The Laconia Daily Sun, October 3, 2012

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Wednesday, OctOber 3, 2012


Laconia man appointed to state board of education

VOL. 13 nO. 85

LacOnIa, n.H.



Weirs’ sleep lobby out in force against night club expansion By Michael Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — Faced with apparently conflicting reports from two acoustic engineers, the Planning Board last night deferred a decision on the request of Anthony Santagate to host live bands on the upper floor of the Tower Hill Tavern at Weirs Beach as neighboring

innkeepers warned excessive noise would ruin their businesses. The board agreed to refer the reports to a consultant, who would be asked to set some standard for audible noise with reference to specific places and times and measured by particular instruments. Santagate first applied to

install bar, stage, dance floor and restroom in 4,500 squarefoot space above the tavern and eatery at 264-290 Lakeside Avenue. When nearby businesses and residents raised concerns about the noise late at night the board required Santagate to fund a round of testing to determine if the noise leaving the building would be

within acceptable limits. Last month Eric Reuter of Reuter Associates of Portsmouth told the board that he calculated the sound of a live band would reach 90 decibels within the building and add between 45 and 50 decibels to the ambient sound level outside it, which he described as see sLeeP page 11

Guess they won’t be watching the debate at this house


LACONIA — Gary Groleau of New Hampshire Ball Bearing, Inc. has been appointed to the New Hampshire Board of Education. He was nominated by Governor John Lynch and unanimously confirmed by the Executive Council last month. Groleau replaces Fred Bramante of Durham and will serve until January 31, 2015. Groleau said yesterday that he was “very proud” of the appointment and looked forward to his first meeting of the board. Groleau has been in the forefront of efforts to forge closer partnerships between manufacturing employers and educational institutions — secondary schools, community colleges and the New Hampshire University System — to develop and sustain the skilled workforce on which future prosperity depends. A native of Laconia, Groleau was recently promoted to corporate manager of Labor Relations and Organizational Development see GROLeaU page 12

The Bestway Disposal crew encountered this sign in Laconia as they were making their recycling pick up run recently. (Courtesy photo)

Pawn shop owner asks court to set aside guilty verdict as unreasonable By Gail OBer


LACONIA — The attorney for the Lakeport pawn shop owner recently convicted of receiving stolen property in Belknap County Superior Court has asked a judge to set aside the guilty verdicts, arguing the state’s evidence was so weak, no “reasonable jury” could have found the state proved it case. Hemeon said that during the testimony

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Laconia Police Det. Kevin Butler testified that given the totality of the circumstances he believed the tools were stolen. Under cross-examination, “Butler admitted that a reasonable person could also believe that the goods were probably not stolen.” Atty. Robert Hemeon, who represents Fred Brent the owner of Cash N Toys on Union Avenue, said even Judge James Barry called the case “thin” from the bench but allowed it to go to the jury.


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Brent, 48, was convicted of four counts of felony level receiving stolen property after the jury deliberated for about two hours. He has since started liquidating his business and Police Capt. Matt Canfield confirmed yesterday that the Laconia Licensing Board, that meets today at noon, will consider whether or not to revoke Brent’s license. In his motion to set aside, Hemeon see Pawn sHOP page 12

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