The Berlin Daily Sun, Tuesday, April 19, 2011

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VOL. 20 NO. 19

PUC grants Laidlaw conditional approval





CONCORD – The N.H. Public Utilities Commission late yesterday afternoon issued granted conditional approval to a proposed purchase power agreement between Public Service of N.H. and Laidlaw Berlin BioPower/Berlin Station. The PUC said it found the agreement as filed not in the public’s interest. It noted the PPA could cost as much at $2 billion over its 20 year term. But the agency said it “would, however, approve a modified PPA complying with certain conditions that mitigate risk to PSNH’s default service customers and reduce total payments to see APPROVAL page 10

Firefigthers run a hose to the roof of a Glen Road apartment building that caught fire early Saturday morning after cutting a hole in the attic wall. (CRAIG LYONS PHOTO)

Child Advocacy Arson suspected as cause of Glen Road fire Center seeks to raise awareness about child abuse BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN


LANCASTER— The Child Advocacy Center hopes to bring the issue of child abuse to the forefront and show people that it’s preventable. This month, the Coos County Child Advocacy Center is dedicated to help raise awareness about child abuse, and show the community that it can help prevent it. April is Child Abuse Prevention Month. Representatives from the C.A.C. handed out blue ribbons Friday night and Saturday at WalMart, in Gorham, to raise awareness about child abuse. C.A.C. Executive Director Andrea Gagne said the center wants to show people that the community can join together to help prevent child abuse. She added awareness is key to meet this goal. “We’re really dedicated to the mission of the C.A.C. and helping to protect the children and see AWARENESS page 10

GORHAM— Authorities are still investigating the cause of a fire at a vacant Glen Road building though have determined it was incendiary in nature. Fire Chief Rick Eichler, of the Gorham Fire Department, said the specific cause is still unclear but the fire Saturday morning at 2 Glen Rd., is being considered an arson. The Gorham Police Department is handling the investigation into the suspected arson. Eichler said the fire started in closet in a first floor bedroom in the vacant building. The design of the building cause the fire to quickly spread from the first floor to the attic, said Eichler. He added this made the fire more difficult to fight. The balloon construction of the building allowed the fire to chase up the walls into the attic since there

aren’t any fire stops within the building, said Eichler. In order to fight the fire, he added, crews had to cut a hole in the attic walls along the ceiling. There was no power going into the building, said Eichler. The fire was reported at 6:48 a.m., and heavy smoke and flames were showing from the building when the fire department arrived on the scene. Most of the crew cleared the scene around 10:30 a.m., though Eichler said the last person left at 2:30 p.m. He added people stayed on the scene waiting for the N.H. Fire Marshal’s Office to responded and then secured the building, which has reportedly been vacant for nearly a year. The Berlin Fire Department, Gorham Emergency Medical Services and the G.P.D. assisted the G.F.D. at the scene.

Board approves plans for silos at Pike Industries BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

GORHAM— Pike Industries received approval Thursday night to construct two 74 foot silos at its Gorham site. The Gorham Planning Board reviewed the site plan for the two silos during its meeting last week and approved the plan. The board questioned representatives from Pike Industries to see if the proposed silos

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would create an additional nuisance to residents in the area of the plant. The board raised the issues of noise, dust levels and truck traffic after several residents attended the zoning board meeting to bring up these concerns. Ryan Crosbie, of Pike Industries, said the silos shouldn’t create any additional nuisance at the plant. “I don’t think the noise level will be any worse than see SILOS page 5

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