The Portland Daily Sun, Friday, February 17, 2012

Page 1

Experience at Romney campaign event almost soured caucus goer. A Portlander’s story — See page 5


VOL. 4 NO. 11





Source, website allege missing toddler’s dad was in Portland two days before calling 911 Store clerk said DiPietro used a credit card. Page 3 Baxter block’s Regency tries to keep pace in market — Page 8 charm lost to urban renewal See Christian MilNeil, page 5

Food truck rules in hands of task force See page 7

The Portland Regency Hotel & Spa in downtown Portland is about halfway finished with a renovation that will expand guest rooms on the third and fourth floors. (CASEY CONLEY PHOTO)

Page 2 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012

Generation gap (tooth) (NY Times) — Carine Roitfield and Steven Klein are but two in a list of fashion luminaries who may be ruing the day some wellintentioned orthodontist tampered with their teeth. Both confided in recent conversations that they once had sizable gaps that they sacrificed as children in the dentist’s chair. And each looked back on that moment with a twinge of regret. As well they might. These days gap-toothed smiles are regarded not just as a mark of fortune or, as they have been since Chaucer’s day, a sign of sexual rapacity, but also as a positively enviable fashion calling card. That impression was reinforced this week at a slew of shows in which randomly spaced front teeth, some as wide apart as goal posts, were the accent of the moment, as covetable as a swanlike neck or a chicly protuberant collarbone. Who would have thought it? Not Lauren Hutton, who at the zenith of her glamour in the 1970s wore a prosthetic insert for fashion shoots to camouflage her “flaw.” Casting directors have been quick to mine the trend, turning teenage models like Wixson into runway It girls. So have magazine editors and marketers. The gap gained traction a couple of seasons ago when W magazine featured. Lindsey Wixson, Georgia May Jagger and Lara Stone in an August fashion spread. Around the same time, Wixson flashed her saucily parted front teeth in a Miu Miu advertising campaign, and Stone showed off her gap in an ad for Calvin Klein. Others who have profited from the tendency to turn a perceived flaw into a proud distinction include Paradis, who became the gap-toothed face of Chanel Rouge Coco, and Hutton, who unabashedly showed off her gap on the cover of Love magazine, the British fashion glossy that is edited (of course) by the gaptoothed superstylist Katie Grand. Like tattoos or body piercings, widely spaced smiles can impart something mysterious, seductive or even feral to a model’s look, qualities that on a creature less attractive might translate as subtly unsavory. Never mind. Among fashion insiders, the gap’s ubiquity seems a sure indication that the industry has, for the moment at least, grown bored with its own rigid notions of photo-retouched perfectionism. “Cookie-cutter beauty doesn’t stand out,” Heather Muir, the beauty news director of Allure, observed. “We’re shifting to something more quirky.”


Even pearls are dark before the whiteness of his teeth.” —William R. Alger

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3DAYFORECAST Today High: 48 Record: 58 (1981) Sunrise: 6:37 a.m.

Tomorrow High: 46 Low: 26 Sunrise: 6:36 a.m. Sunset: 5:15 p.m.

DOW JONES 123.13 to 12,904.08

Tonight Low: 25 Record: -19 (1943) Sunset: 5:15 p.m.

Sunday High: 42 Low: 24

S&P 14.81 to 1,358.04

NASDAQ 44.02 to 2,959.85



“Here’s how I feel about gay marriage. I don’t understand why people care whether you marry a man or a woman. ‘Cause if you’ve ever seen a couple over 65, it is very hard to tell who is who.” — Mo Mandel

MORNING High: 6:50 a.m. Low: 12:28 a.m. EVENING High: 7:39 p.m. Low: 1:22 p.m. -courtesy of www.

––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– WORLD/NATION–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Carmakers urged to limit dashboard distractions (NY Times) — A federal traffic agency formally urged carmakers on Thursday to stop equipping automobiles with entertainment and navigation systems that can distract drivers. The agency, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, said that its proposed voluntary guidelines were not intended to reduce the sale of popular features like navigation systems. Rather, the agency wants to encourage companies to design them to be safer. Studies have shown that the risk of crashing increases markedly when drivers take their eyes off the road for even two seconds, particularly the faster they go. Carmakers, however,

are building increasingly complicated devices — called “infotainment” systems — that control music, navigation, phone systems, even Internet searches and social media updates. Though many carmakers have developed voice-activated versions of these systems, research shows that many functions still require hands-on use, and that some consumers simply prefer to use them that way. The broad guidelines encourage automakers to reduce the complexity of tasks that are not related to driving, including limiting activities that require drivers to take both hands off the wheel or that take more than two seconds to perform.

Nigerian gets life sentence in attempt to bomb plane DETROIT (NY Times) — The Nigerian man who tried to blow up a Detroit-bound airliner with explosives concealed in his underwear on Christmas Day in 2009 was sentenced on Thursday to life in prison by a federal judge who said his crime and subsequent lack of remorse demanded the maximum possible punishment. The man, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab, who pleaded guilty in October and admitted to working on behalf of Al Qaeda, shouted “Allah Akbar,” or “God is great,”

five times during the sentencing hearing. He asserted that Muslims were “proud to kill in the name of God, and that is what God told us to do in the Koran.” Five people on the flight with Abdulmutallab, including a flight attendant who helped put out the fire that resulted from the explosives, spoke during the hearing about the nightmares and fear they had experienced since the incident. Judge Nancy G. Edmunds of Federal District Court ordered Abdulmutallab to serve the

maximum sentence of four consecutive life sentences, plus an additional 50 years, on the charges, which included conspiracy to commit an act of terrorism and attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction. Judge Edmunds denied a motion by Abdulmutallab, who represented himself during much of the case with the assistance of a standby lawyer, to declare life imprisonment as cruel and unusual punishment because his act did not kill or seriously injure anyone.

U.N. votes overwhelmingly to condemn Syria (NY Times) — In a powerful rebuke to Syria’s government, the United Nations General Assembly voted overwhelmingly on Thursday to approve a resolution condemning President Bashar alAssad’s unbridled crackdown on an 11-month-old uprising and called for the adoption of an Arab League proposal to resolve the conflict. The 137-12 vote, with 17 abstentions, is a nonbinding action with no power of enforcement at the world body, but it represented a significant humiliation for Mr. Assad, whose government had sought to block the vote and severely criticized the sponsors including Syria’s brethren in the Arab League. Bashar Jaafari, Syria’s ambassador to the United Nations, called the resolution “biased” and said it had “nothing to do with events in Syria.”

A handful of the other countries that opposed the resolution, most notably Russia, Venezuela and North Korea, condemned it as an unwarranted interference in Syria’s internal politics. But the wide range of countries that voted approval signified the deep anger and frustration at the United Nations over its diplomatic inability to halt a conflict that has left thousands of Syrians dead. The resolution, which calls for Assad to relinquish powers to a vice president, negotiations among the antagonists and the formation of a new government, had been put forward by Egypt and other Arab League members. It followed the veto nearly two weeks ago of a resolution by the Security Council. Russia and China vetoed that resolution.

Gay marriage a tough sell with blacks in Maryland ANNAPOLIS, Md. (NY Times) — As a bill legalizing same-sex marriage in Maryland hurtles toward a vote in the legislature this week, a coalition lobbying for its passage has focused much of its efforts on a group of Democrats who could potentially scuttle its success: African-Americans. It is the most serious attempt by advocates for same-sex marriage to win over blacks, who have traditionally been skeptical, and whose support is critical for the bill’s passage in this state, where nearly a third of the population is AfricanAmerican, a far higher share than in the broader population. The campaign includes videos of well-known African-American Marylanders, including Michael Kenneth Williams, an actor from the television series “The Wire,” and Mo’nique, a Baltimore-born actress; an editorial in The Afro; and conversations in churches and union halls, where most members are black. The Human Rights Campaign and the Service Employees International Union have sent dozens of workers and volunteers, many of them African-American, across the state to talk about the issue. Particular attention is being paid to Baltimore and Prince George’s County, organizers said, two majority-black areas where skepticism has been strong. It is uncertain whether the effort will lead to the bill’s passage; a similar bill failed in the House last year without coming to a vote. But it has had one clear effect, that of opening a difficult conversation about homosexuality among one group that has traditionally shied away from talking about it. “It’s a very sensitive subject in the black community,” said Ezekiel Jackson, a political organizer for the 1199 Service Employees International Union in Maryland, who has been meeting with members, mostly health care workers, to persuade them to support the bill. “The culture is different. Gay people got pushed off into their own circle. Instead of dealing with it, they just lived their lives among like minds, apart.”

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012— Page 3

Source at store, website allege Ayla’s father was in Portland two days before calling 911 BY DAVID CARKHUFF AND JEFFREY S. SPOFFORD THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Around 2 a.m. on the morning of Thursday, Dec. 15, 2011, witnesses say they saw Justin DiPietro in Portland, two days before his 20-month-old daughter, Ayla Reynolds, officially was reported missing from a Waterville home. Today marks the two-month anniversary of the disappearance of Reynolds. The toddler, wearing a soft cast from a broken arm, was last seen sleeping in her bed at about 8 p.m. Friday, Dec. 16, according The store clerk was to family members. Her father reported her miss- asked to describe the ing Saturday, Dec. 17, men and the clothing 2011, at 8:51 a.m. when he said he found an empty they were wearing bed and called 911. when they made the Reynolds' disappearcigarette purchase ance has become the focus of a criminal investigation and, according to the and national media attensource, the clerk was tion. The Portland Daily Sun learned that DiPietro told the third man was was seen at a Cumberland a person of interest to Farms in Portland on Dec. the investigation. 15, although police would not confirm these reports. A source told The Sun that Maine State Police contacted the overnight store clerk at the Cumberland Farms, located on Pine Street in Portland's West End, saying that a credit card under the name of Justin DiPietro was used to purchase cigarettes at the store around 2 a.m. on Dec. 15, 2011. Police were told that DiPietro was at the store with two other men, only one of which police were able to identify. The store clerk was asked to describe the men and the clothing they were wearing when they made the cigarette purchase and, according to the source, the clerk was told the third man was a person of interest to the investigation. When asked about the information, Lt. Gary Rogers of Portland police referred questions to the state police or Waterville police, the investigating agencies. Neither would comment. Waterville Police have announced their belief “that foul play has occurred in connection with Ayla's disappearance. The case has evolved from the search for a missing child to a criminal investigation.” Waterville Police named Maine State Police as lead agency investigating Ayla's disappearance. Most recently, family members reported the discovery of blood in the basement of the Waterville home, but police are being tight lipped about how much was found. The child's mother, Trista Reynolds of Portland, has blamed state social service workers for

A picture of Ayla Reynolds with her grandfather, Ron Reynolds, and a missing poster were set up as a display at a vigil in Portland for Ayla Reynolds in late December. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO)

not checking on Ayla's welfare while with her father. Trista Reynolds declined to comment on DiPietro's whereabouts prior to the report that Ayla had gone missing. Waterville Police, State Police, the Maine Warden Service and the FBI all conducted searches and inquiries around the DiPietro home at 29 Violette Ave. in Waterville. This week, a new website alleged that DiPietro was in Portland on Dec. 15, 2011 to clear belongings out of an apartment. "A new website devoted to Ayla launched this week, courtesy of a relative of one of Justin's Portland roommates," states the Facebook page titled "Find Ayla Reynolds Missing Since 12/16/2011 From Waterville, Maine." "She claims personal knowledge that Justin went to Portland without Ayla Dec. 15 to clear his belongings out of the apartment he shared with friends prior to taking Ayla." The website, http://justiceforayla.blogspot. com/2012/02/what-happened-night-ayla-went-missing.html, asks, "What Happened the Night Ayla Went Missing?" "I want to go back to the night Ayla was reported

missing," the website states. "I don't know if she actually went missing that night, in my opinion, I think she probably was missing days before they made the 911 call. I know a lot of others share my opinion on that. On Thursday the 15th, I did report that Justin was in Portland cleaning the rest of his belongings out of the apartment he shared. Ayla was not with him." "This newly-disclosed evidence that Justin was in Portland without Ayla on Dec. 15 heightens concerns raised by Trista that Ayla could have been missing before her reported Dec. 17 disappearance," the Facebook page asserts. "From Dec. 8 onward, Trista told the Bangor Daily News she got excuses from DiPietro when she tried to talk to Ayla by phone. On Dec. 12, Justin failed to bring Ayla to a scheduled doctor appointment to check her broken arm." In a Dec. 28 written statement released through police, DiPietro said he had "no idea what happened to Ayla." Anyone with information pertinent to the case is encouraged to contact the Waterville Police Department at 680-4700 or Maine State Police in Augusta at 624-7076.

At Maine Mall, police arrest suspect wanted for murder in Massachusetts BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Police arrested a Saco man wanted on a murder warrant out of Massachusetts Thursday in the parking lot of the Maine Mall, officials said. John Fredette, 49, was one of two men indicted earlier in Fredette the week by a grand jury in connection with the disappear-

ance and murder of Kevin Harkins in Worcester, Mass., on Feb. 15, 1994, according to prosecutors. Fredette was arrested on a fugitive from justice warrant by South Portland police and members of the U.S. Marshals Service's Maine Violent Offender Task Force. Police also arrested Elias Samia, 45, of Worcester, in connection with the murder, according to officials. The arrests were made 18 years to the day after Harkins disappeared after leaving a Worcester bar. His body was never located.


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Page 4 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012

––––––––––––– LETTERS TO THE EDITOR –––––––––––––

Republicans need to come clean on Maine GOP caucus fiasco Editor, Dear fellow Republican, As a Republican voter and activist in Palm Beach County, Fla., I have been through scandals including voting irregularities (remember the ‘hanging chads’ of 2000?) and outright corruption (our state GOP chair Jim Greer was arrested in 2010). We have also seen, under former Chairman Greer, an explicit effort to purge the Florida party of its growing libertarian faction. In other words, to use a Democratic president’s famous phrase, I feel your pain. As you face a mounting scandal including all of these elements, I urge you to keep your heads. This too shall pass. This scandal is the result of specific actions by specific individuals. The perpetrators can and should be removed from their positions and their misdeeds corrected. The accurate results should be posted whomever they favor. But let us not turn on each other and lose sight of our larger goals. This scandal is not the fault of the Republican Party as a whole, Maine as a whole nor, to our knowledge, the national campaign of any specific presidential candidate. We have a shared goal of defeating the president in November’s election and this primary process is not an end in itself but a step towards that ultimate end. As a result of the Maine fiasco I have heard see LETTERS page 6

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COLUMN ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

We want your opinions All letters columns and editorial cartoons are the opinion of the writer or artists and do not reflect the opinions of the staff, editors or publisher of The Portland Daily Sun. We welcome your ideas and opinions on all topics and consider every signed letter for publication. Limit letters to 300 words and include your address and phone number. Longer letters will only be published as space allows and may be edited. Anonymous letters, letters without full names and generic letters will not be published. Please send your letters to: THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, The Portland Daily Sun welcomes readers to check out our Facebook page. Just search “Portland Daily Sun” on Facebook or go to www.

Portland’s FREE DAILY Newspaper David Carkhuff, Editor Casey Conley, City Editor Matthew Arco, Reporter THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN is published Tuesday through Saturday by Portland News Club, LLC. Mark Guerringue, Adam Hirshan, Curtis Robinson Founders Offices: 477 Congress Street, Suite 1105, Portland ME 04101 (207) 699-5801 Founding Editor Curtis Robinson Website: E-mail: For advertising contact: (207) 699-5806 or Classifieds: (207) 699-5807 or CIRCULATION: 13,600 daily distributed Tuesday through Saturday FREE throughout Portland by Jeff Spofford,

Taking the bus broadens your view of the world Good ol’ number four to Westbrook. I was a regular rider sometime ago and now when I see it passing by I feel a little twinge of nostalgia. I guess it was all those times I waited for “my bus” to arrive and it did, faithfully, time after time. The bus drivers were always so friendly and courteous, too. That was comforting. I even got attached to some of the other regular riders. Funny how the least likely ones grow on you. After my car died I decided to try living without one just to see how it would go. At first I tried riding with a co-worker, but his personal habits were just that, if you know what I mean, and one morning I woke up with “No need to be coy Roy, just hop on the bus Gus” playing over and over in my head, and that was it. Let’s be honest, the first thing that occurs to you when you’re thinking of taking the bus is that there’s going to be whackos on the bus. People who you avoid making eye contact with on the street could now be sitting close to you. Well, you do get some local

Cliff Gallant ––––– Daily Sun Columnist color here and there on the bus, but it tends to be more broadening than threatening. If you have any interest at all in the human condition you can’t help being captivated by the interactions you witness. It’s like watching TV without the commercials. Quite honestly, I came to look forward to the thirty minutes on the bus back and forth to Westbrook as restful interludes in my day. If there didn’t happen to be some sort of drama going on that had my interest, I could read, sort of doze, or just sit and look out the window. Is there a life coach anywhere who wouldn’t recommend two such intervals as a regular part of one’s day? Even

if you choose to just sit and look out the window, your life is much richer for it. Doing “nothing” has benefits beyond measure. Then there’s not having to drive in traffic. You sit up high on the bus, of course, and you look down on a lot of folly and bad behavior. People who otherwise might be the soul of grace and consideration can become self-obsessed demons when they’re behind the wheel of a car. Speaking of driving in traffic, anyone remember the energy crisis? That’s when the fear was in us all and we were ready to make all kinds of sacrifices. Stay home, walk, ride the bus. But then the crisis passed and we reverted to form. Who could have predicted that we’d go to even bigger vehicles than before. Humvees. What could be more obscene? Waging wars around the world to support our insatiable appetite for oil. America at its worst. Hey, I should talk. I didn’t stop driving my car until I had to, and I’m back in one see GALLANT page 6

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012— Page 5

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Romney event almost soured caucus goer I will be the first to admit I am no Mitt Romney fan. That said, when a presidential candidate comes to my city of Portland, Maine, I go to pay my respects to the symbolic nature of it all and all the hoopla and excitement surrounding the event. Got there at 6:36. The rally was in good shape and had started. Mitt was speaking from the center of a pretty good crowd. I wheeled right in and stood about twenty or thirty feet into the building, taking it all in. I breathed deep. This is what I live for. Made it to another historic event. America, the home of the brave felt great. This all took place in about a minute. Then, I was tapped on the shoulder and a slight, official-looking woman around thirty asked me if I could check in. Why, yes, maam, I sure can. We walked over to the door, and she rummaged around with some paperwork. Then, she said she was very sorry, but they did not want the crowd any larger and I would have to leave. “Leave?” I said, crestfallen. “There is plenty of room,” and people were still coming in. “I am very sorry,” she said, “you must leave.” I walked out in disbelief. Soon to follow were several police officers and a bunch of press with a tall man with a goatee that I gathered had given the candidate some pointed questions. He virtually gave a press

Zoo Cain ––––– Guest Columnist conference. Meantime, I wanted back in. I felt my right as an American citizen had been unnecessarily violated. I should add at this point, it was a winter night. I am sporting my usual attire of shorts and a bright, red sweatshirt. Oh, and long hair and a beard. That said, courteous, followed the rules and just came to hear and see Mitt Romney. I tried to enter, and a bunch of Portland police headed me off. Said the owner of the event did not want me in. The owner of the Maine Company complex is a family friend. The officer came out and we talked and got along very well, with commonalities in our different lives. I ended up being there long after everyone had left the grounds. Heartbroken. People, that was a lousy experience! Almost gave up on returning to anything similar to this. What a difference a day makes. Went to the Republican caucus, sitting in second row, Mitt Romney spoke again. This,

Wells Lyons (second from right) talks to Portland police outside a Mitt Romney campaign event in Portland Friday, Feb. 10. Lyons, handing out literature for “Billionaires for Romney,” was asked to move back from the line of people going into the Portland Company complex. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

to me, was safe. Photographer Robert Bukaty from The Associated Press must have taken fifty pictures of me, and my picture was in many papers across the country as a portrait of the caucus. Also quoted in the Washing-

ton Post in a story written by Felicia Sommez the next day. All and all, made it through a traumatic experience with flying colors. (Zoo Cain is a resident of Portland.)

Baxter block’s charm lost to urban renewal The City of Portland and the Maine Historical Society have been recently collaborating to digitize an amazing photographic archive of the city, and make it available to the world on the Maine Historical Society’s website, In 1924, for the first time ever, the city’s tax assessors employed the relatively new technology of photography to add detail to their property assessments. Those files have been preserved at City Hall, and are now giving us a searchable record of the city’s buildings as they were in 1924, from humble railroad sheds to the brand-new Time and Temperature Building. It’s like having a ninety-year-old Google Street View of the city. It’s easy to spend hours browsing this collection, finding familiar buildings as they were in the past, and navigating the beautiful lost neighborhoods that were destroyed by the city’s scorched-earth urban renewal efforts (the historic homes along the old Franklin Street, which pinheaded city bureaucrats bulldozed as “slums” in the early 1970s, are nearly identical to stately West End townhouses that are worth millions of dollars today). One structure along the old Congress Street particularly caught my eye. It was a large building with beautifully complex brickwork and cast-iron columns, and roughly the size

of the current Porteous Building of the Maine College of Art. It also included a round turret on its northern corner ––––– — a feature that made Daily Sun it stand out in most old Columnist photographs of Congress Street. I’d browsed through lost of old photos of lost and demolished buildings, but this one was particularly striking. How could our city have lost a structure as beautiful — and as huge — as this one, right in the middle of our downtown? I later found out, thanks to Greater Portland Landmarks. The Baxter Memorial Block technically didn't ever get torn down: a husk of it is still standing on the corner of Congress and Oak. But a renovation in the 1950s demolished the turret and covered up all of the building's architectural details in cheap stucco. “This building is an example of what can be lost through an insensitive remodeling of a structure,” writes Greater Portland Landmarks. A “before” and “after” photo on the organization’s website demonstrates what an understatement this is. The renovation demolished everything that made the building beautiful, proud, and unique, in order to make it conform to the bland ugliness of the era’s new shopping plazas and gas stations.

Christian MilNeil

see MILNEIL page 6

Congress Street in Portland, 1907, showing the Baxter Block, trolley car and tracks. (Image from collections of Maine Historical Society, #22352 on Maine Memory Network)

Page 6 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– OPINION –––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Baxter Memorial Block lacks architectural flair much of the original brickwork and wrought-iron casings are still there, hiding after half a century in the dark, like a buried treasure waiting to be rediscovered. Today, it's a low-rent building that few people want to work in — not much different from the abandoned 1950s-era shopping plazas and service stations they wanted it to look like. But imagine what it might become if someone invested the effort to restore even a hint of what its true nature.

MILNEIL from page 5

Today, though the Baxter Memorial Block is still standing (it’s at the corner of Oak and Congress), it’s clear that few people actually care about the place. It’s the home to one of Congress Street’s sadder fast-food franchises and to the headquarters offices of Diversified Communications, an outfit that’s undoubtedly more interested in the building’s cheap rents than in its hidden architectural details. Still — beneath the stucco, the Baxter Memorial Block is still there. On the Free Street side, you can see some of the cast-iron columns that never got covered up. I wonder how

(Christian MilNeil is a blogger at "The Vigorous North: A field guide to the wilderness areas of American cities," Oak Street at Congress Street is viewed Thursday. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Never thought I’d hear myself say that I miss riding the bus GALLANT from page 4

now, so there you go. Yeah, I’m driving again. Let’s face it, cars are a necessity sometimes, at least given the way our society is currently structured. Won’t be that way forever though. Count on it. The horse was the

principle means of transportation for centuries. There was a time when people scoffed at the suggestion that it would someday be replaced by the automobile. Never thought I’d ever hear myself say that I miss riding the bus, but I do. I take it whenever possible. Feels liberating to leave the car tethered at the curb.

In the end, how you get there matters as much as where you’re going, and it sure feels good to reconnect with old friends now and then. (Cliff Gallant of Portland is a regular columnist for The Portland Daily Sun. Email him at gallant.

Party leadership cannot claim that the election is a mere ‘beauty contest’

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Philip Blumel Atlantis, Fla.

Buchanan guilty of‘fundamentalist confusion’ with column on Obama Editor, Just read the Pat Buchanan column, “Obama’s trampling on God’s turf now” (Feb. 10 opinion section), and was met with a few thoughts.

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Buchanan’s implication that a Christian moral code provides an accurate reflection of American values is nuts. Buchanan’s assumption that the framers of the Constitution would take the foggy, nonsensical dogmas of the Christian faith over information and reason is an example of fundamentalist confusion. Restricting a woman’s access to information is not a good thing. A refusal by any institution to educate on birth and pregnancy control options is negligent. Good work, Mr. Obama. Let freedom ring. P.S. I have enjoyed the arguments of Mr. Buchanan in the past. I disagree on this particular issue, however. I also enjoy the variety of opinion represented in your paper. Tim Hofmann Portland

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when they see the party leadership make a good faith effort to do so. Then, together, we can get back to work in achieving the party’s larger aims. Let’s make it so. Sincerely,

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LETTERS from page 4

many Republicans say in frustration that there is no point in participating in a rigged game or that they intend to withhold their vote or even vote for the president in protest. But these reactions do not resolve the problems, they merely create others. I fully recognize the party also has a responsibility to you, to produce an accurate vote and censure those who would, in their enthusiasm, subvert it. The party leadership cannot claim that the election is a mere “beauty contest,” and dismiss the hard work of those who organized caucuses or who participated in them. Successful leadership requires trust and cannot excuse fraud. However, I expect that the Maine GOP will come clean and the party rank-and-file will be reconciled

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012— Page 7

Food truck rules handed to city task force New task force hopes to clear path for city discussion about vendor regulations BY MATTHEW ARCO THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

Food trucks could be rolling into Portland as soon as this summer, if a rulemaking process goes as envisioned, officials say. A city council subcommittee on Thursday unanimously approved the formation of a task force charged with discussing the pros and cons of allowing food trucks to operate in the city. The task force will lay the groundwork for a food truck discussion before the council, a discussion that officials want to have sometime this spring. "My expectation is that it will be a focused (task force)," said Councilor Ed Suslovic, chairman of the Public Safety and Health and Human Services Committee, explaining he expects the group to meet once or twice so that the issue can be voted on before the summer months. The committee action marks the first time councilors have taken up discussion of food trucks. A final proposal would need to meet the approval of the entire city council. The trucks have become culinary staples in places like Austin, Los Angeles and New York City, where some vendors are true destinations in their own right. But for now anyway, they are not allowed in Portland under a host of overlapping city ordinances and policies. In October, Creative Portland's board approved a 17-point plan policy recommendation for where food

trucks can and can't park, how far they should be from existing restaurants, how big they should be and what can actually be considered a food truck. The plan also outlined hours of operation and a possible fee scale. The board's proposal was not the first time city officials pondered food trucks. Councilor Dave Marshall, who sits on the Creative Portland board, has pushed changes for several years that would make them legal. Each time, the measures have gotten bogged down in a city committee. "I'm glad that we're at this point," Marshall said. "When the task force comes back to the committee hopefully we'll be able to enact some rules that would allow food trucks to come to the city." Task force members will include Doug Fuss, of the Portland Downtown District; Andy Graham, of Creative Portland; Dick Grotton, of the Maine Restaurant Association; Godfrey Wood, of the Portland Regional Chamber; and Councilor Jill Duson. Members are expected to discuss issues including whether the city should establish designated areas for vendors or provide gas and electric hookups that would cut down on idling engines, officials said. The group is tentatively scheduled to report its findings to the committee in April, though Suslovic said he expects a proposal to be drafted in May or by June at the latest. Also during the committee meeting, councilors recommended approval of a proposal to allow the Port-

land Police Department to hire an outside vendor to largely handle the city's vehicle accident reports. The Portland Police Department is asking the city council to consider allowing to process and disseminate vehicle crash reports. The public records are most often produced for vehicle insurance companies, and officials say they currently spend about 10 hours per week preparing the information. The vendor would handle the release of the city's accident reports and charge insurance companies and other interested parties $15 per report. Currently, the reports cost $10 apiece for the department to produce. "It's faster and more efficient for people who want a report because it's all done electronically," said Cmdr. Vernon Malloch, of the PPD. "It provides a better service for people." Under the agreement, the city would still receive $10 per report, but would not be required to use staff time. Malloch said residents would still be able to pay the current fee if they wish to have their reports processed at the station. He explained the department also hopes to take advantage of crash analysis data, which includes details on identify accident trends, the vendor offers its customers at no additional cost. All city vehicle accidents and fatal accidents would be accessible only through the department directly, he said.

In East Orange, recalling Whitney Houston before she was a star BY JOHN LELAND THE NEW YORK TIMES

EAST ORANGE, N.J. — To the people who knew her here she was always Nippy, the long-legged girl who ran track and liked to act out scenes from television. Sometimes she introduced herself to strangers by her full name, Whitney Elizabeth Houston, but in the makeshift memorial at her old elementary school, it is the local name that carries the day: “Nippy,” one card begins, “thank you for sharing God’s gift, your voice.” East Orange was her town, an aspirational city where middle-class black families bought big houses and went to church alongside less-affluent neighbors. When she moved here from neighboring Newark at age 4, the family left behind a city on a downward arc for one then on the rise. Henry W. Hamilton, the principal of her old elementary school, remembered when Ms. Houston arrived in the first grade with her two older brothers, the children of a famous gospel singer. The boys always had her back, he said. “I never thought she had the potential to be a great singer,” said Mr. Hamilton, 73, who is still the school’s principal. “I thought her brother Gary had the potential. I missed that one.” The school is now called the Whitney E. Houston Academy for Creative and Performing Arts, a broad red-brick building with an expansive lawn and a rolling park across the street. Colonial-style clapboard houses — many with four, five and six bedrooms — sidle beside stone churches along the wide, sloping streets. This was where the young girl tested her voice, said Helena Hollinshed, 50, who said she grew up with Ms. Houston in the city’s First Ward, known as Doddtown, one of East Orange’s better neighborhoods. They hung out in Elmwood Park, swimming in the pool in the summer; later they graduated to the McDonald’s on Dodd Street, which has since been converted into the Church of the New Covenant. “She used to sing a capella wherever we went,” Ms. Hollinshed said. “We were always acting out. We used to take turns doing scenes from TV. We were just being kids, dreaming and imagining being singers.” On one afternoon this week, parents doubleparked in front of the Houston Academy to pick up

their children and look at the memorial. Around the corner is the Johnnie L. Cochran Junior Academy Elementary School. Other elementary schools in town are named for Cicely Tyson, Langston Hughes, Gordon Parks, Dionne Warwick, George Washington Carver and Toussaint L’Ouverture. Much about the city remains unchanged since Ms. Houston lived here, said Monty Applewhite, 51, who went to high school and then Fairleigh Dickinson University with her older brother. “East Orange was looked at as prestigious,” said Mr. Applewhite, who is now a captain at the fire station on Dodd Street, a few doors from the Houstons’ former house. “Everybody knew everybody in town. When you moved to East Orange from Newark, it was like ‘The Jeffersons,’ movin’ on up.” But off the main drags are boarded-up houses and other signs of the decay that set in during the 1980s and the 1990s, when the population fell and the crime rate rose with the crack trade, earning the city the

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name Illtown. The Houstons left Newark one year after a six-day riot in 1967 that drove out much of the city’s black middle class, said Clement Price, director of the Rutgers University Institute on Ethnicity, Culture, and the Modern Experience in Newark. East Orange was a common destination, Professor Price said.

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SUNDAYS 9am-3pm

Page 8 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012

In living color

Portland nightclub, the Asylum, has let local graffiti artists cover its large exterior walls with their work. The event has become a yearly ritual, according to the artistic community. Here, art from 2011 is shown on the wall along Free Street. (DAVID CARKHUFF PHOTO)

Regency Hotel expanding guest rooms on top floors BY CASEY CONLEY THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN

The Portland Regency Hotel & Spa in downtown Portland is about halfway finished with a renovation that will expand guest rooms on the third and fourth floors. Currently, rooms on those floors run up against the slanted roof, said David Davis, director of sales and marketing for the 25-year-old hotel. And unlike most hotel rooms, these rooms have only a skylight for a window. When the project is finished, dormers will extend along both upper floors to create a more traditional footprint, he said. “We have 95 rooms now and we’ll end up with 95 rooms,” he said. “We’re just merely adding space; headroom if you will.” The renovation will also add balconies to some of the fourth floor rooms. Davis was not aware how much the renovation costs. Portland’s hotel market has changed significantly in recent years with the addition of the Residence Inn by Marriott on Fore Street and the Hampton Inn on Middle Street. The Eastland is also preparing for a major renovation, and several new hotels have come online recently in South Portland. Davis noted that the Regency has a restaurant, lounge, day spa and other services the newer chain hotels don’t offer. But even so, he said all hotels need to update their offerings regularly. “When you’re in any hotel, it’s constantly in need of evolving to keep up with client and guest demand,” he said. “There is a constant need for change and evolution in the hotel world.” Historically, he said guests who have stayed on the third and fourth floors either “love the skylight because that’s kind of unique in an overnight room, or (they) totally despise it.” “This is just kind of a way to create that new energy and appease those folks who didn't like skylights,” he said of the renovation.

The Portland Regency Hotel & Spa in downtown Portland is updating guest rooms. (CASEY CONLEY PHOTO)

Construction began at the hotel last month, and most of the exterior work should be done in March. The entire project should wrap up in April. The hotel is fully open during the renovation. Off-season room rates start at about $159 per night. A section of Silver Street has been closed for the past five weeks to allow for construction. The city is charging the hotel $4,000 a month to allow large construction equipment to remain in the road during

this time, a city spokesperson said. The Regency has been a hotel for the past 25 years, but its history dates back much further. The building itself was constructed in 1895 as the State of Maine Armory, and over the years it served as a recreation center for troops, a public bath house, auditorium and paper company warehouse, according to the Regency’s website. The building was converted into a hotel starting in the mid-1980s, and it opened to guests in 1987.

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012— Page 9

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––

Friday, Feb. 17 Dan Harrington at the Portland Public Library noon to 1 p.m. Dan Harrington, author of “Who’s at the Door?” The Friday Local Author Series is held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Main Library’s Meeting Room 5. Portland Public Library.

Somalis in Maine talk at COA 4:10 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. “The city of Lewiston has been transformed by immigrants in the last dozen years. Today, nearly 10 percent of its population is composed of refugees from Somalia.” Members of the Somali community and editors of a 2011 book about the Somali experience, Somalis in Maine, will be talking about the experience at College of the Atlantic’s McCormick Lecture Hall. “Somalis in Maine,” a talk with two editors of a recent book of that title and two members of the Somali community in Lewiston. Free and open to the public. McCormick Lecture Hall at College of the Atlantic, 105 Eden St., Bar Harbor, ME 04609. 288-5015, or Muscat at

The Fifth Annual Flavors of Freeport 6 p.m. “The weekend is a whirlwind of culinary, art and fashion celebrations. It all kicks off on Feb. 17 at 6 p.m. with an outdoor ice bar, and the Chef’s Signature Series and Art Show at the Hilton Garden Inn. The fun keeps going all weekend with wine & beer tastings, a Freeport foodie tour, a Dress for Success fundraising and fashion event, ice skating at the new rink on Depot St., and so much more! This event is a celebration of the many local artisans in Freeport, from chef’s and brewers to artists and fashionistas. The Hilton Garden Inn, 5 Park St., Freeport. 6 p.m. on Friday, Feb. 17, all day on Saturday. www.

‘Next Fall’ by Good Theater 7:30 p.m. “Next Fall” by Geoffrey Nauffts, Jan. 25 to Feb. 19. “Good Theater presents the Maine premiere of this recent Best Play Tony Award nominee. A charming, funny and touching play about life and love from one of the writers of the hit TV series, Brothers & Sisters.” Directed by Brian P. Allen and starring Joe Bearor, Rob Cameron, Matt Delamater, Moira Driscoll Abbie Killeen and Tony Reilly. St Lawrence Arts Center, 76 Congress St. Wednesdays 7 p.m. ($15), Thursdays 7 p.m. ($20), Fridays 7:30 p.m. ($20), Saturday 7:30 p.m. ($25), Sundays 2 p.m. ($25) with a special added matinee on Saturday, Feb. 11, 3 p.m. ($20). Reservations and information call 885-5883. Presented by Good Theater, a professional theater; the theater is in residence at the St. Lawrence Arts Center.

‘The Glass Menagerie’ in Freeport 7:30 p.m. Freeport Factory Stage opens its 2012 Season with Tennessee Williams’ drama, “The Glass Menagerie.” “Set in pre-World War II, when Americans were just beginning to get back to work after a long depression, this is a memory play that is as relevant today as it was when first produced in New York in 1945.” “The Glass Menagerie” runs through Saturday, Feb. 25. Performances are Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. All Thursday performances are “pay what you want.” Tickets for all other performances are $19 general admission and $15 for students and seniors 65 and over. The Factory Stage offers subscription tickets and discounts for groups of 10 or more. Tickets are available online at or by calling the box office at 865-5505.

‘Cave of Forgotten Dreams’ 6:30 p.m. Movies at the Museum, Portland Museum of Art. “Cave of Forgotten Dreams,” Friday, Feb. 17, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 18, 2 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 19, 2 p.m. NR. ‘‘‘Cave of Forgotten Dreams,’ a breathtaking new documentary from the incomparable Werner Herzog (‘Encounters at the End of the World,’ ‘Grizzly Man’) follows an exclusive expedition into the nearly inaccessible Chauvet Cave in France, home to the most ancient visual art known to have been created by man. A hit at this year’s Toronto Film Festival, Cave of Forgotten Dreams is an unforgettable cinematic experience that provides a unique glimpse of pristine artwork dating back to human hands more than 30,000 years ago-almost twice as old as any previous discovery.”

Peter Sellers — The Human Chameleon 7 p.m. Fridays in February and March at 7 p.m. Hosted by George Hixon. Feb. 17 — “The Pink Panther” (1963); Feb. 24 — “A Shot in the Dark” (1964); March 9 — “Dr. Strangelove” (1964); March 16 — “Being There” (1979). March 23 — “The Life and Death of Peter Sellers” (2004). “Peter Sellers was a brilliant comedic actor who had an uncanny ability to immerse himself completely in a variety of roles — often in the same movie.” Allen Avenue Unitarian Universalist Church of Portland.

Free Portrait Photography Demonstration 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Constellation Gallery will be providing a free interactive demonstration by Robin Farrin of Farrin

Abdi Ahmed (from left), Ayan Said and Kate Callahan run the booth for Habitat for Humanity of Greater Portland in 2010 at the Maine Home, Remodeling and Garden Show at the Cumberland County Civic Center. (DAVID CARKHUFF FILE PHOTO) Photography on how to create a professional photographic portrait. Robin has been specializing in photographing life’s celebrations for the past 20 years. During the month of February, she is sharing a collection of her portraits titled ‘Who Do You Love, What Do You Love?’ All are welcome! Light refreshments served.” Constellation Gallery, 511 Congress St.

Saturday, Feb. 18 Presidents Day trash, recycling schedule 6:30 a.m. The Department of Public Services Solid Waste crews will not collect trash or recycling on Presidents Day, Feb. 20. Residents who normally receive collection services on Monday will have their trash and recycling collected this Saturday, Feb. 18. Residents of Peaks Island, Great Diamond Island, and Cliff Island will have their recycling and trash collection the following day, Tuesday, February 21st. All items should be out by 6:30 a.m. to ensure collection. If residents have further questions about their trash/recycling collection, they can contact the Recycling Hotline at 756-8189. The Riverside Recycling Facility will be closed on Presidents Day as well, and will resume normal business hours on Tuesday, Feb. 21, 7 a.m. to 4 p.m.

‘Freeze Out Food and Fuel Drive.’ 10 a.m. “Downeast Energy, a family-owned business for more than 100 years, has issued a challenge to the local community to get out and help raise money for the ‘Freeze Out Food and Fuel Drive.’ Downeast Energy will donate $5,000 worth of fuel if the organization reaches its $10,000 goal this weekend. On Saturday, volunteers and board members from nonprofit organizations in Freeport and Brunswick will endure the cold for 24 hours for a food and fuel aid drive and fundraiser. Brunswick’s Mid Coast Hunger Prevention Program (MCHPP) will take part in the fundraiser for the first time along with Freeport Community Services. Norway Savings Parking Lot, Cook’s Corner, Brunswick.”!freeze-out

Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad vacation week 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. The Maine Narrow Gauge Railroad Company and Museum announced it will be open to the public during school vacation week Feb. 18-26. “We hope families will be able to join us for an enjoyable winter train ride along Casco Bay and for some fun activities in the museum,” said Executive Director Allison Tevsh Zittel. The museum will be open 10 a.m.-4 p.m., with train rides on the hour between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m. In addition, the popular children’s storytime will be featured at 10:30 a.m. Tuesday, Feb. 21 and 10:30 a.m. Friday, Feb. 24. Families with preschool-aged children are encouraged to visit for a train ride, storytime and kid’s activities in the museum.

Maine Home, Remodeling & Garden Show 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Maine Home, Remodeling & Garden Show, Feb. 18 and 19, Cumberland County Civic Center. “Over 180 exhibitors. See the latest in appliances, kitchens, baths, siding, windows, home accessories, and much

more. The weekend will feature a wide variety of on-going demonstrations, relevant seminars and our very popular ‘Meet the Chef’ Cooking Series. Everything you need to know about building, buying, financing, remodeling, decorating or landscaping is all here.” 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday; and 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Sunday. Admission $8 adults; Seniors $6, youth 6 to 16, $5 and children under 6, free. For more information call 866-295-6438.

AWS at the Portland Children’s Museum 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Join the Animal Welfare Society of West Kennebunk Humane Educator and a shelter pet at the Children’s Museum and Theatre of Maine on Free Street in Portland for a hands-on program about animal care and handling from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Meet some great animals and learn about Pet Care and Handling. The Children’s Museum is at 142 Free St., Portland. 828-1234. For more information, call Animal Welfare Society ( at 985-3244, ext. 117.

Sunday, Feb. 19 Mardi Gras Breakfast and Open House 11 a.m. “Looking for a delicious breakfast and a vibrant community of people to connect with? Join us for our annual Mardi Gras Breakfast and Open House, 11-12:30 for pancakes, eggs, ham, coffee, juice, etc. Tour our beautiful historic church and meet people from our Irish, African, and Spanish-speaking communities. Suggested donation $5; family $10. Sacred Heart St. Dominic Catholic Church, corners of Sherman and Mellen Sts., Portland.”

Rosemary Miller remembrance 2 p.m. At the University of Southern Maine, the Department of Criminology was “deeply saddened by the passing of Rosemary Miller, the Administrative Assistant for the Department, who retired in June 2011. During her many, many years at USM Rosy always went ‘above and beyond’ to serve the students, faculty and staff.” Rosy’s family is planning a celebration of her life at the Irish Heritage Center, 34 Gray St., Portland.

Tuesday, Feb. 21 Family February Vacation at the PMA 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. From Feb. 21-23 at the Portland Museum of Art, visit the galleries and experiment with new materials for families to see the museum together, including family guides, cell phone tours, sketching kits, special items in the Café, and more. “On Thursday, bring the family to the Great Hall, where young ballet dancers, like the ones that inspired Degas, will be working at a barre. This will be a unique chance for all ages to sketch from a live model in the tradition of the artists in the exhibition Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist.” Free with museum admission. www. see EVENTS page 14


by Lynn Johnston

By Holiday Mathis SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21). Why would someone follow you? The question will arise, and perhaps this is something you never considered before. The result has something to do with your superlative taste. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21). Your friends know you -- and sometimes better than you know yourself. Sometimes. Listen with an open mind to their observance of you, and see whether it brings you a deeper understanding. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19). Someone may give you the impression that winning big and being all that you can be isn’t appropriate. That person is wrong. Shine your light at full wattage. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18). Secret goals gain power and momentum. Ambition alone can’t take you where you want to go. Diplomacy is crucial. When you make it a priority to be politically savvy, you’ll succeed. PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20). You want to connect and may even be feeling a touch sentimental. The social schedule is tight; you’ll flit like a butterfly from one scene to the next. Contact an inspiring person from your past. TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (Feb. 17). It’s a year of enrichment. You open up to others and let them teach you. The next five weeks bring an important breakthrough in your personal life. Professional progress will be slow and steady. Your talent gets a showcase in June. You’ll be part of a winning team in July. Moves are featured in October. Aries and Taurus people adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 30, 22, 13, 10 and 5.

by Paul Gilligan

ARIES (March 21-April 19). Because you are tolerant and sensitive to the beliefs of others, you’ll be a kind of liaison between people who would otherwise have a hard time coming to terms. TAURUS (April 20-May 20). Your energy has a magical quality, opening flowers, hearts, mysteries... You’ll be amazed at what you can accomplish with a well-placed question and the timing of your touch. GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Whether or not you believe in angels, you won’t be able to deny that there are unseen forces on your side now. Events will come together in inexplicable ways. CANCER (June 22-July 22). Avoid giving instructions or advice. Teach only through example. What happens this evening will be a story you’ll tell at the water cooler -- or its digital equivalent -- tomorrow morning. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22). Beginnings and excitement make your life more wonderful in the next 24-hour cycle. You are lucky. You have felt that life was against you, but all of that is going away now. Believe. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22). Your poetic sign mate said it best: “Ring the bells that still can ring._ Forget your perfect offering._ There is a crack in everything, that’s how the light gets in._” -- Leonard Cohen LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23). Of course the help comes when you need it most; that’s when you’re asking for it. Consider asking long before that crucial point. You are favored now, and you will be answered.

by Jan Eliot


by Chad Carpenter

Solution and tips at

TUNDRA Stone Soup Pooch Café For Better or Worse LIO

Fill in the grid so that every row, every column, and every 3x3 box contains the digits 1 thru 9.

by Mark Tatulli

Page 10 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012

1 6 10 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 22 24 25 26 29 30 31 33 37 39

ACROSS Come into conflict Air pollution Craving One of the Marx Brothers Fork prong Person, place or thing Leaning To __; unanimously Fishing worms, for example Toenail treatment Rumple playfully Poncho Sound of plates being stacked Places for rouge On the ball Cured salmon Spooky Daytime serials “It’s __, Mad, Mad, Mad World” Of sea waves

41 World’s longest river 42 Aspiring singer’s tapes 44 Part of a daisy 46 Go bad 47 Relocated 49 Animals 51 Common pain reliever 54 Actress Harlow 55 Car to use while yours is in the shop 56 Street closed at one end 60 Too 61 Happy 63 End of the Greek alphabet 64 Spouse 65 Tiny amount 66 Emery boards 67 Raw minerals 68 Snack 69 Incorrect

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 21 23

25 26 27 28 29 32

DOWN Fellow Overdue Withered; dry Unite two wires Flapjack Long look Silent actor “Cat __ Hot Tin Roof” Not at all harsh Prepare to take off a coat Cut of meat Trickiness Go in Rattled Doesn’t have both __ in the water; is dumb Shoe sole ridge __ in; wearing Dwelling Test Lent a hand Become soft, as a peach

34 35 36 38 40 43 45 48 50 51

Broadcasts Scheme Collections Table game Can wrapping Miffed Go first __ olive oil Blood problem Car rental outfit

52 Of the sun 53 Sticky stuff 54 One of the 12 tribes of Israel 56 Lions & tabbies 57 __ out; betray 58 Grows gray 59 In __; lest 62 British restroom

Yesterday’s Answer

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012— Page 11

––––––– ALMANAC ––––––– Today is Friday, Feb. 17, the 48th day of 2012. There are 318 days left in the year. Today’s Highlight in History: On Feb. 17, 1972, President Richard M. Nixon departed the White House with his wife, Pat, on a historic trip to China, which he called “a journey for peace.” On this date: In 1801, the U.S. House of Representatives broke an electoral tie between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Burr, electing Jefferson president; Burr became vice president. In 1864, during the Civil War, the Union ship USS Housatonic was rammed and sunk in Charleston Harbor, S.C., by the Confederate hand-cranked submarine HL Hunley, which also sank. In 1865, Columbia, S.C., burned as the Confederates evacuated and Union forces moved in. (It’s not clear which side set the blaze.) In 1897, the forerunner of the National PTA, the National Congress of Mothers, convened its first meeting, in Washington. In 1904, the original two-act version of Giacomo Puccini’s opera “Madama Butterfly” was poorly received at its premiere at La Scala in Milan, Italy. In 1933, Newsweek was first published by Thomas J.C. Martyn under the title “NewsWeek.” In 1947, the Voice of America began broadcasting to the Soviet Union. In 1959, the United States launched Vanguard 2, a satellite which carried meteorological equipment on board. In 1964, the Supreme Court, in Wesberry v. Sanders, ruled that congressional districts within each state had to be roughly equal in population. In 1986, Johnson & Johnson announced it would no longer sell over-the-counter medications in capsule form, following the death of a woman who had taken a cyanide-laced Tylenol capsule. In 1988, Lt. Col. William Higgins, a Marine Corps officer serving with a United Nations truce monitoring group, was kidnapped in southern Lebanon by Iranian-backed terrorists (he was later slain by his captors). In 1992, serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer was sentenced in Milwaukee to life in prison (he was beaten to death by a fellow inmate in Nov. 1994). One year ago: A group of Democratic Wisconsin lawmakers blocked passage of a sweeping anti-union bill, refusing to show up for a vote and then abruptly leaving the state in an effort to force Republicans to the negotiating table. Today’s Birthdays: Actor Hal Holbrook is 87. Singer Bobby Lewis is 79. Actor-comedian Barry Humphries is 78. Country singer-songwriter Johnny Bush is 77. Actress Christina Pickles is 77. Actress Mary Ann Mobley is 73. Actress Brenda Fricker is 67. Actress Rene Russo is 58. Actor Richard Karn is 56. Actor Lou Diamond Phillips is 50. Basketball Hall of Famer Michael Jordan is 49. Actor-comedian Larry, the Cable Guy is 49. Movie director Michael Bay is 48. Actor Dominic Purcell is 42. Olympic gold medal skier Tommy Moe is 42. Actress Denise Richards is 41. Actor Jerry O’Connell is 38. Country singer Bryan White is 38. Actress Kelly Carlson is 36. Actor Ashton Holmes is 34. Actor Jason Ritter is 32. Actor Joseph Gordon-Levitt is 31.



8:30 Outlook

FEBRUARY 17, 2012


10:00 10:30 11:00 11:30

CTN 5 S. Katsos


The 43rd NAACP Image Awards Honoring people Dateline NBC (In Stereo) Å WCSH of color. (N) (In Stereo Live) Å


WPFO Helping Charlie’s, an Ital- mentally ill patient. (N) (In







Kitchen Nightmares




Midnight Mausoleum

Fringe Investigating a

ian bistro. (N) Å Stereo) Å Shark Tank A jewelry Primetime: What Would line; a wedge-type pillow. You Do? (N) (In Ste(N) Å reo) Å Washing- Need to Maine Inside ton Week Know (N) Å Watch Washing(N) Å ton Å Priceless Antiques U.S. Health Care: The Antiques Roadshow Good News Affordable Roadshow health care. (N) Nikita “Origins” Alex Supernatural “Repo makes an announcement. Man” A demon from the (N) Å past returns. (N) Undercover Boss A Gifted Man Two Checkers & Rally’s CEO people exhibit unusual Rick Silva. (N) symptoms. (N) Å Monk (In Stereo) Å Monk (In Stereo) Å

News 13 on FOX (N) 20/20 (In Stereo) Å







DISC Gold Rush Å


FAM Movie: ››› “Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban” (2004)


USA Law & Order: SVU


NESN NHL Hockey Boston Bruins at Winnipeg Jets. (Live)


CSNE Celtics


Bering Sea Gold (N)

Gold Rush Å The 700 Club Å

Movie: ›‡ “G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra” (2009) Å The Baseball Show

Bruins Sports


ESPN NBA Basketball Dallas Mavericks at Philadelphia 76ers. (N)


ESPN2 College Basketball

Cold Case “Offender”

Tonight Show With Jay Leno The Office The Office “Traveling “Body LanSalesmen” guage” WMTW Nightline News 8 at (N) Å 11 (N) Charlie Rose (N) (In Stereo) Å

Michael Feinstein’s American Songbook (N) Å NH Health Changing Independent Lens Care Aging “More Than a Month” A filmmaker’s quest. Excused American It’s Always That ’70s (N) Å Dad Å Sunny in Show Å Phila. Blue Bloods “ParentWGME Late Show hood” A man’s family is News 13 at With David beaten and robbed. 11:00 Letterman Law Order: CI Buy Local Law CI


Gold Rush (N) Å

Dungeon News

Pirates Daily

SportsNet Sports

Dennis SportsNet

NBA Basketball: Suns at Lakers SportsCenter (N) Å

Boxing Cold Case Å

Flashpoint Å

Cold Case “Torn”




DISN Movie: “Radio Rebel” (2012) Å


TOON Generator Generator King of Hill King of Hill Amer. Dad Amer. Dad Fam. Guy

Fam. Guy


NICK Sponge.




MSNBC The Ed Show (N)




Random George

Good Luck Austin George

CNN Anderson Cooper 360

Piers Morgan Tonight

Anderson Cooper 360


CNBC American Greed

American Greed

American Greed



The O’Reilly Factor (N) Hannity (N)



Law & Order


LIFE Amer. Most Wanted TLC

Say Yes

Say Yes

Franklin & Bash Å

Amer. Most Wanted

Amer. Most Wanted

Amer. Most Wanted

Four Weddings (N)

Say Yes

The Walking Dead

Comic Book Men Å

Say Yes

Say Yes

AMC Movie: ››› “Slither” (2006) Nathan Fillion. Å HGTV Cash, Cari Cash, Cari Pop Shop


Pop Shop House

Ghost Adventures

The Dead Files Å

Ghost Adventures




SYFY WWE Friday Night SmackDown! (N) Å ANIM Infested! Å

COM Tosh.0



Ancient Aliens (N)

Movie: ›‡ “The Perfect Holiday” (2007) Å




South Park Key



SPIKE Ink Master Å



Being Human

Top Gear “Big Rigs”


Modern Marvels Å

BET Takes Hollywood

The Game The Game

Mike Epps Presents



Movie: “Men of Honor”



Cleveland King


Movie: ›› “Diary of a Mad Black Woman”


Ink Master Å

Ink Master “Game On”

“Rambo Part II”

House “Finding Judas”

House (In Stereo) Å

House (In Stereo) Å


OXY House “Whac-A-Mole”


TCM Movie: ›››› “Glory” (1989) Matthew Broderick. Å


Merlin (N) Å

Movie: ››› “Star Trek” (2009) Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto.

TVLND Home Imp. Home Imp. Raymond TBS


Movie: ›› “Semi-Pro”


Infested! (N) (In Stereo) I Shouldn’t Be Alive (N) Infested! (In Stereo)

HIST American Pickers Å



Movie: ›› “Semi-Pro” (2008) Will Ferrell.



Say Yes Hunters






A&E Storage

HALL Little House on Prairie Little House on Prairie Frasier



TRAV Ghost Adventures BRAVO Real Housewives



The O’Reilly Factor

Movie: ››› “300” (2007) Gerard Butler. Å



Erin Burnett OutFront Mad Money

Greta Van Susteren




Rachel Maddow Show Lockup Orange County Lockup: Colorado




1 4 10 14 15 16 17 19 20 21 22 23 26 28 30 33 35 36 39 41 42 45

ACROSS Keyboard spacer Philanthropists Mount in Thessaly I.D. info Sourish “Thief” star James Lawyer? Nincompoop Entanglement Strong desire Up to the assignment Dantley and Lyne San __, CA Got into the papers Created a genetic duplicate of Leisurely walk Scornful look __ Moines Reverie __ & the Family Stone Out of kilter Repudiation

Movie: “Gone With the Wind”

48 Period of greatest success 50 Troche 54 More free from adulterants 56 Venetian or Florentine 57 Smart and fashionable 59 Garland of flowers 61 Woody Woodpecker’s creator 62 “Damn Yankees” character 63 Old-time gas station employee? 66 Oodles 67 Spots 68 Shade tree 69 Sampras or Seeger 70 Changes, as a timer 71 Color changer


DOWN Medicinal balm

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 18 24 25 27 29 31 32 34 36 37 38 40 43

Meeting list Look at attentively Dashing Diamonds for a fence Itinerary word Apprehensive Irked Naturally beautiful Stop-sign shape Doctor? Spinnaker or spanker Poker stake Astrological ram Nebbish Cavalry weapon ‘94 and ‘97 U.S. Open winner Go night-night Squirmy catch Sardonic Island near Maui Morse symbol 180 from WNW Military chaplain? Fine spray Enlighten

44 Word with cry or chest 46 Perplexed 47 Fragrant garden shrub 49 Barking dog 51 Connected 52 Since the previous time 53 Biochemical

catalyst 55 Make less garbage, perhaps 57 Express appreciation 58 Aperture 60 Diminutive devils 64 Kind of chart 65 Kind of plane

Yesterday’s Answer


Page 12 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012


For Sale

DOLLAR-A-DAY CLASSIFIEDS: Ads must be 15 words or less and run a minimum of 5 consecutive days. Ads that run less than 5 days or nonconsecutive days are $2 per day. Ads over 15 words add 10¢ per word per day. PREMIUMS: First word caps no charge. Additional caps 10¢ per word per day. Centered bold heading: 9 pt. caps 40¢ per line, per day (2 lines maximum) TYPOS: Check your ad the first day of publication. Sorry, we will not issue credit after an ad has run once. DEADLINES: noon, one business day prior to the day of publication. PAYMENT: All private party ads must be pre-paid. We accept checks, Visa and Mastercard credit cards and, of course, cash. There is a $10 minimum order for credit cards. CORRESPONDENCE: To place your ad call our offices 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., Monday through Friday, 699-5807; or send a check or money order with ad copy to The Conway Daily Sun, P.O. Box 1940, North Conway, NH 03860. OTHER RATES: For information about classified display ads please call 699-5807.

BED (queen size)- Mattress in excellent condition. Will sacrifice for $150. Call or text 207-591-4927.



For Rent

For Rent

AKC German Shepherd puppies. Black & tan, bred for temperament health, beauty & intelligence. 3 year health guarantee. $750. 207-415-3071.

BUYING all unwanted metals. $800 for large loads. Cars, trucks, heavy equipment. Free removal. (207)776-3051.

PORTLAND- Danforth, 2 bedrooms, heated, renovated Victorian townhouse, 2 floors, 1.5 baths, parking. $1400/mo (207)773-1814.

WINDHAM- 1 bedroom, utilities plus cable included. Yard parking, partial rent for some work. (207)892-7150.

Cash for autos and trucks, some metals. Call Steve (207)523-9475.

Autos 1992 HOnda Accord, 144k miles, no sticker, needs $1500 work. As is $2500/obo. Ashley (207)774-5079. BUYING Junk vehicles, paying cash. Contact Joe (207)712-6910.

For Rent

PORTLAND- Maine MedicalStudio, 1/ 2 bedroom. Heated, off street parking, newly renovated. $550-$875. (207)773-1814.

95 Congress St, 3 bedroom, heated, w/d hookup, parking, $1200/mo security deposit, no pets. Call (207)874-2050 or (207)409-0879.

PORTLAND- Woodford’s. 1 and 3 bedroom heated. Bright rooms, oak floor, just painted. $775-$1300/mo. (207)773-1814.


For Rent-Commercial PORTLAND Art District- Art studios, utilities. First floor. Adjacent to 3 occupied studios. $325 (207)773-1814.

St. Judes - $5




BEDROOM- Solid cherrywood sleigh bed. Dresser, mirror, chest, night stand. New! Cost $2,200 sell $895. (603)235-1773 CLASSIC Wooden Motorola stereo phonic console LP and 45 player 44”X30”X18” with AM/FM radio from the 1950's still works, $100, 723-4032. COOK Healthy with a Black & Decker Food/ Rice cooker w/ instruction booklet, hardly used, $15, 723-4032.

FULL AUTOMOTIVE SERVICES The Best Place in Town to Take a Leak

WINTERIZATION SPECIALS • Tune-ups • Test & Check Antifreeze • Coolant Power Flushes (no machines)

ESTABLISHED remodeling company- Family rooms, baths, kitchens, painting. Call Phil (207)807-2586.

Wanted To Buy I pay cash today for broken and unwanted Notebooks, Netbooks, and Macbooks. Highest prices (207)233-5381.

CUSTOM glazed kitchen cabinets. Solid maple, never installed. Cost $6,000 sacrifice $1,595. (603)833-8278.

Help Wanted ADMIN Assistant Grant Mgmt Support: meeting prep, minutes, photocopy, files. organized, proficient MS office. 8 hr/wk. cover letter/ resume: Mohamud Barre, Box 8676, Portland, ME 04101. No phone calls.


Established 1948

DUMP GUY We haul anything to the dump. Basement, attic, garage cleanouts. Insured (207)450-5858.

HOW to become a professional stand up commedian in 12 easy steps. Mail $24.99 money order to Ashley Lenartson Comedy, 198 Sherwood St, Apt 3, Portland ME, 04103 (207)774-5079.

Yard Sale SOUTH Portland 4th Saturday coin show- Buying and sellingAmerican Legion Post 35, 413 Broadway, 8-2pm. (802)266-8179, free admission.

DEADLINE for classifieds is noon the day prior to publication


Help Wanted

1129 Forest Ave., Portland • 207-797-3606 Summit Achievement Clinical Therapist

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Summit Achievement of Stow, ME is a residential treatment center combining psychotherapy, wilderness expeditions and academics to adolescents ages 13-21. The therapist will be responsible for providing individual, group and family therapy. Applicants should have a strong background in working with adolescents and families. Outdoor experience required. Applicants should have M.Ed, MA, MSW or PhD. Independent licensure preferred.

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THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012— Page 13


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ANNIE’S MAILBOX Dear Annie: I have two daughters, ages 5 and 2. My inlaws favor the older girl. They buy her more presents, give her more money and pay way more attention to her than to her sister. They almost seem obsessed with her. As soon as she walks in the door, they grab her and make her sit next to them on the sofa for the entire visit. If they give my children gifts when we are at someone else’s house, they become annoyed if I make the girls say hello to our hosts before they are permitted to play with their new toys. I feel it is only polite. We recently visited with them three times over a six-week period. We drove three hours to see them twice, and the third time, they came to us. My mother-in-law then became angry because I refused to visit again two weeks later. Both of my daughters get carsick, and they have to take medication in order not to throw up. My husband does not like to make waves, so he is of little help with this. I am not sure how much to say without ruining our relationship. -- Annoyed in Atlanta Dear Atlanta: This is an issue of boundaries. Unless you are firm about them, your in-laws will keep pushing. The trick is to remain polite and sweet while you are saying no. (“We’d love to visit again, but the girls get so sick when they travel that we don’t want them to associate nausea with Grandma and Grandpa. Maybe we can try again next month.”) Meanwhile, the Internet and the current crop of smartphones will allow the in-laws to see and speak to the girls often. You might even set up a time for a daily cyber visit. But please bring the blatant favoritism to their attention before your younger child is old enough to notice. Tell them it is damaging the relationship they have with both girls (as well as their parents).

Dear Annie: My wife and I are nearly 80 years old, and we are ill prepared for our future. We have no children, own no home or car, have no savings account or life insurance, and struggle from month to month just to survive. What can we do to make minimal preparations for our inevitable demise? It would be nice to have a memorial service, but that costs money. Even cremation costs more than what we have. I believe Social Security provides $250, which might get the match lit, but that’s about all. As a Navy vet, I can be buried at a national cemetery, but there is no provision for my wife. Can you suggest any alternatives? -- Hanging Loose in California. Dear California: First check with your local churches, funeral homes and the coroner’s office. There are often discounts available if you ask. But also research donating your body to a medical school. Some places will transport the body at no cost to you. As for a memorial service, there is no reason to use a funeral home. You or your friends can arrange something at someone’s home, church or nearby park. Dear Annie: This is in response to “Confused in Connecticut.” I, too, was an overweight child. I was bullied, ridiculed and laughed at. When I reached high school, the kids finally left me alone, but no boy would consider dating me. Then I graduated and realized that the grownup world is different. There are still some people who like to be cruel, but it gets a lot better. I found good friends and men who love some chunkiness on a woman. I am now very happily married with two wonderful children, and I look back on my high school days and laugh. Gaze in the mirror every morning and find that beauty in you, and don’t let anyone take it away. -- Lucky in Lubbock

Annie’s Mailbox is written by Kathy Mitchell and Marcy Sugar, longtime editors of the Ann Landers column. Please e-mail your questions to:, or write to: Annie’s Mailbox, c/o Creators Syndicate, 737 3rd Street, Hermosa Beach, CA 90254.

Prickly City

by Scott Stantis

Members of the House face uphill battles for Senate BY JONATHAN WEISMAN THE NEW YORK TIMES

WASHINGTON — The race in North Dakota for a Senate seat being vacated by a retiring Democrat, Kent Conrad, was supposed to be a cakewalk for Republicans. When the state’s lone House member, Rick Berg, entered the contest, leading Republicans tucked the seat into their pocket and looked to other battles in their quest for a Senate majority next year. It has not worked out that way. The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has announced it would spend $200,000 broadcasting gauzy advertisements promoting the energy positions of Mr. Berg, a House freshman. The nonpartisan Cook Political Report downgraded the race to a tossup. And Mr. Berg’s Democratic challenger, Heidi Heitkamp, a former state attorney general, has begun tearing into his brief record in the terribly unpopular House of Representatives. “The people of North Dakota, like the people of this country, believe Washington, D.C., is badly broken,” Ms. Heitkamp said. Republicans, who need a net gain of only four seats to guarantee control of the Senate, have long been optimistic that they could capture the majority because they are defending just 10 of the 33 seats up for grabs. But their task is complicated by the fact that many of their candidates are sitting or recent members of the House, which polls show to be deeply unpopular. In the 15 races ranked as most competitive by The New York Times, Republicans could field current or recently departed House members in eight of them; Democratic House members are top candidates in four Senate races. Races that were not supposed to be all that close are looking more like barn-burners, in large part because one of the standard-bearers carries the millstone of his or her current position: member of the House. House membership is “more a liability than I’ve ever seen it,” said Stuart Rothenberg, editor of the nonpartisan Rothenberg Political Report. “We go through periods when Congress is less popular than other times, but Congressional approval ratings right now are so abysmally bad, so unbelievably bad, it has to rub off on members seeking higher office.” Just west of North Dakota, Montana’s endangered freshman Democratic senator, Jon Tester, is going up against the state’s lone House member, Denny Rehberg. Todd Akin, a veteran Republican representative from Missouri, is in a tough primary to decide whether he will challenge Senator Claire McCaskill, who is considered vulnerable. Representative Jeff Flake, Republican of Arizona, remains favored to take the Senate seat of Senator Jon Kyl, who is retiring. But Mr. Flake now faces a spirited challenge from a former United States surgeon general, Richard H. Carmona, running as a Democrat and an outsider. And Representative Connie Mack, Republican of Florida, has an uphill fight to unseat Senator Bill Nelson, a Democrat. Democrats have their own struggles. The Senate contest in New Mexico between Representative Martin Heinrich, a Democrat, and former Representative Heather Wilson, a Republican, is considered close. In Wisconsin, Republican campaign operatives are hammering the House record of Representative Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat, as she gears up her campaign for a Senate seat. The House records of both Representative Shelley Berkley, Democrat of Nevada, and Dean Heller, appointed to the Senate from the House, will feature heavily in their Senate contest. And in the tossup race for an open Senate seat in Hawaii, former Gov. Linda Lingle, a Republican, is likely to brand her once-favored challenger, Representative Mazie Hirono, a creature of the hated House.

Page 14 — THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS from page 9

‘How To Make a Successful Career Transition’ noon to 1 p.m. “Wisdom at Work” weekly professional development series held in February at the Portland Public Library on Tuesdays through Feb. 28. Sponsored by the Portland Public Library, and Portland career counselor Barbara Babkirk and psychologist Amy Wood, Wisdom at Work is a free series of lunchtime professional development workshops designed to help people be happier and more productive in the world of work. Facilitated by local experts ranging from human resource specialists to peak performance coaches, Wisdom at Work workshops attract professionals from every field, job seekers, students, and entrepreneurs. Sessions include: Feb. 21: How To Make a Successful Career Transition, learn the “magic” equation to determining a new career direction and effective strategies to land the job you’re aiming for, with Barbara Babkirk, a Master Career Counselor. Her business, Heart At Work, is based in Portland and offers career counseling and second half of life career transitions as well as customized outplacement services. Feb. 28: Mastering the Beliefs That Drive Your Financial Life: Uncover the counterproductive money beliefs — we all have them — creating stress in your work life, and learn more productive and prosperous ways of thinking about money, with Amy Wood, a Portland and Kennebunk-based psychologist in private practice.

Flatbread benefit for Pine Tree Society 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Flatbread Pizza Company will host a Benefit Night in support of Pine Tree Society on February 21 from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. at the 72 Commercial St. location. “Between 5 p.m. and 9 p.m., Flatbread will donate a portion of all pizza sales to Pine Tree Society, an organization that has been transforming the lives of Maine children and adults with disabilities and their families since 1936.” www.

Foreside Garden Club 7 p.m. The next meeting of the Foreside Garden Club will be held at the Falmouth Public Library. The featured program will be a presentation on houseplants. All are welcome and encourages to attend. FMI call Mimi Hinkel at 829-3578.

“Cave Of Forgotten Dreams” by director Werner Herzog is screening at the Portland Museum of Art this weekend. (COURTESY IMAGE)

Care and Cultivation of Fort Williams Park

der believers, otherwise known as a ‘reconciling in Christ’ church (”

7 p.m. Maine Historical Society. Public Parks: Care and Cultivation of Fort Williams Park, Cape Elizabeth. Regarding the Design of the Greater Portland Landscape: Issues in Contemporary Design and Development (Program 1 of 4). “Fort Williams, a town-owned park in Cape Elizabeth, is one of Greater Portland’s gems. A former military base and home to Portland Head Light, one of the most iconic and oft-visited lighthouses in North America, the seaside park is one of the region’s favorite and most heavily-used recreation sites, drawing visitors of diverse interests, incomes, and backgrounds. The cost of maintaining the park and providing access is significant, though. Current initiatives seek to find sustainable funding models, preserve the park’s history, character, and architecture, and to define and provide appropriate visitor amenities. Efforts to maintain the ruins of the Goddard Mansion, to establish a new arboretum, and to keep access to the park free to individual visitors all reflect evolving ideas about the uses of public landscapes and the values brought to their design. In partnership with Greater Portland Landmarks. Open to the public. Suggested donation: $10 ($5 for MHS/GPL members).”

Wednesday, Feb. 22 Lenten schedule at St. Augustine of Canterbury 9 a.m. St. Augustine of Canterbury Anglican Church has announced its Lenten schedule and will mark the beginning of Lent with a Penitential Service for Ash Wednesday at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 22. The service is open to all as the first service of the 40 day solemn Lenten observance. The service will be held at the Cathedral Pines Chapel at 156 Saco Ave. in Old Orchard Beach. The Rev. Jeffrey Monroe will officiate. The parish will also have Bible study each week and Mass at 7 p.m. on Wednesdays during Lent and will also have weekly Stations of the Cross on Fridays at 7 p.m. For additional information please contact 799-5141.

Ash Wednesday at St. Ansgar Lutheran Church noon to 1 p.m. Ash Wednesday “Walk-ins Welcome” at St. Ansgar Lutheran Church in Portland, 515 Woodford St. (at Rosemont corner). “All are welcome to St. Ansgar in Portland (regardless of denomination) to say a brief prayer and then be imposed with ashes. People are free to stay the entire hour, or come in for a few minutes during their lunch hour. At 7 p.m. that night, there will be a more formal service with ashes and Holy Communion. St. Ansgar ( is one of two Lutheran churches in Maine that welcomes lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgen-

‘1812: The Navy’s War’ noon to 1 p.m. George Daughan to speak about his new book “1812: The Navy’s War” at the Portland Public Library. Daughan speaks about his new book at the Brown Bag Lecture Series at the Portland Public Library. The lecture will be held in the Rines Auditorium. “In the book, Daughan illustrates the conflict between the United States and Great Britain that changed the shape of the world. On the eve of its bicentennial, award-winning author and historian George C. Daughan offers a comprehensive history of the War of 1812 in his new book. ... Arguing that it’s impossible to fully understand the war without an appreciation of the American Navy’s role, Daughan vividly reveals how the war was waged — and won — on the high seas. According to Daughan, ‘The U.S. Navy’s role in bringing about Britain’s newfound respect for the United States was critical.’”

Labyrinth Walk 4 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Trinity Episcopal at 580 Forest Ave. (entrance in rear) is offering its indoor Chartre-style labyrinth for meditative walks is observation of Ash Wednesday. Allow about 30 minutes. All are welcome. FMI 772-7421.

‘The Learning’ screening 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. “The Learning,” at the Portland Public Library. The Portland Public Library announces its Winter Documentary Film Series, to be held Wednesday’s throughout the winter from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Rines Auditorium at the Main Library. Dates for the series are: Feb. 22 and Feb. 29, and March 7, March 21 and March 28. This series is made possible by a partnership between the Portland Public Library and POV (Point of View), Public Television’s premier documentary series. Films are offered free to the public and facilitated group discussions will be offered after select showings. The award-winning POV series is the longest-running showcase on American television to feature the work of today’s best independent documentary filmmakers. POV has brought more than 300 acclaimed documentaries to millions nationwide and has a Webby Award-winning online series, POV’s Borders. Since 1988, POV has pioneered the art of presentation and outreach using independent nonfiction media to build new communities in conversation about today’s most pressing social issues. For more information visit

Thursday, Feb. 23 ‘Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist’ 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. This winter, the Portland Museum of Art will present the exhibition “Edgar Degas: The Private

Impressionist,” on view Feb. 23 through May 28, which will feature compelling works from a private collection that have never been exhibited together publicly. “Comprised of more than 100 drawings, prints, pastels, and photographs as well as several sculptures, Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist will provide an insightful exploration into the oeuvre of one of the most skilled and complex artists in history, and grant an unprecedented opportunity to view an impressive private collection formed during the course of 40 years.” The museum is located at Seven Congress Square in downtown Portland. Hours are: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday, and 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Friday. For more information, call 7756148 or visit

Portland Society of Architects annual meeting 5:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. Portland Society of Architects annual meeting at the Portland Public Library, Rines Auditorium. “This year’s Annual Meeting will again be held at the amazing ‘New’ Portland Public Library. Members will gather to socialize downstairs in the Lewis Gallery, and later convene to the Rines Auditorium for the PSA Business Meeting featuring His Honor, Portland Mayor Michael Brennan as the keynote.” The exhibit in the Lewis Gallery will be a “Visual Poetry Painting Show” displaying submissions by a number of local galleries. This is a free members only event. Portland Society of Architects is a nonprofit membership organization founded in 2006 to promote the progress and economic development of Greater Portland by encouraging innovation and vision in design and planning.

‘Child of Hope’ film screening 7 p.m. Fur Cultural Revival (part of The Darfur Community Center of Maine) presents Mia Farrow in the documentary film “Child of Hope” at the Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St., Portland. This film showing is free and the public is encouraged to attend. “This short film (10 minutes long) documents the ongoing Genocide in Sudan, and features actor and activist Mia Farrow. This film will be followed by an update on the Genocide in Sudan by local Darfuri activist and lecturer El-Fadel Arbab and a question and answer period. Snacks and beverages will be served. “This film is a part of a series of rallies, lectures, and films taking place on the 23rd of each month in Portland, Maine and sponsored by Fur Cultural Revival. July 23 is the anniversary of the U.S. Congress’ declaration of Sudan as a Genocide. On July 23 of 2011, Fur Cultural Revival sponsored the first national Peace in Sudan Rally held in front of The White House in Washington, D.C.” For further information, please contact El-Fadel Arbab at-221-5197 or email him at see next page

THE PORTLAND DAILY SUN, Friday, February 17, 2012— Page 15

–––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– EVENTS CALENDAR––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– from preceding page

2012 Oscar-nominated short films 7 p.m. SPACE Gallery presents Oscar-nominated short films on Thursday, Feb. 23 and Saturday, Feb. 25. Animation: Thursday, Feb. 23; Live Action: Saturday, Feb. 25. 538 Congress St., Portland. 828-5600. Doors open at 7 p.m., films begin at 7:30 p.m. Admission $8, $6 for SPACE members. Co-presented by Shorts International and Magnolia Pictures.

Friday, Feb. 24 June O’Donal at the Portland Public Library noon to 1 p.m. June O’Donal, author of “The Fryeburg Chronicles.” The Friday Local Author Series is held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Main Library’s Meeting Room 5. Portland Public Library. “The Fryeburg Chronicles are a series of family-friendly, historical fiction weaving strands of American history, events and characters of Fryeburg, Maine with the story of the fictional Miller family. In Book I The Amazing Grace you will meet James and Sarah Miller and their three teenage sons, Micah, Benjamin and Ethan, who are early settlers of Fryeburg and use their Yankee ingenuity and determination to survive the challenges of life in rural New England. Fryeburg learns of the events in Boston during the American Revolution through the letters of Sarah’s two childhood friends, Elizabeth Peabody and Abigail Adams. As the Millers are coping with the death of their only daughter and sister, they take in Grace Peabody, a spoiled, wealthy orphan from Boston.” June O’Donal believes the best way to learn history is not through text books but through “Living Books” — biographies, autobiographies and historical fiction. She lives with her husband and two children in Denmark, Maine.

‘Meet Your Farmers and Fishermen’ 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. “Meet Your Farmers and Fishermen: a celebration of Community Supported Agriculture and Fisheries” will take place the weekend of February 24-26 at the following days, times and locations: Auburn: Auburn Public Library, 49 Spring St., Friday, Feb. 24, 4:30-6:30 p.m. Augusta: Viles Arboretum, 153 Hospital St., Friday, Feb. 24, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. Bangor: day/time/location TBD. Belfast: Unitarian Universalist Church, 37 Miller St., Sunday, Feb. 26, 1-3 p.m. Brunswick: St. Paul’s Episcopal Church, 27 Pleasant St., Saturday, Feb. 25, 1-3 p.m. Ellsworth: day/ time/location TBD. Farmington: West Farmington Grange, Bridge St., Saturday, Feb. 25, 9 a.m.-noon. Hallowell: St. Matthew’s Episcopal Church, 20 Union St., Sunday, Feb. 26, 1-4 p.m. Newcastle: Lincoln Academy, 81 Academy Hill, Saturday, March 3, 5-7 p.m. (FARMS Fundraising Dinner). Norway: Fare Share Commons, 443 Main St., day/time TBD. Portland: Woodfords Congregational Church, 202 Woodford St., Sunday Feb. 26, 1-4 p.m. Rockland: First Universalist Church, 345 Broadway, Sunday February 26th, 1-3 p.m. Skowhegan: The Pickup at the Somerset Gristmill, day/time TBD. Springvale: Anderson Learning Center, 21 Bradeen St, Sunday, Feb. 26, 1-3 p.m. Waterville: Barrels Market, 74 Main St., Saturday, Feb. 25, 11 a.m.-2 p.m. “The event is co-sponsored by the Maine Organic Farmers & Gardeners Association and local organizations at each site. Admission to this event is free. Each location will have it’s own local ‘flavor.’ Additional highlights of the event to look forward to include: local produce & other products from the farm available for sale, light refreshments featuring local seasonal foods, live entertainment and more!” For more information, contact MOFGA’s Organic Marketing Coordinator Melissa White Pillsbury, 207-568-4142, melissa@

‘Chico and Rita’ at the PMA 6:30 p.m. Movies at the Museum, Portland Museum of Art. Friday, Feb. 24, 6:30 p.m.; Saturday, Feb. 25, 2 p.m.; Sunday, Feb. 26, 2 p.m. NR. “Set in Cuba, 1948, a gifted songwriter and beautiful singer chase their dreams. Chico is a young piano player and Rita is a beautiful singer with an extraordinary voice. Music and romantic desire unites them, but their journey — in the tradition of the Latin ballad, the bolero — brings heartache and torment. From Havana to New York, Paris, Hollywood, and Las Vegas, two passionate individuals battle impossible odds to unite in music and love.”

Free acrylic painting demo 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. “Gallery owner David Marshall, one of Portland’s best known local artists, will be offering a demonstration of acrylic painting techniques and color mixing. Bring your own supplies and paint with Dave, or just sit back and enjoy!” Free acrylic painting and color mixing demonstration. Constellation Gallery, 511 Congress St.

‘The Birthday Party’ by Acorn 7:30 p.m. Acorn Productions, a nonprofit company based in the Dana Warp Mill in downtown Westbrook, continues

off its second season of Studio Series presentations with Harold Pinter’s first full-length play “The Birthday Party.” Long-time Acorn collaborator and veteran theater artist Michael Howard directs an ensemble of six actors in a production that will be staged in a modified arena set-up in the Acorn Studio Theater. The Birthday Party features Pinter as his most mysterious and electrifying. In the play, Stanley, a boarder away on holiday, is terrorized by two men from his past association with a shadowy organization of questionable repute. Acorn’s production features Equity actor Harlan Baker, company members Joshua Brassard, Joe Quinn and Jeffrey Roberts, along with guest artists Elizabeth Guest, and Kat Moraros. The show runs from Feb. 24 through March 11, with performances Friday and Saturday at 7:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. Tickets are $15 for adults, $12 for students and seniors, and may be purchased on-line at or by calling 854-0065.

‘Dirty Rotten Scoundrels’ 8 p.m. A new musical based on the 1988 film. Watch as con man Lawrence takes the less sophisticated grifter Freddy under his wing, though not necessarily out of the goodness of his heart ... hilarity ensues.” “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels” runs Feb. 24 to March 10 at Lyric Music Theater, 176 Sawyer St., South Portland. Visit

Saturday, Feb. 25 Dog Adoption Day in Portland 9 a.m. It’s “Adopt Day” at Happy Tails Training Center, 119 Bishop St., Portland. The Animal Welfare Society will have a table from 9 a.m. to noon with information about the shelter; adoptable dogs will stop by for a biscuit. Noon to 2 p.m. will feature the indoor dog park. All dog park dogs need to be spayed or nurtured, up to date with all vaccinations, and have proof of them at the door. Owners will need to stay in the building with their dogs at all times. Balls and agility equipment will be out for the dogs to play with. For more information, call Happy Tails at 797-2488 (

Longfellow’s Birthday Party 10 a.m. Longfellow’s Birthday Party, celebrate Longfellow’s 205th birthday, with Maine Historical Society. “Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was a commanding figure in the cultural life of nineteenth-century America. Born in Portland, Maine, in 1807, he became a national literary figure by the 1850s, and a world- famous personality by the time of his death in 1882.” Special guests will read Longfellow’s poetry, and there will be craft activities, prizes, cake, and a birthday card for Henry for everyone to sign. Fun for all ages! This event is free and open to the public.

Winter Tracking Hike 10 a.m. to noon. Winter Tracking Hike on the Hawkes Property, Gorham. Join Presumpscot Regional Land Trust “for an outdoor exploration of animal tracks and signs on the Hawkes Property featuring great views of the Presumpscot River with PRLT volunteer and wildlife biologist, Richard Jordan.” Light refreshments served. Meet at the Windham Rod & Gun Club, 8 Towpath Road, Gorham at 10 am. For more details contact

Adoptable Dogs in South Portland 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Join the Animal Welfare Society Mobile Adoption Team and visit with some adoptable canines at the Pet Life at Mill Creek, 50 Market St., South Portland from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. For more information, call Animal Welfare Society at 985-3244 (www.animalwelfaresociety. org) or the Pet Life at 799-7282 (

Sunday, Feb. 26 Maine Democratic caucus 1 p.m. to 8 p.m. Democrats in every town and city across Maine will caucus beginning at any time between 1 p.m. and 8 p.m. “The official business of the caucus shall be to elect delegates and alternates to the 2012 Democratic State Convention and to transact other business.” The Portland caucus will take place at 1 p.m. at the Ocean Gateway terminal.

Meet Your Farmers and Fishermen 1 p.m. Meet Your Farmers and Fishermen: A celebration of Community Supported Agriculture and Fisheries in the Portland Area. “Attend a Community Supported Agriculture Fair in the Portland area and learn about CSAs, become acquainted with local seasonal foods, buy a share in a farm’s weekly harvest, and discover how you can grow a relationship with a Maine farm. Additional highlights of the event to look forward to include: local produce & other products from the farm available for sale, light refreshments featuring local seasonal foods, live entertainment and more!” Organizations involved include The Portland Food Co-op, Local

Sprouts, Slow Food Portland. 202 Woodford St., Portland.

Monday, Feb. 27 ‘Tarahumara— Running Out of Time’ 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Film screening at the Meg Perry Center, 644 Congress St., Portland. Peace Action Maine will present a screening of “Tarahumara — Running Out of Time.”

Tuesday, Feb. 28 ‘Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World’ 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. “For six months in 1919 after the end of ‘the war to end all wars,’the Big Three — President Woodrow Wilson, British prime minister David Lloyd George, and French premier Georges Clemenceau — met in Paris to shape a permanent peace. In this significant work of narrative history, Margaret MacMillan gives a vivid and intimate view of those crucial days, which saw new political entities — Iraq, Yugoslavia, and Palestine, among them — born out of the remnants of bankrupt empires, and the borders of the modern world redrawn. The multiple award-winning book, ‘Paris 1919: Six Months That Changed the World,’ will be discussed in three weekly evening sessions, each focusing on a different aspect of the book. Discussions will be held on Tuesday evenings, Feb. 28, March 6 and March 13 from 6:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. Copies of the book are available to borrow at the Kennebunk Free Library. In an effort to include our commuter friends, this book will be available to borrow in audio CD format. The book may also be purchased as an E-book, available from Google Books for $13.99.”

‘Extraordinary Histories of Ordinary Things’ 7 p.m. Maine Historical Society Book Group: “Extraordinary Histories of Ordinary Things,” with facilitator Larissa Vigue Picard. “Join us for interesting discussions about history, and a great opportunity to connect with the MHS community. In recent years, historians have cultivated a fresh and imaginative new genre: studies that trace broad historical narratives through the stories of individual, seemingly-small objects, ideas, or phenomenon. This year’s book discussion group will examine four particularly interesting examples: studies of the evolution of artificial light; how the lowly codfish changed the world; the toothpick as a paradigm for American manufacturing; and the influence of rum on the development of the New World. Registration required. Space is limited.” Readings include: “Brilliant: The Evolution of Artificial Light” by Jane Brox; “Cod: A Biography of the Fish that Changed the World,” by Mark Kurlansky; “The Toothpick” by Henry Petroski; and “And a Bottle of Rum: A History of the New World in Ten Cocktails” by Wayne Curtis.

Wednesday, Feb. 29 MAMM SLAMM deadline extension 5 p.m. “The Maine Academy of Modern Music is extending the deadline to register for MAMM SLAMM — bands now have until Feb. 29 to rally for the $1,000 prize, and the coveted recording time, radio play, plum gigs and professional marketing direction. Get out of the garage and onto the stage! The MAMM SLAMM is the hottest high school battle of the bands in Maine! It’s a platform for serious musicians to showcase not only their songwriting and performance skills, but to highlight their web presence, marketing abilities, signature appearance and all the other factors that go into being a professional touring and recording band.” Bands have until Feb. 29 to register at www.mainetoday. com/mammslam; the competition starts with preliminary rounds at The Big Easy on March 24 and 25. Finals will be held April 28.

‘Sweetgrass’ screening 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. “Sweetgrass,” at the Portland Public Library. The Portland Public Library announces its Winter Documentary Film Series, to be held Wednesday’s throughout the winter from 5:30 p.m. to 7 p.m. in the Rines Auditorium at the Main Library. Dates for the series are: Feb. 29, and March 7, March 21 and March 28. This series is made possible by a partnership between the Portland Public Library and POV (Point of View), Public Television’s premier documentary series. Films are offered free to the public and facilitated group discussions will be offered after select showings. The awardwinning POV series is the longest-running showcase on American television to feature the work of today’s best independent documentary filmmakers. POV has brought more than 300 acclaimed documentaries to millions nationwide and has a Webby Award-winning online series, POV’s Borders. For more information visit www. see next page

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Open house for TIP 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. (Wednesday, Feb. 29 continued) Open house for those interested in meeting current volunteers and hearing from some of the first responders assisted in Portland and surrounding areas by the Trauma Intervention Program in Portland. TIP Portland Maine Chapter, Community Counseling Center, 165 Lancaster St. Leslie SkillinCalder, 553-9311 or skilll@

Friday, March 2 Carla Maria at the Portland Public Library noon to 1 p.m. Carla Maria, author of “Raising Rufus: A Maine Love Story.”The Friday Local Author Series is held from noon to 1 p.m. in the Main Library’s Meeting Room 5. Portland Public Library.

First Friday Art Walk opening of Madness Immemorial 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. First Friday Art Walk opening of Madness Immemorial: A Tribute to H.P. Lovecraft, artwork by Brandon Kawashima and Michelle Souliere. The Green Hand Bookshop, 661 Congress St., Portland. Friday, March 2 from 5 p.m. to 8 p.m. (on display through the month of March). FMI: Contact Michelle Souliere at2536808 or michelle.souliere@ Greetings from the Green Hand Bookshop. Here is the info for this month’s First Friday opening, with sample images attached. “Instead of the usual March Madness, why not sample something darker? Brandon Kawashima and Michelle Souliere have assembled a select body of new work in tribute to their eldritch literary idol, Howard Phillips Lovecraft, to coincide with the 75th anniversary of his death (March 15, 1937). Crawling chaos and other treasures from the deep dark spaces of our cosmos. Accursed imagery wrought in shadows and jeweled tones brought forth for your viewing pleasure. Make your March a little more interesting!”

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