The Laconia Daily Sun, May 22, 2013

Page 1

Death toll lowered to 24

Oklahoma tornado was still extraordinary storm by any measure — P. 2

Wednesday, May 22, 2013


Local independent business group hoping to define itself better; gain members

VOL. 13 nO. 244

LaCOnIa, n.H.



Strong support for county home getting into Medicare rehab biz Representatives of private home suggest county is cherry picking & straying from its real mission By michAel Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — The Belknap County Convention met last night to consider the Belknap County Commission’s request for a supplemental appropria-

tion of $200,000 for the nursing home, but the scheduled public hearing was not held and the anticipated vote was not taken when members learned that the meeting was not noticed in accord with state statute.

Rep. David Huot (D-Laconia) explained that notice of the public hearing failed to include the amount of the supplemental appropriation and the purpose for which it is acquired. Acknowledging the oversight,

Rep. Colette Worsman (R-Meredith), who chairs the convention, rescheduled the public hearing for June 3. However, the convention invited the county commission see COUNTY page 7

There’s room on this log for everyone


LACONIA — The Belknap Independent Business Alliance (BIBA) has been around for a little more than four years now. In that time, said executive director Kate Bishop Hamel, local consumers have become much more aware of the greater local impact their dollars have when spent at a locally-owned business. There’s less clarity when it comes to the role of BIBA, and how it fits in the local landscape of businesspromoting entities. Hamel, who was hired as the organization’s first paid employee earlier this year, hopes to provide some definition for BIBA at the annual meeting later this month. She said current and prospective members are invited, as well as members of the general public who are curious about the organization. The annual meeting will be held from 5 to 7 p.m. on May 29 at the Beane Conference Center in Laconia. see BIBA page 9


A rrecent run of warm weather brought all kinds of wildlife out and about, including this snapping turtle, who shares a log and the sunshine with painted turtles at a pond in Meredith. (Daryl Carlson for The Laconia Daily Sun)

Muskrats’ ‘Green Monster’ deck won’t be ready for 2013 season

As alternative, baseball team hopes to get city’s permission to sell beer in area along left field line By AdAm drApcho

Field has been put on hold for a year as the Laconia Muskrats continue to seek a corporate sponsor to defray the cost of that project. Instead, said Noah Crane, general manager of the local New England Collegiate Baseball League team, the Muskrats will seek approval from the city to build Fuel Oil OIL & PROPANE CO., INC. 10 day cash price* a smaller deck out along the left Laconia 524-1421 subject to change field line for this season, which


LACONIA — The large deck planned for behind the left field wall of Robbie Mills

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will allow the sale of beer at games. The originally planned deck, which Crane now hopes to have in place for the 2014 season, would have been built behind the top fo the left-field wall that was built in homage to the famed Green Monster at Fenway Park. The deck, in addition to providing a unique vantage point, would have also been a place where the team could sell see MUSKRATS page 8

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