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E E R F Friday, March 22, 2013
Special delivery: Meredith Police intercept 25 pounds of pot headed for apt.
Lawmakers overwhelmingly kill 1 bill but keep another alive for now — P. 2
VOL. 13 NO. 203
LacONia, N.h.
Doctors & nurses at LRGH now communicating via special cell phones By michAel Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
LACONIA — Communication between physicians, nurses and technicians is the life blood of hospitals and earlier this year LRGHealthcare introduced a system that speeds and eases the flow of information.
The Voalte Communication System, programmed into Apple iPhones, enables staff throughout the hospital to communicate with one another, by either voice or text, wherever they may be. Rae MelloAndrews, clinical staff educator, explained that the system facilitates the timely exchange of
information without the need to page an individual or contact a nursing station. “Nurses caring for patients at their bedsides with a question or concern for a physician can contact them directly without leaving the patient,” she said. Likewise, she said that nurses can reached without “running from
room-to-room or paging.” Mello-Andrews said that hospital personnel can use the devices to call outside the hospital, for instance to a physician’s office, but can only receive calls from outside the facility from those who have been given an access code, such see LrGH page 8
Authorities were tipped that shipment was on its way, Mass. man arrested By GAil oBer
MEREDITH — Police netted about 25 pounds of what they are calling medicalgrade marijuana after receiving a tip that it would be delivered to an apartment on Lower Ladd Hill Road. The two packages were intercepted by police, who, just after noon on Thursday, completed the delivery via an undercover officer. Participating in the arrest were Det. Crp. John Eichhorn, Sgt. Mike Harper and Lt. Keith True. Tuan Ngoc Le, 48, of Worcester, Mass. was arrested and charged with one felony count of possession of marijuana with intent to sell. Police also confiscated about $3,000 — see POT page 4
Kirsten Harris, a senior at Laconia High School and student in the applied physics class, tests the aerodynamic properties of her dragster “Cobra” using a wind tunnel. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)
LHS ‘Mythbusters’ get physics lesson at the drag strip By AdAm drApcho THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
LACONIA — The Laconia High School applied physics – also known as “Mythbusters” – class has been learning its latest lesson at a 20-meter long drag strip set up in a corridor outside a classroom. While students challenge each other for bragging
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rights, they’re also learning about mass, acceleration, thrust and friction. Teacher Jo-Ann Gilbert gave each student in the class a wedge-shaped piece of wood, measuring two inches wide, three inches tall and 13 inches long, and allowed the students to come up with their own design. The only stipulation was that their
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dragster, which are propelled by tiny canisters of compressed carbon dioxide, have four plastic wheels and weigh no less than 50 grams (the blocks started off at 256 grams). Then, the students took their dragsters to the wind tunnel in the Huot Center’s manufacturing classroom for fine tuning. see PHySiCS page 8
NH Lakes Region Boat Show Sat. 3/23 & Sun. 3/24 9am-4pm Gilford Hills Indoor Tennis Club 314 Old Lake Shore Rd. Gilford