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VOL. 13 NO. 185
Convention delays final adoption of county budget
Sled Dog after 4 Republicans join Democrats on critical vote Derby is on for this weekend BY MICHAEL KITCH THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
LACONIA — A weekend snow storm that dropped about eight inches of snow in the area with more snow expected for Wednesday night has put the 84th World Championship Sled Dog Derby back on track. ‘’We’re good to go. The weekend snow definitely helped,’’ said Lakes Region Sled Dog Club President Jim Lyman. He said that the club made the decisee DOGS page 12
LACONIA — At the close of another stormy meeting last night, the Belknap County Convention deferred a final vote on the 2013 county budget for at least another week when a motion to first hear the Belknap County Commission explain the cost items in the collective bargaining agreements negotiated with the unions representing county employees carried by the narrowest of majorities. Earlier the convention amended its ver-
sion of the budget, which Rep. Colette Worsman (R-Meredith), who chairs the body, formatted on a spreadsheet that did not include the most recent amendments. Although the document was distributed to members, only a handful of copies were available for the public assembled for a hearing. After closing the public hearing, Worsman suggested the convention proceed to a vote. Rep. Ruth Gulick (D-New Hampton balked, remarking that the public had not an opportunity to review the budget.
Nor, she said, had the commission been granted an opportunity to present the cost items in the union contracts for approval, despite three requests to do so. “Thank you for your input,” said Worsman offering her usual response to unwelcome suggestions, particularly from the five Democrats on the convention. “It is imperative that we do the work of the convention.” Gulick proposed a motion to delay a vote on the budget until the public had time to consider it and the commission had see COUNTY page 17
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Ryan McGarghan makes an all out effort to catch teammate Jason Baldini’s toss during Mystic Meadows Snowshoe Disc Golf World Championship Tournament held Saturday off Parade Road in Laconia. McGarhan and Baldini won the title with a score of 53. Steve Robie and Andrew Moody came in second and Laconia High studetns Nico Brady and Zack Horne claimed third. Mystic Meadows is planning a repeat tournament next winner and is immediately starting a noon Saturday snowshoe disc golf league. League play will last as long as the snow does. (Karen Bobotas/for The Laconia Daily Sun)
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