The Laconia Daily Sun, February 26, 2011

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Preschoolers home alone?

E E R F Saturday, February 26, 2011


Woman held on cash bail for alleged theft & assault at Walmart

LACONIA — Laconia District Court Judge James Carroll on Friday ordered a Mirror Lake woman held on $5,000 cash or surety for her alleged role in an robbery and assault at Walmart in Gilford. According to affidavits submitted by Gilford Police, Angela Shaw, 30, “pushed, slapped and forced her palms” into the face of an employee of the store. Police said employees at Walmart became see tHEFt page 9

Texas probes report children who died in fire were by themselves at day care – P. 2

VOL. 11 NO. 192




Stark contrast between candidates in I-L board race By michAel Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

MEREDITH — The two candidates for an at-large seat on the Inter-Lakes School Board — incumbent Richard Hanson of Center Harbor and challenger Mark Billings of Meredith — could hardly be more different.

Hanson, who has served on the board for the past 12 years, is not complacent, but believes that the board, administration and teachers have provided impressive outcomes for students at reasonable costs to taxpayers. “We are always striving for improvement,” he said, “and I see my role as sustaining the

course the board has taken. The reason we exist is for the kids.” Billings senses a revolution underway in public education, as the proficiency of American students lags further behind that of their counterparts abroad and the costs of school systems “become completely unsustainable.” Insisting that

change cannot be avoided, he believes the school district must “lead that change or fall victim to it.” The candidate’s contrasting perspectives reflect their different backgrounds. Hanson earned degrees in philosophy and sociology, along with a see INtEr-LaKEs page 11

Former Our Lady of the Lakes Church for sale for $1.1-million By AdAm drApcho THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — Kathleen Fortin has lived on Franklin Street in Lakeport since 1990. Her home overlooks Lake Opechee and was a short walk from the Our Lady of the Lakes Catholic Church, one of the three

parishes in Laconia that was consolidated in 2008, a consolidation that resulted in the creation of the St. André Bessette Parish. The final mass held at Our Lady of the Lakes was celebrated in August and as parishoners learned on the weekend of February 20, a decree from Bishop John

McCormack – known as a “loss of blessing and relegation to profane use” – had made possible the sale of the property. The parish has contracted with the Masiello Group, which has listed the property, which includes the church, the rectory, a house see CHurCH page 8

Spring can’t get here soon enough for many

$2 .00 Off The Works Wash Press “I Have a Code” Enter 12348 1181 Union Ave., Laconia 246 D.W. Hwy., Meredith

(603) 279-7114

May not be combined with other discounts. Expires August 31, 2011.

John Ludwick, owner of Ludwick Auto Rescue and Towing, stands atop an overturned Nissan Pathfinder that had flipped after its driver lost control yesterday morning while attemping to maneuver down the hill on Route 25 in Meredith between the Irving gas station and the Inter-Lakes school campus. Police Officer James Brunt, who worked the scene, said the slick road conditions caused the accident, no other vehicles were involved and the Pathfinder’s two occupants – a middle-aged couple from Hudson – were not injured. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)


Fuel Oil 10 day cash price 64 Primrose Dr. North, Laconia 524-1421 subject to change


LASER CAR WASH Express Deluxe Works $6.00 $8.00 $10.00



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