Wednesday, January 9, 2013
Christmas Island makeover gets Planning Board approval
VOL. 13 nO. 153
LaCOnIa, n.H.
County Commission commits to jail project By michAel Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
LACONIA — The three Belknap County Commissioners decided to pursue the construction of a new county jail and development of a community corrections system, which bears a pricetag in the neighborhood
of $40-million, when the committee planning the project met yesterday to consider the conceptual design and cost estimate prepared by Ricci Greene Associates. Ricci Greene Associates proposed a 94,450 square-foot, two-story facility with 180 beds, 120 of them designated as secure
beds for inmates and the remainder as residential beds for those undergoing treatment regimens and participating in work release programs. The report projected that to operate the facility efficiently the staff, which currently numbers 28 full-time see JaIL page 9
Freeze, thaw, repeat
LACONIA — The Planning Board gave a green light last night to the Lakehouses at Christmas Island project which will see a complete redevelopment of the Christmas Island Resort. All of the existing 47 motel units will be demolished with only two large cottage units and the Christmas Island Steakhouse left from the original development, which dates to the 1950s. Developer Romeo Lacasse plans to have 18 condo units, two two-story, 4,000 square foot cottages and 16 new condo units, each with about 2,400 square feet of space, which would be located in eight new duplex units. The duplex buildings will be spaced along the 1,000 feet of waterfront, providing each unit with views of the lake. Each of the units will include a garage for one car and space for a second in the driveway while visitor parking would see XMas page 10
Lake Winnisquam as seen from Gale Avenue on a cold morning. (Karen Bobotas/for the Laconia Daily Sun
Inter-Lakes board looking at 3% budget increase By miKe moRtensen FOR THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
MEREDITH – The Inter-Lakes School Board will be looking at a proposed 3 percent increase in the School District’s operating budget when it holds its budget work session in 12 days. Superintendent Mary Ellen Ormond touched on the highlights of the adminis-
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tration’s budget proposal during Tuesday evening’s board meeting. Ormond said that the bottom line being proposed is $612,761 above the district’s current operating budget of $20.16 million. She said that $241,552 of the increase was due to increased salaries and benefits. Another $297,000 was for higher district payments to the retirement fund. The rest
– $74,209 – is earmarked for teaching, curriculum and high school instruction expenses. “While we have increases,” Ormond told the board, “we have areas which we have held steady or have decreased.” The board received copies of the detailed budget blueprint at the conclusion of see I-L page 8
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