The Berlin Daily Sun, Friday, April 6, 2012

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VOL. 21 NO. 12




Berlin’s visiting nurse program will not be cut BY BARBARA TETREAULT THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

BERLIN – In a tough budget season, the city council got some good news at its budget session Wednesday night. City Manager Patrick MacQueen and Health and Welfare Director Angela Martin-Giroux reported the city’s home health nursing program will not have to convert to a computerized system that had threatened the future of the program. MacQueen said the federal government has decided

not to require smaller communities to convert to the system. Given that fact, MacQueen said he was now recommending the city continue to operate the visiting nurse program. In February, MacQueen reported it appeared a new federal mandate would require the program to convert to a comprehensive computerized system known as an Electronic Health Record by Jan. 1, 2014. The cost to purchase the hardware and train personnel was in the $70,000 to

$100,000 range. In addition, software fees for the program would cost the city about $41,000 annually. While the system would save the city some staff time, the overall cost would far exceed any potential savings. With the visiting nurse program already running in the red, MacQueen said he could not recommend making the investment and suggested phasing out the program. Martin-Giroux said it had taken a lot of work but the department was

and alert actions and disregard for their own personal safety. “Incidents such as these can occur at anytime in a prison environment. These two officers used their corrections training to avert a situation that could have ended tragically. They are to be commended for their efforts,” said Wrenn. There are five medals that Department of Corrections employees can receive for demonstrating exceptional actions in their devotion to duty or service to the public. These are the Medal of Honor, the Life Saving medal, the Line of Duty medal, the Honorable Service medal, and the Team Commendation medal.

Two N.H. Corrections Officers were honored with the department’s Life Saving medal this week for saving the life of an inmate last summer. Honored were officers Eddy L’Heureux and Albert Oswald. Pictured are Northern N.H. Correctional Facility Warden Edward Reilly, L’Heureux, Oswald, and N.H. Commissioner of Corrections William Wrenn (PHOTO BY BARBARA TETREAULT)

Two state corrections officers receive medals

BERLIN - State Corrections Commissioner William Wrenn presented Life Saving medals to two corrections officers at the Northern New Hampshire Correctional Facility in Berlin Wednesday. Officers Eddy L’Heureux and Albert Oswald were recognized for saving the life of an inmate during an incident in 2011. On July 31, 2011, Officers L’Heureux and Oswald were assigned to the dining hall when they saw an inmate choking and in distress. They quickly responded by applying abdominal and back thrusts. The food was dislodged from the inmate’s throat and he recovered from the incident. The two officers were recognized for their prompt

able to get written confirmation by e-mail that the city does not need to convert to the Electronic Health Record system. Mayor Paul Grenier said he was pleased at the news. He said he had been hoping for a miracle that would allow the city to continue what he called a needed service. He said he received many phone calls from citizens upset that the city was considering closing the visiting nurse program. see CUT page 7

KRT explains revaluation process BY MELISSA GRIMA THE BERLIN DAILY SUN

Pakistani pop singer Arif Lohar, a superstar in the Punjabi world, engages a few helpers, from left Bianca Price, Tyler Rousseau, Lacey Johnson and Dominic Couture, to play the chimta - a percussion instrument- during a performance at the Milan Village School on Wednesday morning.See story page 6. (MELISSA GRIMA PHOTO)


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GORHAM --The firm of KRT Appraisal has been hired to conduct the town of Gorham’s town-wide revaluation project for 2012. The firm will be working with the Gorham selectmen’s office to make the process a successful one. The revaluation will take place in five phases: data collection, market analysis, valuation, field review, and informal hearings. The data collection phase will begin this month and will include personal visits to each property to physically inspect the interior and measure the exterior of each building. Data collectors note the building’s location, size, age, quality of construction, improvements, topography, utilities, zoning


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restrictions if any, and numerous other characteristics both inside and out. To ensure that a home was inspected the home owners are asked to sign the data collection form as verification. The process takes approximately 15 minutes for most properties. The data is subject to review by the Department of Revenue Administration and the KRT supervisor. Property owners should be aware that all KRT field representatives carry a picture ID, municipal letters of introduction and have their vehicles listed with both the selectmen’s office and the police department. The second phase of the process includes market analysis, which utilizes a variety of resources to analyze the local real estate market. Among see KRT page 8

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