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Saturday, February 18, 2012
Man tells Northfield police K2 put him down on Elm St.
NORTHFIELD — Police are investigating the circumstances surrounding an unconscious 26-yearold man they found lying on Elm Street Thursday afternoon. Chief Steve Adams said Derek Major, of 46 Warren St. in Concord told police he had been smoking K2 and was having trouble breathing. According to Adams, Spice, or K2, are brand names for synthetic cannabinoids — see K2 page 10
VOL. 12 NO. 186
In SB-2 towns, adopting property tax cap under new law would shift tremendous power to deliberative sessions BudComs wouldn’t have much to do By Michael Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
GILFORD — Those grown weary at the annual deliberations of the Budget Committee will welcome the petitioned warrant article on the March ballot to impose a property tax cap, which will render the
committee nearly as irrelevant as the blush on a dead man’s cheek. Ironically, the woman responsible for the article, Barbara Aichinger, is also a candidate for election to the Budget Committee. Last year the Legislature added a provision to the Municipal Budget Law (RSA 32:5-b) authorizing towns to adopt tax or spending caps. The statute requires that
the board of selectmen or the budget committee present a budget that limits the increase in the amount to be raised by local property taxes, or tax commitment, to either a fixed dollar amount or fixed percentage, specified when the cap is adopted by a municipality. The law provides that the voters, at the see taX CaP page 10
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Mark Lesnewski of Gilford takes aim at the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center in Holderness, which this winter has added an indoor archery league. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)
Straight arrows
HOLDERNESS — The boars, foxes and squirrels aren’t real, and there’s more laughter than stealthy stalking, but the skills being learned and honed at a new indoor archery league this month are real. The league is an attempt to get more people to visit the Owl Brook Hunter Education Center this winter
with the hope that some of them will take up the sport of hunting. The center is located on a nearly 500-acre parcel located on Perch Pond Road and operated by the state’s Fish & Game Department. Though it held see arCHEry page 11
Condodemetraky says aim of special article is simple; a flat budget By Gail OBer
spending cap petitioned by a group of voters and spearheaded by one of three candidates for selectman. “I just wanted a flat budget,” said George Condodemetraky who gathered the signatures for Warrant Article 36. “There’s a lot of people out there who can hardly make it.” 10-day Heating Oil Cash Price: Condodemetracky said the 9* warrant articles included in the budget for the upgrade to * subject to change 524-1480 the town’s sewer pump stations THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
BELMONT — Although not much was said at the town’s deliberative session of Town Meeting, on election day voters will be asked to weigh in on a one-year pseudo
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and the pass through warrant article that allows the town to spend the state highway grant money shouldn’t be affected by petitioned article. Both the sewer pumps and the state highway grant have offsetting revenues and would not affect the tax rate. Article 36 states that if passed, the town could spend no more than $9,418,558 — the number of total appropriations — including separate warrant articles — that was see BELMONt page 10