FRIDAY, APRIL 22, 2011
VOL. 20 NO. 22
County commissioners $$$$$$$ switches health insurance GOLD providers to save $200K FRIDAY
LANCASTER— The Coos County Commissioners decided to switch health insurance providers and save the county nearly $200,000. The county will switch from Primex’s plan, which is Harvard Pilgrim, to the Local Government Center’s plan, which is Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield. County Administrator Suzanne Collins said chang-
ing the insurance plans could save the county almost $200,000. Collins said Primex delivered the county’s insurance figures with a 14.74 percent increase. She added Primex also said it’s getting out of the health insurance business in 2012. Meanwhile, Collins said a L.G.C. representative contacted her and said the quote for the county’s insursee SWITCHES page 7
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Clearing done, construction to come for wind farm project BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
PHILLIPS BROOK - Construction of the 33-turbine Granite Reliable Power wind farm is expected to get under way next month with the first turbine scheduled to arrive Aug. 15. Project Manager Pip Decker delivered an update on the project to the Coos planning board last week and in a follow-up phone interview. Decker said site clearing got underway Feb. 12 and all of the site work was completed by the end of March. He said the project is currently shut down for mud season but construction is expected to begin in early May. Throughout the summer, work on the roads, turbine foundations, the substation, and overhead electrical system will take place. Decker said the first turbines will be delivered in August along the Fishbone Ridgeline and will take about three weeks to erect. As promised, Decker said the general contract, RMT of Madison, Wis., has been working to hire local subcontractors on the project. AB Logging of Lancaster and Hick Logging of Jefferson were hired to do the site clearing. see WIND FARM page 7
Request for high-speed Internet at county complex approved BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
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Dr. Paul Schoenbeck of North Country Dental supports early literacy as he donated a book to every preschooler and toddler enrolled at the Gorham Community Learning Center. This was one of several activities the children participated in during the Week of the Young Child.
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LANCASTER— The County Commissioners approved a request to contract with a firm to provide high-speed Internet access to the county complex in West Stewartstown. County Administrator Suzanne Collins presented the commissioners with a request to approve a three-year agreement with Hampshire Vanguard Technology Associates to install a high-speed Internet line at the county’s West Stewartstown complex. She said high-speed Internet is essential to the county’s operations, which include the nursing home, county administration and the house of corrections. Collins said, in her report to the commissioners, that high speed Internet would benefit the county since the nursing hospital could use it as e-pharmacy programs and electronic records systems are deployed, and the Department of Corrections uses it for video conferencing. Superintendent of Corrections Craig Hamelin said just see INTERNET page 6
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