The Laconia Daily Sun, January 5, 2013

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E E R F Saturday, January 5, 2013


Malala strides out of U.K. hospital Pakistani girl was shot by Taliban for advocating girls’ education – Page 10

VOL. 13 nO. 151

LaCOnIa, n.H.



Can recycling help ease the city’s budget?

Eric Grant Councilor Bob Hamel: “We’re throwing money away” denies allegation of sexual assault

(CPIU), for the prior calendar year, plus an additional amount tied to the value of new construction, which is calculated by multiplying the value of building permits less the value of demolition permits issued LACONIA — When the City Council met between April 1 and March 31 by the prior this week Councilor Henry Lipman (Ward year’s property tax rate. 3), who chairs the Finance Committee, The CPIU for 2012 is projected at 2.1-peranticipated that balancing the 2013-2014 cent, or one-third less than in 2011. The budget within the bounds of the tax cap value of new construction is estimated at approximately $14-million, compared to $18-million last year, a decrease of 22-percent. By a rough calculation, the tax cap would permit approximately $1.1-million in additional spending in 2013, almost $500,000, or 30-percent, less than last year. Steep increases in the employer contribution rates set by the New Hampshire Retirement System are projected to add $735,000 to the municipal budget — $350,000 for city employees and $385,000 for school teachers. The county budget proposed by the Belknap County Commission projects an 8.9-percent in the amount raised by property taxes, which would increase the city’s county assessment by $250,000. Together these expenses represent almost 88-percent of the increase in property taxes allowed by the tax cap. Jamie Adams (left) and Harold Mossey, of Bestway Disposal Services empty two recyling toters on Lewis Street yesterday, finishing the In light of these presfirst recycling week of the new year. Recycling increased 11-perecent last year, saving property taxpayers $80,000, but much greater savings remain to be had. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Michael Kitch) see rECyCLE page 7 By Michael Kitch

would pose significant challenges and suggested looking to the recycling program as a means of reducing expenditures. The property tax cap limits the annual increase in total amount raised by property taxes to the rate of inflation, measured by the Consumer Price Index — Urban


By Gail OBer


LACONIA – The front man and founder of one of the area’s most popular country bands said he did not commit aggravated felonious sexual assault in 2006, a charge for which he was indicted last month, and is confident he will be acquitted. “The State has accused me of a crime see GraNt page 10

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Commissioners eye fund balance to blunt county tax hike By rOGer aMsden FOR THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — Concerned over speculation that the Belknap County Delegation is poised to cut the proposed $26.8 million county budget by as much as $1.5 million, Belknap County commissioners are looking at what the impact on the county’s bond rating would be if it uses an additional $1 million from its fund balance to reduce the proposed county tax rate increase from 9

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percent to 2 percent. ‘’If we were to reduce the fund balance by $1 million, would we take a hit on the bond side later for a $40 million bond for a Community Corrections facility? That’s a key piece of information for our future credit rating and that could mean huge amounts of money down the road’’ said Commission Chairman Ed Philpot at a commission work session Friday morning. County Administrator Debra Shackett

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said that she will look for an answer to that question which she hopes to have before commissioners meet with the Laconia City Council on January 14 to discuss the proposed new correctional facility and their currently proposed budget. Currently, agencies have rated the county AA+, which is a high rating, but they have added “a negative outlook” due to concerns over the size of the fund balance, which is see COuNty page 6


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