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VOL. 19 NO. 199
City passes resolution supporting School seeks grant for the Conway Bypass project biomass project BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
BERLIN— The City of Berlin Tuesday became the latest community to pass a resolution supporting the funding and completion of the Conway Bypass project. The City Council unanimously voted to pass the bypass resolution after it received a request from North Country Council asking the board to consider it. The Gorham Board of Selectmen recently passed the same resolution. The N.C.C. is circulating the bypass resolution to help gather support for the bypass project. The resolution supports restoring the central and northern portions of the bypass project to the state’s 10-year transportation plan and states that removing those two pieces of the project would undercut the earlier work put into the proposal and ignore the needs of the North Country. The resolution states that the governor,
Executive Council and the N.H. Department of Transportation should take the necessary actions to put the project back on track, fully fund it and build it. Communities in Coos County have voiced support for the project since the area stands to benefit from an improved traffic flow along Route 16. “It’s extremely important,” said Gorham Selectman Paul Robitaille. Robitaille said the traffic backup through Conway both inhibits the number of travelers heading north and makes it difficult to bring in or send out products. He said travelers are kept from coming further north because of the dense traffic. He added he’s heard that a lot of people just turn around. For companies sending products out of Coos County, he said it costs more because of the distance needed to travel to Interstate 93 as opposed to traveling down Route 16. He see RESOLUTION page 9
Berlin Insulation Company
BERLIN— The City Council plans to initiate a resolution supporting the application for a grant that would allow the school district to start exploring the possible construction of a biomass boiler at the high school. Superintendent Corrine Cascadden Tuesday night met with the council to talk about a federal grant that’s available to help fund the early engineering work the school needs to start moving forward on construction of a biomass boiler to help heat the building. The council agreed to support the grant application, authorize the city to accept and use the funds, if the school system receives the grant. Cascadden said she’s not sure what amount the grant application will seek. Cascadden said a biomass boiler project was included in the capital improvement plan, and scheduled for 2013, but there is only some minor pre-engineering work that’s complete. see GRANT page 9
Zumbathon raises $930 for North Country Transit
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“Crazy Sculptures” is what Brice Bernier of Berlin called his sculptures while participating at the ‘Winter Wonder Week’ at the Northern Forest Heritage Park. (RITA DUBE PHOTO)
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GORHAM—For two hours Saturday morning the Gorham Middle High School gym echoed with hot Latin American music, gyrating bodies, and dancing feet as a Zumbathon raised $930 for the Tri County CAP North Country Transit program. The transit program enables people to get to medical appointments, locally and at greater distances, if they need assistance to make the treks. With so many elderly in the area and the general exodus of young people in search of jobs elsewhere, the service is ever more necessary. Beverly Raymond, the executive director of the program, thanked the see ZUMBATHON page 9
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