Tuesday, augusT 23, 2011
7 Belmont homes were targets of bedtime burglar(s) in 1 night
BELMONT — The rash of nighttime burglaries continued over the weekend with seven residents in the Marilyn Drive neighborhood reporting that some one entered or sought to enter their homes between 1:30 a.m. and 5 a.m. yesterday. Police Chief Vinnie Baiocchetti said that all seven residences were occupied and the
VOL. 12 NO. 58
4 have applied for vacant Gilford School Board seat, selection process will be open to the public By Gail OBer
GILFORD — Four people have submitted letters of interest for the School Board vacancy and Superintendent Kent Hemingway said last night, after a regularly scheduled Board meeting at which the subject was discussed, that all discussion regarding the applicants, as well as
any voting, would be done in public. The four applicants are Allan Demko, a former business administrator for Winnisquam Regional High School; Timothy Sullivan an engineer with a family history in education; Karen Thruston who is the head of the N.H. Blue Star Mothers organization, and Ellen McClung a former educator with a Masters Degree in English and English as
a Second Language. The board decided it will interview each of the four applicants beginning at 5 p.m. on Sept. 6 and hold the regular portion of the School Board meeting at 6:30 p.m. Hemingway called the Daily Sun at 9 p.m. with the information that all of the discussions would be public. His call was see GILFORd page 8
You don’t look 76
see BeLMONt page 13
A 1935 Ford Roadster owned by Steve Gove of Laconia was being admired by spectators along Main Street in Meredith following the Cruise Night Parade Saturday evening. The event, sponsored by the Greater Meredith Program, capitalized on the Granite State Nationals Car Show being held at the Sandwich Fairgrounds over the weekend. (Karen Bobotas/for The Laconia Daily Sun)
Poorly maintained bypass value said to have contributed to sewer crisis By Michael Kitch THE LACONIA DAILY SUN
MEREDITH — Town Manager Phil Warren said yesterday that the emergency arising LOW PRICES ON WOOD & PELLET STOVES
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at the junction of Routes 3 and 25 had not failed to function. Water reported percolating from the pavement near the Town Docks Restaurant
around 6:45 a.m. was quickly found to be raw sewage spewing from the 12-inch pressure main running between the see MeRedItH page 13
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