‘Left wing’ after pope?
E E R F Saturday, March 16, 2013
Dems will nominate Huot for convention chairman
LACONIA — When the Belknap County Convention convenes on Tuesday, March 19 to elect its officers in an apparent effort to resolve a challenge to the election held in December, a Democrat, Representative David Huot of Laconia, will be nominated for the chairmanship. Huot said that his candidacy will serve “as good evidence that we have a genuine and open election.” He see HuOt page 8
Vatican reacts to criticism of new pontiff’s actions during ‘dirty war’ — P. 2
VOL. 13 NO. 199
LacONIa, N.h.
Dying? Belknap 1 of 4 New Hampshire counties where number of deaths has been exceeding births By Michael Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
DURHAM — Belknap County is among four counties in New Hampshire — Carroll, Coos and Sullivan are the others — and 1,135 counties, or 36-percent of all counties, in the United States, which yesterday were widely described
in headlines as “dying.” Kenneth Johnson, senior demographer at the Carsey Institute of the University of New Hampshire, drawing on data collected by the Census Bureau, reported that in these counties the number of deaths exceeded the number of births, representing a natural decrease
in population. Never have so many counties been marked by a natural decrease in population, he found. Moreover, for the first time in American history, deaths topped births in two entire states — Maine and West Virginia. Johnson said yesterday that despite the natural decrease,
Belknap County was the only one of the four “dying” counties in the state where the population increased — from 56,325 in 2000 to 60,088 in 2010 — despite the natural decrease. “In-migration accounted for the growth,” he said, describing Belknap County as a “retiresee dyING page 8
Who needs Florida?
Three local college students, Cherelle Flynn, Shannon Grant and Brie Salerno enjoyed a spring break hike up Rattlesnake Mountain this week. (Mark Chertok/for The Laconia Daily Sun)
Deputy says drug deal happened right in front of his marked cruiser By Gail OBer
Joseph R. Marquis, 22, of 5A Dewey St. is charged with one misdemeanor count of possession of marijuana, and three felonies — one for possession of oxycodone with the intent to sell it, one for possession of prescription Adderall, and one count of possession of Xanax. He appeared in a video arraignment in the 6th Circuit Court, Franklin Division yesterday at 1 Evening and Saturday p.m. before Judge Edward “Ned” Eye exams available Gordon. 527-1100 Belknap Mall According to affidavits, a Sher-
LACONIA — A Laconia man was ordered held on $500 cash and $2,000 personal recognizance bail after being charged with multiple drug offenses Thursday afternoon by the Belknap County Sheriffs Office.
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iffs deputy was parked in front of the Laconia Spa in a marked cruiser Wednesday afternoon at 1:43 p.m. The deputy said he observed two men pacing back and forth in front of the store. He said they briefly spoke once and he said it appeared the two men were waiting for someone. He said the store is posted “No Trespassing — Police Take Notice.” He said he saw Marquis, with whom he is familiar and who he has arrested before for drugs, walk up to see druGs page 10