2 minute read
Don’t Miss Attractions
from 2022 Visitors Guide
by Daily Record
Learn about wind power, take in an eclectic collection of yard art or visit a historic mill. Whether you are visiting for the day or a longtime resident, these Kittitas County attractions are worth a stop.
is pioneer farm east of Ellensburg was homesteaded by the Olmstead family for 100 years before it was donated to the state of Washington. Most of the original buildings are still intact, including the original cabin and farmhouse. Volunteers help keep up the historic gardens, and interpretive programs are planned (check ahead for information). parks.wa.gov 921 Ferguson Road, Ellensburg
Puget Sound Energy’s Wind and Solar Facility has a visitor center east of Ellensburg with interactive displays, tours, and a great view of the surrounding area. e center is open April 1 to Nov. 30, weather permitting, seven days a week. Outdoor trails lead to a solar array, blade, turbine generator and additional displays. pse.com 25905 Vantage Hwy, Ellensburg
Local artists Jane Orleman and her late husband, Dick Elliott, have spent more than 35 years amassing an eclectic collection of artwork from more than 40 Northwest artists in their home and yard at First Avenue and Pearl Street. Nearly every post and fence is covered with highway re ectors, 10,000 bottle caps, colored glass bottles and bicycle wheels. e pieces in the yard are ever changing — as old pieces decay, new ones are added. refl ectorart.com First Ave. and Pearl St., Ellensburg
e orp Mill was a gathering place for area farmers who brought their grain to be milled from 1883 to 1946. e mill was placed on the National Register of Historic Places in 1977, and restoration work went into high gear in the late 1980s and through the early 1990s. Self-guided outdoor tours are available year round, with guided indoor tours o ered in the summer. e mill is on North orp Highway northwest of orp’s small residential area and orp School District buildings. thorp.org 11640 Thorp Hwy N., Thorp
O cially known as the Cle Elum Supplementation and Research Facility, the hatchery opened in 1997 with the goal of boosting the spring chinook salmon population and supporting research. It is sponsored in part by the Yakama Nation and Bonneville Power Administration. Visitors can see the facility from a sheltered viewing area. e hatchery is open for tours in the summer. Call 509-674-3701 for more information. South Cle Elum
e mountain lake is a popular destination summer and winter. In the summer, it’s a great place for shing, boating, kayaking, canoeing and paddle boarding. e campground is full most weekends, and the day-use parking lot lls up on sunny days. Camping reservations are recommended. In the winter, the park o ers cross-country and snowmobiling trails. 150 Lake Easton State Park Road, Easton I-90, Exit 70

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