VOL. 20 NO. 205
City files motion to collect property taxes owed by Isaacson BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
BERLIN – The city has filed a motion in U.S. Bankruptcy Court seeking to collect $86,173 in property taxes owed by Isaacson Structural Steel and Isaacson Steel. The court is set to rule today in Manchester on the sale of the bankrupt ISS property for $2.4 million to a group of liquidation and auction companies. While the city filed a limited objection to the sale, Berlin’s motion said it is willing to consent to the sale provided the order requires full payment of the real estates taxes. The N.H. Business Finance Authority and the N.H. Department of Environmental Services have
also filed objections to the sale. DES is seeking payment of a “significant” part of a $140,500 federal stimulus grant used to purchase high efficiency diesel equipment. The state argues that because the equipment is not being used in accordance with the terms of the grant, the money becomes repayable. BFA is requesting that provisions be made to cover approximately $101,000 in costs and expenses that will be incurred winding up the steel fabrication business. Those costs include final payroll and tax returns, storage and disposal of records and computer data, real estate taxes, and utility fees. Counsel RB Capital LLC of White Plains, NY, Myron Bowling Auctioneers of Hamilton, Ohio, and
Hilco Industrials of Chicago jointly submitted the highest bid at last week’s auction. There were two other bidders, Koster Industries which bid $2.3 million and a stalking horse bid of $2 million submitted by Texas-based G.T. Sales, doing business as Investment Recovery Services. Isaacson bankruptcy attorney William Gannon is seeking the court’s permission to use the proceeds of the sale to pay several creditors and his own legal firm. The motion seeks to pay $175,000 to Wells Fargo for Kenworth tractors and trailers leased to Isaacson. The court is also being asked to approve payment of out-of-pocket expenses, closing costs, and other costs incurred by the legal firm in see MOTION page 7
The cost of law enforcement could be headed up in Shelburne BY MELISSA GRIMA THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
SHELBURNE — After paying just $1,900 for police services last year, the cost of law enforcement could be headed up in Shelburne. Voters will be asked on Tuesday to approve a contract with the town of Gorham for $14,000. That price would be a flat rate for the year and include not just personnel cost, but also some of the over-
head costs that go along with providing police service. The more than sevenfold increase may create a “sticker shock” for Shelburne residents, but some say that is only because they’ve been able to pay shockingly little for police coverage for years. Gorham selectmen, Terry Oliver and Paul Robitaille, police chief PJ Cyr, and Town Manager Robin Frost met with Shelburne selectmen Stanley Judge and Heidi Behling last week to discuss the new con-
tract price. The contract appears on the Shelburne town warrant as an independent article, though the cost is included in the town’s proposed budget, which this year stands at $340,655. “Typically, these kinds of contracts are done by population,” said Frost in explaining the increase. Just charging per call doesn’t take into consideration the overhead costs. see SHELBURNE page 14
Nancy Malone pf RSVP to Lorna Colquhoun joins the receive 2012 Sylvia Evans Award Division of Economic Development
BERLIN -- Berlin’s Nancy Malone will receive this year’s Sylvia Evans Citizenship Award at a ceremony on April 13, at the White Mountains Community College, Coos County Family Health Services announced Tuesday. The winner was chosen from the citizens of the greater Androscoggin Valley Region. Malone was brought up with a tradition of helping others, which she learned from her mother and is passing on to her three children. Not only is managing volunteers her “day job” with the Retired Senior Volunteer Program (RSVP) of Coos County, but she also never misses an opportunity to help out on her own. Her enthusiasm has helped her to engage many others to become volunteers in the community. “Nancy… is a person who wears
BERLIN 603-752-FONE (603-752-3663) 410 Glen Avenue
many hats,” said Sandra Lemire of Gorham, NH, chairperson for Relay for Life and co-chair with Malone on the Daffodil Days committee. “It is amazing to see Nancy being pulled in so many directions and yet still maintain her cool and help where she is needed. She has helped so many organizations in the community either by recruiting volunteers for the American Red Cross Blood Drives, the food pantry, helping find transportation for chemo patients, AVH, the Heritage Park, secretary of the ATV club, and the list goes on and on.” Each year a woman is chosen for the award from a list of nominees who have devoted their time and energy toward community service to improve the lives of people in this region. see MALONE page 6
CONCORD, NH - The New Hampshire Division of Economic development announced today the hiring of Lorna Colquhoun of Franconia as the communications and legislative director. “We are excited to have a high performance player like Lorna joining our team,” said Christopher S. Way, interim director. “She is well known in her field, and her experience will allow us to expand our outreach activities to the public regarding business assistance.” Colquhoun spent 20 years as a freelance correspondent for the “New Hampshire Union Leader”, beginning in the Monadnock region before moving to the North Country, and at several other newspapers, including the “Granite State News” in Wolfeboro, the “Coos County Democrat” in Lancaster and “The Telegraph” of Nashua. Her work has also appeared in the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and other national and regional publications and most recently was the editor see COLQUHOUN page 15
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