The Laconia Daily Sun, June 21, 2012

Page 1

ily program has local pantries scrambling to meet need Da l a De



VOL. 13 NO. 13



Food & Drink at

LACONIA — The food shelves are practically bare at the Laconia Area Center for the Community Action Program on Route 106 and Director Bob Adams is concerned.

Standing in the storage area for canned goods, Adams holds his hand out about waist high to show how high the stacks of bulk food made available through the U.S. Department of Agriculture used to be. “It’s pretty darn crazy,” he


West Alton, NH


said. The Community Action Program of Merrimack-Belknap County is the distribution center for the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s surplus food program. Typically, said Adams, he gets cases of spa-

ghetti, spaghetti sauce, corn flakes, canned peaches, and peanut butter plus cases of whole frozen chickens, mixed vegetables and fresh tomatoes. June’s distribution to the Laconia area was reduced by about see FOOD page 15

Now, war over Lakes Winona & Waukewan extends to use of a name MEREDITH — First the water level and now a trade name has roiled the waters of Lake Winona and Lake Waukewan, pitting

Wise Owl


Reduction in contribution from USDA surplus food THE LACONIA DAILY SUN



one group of waterfront property owners against another. Last July, the Waukewan Shore Owners Association applied to the New Hampshire Secretary of State to do business under the

name “Waukewan Watershed Association.” In rejecting the application, the Secretary of State explained that the trade name was one of a number registered by an organizasee NAME page 17

For baseball fans, a familiar shade of green

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Ethan Bennett, a Tennesseean and catcher for the Laconia Muskrats, was one of the volunteers on Wednesday who helped paint the left-field wall at Robbie Mills Field in Laconia green in an homage to Fenway Park. See story on page 12. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)

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Page 2 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

Lynch vetoes bill that linked voting to vehicle registration

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GOP -dominated House committee holds AG Holder in contempt over ‘fast & furious’ WASHINGTON (AP) — Setting up a potential constitutional confrontation, a Republican-controlled House panel voted Wednesday to cite Attorney General Eric Holder for contempt of Congress, just hours after President Barack Obama invoked executive privilege — for the first time — to withhold documents demanded by the committee. The party-line vote was 23-17 following hours of caustic debate. The controversy goes next to the full House, where Republican Speaker John Boehner said there would be a vote next week unless there was some resolution in the meantime. Committee Chairman Darrell Issa of California said that “more than eight

months after a subpoena” for the documents — which concern how the Justice Department learned there were problems with an Arizona probe of gun-running into Mexico — Obama’s “untimely assertion” of executive privilege was no reason to delay the contempt vote. No, it was just political, said Rep. Elijah Cummings of Maryland, the committee’s ranking Democrat. He called the vote “an extreme, virtually unprecedented action based on election-year politics rather than fact.” The last Cabinet member to be cited by a congressional committee for contempt was Attorney General Janet Reno in President Bill Clinton’s administration. That was never brought to a follow-up vote in the full House.

Technically, if the full House approves the Holder contempt citation, there could be a federal criminal case against him, but history strongly suggests the matter won’t get that far. Whether Congress could force the Justice Department to turn over the documents is a basic question. In the Watergate case, the Supreme Court ordered President Richard Nixon to turn over taped conversations to a criminal prosecutor. But in the Nixon case, the justices also found a constitutional basis for claims of executive privilege, leaving the door open for presidents to cite it in future clashes with Congress. In the administration’s claim of executive see CONTEMPT page 12

BELLEFONTE, Pa. (AP) — The defense in Jerry Sandusky’s child sex abuse trial rested on its third day Wednesday without calling the former Penn State assistant coach to dispute charges that he molested boys at his home and on campus over more than a decade. Closing arguments were set for Thursday in the case that led to the dismissal of Hall of Fame football coach Joe Paterno, the ouster of the university president and a re-examination of college administra-

tors’ role in reporting abuse charges. The defense called only four new witnesses Wednesday, including a physician who they used to try and poke holes in the story of a Penn State coaching assistant who testified that he saw Sandusky sexually assault a boy in the campus showers more than a decade ago. The defense’s case has consisted of character witnesses who defended Sandusky’s reputation, a psychologist who said Sandusky had a personality disorder and the

ex-coach’s wife, who said she did not see her husband do anything inappropriate with the accusers. His lawyers showed that an investigator had shared information with an accuser about other alleged victims’ stories and repeatedly suggested that accusers have financial motivations for their claims. Sandusky was only heard from via a November interview with NBC’s Bob Costas, saying he probably shouldn’t have see SANDUSKY page 14

Defense rests without Sandusky taking the witness stand

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––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– TOP OF THE NEWS––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

CONCORD (AP) — New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch says a bill intended to strengthen the state’s voter registration process would only lead to confusion and could harm the ability of citizens to participate fully in democracy. Lynch on Wednesday vetoed a bill that would require people registering to vote to sign a statement saying that they declare New Hampshire as their domicile and are subject to state laws, including laws requiring drivers to register their vehicles. He says the bill is confusing because it uses the terms “domicile” and “resident” interchangeably even though they have different legal meanings. He says the motor vehicle provision is overly broad and would require retirees and young people who attend college in the state to register a car and apply for a license in order to vote.

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 3

Page 4 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

Froma Harrop

Bottom line on immigration is what’s good for our country In helping young illegal immigrants stay in the country, President Obama did the right thing for the wrong reason and in a strange context. Obama decreed that illegal immigrants who came here as children could stay without fear of deportation, if the following conditions are met: They’ve been in the country for at least five years. They’re in school or high-school graduates, or have served in the military. They are under 30 and have committed no crimes. More than 1 million people may qualify. This was the beating heart of the Dream Act, stopped in 2010 by Senate Republicans. The major difference is that Obama is not creating an amnesty. He’s letting these young people stay, study and work in the United States without harassment for periods of two years, which can be renewed. The beneficiaries are quite blameless. Their parents brought them to America as children. Having grown up here, these kids are for all practical purposes American. When it comes time for a real amnesty, these are the sort of young people we would put first in line. And if America had a normal immigration program, many in this group would have been welcomed through the front door. Meanwhile, Obama’s executive action covers only those who have obtained or are getting a basic education and have been law-abiding. Thus, it excludes illegal immigrants who could pose a burden on our society (even if they arrived at age 2). Obama clearly chose the timing for political reasons. The obvious objective is to woo Latino voters, who will play key roles in several swing states this November. Actually, polls show most Hispanics not overly supportive of open-border policies that lead to depressed wages. But they are understandably aggravated at seeing the occasional young person pulled out of the neighborhood and sent to a country that he or she would consider foreign. The context for Obama’s move is quite interesting. Obama is the first president in a long time to have

taken the immigration laws seriously. He’s been going after employers who hire undocumented workers. Deportations during his administration have exceeded 1-million, the most since 1950. His active enforcement of the immigration laws has made him suspect among some Hispanic activists while winning scant praise from right-wingers. So this modest move toward immigration reform makes political sense. But do we want an immigration program that changes as a function of the next election? No. We should want a panel of experts determining our labor needs on an annual basis. How many people and what skills does our economy require? And we should want these experts to recognize that unskilled workers belong to the same labor market that assures good pay for scarce biochemists. No iron law of the universe forbids letting their wages rise along with demand for their services. During the recent Republican candidates’ debates, some of the talk on immigration approached ugly. All the contenders, Mitt Romney included, vowed to oppose even the modestly conceived Dream Act. Now the assumed nominee, Romney is modulating his views a bit, calling Obama’s move a block to a bipartisan solution rather than a reward for lawbreaking. A reasonable bipartisan solution would create a tight system for enforcing the laws against hiring illegal workers — one that would include biometric identification (such as scans of the eye’s iris), which can’t be counterfeited. It would sponsor a last amnesty to put most illegal immigrants “on the path to citizenship.” And it would include the aforementioned panel to monitor the program with an eye toward what’s good for the country. Say that again: What’s good for the country. (A member of the Providence Journal editorial board, Froma Harrop writes a nationally syndicated column from that city. She has written for such diverse publications as The New York Times, Harper’s Bazaar and Institutional Investor.)

Burned out building makes people sad to go to the Weirs anymore To the editor, What person in their right mind would want to leave a buried out building standing. Some kid could wander in there and get hurt of killed if something falls on them. The place looks terrible! It sure isn’t a tourist attraction. The money that has been spent for lawyers could have built a new place by now. Its very selfish to leave that place standing its a constant reminder to everyone who has

lost someone in a fire. They may as well put a grave stone there, too! It makes people sad to go to the Weirs anymore. They are driving people away. Not the others they are taking to court: people with money don’t care how they hurt other people. Once day the tables may turn: Then we can enjoy the Weirs again. Hopefully. Diana Field Franklin

LETTERS Ingrates are free to enjoy all advantages of USA without ‘pledge’ To the editor, At a bar last night, my friend Bill and I overheard a secret conversation. A man at the next table told his friend that the “Under God” enforcement arm, sort of a SWAT team unit, of the “Pledge of Allegiance” police have become aware of Professor Sandy’s position on the Pledge of Allegiance. They are seriously considering whether to entrap him into failing to recite the pledge fully or if he will violate the strict pledge laws on his own. Word has come down that the group of “mostly rich white men who rule this country,” are considering the appropriate punishment for Professor Sandy or others who neglect to utter the full official text of the Pledge of Allegiance. This crack police unit, made up of former UFC Champions, has apparently inflicted cruel punishments on the many thousands that it has picked up for violating this nation’s strict pledge laws. And, going one step further, they have started using tools from the Spanish Inquisition to cure people who have substituted compliance with their own conscience ahead of compliance with the state. The responsibility of the pledge and conscience police is an important one. It is carefully overseen by the group, of “mostly rich white men who rule this country,” under the leadership of a rich black president, a black chief law enforcement officer, numerous women, some very rich, including the Secretaries of State, Labor, Health and Human Services, and Homeland Security, and heads of the SBA, EPA, and a few orientals, a few Hispanics, and, representing the rich white IQ deficient men, the vice president and the Senate majority leader. What? Bill just called to say that the story is totally false. Unbelievable!

Despite the guy’s claim that the information came from an unimpeachable source, from his sister who heard it from her boyfriend who heard it from one of his drinking buddies. Bill says the truth is that there are no “Pledge of Allegiance” or conscience police, and he can find no records of anyone who has been prosecuted for not saying the Pledge of Allegiance, even if they omit the words, “Under God”. Bill tells me that there has even been a group called “Occupy” which gathered in unruly mobs without permits, disrupted commerce, destroyed public and private property, defecated on and burned American flags, made anti-American statements, taunted police, intimidated and threatened private citizens, and left tons of trash in their wake. Not only were these people not prosecuted, but they were praised by many of our nation’s leaders, President Obama, Majority Leader Reid, former House Speaker Pelosi and other liberals. Bill says that ingrates can enjoy all the advantages of living in this country, provided by the blood and sweat of others, without pledging allegiance to this country. That ingrates have the opportunity to earn a living, to travel, to live in peace as they want, to say what they want, to get food and shelter and healthcare if they cannot provide for themselves, to gather and advocate what they want, even for forms of government which, every time they have been tried, deny these same opportunities to their citizens, and some ingrates even accept payments from governments in the country to which they refuse to pledge allegiance. Wow! What a great country! Don Ewing Meredith

Ovide Lamontagne is best candidate for governor we could have To the editor, Once again I am bothering you with my opinion. As you know I have been involved with G.O.P. (Republican) politics for many years. I have had several opportunities to converse with Ovide Lamontagne, I will not bother you with his record or

that during the campaign. I just want to tell you that in my opinion Ovide is a solid conservative and a man of good character, honesty and sincerity. He is in my opinion the best candidate for governor that we can have. I will vote for him and I urge you to do the same. Thomas Rice

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012 — Page 5

LETTERS Citizens in many states are objecting to wireless smart meters To the editor, Martin Luther King once said “Silence is Betrayal”. I welcome a good, strong, healthy debate because it brings out the truth and the facts! As far as “cherry picking the Internet”, the only picking I do is when my cherry tomatoes are ripe, and I pick from my garden! I do not write to scare, frighten, confuse, or mislead, I write to inform an intelligent population and if they choose, the Internet is available to everyone. A quote from Mr. Anderson: “These smart meters can only record electric usage, collecting the same type of information that the old analog meters have gathered since the co-op was founded in 1939.” The difference is the analog is hard wired and smart meters are wireless. The analog meter does not emit radiation, the smart meter sends radiation into your home, penetrating the body. A single wireless smart meter exceeds the biological safety exposure limits and therefore causes abnormal changes in human cells. Multiple meters on apartment buildings potentially could be more dangerous with higher levels of radiation. Another fact Mr. Anderson ignored is pricing of electrical use related to the term “Time of Use” (TOU). As I understand these terms, peak time will be during the day and off peak times will be at night. The costs will be higher during peak time. When an electric facility buys electricity, day rates are higher then night rates. The utilities purchase energy on the market, in numbers sufficient to ensure there’s enough power for everyone during such peak hours. At night, these plants often are underutilized as power demands dwindle. Every hour a power plant sits idle is money wasted. Hence, there is a real incentive for the utilities to find ways to use their plants more efficiently, and save money by building fewer of them. Smart meters, and the incentives they offer consumers to spread out their electricity usage across 24 hours, offer utilities a great way to do this, by adjusting rates as high

during the day and low at night, in order to change people’s behavior and interfere in the lives of their consumers. NHEC is interested in changing members’ behavior in order to reduce demand for electricity at no savings to its members, but will benefit the NHEC. Restricting daytime hours to peak time pricing may be difficult if not impossible for most of our consumers. This is discriminatory against the people with a home business,and small business owners, both of which are a huge part of our N.H. economy. This policy also discriminates against families with children, low income families, the elderly, those with disabilities, and day-care centers. Another fact not addressed by Mr. Anderson is that citizens in many states are objecting to the wireless smart meter. Consumer objections include issues of health effects, safety, privacy, and affordability. Old wiring in homes can cause fires. Short circuit interference can cause damage and burn out appliances. A statement by Mr. Anderson “The meters being installed by NHEC meet all federal safety standards.” The meters being installed by the co-op do not meet federal electric codes because they are not UL certified. There are those who are concerned about the effect these wireless meters will have on our tourist population and real estate. A inn-keeper stated that not having a smart meter would be beneficial for business because people do not want to be exposed to radiation! Properties with a smart meter will lose their value due to growing stigma against Smart Meters. Another very important fact not addressed by Mr. Anderson is the Federal Energy Policy of 2005 which does not mandate the wireless Smart Meters and only states that consumers may be offered a smart meter with installation upon request. And last, our constitutional rights are being trampled on by taking away our 4th amendment rights as set forth in our great Constitution. Rosemary Landry Meredith

Don’t take word of old factory worker with poor grammar, look it up To the editor, Last week Tim Sullivan wrote that my grammar is poor and reflects on my credibility. Well, as an old factory worker, I admit my spelling is terrible and grammar is poor but know something, Tim? Writing is not about either of those things. It’s about expressing abstract thoughts to other people. Your focusing on such things rather then the ideas they convey risks you sounding like an erudite, elites snob, which I’m sure your not. Tim and I have a number of things we disagree on, such as green energy. Tim says he is willing to pay more for it because it’s healthier. I’m not because I question the premise of that thinking. It does take energy to produce solar cells, and wind turbines and that energy still largely comes from conventional sources. Add to that the poor efficiency ratings of those technology’s

and it looses it’s attractiveness for me. It’s a cost vs. reward issue. I’ve been waiting since the 1973 oil embargo for the promised “breakthroughs” on these things and as far as I can see we’ll be waiting another 39 years or longer, so please Tim, give me a break. Now for the Green lovers, let me point you toward a clean, renewable energy source that actually works, plasma generators. They have been up and running efficiently for years but you never hear Obama or any of the “green” crowd talking about them. These things take in trash, rubbish, toxic waste, release nothing to the environment, and generate a third more electricity then they use. Don’t take my word for it, I’m just an old factory worker with poor grammar, look it up for yourselves. Steve Earle Hill


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Page 6 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

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LETTERS Your local Visiting Nurses provides care for residents & visitors To the editor, Welcome to the Lakes Region. You couldn’t get here fast enough! School is out and the kids were driving you crazy! You learned Bike Week – 2012 was over and you said: “Now it’s my turn”. Your car and boat trailer told it all as you sped through the “Easy Pass” lane in Hooksett and went right passed the rest area. No doubt about it... no time for “pit stops”... you were on a non-stop trip to the Lakes Region of New Hampshire. Did you forget anything? Sand pails, fishing equipment, canoe paddles and water skis are in the boat. Bathing suits, flip-flops, beach towels and even some rainy day games made the trip. You didn’t have to remember the electronics as your pre-teens packed those first and your teen-age daughter never puts down her iPhone anyway. No doubt about it... the family is on vacation! After a quick stop for groceries you pull into “The Camp”, that beloved hide-away just far enough away from job, school and uninvited guests. The car doors fly open; the kids scatter; and you say to your self “does it get any better than this”? Your hopes are high for a wonderful summer. But are you really prepared for every eventuality? Will everyone be healthy and safe this summer? Have you made the most important preparations? When last did you check your first aid

supplies? Mice love gauze pads! Did that bottle of antiseptic freeze over the winter? Fourth of July fireworks are always a lot more fun with a can of bug spray nearby. Remember what your pediatrician said about ultraviolet rays. Is that tube of sunscreen full or empty? You’re a good parent so you didn’t forget the family’s prescriptions but what about that one-a-day aspirin your cardiologist recommended? Are you prepared for the unthinkable... the swimming accident, your father’s chest pains and the errant skyrocket? Where is the nearest doctor? nurse? hospital? And how do I get there? Did you ever think of asking the campers around you? Medical professionals may be a lot nearer than you think and it is always best to know where they are before you need them. This is particularly important if your camp is on one of our islands accessible only by boat! Whose CPR certified? It may be the kid next door. Have a wonderful summer... relax... enjoy.... and above all BE SAFE! Your local VNA, Visiting Nurses of Meredith and Center Harbor, has been providing high-quality health care to the residents and visitors of our communities since 1923. Visit us at our website: or call 279-6611 (available 24/7). Ed Touhey Meredith

13 motorcyclists prevented boy on a bike from crossing street To the editor, I realize that last week was Motorcycle Week and I have nothing against motorcyclists as I know and am friends with many people who ride motorcycles. I was very upset though about an incident that happened on Saturday, June 16. I was in Laconia on the road next to the Landmark Inn waiting for the light to turn green and I looked diagonally across the street and saw a teenage boy with a bicycle waiting to cross in the crosswalk. When the pedestrian light came on the boy started to step off the curb with his bicycle and along came 13

motorcyclists (and I know that there were 13 because I counted) who made the right turn on red while the pedestrian light was on and a couple motorcyclists almost hit the boy. To stay safe he had to kind of do a leap backwards and by the time the motorcyclists had turned the corner the light had turned back to “do not walk” and the boy had to push the pedestrian button again and wait for it to change back to the walk signal. I just hope that he was finally able to make it across the street safely. Kerry Lee Bergeron Belmont

I pledge to stand & if need be die for our freedom and country To the editor, I am responding to Leo R. Sandy: do you consider people, who don’t respect or pledge loyalty to the flag of the United States of America, as good examples to our young people? If selectman Preston is a man after you own heart, then God pity you. Leo you are not a God; only God himself, can care for our earth, sea, air, etc. I am free because of God’s grace, and I am proud of our flag, and that we can thank God, brave men and

women, died to keep up free, just as God’s son, died to save us, and no one is free any other way. Remember Leo, Satan is called the God of this world when you see the hell, all over the world can you believe, we need a savior and we have a savior Jesus Christ. I pledge to stand, protest, and if need be die, for our freedom and country. God Bless the U.S.A. William “Liam” McCoy Belmont

Why do readers need to be informed of Veverka’s opinion of others? To the editor, On June 19, The Daily Sun saw fit to publish a letter from frequent correspondent James Veverka of Tilton that consisted of his opinion that certain other frequent letter writers are Neanderthals whose letters equate with “loud mouth breathing ... and the sound of scraping claws” to

Veverka. When space permits, kindly advise what purpose was served by the publication of such an otherwise content-less missive. Or why readers of The Daily Sun need to be informed of Veverka’s opinion of others. Bill Lamb Meredith

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012 — Page 7

LETTERS Call me a liberal progressive central planner all you like; I am To the editor, Russ Wiles seems to think he is criticizing people when he uses the terms “central planners”, liberals, progressives, and statists. The fact is, like millions, I am a proud progressive. Even when I went through my naive economic libertarian phase about 20 years ago, I was still socially liberal and thought to be otherwise was backwards and against the principles of liberty. Mr. Wiles is poorly informed in constitutional matters. The United States Constitution is the most successful central plan in modern history. If one takes a careful look at Articles I, II, and III, we see a tremendous amount of power being shifted from the states to a central government. Treaties, national defense, borders, immigration, interstate commerce and even militias are under the authority of the federal government. Then in Article VI, we see what is known as the Supremacy Clause. You will never hear the righties cite it because it is the primary reason why they lose states rights issues in the courts. The supremacy clause states: “This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in Pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby, any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary notwithstanding”. While the righties try desperately to distract people with the 10th Amendment, they still can’t overcome the fact that the authority of the federal gov-

ernment is supreme over all the states in regards to their constitutions, laws, and court holdings. The Constitution makes that clear but conservative radicals refuse to admit it. The letters from the tea party types remind me much of the anti-federalist arguments against the constitution during the states’ ratification process. Big government! Its the end of the world! Except for their demand for a Bill of Rights, the antifederalists were wrong and they lost. Today’s anti-federalists are still fighting; they don’t know they lost the states rights fight many times on a constitutional level. Then we have Amendment 14, which many on the far right would like to erase. The American Taliban especially dislikes it because they can’t use states’ rights to attack the equality of women and the LGBT community. The equal protection clause guarantees the liberties of the federal Constitution at the state level. Because states were such reprobates when it came to liberty and equality, the nation had to pass an amendment extending the federal guarantees of liberties and equality to the states. The Equal Protection Amendment states: “No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.” So when the radical right calls me a liberal progressive central planner, I say “thanks, you have a nice day, too!”. James Veverka Tilton


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Accounts from scriptures supported by archaeological evidence To the editor, In response to James Veverka’s letter of June 14, “In the beginning...” Jim you are a scoffer. You do not know the power of God, nor His loving kindness, though you are a recipient of it every day. Nor do you recognize the terrible consequences of sin, or the trustworthiness of the word of God. For your sake I would not even write a response. Not that I don’t care about you, but you will only scoff at anything I say. I will leave you for God Himself to prove Himself to you. Yet for the readers that they may know that what you wrote is merely scoffing and not evidence against the truthfulness of the scriptures, for these I write. In his letter, Jim quotes Seneca and goes on to attack the credibility on the Gospels. The Gospels were written by eye witnesses, in the case of Luke by one who interviewed eye witnesses. In this way they differ from the claims of the other religions that Jim quotes. Matthew, Mark, and John in all likelihood were written before 70 A.D. The Gospel of John probably between 69 A.D. and 90 A.D. In the shear volume of the number of ancient manuscripts of the New testament that have survived is in the thousands no other ancient text comes close. The amount of time between the the writing of the original manuscripts and the earliest copies we have that have survived is

go this is exceptional. In these ways the New Testament is unique among ancient texts. To quote Christian apologist John Warwick Montgomery, “to be skeptical of the resultant text of the New Testament books is to allow all of classical antiquity to slip into obscurity for no documents of the ancient period are as well attested bibliographically as the New Testament.” It seems that the New Testament is as trustworthy of an accounting as could come to us from antiquity. I would recommend that anyone who is interested check out Josh McDowell’s book, “Evidence that Demands a Verdict”. Free downloads are available on line. He catalogs a lot of helpful information in this vein. Regarding Jim’s reference to accounts from mythology and other religions: A successful life is secured by finding the genuine. All friends are not the same it is a wise man or woman who knows who his true friends are. When you’re buying a car you look for one that will be dependable and that will also fit your budget. If you’re not careful you can end up with a lemon. When you are buying jewelry you want to know if the necklace is real gold, if the gemstone is genuine. If you don’t find out these things you could pay a lot for something worth little. So it is with religion;all accounts from antiquity are not equal, nor are all religions see next page

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Page 8 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

from preceding page equal. It is a wise man who expends the energy to get to the bottom of this matter, for where you spend eternity depends on it. For those who are well read: It seems that old turtles are not as wise as they are purported to be. As to archaeological: Actually a considerable number of accounts from Christian and Jewish scriptures are supported by archaeological evidence. This is all searchable and as I am short on time and I do want to get this letter out I will stop here for now and encourage the readers to do some research. John Demakowski Franklin

State board agrees Elm St. School not really ‘in need of improvement’ BY ROGER AMSDEN FOR THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — Elm Street Elementary School was removed from the state’s list of Schools in Need of Improvement after school officials made a presentation before the State Board of Education Wednesday in support of its contention that all of the students at the school are making adequate yearly progress toward defined goals. The school had been identified as in need of improvement two years ago and was in danger of having to take radical steps to show that it was improving according to Superintendent of Schools Bob Champlin, who said that the school is actually high

performing and has shown steady improvement under the leadership of Principal Eric Johnson. The only category in which the school failed to make its target in the NECAP standardized tests administered last October was for students with educational disabilities and school officials argued successfully that other test scores such as NWEA, AIMSweb and formative assessments confirmed that the all students were making progress. Champlin noted that the Acceptable Yearly Progress Review Team agreed

with the elements of the school’s appeal and that citing the school as ‘’in need of restructuring’’ given its improvement history sends ‘’a confusing and inaccurate picture to all associated with the significant and continuous improvements achieved.’’ Elm Street School is now one of only 24-percent of the schools in the state which are not subject to sanctions for failure to meet adequate yearly progress requirements. Champlin said the information will be shared with the City Council at its next meeting.

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 9

Bike Week thought to be alive & well; it’s just different than it used to be BY MICHAEL KITCH THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — The 89th running of Laconia Motorcycle Week was marked by fine weather, orderly crowds, relatively freeflowing traffic and brisk business, marred only by one fatal motorcycle accident and a still unsolved stabbing. “Weather is king,” said Charlie St. Clair, executive director of the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association, which promotes the event. “People can see the forecast in the palm of their hand and with good weather predicted many from Massachusetts, Connecticut and New York decided to come to the rally.” Apart from showers on Wednesday night, the sun shone every day while temperatures ranged between 72 degrees and 79 degrees throughout the week. Fire Chief Ken Erickson noted that this year the city licensed premises for the sale of alcohol with a total capacity of almost 15,000, nearly a third more than in 2009 as owners of beer tents have expanded their capacity and new licensed premises have opened, like the M/S Mount Washington. However, Police Chief Chris Adams said that officers took only 58 intoxicated people into protective custody, adding that in 1998, on just one night 174 drunks were arrested at the Weirs alone. Likewise, Dan Ward, superintendent of the Belknap County Department of Corrections, reported that intoxicated or impaired individuals represented 72 of the 99 individuals detained during the rally, which was comparable to the 70 in 2010 and 62 in 2011. Of the 72 detainees, 58 were men and 14 were women ranging in age from 19 to 69 with blood alcohol content between 0.07 and 0.344. Slightly more than half were detained on the closing days of the rally, between midnight on Friday and Sunday afternoon. “Alcohol is still the major problem,” Adams said, “but nothing like what it used to be.” “The crowd is definitely older,” Erickson observed, “and more mature and responsible. The rapidity of

Thousands of motorcycles of all shapes, sizes and color are roaring around the Granite State during Laconia’s annual Motorcycle Week. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Ed Engler)

the transition over the last five years or even the last two is absolutely stunning.” He said that in the past “our ambulances ran non-stop, tow trucks were always removing vehicle illegally parked and the police were shuttling vans between the Weirs and the county jail.” This year, he continued, Fire Department personnel were not

as busy, but a greater proportion of the calls they answered were significant. Adams said that apart from the protective custody cases his department made 50 arrests during the nine days of Motorcycle Week, many of them downtown and few associated with the rally. see next page

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Page 10 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

Bike Week attendance: the truth is no one’s counting


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Media’s fixation with wanting to keep score leads to numbers being ‘thrown out there’ LACONIA — Although there is no known way of counting or estimating, during and after Motorcycle Week some news organizations reported that the rally drew 250,000 or more people to New Hampshire over the span of nine days, or that the population of the state rose by nearly a fifth. On Tuesday, The Citizen reported Charlie St. Clair, executive director of the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association, to say that “it wasn’t a record year but it was up from last year” and that he expected the New Hampshire Division of Travel and Tourism Development and the American Motorcyclist Association to provide estimates of the attendance soon. The same article stated that in 2011 the two organizations placed attendance at 250,000. “No,” St. Clair insisted yesterday, “I never said that.” At the same time, he acknowledged that 250,000 “was the number that was bounced around last year.” Tai Freligh, the communications director of the Division of Travel and Tourism Development, said

that “we don’t take any attendance figures” and suggested that “the Laconia Motorcycle Week Association would have those numbers.” Likewise, James Holter of the American Motorcyclist Association, said that “we would not estimate the size of the crowd. We don’t have the ability or knowledge to make any estimate.” He acknowledged that the association records attendance at events it sponsors or sanctions for which registration is required. Holter expected local authorities were best placed to estimate the numbers attending the rally. Meanwhile, St. Clair, referring to the media, said that “they always demand to have numbers. They get fixated on numbers. I don’t.” he continued. “It’s irrelevant. But, if people want to have a number, I’ll throw one their way.” “As long we can show that it is busier during Motorcycle Week than it was the week before and the week after,” St. Clair declared, “we’ve done our job.. — Michael Kitch

from preceding page Erickson observed that the rally continued to spread beyond the Weirs in general and Lakeside Avenue in particular. “There are fewer places to stay at the Weirs,” he said, noting that nine cottage colonies and motels have been converted to condominiums and three campgrounds have closed. While crowds on Lakeside Avenue shrank at night, people flocked to venues north of the Weirs Beach sign — in the vicinity of Funspot. Since it opened a new store on Rte. 3, Laconia Harley-Davidson in Meredith has drawn rising numbers, with the effect, Erickson said, of extending the loop circumscribed by Lakeside Avenue, Scenic Road, Watson Road and Route 3 from four miles to 20 miles. Further afield, the “Rally in the Valley,” now in its fifth year, has brought a share of Motorcycle Week to the Mount Washington Valley. Ed Tolland of the Mount Washington Valley Riders, who stage the event, explained that they sell wristbands for $5 apiece, which entitle the bearer to discounts at 48 lodging establishments, restaurants and retail outlets. He said that this year, with eight nights of live entertainment, some 1,300 wristbands were sold, 500 more than a year ago, with proceeds from

the sales dedicated to a scholarship fund for high school graduates, which Tolland projected would top $10,000 this year. “It’s gotten bigger every year,” he said. “We’ve had lots of Canadians and many return later in the summer. Laconia City Manager Scott Myers said he expects the revenues from Motorcycle Week in form of planning fees, licensing fees, rental income and concessions to closely match the expenses for the emergency personnel and public services required to support the event, which were budgeted at $169,000. Planning fees amounted to $17,325 , liceensing fees to $126,125 and rental income to $22,500 for a total of $165,950. Revenue from the photo tower and banner poles and payroll as well as purchased services and equipment remain to be tallied. Myers said that the city licensed 192 merchandise vendors, 20 fewer than last year, and 39 food vendors, nine more than last year. Recalling a conversation with a local businessman who told him the rally was dead or dying, Erickson said “I think Bike Week is alive and well, but you can’t see from your front door or office window any more. You have to get out and around.”

Lynch vetoes malpractice reform bill: ‘needs more work’ CONCORD (AP) — New Hampshire Gov. John Lynch says a bill that would provide a new way of resolving medical malpractice claims needs more work. Lynch on Wednesday vetoed a bill that would establish a voluntary program in which patients who are injured by medical providers would agree

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not to go to court in exchange for getting compensated for their medical expenses and lost wages. Those who accept a so-called “early offer” would not be paid for lost earning capacity, pain, suffering or other damages. Lynch says the bill was well-intentioned but doesn’t fairly balance the interests of the public with the interests of medical providers. He specifically objected to requiring patients to decide within five days of meeting with an advisor whether or not to continue with the process.

Newfound Area School District Invitation to Bid: Road Reconstruction Project Newfound Regional High School Eastern Portion of Newfound Road, Bristol, NH Project Specifications and Bid Documents available by request to: Daniel Rossner, Business Administrator Newfound Area School District 20 North Main Street Bristol, NH 03222 A Mandatory Bidders Conference will be held at the site: Tuesday, June 26th, 2012 at 10:00 AM


THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 11


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Page 12 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

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Muskrat’s ‘Monster’ now a familiar shade of green By AdAm drApcho THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — The newly-erected left-field wall, added to Robbie Mills Field this year as an homage to the Fenway Park icon, now bears the signature shade of green, thanks to the efforts of a cadre of volunteers on Thursday. Despite the first sweltering day of the summer, several children joined volunteer builders and a few members of a baseball organization to roll three coats of verdant paint onto the 17-foot-tall wall, just in time for tonight’s Laconia Muskrats game against the Mystic Schooners. The Muskrats are also home for games on Saturday and Sunday. The Muskrats, who are currently tied for second place in the New England Collegiate Baseball League’s Eastern Division, partnered with the Lakes Region Homebuilders and Remodelers to put up the wall earlier this month in a bid to give the Robbie Mills field a point of interest. In addition to the signature green — yes, Benjamin Moore markets the same color used at Fenway — the wall will also be fitted with a manually-operated scoreboard and will be adorned with the logos for the Muskrats and the Laconia High School Sachems. Original plans for the wall called for an entertainment deck to constructed behind the wall. The Muskrats have the city’s permission to sell beer on the deck, and fans would be able to watch the game from the top of the wall. However, delayed construction schedules have put off beer sales until next season, though team general manager Noah Crane said there’s a chance the deck could be completed CONTEMPT from page 2 privilege, Deputy Attorney General James Cole said in a letter to Issa, “We regret that we have arrived at this point, after the many steps we have taken to address the committee’s concerns and to accommodate the committee’s legitimate oversight interests.” As the day went on, comments rapidly grew more heated. A Boehner spokesman suggested administration officials had lied earlier or were now “bending the law.” Cummings said Issa “had no interest” in resolving the issue and was trying to pick a fight. The White House reacted sharply to the committee action. “Instead of creating jobs or strengthening the middle-class, congressional Republicans are spending their time on a politically motivated, taxpayer-funded election-year fishing expedition,” Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer said. Boehner raised another question after the presi-


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before the end of this summer’s games. For Crane, amenities such as the left-field wall are icing on the cake of an already attractive Robbie Mills athletic facility. “The city does such a good job taking care of it, it’s an incredible spot.” He hoped the wall would prove an additional attraction for fans, which have been attending in low numbers so far this year. It’s already proven popular for players, according to manager Matt Alison. “I think they like it. It’s a unique nook and cranny. Anything that can make your ballpark unique, put that signature stamp on it, makes it fun for the players and the fans,” Alison said. The wall has already made its presence felt, when Muskrats first baseman Tyler Jackson belted a drive that struck the wall about 12 feet up. That hit would have cleared the fence last year, thanks to the wall he had to stop at second base. “I’m sure Jackson would have loved to have a home run instead of a double, other than that, they like it,” said Alison. Despite exchanging the homer for a double, the Muskrats were able to win that game on Saturday against the Newport Gulls. The Muskrats are now at five wins, four losses this season. By the end of the weekend, the team could find itself contending for first place. However, reported Crane, success on the field hasn’t translated into filled stands. In their first four games, the Muskrats have seen attendance that is well below league average. Now that Bike Week and high school graduation season is over, Crane hopes baseball fans are in the mood to take in a game — maybe one with a green wall in left field.

dent invoked the privilege. His press secretary, Brendan Buck, “The White House decision to invoke executive privilege implies that White House officials were either involved in the ‘Fast and Furious’ operation or the cover-up that followed. The administration has always insisted that wasn’t the case. Were they lying, or are they now bending the law to hide the truth?” Democrat Cummings said Issa could have settled the matter with Holder reasonably but has instead resorted to “partisan and inflammatory personal attacks.” Holder and Issa failed to reach agreement Tuesday in a 20-minute meeting at the Capitol. During the committee’s year-and-a-half-long investigation, the department has turned over 7,600 documents about the conduct of the Fast and Furious operation.

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 13

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Mike Abel and Joe Montalto, two of the four partners who recently purchased and renovated the Winnisquam Trading Post in Tilton, are shown here in the store’s new interior. The business is now named the Winnisquam Market and Deli. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)

Winnisquam’s neighborhood market re-opens under new ownership & with a new name By AdAm drApcho THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

TILTON — When the venerable Winnisquam Trading Post closed in September, visitors and residents of the neighborhood lost their nearby source for fishing supplies, convenience items and basic necessities.The business re-opened a few weeks ago as the Winnisquam Market & Deli, thanks to the efforts of a four-person team of owners who have given the store a top-to-bottom renovation and added some new amenities. The site of the store, 1021 Laconia Road, located on the Tilton side of Route 3’s Mosquito Bridge, has been the site of many staple operations over the years. Customers with long memories have stopped in to tell the new owners of how there was once a post office, soda fountain and gas station where they stood. For most of the site’s recent history, though, it has been the location of the Winnisquam Trading Post, founded by Mark and Debbie Tompson. They operated the business for many years, selling recently as a means to retire. However, the purchasers of the business — the Tompsons retained ownership of the real estate — were unable to make ends meet and the store closed after last summer. In March, a team of four local residents purchased the store, building and land from the Tompsons, injecting a fresh perspective and a great deal of sweat equity into the familiar business. The new owners are Mike Abel, Gary Wood, Joe Montalto and Shooter’s Tavern co-owner Mike Rowland. The weeks following the purchase saw an extensive floor-to-ceiling renovation that its new owners hope will be more pleasant and more convenient for their customer base, which includes vacationers arriving for a week-long rental, seasonal residents looking to grab a quick something, fishermen who need a breakfast sandwich and a side of live bait

or year-rounders picking up their morning newspaper and coffee. Alluding to the unique place that the store occupies in its customers’ hearts, Abel said care was taken in the remodeling process to keep the store’s character. “With all the renovations we did, we didn’t want it to feel like a 7-11. It’s still the country store at the end of the road.” With renovations wrapped up in time for Memorial Day, the Winnisquam Market & Deli opened with a fresh interior and some new offerings. The fishing supply now takes up twice the level of display area. The usual convenience items — beer and soda, chips and snacks — are there, and soon they’ll be joined by a chilled wine cooler. Most notable is the addition of a large, all-new kitchen. The store now offers pizzas, calzones, fried dinners, sandwiches, salads and bagels. There’s also a deli, offering cold cuts, salads and marinated steak tips. The changes are enough to take aback the store’s old clientele when see the place for the first time since renovatoins. It’s something Montalto said he hears regularly: “’Wow!’ That’s what they say when they when they walk in the door.” As proud of the renovation as they are, they also are committed to the less-tangible aspects of their business. Service, customized to the customer’s needs, are what Abel said they offer. Several regulars ask the store to hold a copy of their favorite newspaper just for them. One couple drinks diet Sunkist exclusively, and so the store will stock that unusual soda. Soon, they’ll start making deliveries to the nearby sand bar on Lake Winnisquam. To make the deliveries, they’ll utilize the store’s dock, an amenity which is also available to water-faring customers. see next page

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The Gilmanton Winery Congratulates Erika & Tim on their marriage which was held here at the winery. The bride and groom are beautiful inside and out. Thank you for allowing us to be a part of your day. The Gilmanton Winery and Restaurant hosts weddings and events of all sizes, as well as Friday Night Dinner and Sunday Brunch every week all year long. Once a month its Girls Night Out (No Guys allowed!!) this month it will be held on this Saturday (June 23) “A fiesta!” On Friday night, June 22 we welcome the History Channel film crew who will be joining us for dinner while they are in town filming a spot for an HH Holmes documentary. The Gilmanton Winery is the property once owned by Grace Metallious (Author of Peyton Place) and hosts a herd of Alpacas. Come for a visit! You can find out more information at or call us at 267-8251

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Page 14 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

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Just checking out the neighborhood The Austins of Sprucewood Drive in Gilford had a very large visitor in their yard on Wednesday morning. (Courtesy photo)

SANDUSKY from page 2 showered with boys; and in letters he wrote to one of his accusers. Sandusky is charged with 51 criminal counts for the alleged abuse of 10 boys over 15 years. One of the last witnesses called was Dr. Jonathan Dranov, a physician summoned to the home of Mike McQueary’s father in February 2001 to hear McQueary’s account of seeing Sandusky sexually assaulting a boy in the campus showers. The boy, known only as Victim 2, has never been identified and isn’t known to prosecutors. Dranov testified that McQueary told of hearing “sexual sounds” and seeing a boy in the shower before an arm reached around to pull him out of view. McQueary said he made eye contact with the boy and Sandusky later emerged from the showers, Dranov said. from preceding page The Winnisquam Market & Deli will be open year-round, every day of the year. For the summer, the store will be open from 6:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, and 6:30 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday and Saturday. Abel invited fans of the old store to visit and see what he and his partners have been up to. “If you haven’t seen it for a while, it’s worth the nickel tour. You’ll say, ‘Wow!’ just like everybody else does.”

That account is different from what McQueary told a grand jury and testified to at a preliminary hearing and at the trial. He has said he saw Sandusky directly behind the boy’s back, moving his midsection enough to convince McQueary it was a sex act. Dranov told the jury that McQueary described hearing sounds he considered sexual in nature but did not provide him with a graphic description of what he saw. “It just seemed to make him upset so I backed off that,” Dranov said. Asked to describe McQueary’s demeanor, Dranov said: “His voice was trembling. His hands were shaking. He was visibly shaken,” Dranov said. McQueary’s report to his superiors — and Penn State officials’ failure to go to outside law enforcement — led to the firing of Paterno, who died of cancer in January. McQueary had testified earlier in the trial that he wasn’t “over-descriptive” in his conversation with Dranov, saying he told the doctor that what he saw was sexual, wrong and perverse. The defense rested around lunchtime Wednesday. Judge John Cleland said jury instructions and closing arguments by the defense and then prosecution would take place Thursday morning. If convicted, the 68-year-old former defensive coordinator could be sent to state prison for the rest of his life. The seven days of testimony were

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 15

FOOD from page one 130 cases of food and Adams said the mixed vegetables and the canned tomatoes were eliminated. In Merrimack-Belknap County there are six distribution centers of which Laconia is one. The Laconia Center on Route 106 distributes federal surplus food to 14 different food pantries in the area including the Society of St. Vincent de Paul Food Pantry and the United Baptist Food Pantry in Lakeport. “These are things we don’t have to purchase,” said Jo Carignan of St. Vincent de Paul — the largest food pantry in the Lakes Region, who explained that the USDA staples are a fornt line of support and what she doesn’t get from them must be bought from either cash donations made to the food pantry or be supplemented by individual donations of food. “Those reductions really hurt,” she said. “I got 13 cases of cereal, 12 boxes in a case and about 300 families. It doesn’t go far.” According to CAP distribution sheets, St. Vincent’s get about 40-percent of the USDA bulk food that comes into Laconia. The loss of 44 cases of food to the pantry means getting more of the basics from the community and Carignan said the need for food in the summer can be especially acute because children don’t have access to school lunches. Carignan applauds the efforts of the program Got Lunch! Laconia and the CAP Program that works with Project Extra to bring lunches to the Laconia Community Center and the Boys and Girls Club but said the two reach only the surfaces of hunger in the Lakes Region. Carignan said hunger in the Lakes Region has many faces and one of the faces she and United Baptist Church Food Pantry Rev. Sharron Lamothe are from preceding page far shorter than the three weeks or so that Cleland had predicted, as many of the 28 defense witnesses were there to briefly vouch for Sandusky’s reputation. Prosecutors called 22 witnesses, including eight young men, ages 18 to 28, who alleged a range of abuse from grooming, kissing and massaging to fondling, oral sex and anal rape. David Hilton, who met Sandusky through a summer camp of his charity, testified Wednesday he felt like investigators were trying to coach him into accusing Sandusky. “When it got to the second or third time I felt like they wanted me to say something that isn’t true,” he said. The other witnesses on Wednesday were a man who ran a golf event for the charity, who testified that McQueary may have participated in the event after the 2001 shower incident; and a Second Mile alum who praised Sandusky’s reputation and referred to him as a father figure. Prosecutors allege that Sandusky met his alleged victims through The Second Mile, which once was lauded for its efforts to help atrisk children but now appears headed for closure as a result of the

Community Action Program Laconia Area Director Bob Adams stands between empty shelves at the Laconia Area Center on Route 106. He said the need for donations of food or money to CAP and other are food pantries is critical during the summer months. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Gail Ober)

seeing more often are older faces. Both food pantry heads said more and more seniors are finding their fixed income doesn’t get them through. Traditionally, elderly people have been among the most reluctant to seek assistance, however, both said they seem to be more accepting

of services than in then past. “It’s sad to see,” said Carignan, adding she has seen an increase in the number of widows who come to her pantry. “Many of these women didn’t work outside the see next page

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Page 16 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

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Free weights donated to Gilford Youth Center Gilford Fire Department and Police Department members and Piche’s Ski and Sports teamed up to donate weights for the Gilford Community Center’s weight lifting center. Taking part in the delivery of the weights Thursday were Rob Bolduc of Piche’s, Brian Clarenbach, Mick Mercuri, Rae Mello Andrews, and Pat McGonagle of the Gilford Fire Department, Tessa Stevens, Kris Kelley and Wes DeSousa of the Gilford Police Department and Scott Hodgkins of the Youth Center. (Roger Amsden photo for the Laconia Daily Sun)

from preceding page home back then. Many of them are living on tiny Social Security checks,” she said. Lamothe said she is also seeing a lot of elderly people at United Baptist and said many of them are caring for their grandchildren. “I see lots of extended families with small children,” she said. While both food pantries serve the same purpose and while both are largely dependent on the proverbial kindness of strangers, the two are different in size and approach. Carignan sees St. Vincent de Paul’s as a supplemental food program. A family is allowed one visit a month and they can get enough food to feed each person in the family three meals a day for seven days. i She chooses to buy most of her food from local supermarkets and takes advantage of bulk food purchases the private companies allow her to make, often “lost leaders” like things being advertised at ta low price to draw customers into a store. “They don’t have to let us buy in bulk but they do and we are eternally grateful,” she said. St. Vincent no longer uses the N.H. Food Bank, primarily, said Carignan, because the trip takes time and money and she can get as good of a selection of food at a similar cost through her local networks.


At United Baptist, a much smaller organization, Lamothe said she buys most of her food from the Food Bank. United Baptist, she said, is an emergency pantry that is open Fridays. People are limited to one visit a month and each family can get enough food to feed each family member three meals a day for three days. Lamothe also goes to the Meredith Hannaford store and gets produce on Sunday morning that would be otherwise discarded and distributes it to people who attend Sunday services. Both said neither organization would turn away a hungry person and each provides an emergency contact for immediate assistance. Both said they try and include food that is appropriate for the individual family — like baby food for someone with an infant. And both organizations as well as the other food pantries in the area are largely dependents on the generosity of the community. All of the local food pantries and the Community Action Program are reaching out to the community for some assistance — especially in the wake of losing a significant portion of the federal food sources. All three who were interviewed encourage local see next page

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Big Papi’s slam leads Red Sox past Marlins, 15-5 BOSTON (AP) — David Ortiz hit a grand slam for one of the Red Sox’s four homers as they set a season high in runs, beating the Miami Marlins 15-5 Wednesday night on the hottest day of the year in Boston. Mike Aviles, Jarod Saltalamacchia and Will Middlebrooks also homered one night after Ortiz hit one of Boston’s three homers in a 7-5 victory over Miami. NAME from page one tion doing business as the “Waukewan and Winona Watershed Protective Association,” headed by con-chairs David Reilly of Center Harbor and Deborah Corr of Meredith. The Waukewan Shore Owners Association were told they could not use the name without the written consent of the Waukewan and Winona Watershed Protective Association. “We have no intention of allowing them to use our trade name,” Corr said yesterday. “We have asked the Waukewan Shore Owners Association to stop using our name, but they have not replied to us.” Duncan McNeish, treasurer of the Waukewan Shore Owners Association, declined all comment. This week Reilly and Corr distributed a letter explaining the situation and advising media outlets and others that if the Waukewan Shore Owners Association represents itself as the “’Waukewan Watershed Association’” they are violating state law (RSA 292:3). The tussle over the trade name from preceding page people to give to local agencies — regardless of which one makes the most sense for them. “You are feeding your friends and neighbors,” said Lamothe. “You just don’t realize it.” Lamothe also said donations of non-food items like diapers, bar soap, laundry soap, and toilet paper are welcome. These are products that all households need and can not be purchased with the USDA Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program — commonly known as “food stamps.” ily Open Da pm 8am-6:30

With a game-time temperature of 95 degrees, the Red Sox pounded out 16 hits and won their fourth straight game and sixth in their last seven. They moved out of last place in the AL East at 35-33, passing Toronto after the Blue Jays lost 8-3 to Milwaukee. The Marlins lost for the 12th time in 14 games despite scoring four runs and nine hits in six innings against Felix Doubront (8-3). echoes the dispute over the lake level. In 2010, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services (DES) decided to reconsider the operating level of Lake Waukewan after heavy rainfall in 2006, 2007 and 2009. When an interim level of 539.5 feet was set in 2010, the Waukewan Shore Owners Association was among those who clamored to raise it to 540 feet while Reilly, Corr and Janan Hays, vice-chairman of the Waukewan and Winona Watershed Protective Association, favored the lower level. Last year DES raised the level to 540 feet, prompting those supporting the lower level to appeal the decision. Earlier this month the Water Council denied the appeal and upheld the department’s decision. Meanwhile, Randy Eifert, chairman of the Waukewan Watershed Advisory Committee, a volunteer panel appointed by the Board of Selectmen of the five communities in the watershed to oversee implementation of the management plan, has also advised the press not to confuse the committee with either association. Both said summer food standards for children are in order if people want to donate food instead of money. “Boxes of cereal, soups, beans and macaroni and cheese are the things young people like in the summer,” said Carignan describing them as things most children can put together for themselves if their parents are working. Lamothe said she also tries to include something for dessert especially during the summer. “A cookie or a bag of potato chips once in a while can be a nice treat for someone,” she said.

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012 — Page 17

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Page 18 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

Meredith art galleries present ‘Artists as Teachers’ workshops this summer MEREDITH — This summer The Meredith Art Galleries will be offering something very special, Artists as Teachers, a diverse program of creative, hands-on workshops. Gallery 51, the lakes gallery at chi-lin, Vynn Art Gallery & Kairos Art Space all want to encourage people to come to Meredith to not only find great art, but to be able to study it with the artists themselves. On Thursday June 28 the public is invited to visit the galleries to learn all about the classes being offered, and to sign up to try one or several. The lakes gallery at chi-lin has a unique exhibit, Artists as Teachers, featuring the work by the artists who will be teaching there this summer. The gallery, as always, will be offering several Asian brush painting workshops. Portsmouth artist Bruce Iverson will be teaching Traditional Techniques for Butterflies, Birds & At left: Michael Milburn teaching a Koi Workshop at the lakes gallery. (Courtesy photo)

Dragonflies; Mountains, Trees & Mist: An Introduction to Traditional Asian Landscape Painting; and Ascending to Another Level: Painting the Lotus. Boston artist, Michael Milburn, will again offer his popular classes, Watercolor and the Spirit of Nature: Koi & Waterbirds. Sue Yang, prominent Asian artist and teacher at the MFA, will offer a two-day Chinese Brush Painting Workshop Mountain Pines Willow Islands. In the letter arts two-day sessions will be offered. Maryanne Grebenstein, teacher at the North Bennet Street School in Boston, will teach Manuscript Gilding A Raised Gold Leaf Workshop, while Suzanne Lee will offer three, two-day Intensive Beginning Italic Calligraphy sessions. For flower lovers, Antoinette Drouart, owner of Ikebana Flower in Nashua will offer Create YourOwn Ikebana, Japanese Flower Arranging, Basket & Fill It with Flowers. Moultonborough artis, Estelle Smith will teach two sessions for those wanting to work on their drawing skill. Drawing: Learn Basic Skills through Still Life as well as an exciting three-day class, Drawing Your Own Home. An opportunity for anyone to create a beautiful drawing from a simple photograph of their house. At Vynn Art, Vynnie will teaching classes in his popular Sculpey Clay, for kids and adults, and his special talent, Cartooning. Thursday is also the opening of the new Vynn Art Gallery, featuring work by local artists. These artists will be offering their own workshops over the summer in many media. Christina Hodecker-George will continue her lessons in oil, watercolor and pastel at Gallery 51. At Kairos Art Space Italian Sculptor, Carmelo Midili, is offering Drawing and Painting from Life, a concentrated, two-day workshop offering the absolute basics for getting started in drawing and painting.

Laconia Farmers’ Market opens for season Saturday

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LACONIA — The Laconia Farmers’ Market opens on Saturday, June 23 in downtown Laconia at the City Hall Parking Lot. There will be 16 vendors from throughout the region selling a variety of locally grown vegetables, garlic, herbs, fruit, berries, natural meats, seafood and delicious farmstead jams and jellies, baked goods, artisan breads and a selection of unique handmade crafts, soaps and art. There will be several special opening day features: — Mystic Eye Creations from Franklin, will be doing live demonstrations of wood turning and how their products are made. Daniel Podawiltz will be making kaleidoscopes, ornaments, key chains and various other gift items – even fulfilling custom orders on the spot and answering any questions people might have. — Bubble and Flame Soap Company, from Gilmanton, providing fun and whimsical, handmade soaps, has a special – buy three, get the fourth free. — Shapleigh Island Lobster Company, from Portsmouth, has an opening day special price on lobster, at $3.85 per lb. In addition there is an wide array of growers and unique specialty vendors this year. — Arbutus Hill Farm - Fresh local vegetables and herbs; — Bill and Diane Brown - Maple products, seasonal vegetables and fruit; — Brian Ramsey - Seasonal vegetables, berries and maple products; — DeNutte Delights - High quality, handmade soy candles in mason jars; — Eat Dessert First - Delicious homemade baked goods, chocolates, candies, cookies and sweet breads; — Herbal Earth - Cut flowers, dried herbs and herbal products; — Nadja Hebert - Organic vegetables, herbs and berries and homespun yarn; — Rustic Raven – Baked Goods; — Still Seeking Farm - Organic vegetables, blueberries, maple syrup, soap, beeswax candles, homemade baskets; — The Bread Peddler - Homemade artisan breads; — The Dog Door Bakery - Wholegrain hand-mixed and hand-cut treats dog biscuits.

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 19

NHDES recognizes New Hampton woman with Volunteer Limnologist Award NEW HAMPTON — Janan Hays has been honored with the 2012 Volunteer Limnologist Award bestowed by the N.H. Department of Environmental Services. Her contributions to protecting the quality of the water and environment of both lakes Waukewan and Winona were recognized at the annual NHDES VLAP Workshop in Concord on June 2. According to Sara Steiner, VLAP Coordinator for the NHDES, a few awards are given each year to those outstanding volunteers who have given exceptional service to the cause of protecting New Representatives of the N.H. Department of Environmental Services congratulate Janan Hays of New Hampshire’s lakes and Hampton (center) on her being recognized as the 2012 recipient of the agencies Volunteer Limnologist ponds from environAward at a meeting in Concord on June 2. At left is Sara Steiner, NHDES VLAP Coordinator and on the mental hazards and right is Amy Smagula, NHDES Exotic Species Coordinator. (Courtesy photo) degradation. Hays was appreciated for: teer monitoring Loons on Waukewan since 1987. — Monitoring the Snake River between Lakes — Her work on limiting land use and development Waukewan and Winona since 2000. activities along Snake River to protect pristine wetlands. — Being a past board member of the Waukewan — Being among those responsible for bringing the Shore Owners Association. Lake Host program to Lake Waukewan and one of the — Being vice chair of the Waukewan and Winona first to become a volunteer Waukewan Lake Host. Watershed Protective Association. — Promoting environmental education to lake — Being a Loon Preservation Committee volunresidents and local governments.

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— Spearheading efforts to address high water level environmental concerns at both Lakes Waukewan and Winona. — With the Department of Agriculture, conducting and funding biological control of the invasive Purple Loosestrife at Monkey Pond in Meredith. — Enhancing awareness of upland invasive plant species issue in Meredith and working with the Department of Agriculture and the Meredith Conservation Commission to provide awareness workshops to town employees and the public. Along with Department of Agriculture and the Meredith Conservation Commission, she deveoped GPS coordiantes for all invasive species within the town and worked on pilot projects to control Japanese Knotweed along Lake Waukewan and other test sites. — Starting the NHDES Weed Watcher program on Lake Waukewan and conducting training for volunteers. “The Waukewan and Winona Watershed Protective Association is proud to have Ms. Hays as a member and we support her in her continuing efforts to protect the ecology of our watershed,” said Deb Corr and Dave Reilly, co-chairs of the Waukewan and Winona Watershed Protective Association.

Free debt triage workshop offered June 28

LACONIA — The Laconia Area Community Land Trust (LACLT) will hold a Debt Triage Workshop on Thursday, June 28, from 6-8 p.m. at the Laconia Police Department’s community room on New Salem St. Sponsored by Franklin Savings Bank, the worksee next page

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Page 20 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

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Gilford church announces summer worship hours GILFORD — During the summer, everyone’s schedule changes; some families travel and some go onto the islands. International students come here to work in the tourist industry. Days are longer and people are looking for a change. To accommodate these changes, First United Methodist Church, 18 Wesley Way, off Rt. 11A in Gilford will be offering three worship times on Sundays for July and August. Each service will be different. At 8:30 a.m., there will be a casual service with a focus

on singing, trying some new and older hymns, and having discussion and prayer instead of a sermon. Communion will be shared on the first Sunday of each month. At 10:30 a.m., the regular blended service will be held, with special activities, such as the “Blessing of the Animals” on August 5. Different groups and individuals in the congregation will be providing special music. Communion will be shared on July 1. The day will close with an evening service at 7 p.m. focusing on a weekly communion and prayer.

GILFORD — The Meadowbrook U.S. Cellular Pavilion is delivering a heavy metal show on August 9 that will feature Slipknot with special guests, Asking Alexandria and As I Lay Dying. Slipknot is an American heavy metal band known for their attention-grabbing image. The nine members wear matching uniforms, have unique masks respectively, and have aliases which are simply numbers. Slipknot formed in 1995 and underwent several line-up changes following the independent release of their first demo, Mate. Feed. Kill. Repeat. in 1996. That album featured original lead vocalist, Anders Colsefini. Their self-titled, major label debut, Slipknot, was

released in 1999, featuring permanent new lead vocalist, Corey Taylor, and was followed by Iowa in 2001 and Vol. 3: (The Subliminal Verses) in 2004. On August 25, 2008, the band returned to release their fourth studio album, All Hope Is Gone, which debuted at the top spot on the Billboard 200 charts. The band has released three DVDs, including Disasterpieces, which was certified quadruple-platinum in the United States. Hailing from the United Kingdom, Asking Alexandria has been breaking out of the underground music scene with a sound that is heavy and hard-hitting, yet catchy and melodic. In 2009 the boys released their debut album, Stand Up and Scream, touring relentsee next page

from preceding page shop will help participants learn to eliminate waste, prioritize expenses and get on the path to healthy spending habits. People can register by calling Debra Drake, Homeownership Director of LACLT at 524-0747 or by emailing Advance registration is required. Laconia Area Community Land Trust, a 501(c)(3)

nonprofit, is a member of NeighborWorks® America, and is supported in part by membership donations and the Lakes Region United Way. Its mission is to assist low and moderate income families achieve economic self-sufficiency through the development of permanently affordable housing opportunities and associated support programs. For more information about LACLT and its programs, call 524-0747, or visit

Heavy metal band Slipknot coming to Meadowbrook

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Daily Deal

and Start Saving!

LRCC valedictorian Ian Bissonnette plans to pursue bachelor’s degree LACONIA — Lakes Region Community College (LRCC) 2012 Valedictorian Ian Bissonnette of Laconia earned a perfect 4.0 grade point average in his Liberal Arts Studies and is now planning to pursue a bachelor’s degree at a four-year college. “I never expected to be Valedictorian when I signed up to attend LRCC,” says Bissonnette, a Laconia High School graduate. “It was a lot of work, but definitely worthwhile and I learned a great deal. The professors are far more exceptional than I had imagined.” He spoke at the colleg’s 43rd Annual Commencement Ceremony held at Meadowbrook Musical Arts Center in Gilford recently. For additional information about LRCC’s Liberal Arts Associate Degree, contact Admissions Direc- Lakes Region Community College (LRCC) 2012 Valedictorian Ian tor, Wayne Frasier at 524- Bissonnette of Laconia displays his award and diploma following the 43rd Annual Commencement Ceremony held at Meadowbrook 3207 ext. 6766. Lakes Region Commu- Musical Arts Center in Gilford. (Courtesy photo) nity College is a fully accredited, comas short-term certificate programs. prehensive community college located In addition LRCC provides a strong in the Lakes Region of New Hampbackground in Liberal Arts for stushire that serves over 1,200 students dents who choose to do their first two annually. LRCC offers 23 associate years at a community college and degree programs including Nursing, then transfer to a four-year college or Fire Technology, Energy Services, university for a baccalaureate degree. Media Arts, Culinary Arts, AutomoLRCC is part of the Community Coltive, and Marine Technology, as well lege System of New Hampshire.

Gunstock Mountain Historic Preservation Society meeting is June 25 GILFORD — The annual meeting of the Gunstock Mountain Historic Preservation Society (GMHPS) will be held at Gunstock Mountain Resort on Monday June 25, at 6:30 p.m. The Historical Society is planning a major fundraiser to restore the ski jumping complex of four jumps that began to be used in 1937 but have not been in used in several years. The sport of ski jumping has seen a recent resurgence and the Gunstock ski jumping complex is unique in that it offers a young jumper a progression of ski jumps with 10, 20, 40 and 65 meter jumps. Double Olympic medalist Penny Pitou is one of the founders and current member of the Gunstock Moun-

tain Historic Preservation Society. She began her skiing career at the Belknap Recreation Complex and was a ski jumper who competed throughout her high school years. The Historical Preservation Society is in building phase and has had many accomplishments in just a short period of time. Those include: the jumps being named on NH’s Seven to Save in the fall of 2009, Rededication of the Torger Tokle Jump in 2010, The Historical Preservation Award from the NH Preservation Alliance in 2012, the continual cataloging and preservation of 75 years of history at Gunstock, and having the base lodge placed on the NH State Register of Historic Places.

from preceding page lessly and making their mark on the hardcore scene with fists pumping. The band spent 2009 focusing on gaining success in the United States, touring with well-known bands such as Alesana, Enter Shikari, The Bled and Evergreen Terrace, amongst others. As I Lay Dying is a metal-hardcore crossover band from San Diego, Cali-

fornia. The group formed as a trio in 2001 and has been pumping out albums ever since with Beneath the Encasing of Ashes, American Tragedy, Frail Words Collapse, and Shadows Are Security, amongst others. Tickets go on sale Friday, June 15 at 10 a.m. and range from $33 to $64.50. To order, call (603) 293-4700 or log on to

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012 — Page 21

North Country Auctions, LLC

General Merchandise Auction Saturday, July 14th • 9:00am • Preview 7:30am at our auction site 438 plains rd tamworth nh 03886


items to include: heavy equipment, scooters, atv’s, auto’s, trailers, boats, firearms and much more! FMI Call: (603)539-5322

Email: Visit us online @ Auctioneer: Lawerence Spellman, III

Lic. #NH6034

online bidding available through

200th Gilford Anniversary

Bicentennial Beach and Boat Parade (Bill Bickford) Saturday, June 23, 2012 Pick Up Registration forms at Parks-n-Rec, Public Works & Public Library. Event to be held at the Gilford Town Beach A. Judges on Beach Raft B. Certificates and Ribbons for Boats Decorated 1. Best Patriotic (red, white & blue) 2. Best Dressed (over-all decorations) 3. Most Historic (oldest looking or decorations representing the past) 4. Best Town Spirit (all about Gilford) 5. Best Try (most effort)

C. Tentative Schedule of Events 10:00 Children’s Float Parade, decorate your favorite float! 11:00 Canoe & Kayak Race Noon BBQ & Obstacle Course 2:00 Boat Parade

Page 22 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

St.Charles Borromeo Catholic Chuch awards scholarships to four service-minded seniors

St. Charles Borromeo Catholic Church in Meredith has awarded four scholarships to seniors demonstrating service in the parish and community.They are (l-r) Rob Wood, Liam McMahon, Michaelle Yeo and Eddie Lazdowskiw, with the Very Rev. Dennis J. Audet, Pastor. (Courtesy photo)

Taylor Community hosting informational session on assisted living




If you are a subscriber to Anthem’s Blue Cross/ Blue Shield health insurance with a Site of Service benefit option, you can now receive your lab services with $0 cost to you – no deductible or coinsurance.

LRGHEALTHCARE Lab, Radiology & Rehab Services LAkEs REGion Lakes Region General Hospital Laboratory and Radiology: Monday – Friday, 7 am - 6 pm; Saturday, 7 am - Noon SAVE TIME

Call 527-2990 to pre-register for lab and radiology services

Rehabilitation Services at Hillside Medical Park: Monday – Fri., 6:30 am - 6 pm; 524-2852

Interlakes Medical Center – Meredith (A Clinical Department of LRGH)


Monday – Friday, 7 am - 5 pm


Monday – Friday, 8 am - 4:30 pm


Call 737-6765 to pre-register for lab and radiology services

Rehabilitation: Monday – Fri., 7:30 am - 5 pm; 279-7208

Laconia Clinic (A Clinical Department of LRGH) Laboratory:

Monday – Fri., 8 am - 4 pm; 524-5151


Monday – Fri., 8:30 am - 4 pm; 524-5151

Rehabilitation: Monday – Fri., 7 am - 5:30 pm; 527-2781

THREE RivERs REGion Franklin Regional Hospital


LRGHealthcare offers six convenient locations, with early morning, late afternoon and Saturday hours available.


Saturday, 7 am - Noon Radiology:

Monday – Friday, 8 am - 5 pm


Call 737-6724 to pre-register for lab and radiology services

Newfound Family Practice (A Clinical Department of FRH) Laboratory:

Monday – Friday, 7 am - 6 pm;

Tuesday & Friday, 7:30 am - Noon; 744-5441 Ext. 1411

Westside Healthcare (A Clinical Department of FRH) Laboratory:

Monday, Wed., & Thurs., 7:30 am - Noon; 934-4259 Ext. 1122 Rehabilitation: Monday – Friday, 7 am - 5 pm; 934-9762

LACONIA — The Taylor Community will hold a free informational session ‘’Assisted Living for Seniors’’ on Wednesday, June 27 from 5:30-7 p.m. Presenters include Dr. Peter Walkley, Chief of Staff, LRGHealthcare, and Mary Farley, former Senior Living Director for Sunrise Senior Living. In addition to the information presented, the format provides ample opportunity for discussion, with questions and answers. “Many seniors choose to stay in their home, but that may not be the best choice,” says Paul Charlton, director of marketing, Taylor Community. “Often times the senior living on their own or even if their family is around, can be bored and lonely due to limited socialization.” He said that assisted living facilities provide opportunities to meet friends and be around other people who are peers. In addition to the social piece, the safety, security and peace of mind that comes from knowing that staff is available 24/7 for anything that comes up is extremely important to the residents and their families says Charlton. Advance registration is requested by calling 5245600. For more information about Assisted Living visit

‘On Golden Pond’ coming to downtown Laconia July 3-Aug. 12

LACONIA — On Golden Pond, one of the most produced comedies in history, is being performed live on stage at Pitman’s Freight Room in Laconia from July 3 through August 12. The shows are designed and directed by its Academy Award winning author Ernest Thompson of Whitebridgefarm Productions in New Hampton. On Golden Pond has been translated into 27 languages and has played in more than 40 countries. It has a universal message and continues to capture the imagination of audiences everywhere. Evening shows are Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7 p.m. and Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m. Matinees will be held on Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays at 2 p.m. Special family shows in which those under 18 pay their age will be held Tuesday, July 31 and Tuesday, August 7. Matinee tickets are $25 to $35 and weekday evening tickets are $30 to $40. Friday and Saturday night tickets are $35 to $45. Whitebridge is offering group tickets at substantial savings. Groups of 10 or more are available at a savings of $10 off per ticket. A portion of all tickets sale benefit Cross the Bridge programs. The venue is air-conditioned. To purchase tickets call (603) 707-7806 or purchase online at

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012 — Page 23

Funspot celebrating 60 years of family entertainment on June 27 LACONIA — The public is invited to a ribbon cutting to celebrate the 60th Anniversary of The Funspot Family Entertainment Center in Weirs Beach, on Wednesday, June 27 at 10 a.m. The event will take place rain or shine. Bob Lawton, who started the now world famous arcade in 1952 with his brother John as The Weirs Sports Center, a small arcade with an Bob Lawton, who started the Funspot in 1952, is welcoming everyindoor mini-golf above one to the Family Entertainment Center’s 60th Anniversary on Tarlson’s Arcade on Lake- Wednesday, June 27 at 10 a.m. The first 200 guests will receive side Ave in Weirs Beach, $10 token cards. (Courtesy photo) will be cutting the ribbon. are welcoming all to the celebration. Bob is still the owner and general The first 200 guests who attend the manager of what is now, according to ribbon cutting will be receive a ten the Guinness Book Of World Records, dollar token card and special deals the largest Arcade in the World. John will be going on as well. Lawton passed away in 2003. For more information on Funspot Bob Lawton and the Lawton Family visit

Nature Nights planned at Blair Woodland Natural Area in Campton CAMPTON — The Margret and H.A. Rey Center and the Campton Conservation Commission are teaming up to present area families the opportunity to explore nature this summer at the Blair Woodland Natural Area. Families are invited to join the Rey Center for Nature Nights on Wednesdays from 6-7:30 p.m. to discover the trees, flowers, insects, and wildlife that call Blair Woodland home through hands-on activities that are sure to be fun for the entire family. Each week there will be a different theme, and over the course of the summer, participants will explore nearly every inch of this beautiful property while learning about the plants, animals and humans that have inhabited this conserved woodland. Hiking will be at a family friendly pace, with frequent stops along the way to learn about the theme of the night, with the ultimate goal of having fun while uncovering the secrets of Blair Woods. This program is offered to Campton residents free of charge thanks to generous donations from Leah Gray,

Ehlers Management Group, Mountain Mapping, Woodpeckers Pub & Eatery, Ski Fanatics, The Halm Family, Frank Freeman & several anonymous donors. All are welcome to attend; non-Campton residents are asked to make a suggested donation of $10 per family to the Campton Conservation Commission. Participants should dress appropriately for the weather, as there is no shelter except beneath the trees, and bring water and bug spray. There are no restroom facilities on the property so please plan ahead. All ages are welcome and an adult must accompany children. Take the Child Challenge – participants aged 17 or younger who attend all eight sessions will receive a prize. Nature Nights will be held from 6 -7:30 p.m. on Wednesday nights (June 27-August 22, with the exception of July 4) and will meet at the parking area of the Blair Woodland Natural area in Campton located on Route 3 South of Blair Bridge Road and the Red Sleigh Condos. Advance registration is requested by contacting the Rey Center at 603-236-3308 or

LACONIA — Due to popular demand, the Laconia Main Street Outdoor Marketplace is adding more vendors, with more exciting choices available to market goers who are choosing to shop locally. These vendors, including soaps, lotions, crafts, plants and produce will be located just a few steps away from the main market on the sidewalk around the Downtown Deli which is staying open late to serve their signature sandwiches for dinner during these

days. This special market extension will be open in conjunction with the regular market every Thursday from 3-7 p.m. through the end of August. Presented by Laconia Main Street, the market is supported by Bank of NH, Sunflower Natural Foods, All My Life Jewelers, Franklin Savings Bank, Melcher and Prescott Insurance and Meredith Village Savings Bank. For more information contact Randy or Sue Bullerwell, All My Life Jewelers, 528-8541,

Laconia Main Street Outdoor Marketplace announces expansion


By virtue of a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage deed given by JULIA M. RITCHIE, a single person, whose mailing address is 172 Washington Street, Laconia, New Hampshire 03246, to MEREDITH VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK, 24 NH Route 25, P.O. Box 177, Meredith, Belknap County, New Hampshire, 03253, dated May 25, 2005, and recorded on June, 2005 in the Belknap County Registry of Deeds at Book 2178, Page 0853, (the “Mortgage”) the holder of said mortgage, pursuant to and in execution of said powers, and for breach of conditions of said mortgage deed, (and the Note secured thereby of near or even date, and related documents) and for the purpose of foreclosing the same shall sell at PUBLIC AUCTION On July 6, 2012 at 11:00 o’clock in the morning, pursuant to N.H. R.S.A. 479:25, on the premises herein described being located at 172 Washington Street, Laconia, Belknap County, New Hampshire, being all and the same premises more particularly described in the Mortgage. TERMS OF SALE: Said premises will be sold subject to (i) all unpaid taxes and liens, whether or not of record; (ii) mortgages, liens, attachments and all other encumbrances and rights, titles and interests of third persons which are entitled to precedence over the Mortgages; and (iii) any other matters affecting title of the Mortgagor to the premises disclosed herein. DEPOSITS: Prior to commencement of the auction, all registered bidders shall pay a deposit in the amount of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000.00). At the conclusion of the auction of the premises, the highest bidder’s deposit, if such high bidder’s bid is accepted by the Bank, shall immediately be paid to the Bank and shall be held by the Bank subject to these Terms of Sale. All deposits required hereunder shall be made in cash or by check to the order of the Bank, which is acceptable to the Bank in its sole and absolute discretion. WARRANTIES AND CONVEYANCE: The Bank shall deliver a Mortgagee’s Foreclosure Deed of the Real Estate to the successful bidder accepted by the Bank within forty-five (45) days from the date of the foreclosure sale, upon receipt of the balance of the Purchase Price in cash or check acceptable to Bank. The Real estate will be conveyed with those warranties contained in the Mortgagee’s Foreclosure Deed, and no others. FEDERAL TAX LIEN: If the property to be sold is subject to a tax lien of the United States of America Internal Revenue Service, unless said lien is released after sale, the sale may be subject to the right of the United States of America to redeem the lands and premises on or before 120 days from the date of the sale. BREACH OF PURCHASE CONTRACT: If any successful bidder fails to complete the contract of sale resulting from the Bank’s acceptance of such successful bidder’s bid, such successful bidder’s deposit may, at the option of the Bank, be retained as full liquidated damages or may be held on account of the damages actually suffered by the Bank. If such deposit is not retained as full liquidated damages, the Bank shall have all of the privileges, remedies and rights available to the Bank at law or in equity due to such successful bidder’s breach of the contract of sale. Notice of the election made hereunder by the Bank shall be given to a defaulting successful bidder within 50 days after the date of the public auction. If the Bank fails to notify a defaulting successful bidder of which remedy the Bank has elected hereunder, the Bank shall be conclusively deemed to have elected to be holding the deposit on account of the damages actually suffered by the Bank. Upon any such default, Meredith Village Savings Bank shall have the right to sell the property to any back up bidder or itself. AMENDMENT OF TERMS OF SALE: The Bank reserves the right to amend or change the Terms of Sale set forth herein by announcement, written or oral, made prior to the commencement of the public auction. NOTICE TO THE MORTGAGOR, ANY GRANTEE OF THE MORTGAGOR AND ANY OTHER PERSON CLAIMING A LIEN OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCE ON THE PREMISES: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PETITION THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE SITUATED, WITH SERVICE UPON THE MORTGAGEE, AND UPON SUCH BOND AS THE COURT MAY REQUIRE, TO ENJOIN THE SCHEDULED FORECLOSURE SALE. For further information respecting the aforementioned foreclosure sale, contact James R. St. Jean Auctioneers, 45 Exeter Rd., PO Box 400, Epping NH 03042, 603-734-4348. Dated this the 8th day of June, 2012. MEREDITH VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK By Its Attorneys Minkow & Mahoney Mullen, P.A. By: Peter J. Minkow, Esq. 4 Stevens Ave., Suite 3 P.O. Box 235 Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-6511 Publication Dates: June 14, 21 & 28, 2012.


by Dickenson & Clark

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mastroianni & Hart

Page 24 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012


by Paul Gilligan

by Darby Conley

Get Fuzzy

By Holiday Mathis sible to describe, and few possess it. SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Imagination and practicality are qualities that seem sometimes to be at war with each other. But there is a way to make the imaginative and the practical work together. And when it happens, it’s brilliant. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). You know where you belong in the big picture, but there are too many options in the little picture for you to be completely sure of how best to spend this day. Trust that you are divinely guided. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Resentment and regret are energy drains that are easily plugged today with a healthy dose of neglect. Refuse to give your attention to the bitter feelings, and they magically heal. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Level with someone about what you’d really like out of the relationship. Why not have both your needs (SET ITAL) and (END ITAL) your wants met? You deserve to be happy! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You need a break from all the emotional work you’ve been doing lately. Make plans to be near people who are easy to be with. Laughter and breezy conversations are restorative. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (June 21). You may not feel like you’re on a quest at the start of the year, but you’ll gather information, inspiration and team members in the next seven weeks. By midAugust, your mission is underway. A financial exchange keeps your project rolling and growing through September. December brings family fun. Aries and Aquarius people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 7, 30, 2, 14 and 29.


ARIES (March 21-April 19). Your creative juices are flowing, which helps you in every area of life. Even seemingly non-creative areas of life will be improved by your imaginative approach. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). You have an easy way of relating with people, and you’ll fall into a pleasant social groove. A Leo will help you connect with your heart and trust its guidance. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). You’ve been in a powerful cycle, and now you’re ready to rest a bit. You don’t have to have the answers, solve the problems or do much of anything at all. You don’t even have to “be you.” All you have to do is relax. CANCER (June 22-July 22). You can deliberately create joy in any moment, and that’s precisely what you set out to do at the beginning of the day. Anyone who has other plans will find that your joy-mission can’t be derailed. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). There is a rule for everything, from eating bread to launching spacecrafts. When in doubt, learn the rule. You can always break it if you want to. Better to break a learned rule than one you don’t know about. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your friends know you well enough to sense when you’re hiding something, trying to spare their feelings or simply not “into” an activity. It feels great to have people around with whom you can be completely honest. LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Highlighted today is a certain longing in your heart that makes you unique. It’s a nameless craving for nothing in particular and everything at once. It’s impos-

by Chad Carpenter


Pooch Café LOLA

Solution and tips at

1 6 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 29 30 31 33 37 39

ACROSS Bid Actor Garrett Hamster’s home Monetary worth Bridal veil material Was obligated In a vertical position Mimicked Pealed Stop signal Baseball official Colored part of the eye Child’s vehicle “Messiah” composer Sacrificial table Pull a fast __ on; hoodwink Gladden Cheese-topped tortilla chip Make a tiny cut TV’s Soupy __

41 42 44 46 47

55 56 60 61 63 64 65 66 67 68 69

__-back; relaxed Eagle’s claw Speedy Expert Company trademarks More thickly packed Skilled craftsman President’s power to turn down a bill Cafe server Sleeping bags Peak Doing nothing “Farewell, Pierre!” __ over; faint Bitter Exact duplicate Mary Baker __ His and __ Takes care of

1 2

DOWN Above Rider’s fee

49 51 54

3 4

5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23 25 26 27 28 29 32 34 35

Ran away Mathematician called “Father of Geometry” Pensioner Has the __; is in a funk Engrossed Highest card Subtract Low-ranking NCO Expect; look for Literary class Lawn trimmer Breathing organs of a fish Painful cry Slumber Party-giver Ballerina __ Pavlova Young or Sedaka Book of maps Slugger Hank Beanies Give a job to

36 38 40 43

Stench In a mannerly way __ with; backed Runny __; cold symptom 45 __ from; lessen the value of 48 Too flashy 50 Head, slangily

51 52 53 54 56 57 58 59 62

Not sleeping Ran quickly Clocked Swerves Make indistinct Roaring beast Give for a time Takes to court Fawn’s mother

Yesterday’s Answer

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 25

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Thursday, June 21, the 173rd day of 2012. There are 193 days left in the year. Today’s Highlights in History: On June 21, 1942, German forces led by Generaloberst (Colonel General) Erwin Rommel captured the Libyan city of Tobruk during World War II. (Following his victory, Rommel was promoted to Field Marshal; Tobruk was retaken by the Allies in November 1942.) An Imperial Japanese submarine fired shells at Fort Stevens on the Oregon coast, causing little damage. On this date: In 1788, the United States Constitution went into effect as New Hampshire became the ninth state to ratify it. In 1834, Cyrus Hall McCormick received a patent for his reaping machine. In 1932, heavyweight Max Schmeling lost a title fight rematch in New York by decision to Jack Sharkey, prompting Schmeling’s manager, Joe Jacobs, to exclaim: “We was robbed!” In 1963, Cardinal Giovanni Battista Montini was chosen to succeed the late Pope John XXIII; the new pope took the name Paul VI. In 1964, civil rights workers Michael H. Schwerner, Andrew Goodman and James E. Chaney were murdered in Philadelphia, Miss.; their bodies were found buried in an earthen dam six weeks later. In 1982, a jury in Washington D.C. found John Hinckley Jr. not guilty by reason of insanity in the shootings of President Ronald Reagan and three other men. In 1989, a sharply divided Supreme Court ruled that burning the American flag as a form of political protest was protected by the First Amendment. In 2005, 41 years to the day after three civil rights workers were beaten and shot to death, Edgar Ray Killen, an 80-year-old former Ku Klux Klansman, was found guilty of manslaughter in a Mississippi court. (Killen was sentenced to 60 years in prison.) One year ago: Amid street protests, Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou survived a confidence vote. Defending national champion South Carolina tied the record for consecutive NCAA tournament wins with a 7-1 victory over Virginia at the College World Series. Today’s Birthdays: Composer Lalo Schifrin is 80. Actor Bernie Kopell is 79. Actor Monte Markham is 77. Songwriter Don Black is 74. Actress Mariette Hartley is 72. Comedian Joe Flaherty is 71. Rock singer-musician Ray Davies is 68. Actress Meredith Baxter is 65. Actor Michael Gross is 65. Rock musician Joe Molland is 65. Rock musician Don Airey is 64. Country singer Leon Everette is 64. Rock musician Joey Kramer is 62. Rock musician Nils Lofgren is 61. Actress Robyn Douglass is 59. Actor Leigh McCloskey is 57. Country singer Kathy Mattea is 53. Actor Marc Copage is 50. Actress Sammi Davis is 48. Actor Doug Savant is 48. Actor Michael Dolan is 47. Actress Paula Irvine is 44. Rapper/producer Pete Rock is 42. Country singer Allison Moorer is 40. Actress Juliette Lewis is 39. Musician Justin Cary is 37. Rock musician Mike Einziger is 36. Actor Chris Pratt is 33. Rock singer Brandon Flowers is 31. Britain’s Prince William is 30. Pop singer Kris Allen is 27. Actor Jascha Washington is 23. Pop singer Rebecca Black is 15.


Dial 2

Saving Hope “Blindness” Charlie helps a dead man. (N) Å Saving Hope (N) Å


WMTW J. Kimmel NBA

2012 NBA Finals Oklahoma City Thunder at Miami Heat. (N)


WMUR J. Kimmel NBA

2012 NBA Finals Oklahoma City Thunder at Miami Heat. (N)



SRYEEJ Print answer here: Yesterday’s

Person of Interest “Risk” The Mentalist “My WBZ News Reese and Finch pursue Bloody Valentine” A mob (N) Å a trader. boss’ son is killed. 2012 NBA Finals Oklahoma City Thunder at Miami Heat. Game 5. From AmericanAirlines Arena in Miami. (N) (Live) Å


Without a Trace “Volcano” An autistic boy pears. (In Stereo) Å goes missing. Å Big Bang Broke Girl Person of Interest WGME WTBS Fam. Guy Fam. Guy Big Bang Big Bang


WFXT The 30 women continue 4” Contestants include

12 13

16 17

Rock Center With Brian Williams (N) (In Stereo) Å Rock Center


Take Me Out “Episode 3” The Choice “Episode

Fox 25 News at 10 (N) Å Fox 25 News at 11 (N)

TMZ (In Stereo) Å

News 10

’70s Show



CSNE U.S. Olympic Trials


NESN MLB Baseball: Marlins at Red Sox



LIFE Wife Swap Å

7 Days of Sex (N)

Baseball Tonight (N)

MTV Jersey Shore Å




Questions Sports

Wife Swap Å Jersey Shore Å

The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)

MSNBC The Ed Show (N)

SportsCenter (N) Å

College Baseball NCAA World Series, Game 12: Teams TBA. (N) Å SportsNet Sports


Red Sox


Eastwood Movie: ›› “She’s Out of My League” (2010)


Conan (N)

Cash Cab Excused

ESPN SportCtr ESPN2 Pardon

The Soup


Men-Work Big Bang



News Everybody Loves Raymond Blood Sugar Solution The Office “Launch Party” Letterman

WBZ News The Office Seinfeld (N) Å “Sex Ed” Å “The Junk Mail” Å The Mentalist Å News

their search. (N) Taylor Hicks. (N) Å CSPAN Capitol Hill Hearings The Office Law Order: CI WBIN 30 Rock


Late Show With David Letterman NewsCenter 5 Late (N) Å Tonight Show With Jay Leno Jay Leno

Without a Trace “Peni-

WSBK tence” A convict disap-



News News

Breaking Pointe “Tempo The Vampire Diaries 7 News at 10PM on Friends (In CW56 (N) (In Stereo) Å Stereo) Å WLVI Tantrums” Ronnie’s sister Damon has a plan for visits. Jeremy. Å Great Performances “Phantom of the Opera at the Royal Albert Hall” “The Phantom of the WENH Opera.” Å



Amanda de Cadenet Chelsea

Teen Mom Å

Greta Van Susteren

E! News Snooki

The O’Reilly Factor

Rachel Maddow Show The Last Word

The Ed Show

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360

Erin Burnett OutFront

The Mentalist Å

CSI: NY “Admissions”

Rizzoli & Isles Å

Burn Notice (N) Å

Suits “The Choice” (N)


CNN Anderson Cooper 360




USA NCIS “Defiance” Å


COM South Park South Park South Park The Comedy Central Roast Å

Daily Show Colbert


SPIKE iMPACT Wrestling (N) (In Stereo Live) Å





Kathy (N)

The Mentalist Å


Real Housewives


AMC Movie: ››‡ “Sahara” (2005, Adventure) Matthew McConaughey. Å


SYFY “Resident Evil”


Royal Pains Å


Movie: ››› “X-Men” (2000, Action) Hugh Jackman. Å

Real Resident

A&E The First 48 Å






HGTV Celebs

Selling LA Selling NY London


Hunt Intl


Hunt Intl


DISC Auction


Final Offer (N) Å



Undercover Boss Å

The First 48 (N) Å

Ways Die

“Collateral Damage”




On the Fly On the Fly Tattoos


On the Fly On the Fly

Hollywood Heights (N) Yes, Dear

Yes, Dear





NICK Friends Å


TOON Annoying


FAM Movie: “The Pacifier”

Movie: ››› “Matilda” (1996) Mara Wilson.

The 700 Club Å


DSN Good Luck Shake It






King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy ANT Farm Phineas

Fam. Guy ANT Farm

Movie: ››› “As Good as It Gets” (1997) Jack Nicholson.

Red Light Comedy True Blood Å

Movie: “Big Mommas: Like Father, Like Son”

HBO Liar Liar


MAX Movie: ››› “Bridesmaids” (2011) Kristen Wiig.

Find us on Facebook



2 Days


Movie: ›› “2 Days in the Valley”


CALENDAR TODAY’S EVENTS Seventh annual Winnipesaukee Wine Festival to benefit the New Hampshire Humane Society in Meredith. 5:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. at the Winnipesaukee Ballroom at Church Landing in Meredith. Tickets are $50 per person. For more information or to order tickes call 968-9330. The Heart of the Lakes Sufi Center starts its classes held every third Thursday of the month. 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Society in Laconia. Classes run approximately one hour and will last for the rest of this year. For more information contact Maalik Haig at 832-3550 or email Laconia Main Street Outdoor Marketplace. 3 to 7 p.m. at the municipal parking lot in downtown Laconia (adjacent to the Village Bakery). Shop for locally produced vegetables, fruits, meat, bread, eggs, raw milk, wine, photography, soaps, jewelry and more. Enjoy the music of a featured artist each week while you shop and visit with your fellow residents. Every Thursday through early Oct. The Winnipesaukee Playhouse presents “The Complete History of America (Abridged).” 7 p.m. at the theater in the Alpenrose Plaza in Weirs Beach. May not be suitable for children under the age of 13. For ticket information or questions call 366-7377 or look online at www. The Plymouth Area Democrats will hold an event “Conservations With Our Democratic Gubernatorial Candidates”. The event is being held at the Plymouth Regional Senior Center on Depot road in Plymouth and starts at 6:45 p.m. following a social that starts at 6 p.m. For more information regarding the event call Bob Lamb at 968-7105. The Minot-Sleeper Library hosts guest speaker Edie Clark to present “Baked Beans and Fired Clams: How Food Defines a Region.” 7 p.m. at the Bristol Old Town Hall. For more information call 744-3352 or go to www. Nancy Barasa from the Lyme Diseases awareness support group speaks about Lymes prevention, cure, support, ect. 9 a.m. at Wesley Woods. A light breakfast will be served. For more information or to RSVP call 528-2555. Al-Anon Meeting at the Congregational Church Parish House (18 Veterans Square) in Laconia. 8 to 9:15 p.m. each Thursday. Al-Anon offers hope and help to families of alcoholics. No dues or fees. All are welcome. Call 6459518. American Legion Post #1 Bingo. Every Thursday night at 849 N. Main Street in Laconia. Doors open at 4 p.m. Bingo starts at 6:30. Chess Club at the Goss Reading Room (188 Elm Street) in Laconia. 2:30 to 4:30 p.m. each Thursday. All ages and skill levels welcome. We will teach. Giggles & Grins playgroup at Family Resource Center in downtown Laconia (635 Main Street). Free group for parents children from birth through age 5. For more information call 524-1741.

FRIDAY, JULY 22 Local blood drive hosted by the American Red Cross. Noon to 5 p.m. at the St. Joseph’s Church. For more information regarding the event or eligibility call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or visit online at Ashland Garden Club will be sponsoring a Standard Flower Show entitled “Books in Bloom”. The hours will be 12:00 - 4:00 at the Karl Drerup Art Gallery at Plymouth State University. Admission is free to this show. The Winnipesaukee Playhouse presents “The Complete History of America (Abridged).” 7 p.m. at the theater in the Alpenrose Plaza in Weirs Beach. May not be suitable for children under the age of 13. For ticket information or questions call 366-7377 or look online at www.

Edward J. Engler, Editor & Publisher Adam Hirshan, Advertising Sales Manager Michael Kitch, Adam Drapcho, Gail Ober Reporters Elaine Hirshan, Office Manager Crystal Furnee, Jeanette Stewart Ad Sales Patty Johnson, Production Manager & Graphics Karin Nelson, Classifieds Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer, as suggested by the above cartoon.



Charlie Rose (N) Å

WHDH Justin Bieber

by David L. Hoyt and Jeff Knurek

©2012 Tribune Media Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30 Monarchy: Fam


WBZ Bang

Unscramble these four Jumbles, one letter to each square, to form four ordinary words.





The Big


Monarchy: Fam

2 Broke Girls Å Theory Jimmy NBA Countdown WCVB Kimmel Live (N) (N) Justin Bieber: All WCSH Around the World (N) Å





WGBH Royal Weddings

JUNE 21, 2012

(Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: AFTER NOTCH ACCENT JAGUAR Answer: When it came to her husband’s plan to successfully lose weight, she thought he had this — A FAT CHANCE

“Seeking the truth and printing it” THE LACONIA DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Lakes Region News Club, Inc. Edward Engler, Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Founders Offices: 1127 Union Ave. #1, Laconia, NH 03246 Business Office 737-2020, Newsroom 737-2026, Fax: 527-0056 News E-mail: CIRCULATION: 18,000 distributed FREE Tues. through Sat. in Laconia, Weirs Beach, Gilford, Meredith, Center Harbor, Belmont, Moultonborough, Winnisquam, Sanbornton, Tilton, Gilmanton, Alton, New Hampton, Plymouth, Bristol, Ashland, Holderness.

Page 26 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012


Dear Annie: I am engaged to a man who was divorced 20 years ago. He has three grown sons. The first two are doing well, but the third is still not financially responsible at the age of 30. His father has to pay off his automobile and credit cards. My fiance also helps out his siblings, who seem to be quite irresponsible and alcoholic. I come from a large family, and we each were told that at age 21, we were on our own. We all obtained professional degrees and now help our parents. At what age does a parent allow a child to grow up and become responsible? It appears to me that my future will be forever intertwined with relatives who are begging us for money. My fiance won’t discuss this matter with me. What should I do? -- Engaged but Having Second Thoughts Dear Engaged: Children should be encouraged to support themselves as soon as they are finished with their education. Those who go on to obtain advanced degrees should find some type of part-time job or take out student loans. It is OK to help a child with temporary financial difficulties, but not to the extent that the child becomes dependent on the parents. Once you marry, decisions about money should be made jointly. If your future husband will not discuss these things with you now, he is not likely to consult you later. You are smart to recognize the problem. We recommend premarital counseling. Dear Annie: My granddaughter is getting married in September. After 31 years of marriage, her parents were divorced nine years ago (his infidelity) in a nasty battle over money. Her father, who remarried two years ago, insists that his new wife’s name be on the wedding invitation. This suggests she raised my granddaughter, which she didn’t. My granddaughter is distraught over this. I’ve checked the etiquette books, and in case of divorce,

the bride’s mother’s name and father’s name should be on separate lines inviting guests to attend the wedding. The father’s new wife doesn’t appear anywhere. I believe my exson-in-law is trying to somehow punish my daughter, but he is actually hurting his own child. My daughter told my granddaughter that if Dad will not relent, she should have the invitations go out under the names of the bride and groom without mentioning the parents at all. What is the appropriate thing to do? Is the bride wrong to want only her mother’s and father’s names on the invitation? -- Maria from Ohio Dear Maria: If Mom and Dad are sharing the costs of the wedding, both of their names and, yes, those of their spouses should appear on the invitation. If Dad is not contributing, his name need not appear at all. However, many brides want both parents’ names on the invitation regardless of who is hosting the event, in which case, the spouses of the parents should be included. Dear Annie: I’d like to comment on the letter from “Texas,” who is concerned that her husband wants to take their kids to visit his parents in Mexico. I am a single woman, 81 years old, and I lived most of my life in Southern California. When the cost of living got too high, I moved near Tijuana. I still don’t speak Spanish, but I never have felt in danger. There are large sections of Tijuana that could be picked up lock, stock and barrel and set down in the middle of Santa Monica and be right at home. I don’t go into the questionable parts of town, but then, there are a lot of places in Los Angeles where I wouldn’t go, either. The wife should visit her in-laws and see their environment for herself before doing anything drastic. -- Not Afraid in Mexico

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.





1996 Audi A4 Quatro- V-6, 5 speed, runs great. $2,500. 279-6905

16FT. Red Mad River “ Royalex Explorer ” canoe. Wood trim, good condition. $575. 455-5117

2000 MERCURY Villager Sport minivan. Runs great, sunroof, new tires. $2,000 obo. 867-0334

1965 14ft. Lund aluminum V-Hull boat with galvanized trailer. 6HP Johnson outboard motor, runs great. $1,250. 286-8387

PITBULL puppy for sale. 8 weeks old, $400. 603-509-7521. Rottweiler pup- Male, 10 months old. Friendly, parents on premesis. $400. 603-340-6219

2000 Subaru Impreza- 2.5 RS, 2-door, auto, new tires, 202K miles, runs great! $3,500/OBO. 603-848-0530

THREE Beautiful Female German Shephard pups. AKC, registered. $950 each. New litter Sunday. (603)520-3060

2005 Ford Explorer- 103K, asking $5,900 or best offer. Must sell quickly. 603-387-3078


2008 Ford F-150 STX- 8 cylinder 4.6 automatic, 38.5K, Line-X, Shadow gray, tow package. $17,500. 393-7249

WE Pay CA$H for GOLD and SILVER No hotels, no waiting. 603-279-0607, Thrifty Yankee, Rte. 25, Meredith, NH. Wed-Sun, 10-4, Fri & Sat 10-6.

Autos 1971 VW Super Beetle, Calif. car, second owner, 133K, needs nothing. $4500. 267-5196 1987 Chrysler Lebaron Convertible- Turbo, leather, all original, 80K, new tires/sticker, nice! $2,000/Best offer 603-520-5352

BUYING junk cars, trucks & big trucks ME & NH. Call for price. Martin Towing. (603)305-4504. CASH paid for unwanted or junk cars and trucks. Same day service possible. 603-231-2859. FOR SALE 2005 VOLKSWAGEN BEETLE. power everything, 47 K miles asking $8,000 or BO. Call Dede at 603-998-6937 TOP dollar paid for junk cars & trucks. Available 7-days a week. P3 s Towing. 630-3606

KEN BARRETT AUCTIONS Sunday, June 24 @ 10am • Preview at 8am Log on to: ID#5134, for 200 photos

TRAIN AUCTION Log on to for listing & 200 photos We have been commissioned to sell at public auction a private collection of antique toy trains along with some old toys. What a massive offering for you to select from. We will have Gages; O,HO,S,G,STD, to include; Lionel, American Flyer, MTH, Bachman, Tyco, River, Model Power, AHM, and several others. Also sev box sets with a load of accessories and layout pieces. In addition a mint Marx wind-up jalopy, 75 car & plane model kits, Matchbox, Hot Wheels and much more!!

Auction Held At 274 Main St. Tilton, N.H. (1 mile off I-93N) 603-286-2028 •

1972 Scotty Craft. 27ft., red & white boat & trailer. 2 Buick 155HP twin engines. $20,000. or BO. 524-7901 29FT- X 10ft-6” Boatslip at Meredith Yacht Club. $2,500 for season includes Club amenities, easy walk to town. Call 455-5810. BOAT SLIPS for Rent Winnipesaukee Pier, Weirs Beach, NH. Reasonable Rates Call for Info. 366-4311 FOR RENT Boat dock, up to 30 feet, gentle cove. Also garage space to store boat or cars. 393-5451 KAYAK- Wilderness Pungo 120 in good condition. $500. 603-527-8754

BOATS 1997 Four Winns 245 Sundowner Cuddy Cabin Cruiser 2 Volvo Penta Twin Blade Stern Drive Includes Bimini, bridge enclosure, cockpit cover, salon enclosures, depth sounder and stereo system. Also includes galvanized trailer. Excellent Condition with low hours. Owned by 1 Family.

$14,900 Or best offer Call 875-7392 PRIVATE Boathouse slip w/ attached lounge/ storage room at Riveredge Marina on Squam Lake. $2,500 for season includes Boat Club Amenities. Call 455-5810 PRIVATE Boat Dock on Lake Winnisquam: Up to 22 ft. with parking, $1,000/season. 978-697-6008.

ANTIQUES ESTATE AUCTION Leavitt Park House, Laconia, N.H. (Elm St. off Rt. 106)

Saturday, June 23, 2012 10:00 a.m. Antiques, Guns, Furniture and lots more… Listing and Photos at: or WAUKEWAN AUCTION SERVICE N.H. Lic. #3047 603-279-3087 or 603-253-6303

For Rent

BELMONT House: 3-bedroomLA 3-bath, 2 stall barn, $1,600/Monthare + utilities. 1st & security. Available$80 7/1. 520-7203 vie

BOATSLIPS for rent- Paugus Bay up to 22 ft. 401-284-2215. Lyman Boat 1955 15ft Lapstreak, plus trailer, 33 HP Outboard, many extras. $1600. 569-7918 PRIVATE Dock Space/boat slip for Rent: Up to 10x30. Varney Point, Winnipesaukee, Gilford, 603-661-2883.

Business Opportunities ATTENTION AUTOMOTIVE TECHNICIANS Why work for somebody else? Own your own business! Fully equipped automotive repair shop for rent. Across from the Belknap Mall. Reasonable Rent Factor.


DOLLAR-A-DAY: Private Party ads only (For Sale, Lost, Autos, etc.), must run ten consecutive days, 15 words max. Additional words 10¢ each per day. does not apply to yard sales. REGULAR RATE: $2 a day; 10¢ per word per day over 15 words. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional bold, caps and 9pt type 10¢ per word per day. Centered words 10¢ (2 word minimum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once, and we do not offer refunds. DEADLINES: noon the business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa Mastercard and Discover credit cards and of course, cash. $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices at 527-9299 between 9 am & 5 pm, Monday through Friday; Stop by our office or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Laconia Daily Sun,1127 Union Ave, Laconia, NH 03246. You can email ads to, we will contact you for payment. OTHER RATES: For information about display ads or other advertising options, call 527-9299.

FOUND- FEMALE Cat, orange with orange eyes, declawed, spayed. Found on Hurricaine Rd. in Belmont. 528-2619



inc CENTER Harbor- Seeking responsible/mature individual toLA rent this one bedroom guestin house located on my property inent Center Harbor. Quiet-Private-Parkhe like setting. Close to town and524 beach. $850/Month, all utilitiesww included. Telephone 387-6774. LA GILFORD, 2-Bedroom, 2-Bath,Ca Balconies, no smoking/pets,524 $850/month plus utilities, Security deposit and r e f e r e n c e s ME , 603-455-6662 w/c apa GILFORD- One-bedroom, seconddis floor includes heat/HW, electricity.plo $740/Month. One month s rent &d e security required. 603-731-0340. $85

GILFORD - 1/2/3 bedroom unitsME available. Heat & electricity nego-me tiable. From $190/week. PetsN o considered. 556-7098. $67 wa Gilford-Spacious 1 bedroom 2nd floor. Convenient country setting.NE No smoking/No pets. $700/Month,Se includes heat & electric. 293-4081Cla $80 GILMANTON Iron Works Private bedroom livingroomlea combo with eat in kitchen & bath.744 No pets/smoking, $700/Month, includes all utilities and basic cable. 364-3434 GLENDALE: FURNISHED Cottage for Rent, near docks, 2 room camp, now through September, no dogs. Water view, lake access $2000/season.. (401)741-4837. LACONIA 1st flr 2bdrm, $175 wkly, you pay all utilities, monitor heat, no smoking, no pets, parking, security dep & references, call 286-4618 after 5:00 pm

LACONIA Clean, newly painted 1-Bedroom. Convenient to hospital/high school. No smoking, no pets. $150/week, heat/hot water included, security deposit.NO 230 630-0140 ren LACONIA prime 1st floor Pleasantma St. Apartment. Walk to town &clo mu beaches. 2 bedrooms + 3-season For Rent glassed in sun porch. Completelyenc repainted, glowing beautiful hard-$1 1-BEDROOM $125-$175/ week. wood floors, marble fireplace, cus-524 2-bedroom $140-$185/ week. tom cabinets in kitchen with appli-ww 781-6294 ances, tile bath & shower. $1,000/Month includes heat & hotTIL roo APARTMENTS, mobile homes. If water. 630-4771 or 524-3892 and you need a rental at a fair price, LACONIA: Small 1 Bedroom,cal call DRM Corp. Over 40 years in $135/week, includes heat & hotMa rentals. We treat you better! EH water. References and deposit 524-0348 or visit M-W-F, 12-5, at required. 528-0024. 373 Court Street, Laconia. SA hou min ba Elderly and Disabled Housing $1, Now Accepting Applications for Project-Based oil & d Section 8 Subsidized Apartments ren

ALCOHOL & DRUG Counseling. DWI Risk Assessments. One-on -one. Office, home or community visits. Free first consultation. CONFIDENTIAL-voicemail. 998-7337 MS-MLADC

New Franklin Apartments, LLC

HUD Income Limits Apply One & Two Bedroom Units Available Located in Tilton, Franklin & West Franklin

Apartments Available Now For more information, please contact 603-286-4111 Or TTY 1-800-735-2964

TIL rea sta $64 916

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THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 27

For Rent

ACONIA/Lake Winnipesaukee ea condo: 1 bedroom unit 00/month. Fully furnished, lake ews, utilities + cable/Internet cluded. Call 860-235-6721.

ACONIA: 2 bedroom, 2nd floor duplex building with separate trance, $240/week including at, electric & hot water. 4-1234.

For Rent-Vacation

For Sale

For Sale


Help Wanted


Electrolux Vacuum with power nozzle, tools & bags. Like new, $60; Pots & pans, iron/board, blender, early american coffee table, dehumidifier. Make offer. 603-253-1801

THREE foot solid oak cottage table. $150. Stationary exercise bike with back support. $150. 603-677-7203

FREE Pickup for your unwanted, useful items. Garages, vehicls, estates cleaned out and yardsale items. (603)930-5222.


TRUXPORT Soft Tonneau roll-up pick up bed cover #277601. Fits 04-08 Ford 5' 4" bed. Great shape, used. Call 527-3495. $100

Help Wanted

GILFORD: Camping and/or RV sites available. Beach Pass and Boat Launch Pass. Ask us about our weekly, monthly or weekend specials! Entire season only $1500 includes water, sewage and electricity. Call 978-387-5200

For Rent-Commercial

ACONIA: Gilbert Apartments. all for available apartments. 4-4428

Laconia-O’Shea Industrial Park

EREDITH- Nice, open concept cathedral ceilings. 1-bedroom artment in quiet area, walking stance to town & park. Parking, owing, dumpster, 16X22 ft. eck, utilities, included. 50/Month. Cats? 455-5660

72 Primrose Drive •10,000 Sq, Ft. Warehouse / Manufacturing. $5,800

EREDITH: 1-bedroom apartent with kitchen and living room. o pets. No smoking. 75/Month, includes heat & hot ater. 279-4164.

EW HAMPTON: Large 1BR econd Floor Apartment in assic Old Colonial near I-93. 00/mo. with heat and hot water, pets, no smoking. One year ase plus security deposit. 4-2163

FHA Heat/AC 3 Phase Power 72 Primrose Drive, Laconia

(603)476-8933 BELMONT AMAZING LOCATION FOR DANCE STUDIO! 2400 sq. ft., 3 changing rooms, 2 bathrooms, and best of all a great lease price! Call for details, 934-9974

For Sale

LTON- Upstairs one bedroom, ady to go! $595/Month. Downairs 1-bedroom, newly redone 40/Month. 603-393-9693 or 6-214-7733.

EIRS BEACH 1 Bedroom, full e of condo to share, 1 1/2 ths, walk out onto patio from sement, fully applianced, asher/dryer, pets okay. (Older male preferred) $400/mo. 6-2798

INNISQUAM: Small cottage cluding heat, hot water, lights d cable. $175 per week. $400 posit. No pets. 387-3864.

For Rent-Vacation

BR House on Lake Winnisquam, eeps 7, fully equipped, internet, ck and beach. Available weeks June, July, August and Septemr. Call 1-954-755-0764 2 BR ttage, sleeps 4, same amenis. 1-954-755-0764 or email:

FIREWOOD: Green, Cut, split and delivered (Gilmanton and surrounding area). $190/cord. Seasoned available. (603)455-8419 “ GARDEN Way ” cart. Large model. Has hinged dump door. Like new, perfect for farm or garden. $125. 455-5117 GREEN FIREWOOD- Cut, not split $135/cord; Cut & split $180/cord. Seasoned firewood. $250. Also, logging, landclearing & tree work (all phases). 393-8416. HAND tools, electrical tools and Corvier parts. 67 Jenness Hill Rd. Meredith 290-2324 HOT Tub- 2012 model 6 person 40 jets, waterfall. Full warranty & cover. Cost $8,000 sell $3,800. Can deliver 235-5218 KITCHEN Cabinets- brand new, maple, cherrywood, shaker & antique white. Solid wood, never installed, cost $6,500 sell $1,650. 603-833-8278

1999 5 T H WHEEL TRAVEL TRAILER BY CAMEO. Sleeps 6, one slide

NEARLY new PTO manure spreader, 50 cu. ft. ABI P50. $3500. 455-4056.

out, comes with all the extras including the hitch for the truck. Excellent condition. Asking $8500. 603-412-2812.

OIL Miser by Toyotoni OM-148 Hot water heater. New $1,500 asking $750. 520-5321

AMAZING! Beautiful pillowtop matress sets, twin $169, full or queen $249, king $399. See AD under “Furniture”.

LTON: Spacious 2 and 3 bedom apartments available. Heat d hot water included. Please ll Mary at Stewart Property anagement (603)641-2163. HO.

ANBORNTON - 3 acre farmuse overlooking Winnisquam. 2 nutes to Winnisquam Market, 2 y garage with tool room. ,200/Month, no utilities. Gas & heat with fireplace. References deposit required. Responsible nters only. 524-9011

Remington 30-06 s, Winchester 12 gauge pump, Dan Wesson revolver 44 mag. Excellent shape, must see. 603-714-5995

12 X30 (or 36 ) Dock Canopy Frame and Canopy: $1,000/best offer. 293-7303.

30FT. Riviera Supreme Travel Camper: Complete, very clean, large deck optional. $3,100/best offer. 603-973-9551.

ORTHFIELD: 4 bedroom house, 00 sq. ft. living space, fully novated in 2002. 3rd floor aster bedroom with walk-in osets, separate dining room, ud room with laundry hook-ups, closed porch, full basement. ,320/month plus utilities. 4-1234,


WHITE pedestal sink with faucets. Looks like new. $65 Call 527-3495. WINDOW A/C: 5,000 BTU to 12,000 BTU, $80-$175, 603-556-9366.

Found FOUND- FEMALE Cat, orange with orange eyes, declawed, spayed. Found on Hurricaine Rd. in Belmont. 528-2619

AutoServ–TECHNICIAN AutoServ is looking for a certified Kia or Hyundai technician for their Laconia location. AutoServ Kia is a busy store offering up to $24 per hour for up to 60 hours per week plus benefits. Email resume to or call 729-1070 for more information. Experienced line cook needed for local resturant. Open year round. Apply in person at 1065 Watson Road , Laconia NH or send resume to PO Box 5204 Laconia NH 03247.

HIRING THIS WEEK! Newer small company looking to grow and are actively seeking 5 people to fill immediate openings in our scheduling department. Setting up meetings with new & past clients is an essential part of our growth. This position would start PT but the right person could be offered FT. No experience needed, paid training. Must be positive and a people person. Interviews held this week. Call Nikki @ 528-2237

Furniture AMAZING! Beautiful Queen or Full-size mattress set. Luxury Firm European Pillow-top style. Fabulous back & hip support. Factory sealed - new 10-Yr. warranty. Cost $1095, sell $249. Can deliver 603-305-9763.


SMALL desk, $50 Tall wooden 5-drawer chest $125 677-7203.

10-20% OFF In-Stock Rustic, Lodge, Log Cabin, and Shaker Furniture, Locally Made, Unique, Bedrooms,Living Rooms, Dining, Futons,Bunkbeds,Artwork, Recliners, Occasional Tables, Much More! Now in Senters Market Place Next to Heath s Supermarket, Ctr. Harbor and 757 Tenney Mtn Hwy Plymouth, Across from Sears. Call Jason 662-9066 or Arthur 996-1555 email WWW.VISCODIRECT.COM

SOLID Oak Corner Curio Cabinet Etched glass door, mirrored interior. 18” x 6!.Asking $275 or BO. 744-9481 evenings or leave message.

NEW trailer load mattresses...a great deal! King set complete $395, queen set $249. 603-524-1430.

THOMPSON Arms .50 Cal. Triumph gun with Nitrex scope and many other accessories. Bought brand new, never used. $475. or B/O. Call 528-6928 after 5pm.

SLEEPER Sofa- Flexsteel queen beige print, no wear, like new. Cost $1,000 asking $200. 556-9331

PATIO Set $150, Twin over-full size bunk bed set, includes 1 twin mattress $200. Call for more details 707-6970

At the Shalimar Resort 650 Laconia Road, Tilton, NH No phone calls please. Please apply in person: Monday - Friday, 7am -3pm

BELKNAP COUNTY NURSING HOME LNA FT 3-11 & FT 11-7 PT Laundry Aide Come make a difference and promote our mission of caring for our residents, with compassion, dignity and respect. For more information and to download an application, please visit our Human Resource section on our website or contact Deb Laflamme at 729-1245. Applications received by June 25, 2012 will receive primary consideration. An Equal Opportunity Employer M/F/DP/V

COBY 10.2" under the cabinet flat screen fold up LCD TV, DVD and radio combination $65. Paid $155 new 18 months ago. Call 527-3495. Delta “ Sawbuck” portable radial arm saw with folding legs. Catalog No. 33-150. $100 455-5117


DRIED Pine-Cut not split $100, Cut & split $140. 1/2 Cords Available. Also, logging, landclearing & tree work (all phases). 393-8416.

Would you like to control your income? Well you can at Ippolito’s!

FIREWOOD for sale, cut. split, and delivered. 455-0250

Part-time Legal Secretary Belknap County Attorney’s Office The Belknap County Attorney’s Office is seeking a highly motivated, experienced individual to work in a professional team environment. Starting Rate: $16.20 per hour, Minimum Qualifications: High school education or equivalent with 1-3 years experience as legal secretary required. The position is 30 hours per week and includes prorated holiday, annual & sick leave. No other benefits are associated with this position. Send resume and cover letter to Norman C. O’Neil, Human Resources Director, 34 County Drive, Laconia, NH, 03246 by no later than July 3, 2012. Phone: (603) 729-1284; email Visit our website at for additional information. A criminal history & background check will be required of any applicant prior to being offered a position. Belknap County is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

We have an immediate opening for a commissioned Sales Consultant. Experience is not necessary, we will train you and you will receive a salary while you are in training. Good references are a must, must be self-motivated and reliable. Working Saturday and Sunday are a must. Control your income. The more you sell the more you make. Health insurance available after 90 days of employment. E-mail resume to or bring it in person or mail to:

Ippolito’s Furniture 193 Daniel Webster Hwy. Meredith, NH 03253 No phone calls!

Page 28 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

Help Wanted

HOST FAMILIES NEEDED!!! The Laconia Leafs JR Hockey team, is searching for qualified host families and apartments for the upcoming winter hockey season, (Sept-March). *Players pay hosts monthly fee, are 18-20 years old, and most attend college courses. For More info contact: Coach Will Fay #581-7008 at the Laconia Ice Arena.

HILL, NH 14X70, needs some work. $8,500. 520-6261

603-279-7921 or send resume to ON-SITE IT SUPPORT

CENTER HARBOR / Holderness line. Maintain three horse stalls, wipe buckets, fresh water daily inside and out. Must live within reasonable distance. Horse experience a plus. Approx 1 hour am, $15, 5 to 7 days. 496-1581

On-site IT support for Gilmanton Year Round Library. Responsibilities include server and network support, software and hardware support, back-up of critical data, security management and end-user support. Service schedule will be 2 hours/month. Email bids to

Full-Time 2nd Shift Custodian Position Vacancy Please send a letter of intent and resume to: Principal Carol Locke Gilmanton School 1386 NH Rte. 140 Gilmanton Iron Works, NH 03837 Deadline: July 29, 2012

PAINTERS: Experienced with own transportation. Part/Full Time. Call 630-8333. PERSONAL Trainers Wanted: Laconia Athletic & Swim Club seeks hard working, energetic, ambitious, goal driven individuals to join their record breaking, high level team. All applicants should be cetified through a nationally accredited organization, have a background working hands on in the fitness industry and available to work evenings, early mornings and weekends. Must have terrific customer service and communication skills. We have full time and part time positions open immediately. Prior sales experience preferred. If you are interested in taking your personal training business to the next level, please send resume and cover letter to Jennifer Mailloux at SALES Person Wanted: Laconia Athletic & Swim Club seeks hard working, self motivated, energetic, ambitious, goal driven sales person to sell personal training. Looking for a team player who is fitness minded, with terrific customer service and communication skills. Must have day and evening availability. Competitive compensation for this full time position that is available immediately. Please forward your resume/cover letter to Jennifer Mailloux at

GILMANTON SCHOOL DISTRICT PART-TIME BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL PROGRAM DIRECTOR The Gilmanton School District is seeking an experienced individual to administer the school’s before and after school program, K.I.D.S. The Director is responsible for the implementation and the monitoring of all aspects of the program. The program provides services for school-aged children, K-8. The qualified individual would oversee staff supervision and be responsible for maintaining the safety and well-being of all children. The position is 20-27 hours per week Monday–Friday, with additional hours allotted to paper work and administrative functions. This position reports to the school Principal. The position requires a minimum of a high school diploma, with an Associate’s Degree and some experience working with school-aged students preferred. Please send a resume and three letters of recommendations to:

Principal Carol Locke c/o The Gilmanton School 1386 NH Rte. 140 Gilmanton Iron Works, NH 03837


Mobile Homes



GILFORD- Sargents Place. Updated 52ft. doublewide furnished, 2-Bedroom, 1-bath mobile home. Only, $16,900. For more info 508-801-7571

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Land GILFORD: 1 1/4 acres of level & dry land, conveniently located just over the Laconia line, surveyed & soil tested, $79,900. Owner/broker, 524-1234.

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(603)447-1198. Olson’s Moto Works, RT16 Albany, NH. MOTORCYCLE Week Special 1979 Honda Twinstar CM185, 975 original miles, $1,495/ obo. Alton 603-875-0363.

Yard Sale

Recreation Vehicles

BELMONT, 12 Bryant Road, 1st left off Brown Hill Rd. “106 End”, Saturday, June 23rd. Rain date the 24th. 7 am - 2 pm. New & used tools, Yamaha Chavinona Piano, Clothes, baby items, jewelry. Something for everyone.

MOTOR HOME 1996 Hurricane Four Winds. 30ft., 71K, 4-new tires. Good condition, $10,000. Call 603-267-8161

Real Estate

Concord- Vendor Space Available for Flea Market & Antique Fair. July 28th Everett Arena. Call 648-2727

FOR SALE BY OWNER 2-Bedroom 1.25 bath New England style House. Vinyl siding & windows, asphalt shingles, oil heat, stainless steel chimney lining. Across from playground. 180 Mechanic Street, Laconia. $62,000. 524-8142.

SMALL Meredith summer church needs pianist July 1, 8, 15. 10 am service. 603-279-5682 or

Home Improvements


Boat, RV and Auto. Mobile detailing specialists. Reasonable rates. 603-785-8305.

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Rentals Wanted WANTED: 1 Bedroom Cellar Apartment. This Senior Citizen desires Gilford or Alton, N.H. References gladly given. Call 603-738-3581 as for Steve.

FRANKLIN 2-family Saturday, June 23, 8am-4pm, 341 & 343 Victory Drive, Franklin. Crafts, Floor tiles, misc. GILFORD Huge Yard Sale! Saturday & Sunday, 7:30am-4pm 22 Hawthorne Way. Camping stuff, furniture, clothing. Something for everyone. NO EARLY BIRDS

HANDYMAN SERVICES Small Jobs Are My Speciality

GILFORD Neighborhood Yard Sale- Sat. June, 23rd, 8-2. 2761 Lake Shore Rd. (Rte. 11) Country Village Way (Just past Samoset on right).

Rick Drouin 520-5642 or 744-6277

LACONIA Bob & Trish!s Summer Yard Sale

HARDWOOD Flooring- Dust Free Sanding. 25 years experience. Excellent references. Weiler Building Services 986-4045 Email:

6/23 & 6/24 16 Lyman St. 9AM-3PM Antiques, Vintage Collectibles, household items, more!

Roommate Wanted ADULT person to share house in Laconia. $140/wk. includes everything. Pets okay. Female preferred. 603-455-8232


LACONIA YARD SALE SAT 8-2, 430 Pleasant St. TONS of brand name great quality clothing, girls NB-3T, some boys NB-12M, some maternity, lots of baby gear, baby and toddler toys, household items, furniture, golf clubs, Cant list everything! Something for everyone!

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012 — Page 29

M/S Mount Washington hosting family-friendly cruises on Wednesday nights LACONIA — Wednesday evenings beginning June 27, the M/S Mount Washington will be hosting familyfriendly cruises for all to attend. These low-cost cruises will take place weekly throughout the summer. The Family Party Night cruise departs from Weirs Beach at 6 p.m. Boarding time for the cruise is 5:15 p.m. Youth (13-16 years of age) and additional children tickets can be purchased for $33. Adult ticket price is $43. This cruise runs every Wednesday evening from June 27 through August 29, excluding July 4. Cruise tickets include a buffet dinner of carved turkey and a second entrée,

as the vessel navigates around Lake Winnipesaukee. Children ages 12 and under are free, with a limit of two free children per family. Live music and dancing will also be featured on two decks. The main deck will feature entertainers geared towards kids and families, while the Flagship Lounge will offer dance music for adults. The official 2012 season for the cruise line runs from May 19 until October 20. Daily two and a half hour cruises depart from Weirs Beach. On alternating days cruises are also offered from Wolfeboro, Alton Bay, Center Harbor, and Meredith. Daytime cruises depart Weirs Beach at

10 a.m. (Saturdays and Sundays starting May 19, daily starting July 1) and 12:30 p.m. (daily starting May 19). There are additional cruises to the islands offered on the Mail Boat, Sophie C. and Doris E. During the months of July and August, dinner cruises are offered Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. Sunset dinner cruises include a buffet dinner and dancing to live music. The M/S Mount Washington features four levels, three dance floors, and several outside areas for enjoying the cruise during the daytime or evening. The family-owned ship operates May through October, offer-

ing daytime scenic, evening dinner & dance, and special themed cruises. With a capacity of 1,250 passengers, the Mount serves as the largest restaurant in the state and a popular gathering point for school proms, college reunions, large corporate celebrations and weddings-approximately 700 couples have tied the knot aboard the M/S Mount Washington. To learn more about the various ships and to view a more detailed cruise schedule with times and ticket prices, visit Tickets can be purchased online or by calling toll-free 1-888-843-6686 or local 603-366-5531.

LACONIA — Blackstones will host the Harvey Sorgen Duo and the NH Jazz Celebration Band on June 27 at 8 p.m. at Blackstone’s at the Margate Resort in Laconia. Tickets are $12, and may be purchased in advance through the Margate front desk, or at the door. All performances have a concert listening policy, which prohibits talking, texting, cell phones, video/ audio recording, laptop computers, gaming units, and cameras during the performance. Venue features a full bar and jambalaya is served. Havey Sorgen is a celebrated drummer and percussionist whose many accomplishments have earned him the status of the “first-call” musician.

He’s played with Ahmad Jamal, Tony Levin, Bruce Hornsby, Bill Frisell, Paul Simon, Derek Trucks, Anthony Braxton, Dave Douglas, Carlos Santana, Bob Weir, Greg Allman, Jack DeJohnette, Phil Lesh, Levon Helm, and with his longtime gig in the band Hot Tuna. For these and other career highlights, the unassuming drummer feels “eternally grateful to have created honest music with some of the greatest artists of our time.” He’ll perform at Blackstone’s with Finnish jazz saxophonist Esa Pietila. In celebration of the one-year anniversary of NH Jazz Presents, a production company dedicated to the preservation and evolution of jazz see next page

Moultonborough artist conducting Blackstones hosts the Harvey Sorgen Duo & NH Jazz Celebration Band June 27 architectural drawing workshop MEREDITH — The lakes gallery at chi-lin, located at 17 Lake St Meredith, has announcedthat Moultonborough artist Estelle Smith, well known for her watercolor work, pencil drawings and popular art classes, will conduct a 3 day workshop on Architectural Drawing from July 27—29. Starting from a mere picture and utilizing a now decades old step-by-step technique, Estelle’s renderings of private residences Moultonborough artist Estelle Smith, well known for her waterand regionally know color work, pencil drawings and popular art classes, will conduct architectural landmarks a 3 day workshop on Architectural Drawing from July 27—29. adorn the walls of dozens (Courtesy photo) of homes throughout New England. In addition to teaching basic useful in creating special gifts for drawing concepts such as perspective, friends and family, or even commisdepth, subtractive method, and values, sioned works. breakout sessions will include specific Artists of all skill levels are weltips on how to create visually aesthetic come, but knowledge of basic drawing trees, hedges, bushes, stonework and skills is helpful, and potential attendroadways. ees at the beginner level may wish to A completed home rendering brings attend Estelle’s July 13, three-hour years of joy and satisfaction to worksession on basic drawing techniques. shop attendees and copies of it make For more information, contact great personalized notecards. Skills Suzanne Lee at at 279-8663 or acquired in this workshop might be

Yard Sale MEREDITH BIG YARD SALE! Saturday, 6/23/12 8:00 a.m.3 p.m. 63 Skyview Circle. Lots of household items to sell! NO Early Birds please!!! MEREDITH Two-Home, Moving Sale- Saturday & Sunday, 6/23 & 6/24, 9am-6pm. 33 Cataldo Rd. (Across from McDonalds). Furniture, appliances, lamps, kitchenware, air conditioner, small deck table, winter/summer/holiday items. Much, much more! Wide variety! No Early Birds Please. Rain date 6/30 & 7/1

MOULTONBOROUGH MULTI- FAMILY YARD SALE Saturday, June 23 8:30-4:30 42 Skyline Dr. A little bit of everything, even a 2005 Ford 500!

Home Care Seniors caring for seniors. Mature home care & companionship. Call 603-556-7817 or online at SHCCLR.COM

Town of Sanbornton


P.O. Box 124, 573 Sanborn Road, Sanbornton, NH 03269 Tel. 603.286.8303 Fax. 603.286.9544

NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING SANBORNTON HISTORIC DISTRICT COMMISSION Thursday, June 28, 2012 beginning at 7:15 pm in the Town Offices 573 Sanborn Road (NH Route 132) Sanbornton, New Hampshire This will serve as notice to abutting land owners and the general public that the Sanbornton Historic District Commission will hold a Public Hearing on the following application: Application for Certificate of Approval, requested by David and Lisa Rivers, as Applicants and Owners of Tax Map 26 Lot 068-002 concerning the proposed construction of an addition to their existing residence located at 65 Gulf Road in the Sanbornton Historic District. All abutters are being sent notices by mail and the general public is invited to attend. When the case is called, the Applicants will present their case, followed by questions to the Applicant from members of the Historic District Commission, followed by questions or comments from members of the public which will be directed to the Chairman of the Historic District Commission. The application and its attached documents are available for inspection at the Town Planning Office in the Sanbornton Town Office Building during its published working hours. Interested persons are encouraged to come in during office hours and review the application to become better familiar with the proposal prior to the Historic District Commission meeting. At this public hearing, the Board may announce the date of future public hearing(s) on this application, said announcements serving as notice in compliance with RSA 676:7.

Page 30 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

Cooking with a sense of place: Chef Evan Mallett comes to Shaker Village CANTERBURY — Canterbury Shaker Village kicks off a stellar line-up of hands-on, chef-led cooking classes, with Chef Evan Mallett of Black Trumpet Bistro on Thursday, June 28, from 6-8:30 p.m. “Cooking with a Sense of Place: A Slow Food Dinner with a Modern Twist” will incorporate the use of fresh, seasonal ingredients, and celebrate the cooking process. Chef Mallett was a semi-finalist

for the 2011 James Beard Foundation Awards for Best Chef: Northeast and he is at the forefront of the farm to restaurant movement in NH. His Black Trumpet is a family-owned bistro and wine bar in the heart of Portsmouth’s historic old port. Both floors offer views of the Piscataqua River and the oft-photographed tugboats that still escort enormous tankers into the harbor. The menu changes every six weeks to


NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT BY THE POWER OF SALE CONTAINED IN THE FOLLOWING MORTGAGE AND SECURITY INSTRUMENT: A certain Mortgage Deed from OWL BROOK REALTY, LLC a New Hampshire Limited Liability Company with a place of business in Holderness, New Hampshire, with a mailing address of 429 Owl Brook Road, Holderness, New Hampshire 03245 to MEREDITH VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK, 24 NH Route 25, P.O. Box 177, Meredith, Belknap County, New Hampshire, 03253, dated April 18, 2005, recorded April 20, 2005 in the Grafton County Registry of Deeds at Book 3129, Page 0457, which mortgage was given to secure a certain promissory note and other loan documents of near or even dates. Said Mortgage and other security instruments were amended by Modification Agreement to Promissory Note, Loan Documents and Security Instrument dated August 8, 2011 and A Security Agreement between HOLDERNESS PROVISIONS, LLC, a New Hampshire Limited Liability Company, and OWL BROOK REALTY, LLC, a New Hampshire Limited Liability Company(Co-Debtors) and MEREDITH VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK as evidenced by Financing Statements which were recorded in the New Hampshire Secretary of StateÅfs Office on April 22, 2005 as UCC-1 File Number 20050009337M and on February 25, 2010 as UCC-3 File Number 20100004227K; and in the Grafton County Registry of Deeds on April 20, 2005 at Book 3129, Page 0548 and on February 26, 2010 at Book 3683, Page 0045 which Security Agreement was given to secure certain promissory note of near of even dates; Pursuant to the provisions of said Security Agreement, Meredith Village Savings Bank, the Secured Party, has a perfected security interest in the following property: (i) Business assets at on or to be used in connection with the business of Co-Debtors situated at 863 U. S. Route 3, aka Main Street, in the Town of Holderness, County of Grafton and State of New Hampshire. MEREDITH VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK will sell the real property secured by the Mortgage and the personal property secured by the Security Agreement in accordance with the following: REAL AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SALE: MEREDITH VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK, the present holder of the promissory note and owner of the Mortgage and Security Agreement, by the power of sale set forth in the Mortgage and by virtue of the authority set forth in Section 9-610 of the Uniform Commercial Code (RSA 382-A:9-610) and because of the breach of conditions and terms set forth in the Mortgage, the Security Agreement, and the promissory note, namely failure to pay principal and interest when due shall, SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY AND THE PERSONAL PROPERTY COVERED BY THE SECURITY AGREEMENT (land, building(s) and personal property situated at 863 U. S. Route 3, (a/k/a Main Street), Holderness, Grafton County, New Hampshire) ON THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY PREMISES ON JUNE 29, 2012 AT 10:00 O’CLOCK IN THE MORNING, being all and the same premises more particularly described in the Mortgage. TERMS OF SALE: Said real and personal property shall be sold subject to (i) all unpaid taxes and liens, whether or not of record; (ii) mortgages, liens, attachments and all other encumbrances and rights, titles and interests of third persons which are entitled to precedence over the Mortgage and Security Agreement; and (iii) any other matters affecting title of the Mortgagor to the premises disclosed herein. Mortgagee reserves the right to sell the real property as a single lot or as separate lots and to sell the personal property either separately or together with either or both of the real property lots. DEPOSITS: Prior to commencement of the auction, all registered bidders shall pay a deposit in the amount of Ten Thousand Dollars ($10,000.00). At the conclusion of the auction of the premises, the highest bidder’s deposit, if such high bidder’s bid is accepted by the Bank, shall immediately be paid to the Bank and shall be held by the Bank subject to these Terms of Sale. All deposits required hereunder shall be made in cash or by check to the order of the Bank, which is acceptable to the Bank in its sole and absolute discretion. WARRANTIES AND CONVEYANCE: The Bank shall deliver a Mortgagee’s Foreclosure Deed of the Real Estate and Bill of Sale of the personal property to the successful bidder accepted by the Bank within forty-five (45) days from the date of the foreclosure sale, upon receipt of the balance of the Purchase Price in cash or check acceptable to Bank. The Real estate will be conveyed with those warranties contained in the Mortgagee’s Foreclosure Deed, and no others. THE REAL PROPERTY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY SHALL BE SOLD “AS IS” WITH RESPECT TO PHYSICAL CONDITION. EXCEPT FOR WARRANTIES ARISING BY THE OPERATION OF LAW, THE MORTGAGEE WILL CONVEY THE REAL PROPERTY AND PERSONAL PROPERTY TO THE SUCCESSFUL BIDDER WITHOUT ANY OTHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED REPRESENTATIONS OR WARRANTIES WHATSOEVER. FEDERAL TAX LIEN: If the property to be sold is subject to a tax lien of the United States of America Internal Revenue Service, unless said lien is released after sale, the sale may be subject to the right of the United States of America to redeem the lands and premises on or before 120 days from the date of the sale. BREACH OF PURCHASE CONTRACT: If any successful bidder fails to complete the contract of sale resulting from the Bank’s acceptance of such successful bidder’s bid, such successful bidder’s deposit may, at the option of the Bank, be retained as full liquidated damages or may be held on account of the damages actually suffered by the Bank. If such deposit is not retained as full liquidated damages, the Bank shall have all of the privileges, remedies and rights available to the Bank at law or in equity due to such successful bidderÅfs breach of the contract of sale. Notice of the election made hereunder by the Bank shall be given to a defaulting successful bidder within 50 days after the date of the public auction. If the Bank fails to notify a defaulting successful bidder of which remedy the Bank has elected hereunder, the Bank shall be conclusively deemed to have elected to be holding the deposit on account of the damages actually suffered by the Bank. AMENDMENT OF TERMS OF SALE: The Bank reserves the right to amend or change the Terms of Sale set forth herein by announcement, written or oral, made prior to the commencement of the public auction. NOTICE TO THE MORTGAGOR, ANY GRANTEE OF THE MORTGAGOR AND ANY OTHER PERSON CLAIMING A LIEN OR OTHER ENCUMBRANCE ON THE PREMISES: YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT YOU HAVE A RIGHT TO PETITION THE SUPERIOR COURT FOR THE COUNTY IN WHICH THE MORTGAGED PREMISES ARE SITUATED, WITH SERVICE UPON THE MORTGAGEE, AND UPON SUCH BOND AS THE COURT MAY REQUIRE, TO ENJOIN THE SCHEDULED FORECLOSURE SALE. For further information respecting the aforementioned foreclosure sale, contact Paul McInnis, CAI, AARE, One Juniper Road, North Hampton, NH 03862, 1-800-242-8354. Dated this the 1st day of June, 2012. MEREDITH VILLAGE SAVINGS BANK By Its Attorneys Minkow & Mahoney Mullen, P.A. By: Peter J. Minkow, Esq. 4 Stevens Ave., Suite 3 P.O. Box 235, Meredith, NH 03253 (603) 279-6511

Publication Dates: June 7, 14 & 21, 2012

capitalize on the freshest seasonal ingredients. The wine list features a variety of unheralded gems that pair well with the bold flavors of Chef Mallett’s cuisine. Black Trumpet’s cuisine reflects the chefowner’s culinary curiosity, drawing inspiration from the Mediterranean as well as the Americas. A typical Black Trumpet menu may include influences from Spain, North Africa, Turkey and the Mexican heartland. This class is yet another expression of the “Rethink Tradition” theme adopted by Canterbury Shaker Village in this 2012 season. James Haller, co-author of Cooking in the Shaker Spirit, references Shaker cooking as “the oldest new American Cooking” because of its simplicity, locally-sourced and home-grown ingredients, care taken in the creation from start to finish, and enjoyment

of consumption. Yet again the Shakers prove themselves ahead of their time through their authenticity, and right in synch with modern sensibilities. This class, as well as the season’s additional cooking classes will give participants a hands-on connection to the Shaker cooking aesthetic. Contact Lauren Henderson at the Village at (603) 785-9511 x 230 for more information or email her at Alternately, register online at www.eventbrite. com/event/3145723945/eorg. More information about these classes and the upcoming season of events and workshops at Canterbury Shaker Village can be found at the Village website, or by calling (603) 783-9511 x230. Discover more about Chef Mallett’s work at www.

UNIONDALE, N.Y. (AP) — WWE superstar John Cena granted his 300th wish to a 7-year-old Pennsylvania boy with a spinal condition, continuing his streak as the most popular celebrity granter in Make-A-Wish Foundation history. Jonny Littman wanted to meet his hero, and the WWE accommodated that wish Monday night before an episode of “Raw” live from New York’s Long Island. But Jonny got a bonus to his wish. On Wednesday morning, Jonny was being interviewed on “Good Morning America” when Sam Champion asked him about his green T-shirt. After Jonny told him it was John Cena, Champion asked if anyone knew the WWE Superstar. The pro wrestler and actor walked out to Jonny’s surprise and presented him with another gift. This time it was tickets for him and his family to attend the 1,000th episode of the WWE show. To put Cena’s 300 granted wishes in perspective, Michael Jordan has granted around 200 and Kobe Bryant is in the 100-wish range. “I truly give hats off to Make-AWish for keeping statistics,” Cena said Monday before the show. “They had a nice little celebration for me at 200, and I humbly said we should do it at 1,000. “We’re just getting started,” he said enthusiastically. But Cena was clearly touched by the latest one. “I’m just flattered completely that I could be the wish,” he said. Jonny, from Hop Bottom, Pa., has severe congenital malformation and spina bifida and uses a wheelchair. He spoke to his hero for a few minutes and took some pictures with him. He even put on his WWE Championship belt. His mother, Ruth, says his surgeons wore it during his last surgery. After signing T-shirts and WWE

merchandise and presenting him with a videogame system, the superstar graciously walked out of the room. Cena prepared for his featured match, and Jonny and his family waited to go into the Nassau Coliseum for a live televised weekly show, “Raw.” After he left the room, Jonny chanted: “Cena. John Cena. Cena.” Cena is following a WWE tradition of granting wishes. The organization grants about 140 wishes per year between requests to meet WWE Superstars or attend its live shows. The tradition started in the early 1980s with Hulk Hogan being the most requested. And while these wishes make children with life-threatening medical conditions feel good for the moment, organizers say they also have a lasting effect. Make-A-Wish CEO David Williams cites cases in which seriously ill children clung to life for weeks and sometimes months in anticipation of the wish. Surveys by his organization found that many doctors and nurses felt the wish had a physical benefit to the patient, and most families said a wish strengthened the entire family at a fragile time. “They said it was a very much needed boost,” Williams said. The organization has 30,000 volunteers who help carry out the wishes. Corporations, airlines, hotels, and other donors assure that most wish requests are met. Still, Williams said, “Every year in the U.S., 27,000 are diagnosed with a life-threatening illness, and the organization serves about 14,000. For every family that we’re helping, there’s a child that we are not.” As for Cena, “I know this is the entertainment business and there will come a time when I’m not requested, but I’ll still be donating my time and money, I love what they do.”

from preceding page music, executive director Dr. Jonathan Lorentz has assembled an allstar band that features many of the favorite musicians including pianist Joe Deleault, guitarist Draa Hobbs, bassist John Hunter, drummer Tim Gilmore, and saxophonist Don Davis. For information call NH Jazz Presents (518) 793-3183 or email jon@

NH Jazz Presents at Blackstone’s; 7/4 Teri Roiger Group (Free Admission for All Military Personnel); 7/11 Eugene Uman Trio; 7/18 John Abercrombie; 7/25 John Menegon Trio; 8/1 Michael Benedict & Bopitude; 8/8 Donkilo! Afro-Funk Orkestra; 8/15 Giacomo Gates; 8/17 Special Friday Show: The Mike Dillon Band; 8/22 The Chronicles; 8/29 Syncopation Vocal Jazz Ensemble.

John Cena grants 300th Make-A-Wish

THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012— Page 31

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Page 32 — THE LACONIA DAILY SUN, Thursday, June 21, 2012

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