20th may,2014 daily exclusive oryza e newsletter by riceplus magazine

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20th May, 2014

Chinese COLOR SORTER as low as Pak Rs 22 Lakh Only A Time Limited Offer Contact: Cell: 0300 414 3493

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

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Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

TOP Contents - Tailored for YOU Latest News Headlines…

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200 New Rice Varieties by 2015 Black Rice – A Wealth of Untapped Value for Rice Producers, Consumer Health, Culinary Aesthetics Oryza Global Rice Quotes Stop Sacrificing Thailand Rice Industry as a Political Tool New Cross-breed Pokkali Rice: A Salinity Solution Meets Better Yields Oryza Afternoon Recap - Chicago Rough Rice Futures Begin the Week on Bearish Tone as Traders Focus on Old Crop/New Crop Spread Values As Night Temperatures Rise, IRRI Scientists Look to Develop Temperature-Resistant Rice Varieties Pakistan Rice Millers Protest over Inadequate Power Supply, Deny Power Theft Vietnam Exports 1.932 Million Tons Rice January 1 to May 15, 2014 Thailand, Vietnam Rice Sellers Lower Some of Their Quotes; Pakistan Rice Sellers Increase Some of Their Quotes

News Detail… 200 New Rice Varieties by 2015 May 19, 2014

Rice scientists from the Philippines and Japan are working together to develop 200 new rice varieties, including disease-resistant and high-yielding varieties, by 2015, the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) said today.The research on new varieties of rice is an initiative of JICA, also known as Wonder Rice Initiative for Food Security and Health (WISH). Japan's Nagoya University and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) in Philippines are also part of the research.JICA also aims to boost rice production and address food shortages in developing countries like Kenya and Mali in Africa, with special focus on local breeding techniques. For the project, scientists identify desired traits such as grain number, branching number for cluster of rice flowers, and grain size, etc. in a rice variety and cross breed this with an existing rice variety for ideal adaptive traits. Scientists then work on backcrossing the resulting line three times. Backcrossing is a crossing of the

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

hybrid with one of its parents or an individual genetically similar to its parent, in order to achieve offspring with a genetic identity which is closer to that of the parent to ensure better rice varieties as it recovers 93.75% of the background of the recipient rice varieties. Tags: Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), Food Security and Health (WISH), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), rice breeding, rice genetics

Black Rice – A Wealth of Untapped Value for Rice Producers, Consumer Health, Culinary Aesthetics May 19, 2014

There are more than 20 species of rice (Oryza) but only O. sativa and O. glaberrima are cultivated. While O. glaberrima has limited cultivation in a few African countries, O. sativa is cultivated in rest of the world including Africa. Rice varieties belonging to O. sativa are many, more than 100,000 varieties already recorded. O. sativa has further differentiated into indica and japonica subspecies or ecotypes, which have varied features of morphology and grain quality characteristics. Grain quality is defined as physical and chemical characteristics with tremendous variability (see Table 1). The most commonly consumed rices are white kernel, medium amylose, medium grain, transparent kernel clarity types. Table










Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874



While most of the rice consumed global is referred to as „common rice‟ there are also some more unique types called „specialty rice.‟ By definition then „specialty rice‟ could be of many types, depending on color (black, red, purple, green); texture (glutinous, waxy); aroma (Basmati type, Hom Mali type, Kalanamak type); and other nutritional qualities (biofortified for zinc, iron, unknown medicinal properties etc). Black rice: Black rices are speciality rices found in many Asian countries. China is the richest country in black rice resources, followed by Sri Lanka, Indonesia, India, the Philippines and Bangladesh, as revealed in a reference study by Tang (1995, Chaudhary and Tran 2001). In an analysis of 46,000 accessions of germplasm in the China National Crop Gene Bank and 75,000 accessions from the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI, Philippines), black rices were most frequent (62%) in China, followed by Sri Lanka (8.6%), Indonesia (7.2%), India (5.1%), Philippines (4.3%) and Bangladesh (4.1%), with the remainder in Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmar and others. Besides appearing different, black rice has different nutritional characteristics. Table 2. General superiority of black rice with white rice for protein, iron zinc and fibre (Hanwei and Cunshan, 2001).

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

Black rice is mostly found in waxy endosperm types of rice, in both indica and japonica groups. In China, the “Heinuo” group of black waxy rices ranges from purple-brown to purple-black to dark-black colored grains. Black rices, also called „Black Pearl,‟ are used for porridge and health foods. Another variety, Jiegunuo of China, has a nickname meaning „Recovery of Broken-Bone.‟ To date, more than 54 modern black varieties which are high-yielding, of good quality and with multiple resistances have been developed in China. Black rices contain 37.6% higher protein, 22.4% higher fat and 178.6% higher crude fiber; the health value of black rice can thus be appreciated. It is also rich in lysine, vitamin B1, iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus: generally 20 to 50% higher than ordinary local black rice. Thai Jasmine Black Rice, which is fragrant and has same long grain as famous „Khao Dawk Mali‟ or „Home Mali‟ or „Jasmine‟ rice, is being produced in Thailand for export purpose. Black jasmine rice, while not as prevalent as the white and brown varieties, adds more vibrant color to meals, also provides additional health benefits, and it fetches a higher price.It is a deep black color and turns deep purple when cooked. Its dark purple color is primarily due to its high anthocyanin content. It also has a relatively high mineral content and, like most rice, supplies several important amino acids. Thus black rice can be promoted as „Health Food‟ and „Organic Food Coloring‟ for health conscious human nutrition. Mention of health benefits of black rice - namely Kakalakam (crow black), Kuruvalakkam, andKedarkam - has been made in ancient Ayurvedic literature like Susurtasamhita and Charaksamhita. But these varieties are lost and no longer in cultivation or in National Gene Bank. Black rice contains health-promoting anthocyanin as antioxidants, similar to those found in blackberries and blueberries, new research from Louisiana State University indicates. "Just a spoonful of black rice bran contains more health promoting anthocyanin antioxidants than are found in a spoonful of blueberries, but with less sugar and more fiber, vitamin E and ample antioxidants. Black rice is high in iron and has a mild, nutty taste. It contains 3 to 5 times the iron, magnesium and potassium as common white rice (Table 3). Black rice is rich in anthocyanin antioxidants, substances that show promise for fighting cancer, heart disease, and other health problems. Food manufacturers could use black rice bran or bran extracts to boost the health value of breakfast cereals, beverages, cakes, cookies, and other foods. Black rice has Free Radical scavenging capacity. Research suggests that the dark plant antioxidants, which mop up harmful molecules (free radicals), can help protect arteries and prevent the DNA damage that leads to cancer. Black rice peptides have antiwrinkle and anti-aging properties once applied as skin-coat. Some varieties of black rice are known to heal wounds and broken bones. Table 3. Major differences in the content of Vitamins and minerals between black and white rice (cf:

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874





Black rice, flour, or bran could be used as organic food coloring material for cake, cookies, pudding etc. Black sticky rice (or black glutinous rice) is naturally sweet and the fiber can help with feelings of fullness. With cyanidin-3-glucoside as the main part of the black glutinous rice pigment, it is widely used as black coloring in every kind of foodstuff and beverage. Anthocyanin pigments from varieties of black rice were identified and quantified to evaluate their potential as nutritional function, natural colorants or functional food ingredients. Black rice showed three different types of pigments by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). Out of three pigments detected, one (peak 2) was characterized as cyanidin-3-glucoside (C3G) by comparison of spectroscopic and chromatographic properties with an authentic standard, and another (peak 3) was tentatively identified as cyanidin-fructoside. But another pigment (peak 1) has not been characterized. The most abundant anthocyanin in black rice was C3G. The potential for black rice is great as a health food and biological food coloring agent. China has developed its supply base for this new emerging product. The price of black rice varies from $8 - $25 per kg in the international market, while the price of the pigment (25% anthocyanin) costs about $150 per kg. As a product, the black glutinous rice pigment has ready market in EU, Japan, USA and Asia, etc. China so far is the major supplier to this hitherto unsaturated market. Further development and exploitation of the benefits of black rice

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874









For details read: “Speciality Rices of the World: Breeding, Production and Marketing” Edited by R. C. Chaudhary and D. V. Tran, 2001, FAO Rome, Italy Ram






Ram.Chaudhary@gmail.com Tags: Ram C. Chaudhary, specialty rice, black rice, anthocyanin antioxidants

Oryza Global Rice Quotes May 19th, 2014

Long grain white rice - high quality Thailand 100% B grade 380-390 ↔ Vietnam 5% broken 405-415 ↔ India 5% broken 420-430 ↔ Pakistan 5% broken 420-430 ↔ Cambodia 5% broken 435-445 ↔ U.S. 4% broken 580-590 ↔ Uruguay 5% broken 625-635 ↔ Argentina 5% broken 620-630 ↔ Long grain white rice - low quality Thailand 25% broken 340-350 ↔ Vietnam 25% broken 360-370 ↓ Pakistan 25% broken 385-395 ↑ Cambodia 25% broken 405-415 ↔ India 25% broken 380-390 ↔ U.S. 15% broken 555-565 ↔ Long grain parboiled rice Thailand parboiled 100% stxd 405-415 Pakistan parboiled 5% broken stxd 435-445 India parboiled 5% broken stxd 395-405 U.S. parboiled 4% broken 660-670 ↔ Brazil parboiled 5% broken NQ ↔ Uruguay parboiled 5% broken NQ ↔ Long grain fragrant rice Thailand Hommali 92% 930-940 ↓

↔ ↔ ↔

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874



Vietnam Jasmine 525-535 ↔ India basmati 2% broken NQ ↔ Pakistan basmati 2% broken NQ ↔ Cambodia Phka Malis 855-865 ↔ Brokens Thailand A1 Super 300-310 ↔ Vietnam 100% broken 335-345 Pakistan 100% broken stxd 330-340 Cambodia A1 Super 350-360 ↔ India 100% Broken stxd 300-310 Egypt medium grain brokens NQ ↔ U.S. pet food 470-480 ↔ Brazil half grain NQ ↔ Medium grain milled U.S. Calrose 4% broken Egypt medium grain 6%

1070-1080 NQ ↔

↔ ↑ ↔

All prices USD per ton, FOB vessel, oryza.com

Stop Sacrificing Thailand Rice Industry as a Political Tool A post-mortem of the rice-pledging scheme, introduced by the last government in 2011, offers many lessons. Short-term policy like government price subsidies are under fire from stakeholders who think the nation should take a more long-term view to better develop and leverage Thailand‟s rice sector. The Thai Rice Exporters Association (TREA) has stressed the need for an independent rice agency free of government intervention in order to ensure long-term development of the nation‟s rice sector, according to local media. An honorary president of the TREA says the rice sector in Thailand has been politicized from time to time by successive governments, without focusing on a sustainable-development agenda for rice. He says an independent agency, independent of politicians and electoral whims, could be set up to draw plans relating to rice sector - from seed development and distribution, planting techniques, and harvesting technologies as well as better trading and marketing of rice stocks. He also noted such an organization should get funds from the government every year, but should be granted autonomous powers in using the budget without political intervention, adding that such an arrangement would keep the Thai rice sector free of corruption. He noted that any income form rice sales, after deducting the operating costs of the rice agency, should be considered as national income, though in this respect it‟s not clear how this program would be preferable to the previous scheme.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

The TREA Honorary President also suggested demarcating the country's rice area into different zones depending on the type of rice grown in order to have better control on the quality of rice as well as their sales. Various rice experts also view that an independent rice agency free from political intervention is needed to rebuild Thailand's reputation in the international rice market. They urged all political parties to give up on short-term solutions for the rice sector and plan for long-term sustainable development of rice. They also stressed that spending too much of tax-payers money on rice-sector subsidies was not a sign of healthy economy. Tags: Thailand rice mortgage scheme

New Cross-breed Pokkali Rice: A Salinity Solution Meets Better Yields May 19, 2014

When Kerala, India (nicknamed „God‟s Own Country‟), embraced shrimp farming nearly ten years ago, little did it imagine that it would actually get them another bonus – revival of a traditional rice variety called Pokkali.Pronounced 'Pokkaalli', the salt-tolerant rice variety grown in the coastal backwater districts of Alappuzha, Thrissur and Ernakulam districts of Kerala in the 1990s has a Geographic Indicator (GI) tag, but is not a high yielding variety.The boom in shrimp cultivation started in Kerala around late-2000s and farmers stopped cultivating rice because the salt water that was used to grow shrimps was unsuitable for traditional rice crops. Now, plant scientists from Kerala University have found that cross breeding a three-foot tall variety with the salt-tolerant Pokkali could give a breed that can grow in salt water and give a high yield so that farmers can successfully farm both shrimp and rice. When farmers alternate shrimp with the cross-breed Pokkali rice, it stands to benefits the shrimp (which feed on the leftovers of rice crop), the rice crop (which uses the dead shrimp and manure) and the farmer (who makes money from both shrimp and rice cultivation without having to compromise on either).Rice is cultivated from June to November when the salinity level of the water in the fields is the lowest and shrimp are farmed November to April. Meanwhile the Krishi Vigyan Kendra, a farm extension agency, under the Central Marine Fisheries Research Institute will supply machineries for field preparation and harvesting to the farmers to grow the new variety of rice. Tags: Geographic Indicator (GI), Pokkali, traditional rice variety, rice genetics, rice breeding

Oryza Afternoon Recap - Chicago Rough Rice Futures Begin the Week on Bearish Tone as Traders Focus on Old Crop/New Crop Spread Values May 19, 2014

Chicago rough rice futures for Jul delivery settled 7.5 cents per cwt (about $2 per ton) lower at $15.325 per cwt (about $338 per ton). The other grains finished the day mostly higher; soybeans closed about 1.4% higher at

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

$14.8525 per bushel; wheat finished a tick higher at $6.7450 per bushel, and corn finished the day about 1.3% lower at $4.7725 per bushel.U.S. stocks were narrowly mixed Monday in volatile trading as investors remained cautious amid recent mixed economic reports. The Dow Jones Industrial Average dipped in and out of negative territory. The S&P 500 and the Nasdaq held small gains. Equities have come under selling pressure in recent days, with the S&P 500 logging its first back-to-back losing weeks since January. Small-cap stocks, often seen as the first beneficiary of growth, have tumbled with the Russell 2000 index briefly dipping into correction territory last week. No major economic reports are due Monday. Gold is trading about 0.1% higher, crude oil is seen trading about 0.8% higher, and the U.S. dollar is seen trading about 0.1% lower at about 1:00pm Chicago time.Friday, there were 415 contracts traded, down from 476 contracts traded on Thursday. Open interest – the number of contracts outstanding – on Friday increased by 89 contracts to 8,340. Tags: U.S. rice prices; U.S. rice market; Chicago rough rice futures

As Night Temperatures Rise, IRRI Scientists Look to Develop TemperatureResistant Rice Varieties May 19, 2014

Scientists from the Philippines-based International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) say it will be necessary to develop temperature-resistant rice varieties which can tolerate high temperatures, as night temperatures across Asia have been above 23 degrees Celsius (about 74 degrees Fahrenheit), a danger to rice yields.According to the 35-year climate pattern by the IRRI's Long-Term Continuous Cropping Experiment (LCCE), night temperatures have been increasing for the last three-and-half decades while day temperatures are less consistent. IRRI scientists, who manage LCCE say the average minimum daily night temperature during the dry season cropping period (January - April) have increased about one degree Celsius in the last 35 years and have now crossed the critical threshold of 23 degrees Celsius. A study on temperatures versus yields, published in 2004, finds that between 1979 to 2003, the rice yield declined by about 10% for a one-degree increase in night temperature over 23 degrees Celsius in the growing season. IRRI scientists add that additional data since 2004 also confirmed negative effect of higher night temperature on rice yields.Scientists explain that grains are usually filled during night time and with higher temperatures rice plants need to "expend more energy to maintain their biological health." They say temperature-resistant varieties are needed to combat this situation, which they say is a direct effect of global warming. Tags: International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), rice yields, rice breeding, Climate change, global warming

Pakistan Rice Millers Protest over Inadequate Power Supply, Deny Power Theft

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

May 19, 2014

Pakistan rice millers, led by theSindh-Balochistan Rice Millers and Traders Association (SBRMTA), are protesting against inadequate power supply to their rice mills, according to local sources.The rice millers have expressed anguish over the instructions by the Federal Minister for Water and Power to the Power Utilities department of the Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) to cut off power to the rice mills, alleging that the rice millers been stealing power, adding that power would be supplied to only those millers who paid their bills.However, the rice millers condemned the charges made by the Minister saying they have been paying power bills promptly and noted that their collective payment to the Power Utility Department amounts to about Rs.3 million (around $30,116) per month. They also affirmed that no rice mill was resorting to power theft. They also demanded uninterrupted power supply to the rice mills as well as correct billing against actual consumption.They warned that if the power supply was not resumed on a priority basis, they would stop payment of their electricity bills. Pakistan rice industry stakeholders say that numerous requests by the rice industry over power shortages have remained unheard by the Pakistan government.Rice is a major export commodity in Pakistan, contributing hugely to the nationâ€&#x;s foreign exchange earnings.Pakistan exported 2.4 million tons of rice in the first nine months of the fiscal year 2013-14 (July 2013 – June 2014), down about 4% from about 2.5 million tons exported during the same period in FY 2011-12, according to data from Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS).USDA estimates Pakistan will produce 6.6 million tons of milled rice and export about 3.9 million tons in MY 2013-14 (November 2013 - October 2014). The country's consumption needs are estimated at around 2.6 million tons during the marketing year. Tags: Pakistan rice exports, Pakistan rice millers, Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS), Sindh-Balochistan Rice Millers and Traders Association (SBRMTA)

Vietnam Exports 1.932 Million Tons Rice January 1 to May 15, 2014 May 19, 2014

Vietnam exported about 1.932 million tons of rice during January 1 to May 15, 2014, down about 31% from about 2.8 million tons of rice exported during January to May, 2013, according to data from the Vietnam Food Association (VFA). The average rice export price so far this year stands at about $438 per ton (FOB), down about $1 per ton from the same period last year.During May 1-15, 2014, Vietnam exported about 180,898 tons of rice, compared to about about 648,359

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

tons rice exported in full month of May 2013, and about 537,094 tons rice exported in full month of April 2014. The average export price so far in May stands at around $441 per ton, up about 5% from a year ago, and unchanged from a month ago.

Vietnam's rice exports during May 1-15, 2014 include: 74,907 tons of 15% broken rice (about 41% of total rice exports in May 2014); 43,121 tons of 5% - 10% broken rice (about 24% of total rice exports in May 2014); 30,544 tons of aromatic rice (about 17% of total rice export in May 2014); and 19,677 tons Nep or glutinous rice (about 11% of total rice exports in May 2014).Asia was the major rice exporting destination for Vietnam rice so far in May 2014, with about 82,471 tons or about 46% of total rice exports. The Americas was the second largest destination, accounting for of about 63,014 tons of rice exports (equivalent to about 35% of total rice exports in May 2014). Vietnam also exported 27,358 tons of rice to the Africa, about 6,477 tons of rice to Europe, about 1,444 tons of rice to the Middle East, and about 134 tons of rice to Australia so far in May 2014. Tags: Vietnam rice exports, asia rice trade, Vietnam Food Association (VFA)

Thailand, Vietnam Rice Sellers Lower Some of Their Quotes; Pakistan Rice Sellers Increase Some of Their Quotes May 19, 2014

Thailand rice sellers lowered their quotes for Hommali rice by about $5 per ton to about $930- $940 per ton today. Vietnam rice sellers lowered their quotes for 25% broken rice by about $5 per ton to about $360 - $370 per ton. Pakistan rice sellers increased their quotes for 25% broken rice and 100% broken rice by about $15 per ton and $5 per ton respectively to about $385 - $395 per ton and $330 - $340 per ton respectively. India rice sellers kept their quotes unchanged. 5% Broken Rice Thai 5% rice (of new crop) is quoted around $365 - $375 per ton, about $40 per ton discount to Viet 5% rice shown around $405 - $415 per ton. Indian 5% rice is quoted around $420 - $430 per ton, on par with Pak 5% rice quoted around $420 - $430 per ton. 25% Broken Rice Thai 25% rice of the old crop is quoted about $340 - $350 per ton, about a $20 per ton discount to Viet 25% rice shown around $360 - $370 per ton, down about $5 per ton from Friday. Indian 25% rice is quoted around $380 - $390 per ton, about $5per discount to Pak 25% quoted around $385 $395 per ton, up about $15 per ton from Friday. Parboiled Rice Thai parboiled rice of the old crop is quoted around $405 - $415 per ton. Indian parboiled rice is quoted around $395 - $405 per ton, about $40 per ton discount to Pak parboiled rice quoted around $435 - $445 per ton. 100% Broken Rice Thai broken rice, A1 Super, of the old crop is quoted around $300 - $310 per ton, about a $35 per ton discount to Viet broken rice shown around $335 - $345 per ton.Indian broken sortexed rice is quoted around $300 - $310 per ton, about a $30 per ton discount to Pak broken sortexed rice quoted around $330 - $340 per ton, up about $5 per ton from Friday.

Daily Rice E-Newsletter by Rice Plus Magazine www.ricepluss.com News and R&D Section mujajhid.riceplus@gmail.com Cell # 92 321 369 2874

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