The Laconia Daily Sun, February 16, 2011

Page 1

‘None of our business’

Alton Selectboard reacts to news of police chief’s financial problems — P. 7

Wednesday, February 16, 2011


VOL. 11 nO. 184

LaCOnIa, n.H.



Lynch’s budget message a downer for Laconia

Will revival No money for Huot Center improvements & at least $1.2-million less in state aid to city and school of Colonial B M K the impact of the governor’s proposal. “This state withdraws significant amounts of casts a cloud over plans for any other initiafunding, the city will no choice but to cut ultimately LACONIA — With his fourth biennium tives. It has chilling effect,” he said. its payroll. budget address, Governor John Lynch yesCity Manager Eileen Cabanel said that “It will mean people,” she said. “It has to require terday brought no joy to City Hall because “it is early in the process and you never be. There’s nothing else.” city officials estimate proposed reductions know what might happen before it is over.” The governor recommended altogether public in state payments to cities and towns But, she added that “this is serious downeliminating the state’s share of employer would cost local property taxpayers more shifting.” retirement contributions for police officers, private than $1.2-million. Cabanel said that to ensure that there is firefighters and school teachers, which in takes what was already a very diffino increase in the amount raised by prop2009 — the last year the state funded its partnership? cult“This situation for the city and makes it even erty taxes is she is already seeking to trim full share of 35-percent — amounted to y





MADISON, Wis. (AP) — Wisconsin is poised to strip collective bargaining rights from most of the state’s 175,000 public employees in the boldest step by a new Republican governor and Legislature to solve budget problems by confronting organized labor. The state Senate and Assembly are expected to vote as soon as Thursday on Gov. Scott Walker’s plan to end collective bargaining for all state, county and local workers except for police, firefighters and the state patrol. More than 10,000 public employees staged demonstrations at the state Capitol Tuesday to protest the measure, banging on drums and screaming “Save our state!” and “Kill the bill!,” and a parade of witnesses testified before lawmakers about the impact on middleclass families. But legislative leaders said Walker now has enough support in both chambers to approve the measure, which he said is necessee COLOnIaL page 8

more difficult,” said Mayor Mike Seymour, who confessed he had yet to fully digest

$363,982 for city employees and $385,656 see LynCH page 9

NHIAA Executive Director Pat Corbin (left) and Laocnia High School Principal Steven Beals congratulate LHS football coach Craig Kozens (red jacket) at last night’s meeting of the Laocnia School Board. (Karen Bobotas/for the Laconia Daily Sun)

Kozens named Northeast U.S. Football Coach of the Year By Gail OBer


LACONIA — Before a standing room only crowd at last night’s school board meeting, high school football coach Craig Kozens was officially named the National Federation of High School Coaches Association’s Northeast Football Coach of the Year for 2010. The annual award is given to a coach that not only exemplifies what sports is all about,


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$275,000 in municipal services from the 2011-2012 city budget. She said that if the

but who goes the extra mile for his team, school, players and community. Kozens, who joined the LHS faculty from New Hampton School 10 years ago, was nominated by Principal Steven Beals, who said, “Craig is a terrific football coach and a better person. He cares deeply for everyone involved in his program and leads it with dignity and class and I am proud to work with him and call him

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my colleague.” On hand for the presentation was New Hampshire Interscholastic Athletics Association executive director and long-time friend of Sachem football Pat Corbin who lauded Kozens as not only a great football coach but one of the reasons the Division IV team enjoys the great state reputation it has. He described a New Hampshire coach winning this

award as a “truly remarkable event” because of the state’s small size and population. By means of comparison, Corbin said the state of Florida has 1.3-million students who participate in high school sports noting that’s more that the entire population of New Hampshire. Kozens, although he knew the award was coming, at time seemed overwhelmed by the see KOZens page 11

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