Wednesday, august 10, 2011
VOL. 12 nO. 49
LaCOnIa, n.H.
Championship Series Baseball Tonight
5-member panel picked to study LHS sports field needs
Laconia hosts Keene for game 2 of New England Collegiate Baseball League showdown — 6:05 p.m.
A key will be look at whether on campus football field should be put to other use By GAil oBer
LACONIA — School Superintendent Bob Champlin said last night that a committee to study the future of sports needs at the High School has been formed to work in conjunction with, but independently of, the Huot Regional Technical Education Center Committee and School Board. The newest committee is tasked with a study of the Laconia High School’s future sports needs independent of either boards or the City Council. “We’re talking to the people who have the most interest,” said Champlin who said the five-member committee will include LHS football coach Craig Kozens, former LHS football coach and athletic direcsee LHs page 8
Fred Merrill (left) and Mike Young of the New Hampshire Veterans Association are planning historical events this weekend and next to mark the 150th anniversary of the beginning of the Civil War. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)
N.H. Veterans Association bringing glimpses of Civil War era to life at Weirs Beach over the next 2 weekends By AdAm drApcho THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
LACONIA — A century and a half ago, able-bodied men from states throughout the young union volunteered to serve as soldiers in what would become the Civil War. They had no idea of the horror in store for them over the next four years and when
the survivors returned home they felt a need, a strong need, to reunite. Thus, the New Hampshire Veterans Association was formed in 1875 and its members built several buildings on a nearly eight acre campus in the heart of Weirs Beach. Starting this weekend and again during the next, the association will honor its
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founders by hosting historical reenactments. On August 13 and 14, reenactors portraying the 1st New Hampshire Cavalry will encamp on the association property. A highlight of the encampment will be a demonstration of cavalry maneuvers performed on Lakeside Avenue at 3 p.m. see CIVIL waR page 8
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