4 homers & 8 doubles
E E R F Wednesday, June 5, 2013
Red Sox pound out 17-5 win over Rangers — Page 11
VOL. 14 nO. 2
LaCOnIa, n.H.
Board OKs modified plans for 3 duplex apt. buildings in Lakeport By Michael Kitch
vinyl-sided buildings placed in a row along the northwest side of a one-acre lot at 126 Washington Street. His brother Peter purchased the property for $57,000 in January and soon afterward demolished the single-family home that had stood on the lot since 1890. Initially he proposed siting the buildings in a row along the northwest side of the lot fronted by a parking area with spaces for 15 vehicles.
LACONIA — Kevin Morrissette last night won unanimous approval from the Planning Board to construct three duplex units on Washington Street, across from Leavitt Park, after revising his original plan in response to misgivings voiced by abutters and neighbors at two public meetings. Morrissette plans to construct three
The units would be rented. The lot lies within the “residential general” district where, with municipal water and sewer, six units per acre are permitted by the zoning ordinance. Neighbors, echoed by members of the board, described the project as an “eyesore,” likening it to a “strip mall,” noting that it is the only multi-family complex in a neighborhood of single-family homes. Last month the board deferred
its decision as chairman Warren Hutchins urged Morrissette to reconsider the placement of the buildings as well as the landscaping, screening and fencing of the property. In addition, he asked that any restrictions incorporated in the rental agreements, such as repairing vehicles and storing equipment, be presented to the board. At a subsequent meeting with Plansee LaKePORT page 8
Rain check redeemed
After a miserable Memorial Day weekend, people took full advantage of the renowned sandbar on Lake Wnnisquam this past weekend to get their boating summer off to a solid start. (Mark Chertok/for The Laconia Daily Sun)
Derby winner passes lie detector test
LACONIA — Dakota Wright, the 17-year-old whose 3.7 pound, 22.5 inch long salmon, was the largest landed in the 31st annual Winni Derby which concluded on May 5, received his $12,500 winner’s check Saturday after passing a lie detector test. John Moriarty of the Laconia Rotary Club, which took over see deRBy page 8
No beer at Muskrat games again this summer By Michael Kitch
atop and behind the replica of the Fenway Park’s Green Monster in left field where the Parks and Recreation Commission agreed beer could be served, but reluctantly abandoned the project last month after failing to enlist a corporate sponsor to share the construction cost. Instead, he decided to approach the Parks and Recreation Commission this week to request permission to offer beer at
a smaller deck, 16 feet wide and 50 feet long enclosed by railings, placed on the paved area reserved for bus parking beyond the bleachers along the left field line. However, he said yesterday that he decided to drop the alternative plan on learning that the building code required that concrete footings would have to be poured to secure the deck. “It would have doubled the cost,” said see BeeR page 9
tor Ed Emond came from the School Board in the wake of an April accident at the the intersection of Messer and Opechee Streets that took the life of one Middle School student and seriously injured another. The mayor and City Council authorized the purchase and installation of two solarpowered school zone warning signs on Messer Street, on either side of Opechee Street. ULTIMATE BIKERS GLASSES Those at the meeting, which GREAT GIFT FOR DAD included representatives from 527-1100 Belknap Mall the city, police, fire, the schools
and First Student Transportation (the city school bus provider) also identified a section of Union Avenue from Gilford Avenue to the Messer Street intersection as the second area of great concern. Running past the Laconia High School, this segment of Union Avenue sees a lot of foot traffic and is host to a number of businesses that can create confusion in traffic patterns. Emond told the board that the city is in the process of adding and upgrading curbsee saFeTy page 6
LACONIA — As the Laconia Muskrats ready to open their fourth season by hosting the Plymouth (Mass.) Pilgrims at Robbie Mills Field tomorrow evening, general manager Noah Crane has again shelved plans to offer beer for sale at the ballpark. Originally Crane intended to build a deck
Laconia studying pedestrian safety around school buildings By Gail OBer
LACONIA — School and city administrators met last week and identified areas around various city schools where improvements can be made to increase safety. The request to SAU Business Administra-
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