The Laconia Daily Sun, September 29, 2012

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Weirs Beach, NH


Saturday, September 29, 2012


Winniquam officials trying to calm tempest over requested yearbook tribute to girl who took her own life

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VOL. 13 NO. 83




Meredith man charged with pointing rifle at father & son By Gail OBer


MEREDITH — A local man was ordered held on $1,000 cash and $25,000 personal recognizance bail yesterday after he allegedly threatened a man and his 9-year-old son with a rifle during an apparent road-rage incident. Police affidavits said the

victim and his son where driving on Meredith Neck road nearing Old Hubbard Road and Richard Azzara, 50, of 2 Dale Road was driving ahead of him. The victim told police Azzara slowed to turn right onto Old Hubbard Road and he started to pass him on the left. He said the GMC pickup Azzara was driving suddenly swerved to the left

nearly colliding with him. The victim said he took evasive action and there was traffic coming in the opposite direction. He said the Azzara pulled over and he pulled up next to him. The victim said he realized the driver was Azzara and that Azzara had allegedly be involved in a road rage incident with his wife on Monday, which was

reported to Meredith Police. The victim said he started to yell at Azzara and told him he “wasn’t going to let him intimidate him like he did (to) his wife” when Azzara allegedly raised a rifle and pointed it at him and his son. The man called 9-1-1. Police interviewed Azzara see rIFLE page 14


TILTON — Officials of the Winnisquam Regional School District yesterday found themselves wrestling with an aggressive campaign waged by high school students to mark the memory of a classmate in the pages of annual school yearbook that is not due to be published until next spring. In May, 2010 Alexandria “Ali” Nixon of Sanbornton, a sophomore at Winnisquam High School, took her own life. According to a petition posted anonymously on the website “,” which was taken down around 6 p.m. yesterday, when students asked to commemorate Nixon in the yearbook they were told no mention would be made of her. Allegedly the father of one of her friends offered to purchase an entire page of the yearbook, which would be dedicated to see NIXON page 9

A group of former players has organized to raise $100,000, enough to purchase the naming rights of the new athletic field in honor of former coach Jim Fitzgerald. From left, Dick Swett, Matt Lahey, Fitzgerald, Jeff Price and Steve Gardner. (Laconia Daily Sun photo/Adam Drapcho)

‘Silver Sachems’ well on their way to naming new LHS field for beloved Coach Fitzgerald By adam drapchO THE LACONIA DAILY SUN

LACONIA — While they were high school students, Jim Fitzgerald was their football coach and mentor, teaching them to work hard and believe that they could lead their team to victory even when facing long odds. More often than not, he was right. While a few of his players went on to have careers in football, many more employed the lessons they learned on the playing field to find success in other pursuits. Now that a capital campaign is

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being waged to raise enough funds — $1 million — to help build the kind of athletic facility that will be the envy of the region, a group of former players is well on its way to compile donations necessary to name the playing field itself in honor of their coach. Calling themselves the “Silver Sachems,” Jeff Price, Dick Swett and Steve Gardner organized earlier this year and pooled together $50,000, half of the $100,000 needed to purchase the naming right at what will be Bank of New Hampshire Sta-

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dium. The trio, joined by their coach, presented the drive at the homecoming game held on Friday evening, inviting others to contribute toward the cause. Price, who graduated from Laconia High School in 1983 and is now the president and publisher of Sporting News, was able to reach members of his generation as well as some of his predecessors, he’s hoping now to invite some of those who wore the Sachem jersey after him. The minimum contribution to be part see sILVEr saCHEMs page 11


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