16th january ,2017 daily global,regional and local rice e newsletter by riceplus magazine

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter

January 16,2017 Vol 8, Issue 1

Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter


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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Today Rice News Headlines...     

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An Anatomy of the recent state bank quarterly report FPCCI concerned over non-inclusion of horticulture, rice sector B.R. Wells inducted to Agriculture Hall of Fame Iran, Pakistan agree to resume direct flights Direct Flight between Iran, Pakistan to Be Launched Soon: Envoy AG exposes huge rice import scandal as Govt. prepares to import more Global Black Sticky Rice Flavor Market 2016: Regional Outlook, Analysis, Size, Share, Forecast – 2021 Mexican chain buys big load of Thai rice Rice Conference Coming to Civic Center Lalu fans arrive with curd, beaten rice

News Detail... An Anatomy of the recent state bank quarterly report

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Dr.Malik Mohammad Hashim

BY TAYYAB TARIQ NARULA Not entirely good news

Assistant Professor, Gomal University DIK

The main products responsible for growth slowdown were the jute, leather,

Assistant Director, Agriculture KPK

petroleum products and cigarettes. The growth in the Large Scale Manufacturing also confirms the trend of a rapidly urbanising and

 

Dr.Hidayat Ullah Assistant Professor, University of


modernising Pakistan

Dr.Hasina Gul

Dr.Abdul Basir Assistant Professor, University of

Critics say that although the economy is growing but it is still on shaky grounds and any jerk can bring it tumbling down. That is what the latest State Bank latest quarterly report also shows which was released recently. Here is its anatomy:


Zahid Mehmood PSO,NIFA Peshawar

Falak Naz Shah

Head Food Science & Technology 2 ART, Peshawar

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter 1. Real sector: In the real sector, agriculture rebounded well but cotton production was still short of the 4.1 million bales. The target was set to produce 14.1 million bales but only 10.5 million bales were produced. According to the report, the area under cultivation saw a decrease of 20pc over the last year. This should present a big concern for the government as without the basic ingredient of cotton, the whole supply chain of textiles would be affected. The government has recently announced a new export policy for the exporters to revamp production as well but if the basic supply chain is affected, none of the strategies would work. The government should incentivise farmers for increasing both the production area and the production volume of cotton/hectare. The rice crop production also fell and there was a negative growth of 3.3pc all over Pakistan for the rice production. This is understandable as there was a sharp downfall in the rice export quantum due to which farmers were discouraged from producing rice. However, it was compensated by increase in sugar cane and maize production which accounts for the increase in agricultural production. Notably, there is an interesting change going on in the agricultural economy of our country. According to the report, sowing of the Important Kharif crops dropped by 356,000 hectare in the past two years and 65pc of the area loss under cotton and rice goes unaccounted for. The report says that a part of this area has gone to vegetables and pulses. Now this represents an interesting change in our agricultural economy. Because of the rapid urbanisation, mushroom growth of small restaurants, fast food bars in small towns, there has been a sharp rise in the demand of vegetables and some vegetables now give even better margins than the traditional crops so people are shifting from crops to growing vegetables which was traditionally considered a relatively less respectable job. Secondly, people are now applying new techniques e.g. green house farming, mainly for vegetables to fulfill their off season demand. All these demand pattern shifts and restructuring of our economy is altering even the basic supply chain. On the other hand, despite all the shout outs about the growth, LSM (Large Scale Manufacturing) only grew by 2.2 percent against a growth rate of 3.9 percent for the same fiscal period in the last year. The main products responsible for growth slowdown were the jute, leather, petroleum products and cigarettes. The growth in the Large Scale Manufacturing also confirms the trend of a rapidly urbanising and modernising Pakistan. First, the highest growth in the LSM was in the drinks sector which registered a double digit growth in both fiscal years of 2016 and 2017.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter This represents propensity to modernise by the average Pakistani. It will also have ripple effects on other industries such as advertising which is already witnessing a growth of 10–12 percent per annum. Second is the continued increase in cement demand which indicates a strong rural urban migration trend and the desire of the rural or small town population to shift in the cities. Shifting to cities means that you will have to adapt the urban life style which further accelerates modernisation and domestic consumption. The report stresses the grave situation of exports by stating that this is the year on year 10th consecutive quarter for falling exports and they plummeted a further 5.1pc in this quarter 2. Fiscal deficit and exports: The chapter on the fiscal deficit again exposes the weak structural foundation of the Pakistan‘s economy. It stated that the fiscal deficit was 1.3 percent of the GDP in the fiscal year quarterone, which is the highest quarterly deficit since 2012. And the reason for this high fiscal deficit is the absence of Coalition Support Funds which Pakistan has been receiving in exchange for its support against the war on terror in Afghanistan. The non-tax revenue for the first quarter of this year has decreased by as much as 42pc. Secondly the dividend income from Public Sector Enterprises has also decreased to up to 70pc which is indeed a huge drop. The sudden rise of fiscal deficit due to absence of CSF indicates the short sightedness of our ruling elite who have a parasitic approach towards running the country and are always looking for some external help instead of building the capacity to generate more revenues. With such an approach, they always seek external help in the form of loans or in the form of assistance and in the process entangle the country in the spiral of more and more loans. The total public debt increased by 866.1 billion reaching Rs20.5 trillion. The government tries to justify it by claiming that most of this increase was due to domestic debt. But they try to distort the actual reality as in the next chapter the report says that most of FDI from CPEC related projects for this quarter has been disbursed in the form of long term loans which is again a form of debt which you have to pay back even if you are writing it in books as FDI. From the total financial inflow of USD$1.1 billion from China in the first quarter of 2017, $USD700 million was a CPEC related loan. The government should clear the ambiguity surrounding the much hyped CPEC investment and important questions should be clearly answered as how much of the amount will be given in the form of a loan, what are the conditions of loan, on what projects will this loan be spent, how much will be the real FDI and what

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter percentage of it will be spent by the Chinese companies themselves, what percentage would be disbursed to Pakistani government, etc. The government should make CPEC a national consensus instead of a point of conflict by making it more ambiguous. The report stresses the grave situation of exports by stating that this is the year on year 10th consecutive quarter for falling exports and they plummeted a further 5.1pc in this quarter. In the words of the report‘s author: ―Pakistan‘s export performance is not likely to improve unless our exporters improve their competitiveness, adopt innovative production methods, and diversify their products and markets‖. The missing point here is the role of government which it should play in boosting exports. How can the exporters improve their competitiveness if the government will not provide cheap electricity to them? Similarly, for innovative production methods, you need to train exporters, educate them in new techniques and help them in finding new markets. The most important thing is to diversify the product base and to make a shift towards high value added and hi tech items. For that purpose, the government needs to form industry academia linkages, build joint ventures between local and international universities and make laws for foreign investors to source a percentage of their inputs from Pakistan or transfer their technology after a certain time period. The government should ask itself that is it fulfilling its responsibility before putting all the blame on exporters. To sum up, although Pakistan‘s economy is growing we still need to address its structural deficiencies. Among them, the most important ones are to broaden our tax base, reduce our fiscal deficit, diversify our FDI inflows other than China as well, use loans only for productive purposes, supply cheap inputs to the industry and impose an emergency plan for boosting exports. And, in the mayhem of these things we should not forget to focus on education and health, which form the back bone of a modern knowledge based economy http://www.pakistantoday.com.pk/2017/01/15/an-anatomy-of-the-recent-state-bank-quarterly-report/

FPCCI concerned over non-inclusion of horticulture, rice sector PM‘s exports package 5

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Our Staff Reporter

KARACHI - Federation of Pakistan Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FPCCI) Executive Committee Members Fehmida Jamali, Abdul Rahim Janoo and Mian Usman Zulfiqar on Friday showed displeasure that Commerce Ministry and Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) CEO once again ignored Horticulture and Rice Sector in the PM‘s exports incentive package. They said, ―We must not forget that exports of the country have decreased except fruits and vegetables' export, mainly due to efforts of horticulture exporters‖. As fruits and vegetables have helped increase the country's exports by 10 percent, adding that the said exports could reach $7 billion, if special incentives given to this sector, they added. Despite the verbal assurances were given by the government on this issue, but the Economic Coordination Committee (ECC) of the Cabinet approved the same incentive package without any revision, they added. Similarly, just after one day of the announcement of the package, All Pakistan Fruit and Vegetable Exporters, Importers and Merchants Association (PFVA) wrote a letter to Finance Minister Ishaq Dar, asking him to include the horticulture sector in the Rs180 billion package. ―We can immediately raise Pakistan‘s horticulture exports to $1 billion if we get support of the government,‖ said PFVA Chairman Abdul Malik in the letter. The letter said the

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter government should provide 5 percent incentive on freight-on-board (FOB) value and a three-year holiday from the 1.25 percent tax including withholding tax (WHT) and Export Development Fund (EDF). FPCCI Vice President Riaz Khattak argued that internationally horticulture sector has been gaining importance since last two decades in world trade. The fact is that in recent years, developing countries have created a space for themselves in this market. But they are not able to move beyond four to five percent of the world trade and in comparison Pakistan's share is just 0.3 percent. ―However it may recall here under Strategic Trade Policy Framework (STPF) for 2015-18, the commerce ministry has identified four areas and horticulture is one of them but no incentive was announced in the package‖, he remarked. He said despite the offer of incentives to textile exporters in the package, the performance of ―inept export managers‖ and CEO of the Trade Development Authority of Pakistan (TDAP) was visible. The Trade Development Authority of Pakistan CEO should decide first whether he was interested in Chambers of Commerce or in its official position, he questioned. Khattak also pointed out that India had used protectionist policies very effectively and now its exports were worth nearly $300 billion. http://nation.com.pk/business/14-Jan-2017/fpcci-concerned-over-noninclusion-of-horticulture-rice-sector

B.R. Wells inducted to Agriculture Hall of Fame By Fred Miller, U of A System Division of Agriculture

Top of Form

The late Bobby R. Wells, a world-renowned rice expert and University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture researcher, will be among five individuals inducted into the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame in March.The induction recognizes service and leadership that have brought distinction to Arkansas‘ largest business sector.In addition to Wells, the new Hall of Fame class includes forester Allen Bedell of Hot Springs, former state Sen. Neely Cassady of

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Nashville, rice farmer Gary Sebree of Stuttgart, and poultry company executive Mark Simmons of Siloam Springs. The group will be honored at the 29th annual induction luncheon at 11:30 a.m., March 3 at Little Rock‘s Embassy Suites Hotel.―What a great cross-section of Arkansas agriculture to be selected for the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame,‖ said Butch Calhoun of Des Arc, chairman of the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame committee and former Arkansas Secretary of Agriculture. ―The collective impact of these five are felt in every part of our state. ―I have said this before, and it bears repeating; agriculture is one of the great success stories of our state. What a privilege to see these great advocates of agriculture be recognized.‖ The new selections will bring to 158 the number of honorees inducted into the Arkansas Agriculture Hall of Fame.Wells was internationally respected for his expertise in rice production, with emphasis on rice nutrition and soil fertility. He joined the University of Arkansas System Division of Agriculture in 1966 and spent his first 16 years with the division at the Rice Research and Extension Center near Stuttgart. In 1982 Wells moved to the division‘s department of agronomy at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville to continue his research and teaching. He was promoted to University Professor and appointed department head in 1993.Wells was a highly regarded professor and a mentor to many graduate students. He developed an upper-level class in rice production and taught it for many years. Wells was very active in collaborative, interdisciplinary research. He worked with the Rice Technical Working Group and served as its chairman and secretary. He edited the division‘s Arkansas Rice Research Studies journal from its inception in 1991 until his death in 1996. That year, the publication was named in his memory.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Bedell was a long-time forester for Georgia-Pacific in Fordyce and also owned two whole-tree chipping operations, Circle B. Logging and Quality Stand Density Control, Inc. He is a former chairman of the Arkansas Forestry Commission, a past president of the Arkansas Forestry Association and currently serves as the forestry representative on the Arkansas Department of Agriculture board. Bedell helped start the Log a Load For Kids program, an annual campaign that raises money for patients at Arkansas Children‘s Hospital, which has raised more than $8 million from Arkansas loggers. He also was one of the founding organizers of the Arkansas Timber Producers Association. Cassady was a driving force for the poultry industry in southwest Arkansas, taking over his father‘s hatchery at the age of 18 and expanding it into a vertically integrated poultry company. He built and sold two such companies that continue today as part of Pilgrim‘s and Tyson Foods. He was elected to the Arkansas Senate in 1982 and served the people of southwest Arkansas for 14 years, where he was a staunch advocate for agricultural issues. Cassady was president of the Arkansas Poultry Federation (1973-74), on the Tyson Foods board of directors (1974-2001), and a long-time member of the Central Baptist College board of trustees. Sebree, a third-generation rice farmer, spent 43 years as a farmer representative on the Producers Rice Mill board of directors, 24 of those as chairman (1990- 2014), a time of phenomenal growth for Producers and the Arkansas rice industry. A farmer-owned cooperative, Producers grew from 956 members in 1971 when Sebree first joined the board, to a high of 2,637 members in 2013. During that span, member receipts increased more than tenfold, from 6.2 million bushels in 1971 to 65.5 million bushels in 2011, while sales grew from $17.5 million in 1971 to a high of $568.5 million in 2013. He was on the first Arkansas Rice Research and Promotion Board (1979-86), chairman of the USA Rice Producers Group (2000-2002) and chairman of the USA Rice Federation (2002-2004). 9

Simmons has been chairman of the board for Simmons Foods since 1987. He first joined the family business in 1968 after graduating from the University of Arkansas. He was named

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter president in 1974, following the death of his father. Under his direction, Simmons Foods has grown into one of the nation‘s largest privately held broiler-processing companies and the largest private-label wet pet food manufacturer in North American. The company has grown from a single plant with roughly $20 million in sales and 350 employees in 1974 to approximately $1.4 billion in sales and nearly 6,000 employees in more than 20 facilities across North America. Simmons was a founding member of the Northwest Arkansas Council, serves on the board of trustees at John Brown University, and is a board member of the Walton Family Charitable Support Trust http://www.hpj.com/general/b-r-wells-inducted-to-agriculture-hall-of-fame/article_cfeb2538-22ac-5ae0ae3b-5fbeaf7f09f0.html

Iran, Pakistan agree to resume direct flights By Monitoring Desk January 14, 2017

TEHRAN: Pakistan and Iran agreed to boost their mutual cooperation in air aviation industry and transportation by establishing direct flights between Tehran and Islamabad. The issue was raised in a meeting between Iranian ambassador to Pakistan Mehdi Honardoust and senior Pakistani aviation officials in Islamabad Friday. Honardoust said in the meeting, the two sides exchanged views on implementation of agreements and starting direct flights between Tehran and Islamabad by June. ―Iran is a big market and Pakistani goods have a good reputation there. There is a big demand of Pakistani basmati rice in Iran,‖ the Iranian ambassador said during the meeting. He reiterated that Pakistan and Iran have cultural, historic, linguistic and religious commonalities. ―There are tremendous opportunities to improve the trade relations between the two countries; sanctions have now been lifted by the world powers and Pakistan can capitalise on lucrative

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter incentives offered by Iranian government in sectors like energy, pharmaceutical, auto and information technology,‖ Honardoust added. In relevant remarks in late December, Pakistani ambassador to Iran Asif Khan Durrani called for the broadening of trade ties between Islamabad and Tehran. ―There is a tremendous scope to strengthen trade and economic relations between Pakistan and Iran,‖ Durrani said during a visit to Lahore Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The Pakistani envoy in Tehran was in Pakistan to explain huge trade potentials in Iran for Pakistani businessmen. Durrani pointed to the hurdles in trade between Iran and Pakistan, and said, ―the unavailability of banking channel is one of the biggest reasons of limited trade between the two countries; through exploiting trade and investment opportunities, mutual trade volume could easily touch new heights‖. Durrani invited the Pakistani businessmen to participate in the ‗Aleeshan Pakistan‘ exhibition slated for March 4-7 in Tehran, adding that it would provide an opportunity to establish new contacts with their Iranian counterparts, which is essential to boost two-way trade.The Iranian president and Pakistani prime minister have already agreed to boost trade volume to $5 billion https://www.thenews.com.pk/print/179077-Iran-Pakistan-agree-to-resume-direct-flights

Direct Flight between Iran, Pakistan to Be Launched Soon: Envoy News ID: 1296401 Service: Economy January, 14, 2017 - 18:44

TEHRAN (Tasnim) – Iranian Ambassador to Islamabad Mehdi Honardoost said Iran and Pakistan have agreed to establish direct flights between the two nations in the near future. Pakistan and Iran agreed to boost their cooperation in the aviation industry and transportation by establishing a direct flight route between Tehran and Islamabad, Honardoost said on Friday during a meeting with Pakistani aviation officials, The News reported. ―Iran is a big market and Pakistani goods have a good reputation there. There is a big demand of Pakistani basmati rice in Iran,‖ he further said.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter

―There are tremendous opportunities to improve the trade relations between the two countries; sanctions have now been lifted by the world powers and Pakistan can capitalize on lucrative incentives offered by the Iranian government in sectors like energy, pharmaceutical, auto and information technology,‖ Honardoost added. Back in March, high-ranking officials from Iran and Pakistan signed six memorandums of understanding (MoUs) to strengthen bilateral cooperation in various areas, including health, commerce, security and foreign services. The documents were signed in a ceremony in Islamabad on March 26, attended by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani and Pakistani Prime Minister Nawaz Sharif. https://www.tasnimnews.com/en/news/2017/01/14/1296401/direct-flight-between-iran-pakistan-to-belaunched-soon-envoy

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter AG exposes huge rice import scandal as Govt. prepares to import more By Chandani Kirinde The Auditor General who looked into the import of 257,000 metric tonnes of rice in 2014/2015 says bad practices that included disregard for government tender procedures had resulted in the loss of more than Rs. 15 billion. Losses continue to accumulate to date due to non-payment of loans taken for the imports and demurrage costs for stocks that remain in privately owned container yards, the AG adds. The AG, who undertook the inquiry at the request of the Parliamentary Committee on Public Enterprises (COPE), released the report as the Government gets ready to import new stocks of rice to preempt a possible shortage this year.The stocks of rice were imported by Lanka Sathosa at a cost of around Rs. 27 billion during 2014/2015 but only around Rs. 11.8 billion was recovered from sales thus incurring a loss of more than Rs. 15.1 billion, the AG says. The imports were made after a Cabinet memorandum was presented by the then Co-operatives and Internal Trade Minister Johnston Fernando in July 2014, citing the need for ―maintaining a buffer stock for food security and stabilising the price of rice in the market‖. Lanka Sathosa had obtained loans totalling more than 14 billion from the Bank of Ceylon and the People‘ Bank for the Letters of Credit to import the rice but of this amount more than Rs. 8.9 billion remained unpaid till December last year with penalty interest as at November 21 last year amounting to Rs. 7. 9 million. Even after the change of government, the new Commerce Minister Rishard Bathuideen in February had given instructions for the revision of the two Letters of Credit which were due to expire that month to import Samba rice for the balance value of the Letters of Credit.The AG says 23,751 metric tonnes of rice still remain in stores and private yards and hence the rent of stores, demurrage on rice containers, transport charges and labour charges will add to the losses. The AG notes that though initially concessionary 60 days had been allowed without payment of demurrage, Lanka Sathosa had not taken action to get the containers released expeditiously.Between four and ten months had been taken to clear the major portion of the stocks. Random checks carried out by the Audit officials had revealed large stocks of rice had perished due to water seeping in to the containers. The stocks were infested with worms or insects and giving a putrid smell. According to the information furnished to the AG by the Senior Accountant at Lanka Sathosa, by November 2016, ground rent amounting to Rs. 15.6 million had been paid to respective

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Container Yards while another 54 containers remained in yards till the end of last year.The rice had been imported from India and Bangladesh but the AG says there was no evidence to show if a market study was carried out to select the variety of rice to be imported as large amount of the imported stocks had to be sold as animal feed due to the lack of demand for them in the local market for this rice. In addition to these imports, Lanka Sathosa had bought about 18,000 metric tonnes of imported rice from the local market to the value of around Rs. 1.1billion between April and December 2014 without following procurement procedures.No formal contract had been signed with suppliers even though government procurement guidelines stipulate that a formal contract should be signed for any supply of goods or services exceeding Rs. 500,000. Rice had been bought from the suppliers at different prices as the 14 suppliers had been selected without following a procurement procedure.The AG notes that there is a need for a major revamp of the rice import process with the strict following of government procurement guidelines and the need for equal and maximum opportunity for eligible interested parties to participate in the process.The AG also says there should be annual registration of eligible suppliers while purchases in emergency situation should be made by inviting quotations from those suppliers. The matter is now under probe by the Presidential Commission of Inquiry (Investigation of Serious Frauds, Corruption and Misuse of Public Property, Privileges, Power and Authority) and the Financial Crimes Investigation Division


Global Black Sticky Rice Flavor Market 2016: Regional Outlook, Analysis, Size, Share, Forecast – 2021 JANUARY 15TH, 2017 Global Black Sticky Rice Flavor Market Research Report The MRS Research Group Black Sticky Rice Flavor report by QY Research represents an inclusive evaluation of the Black Sticky Rice Flavor market and comprises considerable insights, historical data, facts, and statistical and industry-validated data of the global market. Additionally, it consists of estimated data that is evaluated with the help of suitable set of

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter methodologies and assumptions. The MRS Research Group report by QY Research highlights informative data and in-depth analysis of Black Sticky Rice Flavor market and its corresponding segments that are based on technology, geography, and applications. The report comprises precise information, comprehensive analysis in two ways—qualitative and quantitative—industry experts‘ inputs, and information provided by industry analysts and industry participants involved in the entire value chain. The report highlights exhaustive study of major market and their present trends, along with corresponding market segments. The Black Sticky Rice Flavor report also provides data regarding various market factors and their impact on the overall market and its segments.This Black Sticky Rice Flavor report is an in-depth market research report in this domain.The report focuses on regional as well as global market, its key players, along with market segments including detailed study on various divisions and its applications. The report provides comprehensive information on each and every segment covered of the Black Sticky Rice Flavor market.The research report analyzes the scope of Black Sticky Rice Flavor industry including size, share, analysis, sales, supply, production, definition, specification, classification, demands, application, forecast trends, industry policy, and news. To Request Sample Copy Of This Report: http://www.mrsresearchgroup.com/report/59614#request-sample Further, the examination on value chain of Black Sticky Rice Flavor market is also provided which covers the growth factors and restraints of the industry along with the key market competitors.Furthermore, The report evaluated major market points such as production, revenue, capacity utilization rate, gross, price, capacity, gross margin, supply, cost, demand, export, consumption, import, growth rate, market share, and so on.The Black Sticky Rice Flavor report is a helpful source which assists manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, customers, and individuals and investors who have interest in this market. Highlights of the report: A complete backdrop analysis, which includes an assessment of the parent market. Important changes in market dynamics. Market segmentation up to the second or third level.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Historical, current, and projected size of the market from the standpoint of both value and volume. Reporting and evaluation of recent industry developments. Market shares and strategies of key players. Emerging niche segments and regional markets. Regional Segment Analysis North America U.S. Europe UK Asia Pacific China Japan India Latin America Brazil Middle East & Africa Contact us: To order report Call Toll Free: 1-855-465-4651 or send an email on sales@mrsresearchgroup.com Follow Us: LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/mrs-research-group

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Mexican chain buys big load of Thai rice January 16, 2017 01:00 By THE NATION

THE COSTCO-MEXICO superstore has imported 112 tonnes of Thai rice for distribution to its 32 branches in 18 Mexican states. The move is part of a coordination between the Thai Trade Centre in Mexico and Otis McAllister Co Ltd – a US-based importer of Thai rice – to promote the product and expand its presence in Central America market through their distribution channels in the US. According to the Thai Commerce Minister Apiradi Tantraporn, Costco is also willing to join the Thai Trade Centre to organise marketing campaigns for Thai rice to expand its market share in Mexico. Malee Choklumlerd, the Department of International Trade Promotion‘s director-general, said that the ministry had positioned Mexico as the base to distribute Thai rice in Central America, especially Panama and Cuba. Malee said that Panama did not have a sufficient rice supply to serve local demand. Recently the Panama government increased rice imports to 67,000 tonnes, which is expected to climb to 135,000 tonnes soon. Cuba, with 11 million people, is another potential market for Thai rice. However the export of Thai rice to Cuba needs to be done by authorised importers in the island nation. In 2015 Thailand exported 16,167 tonnes of rice worth US$6.6 million (Bt234 million) to Mexico, while Mexico imported 781,000 tonnes of rice worth $273 million from the US. The Thai Trade

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Centre in Mexico has invited rice importers from Mexico, Panama, and Cuba to visit the Thaifex – World of Food Asia event in Thailand. Last week the Hong Kong chain 759 Store imported the first lot of Thai hom mali rice and other types of Thai rice totalling of 136 tonnes from Siam Diamond Export Thailand as part of their memorandum of understanding signed last November. Under the MoU the Hong Kong superstore will import 10,000 tonnes of rice from Siam Diamond. The deal reflects the Department of International Trade Promotion‘s attempt to promote the Thai rice in Hong Kong http://www.nationmultimedia.com/news/business/EconomyAndTourism/30304181

Rice Conference Coming to Civic Center Posted: Saturday, January 14, 2017 6:00 am

By JODY LARIMER reporter@leader-news.com | The Rice Belt Production Conference comes to the El Campo Civic Center Wednesday offering producers information and local businesses exposure.―They expect about 500 people and that involves people from outside of EC coming into town for the day and being exposed to our Civic Center and the city overall,‖ City Manager Mindi Snyder said. ―(That) should have an impact on any vendors that they might do business with while here or return to do business with.‖ http://www.leader-news.com/news/article_c5d1f816-d9c4-11e6-a7ac-8b7634d0aadd.html


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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Lalu fans arrive with curd, beaten rice Amit Bhelari

RJD chief Lalu Prasad's supporters made a beeline outside his 10 Circular Road residence on Friday to supply curd, beaten rice, tilkut and other items for Makar Sankranti on Saturday.Lalu is set to host a grand feast that thousands are expected to attend. An added attraction for the family is the arrival on Friday of Lalu's eldest daughter Misa Bharti. "This is my first visit after my baby was born," Misa said at Patna airport, her husband Shailesh Kumar in tow."Some 20,000 people are expected to visit tomorrow. Laluji is personally monitoring the arrangements," said Lalu's close aide Bhola Yadav. Lalu usually organises a two-day feast.

Sources said the RJD chief does not need to purchase anything; his supporters provide everything. Surendra Prasad Yadav, RJD MLA from Belaganj in Gaya, supplied more than two quintals of beaten rice, curd and tilkut. Similarly, Pirpainti MLA Ram Vilas Paswan supplied more than a quintal of Basmati beaten rice. Already 50 quintals of beaten rice, 20 quintals of curd, 5 quintals of jaggery powder, 10 quintals of tilkut and 40 quintals of vegetables have arrived.

Vegetables like potato, peas, pumpkin and cauliflower have arrived from supporters in Chhapra.Madhusudan Raut, a Lalu fan from his native place of Phulwaria in Gopalganj, has brought 5kg of beaten rice, 3kg of curd and 2kg of jaggery.Sant Kumar Choudhary and Shiv Ji Rai have come from Raghopur - Lalu's younger son Tejashwi Yadav's constituency - carrying curd, beaten rice and jaggery.Others have provided mineral water, chairs and tents



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