VOL. 20 NO. 23
D.E.S. solicits input on draft permit for mill BY CRAIG LYONS THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
GORHAM— The N.H. Department of Environmental Services held a hearing Thursday night on a draft air permit for boiler modifications at the former Fraser Papers mill. The hearing sought to solicit comments on the proposed air permit that would allow FP Acquisitions, LLC, the company which owns the mill, to modify two of its boilers by installing burners that would
allow the facility to burn natural gas and a combination natural gas and landfill gas mixture. Only two people attended the hearing and no one made any comments. After conducting a technical review of the mill and its plans the N.H.D.E.S. Air Resources Division issued a draft decision to issue the permit. The temporary air permit from N.H.D.E.S. would stay in effect through the construction and modification of the boilers. The mill would then require a
modification to its federal Title V permit once the new burners are installed. Catherine Beahm, a technical assistance specialist for the N.H.D.E.S. Air Resources Division, presented an overview of the project during the brief hearing. The mill plans to modify power boilers one and two to combust natural gas or a combination of natural gas and landfill gas from the Mt. Carberry landfill. see INPUT page 9
Missing snowboarder rescued in White Mountains TUCKERMAN’S RAVINE-- Rescue teams succeeded in finding a missing snowboarder, 32-yearold Jean-Francois Massicotte of St. Boniface, Quebec Province, after searching throughout the day. Massicotte was cold and tired after unexpectedly spending the night on the mountain after taking a wrong turn off the top
of Tuckerman’s Ravine, but he was uninjured and yesterday afternoon was hiking out to safety with a group of searchers from the Appalachian Mountain Club. A N.H. Army National Guard helicopter had been following tracks in the deep snow from the air for at least six miles, when the ground searchers met up with the man on the Dry River Trail.
Massicotte had last been seen Sunday, April 24, about 11:30 a.m. He had hiked in to Tuckerman’s Ravine with his brother-in-law Alexandre Gauthier to go snowboarding. They reached the base of Tuckerman’s Ravine mid-morning, then split up, with Gauthier remaining at the base and Massicotte see RESCUED page 18
College asks for help with budget BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN
Berlin High School graphic arts teacher (l-r) Joe Fortin, Claude Raymond, of Paul’s Body Shop, and BHS students Kris Cicchetto, Hannah Gagnon, Heather Gagnon, Mariah Raymond, (lower) Kyanna Lefebvre, and Rachel Thompson stand in front of a Kia mini-van that the graphic arts students decaled with vinyl lettering. This year, Berlin Public Schools purchased a Kia mini-van to reduce travel costs for staff and administration. Claude Raymond from Paul’s Body Shop donated some painting on the van. Earlier this month, the BHS Graphic Arts Program applied vinyl to several of the districts work and plow vehicles as well as the minivan. “it is a win-win situation,” said Fortin. “The school system can save some money by doing this in-house, and the students learn how the process creating and applying vector art is done from beginning to end.” (CRAIG LYONS PHOTO)
BERLIN – Supporters of White Mountains Community College are urged to fight a proposed $900,000 cut in its 2012 fiscal operating budget. The proposed cut comes at a time when college enrollment and demand for services are up. At the college’s traditional dinner for local legislators and municipal officials last Thursday night, Community College System of N.H. Vice Chancellor Dr. Charles Annal acknowledged it is a “particularly difficult legislative session in terms of trying to fashion a budget that is going to work for everyone”. The college system is currently funded at $37.5 million. The system requested a 2012 budget of $39 million. In his budget, Gov. Lynch proposed a figure of $35 million - $27 million from the general fund. The House-passed budget set a figure of $27.7 million in fiscal 2012 and $32.1 million in fiscal 2013. The Senate has not come out yet with its budget. “Our hope at this point is to recover some of this through the Senate. We’re see COLLEGE page 19
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