The Berlin Daily Sun, Tuesday, March 29, 2011

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VOL. 20 NO. 7




Woman rescued from Mount Jackson over the weekend could end up paying for her rescue BY ERIK EISELE THE CONWAY DAILY SUN

CRAWFORD NOTCH — The woman searchers found near the summit of Mount Jackson on Sunday could wind up being charged for her rescue, even though the rescuers who found her credit her skill and preparedness for her survival. “She’s alive today because she was smart,” said Rick Wilcox, president of Mountain Rescue Service, the volunteer rescue service that found Julie Horgan. Horgan, 61, of Milton, Mass., spent Saturday night outside at almost 4,000 feet, but she was neither hypothermic nor frostbitten when searchers found her around 10 a.m. Sunday. The wind was blowing more than 70 mph and the

temperature was near zero that night. “It was pretty brutal. We were certainly anticipating some injuries,” said Alain Comeau, one of the three MRS rescuers who found Horgan Sunday morning. “It was a surprise to find her in good health. She was well equipped, she did everything right.” Horgan spent the night marching in place just below treeline. “You could see this track where she was stomping all night long,” said Steve Larson, another of the MRS members who found Horgan. “She was in much better shape than I would have been had I gone through what she went through.” Horgan’s plan, according to rescuers, was to go out for a day hike of Mount Jackson, a 4,052 foot peak south of Mount Washington on the Appala-

chian Trail. She climbed up the mountain from the west on a well-packed trail wearing double plastic boots and snowshoes. She had multiple layers of winter clothing but no overnight gear. She reached Mount Jackson’s summit in the afternoon, where she intended to turn around and return the way she came up before dark. Instead, she unwittingly wound up walking south along the Appalachian Trail, which was not packed, until she hit the trees. She searched in vain for the packed trail through the trees she’d come up on. Around 3:30 p.m. she called a friend using her cell phone. New Hampshire Fish and Game was notified at 3:40 p.m. Fish and Game sent officers to search for her after

Best wearing of the green

see WOMAN page 18

Interest increasing in booking renovation auditorium BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

St. Kieran Arts Center’s 2011 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Celebration and Auction was a huge success. Over 175 people from throughout the North Country gathered at the Town and Country Motor Inn for dinner and a great evening of fun and festivities. The annual dinner helps raise much needed funds to support the performing and visual arts series. Shown with auctioneer and humorist for the evening Paul Fortier are the winners of the “Best Wearing of the Green”, Shawn Gallant and Caitlin Ramsey.

GORHAM— The Gorham town hall auditorium will host its first performance since 2005 this weekend. The auditorium is ready to host productions and meetings after it’s been closed and under renovations for more than five years. After the Friday night concert, which the town is co-hosting with the Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire, the town is starting to see the calendar for the venue filling up. “We’re really excited to have the space open and have so much interest from non-profits,” said Denise Vallee, director of finance and administration for the town. She added it’s great that the town can finally host events like this concert. The Arts Alliance of Northern New Hampshire and the town of Gorham will host a performance titled “The Nature of Dances and Dreams” a consee INTEREST page 6


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