The Berlin Daily Sun, Friday, April 15, 2011

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FRIDAY, APRIL 15, 2011

VOL. 20 NO. 18




AVH honors its volunteers for their dedication

Edwina Keene, AVH Volunteer Services Coordinator, and AVH Volunteer Jeannette Fortier.

BERLIN -- A celebration to honor all the dedicated volunteers at Androscoggin Valley Hospital was held on Tuesday, April 12. Sixty-five volunteers gathered at the annual volunteer recognition program held in the Cafeteria at 4 p.m., with hors d’oeuvres and a complete dinner (prime rib), prepared by Carl L’Heureux, director of Food Services and his staff. Volunteers enjoyed being waited on all evening by AVH staff, Debra

Berntsen, Dan Blais, Dennis Desmond, Diane Lysitt, Sue Perkins, Steve Schofield, and Dennis Therrien. Service award pins were presented. Recipients were: 100 Hours: Jeannine Birch, Maryelizabeth Coleman, Christina Lavigne, Jean Lemieux, Fred Smith, Julie Smith, Ralph Shevlin, Charlene Thompson, Virginia Vachon, Hollee Villeneuve 500 Hours: see VOLUNTEERS page 22

Michael Law, AVH Volunteer of the Year.

Patriarch Papers tours Cascade mill BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

GORHAM – Lynn Tilton, CEO of Patriarch Partners, said she expects to reach a deal to buy the Cascade mill by Monday. “Hopefully we will be able to agree to a deal by Monday,” said she said yesterday afternoon, after touring the facility and meeting with state, local, and union officials. Tilton said she was impressed with the people she met and believes they understand what it will take to get the mill on track. “I need a group of people who will stand shoulder to

shoulder with me to rebuild value in this town. I was impressed with the team and with the union and I don’t think anything will stand in the way of us trying to get this deal done,” she said. Local and state officials were equally impressed with Tilton. “I am very optimistic,” said Gorham Town Manager Robin Forest. “For her it seems all about putting people back to work.” Berlin Mayor Paul Grenier described yesterday meeting as productive and said her people were knowledgesee PATRIARCH page 27

Coos county explores concept of community forest BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

Laura Viger, who was awarded the Sylvia Evans Citizenship Award Friday at the White Mountain Community College, sits with the silver award tray in her hands, flanked by (l -r) Alyssa Kinney, of BHS, and Sarah Kinney, of GHS (no relation), both of whom won the Young Leadership Award. The awards were given by the board of directors of the Coos County Family Health Center, who particularly recognized Viger’s nearly three decades of service to the town of Berlin in nearly countless ways. In 1996 she accepted the responsibility of overseeing both the Health Department and Recreation and Parks. Among her many accomplishments are: initiating Special Olympics in the North Country, providing the leadership to gain a Dialysis Center for the area, spearheading the organization of RiverFire, and providing her gifted leadership on other projects such as the Disaster/Pandemic Preparedness and Mitigation Task Force, and making Jericho Park the great recreatonal facility it is for the families of Berlin, according to a recent press release from CCFHS. (AIOBHINN KELLEY PHOTO)

BERLIN – Coos County is exploring the concept of a community forest as a means to protect the working forest and forest-based economy of the county. The Coos planning board listened to a presentation on community forests and then held an open discussion on the topic at its meeting Wednesday night. At the conclusion of the two-hour session, Board Chair

John Scarinza declared it was clear there was a consensus to go forward with looking at opportunities for a county forest, working with local communities and landowners. He said the sense was to move “sooner rather than later”. Planning board member Rick Tillotson said while funding may not be available now, it is important to have a plan in place for the future. see FOREST page 19

AVRRDD Landfill gas pipeline project still on track BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

BERLIN— The Androscoggin Valley Regional Refuse Disposal District’s landfill gas pipeline project is still on track even as a new prospective buyer moves closer to purchasing the former Fraser Papers mill.

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The A.V.R.R.D.D. board met Wednesday night for an update on the project since Patriarch Papers became first in line to purchase the Gorham mill from Counsel R.B. Capital. A.V.R.R.D.D. Executive Director Sharon Gauthier wanted to meet with the board let them know that see LANDFILL page 23

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