The Laconia Daily Sun, February 20, 2013

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Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Beer, but no beer signs, at Muskrat games this summer

VOL. 13 nO. 181

LaCOnIa, n.H.


Convention going ahead with fine tuning budget, line by line By michAel Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — The Belknap County Convention and the Belknap County Commission last night reached an impasse over their respective roles and authorities in the budget process. The convention majority, on the strength of its reading of state statutes, has claimed the authority to rewrite the budget recommended

by the commission by adding or deleting, raising or lowering particular line items. The commission has countered that the authority of the convention is confined to the “Statement of County Appropriations and Revenue as Voted,” or MS-42, which lists 21 appropriations for the major county departments and programs along with a summary of the total appropriations and revenues and the amount to be raised by

taxes. The form is signed by the chair and clerk of the convention and submitted to the New Hampshire Department of Revenue Administration (DRA). When Commissioner John Thomas (R-Belmont) presented the convention with a legal opinion upholding its position, Rep. Colette Worsman (R-Meredith), who chairs the convention, replied that “the MS-42 has see COUnTy page 12

Vendor to be local By RogeR Amsden FOR THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — Laconia Muskrats General Manager Noah Crane last night updated the city’s Parks and Recreation Commission on changes which will be taking place at Robbie Mills Field as the team enters its fourth season in the New England Collegiate Baseball League. Crane said that as soon as weather permits work will start on completing a 48 foot by 42 foot deck atop and behind the 17 foot high replica of Fenway Park’s Green Monster in left field. The 2,000-square-foot deck will house the park’s food and beverage concession, which will include the sale of beer, and will be the only place at the park where alcohol will be allowed. He said that the Muskrats will outsource the food and beverage concession at the deck while retaining its own concession stand in its current location behind the stands. Crane said the see BeeR page 10





Laconia man gets OK to tap cemetery maples for their sap By RogeR Amsden FOR THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

Trail blazers

Jeanne and Dave Bockus of Tilton venture out for a snowshoe hike through the trails at Prescott Farm in Laconia during the Environmental Education Center’s WinterFest on Saturday afternoon. (Karen Bobotas/for The Laconia Daily Sun)

Blue View Vision, EyeMed and Medicaid accepted

527-1100 Belknap Mall

LACONIA — Mark Dadian arrived late at the Laconia Parks and Recreation Department’s meeting last night because he was attending a welding class at the Huot Regional Technical Education Center, where he’s learning a skill which will enable him to build a backyard arch at his Church Street home for making maple syrup. And he convinced the commission to allow him to tap five maple trees at the Hillside Cemetery off Mechanic Street in Lakeport to provide him with a supply of maple sap for his backyard maple sugar operation. ‘’I was looking for trees I could tap and located these on city property. They’re 30 feet away from the nearest grave and I’d like to tap them this year if that’s possible,’’ said Dadian, who said that he would have tubes connected to collection buckets which would be set well away from the graves. Commission members were intrigued by the idea and agreed to allow him to tap the trees once he had submitted a written formal proposal. Commissioners said that they will review what happens with the tree tapping operation to try and develop a policy but hope they won’t be inundated with hundreds of requests from other backyard see saP page 11

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