VOL. 20 NO. 9
Closing state prison would hurt local economy BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
BERLIN – Closing the state prison would be a significant hit to the Androscoggin Valley’s economy, which is still suffering from the closing of the local paper mills. “Obviously the impact would be substantial because of the jobs that are there,” said Tri-County Community Action Program Housing and Economic Development Director Max Makaitis. Commissioner of Corrections Commissioner William Wrenn earlier this month stated his department would be forced to look at closing the Berlin prison if a series of budget cuts proposed by the
House Finance Committee go through. The state prison in Berlin has an annual operating budget of $16.6 million with $7.9 million in payroll. It employs about 185 people. Makaitis and Androscoggin Valley Hospital Executive Director Russell Keene explain the economic impact of the prison is two-fold. First, there is the benefit of 185 jobs. Makaitis said Coos County already has the highest unemployment rate in the state. For February, the Berlin region had an unemployment rate of 9.8 percent – compared to the state average of 5.8 per-
Coos County residents to protest in Concord today GORHAM – Thirty to 40 residents of Coos County are expected to travel to Concord today to join thousands rallying against the House Finance Committee’s proposed $10.2 billion budget. The House is scheduled to vote on the budget see PROTEST page 6
see HURT page 6
Fire department awarded funds for equipment, training BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
WASHINGTON, D.C.— The Department of Homeland Security will award the Gorham Fire Department grant money for equipment according to an announcement from Senator Jeanne Shaheen’s office. The G.F.D. will receive $35,910 through the
Department of Homeland Security’s Assistance to Firefighters grant program, according to press release issued by Shaheen’s office Wednesday. The grant will go towards purchasing two pieces of equipment plus additional training for firefighters, according to the press release. “Our firefighters must be equipped with gear that keeps them safe so that they can do their jobs most
effectively,” Shaheen said, in the press release. “I am also pleased that Gorham will use part of its grant for firefighter training so that the brave men and women who protect our communities are able to learn the most advanced firefighting techniques around.” Fire Chief Rick Eichler said that it’s great to see FUNDS page 6
Plan for public access television station presented BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
Verizon Wireless donated an Apple I-Pad to the Berlin City Cancer Crushers team. The team is participating in this years ‘Relay for Life’. The team plans on raffling the Apple I pad and donating the money to cancer research. Tickets will be on sale Monday, April 4. and available from team members, Berlin City Dealerships and at Verizon Wireless located on Glen Ave. The I-Pad retails for $629. Team members (l-r) Bethany Poulin, Caroline Poulin, Dave Poulin and Brian Valle show off the Ipad. Missing from the photo is Amy Watson. (RITA DUBE PHOTO)
Sm a ll& L yo n s A tto r n eys 1-800-373-1114 (a debtrelief agency )
410 Glen Avenue, Berlin 752-2372 Main Street, Colebrook 237-8566
GORHAM— The Gorham Board of Selectmen’s support is being sought to help move an initiative to start a community access television station in the area. James Michalik, executive director of the Family Resource Center, Monday night met with the board to ask for its support for the creation of the public access channel for Berlin, Gorham, Shelburne and Randolph. The board did a first read of a resolution supporting the initiative and will make a final ruling on it at its next meetings. “I think it would be of good community benefit,” said Michalik. He said the Androscoggin Valley Public Access Committee, the group at the root of this idea, hopes to use one of the stations designated for public access television in the area for community- oriented programs. The channel would showcase local cultural events, meetings, sports events and other community-interest see PLAN page 6
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