The Berlin Daily Sun, Tuesday, April 17, 2012

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VOL. 21 NO. 17




Communities can apply for county economic funds BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

BERLIN – Communities in Coos County will have the opportunity to apply for up to $5,000 in county funds for economic development efforts. In approving the 2012 county budget, the delegation appropriated $45,000 for economic development and charged the commission with distributing the funds. At Wednesday’s monthly commission

meeting, Commissioner Tom Brady said the commission had proposed a pilot program allowing the governing body of the county’s 19 communities to apply for up to $5,000. Commissioner Paul Grenier said he felt dividing up the money into small grants would not create sustained economic efforts and would be a waste of money. He noted the county had previously used $15,000 to help fund Tri-County Housing

and Economic Development Director Max Makaitis. Berlin and Gorham had contributed additional funding for the position. Grenier noted Makaitis has done a lot of work to try and redevelop the Groveton Paper mill site that the county funding had helped to cover. He asked who was going to work on the Groveton project if the county funding for Makaitis is withdrawn. Brady noted his town of Jefferson will

temore School of Business and Economics, Gittell assumed his new position Feb. 1. He was at White Mountains Community College last Wednesday and Thursday to tour the facility, meet staff and faculty, and attend the monthly meeting of the system board of trustees which the college hosted. He also spoke at the annual informational dinner hosted by college President Katha-

rine Eneguess. Gittell explained that a lot of his work has been in economic development with a focus on the importance of a highly skilled, highly educated workforce. He is continuing to serve as vice president and forecast chair of the New England Economic Partnership where he oversees economic

see FUNDS page 6

Chancellor Ross Gittell makes first visit to WMCC BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

BERLIN – Just two months into his new job as chancellor of the Community College System of New Hampshire, Ross Gittell made his first visit last week to the state’s northernmost community college. A long-time professor of management at the University of New Hampshire’s Whit-

It’s Coming Thursday, April 19th

see GITTELL page 3

Community Learning Center to apply for CDBG funds BY MELISSA GRIMA THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

GORHAM — The Board of Selectmen agreed to apply for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding of up

to $12,000 after a public hearing last week. The money would be used to explore the feasibility of a new location for the Gorham Community Learning Center. GCLC Director Sue Cloutier explained that the

feasibility study will be used to look at the possibility of expansion for the more than 30 year old child care and preschool center, which currently is housed on Main see CDBG page 6

Leadership, service recognized at Sylvia Evans Award ceremony



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Sylvia Evans Citizenship Award winner, Nancy Malone, left, stands with the three high school seniors recognized as Young Leaders, from left Kellee Heinemann, Shannon O’Neil, and Jaylan Parent-Ongle. The awards, sponsored by Coos County Family Health Services, were given at an April 12 cermony at White Mountains Community College. (MELISSA GRIMA PHOTO)


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BERLIN — Leadership and service to the community was honored on Friday night as four individuals were recognized for their contributions to the Berlin and Gorham area. Coos County Family Health Services presented it’s annual Sylvia Evans Citizenship Award and three Young Leadership Awards to four deserving women, who each demonstrate their leadership by example. The awards were handed out on April 13, at an evening ceremony hosted by White Mountains Community College. Each awardee was introduced by someone who supported their nomination and the qualities that earned them the recognition were shared with the substantial crowd in attendance. Music was provided by the North Country Bell Choir under the direction of Denise Doucette. Nancy Malone of Berlin, a volunteer coordinator at Tri-County CAP’s RSVP, earned the see AWARD page 5


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