Friday, OctOber 19, 2012
Democrats show up to monitor Forrester’s Tea Party appearance
VOL. 13 NO. 97
LacONia, N.H.
Mayor applauds police for Wyatt Park work BudCom By RogeR Amsden FOR THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
LACONIA — The Police Department earned praise yesterday for a year-long effort in the Wyatt Park area of the South End, which has enabled residents there to feel that they are once again in control of their own neighborhood. ‘’People feel empowered,’’ Laconia Mayor Michael Seymour told the Police Commission after it viewed a presentation of the Problem Oriented Policing (POP) project in the Wyatt Park neighborhood
which has been underway since last September, Lieutenant Rich Simmons said that POP was instituted after numerous complaints from residents of the area about quality of life issues ranging from suspicions of alcohol and drug-related crime, to late night noise and rowdyism, littering and speeding and traffic violations. He said that a team consisting of himself, Sergeant Gary Hubbard, Detective Scott Roy and Officer Michael Armstrong, started out by designating Wyatt see WyaTT ParK page 14
see SENaTE 2 page 12
By gAil oBeR
Brothers Trevor (left) and Norm Harris (right) of Gilford Well Company have agreed to make an in-kind donation of in-ground irrigation systems for the planned new athletic facility at Laconia High School. Laconia School District Business Administrator Ed Emond (center) estimated the value of the donation to be at least $30,000. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)
Harris brothers donate irrigation system to LHS By AdAm dRApcho THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
LACONIA — Brothers Norm and Trevor Harris have joined the many Laconia High School alumni who have found a way to contribute to the campaign to raise $1 million in support of a $16.8 million overhaul of the school’s campus.
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strikes free coffee for town hall employees
Dunn explains why Gilford’s legal expenses likely to go down
By michAel Kitch M O U LT O N B O R OUGH — When the Lakes Region Tea Party hosted Senator Jeanie Forrester, the incumbent Republican seeking re-election in District 2, this week the only fireworks were sparked by the smattering of Democrats among the three dozen or so people gathered in the town library. The meeting closed with Forrester and Tim Carter, the chairman of the group, discussing the importance of compromise. The senator told of visiting with fourth grade class at the Hebron-Bridgewater Village School. She said that she divided the class into two groups, one representing the House and the other the Senate, and designated one pupil as governor. She than asked each to choose a desert. When they differed, they approached the governor, who suggested a settlement. Asked how they resolved their differences, one pupil answered “compromise.” Forrester opened by shrugging off criticism
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The project includes a renovated high school with new science labs, a renovated and expanded Huot Regional Technical Education Center and the construction of a new outdoor athletic facility sure to be the envy of the region. Thanks to the generosity of the Harris brothsee LHS page 15 LASER CAR WASH
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GILFORD — The Budget Committee approved the selectman’s recommended decrease in the town’s legal budget last night after learning the budgeted amount for 2013 will drop by 39.3 percent from the amount budgeted for 2012. The budgeted amount for 2013 is $37,000 which is a retainer for Donahue, Tucker and Ciandella of Meredith. Last year’s amount was $51,000. Town Administrator Scott Dunn said the retainer is lower and he anticipates the town will need less legal services but the fee schedule is lower. He explained that right now the town pays the Mitchell Municipal Group of Laconia $1,400 a month for unlimited phone calls. The new contract with Donahue et al is $975 monthly for six hours of information. see COffEE page 16
Paid for by Belknap Republican Committee, Barbara Luther, Treasurer