The Berlin Daily Sun, Tuesday, April 10, 2012

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VOL. 21 NO. 13




Shaheen tours Gorham Paper and Tissue BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

GORHAM – In her first visit to the Gorham Paper and Tissue mill since its re-opening last spring, U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen viewed the building under construction for the mill’s the new tissue machine and received an update on the local operation. Plant Manager Willis Blevins reported the three machines at the mill are running more than ever with about 185 workers on payroll Thursday. In September, the company hopes to have its new tissue machine installed and operating. Dick Arnold, president of both the Gorham mill and Old Town Fuel and Fiber in Maine, said the erection of the tissue machine will start at the end of this month. In early May, the 65-ton, 16-foot high Yankee Dryer – the biggest component of the machine - will arrive on

site. Other pieces are being shipped and will be arriving on-site through the end of June. Arnold placed the tissue project cost at $35 million but added that the company is hoping to do it for less than that figure. By getting the machine up and running this fall, he said Patriarch Partners, the owner of the two mills, is hoping to get into the market before new capacity comes on-line in the United State and abroad. Arnold explained that demand for tissue products such as bathroom tissue, napkins, and paper towels have continued to grow even during the recession. Worldwide demand is growing at four percent annually while demand in the U.S. is about two percent. That growth is expected to continue which Arnold said will allow new capacity to come on line to fill the void. With other see SHAHEEN page 5

U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen looks at construction underway at the Gorham Paper and Tissue mill for a new tissue machine expected to be operating this September. Mill General Manager Willis Blevins took the senator on a tour of the mill last Thursday (BARBARA TETREAULT PHOTO).

WIST introduces young Shaheen fields a variety of women to jobs in science questions at town hall meeting BY BARBARA TETREAULT


BERLIN—About 90 young women—students at middle and high schools in the Berlin area— heard about the myriad possibilities there are in science fields at a Women In Science and Technology Forum at the White Mountain Community College in Berlin Friday. But that’s not all. They also got some good advice about dealing with adversity and the news that they will not be alone as they follow their aspirations in technical fields. “It was a great opportunity,” said Cheyene DeBlois, of Groveton, who wants to be a veterinarian. “I’ve learned a lot.” “Like about not giving up, to go for it,” said Brianna Boisselle, also of Groveton, who wants to be a veterinarian, too. “And finding out there’s a lot of support out there,” said Krasila

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Dorr, of Groveton, who aspires to become a doctor. “It’s really cool. They barely know us, but they’re still supportive.” Gorham eighth graders Taylor Fortin, Josie Adams, Lacey Poirier and Janessa Corrigan were all surprised that they were intrigued by the sound of engineering as a profession, while Gorham upper classwomen were intrigued with veterinary, forensic, and fishery science. “I like to solve things, said Lily Keenan, who was most interested in forensic science, as was Katie Gagne. Alexis Marcou is confident that she wants to be a veterinarian. She said her family had encouraged the thought of medicine and as a veterinarian, she could be the head of her own clinic. “I want to be the one in charge,” see WIST page 10



BERLIN – U.S. Senator Jeanne Shaheen fielded questions about jobs, the Umbagog National Wildlife Refuge, federal flood mapping, the high price of gas, and same sex marriage during a town hall meeting she hosted Thursday night. About 150 people turned out for the meeting at White Mountains Community College. The event capped a day that saw the senator tour the Gorham Paper

and Tissue mill in Gorham and meet with the federal prison Talent Team. In his introduction of Shaheen, Berlin Mayor Paul Grenier said the region is at the beginning of a significant renaissance, citing the new tissue machine being installed at the mill, the construction of the Burgess BioPower biomass plant, and the opening of the federal prison. He praised Shaheen for her efforts to help the region, during her see QUESTIONS page 7

Town of Gorham stuck with bill for private property repair BY MELISSA GRIMA THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

GORHAM — While Gorham is looking to facilitate the efforts of some homeowners to repair the riverbanks along their properties, it is still working on

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cleaning up a bit of a financial mess from a similar effort in the fall. Late last year, the town of Gorham worked with Colin Norgaard, who owns property on Glen Road, to make emersee STUCK page 8


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