineers Roma Bhattacharjee ’25 Joanna Tang ’24 software engineers Eugenie Choi ’24 Giao Vu Dinh ’24 Daniel Hu ’25 Dwaipayan Saha ’24 Kohei Sanno ’25
THIS PRINT ISSUE WAS DESIGNED BY Dimitar Chakarov ’24 Brooke McCarthy ’25 Juliana Wojtenko ’23
AND COPIED BY Liana Slomka ’23, Jason Luo ’25, Michelle Ho ’26, and Avi Chesler ’25
Secluded campuses can allow for connection with local communities
Mohan Setty-Charity Senior ColumnistArecent column in The New York Times argues that the struc ture of a secluded college campus is responsible for the disconnect between the student body and broader society. The author argues that college campuses that are isolated from their sur rounding communities are problematic, claiming that they shield students from reality, create a warped per ception of obligation for the issues that face these com munities, and are an echo chamber of ideas.
Yet there are so many positives a campus can ac complish; a system that al lows students to develop life skills in a safe environ ment is beneficial for both students and the broader community.
The campus experience offers benefits that the Times article did not con sider. The initial rationale behind the locale of some campuses, like Princeton’s, was that a secluded environ ment separated from family members, external obliga tions, and a large, busy city environment allowed stu dents to focus on their aca demics. Even if the initial rationale does not remain entirely true, there are still many benefits that students can gain from living in a residential campus commu nity.

College campuses don’t have an “infantilizing” ef fect on the student body, but rather serve as a space where students can grow and learn without experiencing the permanent and often ex
treme consequences of mak ing mistakes in the “real world.” Although many elite institutions in the U.S. and abroad have historically been situated to provide a space free of distractions for children of the wealthy, this no longer should be the role of the campus. Rather, the goal of a campus should be to foster a welcoming community that promotes equity among peers, creates room to make mistakes and grow from them, and en sures space for the student voice. Overall, this will cre ate a campus environment that allows students to fo cus on community service.
Though the concept of the “campus” leads to a de gree of isolation from the surrounding community, it also provides a multitude of benefits to students that can result in lasting change. One of the biggest shifts for many people is the process of leaving home or their families for the first time. Living on your own is ex citing and liberating, but also an incredibly stressful and challenging transition.
Moving to a shared campus and living among others undergoing the same expe rience is comforting, and is a source of peer support during a time of extreme change. It means knowing that you are not alone, that your challenges are similar to the people down the hall, and that many people will be able to empathize with you.
Campuses also provide a sense of equality among stu dents from all different so cioeconomic backgrounds; as the University continues to develop its aid policy, en suring that student accom
modation is similar means that the campus experience can be for everyone. Just as all students are on the Un limited Meal Plan for the first two years, having a few years of uniform housing ensures more equitable ac cess to necessary resources.
Learning occurs both in side and outside of the class room. A lot comes through making mistakes. When students inevitably make a mistake and find them selves in compromising situations, there is a degree of increased safety know ing that most situations will be dealt with internal ly. Trainings offered by the Sexual Harassment/Assault Advising, Resources and Education (SHARE) office or the Office for Diversity and Inclusion aims to pre pare every student with the tools to navigate difficult situations surrounding in clusion and interpersonal relationships. Beyond that,
many students have gone through additional train ing, which means that dis putes and issues can often be addressed by peers.
The beauty of living in a small town is that we have a voice in the community and the power to effectuate real change. There are certainly downsides to the college campus; as the Times ar ticle mentions, activism can certainly get detached from real-world issues. But rather than trying to deconstruct this community, we would be much better off shifting the entire community into a more service-oriented set up. Even if students are pri marily living on campus, as a community there must be a greater drive to contribute positively. Shifts could be in the ways that the Pro grams for Community En gaged Scholarship (ProCES) courses work, Community Action is run, or the imple mentation of a distribution
requirement related to ser vice.
Once students leave Princeton, they will go all over the place. But devel oping interpersonal skills, good habits, and problemsolving methods in a lowstakes environment better prepares students for life beyond Princeton. The Uni versity and campus culture certainly need to shift in some ways: a greater dedica tion to the community be yond campus, more produc tive activism, and healthier mindsets should be the goal. Students do need to take to heart the responsibility of taking care of themselves and their peers, but many of these changes can be made from within.
Mohan Setty-Charity is a junior from Amherst, Mass., concentrating in economics. He can be reached at ms99@ princeton.edu.
How the University can better support students in job and internship searches
As I was wrapping up my intern ship experience in July, I began looking into opportuni ties for the next summer. I thought I had begun the recruitment process quite early, but I soon realized that this was far from the case. In part, this is due to the lack of clear commu nication from the Univer sity, as it underemphasizes the importance of getting started early when it comes to recruiting. As a result, underclass students — par ticularly those without preexisting connections and a wealth of resources — are left in the dark until it’s too late.
Princeton’s Center for Ca reer Development (CCD) is an excellent resource. How ever, it is under-promoting the resources it has and un der-communicating with students about recruiting timelines and tips and, as a result, not fully meeting its role as an equalizer in the recruiting process.
Throughout sophomore year, I have always had the impression and (mis)con ception that recruiting for junior summer internship positions happens in the fall of junior year. I couldn’t
have been more wrong: the recruitment cycle for pri vate equity firms to which I wanted to apply had long since passed. In fact, the earliest recruitment dead line (namely Kohlberg Kravis Roberts & Co.) had passed the early spring of my sophomore year — Feb. 28, to be exact — which is a staggering 1.5 years before the start of the internship.
After realizing that my chances of securing a pri vate equity internship for summer 2023 had all but passed, I decided to shift gears and look into invest ment banking (IB) and con sulting. However, most boutique IB firms like Ever core had closed recruiting around late spring. The ap plication for full service banks like Goldman Sachs, J.P. Morgan, and Morgan Stanley, on the other hand, are still open on their of ficial websites and have tentative deadlines in late September. But, due to the rolling nature of their hir ing processes, the majority of their intern classes would have been filled by late July. For example, by the time I checked Morgan Stanley’s internship websites in July, all U.S. positions for their IB division were gone.
Why am I so late? I pon dered. Why did I miss the timeline? At first I thought that I was the only one who
missed these deadlines, but after speaking with more alumni and learning about their recruitment timelines, I discovered that I am far from the only student at the University who was caught off guard by the applica tion timeline. The problem seems to have affected many Princeton students who suf fer from a lack of easily ac cessible information.
What is at the root of this problem? Years ago, the recruiting season used to be between July and De cember. But recently, as the fight for top talent becomes more competitive, many firms — particularly firms in IB with fast turnover rates — have pushed their recruiting windows earlier, year on year. And the lack of information available on when the companies’ time lines for specific positions causes many to miss the op portunities every recruiting cycle.
As a direct result of this information lag, instead of dedicating all of my time to preparing for interviews in one industry, I have to split my time preparing for multiple industries, since technical questions for various industries are completely different. This is very stressful and very ineffective.
Looking back, I wish I’d been told by a Residential
College Advisor (RCA) or a Peer Academic Advisor (PAA) that the recruiting process is not comparable to the college application process at all. Instead of ap plying late for a position, 100 percent prepared for the interviews, I should be ap plying early, even if I’m 50 percent prepared, because many firms adhere to the “first come, first served” principle. Furthermore, I wish I’d been told how im portant and helpful it is to start networking with alumni early on — network ing allowed me to gain so much insight into various industries, better under stand which professions are a fit for me, and determine which Princeton courses I should take to facilitate my career progression. Instead, I began scrambling to do so two years into my college experience.
But most of all, I wish someone had told me to visit Princeton’s Center for Career Development — one of the University’s most un derutilized resources.
Over the summer, I made three appointments with the CCD, and each time I received excellent advice and help. Although I had always known of its exis tence through the emails I received, it was only after listening to an alumnus’s recommendation that I
turned to the career center as a junior. Before that, I wasn’t aware that the con sultants there can provide help through all steps of the recruiting process, from re viewing resumes, to prac ticing mock interviews and evaluating offers.
The CCD ought to pro mote its presence and ad vertise its services better, so students can begin to plan for their future career path as soon as possible with out encountering detours. For example, the CCD can collaborate with RCAs and PAAs to help them reach underclassmen right from the beginning. Simply let ting the students know that there exists a full list of guides for students in every grade and on many topics ranging from resumes to networking to interviews, and additional resources available when it comes to prepping for quantitative analyst, software engineer ing, and consulting roles — resources that I didn’t know existed until speaking with a CCD consultant — will be incredibly beneficial to the students’ career planning.
Kelsey Ji is a junior from Cambridge, Mass. majoring in Operations Research and Fi nancial Engineering. She can be reached at xingej@princ eton.edu.
Kelsey Ji Senior Columnist MARK DODICI / THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN Alexander Hall as seen through Blair Arch in the early morning.At the solitary table
“Table for one.” It’s such a seemingly odd, out-of-theordinary request that the Princeton Triangle Club has a whole song about it. A duet, the song rides on its singers’ desire for a “table for two” — which they fate fully, perfectly achieve by the melody’s end. I’ve seen the song play out count less times, but a “table for one” holds such a different place in my life: It’s not odd. No, it feels too familiar. I’ve taken myself out to dinner or lunch, to breakfast or for coffee innumerable times. Often it’s simply out of ne cessity — but a few solo meals stand apart, persist ing at the front of my mem ory for the greater emotion they carried.
I’ve been hung up on these solo meals since the fall of my junior year when I took myself to see Wes Anderson’s “The French Dispatch” at the Princeton Garden Theatre. Toward the film’s end, a queer for eign writer — the vignette’s narrator, played by Jeffrey Wright — is asked why he writes about food more than anything else.
Wright’s performance had me holding back tears in the dark theater: “There is a particular sad beauty well-known to the compan ion-less foreigner ... I have
so often shared the day’s glitter ing discoveries with no one at all. But always, somewhere along the avenue or the boulevard, there was a table set for me ... It is the soli tary feast that has been very much like a comrade, my great comfort and fortifica tion.”

The charac ter spoke for me. Not-straight, not-white, out of place as a solitary foreigner — he knew something about me I rarely share. Though fictional, he had shared my seat at all those tables for one.
I think I had been primed to be so moved by that scene: A few weeks earlier I had taken myself up to New York City for a day. I bought myself the fountain pen I’m using to write these words and a blue jacket that would soon become like a second skin, and I took myself to a little French restaurant in the West Village. I was shown to a table made for one person and no more,
squeezed into a tiny nook between the entry, the front window, and the bar. I had nothing to do except eat or stare out the window onto the sidewalk and its pass ersby.
table immediately on the other side of the windowpane — just big enough for two — was filled by a man and a woman on a date. We would’ve been practically dining at the same table if not for the window enclosing me. It felt like too perfect a con trast to my situation, en joying a day of my own design and full of what I favored in life, but still on my own. It’s really hard to discover or to notice that the life one wants and is trying to build can in volve so much solitude.
I thought of all that as I walked out of the Prince ton Garden Theatre. Even tually, my mind turned to an evening in Paris, two years prior, during the solo travels of my gap year. I was part way through my quiet dinner when two men and two very young boys filled the table next to me. The restaurant’s tables were so close that I couldn’t avoid hearing their conversation. It be came apparent that the two American men were showing their children the same Parisian sights and streets they had ex plored as a young couple.
I spent the rest of my own silent dinner de bating whether to try to strike up a conversa tion with them. I think I wanted to thank them for something — maybe for the hope they instilled in a younger me that very much needed it. I re mained silent, even as I found myself trailing be hind them while I walked toward the metro. They had brought out in me the inverse of what I felt two years later in New York.
When a young, too-un certain gay boy sits alone at his dinner table, neigh boring tables-for-two elicit more worries than any sense of reassurance. The straight couples and the gay couples present totally different worlds. The straight couples pres ent an alternate life — one that seems easier, more straightforward from the solitude of a table-for-one. The gay couples present a promise — one chal
lenged by the difficulty of recognizing, of fight ing for, whom you want to join your table-for-one.
I had chosen to escape campus that day, to treat myself, but the scars of a loneliness I had been feel ing that fall were still fresh. These scars revealed them selves when the sidewalk PROSPECT.
I largely forgot about all this as my junior year went on. However, it came rushing back in early May. On a detour from a busi ness trip, my mom visited me on campus. The first night, we went to dinner in town with one of my best friends. She and my mom chatted through most of the dinner. Mean while, I fell quiet. Even with their company, I momentarily felt the soli tude of a table-for-one. In another life, I thought, maybe we would’ve been more than friends. In another life, maybe that dinner’s guest would’ve been a boyfriend. In an other life, who joins my table wouldn’t be such a fraught matter.
Maybe that’s why I keep returning to my tablesfor-one; why I seek them out time and again. En joying solitude can often be easier. Until it’s not. Until the larger, neigh boring tables become too distracting of a reminder.
But the times I’m not distracted, when I can fully relish in solitude, my table-for-one is com forting, much like it is for the character from “The French Dispatch.” I don’t know what it says about me that I can find so much comfort in solitude de spite all the angst it may also induce.
A proper table-for-one — the one without dis tractions — and the soli tude it offers the compan ionless foreigner might just serve the purest taste of freedom: a brief respite from a world that expects a certain perfectly orches trated table-for-two.

At every table he re turns to, this character is not the queer foreign writer. He simply is — on his own, on his own terms.
José Pablo Fernández Gar cía is a senior from Loveland, Ohio and Head Prospect Edi tor at the ‘Prince.’ He can be reached at jpgarcia@princ eton.edu.
JOSÉ PABLO FERNÁNDEZ GARCÍA / THE DAILY PRINCETONIAN By José Pablo Fernández García | Head Prospect EditorThe Prospect 11
Weekly Event Roundup
As September comes to a close, there are a wide range of events and co-curricular activities. Whether you are interested in film or learning a new skill, there is something happening on campus to attend. Here’s this week’s roundup:
1. Seuls en Scène 2022 presents “Angela Davis une histoire des États-Unis”
Lewis Center of the Arts Class of 1970 Theater at Whitman College, Thursday, Sept. 22 at 8 p.m & Friday, Sept. 23 at 8 p.m.
Actress Astrid Bayiha stars in this single-person play that highlights the life of African American activist and author, Angela Davis. Primarily focused on her journey during the civil rights movement, the play uses song and narra tion to portray her fight for equality.
3. Devising Theater Co-curricular Class
Program in Theater
Donald G. Drapkin Studio, Lewis Arts complex
Monday, Sept. 26 at 4:45 p.m. to 6:15 p.m. and subsequent Mondays
In a no-experience-required session, students can learn the process of making the ater and collaborating with others. Participants will be taught new techniques and develop their own pieces.
2. “Icarus & Other Party Tricks” by Sarah Grinalds ’23
Program in Theater
Donald G. Drapkin Studio, Lewis Arts complex
Friday, Sept. 30 at 7:30 p.m & Saturday Oct. 1 at 2:00 p.m. and 7:30 p.m.
4. Hip-Hop Techniques and Foundations with Liam Lynch ’21
Program in Dance Ellie’s Studio, Lewis Arts complex Saturday, Sept. 24 from 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m. and subsequent Saturdays Dancers of all levels are encouraged to participate in this hip-hop class, in which students will learn the basics of the style and work to develop indi viduality within their movements.
Princeton University Music Department Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall Saturday, Sept. 24 from 7:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m.
In a performance by the Mushandirapmwe are “classically
6. After Noon Concert
Office of Religious Life Thursday, Sept. 29 from 12:30 p.m. to 1 p.m.
As part of the “After Noon Concert Series,” organists from around the U.S. and the world perform a range of compositions. This week, John Wolfe, from Brooklyn, NY, will be performing.
7. “Phantom of the Opera” Organ Concert
Office of Religious Life University Chapel
Friday, Sept. 30th from 8:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
This is a performance by the Princeton University Chapel Choir followed by the showing of the silent Phantom of the Opera film (1925), with live music by Michael Britt on the Chapel Organ.
9. A Belknap Global Conversation: Ryûsuke Hamaguchi
Princeton University Humanities Council
Betts Auditorium, Architecture Building
Friday, Sept. 23rd from 5 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Following a screening of one of Hamaguchi’s films, (Storytellers Screening at the Garden Theatre at 1 p.m.), join the Humanities Council in a conversation with the director.
11. VIS Welcome Back Show
Program in Visual Arts Hagan Studio, 185 Nassau St. Weekdays from Sept. 23 through Sept. 29 from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The VIS program displays student-produced art in multiple different media.
8. Madalena
Brazil LAB Colloquium East Pyne 010 Friday, Sept. 23 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Princeton University Art Museum Art@Bainbridge Saturday, Sept. 24 at 1 p.m.
An eco-art exhibit featuring Alexis Rockman, who has a new series of paint ings featuring historic shipwrecks, highlighting how social forces like mi gration have contributed to these events. Open House
This Portuguese film with English subtitles mystery and the effects of the murder of Madalena, who is found lifeless in a soybean field. “Icarus & Other Party Tricks” is a student-produced show that dives into the world of therapy through the life of the main character, Ines Roget. Stage manager Eslem Saka ’26 says it’s an “interesting take on the therapeu tic method, and the interplay between love and grief.” Regina Robertssaid “You wanna be good at basketball? You gotta play.”
He would give me passes to Philadelphia. For four years I would play over there in Summer League, in the city. And they said my game was like Earl, so ever since I was playing basketball, they’ve been calling me that.
DP: When did you first come to the Princeton area?
HS: I live in Trenton, but I’ve been working in Princ eton since 1992. For four years I worked two jobs, one out by Mercer Airport and one at PJ’s Pancake House. I made craters. I made pancakes, all of that. Let me tell you a story about that. A couple of kids came over to PJ’s, and I asked them where they were from. They said Princeton Univer sity. I told them that I wanted them to bring me back an application for where they go to eat. So they talked to the manager at the school, and the manager got my appli cation. He hired me on the spot. I gave both of my jobs two weeks’ notice and then started here in 1996.
DP: What is one of your favorite parts about working in RoMa?
HS: The people. I love the people. It’s beautiful. I thank God everyday for this, because I meet people from all over the world. Because I can’t go all over the world, but they come in to me.
DP: What made you want to cook at Princeton?
HS: When I went to col lege, these two ladies used to feed me and come to my
games. I told them “If I get the chance to feed kids like you guys do, I’m gonna do my best” And that’s all I’m doing.
DP: Will you talk a bit about your childhood and your family?
HS: My father was a con struction worker. But a lot of his friends that he worked with, Black and white, they would go fishing and take him with. He told them that we didn’t have any food, so ev erybody gave fish to him. So we ate fish. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We had fish and grits, fish and french fries, fish and fish. So I told my mother when I get out of her house, I’m gonna eat no more fish. And I haven’t made fish since then. I make good fish, and I cook it here. But I don’t eat fish.
I’m now a grandfather of eight. My brother has seven girls, and he’s got 37 grand kids. I lost my brother about two years ago, and I got a headstone for him. Everyone came out to see the stone un veiled. And that was wonder ful. That made me happy. I was the baby of the family growing up. Now I’m like the leader. They treat me good.
DP: What are your favorite things to make?
HS: I brought in cakes here and the kids went crazy, but that’s stopped because of the pandemic. But everyone loves my cakes. Even the un dertaker [at the cemetery], he likes my carrot raisin cake with walnuts. It’s so moist. I learned from my mama. I’m a mama’s boy. I just stayed under her leg and I’d take the bowl when she was teaching me to cook. I was waiting on one of my nieces to learn
from me. And finally my great-niece did it. She made a cake just like mine.
DP: What is one of your favorite memories at Princ eton?
HS: Oh, I got so many. I was in TapCats. The tap dancing group here. I love to tap.
And I like to go to sports. I go out to all the sports games. That’s how I got this hat (holds up a Princeton Cross Country hat). I got this from a girl named Fiona [Fio na Max ’24]. She ran a race last year, and she won. And she came to me and said “I got something for you.” She ran across the field, after having just run this big race. I told her “Go take your break.” But she wanted to give me this.
Another moment was with the basketball team. Now there’s a picture of me with LeBron James in the men’s locker room here, which I love. But there was another time when I went to a game with a white t-shirt and some magic markers, and the coach called a timeout so all the players could come sign it.
There’s another girl Ashleigh [Ashleigh Johnson ’17] who went to the Olympics and won a gold medal. She came back with a picture of her medal for me and signed it “to my number one fan.”
DP: Do you have any advice for Princeton students?
HS: I’ve got this jacket. Even when I’m having a bad day or a crazy day, in the morning I hang my jacket up, then I come on in with a smile. Then, when I gotta face life again, I go and pick my jacket back up. That’s what you gotta do, take stuff one day at a time. If you can’t do it today, you do it tomorrow.
The ‘Prince’ also spoke with students about their experiences
with Sutphin.
DP: Will you talk a little bit about Howard from Rock efeller-Mathey Dining Hall, or RoMa?
Dani Samake ’24: Howard is such a warm, welcoming presence at RoMa. A fond memory I have is getting to know him more at the Mathey FLI[first generation, low income] dinner.
Kateri Espinosa ’24: When Princeton gets really tough, I know I can always count on Howard. He always smiles and asks you how you’re do ing and really makes your day a little less stressful and more bright.
Minna Abdella ’26: How ard is the best person to see every morning! [He is] always welcoming and brightens my day by just asking how I’m doing. When I wasn’t feel ing great, he told me to get RoMa’s tea and have his pan cakes and I’d feel better. It put a good start to my day.
Pia Dicenzo ’24: He once sat down and showed me pic tures and videos of his dogs while I was eating lunch. It made my day and I had so much fun.
Brian Li ’24: He is an egg artist, a wonderfully kind man, and a source of con stancy in my life.
Caitlin Limestahl ’23: Howard’s cheeriness always makes me feel recognized and appreciated; this meant a lot as a first-year and it still does today as a senior. He makes Rocky truly feel like my home away from home.
Limestahl is a managing editor at the ‘Prince.’
Caroline Kirby ’23: How ard is the spirit of Princeton.

Sydney Eck is a Head Features Editor. She can be reached at seeck@princeton.edu.

‘I thank God everyday for this, because I meet people from all over the world.’COURTESY OF HOWARD SUTPHIN Howard Sutphin cheering for the Princeton Tigers.
Women’s volleyball defeats Jersey rival Rider 3–1 in first home match of season
By Matt Drapkin Assistant Sports EditorIn their first match in Dillon Gymnasium since December 2021, Princeton women’s volleyball (5–2 overall, 0–0 Ivy) kept their hot start to the season, notching a 3–1 win against local opponent Rider (2–8, 0–0 Metro Atlantic Athlet ic Conference) on Sept. 14.

The match began as largely a one-sided affair. Rider fell behind early in the first set after first-year defensive specialist Ella Bunde delivered a service ace to push the Tigers’ lead to 16–11. From there, Princeton managed to stay ahead by a comfortable margin through the re mainder of the period. The first set ended 25–19, with Princeton taking the 1–0 lead in sets.
Coming into the second set, Rider was poised to put up a fight. The teams trad ed blows back and forth, with neither able to pull away for good more than halfway through the set. The score was tied late in the second set, 16–16.
Rider would eventually find their groove, in large part thanks to the offensive aggressiveness of middle hitter Nicole Wilkinson. Wilkinson sent a beaming kill down Princeton’s side that gave the Broncs the push they needed for their biggest lead of the match at that point, 20–17.
Rider would hold onto this lead for the remainder of the period, ultimately pushing the set tally to 1–1 with their 25–23 set victory
MEN’S SOCCERover Princeton.
“After the first two sets it was clear that of fensively we were very successful. But defense was where we were strug gling so that’s what most of the discussion revolved around,” senior hitter Av ery Luoma told The Daily Princetonian.
The Tigers wasted no time in getting their re taliation. Luoma managed to get two quick kills ear ly in the third set, giving her team a 6–2 lead in no time. Rider quickly called a timeout to stop the bleed ing.
Unfortunately for Rider, the Tigers would not take their foot off of the gas. Their lead would only grow from there. First-year out side hitter Valerie Nuta kor made a timely series of plays with back-to-back kills late in the set, extend ing the Princeton lead to 20–13.
Soon thereafter, Prince ton put an end to the third set, winning 25–16. The se ries sat at 2–1.
With just one more set victory needed to close out the match, the Tigers left no room for a Broncs come back. Carrying over the momentum from the pre vious set, Princeton sent a message that they would not be stopped, creating a 6–0 gap to open the fourth frame.
Rider’s efforts would prove insufficient to overcome the strength of Princeton’s offense. Fol lowing another powerful Luoma kill, the fourth set culminated in a 25–11 win
for the Tigers, ultimately giving them the win in just four sets.
The night was full of im pressive stat-lines for the Tigers. Not only did Luoma lead the match with 16 digs, but her 23 kills were good for a new career high.
This performance adds to Luoma’s impressive start to the season, which in cluded being named Ivy League Player of the Week on Sept. 5.
“This is a really great group and I’m really ex cited to see what we can accomplish,” Luoma said.
“I think we have the poten tial to do really well this season and the goal is to win the Ivy League at the end.”
Senior setter Lindsey Kelly also had a career night, leading the match with a career-high 61 as sists.
For Rider, it was opposite Morgan Romano making plays by the net, leading her squad with 15 kills. Li bero Pamela Loh anchored the defense with a matchhigh 17 digs.
Meanwhile, Nutakor’s clutch play in the third set is slowly becoming the expectation for the Tigers. Following an impressive performance in the Sacred Heart Tournament, the first-year was awarded Ivy League Rookie of the Week honors this past week. She fueled the Tigers offense with 4.42 kills per set and 27 digs.
Nutakor credits the lead ership on the team with helping her find her foot ing for such big perfor mances.
“The leaders on this team are some of the best teammates I’ve ever had,” Nutakor told the ‘Prince.’
“They are so supportive, and they make me feel more confident when I’m on the court.”
The team will go on to play in the local Rutgers volleyball tournament starting on Saturday, Sept. 17, with their first match against Florida Interna tional University (1–9, 0–0 Conference USA). After this road trip, it will be time to defend home court once again, where Princ eton boasts a 41–5 record in Dillon since 2015. Their next chance to play in front of the home fans will be on Friday against Ivy League opponent Penn (1–5, 0–0).
Matt Drapkin is an As sistant Sports Editor for the ‘Prince.’ He can be reached at mattdrapkin@princ eton.edu or on Twitter at @ mattdrapkin.
Men’s soccer cruises past Loyola for first home win of the season
By Kameron Wolters Staff Sports WriterAfter a 3–1 loss over the weekend to Fair field (4–3 overall, Metro Atlantic Athletic), the Princeton men’s soccer team (2–2–1, 0–0 Ivy) re sponded in a dominant fashion on Tuesday night with a 2–0 win over Loyola Maryland (2–3–2, 0–1–0 Patriot).

The Tigers were ag gressive from the start. Senior midfielder Ryan Clare got the scoring started just five min utes into the game
when he capitalized on a low cross from firstyear midfielder Jack Ja sinski. This was Clare’s second goal of the sea son.
“We felt like we had a lot of chances against Fairfield but lacked the final pass or touch to put that game away,” Clare wrote to The Daily Princetonian. “I think we responded really well in this game by set ting the tone early and getting two goals in the first 10 minutes.”
The Tigers kept up the pressure over the next
few minutes, maintain ing ball possession and creating multiple shot attempts. The pres sure proved successful when just five minutes later, first-year mid fielder Gabriel Ducho vny scored a curling, highlight-reel goal. Af ter the ball bounced off a Loyola player, Ducho vny deposited the ball just over the opposing keeper’s outstretched arms and into the top left corner, notching the first goal of his Princeton career.
The Tigers continued
to have scoring chances throughout the rest of the game, with passing and aggression being the keys to exploiting mistakes by Loyola’s defense. Junior forward Walker Gillespie came close to making the score 3–0 late in the sec ond half, but had a shot deflected off of the post. Princeton finished with double the amount of shots on goal than the Greyhounds.
Princeton’s defense and goalkeeping was also dominant through out the game. Clare praised the team’s abil ity to defend set pieces.
“We have been giving up too many set piece goals this season, and so we made it a prior ity against Loyola to be more assertive [when] clearing balls out of our box,” he said.
Sophomore goalkeep er Khamari Hadaway recorded the first clean sheet of his Princeton career, registering three key saves in the first half to stop Loyola’s comeback chances.
“Khamari was a big part of this defensive effort … aggressive ly coming off his line the whole game,” Clare wrote.
“It all comes from communication, and just keeping each oth
er — holding each other accountable for our marks and for the people we had to keep track of throughout the game,” Hadaway told the ‘Prince’ when asked about the key to the team’s defensive suc cess against Loyola.
Hadaway also ap plauded the team’s or ganization on the pitch.
“I think that goes to show that if we’re or ganized, we maintain that level of organiza tion and ruthlessness in front of [the] goal, and we can beat any team,” he said.
The Tigers look to win their second game in a row when they take on Mercer County rival Rider University (1–4–1, 0–0 MAAC) on Friday night at Sherrerd Field at 7 p.m. Ivy League play for the Tigers opens on Oct. 1, when they go on the road to play Dart mouth (1–2–2, 0–0 Ivy).
“Hopefully we can bubble up a little win streak before going into Ivy play against Dart mouth,” Hadaway said.
Kameron Wolters is a staff writer for the Sports section at the ‘Prince.’ He can be reached at kw9217@ princeton.edu or on Insta gram at @kam.wolters.
GOPRINCETONTIGERS.COM Senior hitter Avery Luoma was key to the Tigers’ victory. GabrielFootball in
By Eric Lee Senior Sports WriterAfter finishing tied atop the Ivy League with Dartmouth last sea son, the Tigers football team (1–0 overall, 0–0 Ivy League) opened their season with a dominant 39–14 win at Stetson (2–1, 0–0 Pioneer) on Saturday, Sept. 17.
Looking to mimic their domi nant 63–0 win over Stetson from a year ago and make a statement to start the season, Princeton ran onto the field fired up and ready to play physically. For a majority of the first half, however, an upset of the heavily favored Tigers looked to be a possibility. In fact, it was Stetson that drew first blood as their quar terback, Brady Meitz, dropped in a 60-yard touchdown to go up 7–0.
With time winding down in the first quarter, Princeton answered with a long drive that ended with a powerful touchdown run by firstyear running back Ryan Butler. On Stetson’s next drive to open up the second quarter, Meitz threw for an other long score on a well-designed run-pass option that exposed the Princeton defense.
Even after Princeton tied the score with a touchdown pass from junior quarterback Blake Stenstrom
FIELD HOCKEYto senior wide receiver Andrei Io sivas on the ensuing drive, there was still an air of uncertainty as the defense committed some unchar acteristic penalties, and rainy con ditions caused the Tigers to have issues with handling the ball. With the score knotted at 14, Princeton looked to gain some control before going into halftime. A second Sten strom to Iosivas connection and a safety from the Tigers’ defense was able to do just that, and the Tigers went to the locker room with a 22–14 lead.
In the second half, Princeton was able to ride the momentum they generated at the end of the first, and the defense finally came to life. To highlight their dominance, Princ eton held Stetson scoreless on their last seven drives to close the game, with each drive ending in either a punt, interception, or forced fum ble. The interception came from senior defensive back Ken Lim, and the fumble was caused by senior de fensive lineman Michael Azevedo. The offense also kept rolling, with rushing touchdowns from both Butler and sophomore running back John Volker.
The game ended in a 39–14 vic tory for Princeton. On the defen sive side, senior linebacker Joseph
Bonczek led the charge with six tackles. On offense, Butler rushed for a pair, and Stenstrom finished with 256 yards and two touchdowns through the air to Iosivas.
“We’ve been communicating well and [we] trust each other. [Stenstrom] is also a humble guy and a hard worker so it’s easy to like him,” Iosivas wrote to the Daily Princetonian.
Additionally, when asked about the team’s mentality this season compared to the last, Iosivas said, “Every year we focus on the next game. That’s how it’s been since I got here as a freshman and nothing has changed. Everyone just needs to play hard and play smart. If we do that, we will be fine.”
With that attitude in mind, the Tigers will look forward to return ing home and welcoming their fans back to Powers Field at Princ eton Stadium on Saturday, Sept. 24 against Lehigh (1–2, 1–0 Patriot), whom they defeated 32–0 last sea son.
Eric Lee is a senior writer for the Sports section at the ‘Prince’. He can be reached at ericlee@princeton.edu or on instagram @airic.lee.
By Evelyn Walsh Sports ContributorFor the fifth time in the history of the two programs, No. 7 Princ eton (4–3 overall, 0–0 Ivy) took the No. 3 Maryland Terrapins (7–1, 1–0 Big Ten) to an intense overtime battle.
“It isn’t every day that you get to play at home against such a talent ed opponent,” sophomore mid fielder Beth Yeager told The Daily Princetonian. “While they were ranked above us, we knew that we could compete against them and win if we played our game.”
And just as Yeager thought, the Tigers were able to pull off a victory in the second overtime, sending the Terrapins home with a loss, 4–3.
Coming off a tough overtime loss to No. 1 Northwestern (8–0, 0–0 Big Ten) on Sunday, Princeton took the field with composure and confidence. The Tigers got off to a strong start, putting pressure on the Terps and causing multiple turnovers. Three minutes into the game, Maryland drew a cor ner shot and sent in a strong shot, narrowly missing the goal, but the Tigers held steady. At one point, senior forward Ali McCarthy was quick to intercept a strong pass from Maryland midfielders, driv ing the Tigers into the offensive zone.
It took both the Tigers and the Terps a few minutes to settle into their rhythm, but each team was quick to recover and showed strong communication. At the
end of the first period, both teams were holding strong on defense, leaving the score at 0–0.
The strength of junior goalie Robyn Thompson was clear. She made multiple impressive saves in the first half, with Maryland outshooting Princeton in the first period 5–1. By the end of the half, however, the Terps had impressive offensive momentum and caused a corner resulting in the first goal of the game.
At the beginning of the second half, the Tigers were determined to apply pressure on Maryland’s defense. Within the first three minutes, senior defender Hannah Davey found the back of the net after a corner, evening the score at 1–1. But Maryland was quick to fight back, and a goal less than two minutes later gave them the 2–1 lead.
Strong defensive pressure from senior defender Gabby Andretta made it difficult for the Terps to find an opening to extend their lead. With two minutes left in the third period, senior forward Claire Donovan sent a strong pass into the crease, and McCarthy was able to connect and drive it past the Maryland goalie, tying the game 2–2 going into the final quarter.
“Our team does a really good job of staying positive and lifting each other up,” McCarthy wrote to the ‘Prince.’ “Even though we were down a goal going into the second half, we were all positive and en couraging to one another.”
For the first few minutes of play in the fourth period, strong
defense from determined players meant the Tigers and the Terps struggled to find a breakthrough. Halfway through the frame, how ever, Maryland forward Hope Rose was able to send the ball to the back of the net off of a corner.
Tigers fans were nervous as pre cious seconds ticked away. How ever, Princeton did not let any thing go and continued to drive up the field to the Terps’ goal mul tiple times. With only two min utes left, junior forward Grace Schulze drew a corner, giving the Tigers a chance to score. With a pass from senior forward Sammy Popper, Yeager sent a rocket high into the net, forcing the game into overtime tied at 3–3.
“The match was far from easy, but after halftime we really came together and picked each other up,” Yeager wrote. “We won be cause of the positive and deter mined attitude everyone had and because of the faith we have in each other.”
The first period of overtime was full of outstanding saves and high intensity play from both sides. Both teams continued to drive up the field. Despite their efforts, both teams found themselves at the end of the ten minutes with out a goal, sending the teams into their second overtime period.
This one, however, did not last long. Within the first minute, Princeton drew a penalty corner. Yeager finished the game with a strong rip from just inside the crease, making her the first player this season with multiple goals in a game. It was a rewarding win for the Tigers, who have been fight ing tough opponents and going to overtime in many of their recent games.
Sending the Terps home with their first defeat of the season is sure to raise the Tigers’ ranking. Princeton now looks to the home Ivy League opener against Penn this Friday, Sept. 23 at Bedford Field.

“None of our games have been easy and not all have been success es, but we have improved in each of them. Penn is a great opponent and another great opportunity for us to play our game and compete against each other,” Yeager said.
Evelyn Walsh is a contributor to the Sports section at the ‘Prince.’ She can be reached at ew0974@princeton. edu or on Twitter or Instagram elynwalshh. takes win