The Laconia Daily Sun, January 16, 2013

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New NY gun law said ‘common sense’

E E R F Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Community garden suggested as part of South End revitalization By roger AMsden FOR THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — A community garden and bicycle-friendly streets and sidewalks are among the many suggested improvements that will be considered as part of the Wyatt Park-South End Community Revitalization Project. The ideas were among those discussed by about 20 residents of the area, many of them young people, who took part in a community meeting held at the Woodland Heights Elementary School last night. Amy Lovisek, assistant director of the Laconia Parks and Recreation Department, said that the meeting, which was structured in a small group format with five facilitators from Healthy Eating Active Living (HEAL) NH, was productive and that she was especially pleased to see a real mix of people from the community present, including business owners and young people. The Wyatt ParkSouth End Community Revitalization Project is part of Lakes Region HEAL. Laconia is one of four

see sOUTH end page 12

Empire State adopts first new restrictions post Newtown massacre — Page 2

VOL. 13 nO. 158

LaCOnIa, n.H.



School board approves college’s use of Huot Center kitchen By gAil oBer


LACONIA — After hearing a presentation from Lakes Region Community College Vice President of Academic Affairs Tom Goulette, the School Board last night decided by consensus to allow the college’s culinary arts program to use the Huot Regional Techni-

cal Education Center kitchen a for its cooking classes. Goulette said he needed kitchen time for nine students in the Baking and Pastry Technologies, 10 students for Cake Decorating, 12 students for World Wide Cuisine, and 11 students from Bakery Production. LRCC will use only the

kitchen area of the Huot Center on the Laconia High School campus and the classes will be held in the late afternoon, after the high school and the Huot have ended their day. Goulette said the LRCC students will bring their own supplies, will wear identification tags while in the school, and will be issued parking stickers

for their cars. “We know the rules of the Huot campus” Goulette said, emphasizing that LRCC students would be “good guests.” The sudden move became necessary when the LRCC Culinary Program was told to vacate the Belmont Mill after the town discovered some see HUOT page 12

‘I Have Been Busy All Day’ brought to life by Laconia playwright


LACONIA — A stage production about one woman’s experiences living in late-19th century New England is all about family — both on-stage and off. “I Have Been Busy All Day” which premieres this Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. at the Belknap Mill is a dramatic adaptation of the journals kept by Anna Samson Bradley, a forward-thinking Connecticut housewife who wrote down her thoughts on a host of issues, ranging from ordinary child-rearing and housekeeping duties, to profound questions about the meaning of life and death. Anna Bradley was in her 30s when she chronicled her life from 1893 through Tamara McGonagle and Judy Buswell read through the journals of Anna Samson Bradley at Buswell’s Laconia home in preparation for 1899, the year before their upcoming performance of “I Have Been Busy All Day” depicting Bradley’s life as a housewife and mother during the 1890s. Perfor- she died at age 38. mances are this weekend at the Belknap Mill. (Karen Bobotas/for the Laconia Daily Sun) see PLay page 10

Fisheries biologist discounts concerns about cheating at fishing derby By roger AMsden

veteran New Hampshire Fish and Game fish biologist Don Miller. ‘’It was probably easier to cheat when only the tagged rainbow trout were eligible for the top prize. They can be taken year round and someone could have landed a big fish long before winter and kept them alive until the derby,’’ says Miller. Concerns over the possibility of cheating were raised by what happened on the last day of the 2012 derby, when two large Fuel Oil OIL & PROPANE CO., INC. untagged rainbow trout were 10 day cash price* Laconia 524-1421 subject to change weighed in just before the close of


MEREDITH — Changes in the Great Rotary Fishing Derby rules which have made seven species of fish taken through the through the ice from any public water body in the state eligible for the grand prize aren’t likely to encourage cheating, says

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entries and took the top two spots for the day. Miller, who was at the weigh-in station, said that he told Derby officials that the fish were a different strain of rainbow trout than that stocked by the state. ‘’I’d never seen anything like these fish and thought that they must have been taken from a stocked pond,’’ said Miller. Jim Wallace of the Meredith Rotary Club said the fish had a copper color, which he attributed to the ‘’pellet food’’ which they were most likely fed. He said that many of the other fishermen near the leader board see deRBy page 11

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