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VOL. 21 NO. 22
Offenders may soon receive a bill for police services BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
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BERLIN – People whose irresponsible actions end up requiring the response of the Berlin police could be billed for the cost of that service under a proposal being studied by the city. Police Chief Peter Morency told the city council Monday night he is working on an ordinance that would hold offenders fiscally responsible if their behavior creates situations requiring a police response. As examples, he cited issues such as loud noise, false statements to police, protective custody, housing, and loose animals. Morency met with the council to discuss ways the police department can generate revenue to help offset the cost of maintaining the 22-person department. The police commission is requesting a $2.8 million budget for fiscal 2013. The police chief said most of the depart-
ment’s time is absorbed by 10 to 20 percent of the population. The vast majority of residents, he said, are law abiding. Morency said the ordinance would be a way to make offenders fiscally responsible for their behavior. As an example, Police Lt. Dan Buteau said such an ordinance might be invoked against a resident after the department responded to repeated animal complaints at the resident’s house. Asked if such an ordinance has been used elsewhere in the country, Morency said Los Angeles and Chicago have used a narrower version against noise offenders. N.H. Fish and Game has a policy of charging hikers who need to be rescued because of reckless or negligent actions. Mayor Paul Grenier said he liked the idea. He said it gives the department another tool to use against repeat offenders. “I’m wholeheartedly behind this,” he said. see OFFENDERS page 5
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Dorval resigns from Berlin School Board BERLIN -- Citing increased work and family commitments, Karin Dorval has resigned from the school board. She was in the middle of a fouryear term on the board. Residents interested in filling the vacancy must file a letter of interest with the city clerk’s office by 4 p.m. on May 11. The city council Monday night said it will interview all potential candidates for the position on Monday, May 14 and make an appointment that night. Dorval announced her resignation at last week’s school board meeting. She said she was not able to give the board the commitment she would like. see DORVAL page 6
Area musicians awarded Norton Scholarships BY GAIL SCOTT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
Representatives of the State Champion Berlin High School FCCLA chapter presented summaries of their winning projects to the Berlin Board of Education last week. From left, Courtney Dumont, Megan Guitard, Kayleigh Eastman, Megan Cote, Miranda Chouinard, and Samantha Crossland, posed with the group’s trophies following the presentation in the Berlin High School library. Missing from the photo are: Veronica Mitchell, Renee Morrissette, Brianna Bryant, Alison Gallagher, and Jessica Tupick, as well as advisors Elaine Connary and Linda Lafleur. The group will now compete at the National FCCLA Conference in Orlando, Fla., from July 8-12. See story poage 6. (MELISSA GRIMA PHOTO)
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BERLIN—Following auditions April 14, at Andre Belanger’s studio on Pleasant Street, two youthful Berlin area musicians have been awarded Norton Scholarships to study the organ. Keenan Wood, 15, of Berlin, a sophomore at Berlin High School, was awarded the full scholarship of $300 to be used for a minimum of six lessons on a pipe organ. He has chosen his piano teacher, Nancy Winsor, of Jefferson, to be his teacher for this lesson series. He will have access to the organs at The Church of the Good Shepherd, St. Kieran, and St. Barnabas, among others, for these lessons. see SCHOLARSHIPS page 10 Buying or Selling Real Estate?
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