The Berlin Daily Sun, Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Page 1


VOL. 20 NO. 15




Gorham man recovering Dick Lamontage from gunshot wound resumes selectman seat BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

GORHAM— A Gorham man is still being treated for injuries he suffered after police say he was shot when a gun accidentally fired. Police Chief P.J. Cyr said David Gray, 22, of Gorham, suffered a self-inflicted chest wound early Saturday morning after a 9 mm Glock semi-automatic pistol accidentally discharged. Cyr said Gray is still at Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center being treated, but was unsure of his status. At this time, Cyr said the incident is still under investigation and he plans to ask the county attorney to review to

case to see if any criminal charges will be pursued. Alcohol appears to be a factor in the incident, Cyr said. The incident occurred when Gray was allegedly showing the gun to guests at a house party, said Cyr. Witness reports say that Gray was seated on a couch when the gun misfired, said Cyr. Police received an ambulance call around 2:20 a.m. requesting an ambulance at 4 Androscoggin St. after Gray reportedly shot himself. He was transported the Androscoggin Valley Hospital before being airlifted to Dartmouth.


MILAN—Milan’s favorite selectman has returned to the board. On Monday, the board of selectmen selected Dick Lamontagne to complete the unexpired term of Mickey Miller who had to resign because he moved to Groveton. “The only requirement for selectman in New Hampshire,” said Selectman George Pozzuto with some bemusement, “is that you need to be resident of the town.” So, when Miller moved, the board of selectmen had to advertise for a replacement. “I wasn’t going to apply,” said Lamontagne, “but people started calling me and I finally gave in.” Like everyone else who applied, Lamontagne had to do an interview and answer the big questions, one of which was “Would he run for selectman in the 2012 election?” “Yes,” said Lamontagne, now 73. “When I retired in 2008 after 15 years in the office, I thought, ‘This is it.’ I needed a rest. Then this opening occurred. . . . I enjoyed it when I was in office” and, he added, although he has stayed busy and fit in his three years out of office and working hard … among other things, keeping his incredibly steep 152 foot driveway

Dick Lamontagne, Milan’s new selectmen, relaxes at his desk at home. He is looking forward to getting back to work for the town of Milan. (GAIL SCOTT PHOTO)

cleared of snow … “I needed something to occupy my mind.” Actually he has stayed in touch with Milan town governance for the past three years. “One of the reasons we selected him,” said Pozzuto, “is that we were calling him up all the time to ask questions anyway.” “I told them they could call any time,” says Lamontagne, who is pleased to be back in the saddle. “The people are great. I enjoy all the boards I’ve been on,” he said. see LAMONTAGNE page 5

Berlin School Board declines to issue pink slips BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

Just prior to the start of the Harlem Rockets against the dream team, this north country youngster was shown just how to spin the ball on one finger. (JEAN LEBLANC PHOTO)

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BERLIN— Faculty and staff in the Berlin schools shouldn’t expect any pink slips this year since the Berlin Board of Education voted Thursday night against issuing any. “We’ll do what we have to do to maintain integrity in the classroom,” said board Chair Nicole Plourde. The board voted unanimously not to issue pink slips to any teachers this year at the end of its meeting. The board has told the City Council that any further staff reductions would inhibit the school system’s ability to maintain its programming. “The board has remained committed to not issuing any pink slips,”

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said Plourde. Rather than facing any further layoffs the school department is looking at reducing operations and facility costs, said Plourde. The council is currently reviewing the board’s proposed $16,684,988 budget for 2011- 2012. The budget approved by the council for 20102011 was $15,775,097. The council is also reviewing a proposed agreement with the Berlin Education Association that could save the city some money. The school board declined to discuss any specifics on the proposed agreement since it’s still under review. In other business, the board voted see PINK SLIPS page 5

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