The Conway Daily Sun, Friday, August 26, 2011

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Line up for ‘A Chorus Line’ — page 22


New Fall Sweaters & Hoodies are in stock now. Stop by with your pet and try one on!

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Conway anticipates flooding, downed trees from hurricane

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Rain, wind expected to hit this area Sunday BY DAYMOND STEER THE CONWAY DAILY SUN

Rt. 16, N. Conway, NH


Rev. M.G. Martell Spagnolo was hired in December as minister of the “Brown Church” in Conway Village. (JAMIE GEMMITI PHOTO)

New pastor of Conway Village ‘Brown Church’ to sing at 125th anniversary celebration Sunday BY TOM EASTMAN THE CONWAY DAILY SUN

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CONWAY — He entertained for then Vice President George H. W. Bush in the 1980s. He has sung for the Pope (the late John Paul II, in 2004). And now, he's going to sing not only to celebrate his installation as the new pastor for the Conway Village Congregational Church United Church of Christ, but also to add to that church's 125th birthday festivities planned for Sunday.

The singing pastor is the Rev. M.G. Martell Spagnolo, 49, who was hired in December by the congregation as the minister of the landmark church known by locals as the “Brown Church.” On Sunday at 5:30 p.m. as part of the church's 125th birthday festivities, he'll be performing a musical songfest of Broadway tunes and standards in the sanctuary, accompanied by Bobbi Muse of Fryeburg on piano. see PASTOR page 9

CONWAY — Hurricane Irene is still expected to impact this area late Sunday into Monday, according to Conway emergency management director Stephen Solomon. Although Solomon can't predict the hurricane's exact track and how hard it will hit, he says it will come close enough to ensure that Conway will feel some type of impact. The best estimates are three to six inches of rain will fall and winds will gust up to 60 to 70 mph. "I anticipate enough rain to cause urban flooding, washouts on the gravel roads, and downed trees and power lines," said Solomon. "There may also be minor river flooding after the storm passes." see IRENE page 8

Boy credited with helping to save mom after hiking fall BY ERIK EISELE THE CONWAY DAILY SUN

EVANS NOTCH — A woman’s serious fall down a hiking trail near the Maine border could have ended in disaster on WWW.LUCYHARDWARE.COM



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Wednesday if it wasn’t for the actions of her 9-year-old son. At around 12:30 p.m. April Kearney, of Cumberland, Maine, her husband, Michael, and her son, John, were hiking along the Basin Trail between Ragged

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Jacket and West Royce Mountains, according to New Hampshire Fish and Game officer Alex Lopashanski, when they encountered a steep section. The see RESCUE page 8



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