VOL. 20 NO. 21
Patriarch Partners signs agreement to purchase mill BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
GORHAM - Patriarch Partners CEO Lynn Tilton yesterday said she has signed a letter of commitment to purchase the Gorham mill from Counsel RB Capital LLC. Tilton said she hopes to finalize the sale within three weeks. Once the sale is finalized, she estimated it would take a month to get the first paper machine up and running. While Tilton would not talk about the level of
investment she expects to put into the mill, she said her company plans to acquire the mill and invest the working capital to get it operating. She also plans to purchase a new tissue machine for the facility. Tilton said it is important to find a product like tissue paper that does not complete in the international market to give the mill longevity. Tilton called the proposed gas line that will bring natural and landfill gas to the mill essential to its future. She said the mill will never be economical if it remains dependant on oil. The Androscoggin Valley
Regional Refuse Disposal District has voted to move forward with the project. Tilton said she understand the gas line will be operational in about six months and said she is prepared to absorb the short-term losses while the change-over is underway. Tilton said she would also be interested in working with Cate Street Capital on obtaining hot water from the proposed Laidlaw/Berlin Station biomass plant. Tilton, who flew into the Milan airport last Thurssee PATRIARCH page 8
City gives out Berlin Volunteer Award BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
Mayor Paul Grenier Monday night handed out the first Berlin Volunteer Awards to Ernest Peabody, Paul Croteau, and Will O’Brien in front of the city’s Volunteer Tree. (BARBARA TETREAULT PHOTO)
County commissioners approve $145K bid for dairy herd BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
LANCASTER— The County Commissioners Wednesday accepted a bid from a Quebec man to purchase the county farm’s dairy herd for $145,015. The commissioners approved the sale of the herd, from the farm, to Ken Beerwort, of Knowlton, Quebec, for $145,015 since he was the highest of the six bids submitted. The commissioners unanimously accepted the bid even though it was lower than what they expected to get for the herd. Farm Manager Pat Giroux said he felt the bids were low and the figures weren’t what he projected. Giroux said he estimated the herd would be worth about $165,000. Commissioner Burnham “Bing” Judd said
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he also felt the bids were low. Judd asked if the county could get a higher price if the county sold the herd through an auction. He added he remembers a Pennsylvania firm that estimated the county could gross $180,000- $200,000 with the herd. Giroux said that gross figure doesn’t include the trucking costs and auctioneer commission that would be deducted. A better solution would be doing the auction from the barn, said Giroux. Commissioner Paul Grenier said it’s sometimes better to take the cash in hand rather than speculate that a better deal can be found elsewhere. He added going with an auction could net the county a better deal, but it could also result in a lower amount for the herd. Commissioner Tom Brady agreed that it’s see APPROVE page 8
BERLIN – Three local volunteers were honored with the first ever Berlin Volunteer Award Monday night. Paul Croteau, Ernest Peabody, and Will O’Brien were recognized as people who are making a difference in the community. The award will be given out annually in April, which is National Volunteer Month. Recognized were Ernest Peabody, Paul Croteau, and Will O’Brien. They were each given a plaque and a small nameplate engraved with their names will be installed
on the public Volunteer Recognition Tree in city hall. Ernest Peabody was nominated by his daughter, Cyndi Peabody Paulin, for maintaining the lawns on both sides of the Bridge Street Bridge for the past 12 years. He has no formal arrangement with the city but simply took on the task. The area is popular with walkers. “His efforts are completely selfless, motivated only by his interest in seeing this public space maintained,” wrote his daughter. Paul Croteau was nominated by the Berlin Housing see AWARD page 8
Gorham senior Doug Willey has had a remarkable start to the season. In his first game against Woodsville, he pitched five innings and shared a no-hitter with team mate Cody Gauthier in a 7-0 win over the Engineers. On Tuesday Willey pitched a one hitter in a five inning 12-0 win over Lisbon. Willey faced 16 hitters, striking out 15. Story page 13. (JEAN LEBLANC PHOTO)
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