25th anuary ,2017 daily global,regional and local rice e newsletter by riceplus magazine

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter

January 25,2017 Vol 8, Issue 1

Global, Regional & Local Rice E-Newsletter


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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Today Rice News Headlines...     

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EXTENSION FOR BASTAR, SURGUJA JOB RESERVATION Nigeria to redouble effort in rice production TPP - R.I.P. So, What's Next? Trump’s cancellation of Pacific trade deal could hurt California Rice Milling Machinery Market Research Report Now Available at Research Corridor Rice exports to rise slightly in 2017: insiders NFA to import rice due to insufficient production in Davao VN rice exports set to face another tough year Anambra plans to produce 330,000 tonnes of rice by Dec. 2017 GIEWS Country Brief: Sri Lanka 17-January-2017 Rice basmati climbs on upsurge in demand BASF India enters Indian rice segment, seeks to triple AsiaPacific market share Iranian Gov’t Cuts Import Tariffs for Agrofood Products Rice Production Automation Investment Hits $156m Farmers must adopt rainwater harvesting, inter-cropping to counter climate change

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Dr.Malik Mohammad Hashim

Assistant Professor, Gomal University DIK

Dr.Hasina Gul

Assistant Director, Agriculture KPK

Dr.Hidayat Ullah Assistant Professor, University of

Wednesday, 25 January 2017 | Staff Reporter | Naya Raipur | in Raipur


 The Chhattisgarh Cabinet has decided to extend the period for reservation of jobs in Class III and Category IV to the natives of Bastar and Surguja divisions.Reservation in Government jobs is being provided to the locals since January 17, 2012. The term of Reservation Act had been extended from time to time, it was informed at the State Cabinet meeting here.The Cabinet chaired by Chief Minister Raman Singh decided to extend the period of reservation to locals till December 31, 2018. It may be mentioned here that at present about 10,526 tribal youth are in employment in State Government services.

Dr.Abdul Basir Assistant Professor, University of


Zahid Mehmood PSO,NIFA Peshawar

Falak Naz Shah

Head Food Science & Technology 2 ART, Peshawar

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter The proposal to provide two months ration material in advance was passed in the State Cabinet. The ration card-holders can avail of the two-month ration in advance in the entire State. There will not any additional expenditure on the State Government, officials informed.'Rice Mahotsav' (Chaaval Mahotsav) will be conducted at every ration shop. The ration material will be distributed in the presence of local officials and people's representatives.About 3.48 lakh tonnes of rice is allocated to the ration card-holders every two months under the PDS scheme. If the ration material is distributed two months in advance, there will be enough space left in the godowns. The State Cabinet also approved the proposal that registered farmers who bring paddy to paddy procurement centers by January 31 will be purchased by the State Government. It may be recalled that in the last Cabinet meeting, the Chhattisgarh Cabinet had also endorsed a proposal to hike the maximum age limit requirement for local residents in Government jobs. As per the decision, five years exemption over the maximum age limit of 35 years for unreserved candidates had been provided; whereas for the candidates of other categories, it has been extended to 45 years in the direct recruitment for the new calendar year 2017. The meeting was held under the Chairmanship of Chief Minister Raman Singh. It was also informed in the meeting that the State government will provide the rate for custom milling approved by Central government while no incentives would be given for Arva (raw) milling of paddy less than capacity within the duration of two months by the rice millers. But, incentives would be given in special case (such as in condition of non availability of paddy for milling by paddy procurement centre etc) based on the examination of Managing Director, State Cooperative Marketing Federation regarding custom milling of paddy within the duration of two months which is equivalent to that of the paddy. The Cabinet had given approval for Government guarantee for taking soft loan of Rs 10 crore for District Cooperative Bank, Bilaspur from District Cooperative Bank (Apex Bank), Raipur. http://www.dailypioneer.com/state-editions/extension-for-bastar-surguja-job-

Nigeria to redouble effort in rice production Nigeria’s agriculture authorities last year said the country will achieve self-sufficiency in rice production in 2017 but investors in the rice production business feel this target may never be met except efforts are redoubled.This comes as ongoing research to boost rice production genetically continues.Lara Afolayan reports that a rice mill in north central Nigeria has the capacity to mill two hundred and eighty eight metric tonnes of rice per day.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter

A number of such mills exist in various parts of the country but much of their output is way below local demand and lots of imports are needed to augment supply.The government notwithstanding remains positive the country will have no need for rice imports soon.Somewhere else in the same region, field trials are ongoing by scientists on improved species of rice, which are genetically modified.


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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter The scientists carrying out this experiment say it is a way out of Nigeria’s rice production challenges. This innovation appears to be a quick fix solution to Nigeria’s food sufficiency problem but there are worries by agriculture watchers on the safety of such technology.The investors on their own part advise that financial authourities give more funding support to agriculture.They as well recommend more young population participation in farming.The ongoing research on genetically modified rice will take about four years, before its final analysis and eventual adaptation.Its masterminds insist it is what Nigeria really needs to be self-sufficient in rice production

TPP - R.I.P. So, What's Next?

By Bob Cummings

WASHINGTON, DC -President Trump yesterday followed through on a key campaign promise and sent a Memorandum to the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative (USTR) instructing the agency to inform the 11 other Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) partners that the United States is withdrawing from the agreement and any TPP-related negotiations. This action Rest In Peace effectively stops the agreement as negotiated in 2015 because U.S. enactment is necessary for the agreement to enter into legal force. USA Rice considered the TPP as deficient, and did not adopt a position on the agreement pending assurances on the reported gains for U.S. rice, primarily in Japan.

The memorandum also stated the administration's intention to deal one-on-one with other countries in bilateral trade negotiations, and instructed USTR "...to begin pursuing, wherever possible, bilateral trade negotiations to promote American industry, protect American workers,

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter and raise American wages." "The economic health of the U.S. rice industry is heavily dependent on exports, and strong trade deals like the North America Free Trade Agreement and the U.S.-Colombia agreement bring real benefits to our producers and marketers," said Carl Brothers, COO Riceland Foods Inc. and chairman of the USA Rice International Trade Policy (ITP) Committee. "We will engage with the new administration and press for improved access in key markets like Japan and the EU through trade agreements that work for rice." U.S. withdrawal from the TPP does not affect Japan's existing access for imported rice, and Japan is consistently among the top five export destinations for U.S. rice. "U.S. rice faces structural obstacles in Japan, and we support negotiation of a trade agreement with Japan that improves the quality of our access in addition to shipping more U.S. rice to that country," said Michael Rue, California producer and vice chairman of the ITP Committee. Brothers added, "Access for U.S. rice in the EU is constrained by discriminatory tariffs and tariff rate quotas, and real growth can occur only as a result of a trade agreement that brings down EU duties on U.S. rice." Various media indicate that the prime ministers of Japan and the United Kingdom will meet with President Trump separately in Washington, D.C. late this week, and trade is reportedly on the agenda of the visiting leaders http://www.sacbee.com/news/business/article128245644.html?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter

Trump’s cancellation of Pacific trade deal could hurt California White House press secretary Sean Spicer provided President Donald Trump's reasons for signing an executive order to withdraw the U.S. from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, on Monday, Jan. 23, 2017. C-SPAN BY DALE KASLER AND PHILLIP REESE dkasler@sacbee.com

President Donald Trump said his decision to scrap a major international trade agreement will protect American jobs against imports.Much of California, though, wasn’t in a mood to thank him. Already bracing for a fight with Trump over issues such as climate change and immigration, California largely found itself at odds with Trump just four days into his presidency over a topic with major implications for the state’s economy.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter

Trump’s executive order Monday withdrawing from the 12-nation trade deal known as the Trans-Pacific Partnership, or TPP, could hurt exports of Silicon Valley computer and electronics products, as well as Central Valley farmers looking to grow their markets overseas. The film and music industries, hoping for stronger trademark protections, could suffer, too. Along with Trump’s recent declaration that he would attempt to renegotiate the quartercentury-old North American Free Trade Agreement, experts said they expect to see fewer goods move in and out of California. ―I think it’s calamitous for California,‖ said Jock O’Connell, a Sacramento economist and international trade consultant. Among the likely victims is one of Sacramento’s major employers, almond cooperative Blue Diamond Growers, which has built a $1.6 billion-a-year empire in part by making major inroads in Pacific Rim countries such as Japan. Blue Diamond declined

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter comment, but others in agriculture said TPP would have eased access to foreign markets guarded by high tariffs. ―We see a burgeoning middle class around the world; they’re hungry for what we produce here,‖ said Paul Wenger, a Modesto almond and walnut grower and president of the California Farm Bureau Federation. The Almond Board of California said TPP would have meant ―the elimination of tariffs on all tree nuts, including almonds, in several important Asian markets.‖ Exports take up about one-third of California’s agricultural production. TPP, which was former President Barack Obama’s signature trade agreement, involved the United States and 11 countries bordering the Pacific Ocean, including Mexico, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Vietnam, Chile and Peru. The pact essentially created a free-trade zone among countries representing about 40 percent of the world’s economy. It called for gradually eliminating tariffs on 18,000 products, and imposing stringent labor and environmental standards on U.S. trading partners. It also would have provided protections against intellectual property theft, for the benefit of the film and entertainment industries. The diverse reactions to Trump’s decision underscore how California’s economic interests can sometimes differ from other parts of the country. In the industrial Midwest, where free trade and globalism are seen in terms of cheap imports, outsourced labor and shuttered factories, the order brought cheers from leading Democratic politicians. In California, trade is considered a way to open up overseas markets for electronics, wine and other homegrown products, and a source of jobs when goods are brought into the state’s major ports. Canceling TPP ―will mean fewer jobs, everything from truck drivers to longshoremen,‖ said economist Sung Won Sohn of California State University, Channel Islands. ―California is really the focal point of TPP. Most of it has to go through California.‖ California in 2015 exported $69 billion worth of goods to countries in the TPP, including $27 billion to Mexico and $17 billion to Canada, according to the latest data from the U.S. Commerce Department. California imported $146 billion worth of goods from TPP countries. O’Connell said the Commerce Department’s state-by-state statistics can be

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter misleading because they often include goods that pass through a state’s ports, regardless of where they were manufactured or where they’re ultimately consumed. Computers and electronics goods represent the largest exports from California to TPP countries. California sent $16 billion worth of computers and electronics to Canada, Mexico, Japan, Singapore and Australia in 2015. Carl Guardino, president of Silicon Valley Leadership Group, estimated that 105,000 jobs in Santa Clara Valley depend on international trade. ―This is bad news. ... The only entity that ought to be smiling at the (TPP) news is the Chinese government,‖ he said, referring to China’s plans to forge ahead with trade agreements with many Pacific Rim nations. China wasn’t part of the TPP negotiations, which Obama pursued in part to counter China’s influence in Asia. At tiny Ensemble Designs Inc., a 45-employee Nevada City manufacturer of high-tech equipment for TV broadcasters, half of the yearly revenue comes from sales overseas. Some of its key customers include Japan, Mexico and other TPP partners. ―If the United States shifts toward a more restrictive and less open trade stance, that’s going to have an adverse effect,‖ said David Wood, chief executive of Ensemble. Not all Californians believe that TPP would help. The California Labor Federation joined labor groups across the country in opposing TPP, arguing it would force workers to compete against peers abroad who are paid little and afforded few workplace protections. ―We’re pleased that the TPP is no longer on the table,‖ said Steve Smith, the federation’s spokesman. He called for Trump to negotiate trade deals that are not ―tilted toward the interests of multinational corporations.‖ Tim Johnson of the California Rice Commission said the cancellation of TPP won’t be a major setback so long as Trump pursues trade deals with specific countries such as Japan, a major importer of Sacramento Valley rice. Dale Kasler: 916-321-1066, @dakasler

TRADE IMPACT California exports to Trans-Pacific Partnership signatories in 2015, in billions:

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Source: U.S. Department of Commerce http://www.sacbee.com/news/business/article128245644

Rice Milling Machinery Market Research Report Now Available at Research Corridor Jayvir Singh 1 day ago Business Research Corridor has published a new research study titled ―Rice Milling Machinery Market – Growth, Share, Opportunities, Competitive Analysis and Forecast, 2015 – 2022‖. The Rice Milling Machinery market report studies current as well as future aspects of the Rice Milling Machinery Market based upon factors such as market dynamics, key ongoing trends and segmentation analysis. Apart from the above elements, the Rice Milling Machinery Market

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter research report provides a 360-degree view of the Rice Milling Machinery industry with geographic segmentation, statistical forecast and the competitive landscape. Browse Full Report with TOC: http://www.researchcorridor.com/rice-milling-machinerymarket/ Geographically, the Rice Milling Machinery Market report comprises dedicated sections centering on the regional market revenue and trends. The Rice Milling Machinery market has been segmented on the basis of geographic regions into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific and Rest of the World (RoW). The RoW segment consists Latin America and the Middle East & Africa. The Rice Milling Machinery market has been extensively analyzed on the basis of various regional factors such as demographics, gross domestic product (GDP), inflation rate, acceptance and others. Rice Milling Machinery market estimates have also been provided for the historical years 2013 & 2014 along with forecast for the period from 2015 – 2022. The research report also provides a comprehensive understanding of Rice Milling Machinery market positioning of the major players wherein key strategies adopted by leading players has been discussed. The Rice Milling Machineryindustry report concludes with the Company Profiles section which includes information on major developments, strategic moves and financials of the key players operating in Rice Milling Machinery market. Key Takeaways: Market Dynamics in the Rice Milling Machinery market Key Ongoing Regional Trends Rice Milling Machinery market Estimates for Years 2013 – 2022 Rice Milling Machinery market Positioning of Key Players Key Strategies Adopted by the Leading Players Attractive Investment Proposition Rice Milling Machinery market Inclination Insights

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Rice exports to rise slightly in 2017: insiders The Vietnam Food Association (VFA) has forecast that Vietnam’s rice exports in 2017 will reach over 5 million tonnes, a slight rise over 2016.

World husked rice production in the 2016-2017 crop is predicted to reach a record volume of 480 million tonnes, about 1.6 percent increase year on year, said VFA General Secretary Huynh Minh Hue at a conference in Ho Chi Minh City on January 23.Meanwhile, global rice inventory is also forecast to stand at the highest level since 2001. The inventory is likely to reduce in major exporters but rise in small ones and importers, leading to a fall in import as well as limitation of rice trading contracts.Hue revealed that in 2016, ASEAN countries such as the Philippines, Malaysia and Indonesia imported only 10 percent of their volumes they bought each year from Vietnam in previous years at 2-3 million tonnes.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter

He explained the situation to the countries’ new policies in food security, which helped them ensure domestic food and reduce dependence on import. The liberalisation trend in rice trading was also more popular in these countries, affecting their rice contracts, he said, adding the fierce competition from regional exporters as another reason. In that context, Huynh The Nang, VFA President and General Director of Southern Food Corporation, said that Vietnam will continue facing difficulties in exporting rice in 2017. He predicted that exports to the Chinese market, the largest market of Vietnamese rice, will also not meet expectation as only 22 firms are currently allowed to export rice to the market with strict requirements in food safety and origin regulations. According to the VFA, rice inventory in 2016 was 443,000 tonnes, while the upcoming WinterSpring crop is about to be harvested. The association also forecast low price and difficulty in consumption due to abundant supply, and rice exports for 2017 will be over 5 million tonnes.The association suggested that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development propose the Government to stockpile rice harvested in the Winter-Spring crop to stablise the market and ensure profit for farmers.Last year, rice export volume reached nearly 4.9 million tonnes worth

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter 2.1 billion USD, a sharp fall of 25.5 percent in volume and 20.5 percent in value over 2015. However, domestic rice price still rise compared to the previous year. VNA http://english.vietnamnet.vn/fms/business/171700/rice-exports-to-rise-slightly-in-2017--insiders.html

S. Korea's per-person rice consumption hits fresh low in 2016 2017/01/24 12:00

SEJONG, Jan. 24 (Yonhap) -- Per capita rice consumption in South Korea hit a fresh record low last year amid rapid changes in eating habits, government data showed Tuesday.The average annual consumption of rice per person fell to 61.9 kilograms last year, down 1.6 percent from the previous year's 62.9 kg, according to the data by Statistics Korea.The figure has been on a steady decline since 1984 when it posted 130.1 kg, and started to make new record lows of 104.9 kg in 1996, breaking the earlier record low of 105.5 kg in 1963 when the country started to compile such data. Compared with 1970 when consumption hit a record high of 136.4 kg, rice intake has more than halved in 2016.Daily rice consumption per person also dropped to 169.6 grams last year from the 172.4 g tallied in the previous year, the data showed. Meanwhile, consumption of non-rice grains edged up 5.7 percent on-year to 9.3 kg in 2016 from 8.8 kg a year ago, accounting for a record 13.1 percent of the country's total grain consumption, the statistical agency said.A growing number of South Korean people have been reducing their rice intake and diversifying their diets with other alternative grains like wheat, barley, beans and corn.Rice used by food and beverage manufacturers, on the other hand, jumped

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter 14.5 percent on-year to 658,869 tons, mainly due to an increase in demand for grain-based alcoholic beverages and processed food, the data showed. brk@yna.co.kr http://english.yonhapnews.co.kr/business/2017/01/24/0501000000AEN20170124006000320.html

NFA to import rice due to insufficient production in Davao Jan. 24, 2017 MARIA PATRICIA C. BORROMEO

FARMERS. Farmers hastily put away their grain to keep them from being wet moments after a slight drizzle started to pour in Barangay Makopa, Laak, Compostela Valley on Tuesday, Jan. DAVAO CITY, Philippines—The National Food Authority said on Monday that they would continue to import rice because the rice produced by local farmers are insufficient to supply the entire Davao region.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Edegary Rongacal, manager of NFA-Davao City, pointed out that only Davao del Norte and Davao del Sur are capable of producing rice.He also said that NFA must be able to maintain the buffer stock of rice to maintain ―food security.‖ The stock holding of the rice warehouses, as of now, is more than 350,000 bags of rice, which is equivalent to 33 days of consumption for the whole population of the city.The NFA must have at least 30 days of buffer stocks of food. ―Now we are more than what is required for us so we are safe for that,‖ she said.For his part, Engr. Ricardo ―Bong‖ M. Oñate Jr., officer in charge regional executive director of NFA said local farmers could provide enough rice for the whole region. ―We really need buffer stock but we have to make sure that we the supply especially during calamities,‖ he said.Oñate said that among the areas in the region, Davao del Sur provides the most number of rice bags with its agricultural land area of 301,989 hectares.Oñate said that on a national scale, Department of Agriculture aimed to target six tons of rice for every hectare to be sufficient compared to the current figures at 3.9 tons per hectare. ―If we will add one ton per hectare, definitely the supply will be sufficient,‖ he said. While they are planning to increase their production per hectare, Oñate said that DA is also planning to reduce their cost of production.―We should level up our mechanization program and reduce our loss during post-harvest which is usually 15 percent of the total harvest,‖ he said.Oñate advised farmers to join cooperatives and groups.The regional director said DA has forged a partnership with Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas to extend assistance to all the farmers. (davaotoday.com) http://davaotoday.com/main/economy/agriculture/nfa-to-import-rice-due-to-insufficient-production-indavao/

VN rice exports set to face another tough year Update: January, 24/2017 - 10:02 Despite facing difficulties, Việt Nam will strive to achieve rice exports of more than 5 million tonnes this year, the Việt Nam Food Association has said. — VNA/VNS Photo

HCM CITY — Despite facing difficulties, Việt Nam will strive to achieve rice exports of more than 5 million tonnes this year, the Việt Nam Food Association has said. Speaking at a meeting to review the VFA’s performance last year in HCM City on Monday, its secretary, Huỳnh Minh Huệ, said last year only 4.89 million tonnes were exported for $2.12 billion, a 25.5 per cent fall in volume and 20.57 per cent decline in value. There was excessive supply in the global market last year, and there has been a recent trend of major importing countries increasing domestic production to reduce imports, he said.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Việt Nam’s rice exports are likely to face another difficult year as supply outstrips demand and global competition intensifies, he said.

He quoted the US Department of Agriculture as saying global rice output in 2016/17 is estimated to increase by 1.6 per cent from last year to 480 million tonnes due to an expansion in the area under rice in many countries including Australia, Myanmar, Brazil, India, Indonesia, North Korea, Pakistan, Thailand, and the US, he said. Global exports are expected to rise by one million tonnes or 2.6 per cent to 40.6 million tonnes, he said. Stockpiles have been increasing for the last three years and are expected to reach the highest levels since 2001/02 crop, he said. Huỳnh Thế Năng, VFA chairman, said despite the hurdles, rice businesses would strive to export higher volumes than last year to ensure farmers can sell off as much of their outputs as possible. In the long term the domestic rice sector targets exports of high-value rice to affluent markets, he said.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter He said the Plant Protection Department and other relevant agencies should take measures to improve the hygiene and food safety of Vietnamese rice to enable more exports to choosy markets. The association said rice exporters should meet hygiene and food safety standards and strengthen linkages with farmers to ensure a steady source of the grain to meet market demand. Huệ called on the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development to build an international standard laboratory in Cần Thơ to help exporters check their rice quality, especially look for plant protection chemical residues, instead of sending to other countries for analysis as is done now. Năng said authorities in rice growing localities need to do more to instruct farmers in producing rice meeting safety standards, encourage them to use more certified rice seedlings and improve technical and financial support systems. Đỗ Hà Nam, chairman and general director of Intimex Group Joint Stock Company -- one of the country’s 10 largest rice exporters -- said while exports of other kinds were down, exports of Japonica and sticky rice went up by 136.95 per cent and 96.59 per cent. ―But farmers have [since] rushed to grow more sticky rice, which [poses a] risk.‖ He said the Government should work with China to facilitate exports of Vietnamese rice to that country. ―We face severe competition in terms of price from Pakistan and India.―There may be difficulties but if we choose to invest in varieties like fragrant rice and sticky rice, there will be opportunities.‖Lê Thanh Tùng of the Crop Production Department said Việt Nam has the potential to boost exports of sticky, fragrant, Japonica and high-quality rice varieties. Besides improving quality, Vietnamese firms should also focus on building brands, he said. Rice stockpile The association on Monday called on the Government to approve a programme to stockpile rice temporarily from the winter-spring crop to ensure farmers do not lose.Tùng said the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, based on rice production and consumption in February and March, would make specific recommendations for it.The quality in the 2016/17 winter-spring crop would be better than last year’s, he added. — VNS 18 http://vietnamnews.vn/economy/350171/vn-rice-exports-set-to-face-another-toughyear.html#4pe2TGv0HK6MttKc.99

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Anambra plans to produce 330,000 tonnes of rice by Dec. 2017 ON JANUARY 23, 20178:24 PMIN NEWS BY OKOGBACOMMENTS

Gov. Willie Obiano of Anambra says his administration intends to produce 330,000 tonnes of rice by December and make agriculture a lucrative venture for the youth.The governor gave the assurance, while speaking at the birthday celebration of Chief Anthony Enukeme, a businessman, in Neni, Anaocha Local Government Area of the state. He said that his administration had increased the state’s rice production capacity from 90,000 tonnes in 2015, when assumed office, to over 236,000 tonnes by December, 2016.The governor, who was represented by the Deputy Governor, Dr Nkem Okeke, solicited enhanced collaboration between the government and the people in efforts to develop the state. Obiano reiterated the determination of his administration to revolutionise agriculture, as part of efforts to boost nation’s food security.He said that administration had recorded some achievements in the areas of security, infrastructure and workers’ welfare, among others, assuring farmers in the state of his continuous support. The governor, who congratulated Enukeme on his 73rd birthday, also commended him for tarring all the feeder roads in Neni, urging other affluent citizens of the state to emulate the businessman’s gesture. In his remark, Chief Victor Oye, the National Chairman of All Progressives Grand Alliance (APGA), solicited the people’s support for the re-election of Obiano during the November 2017 governorship election. He said that Obiano’s re-election would enable him to consolidate his accomplishments in the state. Responding, Enukeme thanked God for giving him the privilege to serve his people. http://vietnamnews.vn/economy/350171/vn-rice-exports-set-to-face-another-toughyear.html#3XYvowXLkujqBahg.97

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter GIEWS Country Brief: Sri Lanka 17-January-2017 REPORTfrom Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Download PDF (302.58 KB) FOOD SECURITY SNAPSHOT  ―Maha‖ cereal crop in 2017 significantly impaired by dry weather conditions 

Rice import needs forecast to increase in 2017

Prices of rice hit record levels in December, while those of wheat remain generally stable

Large numbers of people affected by lingering effects of drought in 2016

Dry weather conditions impair the 2017 “maha” cereal output significantly The bulk of the 2017 largely irrigated ―maha‖ rice crop, normally accounting for 65 percent of the annual production, was planted by the end of December. The below-average rainfall since the start of the season in October, coupled with low irrigation water availability, resulted in significant cuts in the area planted, further reducing yield prospects for the season. The latest official estimates of plantings indicate that, as of endNovember, 327 000 hectares were put under the 2017 ―maha‖ paddy crop, 50 percent below the area planted at the same time in 2016. The FAO’s Agricultural Stress Index (ASI) for the 3 dekad of December 2016 indicated a risk of drought conditions developing in various main rice-producing areas, including Northern, North Central and Eastern provinces. As a result,

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter FAO’s outlook for the 2017 ―maha‖ season paddy output is unfavourable. Given the current low water levels in main reservoirs, there is also concern for the 2017 irrigated secondary ―yala‖ crop, to be planted from April, if rains do not improve in the coming weeks. Prospects for the 2017 main season maize crop, to be harvested from February, are also unfavourable, due to the dry spell. Rice import requirements forecast to increase in 2017 on expectations of reduced output Total cereal imports requirements in 2017 are forecast to increase from last year’s already high level. The increase is mainly driven by the unfavourable prospects for the 2017 rice production. Imports of wheat, which is not produced domestically, are anticipated to remain at last year’s high level of 1.2 million tonnes, reflecting strong domestic demand. Prices of rice hit record levels in December, while those of wheat generally stable Domestic prices of rice, the main staple food in the country, rose considerably for four consecutive months, reaching record levels in December 2016. The spike in prices is due to the reduced 2016 secondary ―yala‖ output, harvested in September, and the unfavourable prospects for the main 2017 ―maha‖ crop. In an attempt to ease rice prices, the Government began releasing paddy from public stocks to millers in late December. In addition, the Government plans to import rice and reduce duties and taxes on imported rice in early January 2017. Wheat prices remained overall stable, reflecting adequate market availabilities, following the high level of imports in recent months. Concerns remain for vulnerable rural groups Food security conditions are expected to deteriorate on expectations of significant cereal production losses for the ongoing ―maha‖ season, which follows a reduced ―yala‖ harvest in 2016. Subsistence farm households, particularly in the North Western, North Central, Uva and Southern provinces, will likely be most affected and require some humanitarian and emergency recovery assistance. According to the Disaster Management Centre, almost 1 million people in 23 out of 25 districts have been negatively affected by drought conditions. Record prices of rice negatively affect food access and further stress the food security situation of the most vulnerable populations. 21 http://reliefweb.int/report/sri-lanka/giews-country-brief-sri-lanka-17-january-2017

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter Rice basmati climbs on upsurge in demand By Press Trust of India | Updated: January 24, 2017 2:35 PM IST New Delhi, Jan 24 (PTI) Rice basmati prices firmed up by Rs 500 per quintal at the wholesale grains market today on brisk buying by stockists following uptick in demand against restricted supplies.

Rice basmati climbs on upsurge in demand New Delhi, Jan 24 (PTI) Rice basmati prices firmed up by Rs 500 per quintal at the wholesale grains market today on brisk buying by stockists following uptick in demand against restricted supplies. However, other grains held steady in thin trade.Traders said brisk buying by stockists, driven by upsurge in domestic as well as exports demand against restricted supplies from producing regions, mainly pushed up rice basmati prices.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter In the national capital, rice basmati common and Pusa-1121 variety shot up by Rs 500 each to Rs 6,900-7,000 and Rs 5,600-6,800 per quintal respectively. Following are today’s quotations (in Rs per quintal): Wheat MP (desi) Rs 2,750-3,050, Wheat dara (for mills) Rs 2,000-2,010, Chakki atta (delivery) Rs 2,020-2,050, Atta Rajdhani (10 kg) Rs 285, Shakti Bhog (10 kg) Rs 285, Roller flour mill Rs 1,140-1,150 (50 kg), Maida Rs 1,2001,210 (50 kg)and Sooji Rs 1,270-1,275 (50 kg). Basmati rice (Lal Quila) Rs 10,700, Shri Lal Mahal Rs 11,300, Super Basmati Rice Rs 9,700, Basmati common new Rs 6,900-7,000, Rice Pusa (1121) Rs 5,600-6,800, Permal raw Rs 2,0502,075, Permal wand Rs 2,150-2,200, Sela Rs 2,800-2,900 and Rice IR-8 Rs 1,850-1,860, Bajra Rs 1,425-1,465, Jowar yellow Rs 1,750-1,800, white Rs 3,500-3,700, Maize Rs 1,600-1,610, Barley Rs 1,800-1,820. http://www.india.com/business/rice-basmati-climbs-on-upsurge-in-demand-1779152/

BASF India enters Indian rice segment, seeks to triple AsiaPacific market share By Ashish Kulshrestha, ET Bureau | Updated: Jan 25, 2017, 02.52 PM IST HYDERABAD: German conglomerate BASF has introduced crop protection solutions for rice in India as it seeks to increase its share in the country and Asia-Pacific’s crop protection market, said a top official in Hyderabad. The company will introduce five products this year including two fungicides and two herbicides, which will be launched in the first quarter of 2017 while another molecule will be launched in the later part of this year. Rice is the staple food In India which is also the second largest producer in the world after China with an annual production of over 100 million tons. Gustavo Palerosi Carneiro, senior vicepresident, crop protection for Asia-pacific, BASF, said, ―We have been wanting to enter the Indian rice market given its huge size but our portfolio was not ready. However, we now have a good portfolio of products to be launched in this segment and will be starting with five products this year.‖ 23

The company also plans to launch 130 new products and 250 other products till 2020 and considers Asia as a core area of investment. It also plans to increase its market share in the crop

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter protection market to 8-10% from 3-4% currently. However, it has no immediate plans of setting up manufacturing plant for its agro chemical business and would resort to import of products and sell it by repackaging. India is the fourth largest producer of agrochemicals in the world after the United States, Japan and China. "This segment generated a value of $4.4 billion in FY15 and is expected to grow at 7.5% per annum to reach $6.3 billion by FY20. Approximately 50% of the demand comes from domestic consumers and the rest from exports," said a 2016 report by FICC-Tata Strategic Management Group.

Iranian Gov’t Cuts Import Tariffs for Agrofood Products The tariff cuts are not permanent and high tariffs are expected to be reinstated after two-three months The move is aimed at controlling the prices of targeted commodities in the runup to the upcoming new Iranian year. Saeed Jalili

Domestic Economy Desk Tuesday, January 24, 2017

The government has sharply reduced tariffs on the import of meat and agricultural products, including rice and sugar, to keep prices in check in the runup to the new Iranian year (starting March 21, 2017). Based on a legislation passed by the Cabinet on January 21, tariffs on rice, butter, meat and bananas will be trimmed to 5% from 40%, 20%, 26% and 26% respectively.The new regulation also sharply decreases tariffs on pulses. Lentils will be subject to 10% tariffs–down from the current 15%. Tariffs on various types of beans

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter have also been reduced to 5%. The legislation describes these commodities as ―basic, essential and urgent", stressing that the move will take effect as soon as relevant bodies are notified.―The legislation has been passed to control the prices of these commodities, which have increased in the past few weeks,‖ a source in the Agriculture Ministry told Financial Tribune via telephone on condition of anonymity.―The president himself has issued a directive [to the Agriculture Ministry] to take necessary measures,‖ he said. ―Usually, we do not impose low tariffs on these commodities.‖He said the tariff cuts are not permanent and high tariffs are expected to be reinstated after 2-3 months. The administration of President Hassan Rouhani has often placed temporary bans on the import of rice and sugar, among other commodities, in support of domestic producers. The whopping 40% tariff on rice imports comes as the administration bans rice imports altogether during the harvest season. This year the ban was in place from July 21 to November 21.According to the Ministry of Agriculture, Iranians consume more than 3 million tons of rice every year, of which almost 2.2 million tons are supplied by domestic farmers. ―This [domestic supply] does not suffice demand. We need imports, but imports that are limited and controlled,‖ Agriculture Minister Mahmoud Hojjati had said in November.Figures show imports are on the risem despite all the restrictive measures.Importers shipped more than 630,000 tons of rice valued at $527 million into the country during the nine months of the current fiscal year (March 20-December 20, 2016), which registers a 22% and 4% rise in volume and value respectively compared with the similar period of a year before, according to the latest data released by the Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration. India is the biggest exporter of rice to Iran. Basmati producers recorded a loss in their stocks last year when Iran imposed the seasonal import restriction. The cut in rice import tariffs is good news for Indian farmers who have been seeking to increase exports following the lifting of Iran’s seasonal ban on imports. Indian newspaper Economic Times earlier reported that Basmati prices are on the rise amid increased Iranian demand.―Basmati rice prices have started increasing, as Iran has allowed imports from India. A formal notification is awaited, but exporters and companies have started getting queries from Iran and some have even started signing contracts,‖ said Angshu Mallick, COO at Adani Wilmar Limited—Indian supplier of packed basmati rice. India exported more than 4 million tons of rice in 2015-16, of which 1 million tons were shipped to Iran, the report says, adding that this year, the industry expects exports to decline to 3.8 million tons, due to limited exports to Iran.As for sugar, chocolate and candy industries have been complaining in the past few months that the commodity was scarce due to restrictive regulations regarding imports.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter ―Chocolate and candy factories, which are in dire need of sugar, are on the verge of closure,‖ Jamshid Maghazei, an official with the Association of Iranian Confectionery Manufacturing Companies said in July. Voices of discontent were heard throughout the summer. The claim was ruled out by the government. Hassan Abbasi, the deputy head of state-owned Government Trading Corporation of Iran, which is tasked with importing basic commodities for strategic reserves, said Iran’s sugar reserves were sufficient to meet domestic demand. ―The government has no problem in feeding factories and controlling prices in the market.‖ Periodic bans on sugar imports are imposed mostly to prevent oversupply and support local manufacturers. According to Iran Sugar Association, Iran is currently 70% self-sufficient in sugar production and a complete self-sufficiency is possible within the next four years. Sugar production is estimated to exceed 1.52 million tons by the end of the current fiscal year (March 20, 2017). ―Domestic demand for sugar stands at 2.2 million tons annually. Therefore, the import of close to 700,000 tons is needed,‖ an official with the Ministry of Agriculture, Alireza Yazdani, has been quoted as saying. The government also imports a few hundred thousand tons for its strategic reserves every year. In its latest report on Iran’s agribusiness, Business Monitor International forecast domestic consumption to reach 3.1 million tons by 2020, noting that demand will be mainly driven by population growth and improved macroeconomic conditions following the lifting of sanctions in 2016 https://financialtribune.com/articles/economy-business-and-markets/58091/iranian-gov-t-cuts-importtariffs-for-agrofood-products

Rice Production Automation Investment Hits $156m Tuesday, January 24, 2017


he government of President Hassan Rouhani has invested 6 trillion rials (about

$156 million) on the mechanization of rice production, said an official with the Ministry 26

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter of Agriculture, describing the investment as ―unprecedented‖.

―Given the water shortage in Iran, the administration is not willing to expand paddy fields in provinces other than the northern Mazandaran and Gilan,‖ Kambiz Abbasi added. According to the official, automation would cut rice harvesting costs by up to 70%, IRNA reported. ―The government will cover about 80% of the costs of buying the machinery by granting loans with a 15% interest rate,‖ he said. Abbasi said pre-harvest, harvest and post-harvest stages of rice production in 250,000 hectares of paddy fields have become automated under the Rouhani government, adding that previously only 100,000 hectares were mechanized. Iranians consume about 3.2 million tons of rice a year while domestic production stands at around 2.2 million tons. Therefore, there is a need for around 1 million tons of imports every year. The government periodically places a ban on imports during the harvest season to support local farmers https://financialtribune.com/articles/economy-domestic-economy/58070/rice-production-automationinvestment-hits-156m

Farmers must adopt rainwater harvesting, intercropping to counter climate change JAMSHEDPUR January 25, 2017 , by Desk Jamshedpur, Jan 24: The second day of Vaartaa 2017, an agriculture meet by Tata Steel, witnessed interactive sessions on climate resilient agriculture, profit maximization in paddy cultivation, vegetable marketing and integrated farming.

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Daily Global, Regional and Local Rice E-Newsletter After every session, farmers were invited to ask questions directly from scientists on problems plaguing their agriculture.Dr. S Wani, Director, International Crops Research Institute for Semi-Arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Hyderabad, said traditional farming needed changes in the wake of climate change. ―Farmers need to gear up to counter climate change by adopting rainwater harvesting, inter-cropping, and by selecting the right cultivars for their fields.‖ He called upon the farmers to go for cultivation of second crops to increase profit margin. Dr. G. Rajeshwar Rao, Principal Scientist, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture (CRIDA), Hyderabad, said, ―Farmers should bank upon water harvesting structures to cope with dry spell and supplemental irrigation. Farmers should also know crop residue management for in-situ moisture conservation.‖ Dr. Yogesh Kumar, Senior Scientist, ICAR-Central Rainfed Upland Rice Research Station, said, ―Farmers shouldn’t cultivate paddy blindly. They must consider their land type and then only select a rice variety. A particular rice variety may grow well in some fields, but the same may fail if cultivated elsewhere.‖ Kaushlendra Kumar, Founder, Kaushalya Foundation, called upon the farmers to emphasize on marketing of farm produce. ―You all shouldn’t confine yourself to production. Go a step further and think of ways that could add value to your produce, thereby, fetch a good price. Good packing is one of the ways that adds cosmetic value to a product and enhances its marketability.‖ The last day of Vaartaa will witness knowledge sharing sessions by scientists on lac cultivation and pisciculture. The scientists attending the meet are from institutes like Indian Council of Agriculture Research (ICAR), Central Research Institute for Dry land Agriculture (CRIDA). http://www.avenuemail.in/jamshedpur/farmers-must-adopt-rainwater-harvesting-inter-cropping-counterclimate-change/103664/ 28

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