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Idea of car-free Congress St. for First Friday Art Walk still in transit — Creative Portland update; see page 3 Thursday, June 6, 2013

VOL. 5 NO. 71


Gallery owner and First Friday Art Walk founder Andres Verzosa. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)




Taking that first step See Karen Vachon, page 4

Miami Heat forward to the NBA Finals See page 8

Members of law enforcement carry the Olympic Torch on Congress Street in Portland Wednesday as part of Special Olympics Maine. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Special Olympics torch passes through Portland By David Carkhuff THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Police release more detailed description of sexual assault suspect See page 9

Over 1,500 athletes, ages 8-88, have been training and planning for Special Olympics Maine, representing approximately 125 teams from Kittery to Presque Isle. They will compete in a variety of Olympic style sports at the University of Maine in Orono Friday through Sunday. The week prior to the games, June 4 through June 7, nearly 600 members of Maine law enforcement are carrying the Olympic Torch, the Flame of Hope, across the state to raise funds for and build awareness of Special Olympics Maine, organizers noted. The run began in Berwick on Tuesday and will conclude on Friday with a Final Leg at University of Maine in Orono. South Portland Police Department participated in the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run. During the early afternoon Wednesday, South Portland’s officers received the torch from Scarborough officers and carried it across the Veteran’s Memo-

rial Bridge, where it was handed off to officers from the Portland Police Department. South Portland Police also paid tribute to Officer Peter MacVane, who passed away last year, said Lt. Frank Clark with the South Portland Police Department. “This year, we are privileged to have Officer MacVane’s widow, Kathy MacVane, joining us on our portion of the run,” Clark said. Competition in Orono will begin today and continues Friday with time trials, relays and other competitions. On Friday evening, the annual Law Enforcement Torch Run Final Leg arrives in Orono around 4:30 p.m., with a parade at 6 p.m. followed by opening ceremonies at 7 p.m., organizers reported. On Saturday morning Track and Field events begin at 8:30 a.m. and run until approximately 3:30 p.m. In addition to the competition, athletes will be treated to an Olympic Village full of games and entertainment. Saturday night includes an annual Victory Dance in the field house. On Sunday morning the events conclude with Walk and Mile Run finals and closing ceremonies.

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 6, 2013 Page 2 — The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013

Primate fossil oldest yet, by 8 million years

(NY Times) A nearly complete skeleton of a tiny, ancient primate — one that weighed no more than an ounce, had a tail longer than its body and would fit in the palm of your hand — is the earliest well-preserved fossil primate ever found, dating back some 55 million years and dialing back the fossil record for primates by an impressive eight million years, a research team declared on Wednesday. The finding adds weight to the evidence that primates originated in Asia — not Africa — and that they emerged relatively soon after the extinction of the dinosaurs, which happened about 66 million years ago in an event known as the Cretaceous mass extinction. The older date brings scientists closer to pinpointing a pivotal event in primate and human evolution: the divergence between the lineage leading to anthropoids — which include modern monkeys, apes and humans — and the one leading to tarsiers. In a report published in the journal Nature, an international team of paleontologists led by Xijun Ni of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in Beijing said that the skeleton, recovered from an ancient lake bed in Hubei Province in central China, set a new benchmark for the time that primates started roaming the planet. The primate skeleton belongs to a species never seen before, one that the researchers identified as the earliest known ancestor of tarsiers — a type of small, nocturnal primate living today in the forests of Southeast Asia. This unprepossessing early primate, which dwelt in trees and feasted on insects, was even smaller than today’s smallest primate, the pygmy mouse lemur of Madagascar. Dr. Ni said in a statement that the findings mark “the first time that we have a reasonably complete picture of a primate close to the divergence,” concluding that it is “a big step forward in our efforts to chart the course of the earliest phases of primate and human evolution.” “We’ve heard of the ‘out of Africa’ theory of human evolution, but that’s recent history,” said K. Christopher Beard, a paleontologist at the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh and an author of the journal report. “So there may now be the ‘into Africa’ problem.” That is: How and when did some primates finally make it to Africa, which was an island until as recently as 16 million years ago, to set in motion the emergence of the human species?


Oaths are the fossils of piety.” — George Santayana

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THETIDES MORNING High: 10:39 a.m. Low: 4:27 a.m. EVENING High: 10:47 p.m. Low: 4:32 p.m. -courtesy of www.maineboats.com

Syrian rebels meet Setbacks on a new front ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

IBLIL, Syria (NY Times) — The airstrikes resumed at 7:30 a.m., beginning with a rolling series of explosions in the village of Zoghba. An extended roar shook the northern Hama Plain. In nearby Iblil, rebel fighters listened knowingly. If the pattern held, shells and rockets would soon follow — and hundreds of opposition fighters in villages they had recently claimed would face another punishing day. Roughly six weeks ago, as foreign governments were focused on whether chemical weapons had been used in Syria’s civil war, several rebel groups made a decision blending boldness and risk. Eager to break

a painful near-stalemate that has settled over the war since late last summer, they opened a front here on the arid flatlands east of the Aleppo-Damascus highway. At first the rebel thrust moved swiftly. But as the fight has unfolded, the battle here has assumed the war’s seesawing and bloody rhythm, capturing many of the dynamics of a conflict exhausting its mismatched adversaries, and putting the nation on a path toward disintegration. The rebels had calculated that a successful offensive through the network of villages here would bypass government strong points near the cities and create

fresh opportunities for severing Syria’s main highway. In this way, they might deplete the ammunition and other supplies of army outposts in Idlib and Hama — sources of much of the shelling of civilian neighborhoods — so that the outposts could be defeated piecemeal. And it might also take pressure off a long-running siege. “We are making a corridor not to Hama, but to Homs,” said Abu Hamza al-Hamwi, from Ahfad al-Rasul, or the Grandsons of the Prophet, who commands part of the rebel forces on this new Hama front. Homs is a major city south of Hama.

Soldier pleads guilty in lillings of Afghan civilians JOINT BASE LEWISMCCHORD, Wash. — Staff Sgt. Robert Bales of the Army pleaded guilty on Wednesday to killing 16 Afghan civilians last year, most of them women and children, in the deadliest war crime attributed to a single American soldier in the decade of war that has followed the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001. The plea, if accepted by the military court, would remove the threat of the death penalty from his case. And the hearing,

which began just after 9 a.m. near Seattle, in a windowless military courtroom here on the base, was somber. Sergeant Bales, wearing a blue Army service uniform, rose from his seat at the defense table, raised his right hand and was sworn under oath. Under questioning by the presiding judge, Col. Jeffery Nance, Sergeant Bales — answering crisply using two or four words, “Yes, sir,” or “Yes, I do sir,” — said he understood that a guilty plea was irrevoca-

ble. One of his defense lawyers, Emma Scanlan, speaking on Sergeant Bales’s behalf, said that the guilty plea was to all the major charges, including premeditated murder, but that he would plead not guilty to a minor charge of impeding the investigation against him. As the plea hearing continued, Colonel Nance worked through the charges one by one, eliciting responses from Sergeant Bales that sounded mostly formulaic and rote. “What was your reason for

killing them?” Colonel Nance finally asked. Sergeant Bales paused, then said he had asked himself the same question “a million times.” “There’s not a good reason in this world for why I did the horrible things I did,” he said. Sergeant Bales, 39, who was on his fourth combat deployment in 10 years — three tours in Iraq, and the final one in Afghanistan — at the time of the attack in March 2012, never took the witness stand in a pretrial hearing November.

People trapped as building Rice to replace Donilon in the top national security post collapses in Philadelphia WASHINGTON (NY Times) — President Obama announced on Wednesday afternoon that Susan E. Rice, the American ambassador to the United Nations, would replace Tom Donilon, who is resigning, as national security adviser in a major shakeup of his foreign-policy inner circle. The appointment, which Obama made in a Rose Garden ceremony, puts Rice, 48, an outspoken diplomat and a close political ally, at the heart of the administration’s foreign-policy apparatus. It is also a defiant gesture to Republicans who harshly criticized Rice for presenting an erroneous account of the deadly attacks on the American mission in Benghazi, Libya. The post of national security adviser, while powerful, does not require Senate confirmation.

In his announcement, Obama referred to Rice’s role as an adviser during his 2008 presidential campaign and praised her work as a key diplomat during his first term. “With her background as a scholar, Susan understands that there’s no substitute for American leadership,” Obama said. “She is at once passionate and pragmatic. I think everybody understands Susan is a fierce champion for justice and human dignity, but she’s also mindful that we have to exercise our power wisely and deliberately.” Obama also named Samantha Power, a National Security Council official, as Rice’s replacement at the United Nations. Power, who has written extensively about genocide, is closely allied with Rice on human rights issues.

PHILADELPHIA (NY Times) — A four-story building that was being demolished partly collapsed in Philadelphia on Wednesday, sending bricks cascading onto a Salvation Army thrift store and trapping people under the wreckage, the authorities said. At least 13 people were taken to hospitals with minor injuries, said Commissioner Lloyd Ayers of the Philadelphia Fire Department. At least one person remained trapped Wednesday afternoon as more than 125 firefighters and other emergency workers searched the rubble. Mayor Michael A. Nutter said at a news conference from the site of the collapse that the rescue effort was “delicate, dangerous work.” Behind him, firefighters could be seen lifting bricks by hand off a huge pile of debris as two backhoes stood by idly. Commissioner Ayers said emergency crews had been in communication with the two people stuck under the debris, but it was not clear how long it might take to rescue them. The building, at the corner of 22nd Street and Market Street in Center City, was being demolished Wednesday when one of its walls suddenly gave way at about 10:40 a.m., the authorities said. Bricks, cinder blocks, and sections of wood and broken concrete slammed down onto the adjacent twostory building, where the popular thrift store was situated.

The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013— Page 3

Car-free First Friday Art Walk? Group not giving up Creative Portland also plans to create steering committee for Art Walk By David Carkhuff THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

First Friday Art Walk returns to Congress Street this Friday, but pedestrians will still need to look both ways before crossing the street. An ambitious plan to stop motorized traffic during the popular, 12-year-old arts event hasn’t gained enough political traction to go before the Portland City Council, according to members of a creative economy group. First Friday Art Walk — a free self-guided tour of local art galleries, art studios, museums and alternative art venues on the First Friday of every month from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. — occurs with normal traffic flow on Congress Street. An idea emerged to stop motorized traffic during the Art Walk, particularly in light of the large numbers of pedestrians and bicyclists who converge on sidewalks for those three hours a month. Creative Portland, a nonprofit group tasked with enhancing and creating creative economy business and arts district development and employment opportunities, received an update from board member Tim Honey Wednesday about efforts to gain a partial closure of Congress Street during the monthly Art Walk. “We heard back from the city that the city manager felt that this would require a festival permit and it would require him to bring it to the city council for their approval,” Honey said. The word came back as well that members of the city council did not support the closure, Honey told the board. Executive Director Jennifer Hutchins said the “real nut to crack here is that if we went to the council,

it’s my understanding that we would be denied a festival permit to close Congress Street,” so political persuasion would be needed to change councilors’ minds. Honey said initially the idea was to close only a section of Congress Street, but then businesses on another stretch in 600 block expressed concerns that the whole length of Congress Street should be closed for the walk. Then, city permitting became an issue, Honey said. “There was a question about whether or not this was going to require approval by the city council, we are asking for a closure permit, we’re not asking for a festival permit,” he said. A closure permit would be simpler, but a festival permit would require city council approval, he explained. A festival permit would require licensing and permitting of all parties involved, he said. One concern is a halt to public transit. An alternative, the idea of allowing Metro buses to run to the exclusion of other traffic, was “a non-starter” for the bus service, Hutchins said. This Friday marks the 154th First Friday Art Walk. A dozen years old, the Art Walk attracts 3,000 to 3,300 people a month and brings $1 million economic impact annually, Hutchins said. Hutchins called the Art Walk a “beloved Portland tradition that has stood the test of time.” In a separate but related discussion, Arthur Fink, reporting on the work of a First Friday Art Walk Task Force, noted that the task force reviewed the Art Walk and considered changes. Two recommendations emerged, one to honor the “core purpose” of the Art Walk and a second to handle administrative issues surrounding the event through formation of a steering committee. “There were issues with the cus-

tomer experience, it’s hard to park and streets get congested, and sometimes the communication is not as good as it needs to be,” Fink explained, citing administrative issues that could be handled by Verzosa “a thoughtful, representative group that would be tweaking the Art Walk but staying within its core purpose.” The task force also noted possible improvements, such as “enabling use of private parking lots during the art walk, and providing shuttle trolleys to venues outside the downtown arts district,” ideas which the new committee could consider, Fink wrote in a memo to the Creative Portland board. “It’s the centerpiece of our creative economy, and it’s something that by mistake we could much too easily take for granted and just assume it’s there and by itself will continue,” Fink said. Gallery owner and Art Walk founder Andres Verzosa joined Wednesday’s meeting to offer his advice. “What I’d love to see for the Art Walk is that it (have) an ad hoc committee for Greater Portland and that it continue to be one of the signature pieces of the work that you guys do and its overture to the arts and cultural community.” Verzosa also said he’d like to see “Greater Portland leverage it a lot

better,” and noted that residents and visitors who partake of the Art Walk are a “silent partner” in the effort at maintaing the event as well. Verzosa suggested an ad hoc group that is “semi-autonomous” but still allied to Creative Portland and its vision for the event. Creative Portland voted accordingly to create a steering committee and also decided to broaden the scope of the Art Walk mission statement by changing the term “visual arts” to “arts.” Whether or not the Art Walk can stay true to its mission and become the subject of a city permit for a street closure will require further exploration, board members said. Mark Rees, city manager for Portland, wants city council input on a permit, according to Honey. “The city manager came back and said that any closure of Congress Street is going to trigger a festival permit, and the festival permit goes contrary to what the task force said was the beauty of the Art Walk, that it’s basically organic and unregulated,” Honey said, describing the challenge. “I hope this is not dead,” Honey said. “As I’ve thought about what is our next step, I think the next step is to see if we can’t create a little more demand and enthusiasm for the idea of closing Congress Street.” He suggested bringing city council members on the Art Walk and talking to them about the closure idea.

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Page 4 — The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013

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Cut the strings to George III

WASHINGTON — You see glistening mermaid sightings on Animal Planet more than you catch glimpses of vintage John McCain on Capitol Hill. But there he was on Tuesday, succinctly saying what needed to be said about the scourge of sexual assault cases in the military. Looking grimly at the ribbon-bedecked white male heads of all the services testifying before the Armed Services Committee, McCain scolded: “Just last night a woman came to me ––––– and said her daughter wanted to join the military, and could I The New York give my unqualified support for Times her doing so. I could not.” Are women who want to join the military now more afraid of being raped by their brothers in arms than dying for their country? The seven women on the committee are driving the mission to curb the plague of sexual transgressions in the military, with 26,000 service men and women assaulted in 2012. “Women are not going to be turned away on this one,” Senator Claire McCaskill of Missouri told me.

Maureen Dowd

see DOWD page 6

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, news@portlanddailysun.me.

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David Carkhuff, Editor Craig Lyons, Reporter Natalie Ladd, Business Development Joanne Alfiero, Sales Representative

Contributing Writers: Timothy Gillis, Marge Niblock, Bob Higgins, Karen Vachon, Cliff Gallant, Robert Libby, James Howard Kunstler, Telly Halkias, Ken Levinsky Founding Editor Curtis Robinson THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Friday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5809 Website: www.portlanddailysun.me E-mail: news@portlanddailysun.me For advertising contact: (207) 699-5809 or ads@portlanddailysun.me Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or classifieds@portlanddailysun.me

CIRCULATION: 13,600 daily distributed Tuesday through Friday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford, jspofford@maine.rr.com

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Taking that first step Think Local Community Networking turned four years old this week. The celebration took place at Falmouth Country Club June 4. The honorable John Jenkins, author, educator, trainer, motivational speaker, former Mayor of Lewiston, Maine State Senator, and Mayor of Auburn delivered the inspirational keynote speech to a crowd of grateful networkers. In his address, Jenkins asked attendees to link arms, take one step forward, and say together: “We’re off to see the Jeff Ball and John Jenkins. (COURTESY PHOTO) Wizard”! The analogy, that it takes Ball has been networking ever since. He’s Better with courage to take the first step. Be brave. been involved with various networking and Believe in yourself. And also recognize Age referral groups over the years. Some cost there’s power in sticking together. Look a lot of money to join. Others require that among you; the strength is in the body of each line of business have exclusive representapeople right here in Maine, think local and believe in tion. Others still have stringent attendance requireyour dream. Maine can, and will be strong, because ments. These criteria, Ball sees as limiting. His of its people. vision was to be all inclusive, no matter your income How true. I felt the sudden and overpoweror your situation. ing urge to say: Amen! It was a shared sentiment The idea and vision for Think Local Community among fellow attendees all of whom are tremenNetworking evolved when Ball began hosting events dously grateful to the founder, Jeff Ball. Ball (who in 2008 for advertisers of the Coffee News, a weekly doesn’t hesitate to let you know he comes from a publication that Ball was involved in from Portland family string of Baptist preachers) speaks boldly to Kittery. Advertisers would get a booth and then and combines work experience that has formulated the community at large was invited to attend. Ball an organization that is energized, engaged, dynamic observed people from all walks of life attending, and and growing. noted that every person on their own knows a bunch Many years ago, Ball learned something within of people that their neighbor doesn’t know. Ball saw the first few hours of the start of his career at Fairthe power in this — everyone matters. fax County YMCA in northern Virginia. “My first As more events took place, Ball observed relationday, I got to work at 8 a.m. and by noon my Execships being formed, and business being done. “You utive Director and I were at a Chamber lunch. I have to spend more time with people because you learned early on the value of networking and develare going to buy and sell to those you know and oping relationships. Now that YMCA is the starship for the YMCA’s in the greater DC area,” said Ball. see VACHON page 5

Karen Vachon –––––

The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013— Page 5

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Board of director members (from left) include Jeff Ball, Think Local; Lisa Marie Nesbitt, partner at 1600 Degrees; Erin Moore, attorney at J.E. Law Associates; John Guarnott, CPA for MacDonald Page & Co.; and, looking on, David Back, corporate executive job seeker. Not pictured is Betteanne Esposito, district manager for Kelly Services. (COURTESY PHOTO)

‘We feel if someone is serious about their business, they will be there and be involved’ VACHON from page 4

trust,” said Ball, who realized that the more times you bring people together, the quicker people get to know each other. From the big monthly events, came the small weekly meetups. By 2009, an advisory board was formed, and the group launched their first big event, June 2009 at the Landing in Scarborough, originally named Maine Successful Thinkers, the organization changed its name to Think Local earlier this year. Today, over 3,000 people have attended at least one event. The organization has 1,500 members who attend regularly. There are 16 small meet up groups that meet weekly spread out from Portsmouth New Hampshire to Bangor. “Basic membership is free, and always will be. We are non-exclusive and do not have attendance requirements. We feel if someone is serious about their business, they will be there and be involved,” says Ball. FMI: www.thinklocalcommunitynetworking.com. The strength and power come from the weekly meetups, where 250 members regularly attend. Here you get up close and personal with a diverse range of people from various backgrounds and interests. It is where young and old, employed and unemployed, artist, author, doctor, lawyer and the like co-mingle, become friends, and build friendships, relationships and business. Colby Colarossi, young, and new to Maine, came here to sell payroll for ADP. She faithfully attends the Tuesday morning meetup at Zapoteca Restaurant in Portland. Her honesty and candor is a catalyst for comfort among the group attendees. “The people in the group really care about each other and have made referrals on my behalf,” says Colarossi,

who one week shared with the group she had an off week and was trying to meet quota. In response, the group leader asked everyone to help Colarossi that week. What did Colarossi do? She turned it around; graciously thanked the group leader, but suggested, rather, the group try to help the unemployed attendee instead. He needed a job more than Colarossi, a sale. Indeed, magic is happening. Last winter, Ball posted on Facebook that Time4Printing needed help moving. It was in the middle of a snowstorm, but that didn’t stop Rita Losse, a small group and employee benefits specialist, from lending a helping hand. “I went and had a blast,” she said. It turned out she met a new friend, who ended up interviewing her for an article, which led to a speaking engagement. “I love the synergistic success!” she wrote to Ball, “Thanks for posting that volunteer opportunity.” As Jenkins closed his address, the group matriarch, Bobby Piveronas of Dale Carnegie Maine, came up to compliment him on his inspirational address. Jenkins turned to Piveronas, crediting her and Dale Carnegie for teaching him how to public speak. Wild — I thought! This guy is so accomplished. Yet doesn’t forget who helped him get where he is today. What’s not to love about this group? No matter where you are in life: just starting out, unemployed, building a business, looking for friendship; everyone matters here. Thank you, Think Local, Jeff Ball, and his advisory team. (Karen Vachon is a Scarborough resident. She is a licensed health and life insurance agent and active community volunteer. To follow her on Facebook, go to: http://www.facebook. com/karenvachonhealth.)

Page 6 — The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013

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Military structure ‘has outlived its utility and credibility’ DOWD from page 4

But men on both sides of the aisle were also pressing the top generals and admirals, even though some, like Senator Saxby Chambliss, Republican of Georgia, still seemed to be getting up to speed on the issue. “Several years ago, when we had the first females go out on an aircraft carrier that when they returned to port,” Chambliss said he recalled, “a significant percentage of those females were pregnant.” Was any investigation done, he asked, to determine whether those pregnancies were the result of “consensual acts”? The brass agreed there was a “cancer” in the military, but their rigid, nonsensical response boiled down to: Trust us. We’ll fix the system, even though we don’t really believe it’s broken. They were unanimously resistant to the shift that several of our allies have made, giving lawyers, rather than commanders, the power to take cases to court. This even though they were having a hard time coming up with examples of any commanders who had been removed from their posts for allowing a toxic climate on sexual assault. In fact, the military honchos made it clear that, after months of public dismay, they hadn’t even gotten around to studying the systems our allies put in place to achieve objective decision making, where commanders can’t protect buddies or Top Gun criminals. “Talking to people who have managed this problem longer than we have seems to me the very easiest place to start,” chided Senator Roy Blunt, Republican of Missouri. Eugene Fidell, who teaches military justice at Yale Law School, told me the arguments of the brass “boiled down to an almost mystical notion of the commanders’ responsibility. Why can’t we cut the strings to the British system we inherited from George III? The British are baffled by us. They gave control over major crimes to professional prosecutors years ago. It’s an institutional structure that has outlived its utility and credibility.” As Sarah Plummer, a beautiful ex-Marine who served in Iraq and says she was raped by a fellow Marine who was never prosecuted, explained to NBC News’s Jim Miklaszewski: “Having someone within your direct chain of command handling the case” is like “your brother raping you and having your dad decide the case.” The military big shots admitted that they had taken their eyes off the ball, but blamed it on a decade of two wars. “Commanders having the authority to take a case to trial hasn’t gotten rid of the large number

of sexual assaults and rapes or encouraged more people to come forward and report crimes,” Senator Kirsten Gillibrand told me. “In fact, it has had the opposite effect.” She told the military chiefs that “not every single commander can distinguish between a slap on the ass and a rape.” There’s no excuse for permitting a system to allow commanders to sweep things under the rug and allow threats of retaliation. The Naval Academy is reeling from a case of a female midshipman who reported she was raped by three Navy football players at an off-campus party last year. The men were not charged, but the woman was punished for underage drinking. West Point is roiled by two cases: a sergeant first class in charge of the welfare of some cadets has been accused of illicitly videotaping female cadets

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as they disrobed in the bathroom or shower; and the men’s rugby team was temporarily disbanded after players exchanged e-mails that were degrading to women. On the Hill, the brass argued that they could not retain “cohesion” and “order” if commanders were not calling all the legal shots. But Nancy Parrish, the president of a victims’ rights group, told a chilling story about a young woman in a combat zone who had tried four times to report a soldier she says raped her. She saw him coming toward her truck as she got ready for a mission and recalled her feelings: “I shut down inside. I was lead driver in our convoy, and I kept hoping to hit an I.E.D. after that.” As Parrish sardonically asked, you call that “unit cohesion” and “good order and discipline”?

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The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013— Page 7

From left, New England Foundation for the Arts board member Jane James; former National Endowment for the Arts Chair Rocco Landesman; last year’s speaker, Marty Pottenger of Portland’s Art at Work; and director of Terra Moto Inc., NEFA executive director Rebecca Blunk. (COURTESY PHOTO)

Communities-exchange event in Portland honors successes in creativity By Timothy Gillis


Creative business types from all over New England will converge on Portland this week’s end as part of the Creative Communities Exchange (CCX). Workshop presenters from each New England state will discuss how they have used creativity in business to infuse their companies and organizations. Today and Friday, June 6 and 7, Portland will host the bi-annual conference, founded by the New England Foundation for the Arts. This is the third conference. The first one was in Providence; the second one was in the Berkshires. “I attended both of them and thought it would be great to have it in Portland,” said Jennifer Hutchins, executive director of Creative Portland Corporation, the local host. “It’s intended to be an opportunity for professionals working in the cultural creative economy to get together and share what strategies they are implemented in their communities. There are hands-on workshops, with 28 presenting organizations.” The cost is intentionally kept low, she said, just $100 for the two-day conference. The Maine College of Art is opening up their student housing for $50 to 60 a night. “That’s a pretty good room rate for June in Portland,” Hutchins said. “It’s meant to be accessible for small organizations to come learn how their colleagues in other parts of New England are working on this stuff.” The conference is trying to present a geographic diversity, offering some rural projects like the Catamount Arts Northeast Kingdom Regional Box Office Project, as well as some urban projects, like the Cafe as Cultural Center in Roxbury, Ma. On Thursday night, the city is offering a “dine around” with 20 local restaurants that have agreed to hold a table for six to eight people. The conference will draw to a close on Friday with the First Friday Art Walk. The closing reception is at Portland Stage Company, where they will present the Creative Economy Award

to two of the conference presenters. Jonathan Katz, CEO of National Assembly of State Arts Agencies, will present the awards. Creative Portland has been busy preparing for the conference. In addition to all the duties attendant with hosting the event, they will present a workshop on the work they have done with Portland on branding. Five other Maine groups will present during the two days, including Maine College of Art, which will talk about their artists at work program. L/A Arts in Lewiston/Auburn and Engine in Biddeford will also present workshops. The topic of a creative economy dates back as far as 2004 when Gov. John Baldacci held a conference with statewide reps. at the Bates Mill in Lewiston. “It’s exciting that this is third one that NEFA has sponsored and you see the development of different communities,” Hutchins said. “I learned about it the last conference and brought it home to Portland. That’s what this is for – to learn about it in another community and see if you can bring it home.” Ann Wicks, communications manager for NEFA, and Dee Schneidman, research manager for NEFA, said they are looking forward to bringing their show on the road to Maine. “We changed the format from first to second one, and again this year, we specifically wanted to move around the region and have each event reflect the flavor of the area,” Wicks said. “The last one at Mass MoCA was in one building. This time we’re hopping around the arts district in Portland. We wanted it to be in a place where people could see the creative economy in action. This particular place in Portland — Congress Street — that’s a representation of the creative economy. We tried to solicit workshops with a range of some focused on city policy, some artist-initiated, some organization-initiated, some about an event – but they’re all about the using the creative sector for community development,” said Wicks, adding that they have had more than double the applications for workshops than they could fit.

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Page 8 — The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013

–––––––––––––––– SUN SPORTS ––––––––––––––––

Forecast: Seesaw spring weather due to turn wet again The ocean rolls toward the rocks at Fort Williams Park in Cape Elizabeth in this scene from May. Seesaw spring weather provided ample green in the park. Starting out dry and seasonably cool, the weather in May turned wet and chilly for awhile before ending the month with some near record-breaking heat, the National Weather Service reported. June began with a sizzler. A record high temperature of 90 degrees was set at the Portland Jetport Saturday, June 1, breaking the old daily record of 88 degrees set in 1995, the weather service reported. Today, the forecast is for a 40 percent chance of showers, with a low around 53. Friday, expect occasional rain with a high near 61. Friday night the forecast is for rain. Saturday showers are likely as well, the weather service predicted. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTOS)

Miami Heat forward to the NBA Finals Chris “Birdman” Andersen has been a key reserve in the Miami Heat’s playoff quest for consecutive NBA titles. Miami hosts the San Antonio Spurs tonight at 9 p.m. in game one of the best of seven championship finals. Picked up as a free agent in January, the 34-year-old, 6-foot, 10-inch, 228pound power forward averaged 5 points and 4 rebounds, while shooting a solid 58 percent from the field In 42 regular season games. In the playoffs, the Texas product has upped his shooting percentage to an astounding 83 percent, making 18 consecutive shots at one point. The NBA suspended Andersen for Game 6 of the Eastern Conference finals after his flagrant foul against Indiana Pacers’ big man Tyler Hansbrough, and the listless Heat were soundly defeated. The high energy Andersen returned for game 7 and helped the Heat advance to the finals against the Spurs Known for his colorful tattoos and strong defense, the former Denver Nugget finished second in the league in blocks per game in 2009, despite an average of only 20.5 minutes of playtime. (KEN LEVINSKY PHOTO)

Portland Sea Dogs beat Erie 6-0 as part of three-game road series The Portland Sea Dogs blanked the Erie SeaWolves (Tigers affiliate) 6-0 Wednesday night at Jerry Uht Park, contining their three-game series and easing the sting of an extra-inning loss on Tuesday. Portland entered the game 1-3 during a 15-game stretch against the Western Division. Daniel Fields delivered an RBI single with two outs in the 12th inning, giving the SeaWolves an 8-7 walk-off win over the Sea Dogs in the series opener on Tuesday night. Trailing 7-4, Portland tied the game in the eight inning on a two-run triple by Shannon Wilkerson (4-for-5), who then scored on a wild pitch. Erie closer Justin Souza (4-1) pitched a perfect 12th for the win. Xander Bogaerts went 2-for-4 and reached base safely in his first four plate appearances for the Sea Dogs. Tuesday’s game lasted 4 hours and 22 minutes, Portland’s longest game of the season, the team reported. Portland returns to Hadlock Field on June 11 against Erie, beginning a six-game homestand. Tickets are available by calling 879-9500 or at seadogs.com. — Staff Report

The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013— Page 9

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–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– NEWS BRIEFS–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Portland police release updated description of man sought in connection with sexual assault Daily Sun Staff Reports

The Portland Police Department has released an updated description of a man suspected of sexually assaulting a woman in a parking lot off Back Cove earlier in the week. Police are searching for a white male between the ages of 36 and 48 years old; heavy set but not obese; between 5-feet-11 inches and 6-feet-2-inches tall; with receding brown hair; and green eyes, according to a press release. The man was further described as wearing a red T-shirt, jean shorts and sneakers, at the time of the Monday assault, and was unshaven and had tattoos on one or both of his forearms. The man is being sought after he allegedly attacked Police released this sketch a 30-year-old woman in the of a suspect in an alleged sexual assault on Back Preble Street parking lot on Cove Monday morning. Back Cove around 10:20 a.m. (COURTESY IMAGE) Monday. The woman told police a man was in the passenger seat of her car and sexually assaulted her. The victim told police that when she got in her car, which showed no signs of forced entry, she realized a man was in the passenger seat and tried to fight him off while he sexually assaulted her, according to investigators. Police say the woman was able to sound the car’s horn and he left the area on foot and walked toward the peninsula. Police say they think other people were in the lot at the time of the attack and investigators are asking potential witnesses to contact the department with any information. Police are interested if anyone saw a man enter or exit the passenger side of a small red car and ask them to call detectives immediately at 874-8575. Community members may submit tips by going to the Portland Police Department website: www.portland-police.com and clicking “Submit an Anonymous Crime Tip,” and anonymous phone tips can be left on the police department’s Crime Tip line: 874-8584.

A recycling customer pauses next to one of the “silver bullet” recycling containers at Bayside in this image from 2012. This year, fires on May 18, May 24, May 26, May 28 and June 2 were set in or next to the containers, causing an estimated $12,000 in damage and prompting the city to remove the containers. The public can leave recycling out on regular collection days or bring items to the Riverside Recycling Facility, the city reported. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

monly known as silver bullets — so they can be repaired. Residents are being asked to either put their recycling out on regular collection days or bring items to the Riverside Recycling Facility. The fires on May 18, May 24, May 26, May 28 and June 2 were set in or next to the containers, according to the city, and caused an estimated $12,000 in damage to the bins, which are leased by the city from EcoMaine. The causes of the fires are being investigated by the Portland Fire Department Investigation Division, according to a press release, and anyone with information is being encouraged to contact the PFD at 874-8794. The Riverside Recycling Facility is open from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday through Saturday, and people can contact Public Services dispatch with any questions about the city’s recycling program at 874-8493.

Jail’s medium security housing units was made, the sheriff’s office reported. Several officers responded and found fights in progress within the housing unit, a press release stated. Officers quickly broke up the altercations that lasted for only a few minutes, the press release stated. During the melee, Officer Tyrone Leslie was punched in the mouth by an inmate, an injury that required stitches, the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office reported. The fight started between two inmates over a magazine and escalated to include eight to 10 inmates, the press release stated. The sheriff’s office credited the quick response from the corrections officers to halt the incident before it could become a more dangerous situation. Investigation continues into the incident and, charges will be sought against the inmate that caused the injury to Leslie.

City removes recycling bins from Bayside site after series of fires

Sheriff: Jail officer punched in the mouth during melee by inmates

Arsenault joins Cheverus staff

A recycling hub that had been sited in Bayside has been relocated to Riverside Street in light of several fires that damaged the collection bins. Due to five suspected arsons at the recycling collection point at the corner of Chestnut and Somerset streets, the city has moved the containers — com-

A fight that broke out at one of the Cumberland County Jail’s medium security housing units last week left one officer injured, the Cumberland County Sheriff’s Office reported Wednesday. On Thursday, May 30, at 11:15 a.m., a call for officer assistance in one of the Cumberland County

Jeff Arsenault will be joining the facilities management team as a custodian at Cheverus High School, according to an announcement from Brian Lemay, director of the physical plant. Arsenault comes to Cheverus with years of experience as a custodian for Saint Joseph’s College in Standish, and as a work crew supervisor at Long Creek Youth Center in South Portland.

Today’s Birthdays: Actress Billie Whitelaw is 81. Civil rights activist Roy Innis is 79. Singer-songwriter Gary “U.S.” Bonds is 74. Country singer Joe Stampley is 70. Actor Robert Englund is 66. Singer Dwight Twilley is 62. Playwright-actor Harvey Fierstein is 61. Comedian Sandra Bernhard is 58. International Tennis Hall of Famer Bjorn Borg is 57. Comedian Colin Quinn is 54. Rock singermusician Tom Araya (Slayer) is 52. Actor Jason Isaacs is 50. Rock musician Sean Yseult is 47. Actor Max Casella is 46. Actor Paul Giamatti is 46. Rock musician Bardi Martin is 44. Rock musician James “Munky” Shaffer (Korn) is 43. Country singer Lisa Brokop is 40. Actress Sonya Walger is 39. Actress Staci Keanan is 38. Actress Amber Borycki is 30.


by Lynn Johnston

information that isn’t pertinent to your audience. Your brevity puts you in a class above. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). There are no right answers or wrong answers today. There are just mindful and less mindful answers. The more thought you put into you response to the world, the better the reaction will be. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). You may take sheer joy in an experience, but the person who wasn’t there will find it difficult to understand. Practice telling the story. Your storytelling skills will someday take you far in life. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). Why should a tree be judged by its fruit? That’s the old wisdom. There is so much to a tree. Take the holistic approach to the “tree” in your own life. Maybe there’s a different way to judge the situation. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 6). Through the next six weeks, a development in your personal life makes life exciting. Old relationship problems smooth out, favorably affecting other areas of your life. Finances free up so you can afford the item you know will make your work better. You’ll see a different part of the world in July and November. Aries and Sagittarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 33, 50, 26, 5 and 46.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your relatives have set a precedent, and now it’s up to you to follow the example. You’ll feel their energy bearing down on you, but not in an overly aggressive way. It’s just the push you need. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Do not accept more work than you are currently handling. It will be tempting to say “yes,” but if you do so off the cuff, you are not taking enough into consideration. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You are curious but not exactly adventurous enough to branch out just yet. It’s wise to test the waters. Singles: A restless feeling may cause you to drift into the arms of someone unexpected. CANCER (June 22-July 22). What was broken will now be fixed. Bonus: The cost will be minimal. An encounter with neighbors will be another point of interest. What are they doing there? LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Computers, electrical systems and other technical devices will be part of today’s plot. Hopefully, everything is working as it should, but if not, there are people standing by to help. Don’t fly blind in this regard. Get recommendations. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Go on and demonstrate your unique approach. You have courage, integrity and more. You’ll influence people and gain fans. It’s not an overnight process, but that’s good because you’re in it for the long haul. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Question: How can you change your loved one’s mind? Answer: You can’t. But you can be so firmly convicted in your own mind that you make your point of view seem righteous, joyous and way more fun. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). If you’re feeling a little creatively drained, remember: Each rock creates its own space. If a rock can be creative, so can you. And today you have it in you to put something in the world that wasn’t there before. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You’d rather keep your correspondence short and pleasantly to the point than rattle on with

By Holiday Mathis

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at www.sudoku.com

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013

1 4 9 13 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 23 24 26 29 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

ACROSS TV’s __ Leno “Jack __ could eat no fat...” Punch Cool __ heels; wait Statement of religious beliefs Bangkok native Green-winged __; colorful duck Of the kidneys Curved edges Good for you Klutz’s word Female hogs Hightailed it Walk with a flourish Boaster UFO pilot Dried plum __ eye to eye; agree Tie up Cut of beef Make a tiny cut Eden woman

41 Eagle’s nest 42 __ of the crime; murder locale 43 Compensated 45 Rough-textured 46 Twelfth month: abbr. 47 Boldness 48 Spanish romantic artist 51 Insulting 56 Full of interest 57 Steve or Gracie 58 Orderly 60 Egg on 61 Josh with 62 Celebration 63 Luau garlands 64 Some woodwinds 65 John Boehner’s title: abbr.

1 2 3

DOWN __ down; note Turn over __ leaf; reform Slangy reply

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 14 21 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 35 38 39

Absurd Push hard on City in Nevada Actor Sandler Long-suffering Mighty Columbus, __ Sleep outdoors Bit of Hershey’s chocolate Walked through water Money lent Years lived Cavalry sword Still breathing Tendon Interweave Wily trick Actor Edward Harness straps Cone-shaped home Tiny skin opening British soldiers in the American Revolution Climbing

41 “Roses __ red, violets...” 42 Convinced 44 Sayings 45 International film festival site 47 Honking birds 48 Ancient region that included

49 50 bear 52 53 54 55 59

France Meanie Cartoon Biting insect Linen fiber plant Close by Strong wind Touch lightly

Yesterday’s Answer

The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Thursday, June 6, the 157th day of 2013. There are 208 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On June 6, 1944, Allied forces stormed the beaches of Normandy, France, on “D-Day,” beginning the liberation of German-occupied western Europe during World War II. On this date: In 1513, troops of the Swiss Confederation defeated the French in the Battle of Novara. In 1799, American politician and orator Patrick Henry died at Red Hill Plantation in Virginia. In 1844, the Young Men’s Christian Association was founded in London. In 1912, the greatest volcanic eruption of the 20th century took place as Novarupta in Alaska began a series of explosive episodes over a 60-hour period. In 1925, Walter Percy Chrysler founded the Chrysler Corp. In 1932, the Senate approved, and President Herbert Hoover signed, a Revenue Act containing the first federal gasoline tax, which was one cent per gallon. In 1933, the first drive-in movie theater was opened by Richard Hollingshead in Camden County, N.J. (The movie shown was “Wives Beware,” starring Adolphe Menjou.) In 1966, black activist James Meredith was shot and wounded as he walked along a Mississippi highway to encourage black voter registration. In 1968, Sen. Robert F. Kennedy died at Good Samaritan Hospital in Los Angeles, a day after he was shot by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan. In 1978, California voters overwhelmingly approved Proposition 13, a primary ballot initiative calling for major cuts in property taxes. In 1982, Israeli forces invaded Lebanon to drive Palestine Liberation Organization fighters out of the country. (The Israelis withdrew in June 1985.) In 1985, authorities in Brazil exhumed a body later identified as the remains of Dr. Josef Mengele, the notorious “Angel of Death” of the Nazi Holocaust. Ten years ago: The government reported the U.S. unemployment rate had hit a nine-year high of 6.1 percent the previous month. Already the holder of U.S. rights to the Olympics through 2008, NBC secured the contracts for the 2010 and 2012 games for $2.2 billion. Five years ago: The Dow industrial average dropped 394.64 points to 12,209.81, its worst loss in more than a year. Crude futures made their biggest single-day jump ever, soaring nearly $11 for the day to $138.54 a barrel. Actor Bob Anderson, who played young George Bailey in “It’s a Wonderful Life,” died in Palm Springs, Calif., at age 75. One year ago: Business social network LinkedIn reported that some of its users’ passwords had been stolen and leaked onto the Internet. New Yorkers lined the West Side waterfront to welcome the space shuttle Enterprise as it sailed up the Hudson River to its new home aboard the Intrepid Sea, Air & Space Museum.


Dial 5

CTN 5 Poet


Save Me WCSH (N) Å

7 8 9 10

8:30 Rotary

Save Me “Heavenly Hostess” Hell’s Kitchen One WPFO team’s service flags during dinner. (N) Jimmy NBA Countdown WMTW Kimmel Live (N) (N) TWC TV OnStage Mature Maine

JUNE 6, 2013



Barbra Streisand: One Night Only


Jennifer performs. (In Stereo) Å Country Pop Legends (My Music) Country and WENH pop charts. (In Stereo) Å


WPXT Tyler receives an unex-

13 17 24

pected visit. Å The Big Two and a Half Men Å WGME Bang Theory WPME White Collar Å DISC Alaska: The Last Fron



The Office Parks and Hannibal “Roti” The BAU News Tonight “Stairma- Recreation team searches for Dr. Show With geddon” Gideon. (N) Jay Leno Å Does Someone Have News 13 on FOX (N) Dish Nation The Office to Go? California’s DFX (N) Å “Fun Run” Å Sports and Fitness. (N) 2013 NBA Finals Game 1: Teams TBA. (N) (Live) Å WMTW News 8 at 11 (N) Paid Prog. Paid Prog. Maine Auto King Paid Prog. Paid Prog.

MPBN Watch with at the Village Vanguard The singer

The Vampire Diaries

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

Cumberland County

Beauty and the Beast “All In” An immigrant is arrested for murder. Person of Interest “C.O.D.” A cabdriver is a person of interest. White Collar Å Buying Al. Buying Al.

Peter, Paul & Mary -- 25th Anniversary Concert The folk music trio performs. (In Stereo) Å Robert Plant & the Band of Joy: Live From the Artists Den Å 30 Rock (In 30 Rock (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å

PBS NewsHour (In Stereo) Å

Elementary Watson fears for Sherlock’s sobriety. (In Stereo) Å Law Order: CI

WGME News 13 at 11 (N) Road Trip


Buying Al. Buying Al.


Movie: ››› “Twister” (1996) Helen Hunt, Bill Paxton.

Friends (In TMZ (N) (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å Late Show With David Letterman Sunny

Graceland “Graceland”

The 700 Club Å NCIS: Los Angeles

NESN MLB Baseball: Rangers at Red Sox


Red Sox


CSNE Draft

On, Water Red Bull Series


SportsNet Sports


ESPN SportCtr


Lombardi’s Legacy

Baseball Tonight (N)


ESPN2 Strong



Lombardi’s Legacy (N) Nation at Night (N)


FAM Twister


USA NCIS “Dead Air” Å

27 28


Daily SportsNet

SportsCenter (N) Å



Criminal Minds Å

Criminal Minds Å

House (In Stereo) Å


DISN Good Luck Jessie





TOON Incredible Regular

King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


NICK Big Time

Full House Full House The Nanny The Nanny Friends



Criminal Minds Å

Burn Notice (N)



MSNBC All In With Chris Hayes Rachel Maddow Show


The Last Word

Shake It

All In With Chris Hayes


CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Live (N)

Anderson Cooper 360

Erin Burnett OutFront


CNBC Amer. Greed

American Greed

American Greed

Mad Money

The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)




TNT The Hero “Courage” Betty LIFE Betty


Greta Van Susteren

The O’Reilly Factor

72 Hours (N) Å

The Hero “Courage”

72 Hours Å


Pretty Wicked Moms

To Be Announced



Say Yes Four Weddings (N) TLC Say Yes AMC Movie: ››› “Grease” (1978) John Travolta.


HGTV Rehab


TRAV Mysteries-Museum


50 52


A&E The First 48 Å BRAVO Married to Medicine

Four Weddings Å

Showville (N) Å




Hunt Intl

Renovation Raiders (N) Hunters

Hunt Intl

Monumental Mysteries Mysteries-Museum


The First 48 (N) Å

Beyond Scared

Beyond Scared


Tabatha Takes Over

The Week by Bravo (N)





HALL Frasier



Movie: ›› “Outlander” (2008, Action) James Caviezel. Å


ANIM Swim-Monsters

Yellowstone: Battle for Life (In Stereo) Å









COM Chappelle Chappelle Tosh.0

62 67 68 76 78 146



Four Weddings (N)


Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


Swamp People (N)

Frasier Contact Pawn

Movie: ›‡ “The Cookout” (2004) Ja Rule.





Two Men

Two Men









Big Bang

Big Bang

Men-Work Big Bang

Movie: ›‡ “Grown Ups” (2010)

SPIKE Movie: “Piranha” OXY ›› “She’s All That”

Daily Show Colbert

iMPACT Wrestling (N) (In Stereo) Å

Conan (N) Å “Crank: High Voltage”

Movie: ›‡ “Head Over Heels” (2001)

›› “She’s All That”

TCM Movie: “Bride of Frankenstein”



Movie: ››‡ “Lakeview Terrace” (2008) Å

TVLND Cleveland The Exes TBS


1 4 9 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 26 30 31 33 34 36 37 41

“Godzilla, King of the Monsters”

ACROSS Maximum limit “Moll Flanders” author Hurt the feelings of Marriage vow Sphere of operation Of sound City near Pike’s Peak “Catch-22” star Alan Southwestern art colony Arrangement Mechanical tooth Newspaper section Bonehead Is willing to Nose into Sleep Monster of the Mojave 1996 Melanie Griffith movie Cookie snack


42 Lawsuit claim 43 Aromas 45 Country on the Gulf of Aden 46 Mongrel 49 Light coat 51 Pentagon grp. 52 Restaurant handout 53 James of “Misery” 55 Clothes in a Scotsman’s closet 56 Voice of Papa Smurf and Grandpa Smurf 62 Back from dreamland 63 Graph starter? 64 Regard with regret 65 Doled (out) 66 Put into office 67 Still 1 2 3

DOWN Noisy insect Reveres Lively Eastern European dances

4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 19 23 24 25 27 28 29 31 32 34 35 37 38 39

Doggone it! Period of note G-man Lennon’s lover Bridge seat Razor sharpeners Chemical warfare agent Roadhouse Game requiring no equipment Ernie of the PGA Slick liquid Ballerina steps Might Expenditure Shone Vex Price of passage Spring-side resorts Which person? Live wire Crisp dessert Bordered Frame of mind Pakistani language Most August babies

40 44 46 47 48 50 52

Marsh In a chair Salad leafstalk Fictitious Winter apple College cheer Cambridge, MA sch. 54 Scruff

55 Shoelace problem 56 Tie-up 57 Have outstanding debts 58 Cole who was “King” 59 Org. of Penguins 60 Heartache 61 Back of the bus.

Yesterday’s Answer

Page 12 — The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013


CLASSIFIEDS • CALL 699-5807 DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offi ces 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.


For Sale


BEST Cash Prices Paid- Also, buying contents of attics, basements, garages, barns. 1 item to entire estates. Call Joe (207)653-4048.

STUN GUNS- Black and pink. 15M volts with led flashlight. Legal in ME, anyone 18+. Latest model. $30/ea, 2 for $50. Kevin, 207-615-6111.

ECO-FRIENDLY electric and reel mowing (207)318-6397. lowcarbonlawncare.com

Autos Rossrecyclenremoval@gmail.com

Cash for autos and trucks, some metals. Call Steve (207)523-9475.

Free HIGHEST cash price paid for your scrap box trailers, school busses, heavy equipment and cars. No Campers (207)393-7318.

For Rent

Home Improvements

PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $595-$900. (207)773-1814.

EXTERIOR/ Interior Painting. 20+ years experience. Also, cleaning out of garages, basements, attics, barns. Insured. References. Call Joe at (207)653-4048.

PORTLANDWoodford’s. 2 bedrooms, parking, heated, bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $825/mo. (207)773-1814.

JACK Alltrade, semi-retired, looking for projects. Build, rebuild, plumb, paint, electrify. Trustworth with references. (207)415-7321.

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Dear Annie: My husband is a high-ranking officer in the military. He has worked hard to achieve his current position and is highly respected. The problem is, his family treats him like a child. In a few months, there will be a formal ceremony to mark his change of command. My in-laws will be in attendance, and they are certain to embarrass him. They insist on calling him by his unusual childhood nickname (he cringes every time). They talk down to him and give him gifts meant for children, such as books for teen boys (last Christmas), a small child’s backpack (last birthday) and now a child’s piggy bank, which they intend to present to him in front of his unit at the ceremony. These gifts are not intended as jokes. My husband is always gracious on the outside but horrified on the inside. Is there some way to remind his family that he is indeed an adult and has certainly earned the right to be treated like one? -- Proud Military Spouse Dear Spouse: It is difficult to change ingrained behavior without the cooperation of all the people involved. Your husband apparently has determined that the best way to handle his parents is to leave things as they are. That is his choice. While we appreciate your desire to be supportive and protective, you might also be adding to his stress because your reaction is one of anger and embarrassment. Ask your husband whether he wants you to talk to his parents. If he says no, we urge you to separate their behavior from your husband’s reputation. His patient tolerance of their inappropriateness says many positive things about the strength of his character. Dear Annie: My nephew, “Joe Smith,” has a Ph.D. He is marrying “Jane Doe,” who will soon have her M.D. What is the proper form of address for her? Would she be

Dr. Jane Doe-Smith or Ms. Jane Doe-Smith or something else? When I address an envelope to both of them, do I write Dr. and Dr. Joe Smith or Dr. and Mrs. Joe Smith or The Doctors Joe and Jane Smith? It is difficult to be politically correct these days. -- S. Dear S.: It’s complicated, but not impossible. When introducing either of them, always use “Dr.” If you are using titles when addressing an envelope, it would depend on whether it is formal (“Dr. Jane Smith and Dr. Joe Smith”) or informal (“The Doctors Smith”), and whether she is retaining her maiden name (“Dr. Jane Doe” and “Dr. Joe Smith” on separate lines). If she is hyphenating her name, find out whether she prefers “Dr. Jane Doe-Smith” or “Dr. Jane Smith-Doe” and use that. When in doubt, ask what the preference is. Dear Annie: I could identify with the letter from “California,” who found out after 40 years of marriage that her husband had been cheating on her with prostitutes for the past two decades. She was unsure of what to do next. I, too, had a husband who cheated on me for 20 years. His conquests were also often prostitutes. After 35 years of marriage and five kids, I gathered up all of my courage and filed for divorce. It was the most difficult thing I have ever done. Fast-forward four years. I am a gainfully employed, personally fulfilled and happy community volunteer who is dating a sweet, kind 65-year-old widower. This man loves, cherishes and respects me in ways I never thought possible. I feel like a queen! I may live three more years or 30, but I will never regret making the change I did. Remember that no one can go back and make a new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending. -- Heart Full of Joy in Pennsylvania

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to: anniesmailbox@comcast.net, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

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The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013— Page 13

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– THEATER REVIEW –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Dramatic Repertory Company delivers on minimalist theater

Musicals come in all shapes and sizes. Dramatic Repertory Company’s [TITLE OF SHOW] AN ORIGINAL BROADWAY MUSICAL is a contemporary, minimalist, innovative approach to the genre. The show is about “two guys writing a musical about two guys writing a musical” with “four chairs and a keyboard.” The story itself, though, is ––––– as old as the Broadway Stage, Theater how to make it to the big time and the climb associated with Critic success. The script is interesting and more than once caused uncontrolled laughter on my part; where the script and score lack though, the artistic ensemble more than make up the short comings and present an

Harold Withee

intimate behind the scenes theater experience. Keith Powell Beyland directs and has assembled a remarkable cast of five. Musical direction is in the capable hands of Victoria Stubbs. Electric Keyboard is the only instrument and is incorporated into the action of the play, giving Ms Stubbs a large role in the story which she takes advantage to milk more than one amusing moment of laughter.The rest of the cast is made of two men and two women portraying the real creators of this musical and their friends. Each cast member brought completed characters and extreme uniqueness and nuance, creating people the audience truly grew to care about. Equity actor Michael Wood (Jeff) leads this cast and is joined by Lisa van Oosterum (Heidi), the only character working on Broadway and not working a “real” job as the story unfolds. Jen Means (Susan) inhabits a character who confronts inner demons forcing her off the stage and into a day job, bringing financial security but longings


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for artistic enrichment. Andrew Sawyer (Hunter) , dashing boy next door type who dreams big yet has time management issues and motivational pitfalls, fills out the cast. Mr. Wood has wonderful control in movement, creating a strong focal center for the choreography. Vanessa SW Beyland creates an evening of dance that enhances the production, becomes part of the storytelling and, performed in an intimate space, never feels anything except natural within the context of the world created. Each cast member brings a talented singing voice, although each had a moment when more vocal power would have been appreciated. A cast working together and all equal in the excellence attained is a rare joy as an audience member. [TITLE OF SHOW] has that cast. Jen Means stands a bit taller. I very much enjoyed the character work and found myself laughing easily because of her reactions and quirky, zany, heart of gold, Susan antics. The design team comprises Travis Grant with costumes, Chris Fitze with sound and Michaela Wirth with Lighting. The play was performed without an intermission, and seemed a bit on the long side without a break. The bad news is this production closes June 9, after only two weeks and space is limited. This is not a family show and contains adult themes and language Dramatic Repertory Company performs in the Portland Stage Studio space. 800-8383006 www.dramaticrep.org I applaud Dramatic Repertory Company’s FUTURE PATRONS program and wish to share the details with you — “Theatre-goers 25 and under can see DRC shows for just 5 bucks — less than the cost of a movie ticket! Theatre is habit forming, and DRC wants to be a catalyst. DRC’s tickets are available day-of only, and require government-issued ID as proof of age. Seating is first come, first served and subject to availability.” I also wish to remind you all to prepare for the most exciting city wide theatre festival of the year, PORTFRINGE 2013! June 26 through June 30. Don’t be left with only ignorance and nothing to talk about at the water cooler, get your tickets now www. portfringe.com. (Harold Withee is a member of Actors’ Equity and SAG-AFTRA.)

Prospective buyer of Mike’s Rock n’Roll Sandwiches aims for co-op

Mike’s Rock n’ Roll Sandwiches, which earlier this year ignited a firestorm with counterprotests to the weekly gathering of Planned Parenthood protesters, announced that it would be closing, but that announcement may have been premature. Alex Briggs contacted owner Mike Fink this week, securing a proposed buyout agreement for the sandwich shop, with plans to turn it into a co-op. “I worked in Montreal in a collective kitchen for a few years, part of a school and student organization,” said Briggs in an interview Wednesday. “It will be a worker co-op and a user co-op, making it transparent on the Internet.” Briggs said that he didn’t plan to make any menu changes, at least at first. Fink acknowledged in an interview this week that Briggs had approached him about buying out the equipment and the lease, with an eye towards turning the eatery into a co-operative. “I let him know what was needed to buy out my equipment and my lease. He came back an hour later with a deposit check,” Fink said. Though the restaurant has been closed for only a few weeks, the change of ownership mandates that it be re-inspected as a “new” restaurant rather than a simple renewal inspection. “We looked into this, and I let (Alex) know that was going to happen,” said Fink. Briggs is organizing a meeting for Saturday, June 8 at 11 a.m. to seek input from those interested in joining or taking part in the co-op. “It only runs 40 hours a week right now, and I’ll be looking at the backroom and other things,” Briggs said. — Bob Higgins

Page 14 — The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Thursday, June 6 Wayside Food Programs food drive

9 a.m. to 7 p.m. “Because of the challenging economy, pressure has grown on Wayside to provide food to Maine’s hungry. To meet its growing needs, Wayside Food Programs will hold a three-day food drive on June 6-8 that will be hosted by Whole Foods Market, located at 2 Somerset St. in Portland. Running from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. each day, the food drive will focus on collecting food for families served by Wayside and its partner agencies. Wayside Food Programs collects and distributes food to 47 agencies, including soup kitchens, food pantries and other social service providers across Cumberland County. Wayside also runs seven free community meals at six host sites each week in Portland and Westbrook, four of its own mobile food pantries, and supplies healthy snacks for kids through a program with Portland Community Policing.The Whole Foods drive will help restock Wayside’s shelves, as well as those of the other agencies it serves, providing food to families throughout Cumberland County.”

Portland High graduation

10:30 a.m. The Portland Public Schools announced graduation ceremonies at Portland High School: June 6, 10:30 a.m., Merrill Auditorium. Diplomas will be awarded to 185 students. http://www2.portlandschools.org

USM Open House in energy ‘test house’

5 p.m. to 7 p.m. A University of Southern Maine program to give students and working professionals hands-on experience in evaluating energy conservation measures will hold an open house and demonstrations at 19 College Ave., Gorham. “This event is free and open to the public. RSVP to Assistant Research Professor Daniel Martinez of the USM Department of Environmental Science at daniel.m.martinez@maine.edu or 207-780-5444. Martinez, who manages the house, is interested in talking with the general public, students as well as with energy conservation professionals about possible ways to partner in the testing, research, and education of affordable and new energy-saving technologies.The 19 College Avenue site is a university-owned building on USM’s Gorham campus built as a private home in the late 19th century. USM’s Applied Energy Program uses the building as a test site for the installation and monitoring of weatherization programs and other low-cost energy conservation measures on an older residential structure.”

‘Spreading Chestnut Tree’ poems

5:30 p.m. Longfellow Garden, Maine Historical Society, 489 Congress Street, Portland. Poems that grew from a “Spreading Chestnut Tree” with speaker, author Sydelle Pearl. “Join us for a family-friendly, late springtime event in the Longfellow Garden. Author Sydelle Pearl will share how she was inspired to write her new biography ‘Dear Mr. Longfellow: Letters to and from the Children’s Poet.’ Follow her research journey to discover the story behind a special gift made for Henry Wadsworth Longfellow by the children of Cambridge, Massachusetts, to celebrate the poet’s 72nd birthday. A book sale and signing will follow the talk. Sydelle Pearl is also the author of ‘Elijah’s Tears: Stories for the Jewish Holidays,’ ‘Books for Children of the World: The Story of Jella Lepman,’ and ‘Hope Somewhere in America: The Story of a Child, a Painting, and a President.’ A former children’s librarian, Pearl has been a professional storyteller for 20 years.”

Casco Bay High graduation

6 p.m. The Portland Public Schools announced graduation ceremonies at Casco Bay High School: June 6, 6 p.m., Merrill Auditorium. Diplomas will be awarded to 60 students. http://www2.portlandschools.org

Art at Work presents Radio Calls

6 p.m. “This Thursday, the City of Portland and Art at Work presents Radio Calls excerpts, with several Portland police officers performing excerpts about the life and work of police officers in Portland. After the death of David Okot in an armed confrontation with Portland police officers, the city experienced youth engaging in escalating incidents of rock and bottle-throwing at police officers and city workers. In response, then Police Chief James Craig asked Marty Pottenger, the city’s director of Art At Work, to write and direct a play with officers for high school students to help foster a common understanding between the two groups. The evening is co-hosted by Police Chief Michael Sauschuck who will be joined by Officers Coreena Behnke, Steve Black, Gayle Petty and former Officer Ray Ruby for the performance. Officer Gayle Petty and Chief Sauschuck will each read a poem they wrote through the Art At Work initiative. Prior to the event, attendees can explore the Council Chambers Gallery and the exhibit, Necessary Works, a retrospective of Art At Work projects with city staff, residents, and artists Daniel Minter, Katarina Weslien, Betsy Sholl, Dave Wade, Tonee Harbert, Elizabeth Jabar, Marty Pottenger, Jan

Tony Reilly and Kat Moraros in Mad Horse Theatre Company’s production of “Titus Andronicus,” by William Shakespeare, starting today in South Portland. (Photo by James Hoban) Piiribeck, Christopher Wright, Kelly Rioux, Johnathan Cook, Patrick Corrigan, Alison Goodwin and Tim Clorius. The event is free and open to the public. For more information about the events or Art At Work, visit http://www.artatwork. us.” City Council Chambers Gallery, City Hall

Summer Art Sale by MECA

6 p.m. to 9 p.m. Maine College of Art, Thursday, June 6 (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) Invitational Preview (by invitation only); Friday, June 7 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) Shopping; Saturday, June 8 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) Shopping (Meet the Artists from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.); Sunday, June 9 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Shopping. “For the first time ever, MECA will host a Summer Art Sale at 85 Free Street in Downtown Portland from Friday, June 6 through Sunday, June 9. Featuring an impressive collection of original works from MECA students, alumni, faculty, and other professional artists, the event benefits MECA’s scholarship fund for aspiring artists and designers. Admission is free and the public are invited to attend. For more information, please visit meca.edu/artsale.”

An evening with Monica Wood

6:30 p.m. The South Portland Public LIbrary presents an evening with Monica Wood, at the library’s Main location at 482 Broadway, South Portland.This event is presented by the Friends of the South Portland Public Library and is offered free to the public. Books will be available for purchase, and there will be a signing by the author following the event. Questions about this event can be directed to the South Portland Public Library at 767-7660. Visit the library website at www.southportlandlibrary.com or follow us on Facebook.

‘Titus Andronicus’ by Mad Horse

7:30 p.m. “Titus Andronicus” runs June 6 through June 23, in the Mad Horse Theater at the Hutchins School, 24 Mosher St., South Portland. “Mad Horse closes its 27th Season on a grand scale with one of Shakespeare’s most sweeping and controversial plays. In this depiction of an aging warrior’s return home, Titus Andronicus is a masterful examination of power, corruption, loyalty to family and to country, and the lengths to which one man will go to right a horrifying wrong. A legendary general, Titus Andronicus, returns in triumph to Rome. But the city is in chaos, its Emperor dead. The years of battle have taken their toll on Titus — the choices he makes from the moment he sets foot in the city lead to a spiral of betrayal, revenge and death.” Performance times are Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday Matinees at 2 p.m. There will be a special Talk Back with the director and the actors immediately following the matinee on Sunday, June 16. Tickets are

$20 for adults; $15 for seniors/students. Reservations are recommended. Tickets can be purchased online at: www. madhorse.com/tickets.

Friday, June 7 Summer Art Sale by MECA

9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Maine College of Art, Thursday, June 6 (6 p.m. to 9 p.m.) Invitational Preview (by invitation only); Friday, June 7 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) Shopping; Saturday, June 8 (9 a.m. to 9 p.m.) Shopping (Meet the Artists from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m.); Sunday, June 9 (10 a.m. to 2 p.m.) Shopping. “For the first time ever, MECA will host a Summer Art Sale at 85 Free Street in Downtown Portland from Friday, June 6 through Sunday, June 9. Featuring an impressive collection of original works from MECA students, alumni, faculty, and other professional artists, the event benefits MECA’s scholarship fund for aspiring artists and designers. Admission is free and the public are invited to attend. For more information, please visit meca.edu/artsale.”

Waynflete School Commencement

2:25 p.m. Waynflete School Baccalaureate and Commencement 2013. Baccalaureate will be held on Thursday, June 6, in the Sanctuary, and Commencement will take place on Friday, June 7, at Merrill Auditorium. A shuttle will be offered to the Commencement ceremony, departing from behind Thomas House from 2:25 p.m. to 3:49 p.m., approximately every eight minutes. http://www.waynflete.org

‘A Beautiful Night in the Neighborhood’

5 p.m. First Friday Art Walk, “A Beautiful Night in the Neighborhood” at Mayo Street Arts. “The students living in the Portland Housing Authority neighborhoods of Riverton Park, Sagamore Village, and Kennedy Park are pleased to be presenting their original artwork to you on Friday, June 7 from 5-8 p.m. at Mayo Street Arts. In an effort to lend these talented yet underserved youth visibility in their community and give that community a chance to invest in their future, the work will be for sale for between $5-15. The proceeds will go either directly to the artists, in conjunction with a personal finance workshop, or to benefit youth programs of the PHA. Please join us for food, drink, music, First Friday splendor, and above all a celebration of Portland’s youth. The student-artists are making some beautiful pieces, and we hope to see you there on June 7th to support their success!” http://mayostreetarts.org/calendar or http://artwalkmaine.org/first-friday-art-walk-portland see next page

The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

‘I Gotta Have That’ at the PPL

5 p.m. Portland Public Library presents “I Gotta Have That: The art of collecting” and a performance by Portland Ballet. First Friday Art Walk, Friday, June 7, Lewis Gallery reception from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m., Portland Ballet performance in the Atrium at 8:30 p.m. “This exhibit explores why collectors acquire the art that they collect. Curated by Steve Halpert, this show will exhibit works from the collections of John M. Day, Juris Ubans, Carlene Goldman and Bruce Brown which will be accompanied by statements about what drew them the art in their collections and in collecting art generally.”

‘Before I Die’ art project

5 p.m. “The Maine Center for Creativity is going to unveiling a global interactive art project called ‘Before I Die.’ Originally created by Louisiana artist Candy Chang the ‘Before I Die’ wall has been featured over 200 times in 40 countries all over the world, and now we’re bringing it to Portland. The wall will serve as a public art space, and will become a center for the Portland community’s hopes, dreams and inspiration. The wall will be unveiled outside Flatbread Pizza in Portland at 5 p.m. on June 7, and will be up all month long. ... We thank our volunteers who helped make this happen: Nela Alvarez-Sotomayer; Greg Boulos; Ryan Adams and Flatbread Pizza! More info at: http://www.mainecenterforcreativity.org/you-bring-the-dreams-we-bring-the-chalk. See the walls around the world at: http://beforeidie.cc.”

Dirigo Dance Project

5 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Dirigo Dance Project will be making its debut performance during Portland’s First Friday Art Walk on June 7 at Bright Star World Dance beginning at 5 p.m. and occurring every half hour until 7:30 p.m. “During this exciting premier performance, Dirigo Dance Project will be presenting two short original works choreographed by Keith Nadeau and Emily Zack. This free public performance will delight First Friday Artwalkers of all ages. Bright Star World Dance is centrally located on Monument Square at 496 Congress St., on the fourth floor.”

Oak Street Lofts exhibit

5 p.m. to 8 p.m. Paintings and other art by the residents of the Marshwood Center in Lewiston will be on display for First Friday Art Walk this Friday, June 7, from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Oak Street Lofts gallery. Titled “Late Works,” the show features still-life, blotch and stamp paintings, as well as colorized antique photography and drawings, created by residents as part of the Center’s artist-in-residence program. “Oak Street Lofts is also the first affordable multifamily building in Maine to achieve LEED Platinum certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. For more on Oak Street Lofts and its energy-efficient features, visit our website at http://www.avestahousing.org/properties/60/ Oak-Street-Lofts.”

Snapshots of the Barnyard

5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday Art Walk opening of Snapshots of the Barnyard, Photos and prints of felt textile handicraft made by Loren Leahy. “Loren Leahy returns to the Green Hand with photos and postcards of her handmade felt fowl at home waddling around, scratching in the dirt and just looking cute. A delightful way to start the summer!” The Green Hand Bookshop, 661 Congress St., Portland. On display through June. FMI: Contact Michelle Souliere at 253-6808 or michelle.souliere@gmail.com.

Cardboard Monster at Meg Perry

5 p.m. to 9 p.m. “Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St., Portland, Cardboard Monster: Art Show. “If you happen to look in the windows on this First Friday (June 7th) you are going to see a fantastically bizarre thing. Strings from the ceiling will be criss crossing the gallery space, at the end of each string is a marker, and the audience will be using those markers to draw all over “CARDBOARD MONSTERS” made by local artists; Meg Gates, Sebastian Meade, Abbeth Russell, William Hessian and many more. A recent open call to artists has invited anyone to bring in their own cardboard monsters to be added to the show. The Meg Perry Center will be a colorful jungle of monsters, markers and strings! Two incredible music acts will accompany the madness and an open mic will be available to those who feel inspired to join the musical fun. At 7p.m. Jake Savage will plays an eclectic blend of percussive bass ranging from driving progressive to poppy and melodic. Steeped in that slaphappy Claypool style and built with enough funkiness to hold up the house and keep you dancing all night. At 8 p.m. Oblong Box will combines the poetry of Edgar Allan Poe with the heavy ambiance of doom metal. A project conceptualized by John Silas, Christian Shiveley with help from Morgan Bouton. You can learn all about the show, artists and performers by visiting the event page: https://www. facebook.com/#!/events/410474609060019/?fref=ts.

Jason Hunter holds a sign at the intersection of Marginal Way and Franklin Street. Saying he has been in the Portland area for almost a year, Hunter added that he broke his hand, making it difficult to work. The Portland Public Safety/Health and Human Services Committee will be taking up the issue of loitering in the median strips at its next meeting, scheduled for Tuesday, June 11 at 5:30 p.m., according to a city memo. This meeting will be held in City Council Chambers, and public comment will be taken, according to the city. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

Our Lady of Victories art talk

5:30 p.m. June 7 as a part of First Friday Art Walk, the Portland Public Art Committee will feature Art in Our Front Yard: Portland’s Public Art Collection with a discussion of Our Lady of Victories located in Monument Square. “PPAC member Jere Dewaters will lead a discussion of the statue, its history and significance within the city’s collection. The public is encouraged to join the PPAC Friday June 7th and learn about the art in their front yard and share in a discussion of the unique place public art holds in our community. Our Lady of Victories is arguably the most well-known piece of public art in Portland. In the late nineteenth century, erecting civic monuments in memory of historic events and people became a popular custom. Located in Monument Square in the heart of downtown, Our Lady of Victories commemorates the Portland soldiers who fought and died in the American Civil War. In 1873, seven years after the devastation of the Great Fire, an association was formed under the leadership of Brevet Brigadier General John Marshall Brown to erect a monument in honor of the 5,000 lives the city lost to the Civil War, fully one-sixth of its population.” For more information about the Portland Public Art Committee, visit www.portlandmaine.gov/ planning/pubart.asp.

‘Don’t Make It Weird’ at Deering

7 p.m. Deering Drama presents “Don’t Make It Weird,” a one-act play directed by Deering alumnus Andrew Barnes, on June 7 and 8 at 7 p.m. in the Deering High School auditorium. Admission is $5 and tickets will be sold at the door. http://www2.portlandschools.org

Schoolhouse Arts Center performances

7 p.m. “Performances of ‘How to Succeed in High School Without Really Trying’ and ‘Check, Please’ will be held at Schoolhouse Arts Center on Fridays and Saturdays at 7 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $10 for everyone. Schoolhouse is located at 16 Richville Road (Route 114) in Standish, just north of the intersection of Route 114 and Route 35.” Schoolhouse Teens Production, June 7-15. For reservations, call 642-3743 or buy tickets on-line at www. schoolhousearts.org.

‘Titus Andronicus’ by Mad Horse

7:30 p.m. “Titus Andronicus” runs June 6 through June 23, in the Mad Horse Theater at the Hutchins School, 24 Mosher St., South Portland. “Mad Horse closes its 27th Season on a grand scale with one of Shakespeare’s most sweeping and controversial plays. In this depiction of an aging warrior’s return home, Titus Andronicus is a masterful examination of power, corruption, loyalty to family and to country, and the lengths to which one man will go to right a horrifying wrong. A legendary general, Titus Andronicus, returns in triumph to Rome. But the city is in chaos, its Emperor dead. The years of battle have taken their toll on Titus — the choices he makes from the moment he sets foot in the city lead to a spiral of betrayal, revenge and death.” Performance times are Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday Matinees at 2 p.m. There will be a special Talk Back with the director and the actors immediately following the matinee on Sunday, June 16. Tickets are $20 for adults; $15 for seniors/students. Reservations are

recommended. Tickets can be purchased online at: www. madhorse.com/tickets.

‘Writing on the Wall’ event

8 p.m. The ‘Writing on the Wall’ is a benefit show for the improvement of the ‘Greetings From Portland’ mural on the Asylum Nightclub. For the past seventeen years, local graffiti artists have annually graced the side of the Asylum with their vibrant and colorful large-scale murals. Two years ago, they received national attention for the ‘Greetings From Portland’ theme that has become a landmark site for the city of Portland. Please come and show support for your local artists on June 7 at 8 p.m. at the ‘Writing on the Wall’ event; featuring performances by The Educated Advocates, The Yeti, Sandbag and Altered Gee, with records being spun by DJ Boondocks.” 21 plus, $8. Asylum. http://www. portlandasylum.com/contact-us

Saturday, June 8 Limington Extension Super Yard Sales

8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturday, June 8 and every dry Saturday this month, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m.,, 476 Sand Pond Road, Limington. New clothing, fishing sup. & NASCAR items. Hundreds of new 25 cent items weekly. Benefits BEHS scholarships. FMI — 692-2989.

Lighthouses, Life-Saving and the U.S. Coast Guard

9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. Exhibit: Beyond the Breakers: Lighthouses, Life-Saving and the U.S. Coast Guard, June 8 through Oct.15, at the Maine Maritime Museum, Bath. General Admission. “Beyond the Breakers presents the story of the heroic service of the United States Coast Guard in Maine and how it evolved from the U.S. Revenue Cutter Service, the U.S. Lighthouse Service and U.S. Life-Saving Service. Rarely seen artifacts, from iconic to humble, tell this exciting narrative.” FMI visit www.MaineMaritimeMuseum.org.

Brunswick dog park christened

10 a.m. “Brunswick Area Recreation for Kanines (BARK) is pleased to announce that the new Merrymeeting Dog Park in Memory of Jake Horgan will open Saturday, June 8 at 10 a.m. Opening Day events will include welcome remarks from Brunswick town officials and a brief dedication ceremony, followed by the ribbon cutting at 10:30 a.m. Local dog trainers and several local veterinarians will be on hand to answer questions. Raffle tickets for great prizes and tee shirts will be on sale. The dog park is located on town-owned land along the Androscoggin River Bicycle and Pedestrian Path, near the Water Street entrance in Brunswick. The 1.5-acre space with beautiful views of the river, is managed by the Parks and Recreation Department. Town staff will maintain the dog park as part of its daily, year-round maintenance of the bike path, including mowing, daily trash removal, snowplowing, and parking lot and trail monitoring. ... The public is invited to celebrate this great new amenity in Brunswick. All dogs must remain on leash until after the ceremony. Visit www.barkmaine.org to view the Dog Park User’s Guide and for more information.” see next page

Page 16 — The PORTLAND Daily Sun, Thursday, June 6, 2013

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– nization located at 778 Main Street in South Portland. www. cancercommunitycenter.org/SummerSocial.htm

from preceding page

‘Don’t Make It Weird’ at Deering

Approaches to Self-Publishing

7 p.m. Deering Drama presents “Don’t Make It Weird,” a one-act play directed by Deering alumnus Andrew Barnes, on June 7 and 8 at 7 p.m. in the Deering High School auditorium. Admission is $5 and tickets will be sold at the door. http://www2.portlandschools.org

10 a.m. to noon. Approaches to Self-Publishing: Local Author Forum will feature local authors and Maine Author’s Publishing & Cooperative who will share experiences of the publishing process as well as answer questions. At Falmouth Memorial Library, 5 Lunt Road, Falmouth. FMI: Jeannie at 781-2351.

‘Titus Andronicus’ by Mad Horse

7:30 p.m. “Titus Andronicus” runs June 6 through June 23, in the Mad Horse Theater at the Hutchins School, 24 Mosher St., South Portland. “Mad Horse closes its 27th Season on a grand scale with one of Shakespeare’s most sweeping and controversial plays. In this depiction of an aging warrior’s return home, Titus Andronicus is a masterful examination of power, corruption, loyalty to family and to country, and the lengths to which one man will go to right a horrifying wrong. A legendary general, Titus Andronicus, returns in triumph to Rome. But the city is in chaos, its Emperor dead. The years of battle have taken their toll on Titus — the choices he makes from the moment he sets foot in the city lead to a spiral of betrayal, revenge and death.” Performance times are Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 7:30 p.m., and Sunday Matinees at 2 p.m. There will be a special Talk Back with the director and the actors immediately following the matinee on Sunday, June 16. Tickets are $20 for adults; $15 for seniors/students. Reservations are recommended. Tickets can be purchased online at: www. madhorse.com/tickets.

Maine Historical Society annual meeting

11 a.m. to 2 p.m. At the Pepperell Mill Campus in Biddeford. Meeting to conduct the official business of Maine Historical Society and to explore a Maine city’s past, present and future. “Every other year, the MHS annual meeting is held off-site in a dynamic location. Biddeford is a community in motion, drawing on its history and helping define an economic path forward for Maine. The annual meeting features a talk by award-winning Maine author, historian, and journalist, Colin Woodard. The event also includes awards, the welcoming of new trustees, a box lunch (provided), and a tour of the sprawling Pepperell Mill Campus, a 1 million square foot campus being redeveloped for mixed uses including residences, arts spaces, commercial facilities, a restaurant, and a planned museum of Biddeford’s textile history.” http://www.mainehistory.org/?utm_source=6%2F 8%2F13+Annual+Meeting&utm_campaign=Annual+Meeti ng+2013&utm_medium=email

World Oceans Day

11 a.m. to 2 p.m. “Learn about Lobsters on World Oceans Day with Captain Tom & crew from the Portland lobster boat Lucky Catch. See how that tasty treat gets from the bottom of the ocean to your dinner plate. Hear about lobster life, habitats and conservation efforts; learn about hard shells, shedders, short, culls and keepers; lots of live lobsters plus many other cool sea critters!” www.luckycatch.com, worldoceansday.org. Maine Wildlife Park, 56 Game Farm Road, Gray. www.mainewildlifepark.com, 657-4977

Maine Roller Derby

5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Port Authorities vs. Rideau Valley Vixens (Ottawa) in Maine Roller Derby action. The Portland Expo, 239 Park Ave., Portland. “Maine Roller Derby all-star team, the Port Authorities, play against Rideau Valley Vixens at the Expo! http://mainerollerderby.com.”

Hall School Fundraiser

5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Hall School Fundraiser, Ocean Gateway Terminal on the Portland Waterfront, 14 Ocean Gateway Pier, Portland. “Join us for our annual silent auction the evening will include live music, appetizers. There will be plenty of items to bid on such as restaurant gift certificates, summer day camp certificates, splashtown tickets and much much more. There will be classroom projects created by the students from all the classrooms. Proceeds will go towards our integrated arts program that allows local artists to work with our students. This also helps us to sup-

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Pop punk band the Downtown Fiction from Fairfax, Va., rolls out some hits for the crowd at the 2011 Old Port Festival. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) port field trips as well as helping to purchase much needed educational supplies.” http://hallschoolpto.org

‘Urban Renewal’ at Slainte

8 p.m. Slainte Wine Bar, 24 Preble St., Portland. “The culmination of over a year of filming in the Portland, Maine area, ‘Urban Renewal’ documents the skateboard scene in Southern Maine. Featuring many local talented individuals. For more information contact Ben Cironi triplec19@yahoo.com.”

Westbrook High School graduation

6 p.m. Westbrook High School graduation in Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. http://www.portland-calendar.com

Cancer Community Center’s Summertime Social

6 p.m. to 11 p.m. “It’s a great night out for a great cause! More than 200 people are expected to attend the annual Cancer Community Center’s Summertime Social. There will be a lobster bake, dancing to the Don Campbell Band, live auction, raffle, and so much more. Please join us on Saturday, June 8, from 6 p.m. to 11 p.m. The party is happening at East Coast Yacht Sales, just off Route 88 in Yarmouth. All proceeds will benefit the Cancer Community Center of South Portland. The Cancer Community Center is a comfortable and friendly place where adults living with cancer (and their families and friends) gather to build social and emotional support as a complement to their regular medical care. There are support groups, exercise classes, social events, and hundreds of other programs offered free of charge. The Cancer Community Center is a nonprofit orga-

Sunday, June 9 Falmouth High graduation

11 a.m. Falmouth High School Class of 2013 Graduation, Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. http://www.portland-calendar.com

40th annual Old Port Festival

11 a.m. The 40th annual Old Port Festival comes to Portland. “Celebrate the beginning of summer in beautiful downtown Portland with multiple music stages, Mainemade arts and crafts, and food from local businesses, kid’s activities, and more! The festival begins at 11 a.m. with a foot powered parade down Exchange Street led by the Shoestring Theater!”

Gorham High graduation

4 p.m. Gorham High School Class of 2013 Graduation, Portland’s Merrill Auditorium. http://www.portland-calendar.com

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